Thursday, April 09, 2009


"I welcome your input.
Why does the Secretary of State of the United States of America bizarrely break into laughter while discussing the 'scourge of piracy.'
I will admit that I have myself occasionally chuckled over the resurgence of piracy.. but, thank God, I am not the chief foreign policy official of a nation which had just had 21 of its citizens seized...
Some sort of private historic joke with the Moroccan guy?
Had they just had a long lunch?

Watch this video and be very, very frightened!

CARPE DIEM: And You Thought Gas Prices Were High?

CARPE DIEM: And You Thought Gas Prices Were High?
"Report Card has found no direct correlation between conventional measures ofeducation inputs, such as expenditures per pupil and teacher salaries, and educational outputs, such as average scores on standardized tests. For instance, class sizes today are 15% smaller than they were 20 years ago, yet of the 10 states that experienced the greatest decreases, only one (Vermont) is found among the highest performing states in the rankings."

An oldie but goodie.
Read it!

Report Envisions Teacher Shortage Looming

Report Envisions Teacher Shortage Looming
“The traditional teaching career is collapsing at both ends,” the report says. “Beginners are being driven away” by low pay and frustrating working conditions, and “accomplished veterans who still have much to contribute are being separated from their schools by obsolete retirement systems” that encourage teachers to move from paycheck to pension when they are still in their mid-50s, the report says."

The NYT tortures the English language and insults our intelligence with this "accomplished veterans.... BEING SEPARATED FROM THEIR SCHOOLS" drivel.

They're leaving in their mid-50 because the corrupt, bankrupt pension system pays them more NOT to work than TO work!

And it's broke.... so we workers have to work longer to pay the teachers who don't work cuz they don't need to cuz we're payin' 'em not to work.....

Plan would boost income tax to pay Mich. tuition Michigan

Plan would boost income tax to pay Mich. tuition
"Two Democratic lawmakers on Tuesday proposed raising Michigan’s income tax rate to pay university tuition for students and fund preschool programs for 4-year-olds."

The plan would raise about $2 billion through a higher state income tax, with the rate increasing from the current 4.35 percent to 5.5 percent.

So they want to raise your income tax by 21%. Yes, that's right, A TWENTY-ONE PERCENT INCREASE IN YOUR INCOME TAXES!

State considers ban on big screen TVs

State considers ban on big screen TVs
"In their continuing quest to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, state regulators have uncovered a new villain in the war on global warming : your big screen TV"

This is simply a first step to control EVERY facet of our lives under the guise of "saving the earth".

Grants for 1,300 jobs coming

Grants for 1,300 jobs coming
"More than $47 million in job-creation grants are to be announced today by Lt. Gov. John Cherry.
Projects are expected to create more than 1,300 jobs, and they represent improvements to road, bridges and trail ways in 67 communities.
The funding comes from the state and the federal stimulus program.
Cherry is to travel to Flint, Detroit, Jackson and Grand Rapids today for announcements."

That's $36,153/job.

Does that mean that 1 year from now we will have 1300 newly unemployed workers collecting unemployment?

Or will Jenny simply "blow them away"?

Raise Michigan's beer tax to fight child abuse

Task force: Raise Michigan's beer tax to fight child abuse
"Michigan should increase its beer tax by a nickel a bottle to combat child abuse and neglect and decrease the number of children who end up in foster care, the co-chair of a state-appointed task force said this week.
'It's worth the investment,' said C. Patrick Babcock, whose 85-member Child Welfare Insurance Task Force will present its findings next week."
So now I'm drinking beer "for the children"?

Muslim Girl Gets $400G From Nevada School District in Head Scarf Bully Case

Muslim Girl Gets $400G From Nevada School District in Head Scarf Bully Case
"the teen was unable to give any description of her tormenter — including his or her gender, size and tone of voice."

What a great legal team!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Understanding The Financial Crisis

Understanding The Financial Crisis

Tea Party role reversal: how to deal with potential agents provocateurs from the left

Tea Party role reversal: how to deal with potential agents provocateurs from the left: "According to Newsbusters derived from the Cavuto Show and other sources, in a startling role reversal, ACORN and the Huffington Post are planning to infiltrate the Tea Parties.
On Fox News Channel’s April 7 “Your World,” host Neil Cavuto reported that the Tax Day tea party protests on April 15 will be “infiltrated” by their political opponents and led by left-wing activist organizations. He specifically named Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).
“Only eight days before a nationwide tea party, some over-caffeinated crashers aiming to lay waste to it,” Cavuto said. “Reports of very well-organized infiltrators trying to mix in and rain on this parade. Talk about taxing.”
Of course, in the parlance of a more centrist liberal, this all depends on what your definition of infiltrate is. The HuffPo is planning, like PJTV and Pajamas Media, to send citizen reporters. If that’s true, more power to them. Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom, I always say. But if they intend to participate and shape events while hiding their identities, well, that’s another matter. The same is true of ACORN. I would say to them welcome. Demonstrate, counter demonstrate, do your thing. This is America. But if someone’s out to play the agents provocateurs game, trying to make the Tea Party movement seem to be what it’s not, painting libertarians as racists or similar nonsense, well, that deserves to be exposed and countered vigorously.
So my recommendation to Tea Party demonstrators as a former leftie is to tear a leaf from my old book. Keep your eye out"

Nonprofits feeling effects of today's weak economy

Nonprofits feeling effects of today's weak economy
"It's a routine Arvia has gotten to know well in her 21 years at the YMCA. And unfortunately, with the economy in the tank, Thursday's session was one of her last.
Arvia, along with two other YMCA employees, is out of a job this week. The YMCA, like many West Michigan nonprofits, is suffering from a lack of financing and can no longer afford her.......
As Michigan's economy continues to suffer, many nonprofits are struggling. From cutting staff to scaling back services, area nonprofits are working hard to weather the economic storm.
For nonprofits, the changes can be difficult."

