Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sheep sex doesn't make man a sex offender

Judges: Sheep sex doesn't make man a sex offender
"A Calhoun County man who sodomized a sheep will not have to register as a sex offender because the sheep cannot be considered a victim of sexual assault under Michigan law, a court ruled this week."

Shari Lewis must be giddy in her grave!
(what WAS her hand doing up LambChop's shirt for all those years?)

If Someone Has Sex with a Sheep, Must He Register as a Sex Offender?

If Someone Has Sex with a Sheep, Must He Register as a Sex Offender?: "If Someone Has Sex with a Sheep, Must He Register as a Sex Offender?"
Is Michigan going to displace New Zeeland as the haven for sheep love?

Florida Democrat Congressman: Palin 'Don't Care Too Much What They Do With Jews and Blacks'

Florida Democrat Congressman: Palin 'Don't Care Too Much What They Do With Jews and Blacks': "said Hastings. 'Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks."

... and this is what democrats elect to office.
Anyone hear Obama's response to one of his own supporter's racist comments.............?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Democrats to let offshore drilling ban expire

Democrats to let offshore drilling ban expire
"Democrats have decided to allow a quarter-century ban on drilling for oil off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to expire next week, conceding defeat in an months-long battle with the White House and Republicans set off by $4 a gallon gasoline prices this summer."


Friday, September 19, 2008

Woman Gets Life Sentence for Sex With 5-Year-Old

Woman Gets Life Sentence for Sex With 5-Year-Old
"Florida woman has been sentenced to life in prison for having sex with a 5-year-old boy.
Kelly Lumadue, 33, was found guilty Thursday of having sex with the boy 12 years ago, when she was 21, the Orlando Sentinel reports.
Lumadue told the jury she had sex with the child under the direction of her now-deceased husband, who was a professional pornographer, the paper said.
Police arrested Lumadue in 2003 after a garbage collector found the tapes in a box on the curb of Lumadue's Volusia County home, the Sentinel said."

"Conservatives have stronger startle reflexes?" News Forum: "Conservatives Have Stronger Startle Reflexes?
National Geographic News, by Brian Handwerk
Original Article
Posted By:Sector7G, 9/18/2008 11:31:10 PM
As Barack Obama and Joe Biden tussle with John McCain and Sarah Palin over the mantle of change in the U.S. presidential race, they may all be losing a little-known constituency: people who startle easily. Voters with heightened physical reactions to perceived threats—blinking or sweating when exposed to 'threatening' images—may be less likely to vote for change, a new study says."

Tuesday, September 16, 2008 - -: "I would put together a commercial that said…
James A. Johnson - former Fannie Mae CEO and Obama Advisor
Just cost you billions in taxes
Franklin Raines – former Fannie Mae CEO and Obama Advisor
Just cost you billions in taxes
Barack Obama – If we can’t afford his advisors, how can we afford him?"

Monday, September 15, 2008

Thinking Outside the Lox -

Thinking Outside the Lox - "I shall probably vote for John McCain in this year's presidential election. But I am not locked in on my vote, and if the McCain-Palin campaign gets dramatically stupid, I could go the other way. I make no claim to be an original political thinker, but, unlike so many of my co-religionists, I feel a nice sense of freedom, knowing that I am able to think, so to say, outside the lox."

Atlantic Magazine Might Sue McCain-Smearing Photographer |

Atlantic Magazine Might Sue McCain-Smearing Photographer
"The magazine's editor, James Bennet, told Fox News's Megyn Kelly Monday that he was deeply sorry about this incident, and that The Atlantic isn't taking it lying down (audio available here, partial transcript follows, h/t NBer blonde) :
JAMES BENNET, EDITOR 'THE ATLANTIC': I'm already drafting a letter of apology [to McCain]. I mean, this photographer went in there under our auspices to take a covershot for us. Again, we stand by the picture, and we produced a terrific story on John McCain...But while she was there, she behaved in an incredibly underhanded and unprofessional way. [...]
MEGYN KELLY, HOST: What do you do to shut down her use on her website, not just of that covershot, but the disgusting things she has done to John McCain's image on her website which I won't repeat here?
BENNET: She's violated the terms of our agreement with her, or our contract with her. So, we're taking steps. We're looking into steps we can see to do something about that.
KELLY: Are you considering a lawsuit?
BENNET: We're looking into what we can do.
KELLY: Would that be including legal action?
BENNET: If we can, if it's available to us, yeah.
KELLY: Has she been paid?
KELLY: Will she be?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Frantic day on Wall Street as banks teeter - International Herald Tribune

Frantic day on Wall Street as banks teeter - International Herald Tribune: "In one of the most extraordinary days in Wall Street's history, Merrill Lynch is near an 11th-hour deal to avert a deepening financial crisis while another storied securities firm, Lehman Brothers, hurtled toward liquidation, according to people briefed on the deal."

