Wednesday, March 18, 2009


"Richardson, 45, was injured after what seemed to be a minor fall on a 'bunny' slope during a skiing lesson near Montreal on Monday."

Do NOT get injured or sick in "free health care" Canada.

You, or someone you love will die!

Bankruptcy on the Table

Bankruptcy on the Table
"Vallejo, California declared Chapter 9 bankruptcy last year primarily to get out of generous obligations promised to public employees. Yesterday they did. A judge ruled that union contracts can be voided in a municipal bankruptcy.
Also yesterday, the New Jersey legislature allowed localities to skip out on making half of their required pension payments that would otherwise be due April 1"

Teacher Pension problems

Teacher Pension problems
"Ever since she stopped teaching in 2001 after 37 years in Collinsville classrooms, Ann Moss has received a steady stream of pension money to support her retirement years.

But with a recession gaining steam and a state budget shortfall surging past $9 billion, Moss, 62, of Collinsville, is thinking about what will happen if the payments from Springfield somehow slow down - and the fate of future teachers if the investments dissolve even more.

'If everything tanks, everybody's going down with you,' she said recently."

Britain apologises for 'Third World' hospital

Britain apologises for 'Third World' hospital
"Receptionists with no medical training were left to to assess patients arriving at the hospital's accident and emergency department, the report found."

Monday, March 16, 2009

Pelosi goes to bat to keep Bay Area papers alive

Pelosi goes to bat to keep Bay Area papers alive: "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, worried about the fate of The Chronicle and other financially struggling newspapers, urged the Justice Department Monday to consider giving Bay Area papers more leeway to merge or consolidate business operations to stay afloat."

What does the Justice dept. have to do with private businesses?

GRAPH: Pensions as a Percentage of Total State Economies (gif)

The American Legion Strongly Opposed to President's Plan to Charge Wounded Heroes for Treatment

The American Legion Strongly Opposed to President's Plan to Charge Wounded Heroes for Treatment

Car Lust: Ford Fiesta

I loved my Fiesta!

My friend, Cheater, killed it in it's youth.....

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Thomas Friedman’s World Is Flat Broke: Peter Newcomb | Vanity Fair

Thomas Friedman’s World Is Flat Broke: Peter Newcomb Vanity Fair: "That’s because the author’s wife, Ann (née Bucksbaum), is an heir to the General Growth fortune. In the past year, the couple—who live in an 11,400-square-foot mansion in Bethesda, Maryland—have watched helplessly as General Growth stock has fallen 99 percent, from a high of $51 to a recent 35 cents a share. The assorted Bucksbaum family trusts, once worth a combined $3.6 billion, are now worth less than $25 million.
But don’t expect Friedman to go from Beirut to Jerusalem begging for money. The distinguished columnist (and former New Establishment member) is still said to get at least $50,000 per speaking engagement on top of the millions he makes writing best-sellers."



Fruitland Township to discuss 2009-10 budget

Fruitland Township to discuss 2009-10 budget
"Fruitland Township residents are encouraged to attend Monday's regular township meeting to hear more about the budget for fiscal year 2009-10.
'Come help us spend your money,' said township Supervisor Sam St. Amour. 'We're trying to make our government more open.'
The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at the township hall, 4545 Nestrom Road.
A public hearing on the budget will be at 7 p.m. March 30, followed by an adoption hearing at 4 p.m. March 31."

Attend or shut up and pay.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Obama's energy policy will increase dependence on foreign oil

Obama's energy policy will increase dependence on foreign oil: "According to the latest data from the Renewable Fuels Association, ethanol production is currently averaging 0.60 million barrels per day. At the subsidy of 51¢ per gallon, this amount of ethanol production costs taxpayers over $4 Billion in 2008.

The ethanol future looks much worse. The “Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007” required maximum ethanol production of 2.35 million barrels per day by 2022. But, this amount of ethanol production will require the entire corn crop in the US, every kernel of corn."

Sears Tower to become Willis Tower

Sears Tower to become Willis Tower
"The Sears Tower, the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere, will soon become the Willis Tower.

Come this summer, Chicago's iconic landmark known around the world is getting a new moniker: Willis Tower."