How can this happen when President Barack Hussein Obama is promising $$trillions to his friends?

Meebeee the non-profs might reconsider their anti-company jihad?

yeah right......

State pumps millions into tourism promotion

State pumps millions into tourism promotion

Let's see... the formula is:
1. Raise taxes
2. High taxes send businesses and citizens out of our state
3. Raise taxes even more for new TV ads to attract those who left us to return for vacations.
4. Admit that we need more TV commercials but don't have enough money so we will re gravel all our roads to save money for more commercials......


"The utlimate Greenmobile, the perfect car for the Age of Obama."

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

GM, Segway to Make Vehicle

GM, Segway to Make Vehicle
"General Motors Corp. is teaming with Segway Inc., maker of the upright, self-balancing scooters, to build a new type of two-wheeled vehicle designed to move easily through congested urban streets.
The machine, which GM says it aims to develop by 2012, would run on batteries and use wireless technology to avoid traffic backups and navigate cities"

Chairman B Hussein has gotta love this!

Rural Casnovia Township to get traffic circle

Rural Casnovia Township to get traffic circle
"Federal stimulus money has fast-tracked a project to construct a roundabout at the rural intersection of M-37 and M-46, which now will be completed this year.
The $4 million project
had been on the Michigan Department of Transportation's list for next year, but the federal money has allowed the work to begin in July"


The township, county, state and national governments are bankrupt but there is still enough for a "roundabout"!

Those liberal, roundabout lovers must be SO proud!

What a country!

Almost half of French approve of locking up bosses

Almost half of French approve of locking up bosses
"Almost half of French people believe it is acceptable for workers facing layoffs to lock up their bosses, according to an opinion poll published on Tuesday."

And the "opinion poll" asking if government bosses ought to be tarred and feathered........?

Public-employee pension are unsustainable

Public-employee pension are unsustainable
"IF YOU WANT an example of public employee pensions mushrooming out of control, consider the case of Berkeley City Manager Phil Kamlarz.
His story shows how a state plan a decade ago to boost retirement packages for firefighters and police officers actually affected most government jobs across California, not just public safety workers. In Kamlarz' case, he is now set up to earn more each year in retirement than the governor of California is entitled to annually while on the job."

US official says wind could replace coal for power

US official says wind could replace coal for power
"Jason Hayes, a spokesman for the American Coal Council, said he was puzzled by Salazar's projections. He said wind power plants face roadblocks including local opposition, concerns about their impact on wildlife, and problems in efficiently transmitting power from far offshore.
'It really is a stretch,' he said of Salazar's estimate. 'How you put that many new (wind) plants up, especially in deep water, is confusing. Even if you could do what he said, you still need to deal with the fact that the best wind plants generate power about 30 percent of the time. There's got to be something to back that up.'"

These "wind-is-the-answer" people are delusional!

And imagine how our enemies would love to have all of our power generation sitting just off shore....... yes, they can.


Program helps kids find their carbon impact

Program helps kids find their carbon impact
"But a new pilot project in San Francisco is incorporating GPS-equipped cell phones and Facebook to help students learn about their impact on the environment.
The Go Green Foundation of San Francisco, with support from Nokia, UCLA and AT&T,"

The new color of "brown shirts" is green.

Arctic sea ice thinnest ever going into spring

Arctic sea ice thinnest ever going into spring
"'more than 90 percent of the sea ice in the Arctic is only one or two years old.'
That means that ice coverage has improved the last 2 years. This means 2 years ago there was 90% less ice, so this means things are improving.
Some nice backwards thinking here."

The last two years has shown an enormous increase in Arctic ice.

No mention of that inconvenient fact.

The "global warming" fraud depends on a compliant media to spread lies, hide the truth.


Government May Stop Cost Of Living Adjustments For Social Security For Three Years

Government May Stop Cost Of Living Adjustments For Social Security For Three Years
"This is all very preliminary -- and nothing is final until next October -- but a report just out from the Congressional Budget Office is predicting that the annual cost-of-living adjustment for Social Security checks may disappear next year"

Government fixes leave us broke

Government fixes leave us broke
"The Congressional Budget Office, the economic forecasting arm of the Congress, now reports that the Social Security trust fund is almost in the red. They project that the fund's surplus next year will be a scant $3 billion.
For perspective, CBO just 12 months ago projected that this same surplus would be $86 billion
– almost 30 times larger. Plus, the CBO estimated then that the fund would not be in the red for another 10 years. Now it looks like it may be next year."

Monday, April 06, 2009

Michelle Malkin » To GIVE and to SERVE: the $6 billion National Service boondoggle

Michelle Malkin » To GIVE and to SERVE: the $6 billion National Service boondoggle

A corrupt Washington is paying us hush money

A corrupt Washington is paying us hush money
Meanwhile, with the power to give out our money as they wish, congressmen take campaign money from lobbyists and industries they regulate.

Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., is only the latest poster boy for that, but boy is he a good one.

There may be no one who better represents all that is wrong with Washington.