Climate change chicanery - Telegraph

Climate change chicanery - Telegraph: "There has also been an acclaimed new paper by Michael Mann, the creator of the iconic 'hockey stick' graph, purporting to show that the world has recently become hotter than at any time in recorded history, eliminating all the wealth of evidence to show that temperatures were higher in the Mediaeval Warm Period than today."

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cleared: Jury decides that threat of global warming justifies breaking the law - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent

Cleared: Jury decides that threat of global warming justifies breaking the law
"The threat of global warming is so great that campaigners were justified in causing more than £35,000 worth of damage to a coal-fired power station, a jury decided yesterday."

Friday, September 12, 2008

Probe into how Google mix-up caused $1 billion run on United - Times Online

Probe into how Google mix-up caused $1 billion run on United
"The comedy of errors began with just one reader who went to the South Florida Sun Sentinel’s website and viewed a 2002 article on United Airlines’ bankruptcy.
That single visit in the early hours of Sunday morning, a period of low traffic, apparently bumped it into a 'Popular Stories' in the business section.
At 1:37am, an electronic Google program swept through the paper’s website for new stories and spotted the link.
Google says its program scanned the piece and, seeing there was no 2002 dateline, indexed the article for inclusion on its news pages.
Three minutes and two seconds later, Google News readers started viewing the story on the Sun Sentinel’s Web site."

This is either a miserably written article (duh!) or more likely a Google employee who found a way to take the date tag off the United story.

Lots more to come on this scam......pity the poor investing friends/family of those Google workers who had the ability to de/re-tag posts.

bummer dudes!

Hateful or fools? -: "September 12, 2008
OKAY, I THOUGHT THE OBAMA COMMERCIAL MOCKING MCCAIN for not using a computer was dumb because it would alienate older voters. But it turns out it's a lot dumber than that:
The reason he doesn't send email is that he can't use a keyboard because of the relentless beatings he received from the Viet Cong in service to our country. . . . McCain's severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes.

Oops. Another unforced error from the Obama campaign, which seems to have had a lot of those lately. The above is from 2000 -- don't these people know how to use Google? Or NEXIS? Or something?
UPDATE: Ouch: 'It's extraordinary that someone who wants to be our president and our commander in chief knows how to send an e-mail ...but not how to do a five-minute Google search.' Or even how to hire someone who can . . . .
ANOTHER UPDATE: On that note, reader Amy Lopez notes that Obama was recently touting his experience managing his campaign as evidence of his executive ability. That argument isn't looking as strong after the past couple of weeks.
MORE: Epic Fail: 'This whole Obama thing has *got* to be a put-on by the DNC. Any minute Allen Funt will pop out and they’ll announce the real ticket is Hillary Clinton and Phil Bredesen (or Mark Warner) or something, right?'
posted at 07:14 PM by Glenn Reynolds"

Is this the "real" change these folks want to bring to America?



WAY cooler than any E map out there!

Click and travel.

Thursday, September 11, 2008 - Mad about Sarah - Mad about Sarah: "What is it about Sarah Palin that seems to have driven so many smart, thoughtful Obama supporters around the bend?

Wendy Doniger, the Mircea Eliade Distinguished Service Professor of the History of Religions at the University of Chicago Divinity School, wrote that Palin’s “greatest hypocrisy is in her pretense that she is a woman” and denounced “the Republican Party’s cynical calculation that because [Palin] has a womb and makes lots and lots of babies … she speaks for the women of America.”"

Pension Time Bomb -

Pension Time Bomb
"Mayor Osby Davis, who has lived in this waterfront city across San Pablo Bay from San Francisco for 60 of his 62 years, says: 'If you have a can that's leaking two ounces a minute and you put an ounce a minute in it, it's going to get empty.' He is describing his city's coffers."


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Paul says he turned down appeal to endorse McCain

Paul says he turned down appeal to endorse McCain: "Republican Rep. Ron Paul, the libertarian-leaning Texas lawmaker who attracted a devoted following in the GOP primaries, said Wednesday he rejected an appeal to endorse John McCain's presidential bid."

Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth - For Good rehersal PBS

Kristin Chenoweth:

Communities' water battle heads for court

Communities' water battle heads for court
"'It appears that over the years Muskegon Heights has routinely borrowed from the water fund and/or failed to make payments to it, without proper notice to (much less the approval of) Norton Shores and also without paying any interest,' Rose's letter said.
Heights mayor Paige called the dispute 'a matter of opinion.'"

Wicked the Musical - Defying Gravity

CAFE: Most Perverse Product Regulation in History

CAFE: Most Perverse Product Regulation in History
"$50 billion won't turn CAFE into effective policy. It will do just fine, though, as an indicator of Washington's willingness to throw good money after bad rather than admit the folly of its own long-running handiwork."

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Hunt for Sarah October -

The Hunt for Sarah October - "The latest Washington Post/ABC Poll shows John McCain taking a 12-point lead over Barack Obama among white women, a reversal of Mr. Obama's eight-point lead last month."

