Friday, February 06, 2009

Here's the juice on wind power

Here's the juice on wind power
"Fascinating idea -- owning a wind generator that could be tied into the electrical grid, allowing homeowners to use and sell power to Consumers Energy, rather than the other way around.

Want to know more? Attend a free workshop Feb. 11, in which terms and concepts like 'net metering,' as well as the availability of various loans and grants, will be discussed by experts at the Michigan Alternative and Renewable Energy Center in Muskegon from 10 a.m. to noon.

It will involve speakers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Consumers Energy. To register, contact Muskegon Area First, at (231) 724-3181.

For our money, such face-to-face discussions can throw on a proverbial light switch, quickly illuminating good ideas that, until then, might have seemed shrouded in mystery."

Into the belly of the Beast.

Cut downtown Jackson parking fees now

Cut downtown Jackson parking fees now
"The council will consider cutting parking assessments for downtown merchants by 30 percent. The move follows a report from an ad-hoc group that the city collects far more money than it needs to provide and maintain downtown parking."

Cherry speech post.... gone!

cherry speech - Google Search
"Flat speech raises questions about Lt. Gov. John Cherry's ...

This is no longer a good link.


U.S. should cap lawyer fees while they're at it

U.S. should cap lawyer fees while they're at it
"Then there are the bankruptcy lawyers. For them, these are grand times.

The business of going under is one of the few booming ones these days, and fees paid to those who guide sick or dead companies through bankruptcy are, too.

Rates broke through the US$1,000-an-hour barrier for the priciest bankruptcy legal advice, running up to US$1,110 at Kirkland & Ellis LLP, based in Chicago."

Cher: Republican Rule Almost ‘Killed Me’

Cher: Republican Rule Almost ‘Killed Me’
"Grammy award-winning singer and Academy award-winning actress Cher told that living under Republican rule almost “killed' her, and she does not understand why anyone would want to be a Republican."

The Year of Pension Meltdowns?

The Year of Pension Meltdowns?
"Last year we watched 401k’s deflate. This year looks like the year of pension fund implosions, an article says. Federal law requires funds to have enough money to pay all their retirees. Yet with markets way down, more than two-fifths of big-company plans “are nowhere close to meeting that standard, and those dire numbers are increasing.” The politically driven “social investing” of public pensions makes matters worse."

Granholm proposes lump-sum payment, not pension boost to encourage teacher retirements

Granholm proposes lump-sum payment, not pension boost to encourage teacher retirements
"Granholm instead favors offering lump-sum payments to teachers as a retirement lure, but local educators say that's likely a deal-killer because the state just doesn't have the money to make such a package work this year."

Obtuse sells!

I blame the entire Kenyan tragedy on the tobacco industry
"I've always been drawn to news stories of mass extinction because of human ignorance. I'm not talking about a bomb going off or a plane crash, I'm talking about the yearly tales of stampedes at religious ceremonies or ferry boats flipping when they're overloaded by a factor of six."

Thursday, February 05, 2009

What's in the Stimulus?: An Earmark as Big as the Ritz

What's in the Stimulus?: An Earmark as Big as the Ritz
Buried in the 800 page stimulus bill is this seemingly innocuous allocation — well it's inocuous relative to a $1 trillion stimulus bill anyway — '$2,000,000,000 is available for one or more near zero emission powerplant(s).”
Interstingly enough, there's no such thing as a 'near zero emission powerplant' — yet."

Michael Calderone's Blog: Sen. Stabenow wants hearings on radio 'accountability'

Michael Calderone's Blog: Sen. Stabenow wants hearings on radio 'accountability'; talks fairness doctrine
"This morning, radio host Bill Press brought up the recent closing of liberal station Obama 1260 when speaking with Michigan Sen. Debbie Stabenow, and talked about whether there needs to be a balance to right-wing talk on the radio dial."

France 24 | NKorea may fire missiles across sea border: report | France 24

France 24 NKorea may fire missiles across sea border: report France 24: "North Korea may fire short-range missiles across its disputed sea border with South Korea to bolster its sabre-rattling campaign against the Seoul government, media reports said Friday.
Seoul officials believe this is the likeliest form of provocation from the communist state,"



How to Save Your Newspaper

How to Save Your Newspaper
"So I am hoping that this year will see the dawn of a bold, old idea that will provide yet another option that some news organizations might choose: getting paid by users for the services they provide and the journalism they produce."

Next time you hear how smart the Ivy grads are, remember this column.

"getting paid ...for your services....." is a good idea.

And he acts like this is a NEW idea. (yes, I know he wrote "old idea")

The Great College Hoax

The Great College Hoax
"Not only are college numbers spun. Some are patently spurious, says Richard Sander, a law professor at UCLA. Law schools lure in minority students to improve diversity rankings without disclosing that less than half of African-Americans who enter these programs ever pass the bar. Schools goose employment statistics by temporarily hiring new grads and spotlighting kids who land top-paying jobs, while glossing over far-lower average incomes. The one certainty: The average law grad owes $100,000 in student debt.
'There are a lot of aspects of selling education that are tinged with consumer fraud,' Sander says. 'There is a definite conspiracy to lead students down a primrose path.'"