The powerful Senate Banking Committee chairman got a sweetheart mortgage from Countrywide; he has received $280,000 in campaign contributions from troubled insurer AIG; and he made sure that AIG executive bonuses were untouched by Congress -- then claimed for 24 hours that he knew nothing about it, before reporters forced him to admit the truth.

Polls show Dodd is in re-election trouble. But don't hold your breath: Despite record-low approval ratings for Congress last year, we continued sending our congressmen back at about a 90 percent retention rate

Sunday, April 05, 2009

R&B singers thrive even without mainstream media support

R&B singers thrive even without mainstream media support
"Despite their enormous influence on most 'American' music genres, African American performers continue to be largely ignored by mainstream media."


The Five Dumbest Tariffs: As the global recession deepens, countries go to extreme lengths to prop up their ailing industries.

The Five Dumbest Tariffs: As the global recession deepens, countries go to extreme lengths to prop up their ailing industries.
"Mexico: The Sunflower Seeds Must Pay
On March 11, when Obama signed the 2009 appropriations bill, he also ended a pilot program that had let a number of Mexican trucking companies carry their cargo into the United States. One week later, Mexico retaliated, leveling tariffs on 89 different American imports, including a tariff on Christmas trees (20 percent), dog food (10 percent), dental floss (15 percent), deodorant (15 percent), and toilet paper (10 percent).
"Mexico: The Sunflower Seeds Must Pay
(The blog Mexico Trucker Online posted this translated list of the Mexican tariffs.)
The Wall Street Journal reported that Mexican officials chose the specific tariffs by targeting businesses in the districts of influential U.S. legislators. For example, one of the items targeted is sunflower seeds-which grow in North Dakota. North Dakota happens to be the home state of Byron Dorgan, the Democratic senator who spearheaded the move to exclude Mexican truckers.
The Journal reported that Sen. Dorgan was "outraged" at the move. His office did not return a call from The Big Money.

On the edge of the pension pit

On the edge of the pension pit
"Years of putting off budgetary responsibilities have left state and local governments staring into an abyss of pension liabilities. The facts reported in Barry Horstman's story, 'Generous pensions in deep hole,' make it clear the system is no longer sustainable. To continue funding these current plans at their current levels, taxpayers would have to give up many of the public services the public workers were hired to provide."

Cuba boosts retirement age as many go gray

Cuba boosts retirement age as many go gray
"HAVANA - Like much of Cuba's work force, Alfredo Congas is going gray. The chain-smoking 61-year-old retired last March after 42 years as a hotel doorman and rum company driver. Now he's working 12-hour shifts as a security guard to supplement his pension.

Congas' new job brings his total income - pension plus paycheck - to the equivalent of $23.45 a month, about $4 more than the average state wage.

Poverty forces most of Cuba's 2.2 million retirees to get jobs to supplement their pensions. Many scrape by, selling peanuts and newspapers or guarding cars for tourist change.

Now, even that is harder to do. Faced with an aging population and a life expectancy of 77.3 years, nearly the same as in the United States, Cuba has raised the retirement threshold by five years, to 60 for women and 65 for men, delaying the second jobs many have counted on to make ends meet.

About 90 percent of Cubans have government jobs, and both sexes must now work at least 30 years, not 25, to get a full pension."

Which party will attract the Busted Boomers?

Which party will attract the Busted Boomers?: "Whichever political party can develop a message to address the anxieties of the Busted Boomers will have a distinct advantage in next year's midterm congressional contests and the 2012 presidential race."

video, izzo, final four, uconn search results / Spartan Sports Page

video, izzo, final four, uconn search results / Spartan Sports Page

Michigan State University "White Out"?

Michigan State University Official Athletic Site
This is weird.
MSU is GREEN and the MSU administration wants us to wear white?

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Bring it home Sparty!

Nice video about how our Sparties are Michigan's Team and how the folks in Detroit support MSU

Friday, April 03, 2009

The question that flummoxed the great orator

The question that flummoxed the great orator
"Barack Obama, the World's Greatest Orator (™all news organisations), didn't exactly cover himself in glory when the BBC's political editor Nick Robinson asked him a question about who was to blame for the financial crisis. Normally word perfect, Obama ummed, ahed and waffled for the best part of two and a half minutes."

Jobless rate bolts to 8.5 percent, 663K jobs lost

Jobless rate bolts to 8.5 percent, 663K jobs lost
"The nation's unemployment rate jumped to 8.5 percent in March, the highest since late 1983,"

Let me get this straight.

Bush has been a powerless, lame duck since 2005.

The democrats have had total control of the US House and Senate since Nov. 2006.

That's 2 1/2 years of democrat party (Pelosi/Reid) control of our government.

Obama has been the presumptive President and President for 8 months (jeepers, sorta like Bush's 8 months till 9-11).

And our national malaise is Bush's fault?

When does Prez Barry take responsibility?

Energy costs being bumped $2,000 per household

Energy costs being bumped $2,000 per household
"The vice president for an energy research center says the administration of President Barack Obama is working now on what could end up being the biggest levy ever in the history of the United States, a tax that is expected to cost $2,000 per household.
'The cost of all energy will go up, consumers and businesses and everyone who drives a car, heats their home, goes to a job that uses energy, will pay more, either through the loss of their job or the actual cost of electricity by almost $2,000 a year,' said Dan Kish, the senior vice president for policy at the Institute for Energy Research."

This is all driven by the fraud of GlobalWarming.

Facebook, YouTube at work make better employees: study

Facebook, YouTube at work make better employees: study
"The University of Melbourne study showed that people who use the Internet for personal reasons at work are about 9 percent more productive that those who do not."