Newsweek Partners with Money-Losing Liberal Radio Network Air America

Newsweek Partners with Money-Losing Liberal Radio Network Air America

Mark Steyn: Welcome, kids, to the Brokest Generation

Welcome, kids, to the Brokest Generation
"General Motors has 96,000 employees but provides health benefits to over a million people. They can never sell enough cars to make that math add up. In fact, selling cars doesn't help, as they lose money on each model. GM is a welfare project masquerading as economic activity. And, after the Obama transformation, America will be, too. The young need to recognize that this is their fight. They need to stop chanting along with the hopeychangey dirges and do something more effective, like form the anti-AARP: The association of Americans who'll never be able to retire."

Gov. Illinois 50% Income Tax Hike Is Needed To Fight Deficit

Gov. Pat Quinn Says Illinois Income Tax Hike Is Needed To Fight Deficit
"Gov. Pat Quinn confirmed Friday that he plans to raise taxes on some Illinois residents to combat deficits in a difficult state budget, and called for broader tax reform.
Quinn said Friday that he plans to hike taxes for families that make more than $56,000 a year"

hmmm, no mention of cutting teacher or state government union member pay, benefits or retirement.

We, in the other America, must tighten our belts so union members can loosen theirs.

TYPICAL: “A New York Times editorial blames America’s gun lobby for 11 deaths in Alabama — but …

TYPICAL: “A New York Times editorial blames America’s gun lobby for 11 deaths in Alabama — but …
"TYPICAL: “A New York Times editorial blames America’s gun lobby for 11 deaths in Alabama — but ignores 16 deaths in ‘gun free’ Germany on the same day.” The honesty we’ve come to expect on these issues."

Snarky Huntress: It's Tough Out There for All of Us..Even the Birds.

It's Tough Out There for All of Us..Even the Birds.
"March is the most difficult month of the year for birds to find adequate food to survive winter in most of North America. That’s because the supplies of natural food....last year’s seeds, fruits, berries and insect eggs and larvae...are at their lowest levels after months of birds feeding on them."

Bad economy kills Shoreline Spectacular

Bad economy kills Shoreline Spectacular
"Dwindling beer sales at last year's festival and a shortage of business sponsors have left the festival without enough cash"

Killing the "Golden goose"?
We're still waiting for the "university study" that proves no correlation between beer prices and beer sales.

Is the White House “Going Galt” on Us?

Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Cri

Friday, March 13, 2009

Top Democrat to propose climate welfare

Top Democrat to propose climate welfare
"Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA), a senior member of the House Ways & Means Committee and chairman of the subcommittee on income security, is drafting climate change legislation that aims to ensure low-income households are not adversely affected by the higher costs for energy and consumer goods that will accompany federal restrictions on greenhouse gases."

You had to know this was coming.

Sales of guns, ammo still high

Sales of guns, ammo still high
"Related Story: Liberals told to leave: An instructor for a hunter safety course orders Obama voters to get out of his class."

Heh, heh, heh.....

Obama Signs Law Banning Federal Embryo Research Two Days After Signing Executive Order to OK It

Obama Signs Law Banning Federal Embryo Research Two Days After Signing Executive Order to OK It
"On Wednesday, only two days after he lifted President Bush’s executive order banning federal funding of stem cell research that requires the destruction of human embryos, President Barack Obama signed a law that explicilty bans federal funding of any 'research in which a human embryo or embryos are destroyed, discarded, or knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death.'"
How long does this idiotic, inept administration continue before a complete meltdown?

Obama's Poll Numbers Are Falling to Earth

Obama's Poll Numbers Are Falling to Earth
"Polling data show that Mr. Obama's approval rating is dropping and is below where George W. Bush was in an analogous period in 2001."

The Futility of Hybrid Cars - Opinion

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Speach nazis on campus...again!

"Spokane Falls Community College student Beth Sheeran and several fellow Christian students wanted to put up an anti-abortion display and distribute fliers on campus in January to mark the 36th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. But school administrators turned them down, apparently saying such an event would be offensive and discriminatory and that they would need to include opposing viewpoints."