Al Franken wins Senate nod amid 7 state primaries

Al Franken wins Senate nod amid 7 state primaries
District of Columbia: Former mayor Marion Barry easily held off four challengers seeking his city council seat in the Democratic primary. Barry is expected to win a second four-year term in November in the overwhelmingly Democratic city."

How sick is the district of columbia.... and how sad....

McCain's Brain: Checking Out His VP

Monday, September 08, 2008

Feds give Muskegon cash for Chicago flight

Feds give Muskegon cash for Chicago flight
"There are now only three daily flights to Detroit from Muskegon.
Lakeshore Congressman Pete Hoekstra announced the Muskegon airport will get a $650,000 grant to help develop flights to O'Hare International Airport. The last time Muskegon had a direct flight to Chicago was 2002."

MSNBC Drops Olbermann, Matthews as News Anchors

MSNBC Drops Olbermann, Matthews as News Anchors: "MSNBC's more liberal outlook has boosted its ratings, though it remains the third-place cable news channel. But both parties began castigating its coverage last spring. Steve Schmidt, McCain's top strategist, called the network 'an organ of the Democratic National Committee,' and Clinton campaign chairman Terry McAuliffe said Matthews was 'in the tank' for Obama."

Saturday, September 06, 2008

BBC NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Wilson row over green 'alarmists'

BBC NEWS UK Northern Ireland Wilson row over green 'alarmists': "'Resources should be used to adapt to the consequences of climate change, rather than King Canute-style vainly trying to stop it,' said the minister."

My Brain Tumor by Robert D. Novak on - A Syndicate Of Talent

My Brain Tumor by Robert D. Novak on - A Syndicate Of Talent: "I had thought 51 years of rough-and-tumble journalism in Washington made me more enemies than friends, but my recent experience suggests the opposite may be the case.
But Joe and Valerie Wilson, attempting to breathe life into the Valerie Plame 'scandal,' issued this statement: 'We have long argued that responsible adults should take Novak's typewriter away. The time has arrived for them to also take away the keys to his Corvette.'
Thanks to my tumor, the Wilsons have achieved half of their desires. I probably never will be able to drive again, and I have sold the Corvette, which I dearly loved. Taking away my typewriter, however, may require modification of the First Amendment.
Support for me and promises of prayers sent for me poured in from all sides, including political figures who had not been happy with my columns. I'm told that President George W. Bush has not liked my criticism, particularly of his Iraq war policy. But the president is a compassionate man, and he telephoned me at 7:24 a.m. on August 15, six minutes before I went into surgery. The conversation lasted only a minute, but his prayerful concern was touching and much appreciated."

Friday, September 05, 2008

My Way - TV

My Way - TV: "Enslavement: The True Story of Fanny Kemble (2000)

11 WZPX: Friday, September 5 9:00 PM
2000, NR, **, 01:51, Color, English, United States, Made for TV

A woman (Jane Seymour) becomes estranged from her husband (Keith Carradine) after she begins to help slaves on his family's Southern plantation.

Cast: Jane Seymour, Keith Carradine, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Janet-Laine Green, Arlene Duncan, Eugene Byrd, Sharon Washington Director(s): James Keach Executive Producer(s): Susan Cooper, Paul Taublieb, Austin Hearst, Jane Seymour, James Keach

Get more movie info at My Way Movies"

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Nearly 125 Shot Dead In Chicago Over Summer

Nearly 125 Shot Dead In Chicago Over Summer
"Total Is About Double The Death Toll In Iraq"

Is McCain Palin's Bitch?

John McCain (parody of Eric Claptons

Poll: 51 percent say reporters are trying to hurt Palin

Poll: 51 percent say reporters are trying to hurt Palin
"Forty-two percent (42%) say Obama has better experience to be president, but 37% say Palin does."

Two very disturbing stats that will keep demo-libs to double their prozac consumption.


GR says: Show me the Hollywood money!

GR says: Show me the Hollywood money!
"The state of Michigan send movie producers a check for 42 percent of what they spend. Does the added business make up for the tax break? Time will tell.
Producers won't share the cost of the production or the size of the incentive - and neither will the state. The information, they say, is confidential"

The state is funding this boondoggle and our Gov Jenny is keeping the "confidential" money a secret from all of us?!!!!!!!!

And why is the GRPress so complacent with this stonewall?

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Water floods new JW Marriott

Water floods new JW Marriott
"When the pipe broke, engineering could not turn off the main water line. Floors 3-5 were flooded."

"could not turn off the ...water..."?

The Large Hadron Rap

The 23-year-old Michigan State University graduate and science writer's particle physics rap is a hit on YouTube with half a million views and counting.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Census: Poverty explodes in region

Census: Poverty explodes in region
"The U.S. Census Bureau shows the poverty level in Muskegon exploded in 2007, increasing from 11.4 percent of the population in 2000 to 15.6 percent, representing a total of 26,240 people."