Aren't "studies" great!
I'm sure glad Prez Barry is gonna shower these fine folks with more of our tax dollars.
It's for the children ya know!

Bill would give Obama power to shut down Internet, networks during cyber attacks

Bill would give Obama power to shut down Internet, networks during cyber attacks
"Federal legislation introduced in the Senate this week would give President Obama the power to declare a cybersecurity emergency and then shut down both public and private networks including Internet traffic coming to and from compromised systems."

BigBrother is working overtime!

Google Maps - 2009 Tea Parties

Google Maps - 2009 Tea Parties

Barack Obama's Trillion-Dollar Deficit Budget Will Impede Economic Growth

Barack Obama's Trillion-Dollar Deficit
"What does $6.5 trillion of additional debt imply for the typical family? If spread evenly over all those paying income taxes (which under Mr. Obama's plan would shrink to a little over 50% of the population), every income-tax paying family would get a tax bill for $163,000. (In 10 years, interest would bring the total to well over a quarter million dollars, if paid all at once. If paid annually over the succeeding 10 years, the tax hike every year would average almost $34,000.)"

Interactive: Why Michiganians are leaving the state and where they're going

Interactive: Why Michiganians are leaving the state and where they're going

More might go -- if they could

More might go -- if they could
"As bad as Michigan's exodus has become, it could be even worse if thousands of frustrated homeowners like Owens could leave. Residents trying to escape Michigan's hard times today are finding their path to the border more difficult than those who left in recent years. Jobs in other states, plentiful through much of Michigan's recession, are drying up. And those who find jobs elsewhere often struggle to sell their Michigan homes.
About 109,000 more people left Michigan in 2008 than moved in, quadruple the number from the beginning of the decade. Dana Johnson, senior vice president and chief economist for Comerica Bank, says that number represents only a portion of the people who want to leave."

Granholm to host town hall meeting in Muskegon Heights

Granholm to host town hall meeting in Muskegon Heights
"Gov. Jennifer Granholm will visit Muskegon Heights Friday to discuss funding options with area government leaders, then hold a town hall meeting on the same topic with the public.
A spokeswoman for the governor confirmed the closed-door meeting with area government officials will start at 2 p.m. at Muskegon Heights City Hall, 2724 Peck.
The town hall meeting, which is open to the public, begins at 2:30 p.m. in the city council chambers, also at city hall. The governor will give a presentation on federal stimulus funding opportunities and answer questions, said Granholm spokeswoman Tiffany Brown."

Congressional Votes - The New York Times

Congressional Votes - The New York Times

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Daniel Hannan MEP: The devalued Prime Minister of a devalued Government

Why do we never hear this eloquence from our GOPer leaders?

Taxpayers make up the losses in public pension funds' portfolios

Taxpayers make up the losses in public pension funds' portfolios: "There is one guarantee, though: the market swoon has decimated public pension funds, and those losses will be covered by taxpayers."

We tighten our belts so we can pay for their pay increases and pension guarantees.

Isn't ANYONE thinking this ain't right?

PROMISES, PROMISES: Obama tax pledge up in smoke

PROMISES, PROMISES: Obama tax pledge up in smoke
"One of President Barack Obama's campaign pledges on taxes went up in puffs of smoke Wednesday.
The largest increase in tobacco taxes took effect despite Obama's promise not to raise taxes of any kind on families earning under $250,000 or individuals under $200,000.
This is one tax that disproportionately affects the poor, who are more likely to smoke than the rich.
To be sure, Obama's tax promises in last year's campaign were most often made in the context of income taxes. Not always.

'I can make a firm pledge,' he said in Dover, N.H., on Sept. 12. 'Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.'"

Basketball fans beware: Sheriff's Department gets report of scam from Craigslist ticket sale

Basketball fans beware: Sheriff's Department gets report of scam from Craigslist ticket sale "A local fan complained to the sheriff's department Wednesday after he realized he was suckered out of $800 for four seats to Saturday night's NCAA Final Four game between Michigan State University and the University of Connecticut.
The man shared the news of his Craigslist purchase on a Spartan basketball fan Web site, only to find that another fan reported he bought the same seats for the same price......The address where the men sent their money is in a California town near the Mexican border and is likely a phony drop spot where scammers pick up the cash"

What's "Doh!" in Spanish?

Finding a Doctor Who Accepts Medicare Isn’t Easy

Finding a Doctor Who Accepts Medicare Isn’t Easy
"EARLY this year, Barbara Plumb, a freelance editor and writer in New York who is on Medicare, received a disturbing letter. Her gynecologist informed her that she was opting out of Medicare. When Ms. Plumb asked her primary-care doctor to recommend another gynecologist who took Medicare, the doctor responded that she didn’t know any — and that if Ms. Plumb found one she liked, could she call and tell her the name?
Many people, just as they become eligible for Medicare, discover that the insurance rug has been pulled out from under them. Some doctors — often internists but also gastroenterologists, gynecologists, psychiatrists and other specialists — are no longer accepting Medicare, either because they have opted out of the insurance system or they are not accepting new patients with Medicare coverage. The doctors’ reasons: reimbursement rates are too low and paperwork too much of a hassle."

This is reality in EVERY country that has adopted socialized medicine.

Why would ANYONE be surprised it's happening to us now?

President Barry has promised more to come!

