Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fond memories of 2006

MuskegonPundit: "If a Muskegon coalition of business, government and institutions is successful, crime will be reduced, employment will be up and natural areas will be protected."

How quickly they forget.

And how quickly we give them more and more power!

Muskegon Chamber pushes government cooperation

Muskegon Chamber pushes government cooperation
"'From ordinances to taxes, it is important to the business community that local governments are working together.'"

What evidence does anyone have to prove that allegation?

It's far better for communities to compete with each other.

Does Norton Shores want to run our city like Muskegon?


Competition...get it?

Michigan launches enhanced driver's licenses

Michigan launches enhanced driver's licenses
"Standard driver's licenses along with birth certificates no longer will be accepted to return to the U.S. starting June. 1."

Yo Canada?

Results of the Press' 'How Green Are You?' survey

Results of the Press' 'How Green Are You?' survey
"The Press sent surveys to 22 pastors of different faith traditions. Several declined to participate, while others said they were too busy to complete the short survey during the four weeks leading up to Earth Day.
Here are the results from nine who responded:"

The religious embrace the new age uber-religion.

No surprise.... but truly sad.

Summer Cel pass party set

Summer Cel pass party set
"Festival organizers will roll out 'The Downtown Summer Sampler/Sappi Pass Party,' a new three-day event which will be Friday, May 15 through Sunday, May 17 at L.C. Walker Arena."

Why can't students say 'guns' in school?

Why can't students say 'guns' in school?
"• Like old Soviet commissars clapping dissidents into psychiatric hospitals, administrators at Hamline University in St. Paul, Minn., responded to a student's e-mail criticizing school policy on concealed weapons by suspending him and ordering him to undergo a ``mental health examination.''"

High Court Curbs Power of Police to Search Cars

High Court Curbs Power of Police to Search Cars
"The Supreme Court ruled that police couldn't search the car of a person arrested unless the officer's safety was threatened or there was reason to think the car contained evidence of a crime, reviving a constitutional protection against unreasonable searches."

Civility and Tolerance in the Age of Obama

Civility and Tolerance in the Age of Obama
"the Miss USA organizers agree. Instead of apologizing for Hilton's vile behavior, the pageant director of the Miss California contest, Keith Lewis, sent a note to Hilton throwing Prejean under the bus: 'I am personally saddened and hurt that Miss CA USA 2009 believes marriage rights belong only to a man and a woman. … Religious beliefs have no place in politics in the Miss CA family.'"

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


"From the comment section of 'The Obama-Chavez Grip and Grin' by reader Hank:

What a meeting.

One is an America-loathing anti-free market president who got into office riding on his personality and then proceeded to use his failed ideology to increase government control and make a bad situation worse.

And the other is the leader of Venezuela.

Police determine 2004 death at Wayland Hotel Bar and Grill was accidental fall

Police determine 2004 death at Wayland Hotel Bar and Grill was accidental fall
"The 2004 death of Brandon Raterink inside the Wayland Hotel Bar and Grill has been ruled an accident, and his fatal injuries are indicative of a fall that caused massive head trauma, authorities said Tuesday."

This took 5 years?

I sure hope these same folks aren't involved with our Obama-health care.

But I know they will be...... bummer....

Gen. Barry McCaffrey (ret.) Alleges US Military and CIA 'Murdered Dozens' of Detainees

Gen. Barry McCaffrey (ret.) Alleges US Military and CIA 'Murdered Dozens' of Detainees

This is BIG or ......another lib, Bidenesque fabrication.

I hope we get the truth.

10-story downtown Muskegon waterfront hotel under new owner

10-story downtown Muskegon waterfront hotel under new owner
"The Shoreline Inn & Suites has a new owner, and downtown Muskegon has a major new player."

Great news for Muskegon!
We can only hope for MORE!

City of Muskegon reaches pact with public works union

City of Muskegon reaches pact with public works union
"The public works employees' contract provides a 2.5 percent pay hike for 2009, which is the amount the city's nonunion employees received in the 2009 budget, Mazade said. Pay hikes for 2010 and 2011 will be the same as the nonunion city employees, according to the contract."


Great reporting!

Why NO mention of the automatic annual step-up in pay/retirement benefits to every union employee?

Meebee they don't want ya to know?

9th Circuit upholds the Second Amendment TODAY

YES!.....we can!

Michigan Tea Party links

I'll update and repost as new info becomes available.

Here is a link from my blog with the names and info on the real Muskegon heroes.

"Chris Kaijala and Joyce Horness are the lead coordinators for Muskegon’s Tea Party and Joyce can be reached at (231) 744-3138 while Chris’s number is (231) 343-9432."

There do not seem to any web links yet.

Also, here are links to Bob Carr's excellent Muskegon/Center right blogs which are loaded with TeaParty links:

and to Rose Lear's great blog that was involved with the GH group. And many other conservative issues.