Actors, baseball legends on Madoff client list

Actors, baseball legends on Madoff client list
"Harry Markopolos, told House lawmakers at a hearing that he had discovered that additional funds had relayed investments to Madoff in Europe - and that the managers of these 'feeder' funds may have ignored signs of the massive fraud scheme.
He plans to present his findings to the Securities and Exchange Commission's inspector general Thursday. If proven, they would substantiate the assertions of many analysts that the alleged fraud was far too large for Madoff to have conducted alone."

Does your paycheck add up? Federal survey puts average Grand Rapids pay at $18.91

Does your paycheck add up? Federal survey puts average Grand Rapids pay at $18.91
"Public-school teachers topped the hourly pay scale of surveyed occupations at $50.01."

And the median household income in Muskegon is $38,000.

Teachers pay and total compensation is WAY out of line. With summers off, dudes!

We pay. They take!

Governor Granholm's insurance advocate proposes big changes to lower rates

Governor Granholm's insurance advocate proposes big changes to lower rates
"Hollowell says urban motorists in particular are being penalized for where they live and said regulators should have the authority to block rate increases before they go into effect and to order consumer refunds.

Mona Shores Bond issue meeting rescheduled for THIS Thursday!

It's YOUR money folks!

Bond issue meeting rescheduled
"MONA SHORES -- An informational meeting about Mona Shores Public Schools' upcoming bond issue originally planned for tonight has been rescheduled.
The forum will be 7 p.m. Feb. 5 in the media center of Lincoln Park Elementary, 2951 Leon.
On Feb. 24, voters will be asked to keep the current millage rate at or near its current 4.3 mills and extend it two years through 2019.
School officials are asking for $13 million for improvements districtwide, but with many upgrades to the middle and high schools.
The issue is not an additional tax for voters; without the public's approval, officials estimate the tax gradually will be reduced to 2.3 mills by the time it expires.
Details about the bond and proposed improvements can be found at"

Mona Lake Park set for renovation

Mona Lake Park set for renovation
"A multimillion-dollar renovation of Mona Lake Park, which will include construction of a 400-seat conference center, is expected to begin in May.
The project is being paid for with state and federal grants, said Reatha Anderson, director of planning and community development for the city of Muskegon Heights. The city already has received $629,000 in grant dollars for the renovations."

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Coal utility plants may take their lumps as Granholm touts alternative power

Coal utility plants may take their lumps as Granholm touts alternative power
"Gov. Jennifer Granholm wants to make it harder for utilities to justify building new coal-fired power plants, encouraging them to instead rely on more energy conservation.
.....Four companies have proposals before the state Department of Environmental Quality to build coal plants in Bay County's Hampton Township, Holland, Midland and Rogers City. The 800-megawatt Bay County plant would be an addition to the Consumers Energy Karn-Weadock complex, and cost upwards of $2 billion."

This woman is killing our state!

Valentine to face unemployed voters

White Lake Beacon: "Representative to meet with constituents

Michigan State Representative Mary Valentine (91st District) will meet with constituents on Monday, Feb. 9, at the White Lake Community Library, 3900 White Lake Drive, Whitehall.
The meeting will be at 7 p.m."

Spartan football signs 23 recruits for 2009

Spartan football signs 23 recruits for 2009
"The group is hailed by some as the best at MSU in nearly a decade. ranks it No. 14 in the nation, while recruiting analyst Tom Lemming of CSTV ranks it No. 2 in the Big Ten, behind only Ohio State."

A tale of two campaigns: Holly Hughes spent her own money; Mary Valentine relied on groups

A tale of two campaigns: Holly Hughes spent her own money; Mary Valentine relied on groups
"The Valentine campaign accepted a total of $51,000 from self-identified political action committees and $79,125 from labor unions or other special interest groups."

President Obama to water down 'Buy American' plan after EU trade war threat

President Obama to water down 'Buy American' plan after EU trade war threat
"The European Union warned the US yesterday against plunging the world into depression by adopting a planned “Buy American” policy, intensifying fears of a trade war.
The EU threatened to retaliate if the US Congress went ahead with sweeping measures in its $800 billion (£554 billion) stimulus plan to restrict spending to American goods and services.
Gordon Brown was caught in the crossfire as John Bruton, the EU Ambassador to Washington, said that “history has shown us” where the closing of markets leads — a clear reference to the Depression of the 1930s, triggered by US protectionist laws."

Barry is turning out to be far dumber, faster than anyone had imagined!

Pensions and Promises

Pensions and Promises
"A pension war is brewing — and it's likely to pit state and municipal employees against citizens who foot the bill for government pension plans with their state tax dollars."

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

WELL, SURE, WHEN YOU PUT IT THAT WAY, it doesn’t sound so good

WELL, SURE, WHEN YOU PUT IT THAT WAY, it doesn’t sound so good

At the dawn of the Obama Administration we have witnessed: four high-level appointees blow up over various issues, tax and otherwise (Richardson, Daschel, and Killefer get axed; Geitner stays); the appointment of at least 12 lobbyists to positions in the Administration — in direct contradiction of campaign promises; a pork-laden economic stimulus bill without precedent in US history; and the reversal of campaign positions concerning controversial policies like rendition.
But hey, it’s only been two weeks."

Join Chronicle Publisher/Editor Paul Keep online Thursday to talk about The Chronicle

Join Chronicle Publisher/Editor Paul Keep online Thursday to talk about The Chronicle
"Join Chronicle Publisher/Editor Paul Keep online for a live chat at noon Thursday, Feb. 5.