Solar arrays in Sahara could power all Europe

Solar arrays in Sahara could power all Europe
"ALL of Europe's energy needs could be supplied by building an array of solar panels in the Sahara desert, a climate change conference has been told.
Technological advances combined with falling costs have made it realistic to consider North Africa as Europe's main source of imported energy. By harnessing the power of the sun, possibly in tandem with wind farms along the North African coastline, Europe could easily meet its 2020 target of generating at least 20 per cent of its energy from renewable sources.
'It (North Africa) could supply Europe with all the energy it needs,' Anthony Patt, of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, in Austria, told scientists. 'The sun is very strong there and it is very reliable.
'There is a growing number of cost estimates of both wind and concentrated solar power for North Africa that start to compare favourably with alternative technologies.'
Dr Patt said only a fraction of the Sahara, probably the size of a small country, needed to be covered to extract enough energy to supply the whole of Europe. Solar power uses mirrors to focus the sun's rays at a thin pipe containing either water or salt. The rays boil the water or turn the salt molten and the energy is extracted by using the heat to power turbines.
Trials of concentrated solar power are being planned for Egypt, Morocco, Algeria and Dubai. Libya and Tunisia could also be considered.
Receiving energy from North Africa would, the conference heard, reduce dependence on fossil fuels. The constant source of energy would also mean Europe relied less on Russia and the Middle East for fuel."

Move the energy czars from the Arabian peninsula to the Sahara?

Put these Toytown Talibandits on the first flight home

"You couldn't make it up.

One of the Muslim headbangers screeching hatred at British troops this week turns out to be employed as a baggage handler at Luton Airport.
So let's get this straight: a fanatical supporter of a global jihadist movement best known for blowing up planes and crashing them into buildings is considered a fit and proper person to be given an air-side pass, which could potentially afford him the chance to plant a bomb?

Jalal Ahmed's job involves loading bags onto aircraft. I'm sure you find that reassuring as you plan your next sunshine break."

Nobel-prize winner backs world currency | The Australian

Nobel-prize winner backs world currency
KAZAKH President Nursultan Nazarbayev has won backing for his plan for a single world currency from an intellectual architect of the euro currency, Nobel-prize winner Professor Robert Mundell."

Monday, March 09, 2009

The High Cost Of Subsidizing Bad Decisions

The High Cost Of Subsidizing Bad Decisions
"Since the average American never took out a mortgage loan as big as seven hundred grand — for the very good reason that he could not afford it — why should he be forced as a taxpayer to subsidize someone else who apparently couldn't afford it either but who got in over his head anyway?
Why should taxpayers who live in apartments, perhaps because they did not feel that they could afford to buy a house, be forced to subsidize other people who could not afford to buy a house but who went ahead and bought one anyway?...........
The one person toward whom there is no compassion is the taxpayer."

Big Ten Tourney Brackets

Big Ten Basketball Tourney

Sunday, March 08, 2009

The American Form of Government

Twitter in plain english. (Video)

Twitter in plain english. (Video)

Barack Obama 'too tired' to give proper welcome to Gordon Brown

Barack Obama 'too tired' to give proper welcome to Gordon Brown
"Sources close to the White House say Mr Obama and his staff have been 'overwhelmed' by the economic meltdown and have voiced concerns that the new president is not getting enough rest.
British officials, meanwhile, admit that the White House and US State Department staff were utterly bemused by complaints that the Prime Minister should have been granted full-blown press conference and a formal dinner, as has been customary. They concede that Obama aides seemed unfamiliar with the expectations that surround a major visit by a British prime minister"

The Brits are reporting Obama's meltdown.

The adoring US media still has its hands over its ears.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Shocking Video Unearthed Obama Hypocrisy On Iraq Success

Interesting Video On Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac

Interesting Video On Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac: "This is a video from 2004 where Democrats seem to oppose and Republicans seem to favor stricter review and regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This is not to say that the Democrats did not favor stricter review or that the Republicans are innocent from blame and I do blame both sides for the mess.
But for those who try to paint the other picture, the Democrats being those who fought for regulation against the GOP, it does change things a bit.
It’s all in their own words, so watch it for yourself"

Charlie Sykes

Charlie Sykes: "They said if I voted Republican, we'd continue to be an international embarassment. They were right."

Retired Wis. workers' pension cut amount released

Retired Wis. workers' pension cut amount released
"Retired Wisconsin state workers knew their pension checks were going to take a cut, and now they know exactly how much.
The Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds said Friday that pension funds will be cut 2.1 percent for retirees in the state's 'core' fund. Those investing in the optional 'variable' fund will see a 42 percent decrease."