And the best midwest super-blog of them all:

And the Super-anti-Spend Blog of Michigan

Tom George for Governor

Tom George for Governor: "I recently formed our campaign committee and with your help we will explore running for Governor. We can agree that our state's economy is broken and our campaign's top priority is about fixing Michigan.I recently formed our campaign committee and with your help we will explore running for Governor. We can agree that our state's economy is broken and our campaign's top priority is about fixing Michigan."

Another GOPer "hat in Michigan's ring"?

IS OBAMA LOSING PAUL KRUGMAN? $100 million here, $100 million there “pretty soon, even here in…

finds $100 million in efficiencies
every working day
for the rest of the Obama administration’s first term.
That’s still around $80 billion, or around 2% of one year’s federal spending."

Beware green jobs, the new sub-prime

Beware green jobs, the new sub-prime
"Electoral bribes apart, there is a more serious misconception behind the idea that ploughing subsidies into the “green economy” is a sure-fire way of boosting domestic employment. At best it will move people from one economic activity to another. Labour’s plans would subsidise car production workers to move from making conventional models to electric vehicles, which hardly anyone wants to buy. Osborne’s proposals would subsidise the double-glazing and home insulation industry and suck in many workers gainfully employed (without subsidy) elsewhere.
The key to a successful, wealth-generating economy is productivity. Saving energy is what businesses have done already, because it lowers their production costs. The problem with any form of subsidy is that it makes the consumer (through hidden taxes) pay to keep inherently uneconomic businesses “profitable”. Meanwhile, diversified energy companies such as Shell, with plenty of speculatively acquired wind-farm acreage, are salivating at the plans by Obama to introduce cap-and-trade carbon emissions targets for American industry."

Will public pensions be next bailout?

Will public pensions be next bailout?
"According to the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, as of Dec. 16, 2008 public pensions in the United States were underfunded by nearly $1 trillion. Worst is Illinois, where the pension system has only 54 percent of the necessary funding and an unfunded liability of $54.4 billion......

....Public pension benefits are also much more lucrative than private-sector pensions and widely prone to "double dipping" abuse...."

These pension defaults will be WAY worse than the bank problems.

And Obama has spend/borrowed already EVERY penny we've got.

Who's gonna pay for those retired teachers, cops, firemen and county, city, state worker's pensions and benefits?

Who do you think?
A financial Hiroshima on the way?

HR20-New Mother's Mandated Mental Health Test-JUST PASSED HOUSE!

HR20-New Mother's Mandated Mental Health Test-JUST PASSED HOUSE!
Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul: "A sweeping government policy for all new births in the United States has just passed the House of Representatives and is now headed to the Senate. The Mother's Act, if passed, will mandate that all new mothers be screened by means of a list of subjective questions that will determine if each mother is mentally fit to take their newborn home from the hospital. Just imagine that after your child is born, you are told that you can't take them home since a multiple choice questionnaire wasn't answered correctly."

Monday, April 20, 2009

Fatties cause global warming

Fatties cause global warming
"THE rising number of fat people was yesterday blamed for global warming.
Scientists warned that the increase in big-eaters means more food production — a major cause of CO2 gas emissions warming the planet.
Overweight people are also more likely to drive, adding to environmental damage."
Will they shut down Ted Kennedy?
The entire Kennedy/Gore compounds?

Will they shut down Muskegon?

Saving federal money the easy way

Saving federal money the easy way
"Cut a latte or two out of your annual budget and you've just done as much belt-tightening as President Barack Obama asked of his Cabinet on Monday.
The thrifty measures Obama ordered for federal agencies are the equivalent of asking a family that spends $60,000 in a year to save $6."

The Harbor Theatre

Their choice of films, web site AND (ability to survive!) are fantastic for Muskegon County.

Yes, our entire county.

So click their web-link and take the short visit to easy parking, cheap popcorn and low price tickets.

Oh, and amazing movies .... without loud intrusion from .........

Go there and enjoy!


"Do the math.
The Washington Post reports:

Just to be clear: $100 million represents .003 percent of $3.5 trillion."

Shortages of ammo and gun accessories cropping up nationwide

Shortages of ammo and gun accessories cropping up nationwide
"'People are panicking and buying,' said Furtardo, assistant manager. 'The crime rate is high, and they are flat scared of what is going to happen in the next few years with the economy and the country. Manufacturers weren't prepared for this.'"

A friend from Indiana told me his gun shop has a big sign of Obama behind the counter.

Below Barry's smiling face:

"Salesman of the Year".

I'm buying my 3rd gun this week.