He will discuss the state of the newspaper, the reasons for our recent changes, what the future holds and whatever other topics you might think important.

Join us at noon Feb. 5 on"

Use this link:

This might be easier for Paul if we were allowed/encouraged to submit some questions in advance.

Feel free to submit them here (in the comments section) and I'll forward to Mr Keep.

Passengers stop flight after 'drunk' pilot sparks panic

Passengers stop flight after 'drunk' pilot sparks panic
"Aeroflot representatives boarded the aircraft to try to calm down the 300 passengers.
One sought to reassure them by announcing that it was 'not such a big deal' if the pilot was drunk because the aircraft practically flew itself."

Obama spokesman defends ethics standards

Obama spokesman defends ethics standards
"'The bar that we set is the highest that any administration in the country has ever set.'
During a briefing filled with questions about Tom Daschle's decision to withdraw from consideration to be Health and Human Services secretary

Another one bites the dust; Part 2

Barbara Walters Under Impression Palin Actually Said ‘I Can See Russia From My House’

Barbara Walters Under Impression Palin Actually Said ‘I Can See Russia From My House’

What a dufuss!

Colleges, universities cringe at governor's request to freeze tuition again

Colleges, universities cringe at governor's request to freeze tuition again
"GVSU President Thomas Haas said a further drop in state funding would hurt students. His school's tuition has increased 42 percent since 2004, in part because state aid has been mostly flat or declining.
This year, GVSU raised tuition $1,000, a 13-percent hike -- the largest in its history"

Absolutely NO mention of teacher and staff pay and benefit increases!

It's like that has NO affect on student/parent tuition!

Our "what, me worry" liberal media.

Always asking the TOUGH questions...with such amazing insight!

yeah right.....

Muskegon County Commission Citizen Action ToolkitCitizen Toolkit

Muskegon County Commission Citizen Action Toolkit!

If you are interested in learning about how our Muskegon county government works, it helps to attend the county commission meetings.

If you want to see "change you can believe in", you need to provide your own citizen input.

Or it will continue to be the same old, same old.

Here is a "toolkit" of links you can use to see what happened last time and what will be discussed at the next meetings.

All meetings are held in the Board of Commissioner's Room:
4th Floor of the Hall of Justice (County building)
990 Terrace Street, M
Muskegon, MI
3:30 p.m sharp!

Muskegon Taxpayers Alliance website:

Agenda for full County Commission Board meeting:

Past minutes:

Standing committee minutes and agendas:

Future meeting schedules:

Be an educated citizen!

"It's the SPENDING Stupid!"

"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them." -Patrick Henry, revolutionary (1736-1799)

2005 memories of millage: Mona Shores to replace 600 computers - Muskegon Chronicle -

Mona Shores to replace 600 computers
"The district plans to replace 600 desktop computers in labs districtwide this summer, completing improvements funded with a 0.65-mill, $4.2 million bond issue approved by voters in 2005."

Jackson-area resale stores expect problems from new federal rule governing lead levels

Jackson-area resale stores expect problems from new federal rule governing lead levels
"Most resale and thrift stores have their own standards for the quality and condition of items they accept.
A new consumer-protection law will require them to enforce standards for children's items they can't easily determine"

Alinski's Rules: Must Reading In Obama Era

Alinski's Rules: Must Reading In Obama Era
"What was Saul Alinsky's model that Barack Obama used so successfully to defeat the Clinton machine plus the Republican Party in a dramatic one-two punch never before seen in politics?"

Another one bites the dust

Official: Performance czar withdraws candidacy
"Nancy Killefer, who failed for a year and a half to pay employment taxes on household help, has withdrawn her candidacy to be the first chief performance officer for the federal government, the White House said Tuesday."

Does Barry Hussein know of ANYONE who isn't a cheat?

Taxing drivers on miles driven could raise more for road repairs

Taxing drivers on miles driven could raise more for road repairs
"An estimated $3.4 billion is spent each year on the 121,000 miles of local, state and federal roads that cobweb across Michigan. Experts say Michigan ought to be spending $6 billion.
'We need to find another source of funding,' said Bill Shreck, director of communications with the state Department of Transportation."

Does anyone notice that every time an "expert" is quoted by any government flack and reported by their comrades in the liberal media, the expert ALWAYS says we (TAXPAYERS!) are not paying enough?

I suppose any "expert" that suggested the state has enough money wouldn't find to many jobs as an "expert".

And don't ya love the "we need to find another source of funding" synonym from the guys who spent all the money?

Perilous State

Perilous State
"State pension plans are woefully underfunded. Taxpayers may get the tab."
"Taxpayers MAY get the tab"???????
Who the heck else is gonna pay for the teachers and state employees pensions???????
Gimme a break....

Pensions tax public's patience

Pensions tax public's patience
"The National Bureau of Economic Research revealed, 'the value of pension promises already made by U.S. state governments will grow to approximately $7.9 trillion in just 15 years.'"

This is money taken from "the rest of us" (that's you and me) and delivered to teachers, and state, county and local retirees.

So they can retire at 48 years old with FULL benefits and pensions. And they go up every year! How nice ...... for them.

More for them.

Less for us.

The power of their big unions bosses.

Isn't it time we contacted our state reps and county commissioners?