Kent County commissioners say 2009, 2010 budget deficits will be larger than expected

Kent County commissioners say 2009, 2010 budget deficits will be larger than expected
"Kent County leaders say the economic storm has left them a larger-than-expected budget deficit for this year and next.
A projected $2 million gap for 2009 has been revised to more than $5 million, forcing officials to dig deeper into the county savings or make budget cuts. The fundamental problem is that county expenses are expected to dramatically outpace revenues beginning this year.
Forecasts now call for about $1 million less in property tax revenues because of the housing slump and less interest income on county investments...

So, a $1 million shortfall in property tax revenue results in a $5 million budget deficit and it's the fault of "the economic storm"?
No mention of out of control spending, waaay over market pay and compensation to county employees.

Simply "not our fault!"

gimme a break....

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Michigan smoking ban backed by public - Michigan Political Report

Michigan smoking ban backed by public - Michigan Political Report: "An indoor workplace smoking ban in Michigan was supported by two-thirds of those questioned in a fresh survey of the issue sponsored by smoking opponents.
Sixty six percent of those polled by the Lansing firm EPIC-MRA supported a blanket smoking ban that would include bars and restaurants with 52 percent 'strongly' in favor. Sixty four percent supporting banning smoking in the three commercial casinos in Detroit as well."

Cops Bust Stool Fool

Cops Bust Stool Fool
"In a law enforcement first, Ohio cops this month arrested a man for drunk driving on a motorized bar stool."


The Carmen's invite

And, no!

You are not invited.


President Obama now has promised an extended warrantee for our Cadillacs so why not for our omelets?

If we don't like our Carmen-cuisine we gotta a brotha in the White House who feels our indigestion and demands retribution!

Heck, we might even get Carmen's owner fired!

How cool would that be!

And why don't we, "the people" have any say in the Carmen's menu!

Coffee is nice but why do we have to wait for our coffee when we WANT OUR COFFEE NOW?

Isn't it time for our President Obama to bring the efficiency of our USPS to small towns in America!

Isn't it time to harness the efficiency those who administer our border fence to make our local dining emporiums.... more efficient!

Isn't it time that the promise of congressional oversight and expertise that so well served us mope American taxpayers during the S&L scandal and the recent world wide financial decomposition be expanded to Indian Toast and poached eggs!

How lucky we are to have our betters making those tough decision for us mere taxpayers!

See ya Thursday!

Lansing to reimburse $550K in parking overcharges

Lansing to reimburse $550K in parking overcharges
"Lansing plans to reimburse drivers up to $550,000 for overcharged parking fines and monthly parking permits, dating back to 2006 in some cases.
The city said it has identified more than 112,000 cases where parking fines were overcharged since July 1, 2006. Three quarters of the fines were issued for a single parking violation. Drivers were overcharged by $2 or $5. It was not immediately clear how or why drivers were overcharged.

Great news reporting!
No one knows what happened!
No one asked!
No worries cuz Jenny is gonna send us $550,000!

It don't get better than this!

I can't wait til they take over Toyota of America......

Longtime county official retires

Longtime county official retires
"But he doesn't plan on staying that way long. He's searching for his next opportunity to serve the community.
Elwell, 60, has completed a stint as Muskegon County's interim administrator. He will remain at the county building this week to help his replacement get acquainted with employees and the issues.
Wisconsin's Bonnie Hammersley becomes the county's first female top administrator on Monday.
Elwell, the county's former director of mental health, retired in 2007. A year later, county commissioners tapped him to serve as interim administrator.

Is there a possible triple-dip on our state pension system about to happen?

Longtime Montague Principal Gary Beaudoin retiring

Longtime Montague Principal Gary Beaudoin retiring
"After retiring last summer but continuing to serve as Montague's middle school principal this year, Gary Beaudoin will end his 22-year tenure with the district in late June.
The Montague school board approved his retirement last July and reaccepted it at a meeting this week. Beaudoin, an educator for 37 years, started in June 1987 as principal of Nellie B. Chisholm Middle School.
Beaudoin worked this year on a one-year contract through a private educational consulting business owned by Beaudoin and his wife, Jane. The couple is now ready to 'change the pace of life a little' and are moving to East Lansing to be closer to family, he said.
'It's been a wonderful ride,' he said. 'It's been a wonderful place to work, and I will miss the kids, but I'm looking forward to the change.'
The contract with Key Points Consulting paid Beaudoin $79,050, similar to his annual salary, this year. The arrangement was designed to provide a financial savings to the district and allow Beaudoin to reduce his workload and draw from his retirement while continuing to work.
Superintendent Dave Sipka has said the change would save the district about $36,000 in money it would have spent on health insurance benefits, FICA and annual retirement contributions."

This is disgusting!
The Montague fools paid him full time wages for part-time work!
So, if they need a part timer, why EVER pay $115,050 for a middle school principal, plus our state funded mega retirement?

Michigan auto insurance rates going up

Michigan auto insurance rates going up
"Michigan motorists will pay $20 more per vehicle for unlimited medical coverage in their auto policies, $104.58 to $124.89 effective July 1, the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association decided Monday."

I thought Obambi promised tax cuts for ALL Americans!

