Monday, June 22, 2009

Goldman Sachs to make record bonus payout

Goldman Sachs to make record bonus payout
"Last week, the firm predicted that President Barack Obama's government could issue $3.25tn of debt before September, almost four times last year's sum. Goldman, a prime broker of US government bonds, is expected to make hundreds of millions of dollars in profits from selling and dealing in the bonds"

No Country for Burly Men

No Country for Burly Men: "A 'man-cession.' That's what some economists are starting to call it. Of the 5.7 million jobs Americans lost between December 2007 and May 2009, nearly 80 percent had been held by men. Mark Perry, an economist at the University of Michigan, characterizes the recession as a 'downturn' for women but a 'catastrophe' for men."

Rangel unloads on N.Y. Pos

Rangel unloads on N.Y. Post
Ben Smith - "Rangel unloads on N.Y. Post
Charlie Rangel denounced a New York Post story accusing him of helping out a niece accused of corruption:
“It is going to be difficult for you to print this, but the only connection between that woman and me is she is a person of color,” Rangel said after attending graduation ceremonies at The Mott Hall School in Harlem with ex-president Bill Clinton.

“I have never heard of her, I don’t know anybody that knows her, and I don’t know why The Post would do this, except that I am a public official.”

“But...I am prepared to give a charity $1,000 if they can find any connection between this lady and me. I don’t know the woman.”

Asked a second time if he might be distantly related to Smith through blood or marriage, the powerful chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee denied any and all ties to her.

“Blood, marriage, fraternity, neighborhood - it is just as though (the Post editors) are drunk with ignorance and they wake up in the morning and say, ‘What can we make up?’” he said."

why that rogue cancer unit at the VA was able to persist.

MEGAN MCARDLE on why that rogue cancer unit at the VA was able to persist.
“Not because hospitals are above covering up malpractice, or because doctors don’t protect other doctors, but because any private hospital would have been terrified of getting sued. The VA is very hard to sue because of sovereign immunity.”"

Canada's Health Care System: Poor Value

Canada's Health Care System: Poor Value
"In 2007, waiting lists for access to health care in Canada reached a new all-time high of 18.3 weeks from general practitioner referral to treatment by a specialist. Despite substantial increases in both health spending and federal cash transfers to the provinces for health care over the last decade or so, this wait time is 54% longer than the overall median wait time of 11.9 weeks back in 1997."

Why getting out of Europe is the only way to save Britain

Why getting out of Europe is the only way to save Britain
"The desire to destroy our traditional nationhood through the promotion of mass immigration, multicultural diversity and surrender to the EU has been a key theme of this Government ever since 1997"

Lucas Glover Wins The U.S. Open

Lucas Glover Wins The U.S. Open
"So many amazing stories belonged to contenders all around him Monday at Bethpage Black, from Phil Mickelson's stirring bid to win for his beloved wife as she battles breast cancer, to David Duval coming out of nowhere to nearly win for the first time in eight years."

We were ALL pulling for Phil and his "beloved" (but not by Phil) wife....

Obama's poll numbers hit low

Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data Anywhere: "The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 32% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-four percent (34%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -2.
That’s the President’s lowest rating to date"

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Survival guide for 2009 Muskegon Summer Celebration

Survival guide for 2009 Muskegon Summer Celebration
"• No solicitation of any kind (political campaign materials, business advertisement fliers)."

Interesting as last year it was all-petitions-all-the-time for those waiting in line.
I wonder if this is a new policy or political solicitation is still OK outside the grounds.

Hawaii paying nearly twice market rate for solar power

Hawaii paying nearly twice market rate for solar power
"Taxpayers are paying what could amount to a multimillion-dollar premium for power from recently installed solar panels on the roofs of state-owned buildings, including several airports."

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Way - Sports News

My Way - Sports News: "An Ohio prosecutor is opposing former Ohio State football star Maurice Clarett's request for early release from prison to pursue an NFL career.
Clarett says the sooner he can be released, the sooner he can make a comeback, possibly in the NFL."

Obama's political play should shock no one

Obama's political play should shock no one
"It's amusing to watch the Washington political establishment feign shock, now that President Barack Obama's reform administration has used a clay foot to vigorously kick one inspector general and boot another out the door.