Lighthouses and waves during VERY stormy weather

This is amazing!

Imagine living in one.

Monday, February 02, 2009

How Government Prolonged the Depression

How Government Prolonged the Depression
"the goal of the New Deal was to get Americans back to work. But the New Deal didn't restore employment. In fact, there was even less work on average during the New Deal than before FDR took office."

Marketing Solar Panels to Fifth-Graders

Marketing Solar Panels to Fifth-Graders
"Employees of the Sharp Electronics Corporation were at Joyce Kilmer Elementary School in Mahwah, N.J., recently to teach a lesson on climate change and renewable energy. The cartoon image of an ailing Earth — a thermometer sticking out of its mouth — was the opening slide in their presentation.
Climate change and energy are complex issues, so I was interested to observe how they would be distilled by the Japanese electronics giant — and one of the world’s largest makers of solar panels — to an audience of 10- and 11-year-olds. I recently sat in the back of a fifth-grade class and listened in.
Martha Harvey, an associate manager in Sharp’s strategic marketing division, started the class by asking, “Who knows what climate change is?” She called on a few raised hands and received guesses of “A change of weather?” and “A change of climate?” before offering her own answer:
“It turns out that the temperature of the Earth is actually rising,” she said."

It works for al Qaeda in their madrassas.
This pure propaganda in our own schools!

Imagine a coal, nuclear or oil company representative being allowed in a United States public school!


Man who had sex at Alamo gets life

Marion Barry for Drug Czar

Best of the Web Today: Marion Barry for Drug Czar
If a certain sort of conservative tends to be moralistic about sex, liberals tend to be moralistic about money. That makes Tom Daschle the equivalent of a televangelist caught in a sex scandal.

Daschle, now President Obama's nominee for secretary of health and human services, was first elected to Congress in 1978 as a Democrat from South Dakota. In 2004, in the final throes of the Bush majority, voters ousted him from the Senate.

Forced into the private sector, he returned to Aberdeen, S.D., and eked out a living growing wheat on the Daschle family farm. As if! Actually, he stayed in Washington, joined a lobbying firm--albeit as a 'special policy adviser,' since as a former senator he was prohibited by law from 'lobbying'--and raked in the bucks. The prairie populist became a plutocrat, as the Washington Post reports:

Without becoming a registered lobbyist, he made millions of dollars giving public speeches and private counsel to insurers, hospitals, realtors, farmers, energy firms and telecommunications companies with complex regulatory and legislative interests in Washington.
Daschle's expertise and insights, gleaned over 26 years in Congress, earned him more than $5 million over the past two years,
including $220,000 from the health-care industry, and perks such as a chauffeured Cadillac, according to the documents.

We thought of a catchy term for people who claim to be tribunes of the poor while getting driven around by a chauffeur. We're going to call them 'limousine liberals.'

Anyway, there was one little 'glitch,' as the Washington Post calls it. Daschle, who in 1998 said, 'Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter' "


"Is Barack Obama an insensitive lout who serves $100 per pound steaks to his elite guests and turns up the heat in the White House high enough to grow orchids while a million of his countrymen are without power and dozens are freezing to death? If not, why not?
Solely because that is not the story the media want to tell. Many on the web--but no one in the mainstream media--have commented on the fact that Obama has not even pretended to do anything about the massive ice storm that has disabled much of Kentucky and neighboring states. It took days for FEMA to swing into action. Why is that not a scandal?"

Michigan crafts stimulus wish list

Michigan crafts stimulus wish list
"Michigan officials, like those in many states across the nation, are crafting a multibillion dollar wish list for road improvements and other projects in anticipation of an expected federal stimulus package."

So while we tighten our fiscal belts, the "leaders" of Michigan are searching for MORE ways to spend OUR money.


And consistent....

Fed cash reviving options for Granholm

Fed cash reviving options for Granholm
"Now the prospect of nearly $3 billion in federal stimulus money for the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1 has the Democratic governor cautiously looking over her dream list again."

Read on to see what see will do with the "stimulus".


Daschle -- And Solis, Too

Daschle -- And Solis, Too
"a new issue has arisen concerning another Obama cabinet nomination, that of Rep. Hilda Solis to be Secretary of Labor.

Solis had a rough hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee when she declined to answer all sorts of seemingly noncontroversial questions about her positions on basic labor issues. (Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus wrote a frustrated account of the hearing, asking, 'How can senators consent if they have no clue what policies they might be consenting to?') Now, some committee members want to know more about Solis' relationship with a pro-labor group called American Rights at Work. On the group's website, Solis is listed as a member of the board of directors, and she also served as Treasurer of the organization from 2004 to 2007. The question is whether Solis, who as a member of Congress is prohibited from lobbying Congress, fully disclosed her relationship with the group."

The "Leona Helmsley" democrats seem to lack..... gravitas... or are they simply crooks?

Social Security: National Ponzi Scheme

Social Security: National Ponzi Scheme
"In 1940, there were 42 workers per retiree, in 1950 there were 16, today there are three and in 20 or 30 years there will be two or fewer workers per retiree."

Man beaten with beer mug during fight at Pittsfield Township bar

Man beaten with beer mug during fight at Pittsfield Township bar, police say
"witnesses told police that the 21-year-old Ann Arbor man struck the victim in the head repeatedly with a glass beer mug"

Isn't it time we started considering the licensing of beer mugs?