Activists Want to Redistribute Philanthropic Wealth Based on Racial Quotas

Activists Want to Redistribute Philanthropic Wealth Based on Racial Quotas
"Its real aim is to push philanthropic organizations into ignoring donor intent and instead giving grants based on political considerations.
The committee is part of a rising tide of politicians and activists who are working to change the face of American philanthropy -- and not for the better."

I thought ALL our "race problems" were gonna go away with the coronation of our Great Leader.

Russian media teases Clinton over 'reset' button

Russian media teases Clinton over 'reset' button
"Russian media has been poking fun at US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after she gave her Russian counterpart a 'reset' button with an ironic misspelling.
Clinton's gift to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at their meeting in Geneva on Friday evening was meant to underscore the Obama administration's readiness to 'to press the reset button' in ties with Moscow.
But instead of the Russian word for 'reset' (perezagruzka) it featured a slightly different word meaning 'overload' or 'overcharged' (peregruzka)."

Thank God that hilary isn't as STUPEDed as Sarah Palin....

Friday, March 06, 2009

The Harbor Theater

The Harbor Theater

Also, THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW encore is this Saturday Night at 10:15 PM.

Participation kits will be sold, so please do not bring your own from home. Hot dogs, squirt guns and lighters will not be tolerated, but feel free to throw rice, toast, paper plates, cards, confetti and everything else included in your kit!
Have a great weekend!

Good for the Harbor!
I wonder how much it will cost them in "Muskegon Madoff Dollars".

A pedometer without the weight

A pedometer without the weight - Cool Sites from The Kim Komando
"I’m a lover of techie gadgets. So you probably think I use some sort of high-tech pedometer, right? Wrong! I like to exercise without all the extra weight.
I still keep track of my distances, though. I use the Gmaps Pedometer. It is simpler and less cumbersome than a physical pedometer."

Did Obama Cause The Stock Slide?

"UPDATE: A reader emails: “From Election Day 2000 to Election Day 2008, the S&P 500 fell 29.8%. From Election Day 2008 til this afternoon, it’s down 33.3%.”

Record 31.8 million on food stamps

Record 31.8 million on food stamps
"A record 31.8 million Americans received food stamps at the latest count, an increase of 700,000 people in one month with the United States in recession, government figures showed Thursday."

"CHANGE we NOW believe in?"

Different Presidents, A Different Corps

Semper Fi!

Them Marines got pretty good instincts, eh?

Granholm: Michigan roads are the pits

Granholm: Michigan roads are the pits
"Noting that state roads are “the pits,” Gov. Jennifer Granholm says she supports changing the state gasoline tax to raise more money as gas prices rise."

Let's End The Civil Rights Version of the Detroit City Council by Akindele Akinyemi

Let's End The Civil Rights Version of the Detroit City Council by Akindele Akinyemi

Detroit is ripe for civil unrest.
Look at the reality of the City of Detroit and why we are headed towards anarchy.
1. Unemployment: 17%.
2. Graduation High School rate: 24-38%.
3. Adult illiteracy: 55%
4. Bachelor's degree or higher: 11.0%
5. Graduate or professional degree: 4.2
6. Never married: 43.6%
7. Now married: 31.2
8. Separated: 4.2%
9. Widowed: 8.3%
10. Divorced: 12.7%
11. Rank #3 in the nation in violent crime.
12. Wayne County, Michigan, lost more than 89,000 residents from 2000 to 2006 -- a loss of 4 percent of the county's 2 million residents.
13. A third of the population in Detroit lives in poverty.
14. Detroit Public Schools did not make AYP.
15. The City of Detroit is $300 million in a deficit. The Detroit Public Schools are $400 + in a deficit.

Muskegon Crime Stats - City of Muskegon Police Department

Muskegon Crime Stats - City of Muskegon Police Department

Crisis offers new chance for climate: Clinton

Crisis offers new chance for climate: Clinton
"The financial crisis offers a new chance to rebuild economies based on a greener model with less dependence on unreliable overseas energy imports, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Friday.
'Never waste a good crisis,' Clinton told a hearing at the European Parliament."

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Funding Palestinian Terror

Funding Palestinian Terror: "Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerny (U.S. AirForce Ret.) & Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely (U.S. Army Ret.)"

Daylight Saving Time Facts

Daylight Saving Time Facts: "Contrary to popular belief, no federal rule mandates that states or territories observe daylight saving time."

Michigan's unemployment rate jumped to 11.6% in January

Michigan's unemployment rate jumped to 11.6% in January
"Michigan’s unemployment rate soared to 11.6% during January, the highest level in a quarter century."