Michigan smoking ban backed by public

Michigan smoking ban backed by public
"Posted by generalsn on 03/30/09 at 7:10PM
After over a year of experience here in Chicago, now that the fanfare has worn off and the lobbyists have moved on to other states, it's clearly obvious that trying to ban smoking in small neighborhood 'shot and beer' bars is pretty useless. Many small bars in my area ignore the ban to keep their customers, neighbors, and local police (many are patrons when off duty) satisfied. In areas where real crime is an issue, the problem of undesirables being attracted by groups of people outside the bars and causing disturbances on the PUBLIC street, property that the owner has no control over, far outweighs the issue of people peacefully smoking inside a bar, bothering absolutly no one, All of the complaints are from neighbors of bars that comply. It's fading into history in many small neighborhood bars. The only places it becomes an issue seems to be in rural areas where local police have little to do except visit local bars and monitor their parking lots."

Another law that will be used to selectively exert power over the opposition.

Tonight 7:00 PM!

View a Live Simulcast at 7 p.m. of Economist David Littmann at MSU
“Littmannomics: Crisis and the Road to Recovery”

To view and listen, click:

DATE: Tuesday, March 31, 2009
TIME: 7 p.m.
LOCATION: Wonders Hall, Room C100Michigan State University

Live Webcast Q&A Session to Follow

Mackinac Center Senior Economist David Littmann will explain how the economy reached such a low point and will highlight what Michigan and the nation must do to regain a stable footing. He will also discuss how the natural forces of recovery are working overtime and will right the economy if permitted. The interference of policymakers in the market is delaying the recovery, which Littmann fears may lead to a depression. He points to Michigan’s economy as proof of what happens when government intervention is unchecked.
The event is sponsored by the Mackinac Center’s Students for a Free Economy and the MSU chapter of Young Americans for Liberty. It is open to the public and free of charge.

Two Wheels on my Wagoner - Mark Steyn - The Corner on National Review Online

Two Wheels on my Wagoner - Mark Steyn - The Corner on National Review Online: "Two Wheels on my Wagoner [Mark Steyn]

Incidentally, the government 'overhaul' of GM is a useful shorthand for where we're heading:
The first quid pro quo for the government giving you money (or 'investing', as President Obama and David Brooks say) is that it gets to regulate your behavior. Not just who sits on your board or (see Sarkozy last week) where your factory has to be. When the government 'pays' for your health care, it reserves the right to deny (as in parts of Britain) heart disease treatment for smokers or hip replacement for the obese. Why be surprised? When the state's 'paying' for your health, your lifestyle directly impacts its 'investment.'
The next stage is that, having gotten you used to having your behavior regulated, the state advances to approving not just what you do but what you're allowed to read, see, hear, think: See the 'Canadian Content' regulations up north, and the enforcers of the 'human rights' commissions. Or Britain's recent criminalization of 'homophobic jokes.'
You'd be surprised how painlessly and smoothly once-free peoples slip from government 'investing' to government control.
03/30 09:41 AMShare"

Officer, dog square off against Modesto mob of 60

Officer, dog square off against Modesto mob of 60
"Some members of the crowd told the officer that 'he was not going to leave the scene alive,' according to police.
The crowd of as many as 60 people included some known gang members, Findlen said. Police believe the group was gathered for a party in the 1700 block of Pelton Avenue. The officer happened upon the group when he was responding to another call in the area."

Is our entire country going to descend back to the days of Mayor Dinkins' NYC?

Spartan Pep Rally!

Umm, warm Spartan blog-happy!

U.S. Postal Service seeks $25 billion federal bailout

U.S. Postal Service seeks $25 billion federal bailout
"The U.S. Postal Service — known in the tech world as “snail mail” — is in the midst of a financial meltdown of its own."

Wow! I can't wait for these wizards to work their magic on our financial and auto industries!

Whither GM?

Whither GM?
"The more I read about these plans, the more I wonder what the end game is supposed to be. The administration is acting serious: firing Wagoner, and threatening to cut off funds if Chrysler doesn't make a deal with Fiat. Then you read the report, and the government's statements seem . . . kinda silly."

Friday, March 27, 2009

Editorial: Pensions add to Detroit budget problems

Editorial: Pensions add to Detroit budget problems
"City and pension fund officials aren't saying with any precision the amount of the damage the market's current decline has wrought on the investment assets of the city's pension funds.
But they acknowledge it is serious. And it will put added pressure on the next few city budgets."

Why should teachers be a protected class?

Why should teachers be a protected class?
"Their unions are whipping up hysteria about possible layoffs, but they don't seem to care about getting rid of bad educators."

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Reading Eagle Newspaper

Reading Eagle Newspaper: "Birdnapper snatches Gordon the skateboarding parrot from his front-porch cage in California"

Senate reviewing how college football picks No. 1

Senate reviewing how college football picks No. 1
"Behind the push for the hearings is the subcommittee's top Republican, Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah. People there were furious that Utah was bypassed for the national championship despite going undefeated in the regular season.
The title game pitted No. 1 Florida (12-1) against No. 2 Oklahoma (12-1); Florida won 24-14 and claimed the title.
The subcommittee's statement said Hatch would introduce legislation 'to rectify this situation.' No details were offered and Hatch's office declined to provide any.
Hatch said in a statement that the BCS system 'has proven itself to be inadequate, not only for those of us who are fans of college football, but for anyone who believes that competition and fair play should have a role in collegiate sports.'
In the House, Rep. Joe Barton of Texas, the top Republican on the Energy and Commerce Committee, has sponsored legislation that would prevent the NCAA from calling a football game a 'national championship' unless the game culminates from a playoff system."

Hoekstra to announce Monday!