People don't mug people with mugs if Dixie Cups are at hand..

Mugs force drunks to mug people.

Seriously, if it saves just one beer drinker's life....

CARPE DIEM: With All Due Respect Mr. President......

CARPE DIEM: With All Due Respect Mr. President......:
"'There is no disagreement that we need action by our government, a recovery plan that will help to jumpstart the economy.'


With all due respect Mr. President, that is not true.
There is no disagreement that we need action by our government, a recovery plan that will help to jumpstart the economy.
Notwithstanding reports that all economists are now Keynesians and that we all support a big increase in the burden of government, we the undersigned do not believe that more government spending is a way to improve economic performance.

More government spending by Hoover and Roosevelt did not pull the United States economy out of the Great Depression in the 1930s.
More government spending did not solve Japan’s “lost decade” in the 1990s.
As such, it is a triumph of hope over experience to believe that more government spending will help the U.S. today.

To improve the economy, policymakers should focus on reforms that remove impediments to work, saving, investment and production.
Lower tax rates and a reduction in the burden of government are the best ways of using fiscal policy to boost growth."

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Call for obese children to be taken into care

Call for obese children to be taken into care
"SEVERELY obese children should be notified to child protection authorities, and even taken into care, if their parents are unwilling or unable to help them lose weight, experts have argued."


If our country did this in Muskegon, half the kids would be in "fat camp"!

Ain't liberalism great?

CARPE DIEM: Your Tax Dollars At Work, Saving Jobs in Brazil: GM to Invest $1 Billion of Bailout Money in Brazil

CARPE DIEM: Your Tax Dollars At Work, Saving Jobs in Brazil: GM to Invest $1 Billion of Bailout Money in Brazil

Your TV and local news told you about this.....right?

When are you gonna wonder why you don't know these FACTS in advance of giant money grab from YOUR pocket?


"In a repeat of anti-Rush history (see 'vast right wing conspiracy,' et al), the White House broadside backfired ....... Rather than dividing the GOP, it united them.

Not a single Republican voted for the Obama plan after unprecedented wooing, courting, and cajoling.

The Rush Effect is incontestable.

Which begs the question: Why did Obama - who told House GOP leaders 'you can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done' - even bring him up?"

Could it be that "Barry and the libs" just don't get it?

Financial trouble puts quick end to farm making high-end cheese from water buffalos

Financial trouble puts quick end to farm making high-end cheese from water buffalos
"'They had a whole business plan and (Cummings) had a good system set up,' said Mike DiBernardo, an economic development specialist with the state Department of Agriculture. 'They were ramping up, working on getting that volume up, and it all comes to a screeching halt.'
The agriculture department funded a $50,000 marketing study for di Bufala in 2006 that showed a 'very lucrative and strong market' for mozzarella and yogurt made from water buffalo milk."

Ummm.... our state, Jenny-and-the-dems, gave this 12th generation inbred $50,000 to tell him it was a GREAT idea and he bellies up in a few months!!!!!!!

Folks, when are we gonna get a hint that these "free money" scum from our state government don't need any more of our money?

Blue Cross requests rate increases in Michigan

Blue Cross requests rate increases in Michigan
"The requested average rate increases are 56 percent for individual plans,"

Holy shittake!

"Let them eat cake"

Muskegon County prepares for 150th birthday

"The county wants to throw itself a birthday party.

July 18 will mark Muskegon County's 150th anniversary as a governmental unit, and thanks to $10,000 from the county's board of commissioners, a celebration is in the works......

And two massive cakes, one of which is expected to be large enough to feed 5,000 people, will take center stage at Taste of Muskegon, a culinary festival that has drawn thousands of food lovers downtown."

Interesting that the county's board of commissioners would be kind enough to pony up $10,000 from their own pockets for us cake eaters!

Oh..... it isn't the commissioners who are paying?


Our broke county has EXTRA tax moolah for cake?

This ain't right.

Folks, remember how the "Let them eat cake" deal worked out for Marie Antoinette.

We show tolerance to 'gays' and get tyranny in return

We show tolerance to 'gays' and get tyranny in return:

"We are forced to say that we think homosexuality is a good thing, that homosexual couples are equal in all ways to heterosexual married couples.

Most emphatically, we are compelled to agree that homosexual couples are just as good at bringing up children as the children's own grandparents.

Better, in fact.

Many people who believe nothing of the kind now know that their careers in politics, the media, the Armed Services, the police or schools will be ruined if they ever let their true opinions show.

I am sure that many of them regularly lie about their views, to avoid such trouble."

The "free speech" American media would love to have England's intolerance right here in the good old USA!

Details of medical marijuana law still hazy as April implementation approaches

Details of medical marijuana law still hazy as April implementation approaches
"Come April 4, Michigan residents suffering from certain illnesses will be allowed to use marijuana for medicinal purposes, but one big, lingering question remains: How do they get the drug without breaking state and federal criminal laws?
The answer appears to be as hazy as Cheech and Chong's van"

Why are we ALWAYS voting on initiatives that are so poorly written?

Michigan school officials call MEA early retirement idea 'a bad proposal'

Michigan school officials call MEA early retirement idea 'a bad proposal'
"the plan would boost pension benefits by about a third to encourage school employees to retire this year. A teacher with 30 years of service who earns $70,000 would see his or her pension set at $42,000 a year under the plan, compared to $31,500 under the normal formula. An estimated 90,000 school employees would qualify for the plan."