No worries... "it's Engler's fault".

Obama lies... again!

The Numbers: "President Obama’s kicking off his health care reform today in the worst possible way: with a mischaracterization of data."

Well, duh!


"Democrat Jeff Eldridge introduced a bill in the House of Delegates on Tuesday that would ban the sale of Barbie dolls - and 'other dolls that influence girls to be beautiful' - in West Virginia.

Eldridge said the dolls have encouraged girls to value their physical appearance more than their education and intelligence.
'I hate the myth around, if you're beautiful, you don't have to be smart,' Eldridge said.
His bill, HB 2918, would make it illegal to sell Barbie dolls 'and other similar dolls that promote or influence girls to place an undue importance on physical beauty to the detriment of their intellectual and emotional development.'"

Granholm supports gas tax increase

Granholm supports gas tax increase

Well, duh!

Burping Worms May Contribute to Climate Change

Burping Worms May Contribute to Climate Change
"The research was supported by a European Union Marie Curie Fellowship, the Danish Research Agency and Aarhus University, Denmark."

Gateway Pundit: Congress Gives Itself a Boost In Spending Bigger Than Domestic Programs

Gateway Pundit: Congress Gives Itself a Boost In Spending Bigger Than Domestic Programs
"The US may be in recession, but like the president, the members of Congress won't feel the pinch this year.

The Pelosi-Reid Congress also gave each lawmaker an extra $93,000 in petty cash to spend this year.

And now they just gave themselves an 11% increase in spending."

Cap-and-trade plan will sink Michigan

Cap-and-trade plan will sink Michigan
"President Barack Obama's proposed cap-and-trade system on greenhouse gas emissions is a giant economic dagger aimed at the nation's heartland -- particularly Michigan. It is a multibillion-dollar tax hike on everything that Michigan does, including making things, driving cars and burning coal."


ARE YOU “GOING JOHN GALT?” If so, PJTV would like to interview you

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Grand Haven chamber decides to honor CertifiChecks, Muskegon uncertain

Grand Haven chamber decides to honor CertifiChecks, Muskegon uncertain
"The Grand Haven Chamber of Commerce now says it will honor chamber gift certificates issued through CertifiChecks.

Holland is also honoring the CertifiChecks.

Once again, Muskegon can't/won't act quickly.

Once again, Muskegon looks like the stinking swamp of W Michigan.

Bummer dudes!

Homegrown incentives may work best

Homegrown incentives may work best
"We urge the chambers to lessen the damage for both consumers and businesses through a combination of funding sources. While they figure out their next step, perhaps there's something merchants can do to continue to encourage area residents to patronize local establishments."

Another moronic editorial from The Chronicle that reinforces my good judgement in cancelling my 33 year subscription.

Note that the sages in the crumbling hulk of our dead-but-not-acknowledged newspaper advise "merchants" to take the hit.

No mention of ANY help from the taxaholic, spendaholic city of Muskegon.
Meebee a tax holiday?

Where did that $200,000,000 that was supposed to reinvigorate "downtown" (known to us locals as "ground zero") go?

Editorial: State plans to revamp school evaluation

Editorial: State plans to revamp school evaluation
"Rather than giving schools a single letter grade, like it does now, the new system would provide the school's state accreditation status as well as the annually yearly progress status required by No Child Left Behind."

Does anyone... ANYONE believe that the same "experts" who have destroyed our school systems will actually do ANYTHING to make them better, more accountable or more fiscally responsible?

The ONLY way to fix their mess is competition-school choice.

'Early bird' ROTHBURY tickets on sale March 14

'Early bird' ROTHBURY tickets on sale March 14
"Fans of the ROTHBURY music festival will be able to buy tickets early for a reduced price -- if they don't mind that the list of acts has not been released."

I'd be REAL leery about sending big moolah to these folks this early.

Maybe the Muskegon Chamber of Commerce will guarantee the tix?

Glitches continue for Michigan unemployment seekers

Glitches continue for Michigan unemployment seekers
"Hundreds of new workers have been hired by the state's Unemployment Insurance Agency to handle claims, but jobless workers trying to file for unemployment insurance still are having trouble getting help.
On Tuesday morning, calls to the agency's toll-free lines set up for those filing for unemployment or recertifying their benefits were answered by recorded messages saying all lines were busy."