West Michigan News
"U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra is expected to make an announcement Monday in three locations across Michigan concerning his possible candidacy for governor"

This early announcement and apparent organization bodes well for Pete's campaign.
Let's see how the campaign communicates with the SE counties of Michigan.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Angry workers take boss hostage

Angry workers take boss hostage
"Angry French workers were on Wednesday holding the boss of their factory hostage to try to make their US employers improve their redundancy package,"

The French version of "card check"?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bush Deficit vs. Obama Deficit in Pictures » The Foundry

Bush Deficit vs. Obama Deficit in Pictures » The Foundry

Dodd's Wife a Former Director of Bermuda-Based IPC Holdings, an AIG Controlled Company

Dodd's Wife a Former Director of Bermuda-Based IPC Holdings, an AIG Controlled Company
"But it turns out that Senator Dodd's wife has also benefited from past connections to AIG as well.
From 2001-2004, Jackie Clegg Dodd served as an 'outside' director of IPC Holdings, Ltd., a Bermuda-based company controlled by AIG."

1 dead, one injured in Miami Burger King shooting

1 dead, one injured in Miami Burger King shooting
"Police said a man wearing a ski mask walked into the store at Biscayne Boulevard and 54th Street and demanded money from a clerk.
A customer, who has a concealed weapons permit, pulled a gun, said Officer Jeff Giordano, a Miami police spokesman.
The customer and robber exchanged fire.
The robber was shot dead at the scene."


Romania Weighs Decriminalizing Incest - CBS News

Romania Weighs Decriminalizing Incest
"incest is not always a crime in Europe.
Three European Union nations - France, Spain and Portugal - do not prosecute consenting adults for incest, and Romania is considering following suit."

Those sophisticated Euros!

Granholm not apologizing for Palin joke

Granholm not apologizing for Palin joke
"Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm said she won't apologize to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for her crack at last weekend's Gridiron Dinner that the former Republican vice presidential candidate 'really set back the cause of hot governors.'"

What a classless fool Gov. Lumpy (Clinton-Obama) Granholm is!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Ann Arbor News to close in July

Ann Arbor News to close in July
"The Ann Arbor News will close in July and be replaced by a new online-only news organization, according the newspaper’s Web site.
Laurel Champion, publisher of the News told employees this morning at a 9 a.m. meeting the newspaper had “steep losses” in 2008.

Also today, three more Michigan newspapers announced they will cut production to three days a week.
The Bay City Times, Saginaw News and Flint Journal will soon only publish print editions on Thursday, Friday and Sunday.
All the newspapers are part of the Booth newspaper chain in Michigan that also comprises the Grand Rapids Press, Muskegon Chronicle, Kalamazoo Gazette and Jackson Citizen Patriot. "

It seems the people have spoken.
"Ye cannot live on liberals alone"

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Chicago Way extension runs right through D.C.

Chicago Way extension runs right through D.C.

Dan Dakich's two hours of fame have lasted 25 years

Dan Dakich's two hours of fame have lasted 25 years
"'I remember it like it was yesterday, and I'm standing there and I can't figure out why I'm there,' Dakich said.
'I know why Alford is there because he scored 27.
I know why coach Knight is there.
Then all of a sudden Billy Packer says, 'So Dan, how did you stop Michael Jordan?'"

Nice bit of history for this super weekend.

Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag - Watch the full feature film now.

Hulu - Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag - Watch the full feature film now.

This is fabulous!
Grab the family.
Watch the entire movie. (it's 48 minutes long)
You'll feel prouder to be an American!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Educating Michelle

Educating Michelle
"Thousands of crosses sprout from the rolling green hills above the beaches and disappear into the horizon. Beneath the sea of white markers lay the thousands of American men who charged head on that day into a nightmare of flying German lead. It's hard to describe the effect all of this has on an American tourist: a quickening breath, a weak and unsteady stride, a certain flush of grief, and then the tears."

Doctor: Lack of medical helicopter cost actress

Doctor: Lack of medical helicopter cost actress
"As a steady stream of celebrities pay their last respects to Natasha Richardson, questions are arising over whether a medical helicopter might have been able to save the ailing actress.
The province of Quebec lacks a medical helicopter system, common in the United States and other parts of Canada, to airlift stricken patients to major trauma centers. Montreal's top head trauma doctor said Friday that may have played a role in Richardson's death."

Friday, March 20, 2009

CARPE DIEM: CEOs: Best and Worst States to Do Business

CARPE DIEM: CEOs: Best and Worst States to Do Business
"Texas, North Carolina, Florida Top List as Best States;
California, New York, Michigan Are the Worst"

And our union-owned democrooks in Michigan are gonna keep it that way!

One CEO said, “Michigan and California literally need to do a 180 if they are ever to become competitive again. California has huge advantages with its size, quality of work force, particularly in high tech, as well as the quality of life and climate advantages of the state. However, it is an absolute regulatory and tax disaster, as is Michigan.”

MP: What do the top 9 states (TX, NC, FL, GA, TN, NV, VA, AZ and SC) have in common? What do the bottom 7 states (CA, NY, MI, NJ, MA, IL, and OH) have in common?
Check map here to find out."

CARPE DIEM: Wal-Mart's $400m Eyewear/Contact Lense Stimulus

CARPE DIEM: Wal-Mart's $400m Eyewear/Contact Lense Stimulus: "Additionally, Walmart has lowered its prices on glasses and frames for children and teenagers to make quality eyewear more affordable for families across the nation."