This is an enormous rip off of the taxpayer's money.

Remember the AVERAGE FAMILY income in Muskegon county is about $38,000.

We work hard for our families and the teacher union thugs work hard to take more and more of our money.
Flushing more of OUR hard earned money down the UNION THUG's drain.

Muskegon school board member Charles Nash resists efforts to get him to resign

Muskegon school board member Charles Nash resists efforts to get him to resign
"School officials fear the efforts to remove Nash could create divisions on the board, especially since he has raised the issue of racism during efforts to get him off the school board.......

During a special school board meeting last week to discuss the issue, school board attorney Gary Britton said it was his opinion that Nash was in conflict by serving on both boards and that he should resign. Britton also advised the board it could seek an opinion from the state's attorney general. A state legislator also could request such an opinion, a county elections officials has said."

Hold on!

I thought Prez Barry's coronation was supposed to end this auto-defence!

I guess not.

It's just too good to stop learn the same thing.... but a little different.....

Obama hates white people and wants them to die

"With nearly 1.5 million people in the mid-west without power during a cold snap, what other possible reason is there that this new 'competent' administration and FEMA would be failing so spectacularly in helping in this natural disaster?

It's got to be that Obama hates white people and wants them to die!"

What's good for the media goose is good for the media gander?

Bumps in the Road: Obama's HHS Secretary Nominee Faces Tax Questions Over Car and Driver

"I've always gotten pleasure cheating on my income tax, but the creme de la creme is cheating via electronic filing."
Obama's HHS Secretary Nominee Faces Tax Questions Over Car and Driver
"This is the second Cabinet nominee of President Obama's to face questions of tax malfeasance. Geithner paid more than $34,000 in taxes during his vetting process for income earned at the International Monetary Fund. Earlier, Commerce secretary nominee Bill Richardson withdrew his name from consideration after reports of a federal investigation involving whether his office engaged in 'pay to play,'"

Wow, this is BIG!

3 crooks in 10 days!

A new record for appointing crooks?

I'm sure we'll see the the unbiased media screaming "culture of corruption".... right?

Saturday, January 31, 2009

OUTRAGE: Obama and FEMA leave Americans to die in Kentucky. Media firestorm in . . . well, never….

OUTRAGE: Obama and FEMA leave Americans to die in Kentucky. Media firestorm in . . . well, never….
"January 31, 2009
OUTRAGE: Obama and FEMA leave Americans to die in Kentucky. Media firestorm in . . . well, never.

Plus, “Obama dozed, people froze.”

And Juliette Ochieng emails: “President Obama doesn’t care about white people…and neither do the MSM.”

Well, that wouldn’t fit the narrative.

The Myth of the ‘Widening Gap Between Rich and Poor’

The Myth of the ‘Widening Gap Between Rich and Poor’:
"It gets repeated so frequently and so persistently that many assume it must be true: the rich are getting richer and the poor have been left behind in ever-larger numbers, especially during the eeeeeevil Bush administration.


CARPE DIEM: Superbowl Tickets $1000 Less Than Last Year

Superbowl Tickets $1000 Less Than Last Year
"That means on the low end you're finding tickets going for about $1,400 and they're going to be coming down even farther as the weekend goes on,' said Pate."


Things must be REALLY bad if the cheap seats are only $1,400.

...what do the hotdogs cost..... this still Bush's fault or Engler's..... cause of the Lions mess?....

Liberal media dumber than 128 year old woman!

Uzbekistan Claims World's Oldest Woman
"Uzbekistan officials say they have found the world's oldest woman and, if her age proves to be accurate, she would be the oldest documented person to have ever lived, according to the BBC News.
Tuti Yusupova's birth certificate says she was born in 1880, officials told the BBC.


This is big! (I wonder what type of yogurt she eats)

Uzbekistan records are known to be the most accurate of any birth records in the liberal media world!

Nice to see the tradition of "fact" checking continues!

global economic traffic jam has Muskegon backed up

Economist George Erickcek says global economic traffic jam has Muskegon backed up

'We find that the best and the brightest are going to Chicago and other areas,' Erickcek told the chamber breakfast crowd. 'It's a challenge we have to work on in Muskegon County.'"

But let's not address the ever increasing taxes, never accountable schools, crime rate, ornery city/county government services and the Frauenthalians who waste precious tax dollars on personal projects.

No. Let's not do that.

Don't want to offend anyone.... ya know.....

Cause and Effect - Part 1

Cause and Effect - Part 1:
"We can learn from them. ..Or can we?

Consider the basic and fundamental reason for the current financial (housing based) crisis. It started many years ago with one of the most incompetent presidents this country has ever seen. See if you can guess from the following multiple choice:
A. Jimmy Carter
B. Jimmy Carter
C. Jimmy Carter
D. All of the above.

I believe the answer is somewhere along the lines of 1977: Jimmy Carter rams the Community Reinvestment Act through Congress.