Realtor given extension on plans to develop downtown restaurant

Realtor given extension on plans to develop downtown restaurant
"Earlier this summer, the building recently received a coat of exterior paint and a bright red mansard roof along with structural improvements under owner Jack Disselkoen of Texas.
That was enough to get the two-story structure removed from the Dangerous Buildings list in July. Morris told city commissioners that she has been unable to interest investors until that happened."

The "Ayers Connection" -: "UPDATE: Here's an editorial in Investor's Business Daily. The Ayers connection itself is less interesting to me than the campaign's over-the-top response. It seems to me that they could have put this behind them already, but instead their reaction seems to be fanning the flames"

As nation watches Denver, Obama campaign muscles Chicago station over ex-radical Ayres

As nation watches Denver, Obama campaign muscles Chicago station over ex-radical Ayres
"In a surprising attempt to stifle broadcast criticism of its candidate, the presidential campaign of freshman Illinois senator Barack Obama is organizing supporters to confront Chicago's WGN radio station for having a critic of the Illinois Democrat on its main evening discussion program."

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama Needs to Explain His Ties to William Ayers

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama Needs to Explain His Ties to William Ayers: "You might wonder what Obama was doing working with a character like this. And you might wonder how an unrepentant terrorist got a huge grant and cooperation from the Chicago public school system. You might wonder--if you don't know Chicago. For this is a city with a civic culture in which politicians, in the words of a story often told by former congressman, federal judge, and Clinton White House counsel Abner Mikva, 'don't want nobody nobody sent.'
That's how William Ayers got where he was. When he came out of hiding after the federal government was unable to prosecute him (because of government misconduct),"

Alaskans send Ted Stevens on to general election

Alaskans send Ted Stevens on to general election: "Alaska Republicans gave U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens, currently facing a federal indictment, a primary victory on Tuesday."

United Way's challenge: Rebuilding a region's trust |

United Way's challenge: Rebuilding a region's trust
"the United Way of Central Carolinas board said Gloria Pace King was worth every penny of her controversial $1.2 million pay package."

American Thinker: The Biggest Missing Story in Politics

American Thinker: The Biggest Missing Story in Politics: "What is Question D3 and what were the results to Question D3 in the August 20, 2008 Battleground Poll? It is this:

'When thinking about politics and government, do you consider yourself to be...

Very conservative

Somewhat conservative


Somewhat liberal

Very liberal


In August 2008, Americans answered that question this way: (1) 20% of Americans considered themselves to be very conservative; (2) 40% of Americans considered themselves to be somewhat conservative; (3) 2% of Americans considered themselves to be moderate; (4) 27% of Americans considered themselves to be somewhat liberal; (5) 9% of Americans considered themselves to be very liberal; and (6) 3% of Americans did not know or refused to answer.

Sixty percent of Americans considered themselves conservative."

ABC News: ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators, Big Donors

ABC News: ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators, Big Donors: "Police on the scene refused to tell ABC lawyers the charges against the producer, Asa Eslocker, who works with the ABC News investigative unit.
A police official later told lawyers for ABC News that Eslocker is being charged with trespass, interference, and failure to follow a lawful order. He also said the arrest followed a signed complaint from the Brown Palace Hotel.
Eslocker was put in handcuffs and loaded in the back of a police van which headed for a nearby police station."

An Ego for the Ages in a Classical Setting « The Political Inquirer

An Ego for the Ages in a Classical Setting « The Political Inquirer

American Thinker: A Brief History of Bush's Time

American Thinker: A Brief History of Bush's Time: "The current narrative of the Bush Presidency is that it is a failure (believed by 107 of 109 historians surveyed) and that George W. Bush is the worst President in history (believed by 61% of those surveyed historians). Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said, 'The president already has the mark of the American people -- he's the worst president we ever had.'
That's one narrative. I have another."

Gallup Daily: No Bounce for Obama in Post Biden Tracking

Gallup Daily: No Bounce for Obama in Post Biden Tracking: "It's official: Barack Obama has received no bounce in voter support out of his selection of Sen. Joe Biden to be his vice presidential running mate."

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Michigan Appeals Court Voids "Reform" Initiative:

The Volokh Conspiracy - -
"Michigan Appeals Court Voids 'Reform' Initiative:
A state appellate court voted unanimously to remove a sweeping and controversial government reform initiative from the ballot, the Detroit News reports.
The ballot proposal, backed by Michigan Democrats and called Reform Michigan Government Now!, includes so many provisions that it is a 'general revision' of the state constitution, which only a constitutional convention can accomplish"
".....The initiative, pushed by a group called "Reform Michigan Government Now," was pitched as series of good-government reforms to shrink and streamline the state government. In reality, the ballot initiative was cleverly designed to shift partisan control of all three branches of Michigan's government, as I discussed here and here.
An appeal of this decision to the state Supreme Court is near certain, as will be motions seeking recusal of the two Supreme Court justices who would lose their seats. I don't know enough about Michigan law to predict an outcome, but it seems clear to me the ballot initiative is an exceedingly cyncial effort to steal a state government, and a bad idea."