This is the future of our socialism, folks.

And these same people tell us they can run a national health care system?

Free 'Hero Party' for parents, kids

Free 'Hero Party' for parents, kids
"The 'Hero Party' is meant to encourage parents who are 'heroes' to their children. Free dinner will be served during the event at the school, 2885 Hyde Park."

Well, isn't it nice that our "underfunded" schools can come up with "free dinner".

And isn't it sad that the term "hero" has been so badly dumbed down by the cowardly left?

Madoff: NYC Penthouse, $62 Million Are Mine

Madoff: NYC Penthouse, $62 Million Are Mine
"His lawyers are arguing that Madoff should be entitled to keep the $7 million apartment he's currently being held in while under house arrest and $62 million, including $45 million in municipal bonds"

Hey, he's a big time democrat fat cat.
What did you expect?

China to increase defence spending by 15 per cent

China to increase defence spending by 15 per cent
"But after rises of 17.8 per cent in 2007 and 17.6 per cent in 2008, it still amounts to a rise of more than half since 2006."

China and Russia are increasing military spending.

Obambi is gutting our military.

This isn't 1929, it's 1939!

Sappi closing to boost sewer bills for all

Sappi closing to boost sewer bills for all
"Residents and businesses who use the county's wastewater system could pay 40 percent more for the service starting in 2010, if Sappi doesn't come back to life, officials said.
The brighter scenario for everyone is Sappi reopening in six months. If that happens, rates next year would jump less than 5 percent, Kendrick said.
'If the paper mill does not come back, if their operations cease, we would have to raise (wastewater) rates as much as 40 percent,' said Dave Kendrick, director of the county's wastewater system.
That increase would be passed on to municipalities and large industrial users. The local governments would decide whether to absorb the cost increase or pass it along to customers."

That's right, tax the RICH corporate fat cats!
Muskegon still doesn't get it.
NO business HAS to be located in Muskegon.
Tax them too much and they will leave.
"Who is John Gault?"

Spartans clinch first outright Big Ten title since '99

Spartans clinch first outright Big Ten title since '99
Michigan State (24-5, 14-3 Big Ten) earned a share of first place for the first time since 2001 with Sunday's 74-66 win on Senior Day at Illinois and completed the championship run with one of the best road performances in conference history."

About time!

Obama's Hubris Is Showing

Obama's Hubris Is Showing
"The rich -- as liberals like to call them -- are the people in this society who earn enough to invest and create jobs so that all the rest of us can live decently. A couple earning $50,000 a year with two kids doesn't have money left over after paying the bills to invest in the stock market or even hire one part-time worker at minimum wage."

Monday, March 02, 2009 >> Politics "A recession is like the Spanish flu — the weakest members of the population are always the first to go.
And among American industries, there were few weaker at the onset of the current panic than the news business."

As Rocky closes, Tea Party embraces new media | Face the State

As Rocky closes, Tea Party embraces new media Face the State

Sappi 400 workers to be laid off for 6 months

400 workers to be laid off for 6 months
"A Muskegon company is shutting down -- at least temporarily.
Sappi Paper is closing for at least six months starting April first.
The closure affects about 400 workers.
Company officials say it's all due to the economy and they hope to re-open and hire all employees back after the six month period."

Canada's new haves and have-nots

Canada's new haves and have-nots
"In Canada, there is every prospect for similar resentment to arise, as it becomes evident that the recession is dividing the country into a new class of haves and have-nots.
But this isn't traditional class warfare: The have-nots are workers in the private sector who have no protection against pay cuts, lost jobs and disappearing pensions. The haves are those who work in the public sector, and are insulated by government from any danger.
The startling results revealed by Quebec's Caisse de depot et Public-sector workers make from 8% to 17% more than workers in private firms"

NASA's Chief Climate Scientist Stirs Controversy With Call for Civil Disobedience

NASA's Chief Climate Scientist Stirs Controversy With Call for Civil Disobedience
"'Oh my goodness,' one of Hansen's former supervisors, Dr. John Theon, told when informed of the video. 'I'm not surprised ... The fact that Jim Hansen has gone off the deep end here is sad because he's a good fellow.'"

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Rush Limbaugh At CPAC

Rush Limbaugh At CPAC

Rush gives us the formula.

Will the GOPer leaders listen?