Thanks Barry!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Surprise Nelson Mandela appearance sends ANC supporters into raptures - Times Online

Surprise Nelson Mandela appearance sends ANC supporters into raptures - Times Online: "Nelson Mandela delighted thousands of African National Congress supporters yesterday with a surprise appearance at the party’s final election rally to endorse Jacob Zuma — a man who could hardly be more different to the anti-apartheid icon"

What recession? Councils offer 'bizarre non-jobs' including roller disco coach and toothbrush adviser for infants

What recession? Councils offer 'bizarre non-jobs' including roller disco coach and toothbrush adviser for infants
"Other 'non-job' positions include a falls prevention fitness adviser to help the elderly of Tewkesbury and a £13,000-a-year 'bouncy castle attendant' in Angus, Scotland.Falkirk's part-time 'toothbrush assistant' earns £3,032 teaching nursery children how to clean their teeth and the council also employs a 'cheerleading development officer'.
Glasgow taxpayers fund a £17,000-a-year 'street mediator' to deal with teens hanging around on street corners and a 'chewing gum removal labourer'. The council also funds a £17,800 florist.Stoke-on-Trent in Staffordshire, employs several part-time pianists for council events and Windsor and Maidenhead in Berkshire employs a 'roller disco coach' every Saturday night.Moray Council in the Highlands pays £19,887 a year for"

Coming to a county near you..... soon!

The Worrisome Educator

The Worrisome Educator
"In conclusion, was Matthew the war veteran graded down for loving his country? Probably. As reported at American Thinker and elsewhere, a Department of Homeland Security report has targeted 'disgruntled military veterans' as having the potential to 'boost the capabilities of extremists - including lone wolves or small terrorist cells - to carry out violence.' The report says nothing however about extremist professors in the classroom who 'boost the capabilities' of young radicals bent on undermining the pillars of American culture."

HEH: Janeane Garofalo on Dissent

HEH: Janeane Garofalo on Dissent, Then and Now.

"HEH: Janeane Garofalo on Dissent, Then and Now.
Yeah, the contradiction’s obvious.
But mostly, I notice how much better she looked, and sounded, back in 2003. What happened?"

GREAT videos!..... if you're not Janeane......the uglifying power of anger?


"On the weekend when the EPA announces a massive shift in envionmental policies, comes word that the public isn't necessraily buying what Algore and Company are selling.

Just one-out-of-three voters (34%) now believe global warming is caused by human activity, the lowest finding yet in Rasmussen Reports national surveying. However, a plurality (48%) of the Political Class believes humans are to blame.
Forty-eight percent (48%) of all likely voters attribute climate change to long-term planetary trends, while seven percent (7%) blame some other reason. Eleven percent (11%) aren’t sure.
These numbers reflect a reversal from a year ago when 47% blamed human activity while 34% said long-term planetary trends.

Could it be that the Church of Climate Change is suffering a crisis of faith?"

SOME TEA PARTY PHOTOS from Fresno. “Fresno had over 7.500 attend the most polite protest.....

SOME TEA PARTY PHOTOS from Fresno. “Fresno had over 7.500 attend the most polite protest I have eve…:
"SOME TEA PARTY PHOTOS from Fresno. “Fresno had over 7.500 attend the most polite protest I have ever witnessed.”
Plus, “Black People Against Obama,” and “Mixed People Against Obama.” Hey, that’s not part of the narrative!"

Free virus software

Free Software Downloads and Software Reviews -

click for free and freeware virus software.

Gas tax to increase in Michigan soon? (Side title - we're broke despite revenue increases)

Gas tax to increase in Michigan soon? (Side title - we're broke despite revenue increases)
"Now one the more influential columnists in Lansing is trying to stir this up again.
Peter Luke, columnist of Booth Newspapers (Ann Arbor News) is pushing for a gas tax for the roads.
It once again relies on the false assumptions. The assumption among the elite in Lansing is that 'only the gas tax can pay for roads.' That's the number one assumption of ALL these pushes for the gas tax. I don't buy that. Assumption is the mother of all eff ups."

‘We are Tea’d’; Muskegon’s Tax Day Tea Party

‘We are Tea’d’; Muskegon’s Tax Day Tea Party
"At one time in the past, the Muskegon area actually had two Tea Party groups, but they have recently merged to form one local entity. Chris Kaijala and Joyce Horness are the lead coordinators for Muskegon’s Tea Party and Joyce can be reached at (231) 744-3138 while Chris’s number is (231) 343-9432.
You can read the Stimulous Bill that was recently passed that has many protesters angry."

Nice article with contact info for the organizers.

Sandy sidewalks force wheelchair users to use road

Sandy sidewalks force wheelchair users to use road
"It is a priority of theirs to keep the paths clear and the order to clean up the paths for that specific location is already on their list and should be cleaned again by the end of this week."

Hep me here.....
If it is a "priority" why are the paths blocked?
If this were a private business, they'd get sued.
But it's "government" so talk replaces action.
And some fools in our country want "government" to manage health care?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Susan Boyle-read her backstory, please!

this is my third post on this wonderful gotta problem with that?

The beauty that matters is always on the inside
April 14 2009

Susan Boyle's story is a parable of our age.
She is a singer of enormous talent, who cared for her widowed mother until she died two years ago. Susan's is a combination of ability and virtue that deserves congratulation.

So how come she was treated as a laughing stock when she walked on stage for the opening heat of Britain's Got Talent 2009 on Saturday night?