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Free forum : Hello Muskegon

Free forum : Hello Muskegon

"Annenberg-Gate" - It's not the crime, it's the cover up

"Annenberg-Gate" - It's not the crime, it's the cover up
"Ironic, that a public university would attempt to prevent a legitimate author and journalist - with a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Harvard to boot - from accessing documents legitimately housed in their library. Ironic, and possibly illegal."

Another Obama cover up!!!!!!

States throw out costly electronic voting machines

States throw out costly electronic voting machines
"After the disputed 2000 presidential recount, Congress provided more than $3 billion to replace punch card and lever-operated machines. State officials across the country said the new systems would eliminate human error and political tampering.
But problems with the machines soon followed: vanishing votes, breakdowns, malfunctions and increasing evidence that the devices were vulnerable to hackers."

Hmm. The old machines worked fine, except for the chad/democrat idiots in Palm Beach.
So the feds drop billions on the states.... and everything is worse.

Anyone sensing a pattern here...... ?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Man Kills Girlfriend While Showing Her Gun

Man Kills Girlfriend While Showing Her Gun
"A 23-year-old man's attempt to show his girlfriend a pistol ended in tragedy when the gun discharged, killing her, Jefferson Parish Sheriff's deputies said."

"It was a simple mistake... the bitch wanted to see my gun...... dude........"

Obama economics: New taxes, more regulations

Obama economics: New taxes, more regulations
"The U.S. Commerce Department reported last week that we are selling more made-in-America manufactured goods abroad than ever before, that the trade deficit has fallen, and that we have a trade surplus with all of our free-trade-agreement partners. That's right, the same trade agreements that Obama says he opposes and that have been bad for our country."

Vote for "change"?

Afghan militants kill 10 French, strike at US base

Afghan militants kill 10 French, strike at US base
"Insurgents mounted two of the biggest attacks in years on Western forces in Afghanistan, killing 10 French soldiers in a mountain ambush"

That should just about do it for those "brave" French diplomats...... cowards!

Obama: McCain should stop questioning character

Obama: McCain should stop questioning character
"Democrat Barack Obama challenged his Republican opponent John McCain on Tuesday to stop questioning his 'character and patriotism.'"

Freshman from Ohio overcoming tragedy with Michigan football squad

Freshman from Ohio overcoming tragedy with Michigan football squad
"'I remember him getting into the car and saying, 'God wants me to go to Michigan,' ' Mealer's mother said in a telephone interview."

"Sumbich, it's tough recruitin' against God......"

$80,000 1966 Corvette stolen from Dream Cruise

$80,000 1966 Corvette stolen from Dream Cruise
"Sarazin went to get some food with his girlfriend, but when he returned, the $80,000 vehicle was gone. He says he doesn't know how the thief or thieves did it"

View Details

Ad# 26177 - Posted: Aug 18 2008 - Location: Pennsylvania -
View 1966 Corvette
1966 Corvette Convertible for sale - $59900 - www.allcorvettes.net1966 Corvette Convertible *427ci/425hp*FExterior: Red - Interior: BlackEngine: 427ci - Transmission: 4 Speed - Mileage: 0000

Jeepers, $80 big ones!
I wonder if it was insured......

Expert predicts Earth will enter a "little ice age"

An expert .... predicts that in about ten years the Earth will enter a "little ice age" which will last from 60 to 80 years

The recent collapse of a bridge in the South American glacier was due to pressure exerted on water ice, not climate change.

An expert from the National Autonomous University of Mexico predicted that in about ten years the Earth will enter a "little ice age" which will last from 60 to 80 years and may be caused by the decrease in solar activity.

My Prius won't protect me!!!!!!!

Companies adding 1,000 jobs

Companies adding 1,000 jobs
"They won't come all at once; some could take as much as five or 10 years to arrive.
But in a region and state hungry for bright economic news, today's announcement that more than 1,100 jobs could be created through expansions by five area companies was hailed by officials from Grand Rapids to the Lakeshore.
The expansions are among 20 statewide expected to receive Michigan tax incentives today that officials say will create 6,853 direct jobs, plus another 2,600 spinoffs."

Certainly good news... if true.
And if the "price" in politically gifted tax incentives isn't too high.

Anyone wanna bet the "new" jobs don't materialize as promised and the taxpayer's tax dollars are given to companies who happen to be political supporters of Gov. Jenny?

If politically target tax incentives are good for some companies, why not ALL companies?

Doesn't this type of "special gifts to special friends" lead to more lobbyists, abuse and illegal bribes to those "gift givers"?

Nah, Jenny and her Jets are too principled.... yeah right.....

Shocking! Windmill Owner Wants More Wind Subsidies!