One inspector general foolishly investigated a friend of the president. Another inspector general audited those juicy bonuses given to AIG executives as part of $700 billion federal bailout of the financial industry.

It's a decent man-bites-dog story, at least until North Korea tries lobbing a few missiles toward Hawaii.

CARPE DIEM: Ronald Reagan on Socialized Medicine: 1961

CARPE DIEM: Ronald Reagan on Socialized Medicine: 1961

Muskegon school district closes $5 million funding gap

Muskegon school district closes $5 million funding gap
"as well as the receipt of federal stimulus funds are helping Muskegon Public Schools avoid 'ugly' budget cuts next year.
But Superintendent Colin Armstrong said that may not be the case in 2010-11, when stimulus funds won't be available"

A fat teacher pension and contract bailout.
Just like the auto unions.

How dumb ARE we?

Many roadblocks to getting wind energy going on Great Lakes

Many roadblocks to getting wind energy going on Great Lakes
"When the wind is blowing the hardest, the region's need for electrical power is at its lowest"

Well, duh,,,

Authorities probing string of Harley-Davidson thefts

Authorities probing string of Harley-Davidson thefts
"Roesler said investigators are uncertain whether the same suspects are responsible for all the thefts."

Used Harley ads are everywhere!

Thieves now targeting locked vehicles

Thieves now targeting locked vehicles
"The number of vehicle break-ins in the area has risen sharply since 2008, the sheriff said."

I can't wait til Jenny let's all her prisoners out of Michigan's prisons!

The World's Healthiest Foods

WHFoods: The World's Healthiest Foods
129 foods that can serve as the basis of your Healthiest Way of Eating. Links to the articles about these foods can be found below."

Friday, June 19, 2009

Lieutenant-Commander Max Shean - Telegraph

Lieutenant-Commander Max Shean - Telegraph: "In September 1942 Shean volunteered for special and hazardous service without knowing what this meant. After only 10 days' training, some of the volunteers dropped out; Shean thought that this took a lot of courage, while for him it seemed easier to stand at the back and hope that no one noticed his fear. When he learned soon afterwards that he was to become a diver in a secret, 51ft, four-man submarine known as an X-craft, his knees began to shake"

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sen. Ensign quits GOP post after admitting affair

Sen. Ensign quits GOP post after admitting affair
"Sen. John Ensign of Nevada resigned his Republican leadership post Wednesday, one day after confessing marital infidelity."


If you want to screw around, get a new job!

If you want to represent the American public, keep your pants on!

Go away...... never come back.

There is another political party that embraces your morals, you jerk!

You have violated a sacred trust.

Eddie Bauer Joins List of Retailers in Bankruptcy

Eddie Bauer Joins List of Retailers in Bankruptcy
"Eddie Bauer, the outdoor-clothing chain that sold goose-down coats to Mount Everest mountaineers and college students alike, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection"

OH, the humanity!

CARPE DIEM: Want Health Insurance? Go Out and Buy It. If You Can Afford A Cell Phone, You Can Afford Insurance

Well now.... why don't we have a "Cell Phone Czar" to guarantee the RIGHT of ALL residents (not just citizens) of America to have cell, text and picture phone care paid for by those rich folks who don't pay their fair share?

Michigan unemployment rate hits 14.1 percent in May

Michigan unemployment rate hits 14.1 percent in May
"the highest recorded in the state since 14.2 percent in July 1983."

At least, in 1983 we didn't have a multi-trillion debt with no end in sight.

Wasn't the "stimulus program" supposed to stimulate the economy and new jobs?

White House Admits Cap-And-Trade Tax Costs Triple Their Official Estimate

White House Admits Cap-And-Trade Tax Costs Triple Their Official Estimate
"Remember that these staggering costs of $1.3 to $1.9 trillion are for just the first 8 years of a 40 year program that gets much more expensive over time. This would be the final knock-out blow for a wobbly U.S. economy, and we can only hope that as people learn the facts they’ll oppose it strongly enough to force Congress and the White House back to the drawing board."

Barack Obama's Cap and Trade Program Is a Tax on the Working Class

Barack Obama's Cap and Trade Program Is a Tax on the Working Class
...Mr. Obama's budget director -- told Congress last year that 'Those price increases are essential to the success of a cap-and-trade program.'
Hit hardest would be the '95% of working families' Mr. Obama keeps mentioning, usually omitting that his no-new-taxes pledge comes with the caveat 'unless you use energy.'"