BAD TRIP - City pension board approves trips to St. Thomas, Dubai during fiscal crisis

BAD TRIP - City pension board approves trips to St. Thomas, Dubai during fiscal crisis
"Heavy stock market losses and calls for increased taxpayer contributions to fund city employee pensions have not stopped some board members of the Baltimore Employees' Retirement System from taking trips to the Middle East, a swank Caribbean resort, and tropical locales like San Paulo, Brazil to attend “investment” conferences.
Minutes of ERS board meetings reviewed by Investigative Voice show that the body that manages retirement funds for 10,000 city employees approved a travel itinerary in 2007 and 2008 that would make Marco Polo blush.

Among the trips paid for with taxpayer-provided retirement funds was an April 2008 trip to St. Thomas, Virgin Islands by Comptroller Joan Pratt, approved by the board last February, an excursion to San Palo, Brazil in the summer of 2007 by Executive Director Roselyn Spencer approved by the board last year, and most recently a trip by Pratt and Spencer to Dubai approved by the board in the fall of 2008."


The Wrong Man For The Job
Imagine one of China's and Saudi Arabia's mouthpieces in America writing intelligence reports for the White House. Meet Chas Freeman, who will soon fill all three roles"

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Nationwide Ammunition Shortage Hits U.S.

Nationwide Ammunition Shortage Hits U.S.
"But what is causing our current ammunition shortages here in 2009?

Much of the demand comes from continued high law enforcement demand, the same demand that led to shortages two years ago.

Police agencies around the nation have become more militarized in recent years and two trends within this militarization have led to greater police ammunition demand.

An increase in the size and number of paramilitary police units"

Anti-Gun Deception On The Senate Floor

Anti-Gun Deception On The Senate Floor
"Anti-gun lawmakers swore up and down that once the 'assault weapon' ban expired, the murder rate would go through the roof. Well, the ban expired in 2004 and since then, the murder rate has gone down to a 43-year low."

The Incredible Bulk battles the Fat Cats | government, big, invest, everything, small

The Incredible Bulk battles the Fat Cats government, big, invest, everything, small
"If you find it hard to keep track of all these evolutions, the president in his address to Congress finally spilled the beans and unveiled our new hero in his final form:

the Incredible Bulk, Statezilla, Governmentuan, a colossus bestriding the land like a, er, colossus. What superpowers does he have? All of them! He can save the economy, he can reform health care, he can prevent foreclosures, he can federalize day care, he can cap the salary of his archenemies the sinister Fat Cats who 'pad their paychecks and buy fancy drapes.' No longer will the citizenry cower in fear of fancy drapes"

Steyn at his best!


"And, yes they are here. The Los Angeles Times has an interactive map (hint: click on 'unknown affiliation.')"

CARPE DIEM: Cartoon of the Day: Fiscal Child Abuse

How Obama And Biden Fought The Surge

How Obama And Biden Fought The Surge
As we have often noted before (see the related articles links below), Messrs Obama and Biden fought our winning strategy in Iraq – tooth and nail.
A fact you would never guess from Mr. Obama’s remarks yesterday at Camp Lejeune.
But here is another gentle reminder about their prescience, via YouTube:"

The Intellectual Redneck: Taxing the rich at 100% won't pay for Obama's budget

The Intellectual Redneck: Taxing the rich at 100% won't pay for Obama's budget
"The Wall Street Journal has reported that taxing the rich at 100% won't pay for Obama's budget. Barack Obama promised not to raise taxes on anyone making under $250,000 per year. Where is he going to get the money? The numbers indicate Obama will need to take 100% of the income of everyone making over $75,000."

Brutal February for Blue Chips

Brutal February for Blue Chips
"A late burst of selling sealed a dismal finish for the stock market, which hit a fresh 12-year low.

Great hope from the investment world for Prez B Hussein.


"Companies are cutting jobs by the tens of thousands.
State and local governments are penny-pinching, too.
So what about Uncle Sam?
Tough times for him as well?
Not exactly.
In fact the number of federal workers is on the rise.
That might seem strange to the 11 million people in the U.S. who are out of work - and the millions more who fear they soon will be. Shouldn't Washington pare down too?
But it is unlikely that President Barack Obama will put any of the nearly 2 million federal civil servants out in the street in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. His proposed $800-plus billion economic aid plan, which includes heavy spending on public works, is expected to increase the ranks of federal workers, although mostly at the state and local level."