"Would a major newspaper editorialize with surprise that 'even Kraft Foods says we need to eat more macaroni and cheese'? Would guests on The McLaughlin Group get away with saying that 'even Budweiser is lobbying for more beer consumption'?

Then why do talking heads and journalists exclaim with surprise that 'even T. Boone Pickens,' is lobbying for greater U.S. reliance on wind power? Don't they know he owns the largest wind farm in the world?"

Great TV commercial (thank you AlGore...) to put hundreds of millions of taxpayer money into TBoone Picken's pocket.

And we sheep just follow the leader into the lamb-chop factories.....

College Presidents Seek Lower Drinking Age

College Presidents Seek Lower Drinking Age
"College presidents from about 100 of the nation's best-known universities, including Duke, Dartmouth and Ohio State, are calling on lawmakers to consider lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18,"

Classic liberal response to a problem, ignore it and bring in more young people to the party. Why not 16? 12?

And these "leaders" are making hundreds of thousands a year as college presidents.

Maybe it's time to revisit the calibre of folks we have setting policy at our publicly funded universities?

Turoa claims largest snow base ever- New Zealand

Turoa claims largest snow base ever
New Zealand National news:
"Mt Ruapehu is claiming the biggest snow base ever recorded for a New Zealand skifield with over 4.5m of snow on the ground."

Yeah but it's gonna melt SOON! (like summer, maybe...?)

The global-warmongers are certain that the future of the world is terrible. And mankind is the reason.

Jeepers, that sounds just like the religious "end-of-the-worlders".

And the AlGorebal warmists tell us theirs is not a religion.

Monday, August 18, 2008

News bLog

News bLog

'Our Country Is the Best' -

'Our Country Is the Best'
"The Los Angeles Laker went on to call the U.S. 'the greatest country in the world. It has given us so many great opportunities, and it's just a sense of pride that you have; that you say, 'You know what? Our country is the best.''
Mr. Collinsworth seemed either startled or impressed by such sentiment, and asked, 'Is that a cool thing to say in this day and age? That you love your country, and that you're fighting for the red, white and blue? It seems sort of like a day gone by.'
To which Mr. Bryant replied: 'No, it's a cool thing for me to say. I feel great about it, and I'm not ashamed to say it. I mean, this is a tremendous honor.'"

Obama on Clarence Thomas -

Obama on Clarence Thomas
"So let's see. By the time he was nominated, Clarence Thomas had worked in the Missouri Attorney General's office, served as an Assistant Secretary of Education, run the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and sat for a year on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, the nation's second most prominent court. Since his 'elevation' to the High Court in 1991, he has also shown himself to be a principled and scholarly jurist.
Meanwhile, as he bids to be America's Commander in Chief, Mr. Obama isn't yet four years out of the Illinois state Senate, has never held a hearing of note of his U.S. Senate subcommittee, and had an unremarkable record as both a 'community organizer' and law school lecturer. Justice Thomas's judicial credentials compare favorably to Mr. Obama's Presidential résumé by any measure. And when it comes to rising from difficult circumstances, Justice Thomas's rural Georgian upbringing makes Mr. Obama's story look like easy street."

Wind Jammers

Wind Jammers
"when wind and solar power do start to come on line, they face a familiar obstacle: environmentalists and many Democrats.
To wit, the greens are blocking the very transmission network needed for renewable electricity to move throughout the economy."

Real-estate appraiser regulation is a failure

Real-estate appraiser regulation is a failure
"But a six-month Associated Press investigation found that the system is crippled by both the bumbling of its policemen and their inability to effectively punish those caught committing fraud.
And despite ample evidence appraisers are pressured into inflating home values -- sometimes to prices in support of loans that are more than buyers can afford -- the federal regulators charged with protecting consumers have thus far made a conscious choice not to act."

Full-time Legislature? Not this summer in Michigan

Full-time Legislature? Not this summer in Michigan
"House Republicans held a news conference last week to ask Democrats who control the chamber to immediately return to session and address the state's high unemployment and home foreclosure rates -- issues that have been around for far longer than this summer"

'Recruit ugly women'

'Recruit ugly women'
"'May I suggest if there are five blokes to every girl, we should find out where there are beauty-disadvantaged women and ask them to proceed to Mount Isa.'"

Sooo many thought burst into my mind on this....... best be quiet, Gordo.....

Windmills split town and families

Windmills split town a
"He knows the futuristic towers are pumping clean electricity into the grid, knows they have been largely embraced by his community.
But Yancey hates them.
He hates the sight and he hates the sound. He says they disrupt his sleep, invade his house, his consciousness. He can't stand the gigantic flickering shadows the blades cast at certain points in the day."

And they have no power output during non-windy days....... oh, and they suck up tax dollars faster than they produce "power".