The moment the reality show's audience and judging panel saw the small, shy, middle-aged woman, they started to smirk.
When she said she wanted a professional singing career to equal that of Elaine Paige, the camera showed audience members rolling their eyes in disbelief.
They scoffed when she told Simon Cowell, one of the judges, how she'd reached her forties without managing to develop a singing career because she hadn't had the opportunity.
Another judge, Piers Morgan, later wrote on his blog that, just before she launched into I Dreamed a Dream, the 3000-strong audience in Glasgow was laughing and the three judges were suppressing chuckles.

It was rude and cruel and arrogant.

Susan Boyle from Blackburn, West Lothian, was presumed to be a buffoon.

But why?

Britain's Got Talent isn't a beauty pageant. It isn't a youth opportunity scheme.

It is surely about discovering untapped and unrecognised raw talent from all sections of society.

And Susan Boyle has talent to burn. Such is the beauty of her voice that she had barely sung the opening bars when the applause started. She rounded off to a standing ovation and - in her naivety - began walking off the stage and had to be recalled.

Susan, now a bankable discovery, was then roundly patronised by such mega-talents as Amanda Holden and the aforementioned Morgan, who told her: "Everyone laughed at you but no-one is laughing now. I'm reeling with shock." Holden added: "It's the biggest wake-up call ever."

Again, why?

The answer is that only the pretty are expected to achieve.

Not only do you have to be physically appealing to deserve fame; it seems you now have to be good-looking to merit everyday common respect.

If, like Susan (and like millions more), you are plump, middle-aged and too poor or too unworldly to follow fashion or have a good hairdresser, you are a non-person.

I dread to think of how Susan would have left the stage if her voice had been less than exceptional.

She would have been humiliated in front of 11 million viewers.

It's the equivalent of being put in the stocks in front of the nation instead of the village.

It used to be a punishment handed out to criminals.

Now it is the fate of anyone without obvious sexual allure who dares seek opportunity.

This small, brave soul took her courage in her hands to pitch at her one hope of having her singing talent recognised, and was greeted with a communal sneer. Courage could so easily have failed her.

Yet why shouldn't she sound wonderful?
Not every great singer looks like Katherine Jenkins.
Edith Piaf would never have been chosen to strut a catwalk.
Nor would Nina Simone, nor Ella Fitzgerald.
As for Pavarotti

But then ridicule is nothing new in Susan Boyle's life.

She is a veteran of abuse.

She was starved of oxygen at birth and has learning difficulties as a result.

At school she was slow and had frizzy hair.
She was bullied, mostly verbally.

She told one newspaper that her classmates' jibes left behind the kind of scars that don't heal.

She didn't have boyfriends, is a stranger to romance and has never been kissed.

"Shame," she said.

Singing was her life-raft.

She lived with her parents in a four-bedroom council house and, when her father died a decade ago, she cared for her mother and sang in the church choir.

It was an unglamorous existence.

She wasn't the glamorous type - and being a carer isn't a glamorous life, as the hundreds of thousands who do that most valuable of jobs will testify.

Even those who start out with a beauty routine and an interest in clothes find themselves reverting to the practicality of a tracksuit and trainers.

Fitness plans get interrupted and then abandoned.
Weight creeps on.

Carers don't often get invited to sparkling dinner parties or glitzy receptions, so smart clothes rarely make it off the hanger.

Then, when a special occasion comes along, they might reach, as Susan did, for the frock they bought for a nephew's wedding.
They might, as she did, compound the felony of choosing a colour at odds with her skin tone and an unflattering shape with home-chopped hair, bushy eyebrows and a face without a hint of make-up.

But it is often evidence of a life lived selflessly; of a person so focused on the needs of another that they have lost sight of themselves.

Is that a cause for derision or a reason for congratulation?

Would her time have been better spent slimming and exercising, plucking and waxing, bleaching and botoxing? Would that have made her voice any sweeter?

Susan Boyle's mother encouraged her to sing.

She wanted her to enter Britain's Got Talent.

But the shy Susan hasn't been able to sing at all since her mother's death two years ago. She wasn't sure how her voice would emerge after so long a silence. Happily, it survived its rest.
She is a gift to Simon Cowell and reality television.

Her story is the stuff of Hans Christian Andersen: the woman plucked from obscurity, the buried talent uncovered, the transformation waiting to be wrought.

It is wonderful for her, too, that her stunning voice is now recognised.
A bright future beckons. Her dream is becoming reality.

Susan is a reminder that it's time we all looked a little deeper.
She has lived an obscure but important life.
She has been a companionable and caring daughter.
It's people like her who are the unseen glue in society; the ones who day in and day out put themselves last.
They make this country civilised and they deserve acknowledgement and respect.
Susan has been forgiven her looks and been given respect because of her talent. She should always have received it because of the calibre of her character.

Forums - Michigan Votes Forum

Forums - Michigan Votes Forum

A new site I'm researching!

French director Laurent Cantet takes on the education system in docudrama 'The Class' - Extra Iddings

French director Laurent Cantet takes on the education system in docudrama 'The Class' - Extra Iddings
"The last time we saw Paris — for most of us, that means through someone else's eyes — it looked nothing like 'The Class.'"