Note that it has since been reinforced by Democrat (Clinton) and Only slightly rebuffed by a distracted Republican Bush white house, however note that even Bush’s administration Mankiw warned of trouble:

“2001: Bush administration warns of impending doom. In Bush’s first year in office, the White House’s chief economist, N. Gregory Mankiw, warned Fannie and Freddie’s loans to unqualified borrowers and other complications at the two institutions were creating a huge risk for the entire financial system.
Representative Barney Frank (D-MA) denounced Mankiw, accusing him of having no “concern about housing.” ”"



In office less than two weeks, President Barack Obama has already increased tax receipts at the U.S. Treasury with an innovative plan to get tax-dodgers to pay up, in full, immediately.
“The president’s plan is simple but ingenious,” said White House spokesman Robert Gibbs, “He targets wealthy individuals who filed inaccurate tax forms, cheating the government out of tens of thousands of dollars. Then he just nominates them for cabinet positions. They suddenly see the error of their ways, and they cut checks for the full amount owed, plus interest.”"


This man, Obama, is deep!

Our health system basically "broke"

Our health system basically "broke"
"THE full extent of the disease plaguing the NSW health system can be revealed, with an analysis showing every one of the state's 220 public hospitals is either battling to pay bills, struggling to attract staff or short of beds."

This is the SAME system that demo-crook leaders Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed want to force on our seniors!

And have the kids pay for!

Obama's Animal Farm Cabinet

Obama pushes economic plan
"Obama was facing a new political distraction -- the disclosure that Tom Daschle, picked to spearhead U.S. health care reform, failed to pay more than $128,000 in taxes.
It was the latest glitch in Obama's effort to complete his cabinet and focus on his administration's top priorities. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's nomination was held up earlier by criticism over late payment of $34,000 in taxes."

I guess Prez Barry is telling us that :

"All animals (democrats) are equal but some are more equal than others"

We cut, they buy bigger belts!

The Intellectual Redneck
"If this doesn't make you want to fly to Washington and slap your legislator, nothing ever will. Congress gives itself a $93,000 raise to stimulate the economy"

more adulation from the NYT

White House Unbuttons Formal Dress Code
"Mr. Obama’s work habits are already becoming clear. He shows up at the Oval Office shortly before 9 in the morning, roughly two hours later than his early-to-bed, early-to-rise predecessor."

Imagine how the NYT would report this if Bush had showed up for work at 9:00AM!

Is this a "community organizer" thing or something congenital?

White House Unbuttons Formal Dress Code

White House Unbuttons Formal Dress Code
"Mr. Obama’s senior adviser, David Axelrod, who occupies the small but strategically located office next door to his boss. “He likes it warm. You could grow orchids in there.”
Thus did an ironclad rule of the George W. Bush administration — coat and tie in the Oval Office at all times"

I recall the wonderful results when teachers dressed down from coat/tie and professional dresses for women.

Maybe the operative phrase should be "change we can believe didn't work before"?

Iran says Obama's offer to talk shows US failure

Iran says Obama's offer to talk shows US failure
"US President Barack Obama's offer to talk to Iran shows that America's policy of 'domination' has failed, the government spokesman said on Saturday.
'This request means Western ideology has become passive, that capitalist thought and the system of domination have failed,' Gholam Hossein Elham was quoted as saying by the Mehr news agency."

Wait, wait!

I thought this was Barry Hussein's great leap forward in communication and peace in our time with the Iranians!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth - For Good rehersal PBS

It is just too good a video!

The Williams girls!

My Way - Sports News
"Serena Williams warmed up for Saturday night's women's final against Dinara Safina by combining with sister Venus to win the doubles title. They beat Slovakia's Daniela Hantuchova and Japan's Ai Sugiyama 6-3, 6-3 under the roof at Melbourne Park.
It was the eighth Grand Slam doubles title and third in Australia for the Williams sisters, who also won the doubles gold medal at the Beijing Olympics.
Serena is aiming for her 10th singles major and to continue a sequence that includes an Australian title in every odd-numbered year since 2003."


Michael Steele becomes first black RNC chairman

Michael Steele becomes first black RNC chairman
"The Republican Party chose the first black national chairman in its history Friday, just shy of three months after the nation elected a Democrat as the first African-American president."

I can't wait for the liberal media to swoon over our first black ...... sorry.... African American RNC chairman!

Man, this is gonna be great.......

yeah right...

Instead of waiting for the MSM, click this link to see a classy Republican American!

Imagine Spot 1 - Super Bowl Ad NBC Rejected


No wonder the liberal media rejected it.


Michigan gets D-plus on teacher-quality programs

Michigan gets D-plus on teacher-quality programs


These are the same folks who want us to give them more of our hard earned income to their early retirement fund!

They don't make enough?

Not by their standards!

They win if we don't scream bloody murder!

Proposed Bond 2009

Proposed Bond 2009
"Approval of this bond will generate approximately $13 million."

We must understand what "generate" means.

It means "take money from homeowners and renters and business owners and give it to the Mona Shores School board".

They will then take our money and give it out as pork to their friends.



A Hypocrite? Moi, Barack?

Power Line - A Hypocrite? Moi, Barack?
"But wait! Isn't the planet in peril? Isn't it incumbent on all of us to minimize our carbon footprints by turning down our heat and air conditioning? And how about this Obama quote from the campaign:

"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times . . . and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK."

I guess he meant your home, sucker, not his.