Arctic ice refuses to melt as ordered

Arctic ice refuses to melt as ordered
"The problem is that this graph does not appear to be correct. Other data sources show Arctic ice having made a nice recovery this summer. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center data shows 2008 ice nearly identical to 2002, 2005 and 2006"

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Obama 08

Phil Collins in $53m divorce payout

Phil Collins in $53m divorce payout
"PHIL Collins has given his ex-wife £25 million ($53.73 million) in what is believed to be the biggest ever divorce settlement in British showbiz history.
The 57-year-old Genesis frontman handed over the huge sum to his third wife, Swiss Orianne Cevey, 35, following the end of their six-year marriage."

That's about $10 million a year.

Assuming sex was part of the equation, thet's a lot of dough per boink.

Charlie Sheen is looking smarter every day....

Judge's son arrested on pot charge

Judge's son arrested on pot charge
"The son of Judge Benjamin Logan was arrested Thursday on a marijuana charge.
Bradford Jesse Logan was arrested at a shopping center parking lot on Breton Avenue. He faces felony charges for the manufacture and attempted delivery of a controlled substance. He also faces a potential fine of $20,000."
Gotta love those GR judge family values....

Obama's Edge in the Coverage Race -

Obama's Edge in the Coverage Race -
"Democrat Barack Obama has had about a 3 to 1 advantage over Republican John McCain in Post Page 1 stories since Obama became his party's presumptive nominee June 4.......

But the disparity is so wide that it doesn't look good."


"It seems that Putin's bullying is having precisely the opposite effect he intended."

We're Like SO For Obama

We're Like SO For Obama
"We're Like SO For Obama"

Listen to the children!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Mich. WWII vet takes final flight in B-17 bomber

Mich. WWII vet takes final flight in B-17 bomber
"The sight of the giant silver bomber was more than the 84-year-old former Air Force pilot from Wayne County's Northville Township could take. More than 50 years had passed since he last flew a B-17; the reunion between plane and pilot was an emotional one.
His son, Daniel Skubick, quickly moved to his father's side with a wheelchair. The elder Skubick sat, and began to cry."

Where did we get such brave young men?

The Peacemakers patrol Grand Rapids neighborhood

The Peacemakers patrol Grand Rapids neighborhood
"A group of men known as The Peacemakers is on a mission to take back the streets of Grand Rapids.
They walked Logan Street on the city's southeast side Friday afternoon and picked up trash and spoke to residents, hoping to influence neighbors to take pride in their community and set a good example for the kids in the area.
'Quite frankly our youth don't see enough men making an outward effort to uplift the community, so we're looking to be that example to be that outward effort to hopefully uplift the community and influence some of these young people to join us and have a positive influence on our community,' said Raynard Ross, the Peacemakers organizer"

Obama economics: New taxes, more regulations

Donald Lambro
Obama economics:
New taxes, more regulations:
"The U.S. Commerce Department reported last week that we are selling more made-in-America manufactured goods abroad than ever before, that the trade deficit has fallen, and that we have a trade surplus with all of our free-trade-agreement partners. That's right, the same trade agreements that Obama says he opposes and that have been bad for our country."

American Thinker: Why artists hate conservatives

American Thinker: Why artists hate conservatives: "Artists are generally very liberal because they can't afford decent housing, private education for their children, medical expenses, or retirement funds. They tend not to be religious anymore, so they can't ask such communities for help, so they turn to government. They generally do not receive the approval of their fathers if their dads are traditionally masculine types, and receiving the approval of dads who are wimpy is not that much better. In both cases they feel marginalized and inadequate. Anger at the father leads to atheism, rebelliousness, and animosity to tradition.

Artists don't really care about the poor except that it helps them to make an argument for their own needs. You don't see Barbra Streisand or Steven Spielberg offering to create a huge endowment fund for starving actors out of their vast wealth, do you?"

The Chambliss Shimmy

The Chambliss Shimmy
"Congratulations to the Gang of 10. No, not that 'bipartisan' group of U.S. Senators who recently garnered headlines with their misguided energy 'compromise.' We refer instead to 10 GOP Senators who are proving good policy is good politics by pushing for more drilling in the Arctic.
Those 10 Republicans recently sent a letter asking President Bush to issue an executive order to conduct an immediate, state-of-the-art seismic survey of oil-and-gas resources in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge." -- Silence on Georgia -- Silence on Georgia: "DID YOU see the huge crowd outside the Russian embassy protesting the war in Georgia?
Neither did I. Now that we have a genuine war of aggression, the silence on the Left is deafening."