Good movie.

Now at The Harbor.

See it!

'Tea party' tax protest

Peter Luke: 'Tea party' tax protest, Republican leadership may block higher taxes to pay for Michigan road repairs
"Lawmakers this week are expected to begin work on a hike in fuel taxes, last raised in 1997, and vehicle registration fees, sending them to Gov. Jennifer Granholm by summer"

Panoramic photo of Grand Rapids tea party makes counting the crowd easy - Talking Politics

Panoramic photo of Grand Rapids tea party makes counting the crowd easy - Talking Politics: "But his count from the photo at least doubles the 1,000 people estimated by reporters from several media outlets at the scene"

Why Your Taxes May Double

Why Your Taxes May Double
"To help put things in perspective, the Peterson Foundation calculated the federal government accumulated $56.4 trillion in total liabilities and unfunded promises for Medicare and Social Security as of September 30, 2008. ... If $56.4 trillion in financial commitments is too big a number to digest, think of it as $483,000 per American household, or $184,000 for every man, woman and child in the country. ...
Unless we begin to get our fiscal house in order, there's simply no other way to handle our ever-mounting debt burdens except by doubling taxes over time."

And the liberal media has this same information but has chosen to keep it from us.


new forum!

I see the mass deletions have gutted so many posts and posters on MLive.

There is another forum that doesn't delete like politicians spend.

Give it a try!

L.A. TIMES: Barack Obama way wrong on U.S. guns in Mexico: On his recently-concluded first visit…

L.A. TIMES: Barack Obama way wrong on U.S. guns in Mexico: On his recently-concluded first visit…:
"Bogus numbers? And I thought this Administration was going to end the war on science."

Where Next After Tea Parties?

Where Next After Tea Parties?: "But the issue remains, how is yesterday turned into something that can grow and prepare to restore Constitutional government? The answer I believe is to seek out those things that can be done on a local level, to benefit local citizens and begin the hard work of actually doing them."

Muskegon Heights hires engineer for Sherman roadwork

Muskegon Heights hires engineer for Sherman roadwork
"The road work will not begin until next spring because the engineering company needs time to work on the project, said City Manager Natasha Henderson."

The Sherman roadwork won't START until 2010?!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Figures on government spending and debt - Yahoo! Finance

Figures on government spending and debt - Yahoo! Finance

Drug Control Breeds Gun Control

Drug Control Breeds Gun Control
"Two weeks ago (as Radley Balko noted), a Fox News story by William La Jeunesse and Maxim Lott debunked the commonly heard factoid that 90 percent of the firearms used by Mexican drug traffickers come from American dealers.
In a front-page story about gun smuggling on Tuesday, The New York Times modified the claim, saying '90 percent of the 12,000 pistols and rifles the Mexican authorities recovered from drug dealers last year and asked to be traced came from [gun] dealers in the United States.'
But according to La Jeunesse and Lott, that's not quite right either:"

Mother who died giving birth in hospital toilet never saw twins

Mother who died giving birth in hospital toilet never saw twins
"A woman died in labour in a hospital lavatory after her induction was delayed because of a lack of specialist staff, an inquest was told yesterday.
Sarah Underhill, a policewoman aged 37, was in her 36th week of pregnancy when she was admitted to hospital suffering from pre-eclampsia."

"Free" national health care we say we want.
We're gonna get it!
In more sad ways than one......

Big Mark-the democrat handbook

Big Mark: "Could this be the mission statement of Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats?
Pick the target,
freeze it,
personalize it,
and polarize it.
Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy.
Go after people and not institutions;
people hurt faster than institutions.
(This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)
From Saul Alinsky’s Rule for Radicals"

This is the handbook of the democrats.
They don't even bother denying it.
Big Mark has it right..... and scary it is!

Tracy Lorenz is BACK!

Muskegon Comical


Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, Tracy is free at last!

Humane Society of the United States Does Little to Help Homeless Dogs and Cats

Humane Society of the United States Does Little to Help Homeless Dogs and Cats: "According to new research from the nonprofit Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF), the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) contributed less than four percent of its $91.5 million budget to hands-on dog and cat shelters in 2007."

Judge issues rulings in water system dispute

Judge issues rulings in water system dispute
"A judge has ordered an independent audit but stopped short of appointing a receiver of incoming money for the water supply fund at the center of a dispute involving three local municipalities -- Muskegon Heights vs. Norton Shores and Fruitport Township."

Something's going on here!

Heights violated drinking water standards

Heights violated drinking water standards
"Officials at the Muskegon Heights water filtration plant are trying to correct a problem that caused the facility to violate federal drinking water standards during the first three months of this year."

This is same crew that increased water rates by 100% last year!