CARPE DIEM: Wal-Mart's $2 Billion Bonus Stimulus

CARPE DIEM: Wal-Mart's $2 Billion Bonus Stimulus




The Futility of Hybrid Cars

The Futility of Hybrid Cars
"What about plug-in hybrid vehicles? When he was running for president, Obama pledged to put 1 million of the vehicles on the road by 2015. Aside from the question of how popular they’ll be with a projected retail price of $40,000 (as compared to $23,000 for a conventional vehicle), will they actually reduce carbon emissions? Only if the power plants they get electricity from produce little if any carbon. But since most U.S. electricity production is not carbon-free, the CRS observes that the “widespread adoption of plug-in hybrid vehicles through 2030 may have only a small effect on, and might actually increase, net CO2 emissions.”"

$1 trillion deficits estimated for each of next 10 years

$1 trillion deficits estimated for each of next 10 years
"President Obama's budget would generate unsustainably large deficits averaging almost $1 trillion a year over the next decade, according to new estimates released Friday.
The new Congressional Budget Office figures predict Obama's budget will produce $9.3 trillion worth of red ink over 2010-2019. That's $2.3 trillion worse than the administration predicted in its budget just last month.
Worst of all, CBO says the deficit under Obama's policies would never go below 4% of the size of the economy, figures that economists agree are unsustainable. By the end of the decade, the deficit would exceed 5% of gross domestic product, a dangerously high level.
The latest figures throw a major monkey wrench into efforts to enact Obama's budget, which promises universal health care for all and higher spending for domestic programs like education and research into renewable energy.
The dismal deficit figures, if they prove to be accurate, inevitably raise the prospect that Obama and his allies controlling Congress would have to consider raising taxes after the recession ends or else pare back his agenda."

Where Do We Get Such Men?

Where Do We Get Such Men?
"Dr. Bill Krissoff was commissioned Lieutenant Commander in the Navy Medical Corps on November 17, 2007, at the age of 61. His decision to apply to the Navy Medical Corps to care for Marines came in response to the death of his oldest son. In December 2006, his son First Lieutenant Nathan Krissoff, USMC, who was serving as a Counterintelligence Officer with the 3rd Recon Battalion in Iraq, was killed in combat. Inspired by his son’s commitment and dedication to serving his country, Dr. Krissoff decided to apply himself."

Gordon Brown is frustrated by 'Psycho' in No 10

Gordon Brown is frustrated by 'Psycho' in No 10
"Alas, when the PM settled down to begin watching them the other night, he found there was a problem.
The films only worked in DVD players made in North America and the words 'wrong region' came up on his screen."

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Gun sales UP UP UP!

Gun Sales UP UP UP UP!
"And the timing does seem to be more closely linked to the election than to the economic downturn more broadly"

Roll Call 143 on H R 1586 -

Roll Call 143 on H R 1586 -
H R 1586 (Roll # 143)To Impose An Additional Tax On Bonuses Received From Certain Tarp Recipients.

"Hoekstra (R, MI-02)"


What's up with Hoekstra?


and Eilers?

Ehlers (R, MI-03)

Why Obama’s Teleprompter Gaffe Tape Matters

Why Obama’s Teleprompter Gaffe Tape Matters
"John McCain time and time again repudiated Republicans who went after Obama in the way the Democrats went after him. McCain lost. The only chance for a GOP comeback is to fight as nastily as the Democrats have fought and nastier if possible."

Naked Short Sales Hint Fraud in Bringing Down Lehman

Naked Short Sales Hint Fraud in Bringing Down Lehman
"This isn’t a trail of breadcrumbs; this audit trail is lit up like an airport runway,” he said. “You can see it a mile off. Subpoena e-mails. Find out who spread false rumors and also shorted the stock and you’ve got your manipulators.”"

Wilson Williams and his Platters coming to Frauenthal

Wilson Williams and his Platters coming to Frauenthal
"It seemed everyone wanted to be one of The Platters, during the doo-wop music group's 1950s heyday.
Today, many people are.
Wilson Williams and his Platters will perform Saturday at the Frauenthal Center for the Performing Arts. The Platters group performing this weekend is not the original group and does not have any original members in its line-up, said Bob Scolnik, president of Mona Lake Productions, the company promoting the Muskegon concert."

US Rep Proposes Bill To Use Pension Assets For Banking System

US Rep Proposes Bill To Use Pension Assets For Banking System: "A ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee has proposed legislation that would allow public pension funds to buy preferred stock from ailing U.S. banks, prompting apprehension from public pension plan trustees.
The legislation introduced by Rep. Gary Ackerman, D-N.Y., offers public pension funds a guaranteed rate of return in exchange for buying the preferred stock, or for loaning the government their money to loosen the credit freeze."

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Harvard Chaplain Oversees Godless 'Congregations' for Humanists

Harvard Chaplain Oversees Godless 'Congregations' for Humanists
"Definitions of humanism vary. Generally, humanists reject belief in the supernatural and are guided by reason, experience and compassion for others. Epstein defines the philosophy as a commitment to living ethical, personally fulfilling lives while serving the greater good."

Isn't this "atheism" and hasn't it been tried, and failed, in communist and NAZI countries before?

And doesn't the "compassion for others" result in the "compassionate" stealing from "others" to give to their "special others"?

BONUSES FOR Fannie Mae execs? “Fannie Mae is planning to pay retention bonuses of as much as $611,0…

BONUSES FOR Fannie Mae execs? “Fannie Mae is planning to pay retention bonuses of as much as $611,0…

AIG links

Snarky Huntress: Go away sun, I want the Summer.

Snarky Huntress: Go away sun, I want the Summer
"How can it be that summer is when the sun is the farthest away from us?"

I never knew this!