Friday, August 15, 2008

Mighty Sparrow: Barack the Magnificent


Basu: Thinking of Elizabeth Edwards, and her husband's betrayal | ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Sex and politics

Basu: Thinking of Elizabeth Edwards, and her husband's betrayal ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Sex and politics: "Last fall, at the invitation of John Edwards' presidential campaign, I sat down with Elizabeth Edwards for a one-on-one chat. Among other things, we talked about women who stand by men who cheat on them.
That was the month before the National Enquirer published allegations about an affair between John Edwards and Rielle Hunter - which he would denounce as 'tabloid trash,' before acknowledging their truth last week.
By Sept. 15, when I spoke with his wife - according to his timeline - Elizabeth already knew.
We had been discussing her contention that her husband would serve women better as president than Hillary Clinton. He had shown more commitment, she argued, to universal health care and elimination of poverty, adding, 'If she's talking about it, I'm not hearing it. ... The most feminist thing she's done is tell women to vote for her.'
So I asked Edwards about a common - but I thought unfair - position Hillary opponents were taking by faulting her for staying with Bill Clinton after his liaisons with Monica Lewinsky.
She could have layered it on and said, 'Well, it's fair game to judge her for standing by someone who lied to her and disgraced the office.' Or she could have been magnanimous and said, 'It's not fair to blame the victim for her husband's actions.'
But Edwards did neither. She simply said, 'I don't think any of us are in a position to judge other people's marriages. It's such an intimate and personal relationship.'
By then, the two women were already members of the same sorry sorority.
On Friday, as news of Edwards' admission spread, Hillary Clinton said, 'My thoughts and prayers are with the Edwards family today, and that's all I've got to say.'"

Military Humor

click for more great photos

God bless our troops!

A note to readers -

A note to readers -
"By Paul Keep
It is not an easy thing to tell Chronicle readers -- and Chronicle employees -- that the printing of this newspaper is expected to move to Walker some time this fall (see accompanying story)."

Saddleback Civil Forum

Saddleback Civil Forum

Pastor Rick Warren to Host Saddleback Civil Forum on Leadership and Compassion and Question Candidates on Faith and the Common Good
LAKE FOREST, Calif., July 21 – Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama, respective presumed Republican and Democratic presidential nominees, will end the primary season by making their first joint appearance of the 2008 campaign at Saddleback Church on Saturday, Aug.16 at the Saddleback Civil Forum on Leadership and Compassion. Dr. Rick Warren, founding pastor of the 22,000-member Orange County, Calif. mega church and moderator for the event, made the announcement today upon confirmation by both campaigns.

On FOX & CNN 8:00PM Saturday!

Thursday, August 14, 2008 News Forum News Forum: "Reply 4 - Posted by: TexasRed, 8/14/2008 6:41:22 PM

You mean Ayers wasn't a bomber, Jeremiah Wright is not a racist, Pfleger is not a racist, Rezko is not in jail, Frank Marshall in not a communist, Salinsky is not a marxist organizer. Show me some truth, man. Don't whine and cry that Corsi is a liar, show me. Refute his facts, don't try to weasel. That's what Kerry did and he still hasn't collected from T Boone, because Swift Boat means truth."

Chronicle to consolidate printing functions in Grand Rapids - Muskegon Chronicle -

Chronicle to consolidate printing functions in Grand Rapids - Muskegon Chronicle - "Declining advertising revenue has led The Muskegon Chronicle to announce it will be printed outside Muskegon for the first time in its 151-year history"

Power Line: If the Editors of the NY Times Were High School Students, They Would Flunk

Power Line: If the Editors of the NY Times Were High School Students, They Would Flunk: "Today, a red-faced New York Times issued this correction:
An article on Wednesday about a Government Accountability Office study reporting on the percentage of corporations that paid no federal income taxes from 1998 through 2005 gave an incorrect figure for the estimated tax liability of the 1.3 million companies covered by the study. It is not $875 billion. The correct amount cannot be calculated because it would be based on the companies paying the standard rate of 35 percent on their net income, a figure that is not available. (The incorrect figure of $875 billion was based on the companies paying the standard rate on their $2.5 trillion in gross sales.)
Unbelievable. Even for the New York Times, absolutely unbelievable."

Kremlin dusts off Cold War lexicon to make US villain in Georgia - Times Online

Kremlin dusts off Cold War lexicon to make US villain in Georgia - Times Online: "Russians were told over breakfast yesterday what really happened in Georgia: the conflict in South Ossetia was part of a plot by Dick Cheney, the Vice-President, to stop Barak Obama being elected president of the United States."

Open ANWR Already!: The case for drilling—and more energy production - Reason Magazine

Open ANWR Already!: The case for drilling—and more energy production

"In July, CNN repeatedly reported that offshore drilling would take 'seven to 10 years' to get into production. Yet Brazil's Petrobras expects its new finds in extraordinarily deep waters to already be producing 100,000 barrels per day in just two years. What is wrong with American oil companies that they would take so long?

In fact, the world oil shortage is political, not geological."

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I Know The Secrets That You Keep

I Know The Secrets That You Keep
"Glenn Reynolds has been wondering what other secrets the media is sitting on and what other stories they are not pursuing that might damage Obama. I have a nominee." wins tax break to bring 250 jobs wins tax break to bring 250 jobs
"City officials fast-tracked a tax break for ....
A special City Council meeting this week approved a 10-year, 100-percent property tax abatement on up to $6 million in fixtures and equipment."

No property tax for 10 years?
Or no property tax on new investment?
Miserably written article.....