New Right to Work Video: Real Faces of Card Check Intimidation

New Right to Work Video: Real Faces of Card Check Intimidation
"In this new special National Right to Work Committee video report, Dana Corporation employees in Albion, Indiana, share their stories of harassment and intimidation by UAW union operatives during a militant card check organizing drive. The workers discuss how union organizers specifically targeted and ramped up their coercive tactics against female employees.
As one worker explains in the video, “People in the UAW will call you their sister or their brother. I never treated any of my brothers and sisters that way.”"

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Les Miserables - Do You Hear the People Sing? (TAC)

We the tax paying people sing this song!

Fear and Greed Have Sales of Guns and Ammo Shooting Up

Fear and Greed Have Sales of Guns and Ammo Shooting Up
"The way Jay Chambers sees it, the semiautomatic weapons in his firearm collection might be the most promising investment in his financial portfolio."

I just bought 2 new guns.

Does Barry Hussein have a better investment idea?

FOXNEWS rules dudes!


11 PM ETFOXNEWS 3,390,000

MSNBC 1,210,000

CNN 1,070,000


too freakin' funny!

(thanks Mrs. Schwambo)!























Jesus Missing From Obama's Georgetown Speech

Jesus Missing From Obama's Georgetown Speech
"Amidst all of the American flags and presidential seals, there was something missing when President Barack Obama gave an economic speech at Georgetown University this week -- Jesus.
The White House asked Georgetown to cover a monogram symbolizing Jesus' name in Gaston Hall, which Obama used for his speech, according to
The gold "IHS" monogram inscribed on a pediment in the hall was covered over by a piece of black-painted plywood, and remained covered over the next day"

And this is a "Catholic" university?

The Beauty That Matters Is Always On The Inside

The Beauty That Matters Is Always On The Inside
"This small, brave soul took her courage in her hands to pitch at her one hope of having her singing talent recognised, and was greeted with a communal sneer. Courage could so easily have failed her."

This real life story is easily as heartwarming as her spectacular performance on TV.

Grab a hankey.

and read the comments from readers!

We do live in a land of love!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Muskegon Tea Party turnout

Muskegon Tea Party turnout
"During the event, it was announced that the Muskegon Tea Party has plans for another gathering on May 23 of this year at noon. It is hoped by the organizers of the events, that the turnout will be even greater than today’s crowd."

JUDGE ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Six Things You Should Know About the Homeland Security Report on ‘Rightwing Extremism’

JUDGE ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Six Things You Should Know About the Homeland Security Report on ‘Rightwing Extremism’
"My guess is that the sentiments revealed in the report I read are the tip of an iceberg that the DHS would prefer to keep submerged until it needs to reveal it. This iceberg is the heavy-hand of government; a government with large and awful eyes, in whose heart there is no love for freedom, and on whose face there is no smile."

Muskegon Tea Party

Great turnout!
About 300 folks.
Fun, interesting, peaceful, great signs!
The organization is really ramping up to let our political "leaders" know "you have run out of our money"!

$1.1 million deficit forces city cutbacks

$1.1 million deficit forces city cutbacks
"A $1.1 million budget deficit has grown since September, when the Muskegon City Commission approved the 2009 budget.
Lower income tax collections and reduced state revenue sharing are part of the problem city commissioners have solved with $615,000 worth of budget cuts and a $500,000 raid of the city's budget stabilization fund -- a 'rainy-day account.'
The $615,000 in budget cuts include $144,000 in the elimination of three vacant patrol officer positions and $39,000 in the reclassification of four fire department positions. The reductions and expenditure from the budget stabilization fund were reluctantly but unanimously approved by commissioners Monday."

Classic move to punish "taxpayers", cut fire and police protection first.

"There is simply no other pork in the budget......."

Yeah right....

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Muskegon Tea Party!

GordoM is not an organizer but a friend who hopes our citizens will show support for our outrage at the destructive, suicidal spending that will destroy our cities, counties and our state.

And the politically motivated pork spending that has just stolen trillions from our children.

Muskegon Tea Party!

We will meet at Hackley Park at Noon, Wednesday April 15 (TAX DAY).

Plan to arrive a bit early, Muskegon has acres of dead space but little parking.

After we all arrive we will march from Hackley Park to Heritage Landing.

There will be quite a few speakers and it seems well organized.
See you there!


SO WHY ARE WE SEEING TEA PARTIES NOW, rather than back in the Bush Administration?
It’s important to note that we did see pushback on spending in the Bush years — e.g., the PorkBusters movement that Trent Lott became “damn tired” of — but this graphic may explain why people are more upset now. In terms of both trend and magnitude, things are really different now."

Federal agency warns of radicals on right

Federal agency warns of radicals on right
"the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines 'rightwing extremism in the United States' as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority."

In the first three months of the B Hussein Obama administration, we are close to becoming the police state that the liberals, progressives, socialists promised would happen under President Bush.... and never did.

This is scary!

read their own words:

Monday, April 13, 2009

Bye bye Bird

My Way - Sports News: "Mark 'the Bird' Fidrych, the fun-loving pitcher who baffled hitters for one All-Star season and entertained fans with his antics, was found dead Monday in an apparent accident at his farm. He was 54."