McCain Backs Obama's Iraq Withdrawal Plan

McCain Backs Obama's Iraq Withdrawal Plan
"Sen. John McCain, who lost his White House bid to Barack Obama last fall, is supporting the president's new plan to pull most U.S. troops out of Iraq by the fall of 2010.

O my gosh!

Another reason to be glad McCrook ain't our Prez....

$25, 573.48 - what Barack Obama's budget will cost each taxpayer

$25, 573.48 - what Barack Obama's budget will cost each taxpayer
"So how much will President Barack Obama's budget cost us?
The projected 2010 budget of $3.552 trillion can be found on page 114 of the 'New Era of Responsibility' budget here.
......I'm an American taxpayer and the starkest figure is what this could cost me. The latest figure I could find for the number of US taxpayers is 138,893,908 returns in 2007 here.
By my reckoning, that's $25, 573.48 each."

Zero Tolerance, Zero Common Sense

Zero Tolerance, Zero Common Sense
"Her crime? She left three rifle shaped drill team props in the back of her car at Cherokee Trail High School in Aurora, Colo. Colorado law mandates expulsion for any student found with a 'dangerous weapon' on school grounds, which includes 'a firearm facsimile that could reasonably be mistaken for an actual firearm.'

The non-operative rifle props are used during drill routines, where the facsimiles are spun and tossed. The props are made of wood and plastic, are heavily duct‑taped and, of course, cannot function and were never intended to. Morrow had brought them to school because she was preparing for a competition at the Air Force Academy in April and planned to attend a practice right after school."

Officials say MSU deaths isolated, no public risk

Officials say MSU deaths isolated, no public risk
Police department and Michigan State University Police say there is no reason for students or parents to be alarmed by two recent student deaths, even though they say they're not sure why the men died.
I can tell you that the public is not at risk," MSU Police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor said, though she declined to release details in one of the cases."

Hep me here.... they promise there is no danger but they don't know what is killing the kids?

Why should anyone believe these prevaricators?

American taste for soft toilet roll 'worse than driving Hummers'

American taste for soft toilet roll 'worse than driving Hummers'
"The tenderness of the delicate American buttock is causing more environmental devastation than the country's love of gas-guzzling cars, fast food or McMansions, according to green campaigners.

At fault, they say, is the US public's insistence on extra-soft, quilted and multi-ply products when they use the bathroom."

The enviro-loonies hate our bums?

Friday, February 27, 2009 || HUGE energy at Lansing Tea Party

HUGE energy at Lansing Tea Party

Obama Declares War on Investors, Entrepreneurs, Businesses, And More

Obama Declares War on Investors, Entrepreneurs, Businesses, And More
"Let me be very clear on the economics of President Obama’s State of the Union speech and his budget.
He is declaring war on investors, entrepreneurs, small businesses, large corporations, and private-equity and venture-capital funds."

"Muskegon Money" is Muskegonized!

Muskegon Area Chamber of Commerce
"Due to circumstances beyond control of the Muskegon Area Chamber of Commerce, Muskegon Money can no longer be redeemed. The provider of Muskegon Money Gift Certificates, Certifichecks, Inc. has abruptly ceased operations.

* Notify your staff
* Remove all window & door decals
* Place a sign up at your business notifying customers you can no longer accept these certificates.

The Chamber will be contacting participating merchants with more details and information as it becomes available. Thank you for your patience."

The good news: They told us ASAP.

The bad news: They told us is was a good deal.

Crowd protests federal stimulus, bailouts at state Capitol

Crowd protests federal stimulus, bailouts at state Capitol
"Stefanie Huffaker of Lansing said she and her 9-year-old daughter Olivia attended because “I want the president and the Congress to know that they’re spending too much money. We don’t have it. It seems like there’s no end.
They need to slow down. I’m worried about my kids and my grandkids.”"

Michigan Man Pleads No Contest to Sex Act With Car Wash Vacuum

Michigan Man Pleads No Contest to Sex Act With Car Wash Vacuum
"SAGINAW, Mich. — A Saginaw County man has pleaded no contest to indecent exposure after police say he was arrested for performing a sex act with a car wash vacuum.
The Saginaw News reports 29-year-old Jason Leroy Savage of Swan Creek Township entered the plea Wednesday in Saginaw County Circuit Court."