Barry likes his 77 degree home and office but not yours!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Grand Haven City hall picketed, but deer kill continues

Update: Grand Haven City hall picketed, but deer kill continues
"Earlier in the day, a handful of residents protested the city's recent killing of 19 deer on Harbor Island by picketing outside City Hall.
Three to five residents held signs throughout the morning urging city leaders to reverse the decision to hire certified sharpshooters to kill deer. Protesters said it's an unsafe and cruel way to manage the urban deer population."

We must understand the lib media.

"three to five residents" protesting old news is enough to get 2 posts on Mlive.

And we conservatives can't get 3-5 to show for anything?

Who Pays Income Taxes? See Who Pays What

Story about Mr. B's Pancake House makes national news

Story about Mr. B's Pancake House makes national news
"She even heard from other business owners who are envious of the pancake house's dedicated employees.
'They said they wished their staff would do the same thing,' she said. 'Just think of the ripple effect this could have if employees in every business gave back just one day.'"

Interesting that on the same day the Michigan teachers union unveiled their scheme to increase teacher pensions, buyouts and increase retirement costs to all taxpayers.

Postmaster General: Mail days may need to be cut

Postmaster General: Mail days may need to be cut
"Massive deficits could force the post office to cut out one day of mail delivery, the postmaster general told Congress on Wednesday, in asking lawmakers to lift the requirement that the agency deliver mail six days a week."

If the PO won't do the job, their monopoly on mail delivery will end so other companies can do the job the feds have so failed at?

Yeah right....

And these are the same folks who tell us their ready and able to run our national health care!

Another sad Detroit story.

Detroit disaster
"A newspaper says it took three calls to Detroit authorities over two days before they recovered the body of a man frozen in ice in the elevator shaft of a vacant warehouse."

This is typical and really not new.

After all, the city of Detroit died years ago and no one will admit it.

Parole Board Chairhuman

CORRECTIONS - Parole Board: "Parole Board
Barbara Sampson, Parole Board Chairperson
Charles Sinclair, Administrator
PO Box 30003
Lansing, MI 48909
(517) 373-0720
(517) 335-0039 FAX"

Why not give 'em a call and ask why someone who (LeFevre) "has 11 misconducts since her capture in the spring" is being released.

I've got a request in for the contact numbers of the rest of the board.

And how one gets appointed to the board.

California mom who escaped prison in 1976 will be released from Michigan prison

California mom who escaped prison in 1976 will be released from Michigan prison
"Corrections Department spokesman Russ Marlan says the Michigan parole board voted unanimously Wednesday to release Susan LeFevre.
She was captured in 2008 living a comfortable life under a different name in the San Diego area. LeFevre escaped from a Detroit-area prison in 1976 after serving about 14 months of a 10-year drug sentence.
Marlan says LeFevre's prison conduct will be closely watched until her release date. She has 11 misconducts since her capture in the spring."

11 "misconducts" in 9 months?

Just who sits on the parole board?

Grill-top distributor is getting ready to sizzle

Grill-top distributor is getting ready to sizzle
"So which college team has been the most popular?
'Definitely, Ohio State. Their retailers buy like clockwork. They fax in their order every three weeks. Their fans are buying,' she said."

I want an MSU one for my birthday!

Who pays for the Stimulus?

"I wanted to know who will PAY for the stimulus. I have heard numbers tossed out such as $6,700 per household, but not all households pay the same taxes. Most households pay nothing at all. So, I took the breakdown of who pays federal taxes by percentage of income and then looked at how many people that represents.
The top 1% of taxpayers pay 39% of all federal income taxes. It stands to reason that those same earners will be required to pay the same or similar percentage of the stimulus. How much is that going to be?
Bottom line: if you are in the top 1%, you can expect to pay almost $240,000 dollars of the stimulus.
Here’s the chart."

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Rush purge?

"On the other hand, Limbaugh’s influence doesn’t seem to be waning. “The Republicans are so bereft of elected leadership that the leader of the loyal opposition is an unelected talk show host on AM radio.” Ouch."
Gotta love our "free speech" libs in gov'ment and the MSM.

Hoping for failure isn't much of a strategy for the Republicans

Hoping for failure isn't much of a strategy for the Republicans

"It worries me that so many Republicans remain unhinged by the change of their fortunes during the last several election cycles."

The Chronicle's newly unemployed and always unhinged, ex-editorial page editor exemplifies the left's need for more private sector produced pharma!

Is Kolb nuts?

Maybe he'll buy a gun to protect himself from the great "unhinged" masses of republicans he's so fearful of?

Kolb shares with us his "worries about so many unhinged Republicans".

Quick, a republican you've had a conversation with in the last...... meebeee 40 YEARS who is "unhinged".

That's a pretty big charge, "so many republicans remain unhinged".
Do you mean like AlGore or most democrat governors?

Gimme a break.

Mr ex-editor Kolb, you can lie to yourself and your ubber-lib comrades but you appear to be a fool to all when you spout your instantly disprovable lies.

And your column is proof of your self delusion.

Enjoy your retirement.

Parking ramp documents

Muskegon Taxpayers Alliance
"Note the '1-year' expense estimate and the '10 year expectation' of an almost full-all-the-time-ramp.

And ya gotta love the increase in year 4, bingo 'a nice increase!'."

The Frauenthalians don't want you to see this.

Thwart the Frauenthalians!

"waive" good bye to your tax dollars

Muskegon Taxpayers Alliance:

"The county 'hiring freeze' is pure myth.
7 'waives' last meeting alone!"