"The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 (PDF) gives the president the ability to “declare a cybersecurity emergency” and shut down or limit Internet traffic in any “critical” information network “in the interest of national security.” The bill does not define a critical information network or a cybersecurity emergency. That definition would be left to the president.
The bill does not only add to the power of the president. It also grants the Secretary of Commerce “access to all relevant data concerning [critical] networks without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule, or policy restricting such access.” This means he or she can monitor or access any data on private or public networks without regard to privacy laws."

It's Bad for Our Democracy to Exempt Half the Country From Income Taxes -

It's Bad for Our Democracy to Exempt Half the Country From Income Taxes
"A very small number of taxpayers -- the 10% of the country that makes more than $92,400 a year -- pay 72.4% of the nation's income taxes. They're the tip of the triangle that's supporting virtually everyone and everything. Their burden keeps getting heavier."

The Granholm Dossier

The Granholm Dossier
Nifty Granholm retrospective.
Frightening suggestion into the Obama future.

Do click on the video links.

"The official transcript reads:

This month, we held 13 sessions across the state, explaining this fund to standing room only crowds of excited entrepreneurs and business people eager to grow their businesses.
In a few months, we will begin making prudent investments in the diverse companies that will grow jobs in Michigan.
And by this time next year, we'll see new businesses doing just that. In five years, you're going to be blown away by the strength and diversity of Michigan's transformed economy
That hardly does it justice. This one, folks, is all in the delivery."

Sunday, April 12, 2009

[Les Miserables] 10th anniversary - One Day More!

Stavros Flatly - Greek Irish Dancers - Britains Got Talent 2009

Susan Boyle link!

Paul Potts Britain's Got Talent

Peeps Show II

Peeps Show II
WaPo diorama contest!

Climate Provision Would Allow Global Warming 'Victims' to Sue

Climate Provision Would Allow Global Warming 'Victims' to Sue
"An under-the-radar provision in a House climate bill would give plaintiffs who claim to be victims of global warming a way to sue the federal government or businesses, according to a report Friday in The Washington Times.
The Times reported that Democratic Reps. Henry Waxman of California and Edward Markey of Massachusetts added it into a bill they authored.
The provision, which was just released, reportedly would set grounds for plaintiffs who has 'suffered' or expect to suffer 'harm' attributable at least in part to government inaction. The provision defines 'harm' as 'any effect of air pollution (including climate change),' according to the Times. Plaintiffs could seek up to $75,000 in damages a year from the government, with $1.5 million being the maximum total payout.
The Times reported that Waxman is trying to accelerate passage for the bill through his committee, as the Senate begins drafting its own version."

"let's sue mother nature"!

Peeps cupcakes!

Cupcakes Take The Cake: Peeps cupcakes!
"I'm working on Easter and Passover cupcake posts (trying to get them up in a timely manner, I promise!) but just had to post some Peeps cupcakes first!"

Susan Boyle - Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009

an alt link if the original fails (

A Happy Easter gift to us all from the Brits!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tax and Spend by Barack Obama

Our President!

And his comrades in his liberal media would prefer you don't click this.

But you're gonna, aren't ya?

Do it!

Muskegon Michigan News Weather Sports Blogs Videos Pictures & More

Muskegon Michigan News Weather Sports Blogs Videos Pictures & More

Who are these people?

The Chronicle replacement?

And are they here to stay?

W-2 WTF?!?!: Tax Facts to Make Your Head Explode!

Patients 'more likely to die' if EU rules on 48-hour week go ahead, doctors warn

Patients 'more likely to die' if EU rules on 48-hour week go ahead, doctors warn
"Patients will be at risk if the Government implements plans to stop doctors working more than 48 hours a week, the president of the Royal College of Surgeons warned today.'Patient safety will be reduced, so it follows that patients are more likely to die,' said John Black, a former general surgeon at Worcestershire Royal Hospital.
The vast majority of doctors think the European Working Time Directive, due to be introduced on August 1, is dangerous"

Think Progress Contradicts Itself On Obama's Gun Control Position

Think Progress Contradicts Itself On Obama's Gun Control Position
"One such outlet, the George Soros-funded Clinton front group Think Progress, offered the following hysterical headline hours after the shootings:
Right-wing’s false claims that Obama will take away guns ‘has helped fuel the panic buying of firearms.’
Yet, five days later, TP expressed concern the President is going back on campaign promises to -- wait for it! -- reinstate the assault weapons ban:"

Tax Facts to Make Your Head Explode. …

Tax Facts to Make Your Head Explode. …: "REASON TV: Tax Facts to Make Your Head Explode."

Just how vulnerable is the electrical grid?

Just how vulnerable is the electrical grid?

Ethanol raises cost of nutrition programs

Ethanol raises cost of nutrition programs
"Food stamps and child nutrition programs are expected to cost up to $900 million more this year because of increased ethanol use."

can't wait til carbon credits click in.......


Friday, April 10, 2009

Dead Man Eating...Last Meals on Death Row

Dead Man Eating...Last Meals on Death Row

calvin shuler
south carolina
june 22, 2007
t-bone steak, well done with A-1 Steak sauce, baked potato, french fries, grape drink and chocolate cake.

Ordering a well done T-bone steak deserves the death penality, in my book.

Where did our money go?

"During the stimulus debate, the bill's supporters stressed that it included strong oversight safeguards. But audits and reports are months, if not years, away. Oversight will be after the fact; right now, with the money actually beginning to flow, members of Congress have little or no idea where it is going. What, for example, is the Department of Housing and Urban Development doing with the $1.5 billion Congress approved for a new program called the Homeless Prevention Fund? Lawmakers don't know."


"Our president came bearing a basketful of mea culpas. With varying degrees of directness or obliqueness, Obama indicted his own people for arrogance, for dismissiveness and derisiveness, for genocide, for torture, for Hiroshima, for Guantanamo and for insufficient respect for the Muslim world.
And what did he get for this obsessive denigration of his own country?
He wanted more NATO combat troops in Afghanistan to match the surge of 17,000 Americans. He was rudely rebuffed.
He wanted more stimulus spending from Europe. He got nothing.
From Russia, he got no help on Iran. From China, he got the blocking of any action on North Korea.
And what did he get for Guantanamo? France, pop. 64 million, will take one prisoner. One! (Sadly, he'll have to leave his swim buddy behind.) The Austrians said they would take none. As Interior Minister Maria Fekter explained with impeccable Germanic logic, if they're not dangerous, why not just keep them in America?
When Austria is mocking you, you're having a bad week."

Social Security's Surplus Disappearing Fast in Downturn

Social Security's Surplus Disappearing Fast in Downturn
"Federal budget worrywarts (myself included) have been fretting for years about the arrival of the Dread Fiscal Year 2017, when Social Security was projected to start becoming a drag on federal finances.
Well, no need to worry about 2017 any more. Thanks to the worst economic downturn since the 1930s, the moment of reckoning is already almost here: According to both the budget proposed by the White House in February and projections issued by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) in March, Social Security benefits ($659 billion, according to the CBO) will exceed payroll taxes ($653 billion) in fiscal 2009 for the first time since 1984."

Al Gore Debates Global Warming

A must see video if you care about our energy future!

The Futility of Hybrid Cars

The Futility of Hybrid Cars
"The prospects for biofuels are worse. The CRS report cites sources that say a significant increase in biofuel production “would require harvesting various energy crops at a scale that vastly exceeds current practice.” A 2007 study from MIT estimated that as much as 500 million acres of land would be required, which would displace so much cropland that the U.S. would have to become a “substantial agricultural importer.”
Heavy use of biofuels, it seems, would simply move us from depending on foreign oil to depending on foreign food."

Obama's plan will result in national suicide.

Obama the Pitchfork Operator: A Remake of the Soviet Classic

Obama the Pitchfork Operator: A Remake of the Soviet Classic
"While some of today’s comparisons between Obama and communist dictators may go over the top, the general direction of such thinking is not without merit: since they share a utopian goal of forced equality, it’s logical to expect that their methods may also converge at some point. To wit, recent actions from Obama reminded me of a ploy Stalin used on Western entrepreneurs, which in itself is an illustrative morality play contrasting the differences between socialism and capitalism.
“My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks,” Barack Obama told the CEOs of the world’s most powerful financial institutions"

Benefits widen public, private workers' pay gap

Benefits widen public, private workers' pay gap
"Overall, total compensation for state and local workers was $39.25 an hour — $11.90 more than in private business. In 2007, the gap in wages and benefits was $11.31.
The gap has been expanding because of the increasing value of public employee benefits. Last year, government benefits rose three times more than those in the private sector: up 69 cents an hour for civil servants, 23 cents for private workers."

We work harder, longer at lower pay to support those who work less, retire earlier and make more money in retirement than most of us earn while working.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Haire of the Dog | DeMint, Paul rated lower by U.S. Chamber than Obama, Biden, Clinton

DeMint, Paul rated lower by U.S. Chamber than Obama, Biden, Clinton
"And to further prove that the Chamber is a bastion of liberalism and that big business favors the policies of the Democrats over those of the GOP, the Examiner notes that not only did that exemplar of conservatism DeMint fail to receive SoE Award, he fared worse on the Chamber's rankings than did President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. John Kerry, and Sen. Hillary Clinton. And it's all true. Go here to see the rankings."

Supply of cartridges a shell of former self in Lee County, other areas

Supply of cartridges a shell of former self in Lee County, other areas
"Ammunition is very hard to find because everybody is stockpiling. It's like the paranoia before Y2K.'" News Forum - Thread News Forum - Thread



In case you were tempted.... to believe your own eyes....

The curious case of 200 nearly identical MSM headlines

The curious case of 200 nearly identical MSM headlines

Read this post!

And remember who supports these lies!

Be afraid because you will be in the tiny minority who reads this.