Scientists claim fish 'learn like humans'

Scientists claim fish 'learn like humans'
"According to a study by St Andrews and Durham universities the nine-spined stickleback can compare the behaviour of other sticklebacks with their own experience and make a series of choices which can potentially lead to better food supplies."

Amazing breakthrough!

This means it may be possible to teach economics to liberals!

Nearly 60 Percent Won't Graduate At South Side Bradwell Elementary School; Are Parents To Blame?

Nearly 60 Percent Won't Graduate At South Side Bradwell Elementary School; Are Parents To Blame?
"A startling number of children are falling through the cracks at one Chicago Public School."

So, how much do we spend on education?

And these same parents will be feeding and providing health information to their children?

And when Obama's enormous healthcare boondoggle is enacted... and the national health doesn't improve.... it'll be the parents fault?

Beijing orders 'Buy China' for stimulus projects

Beijing orders 'Buy China' for stimulus projects
"China has imposed a requirement for its stimulus projects to use domestically made goods -- a move that could strain ties with trading partners after Beijing criticized Washington's 'Buy American' stimulus provisions."

Oh, those dang unintended consequences......

Roskam Baking Co. plans to hire 1,500 with $65 million investment in former Steelcase plant in Kentwood

Roskam Baking Co. plans to hire 1,500 with $65 million investment in former Steelcase plant in Kentwood
"'These projects are vivid proof of the economic growth happening in West Michigan,' Birgit Klohs, president and CEO of the West Michigan economic development group The Right Place, Inc., said in a statement."

Interesting that her "vivid proof" of economic growth is moving into an empty building owned buy a company that didn't see vivid proof of any reason to remain in Michigan.

How many "targeted tax breaks" are we going to waste until we learn that it's the "miserable Michigan business climate, stupid" and the answer is to fix the problem, not phony "plans" or "promises" in lieu of real, statewide job expansion?

Muskegon's Johnson Technology adds 74 positions

Muskegon's Johnson Technology adds 74 positions
"the Michigan Economic Growth Authority board approved a state tax credit valued at $2 million over the next 12 years. The city of Muskegon is expected to consider a property tax abatement for the company....
The 74 direct jobs at Johnson Technology are expected to create another 93 indirect jobs, according to state estimates."

Ummm, they haven't added 74 positions, they've promised to add 74 positions over the next 12 years. It's pretty clear that would have happened anyway.

And doncha love the "93 indirect jobs" created! Those state estimators are really spot on!

Soon we're gonna hear about "indirect jobs saved". Guaranteed......

The $2+ million is a "tax stimulus". Imagine that!
Give a company a tax cut and they might hire new workers!

Too bad we got a giant pork spending bill instead of tax cuts to employers.

Family angry when paralyzed Marine Joshua Hoffman is denied free entrance to Michigan's Adventure

Family angry when paralyzed Marine Joshua Hoffman is denied free entrance to Michigan's Adventure
"Camille Jourden-Mark, general manager of Michigan's Adventure, said park policy does not allow any non-participants in free."

I imagine she regrets her first decision.
I also wonder if he was wearing his uniform (I doubt it) when trying to enter the park.
There is no question that this brave Marine deserved a break but using that photo is classic Chronicle sophistry.
The Chronicle shows its shamelessness again.

Lift-Tech International to close in Muskegon Heights

Lift-Tech International to close in Muskegon Heights
"Employees at Lift-Tech International on Tuesday got the news they were all hoping wouldn't come: The historic plant on Broadway Avenue will close.....
Muskegon Heights City Manager Natasha Henderson said the city had worked with state and local economic development agencies to try to keep the plant open, even offering to visit with corporate officials in Amherst, N.Y."

Imagine how IMPRESSED the lift-tech management would have been with that visit!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ensign to Acknowledge Extramarital Affair

Ensign to Acknowledge Extramarital Affair
"Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) has acknowledged an extramarital affair with a campaign staffer in a statement released by his office. 'I deeply regret and am very sorry for my actions,' said Ensign. He is expected to announce the affair at a press conference at 6:30 pm tonight. The affair, which was with a woman who worked for both Ensign's re-election campaign and his Battle Born leadership political action committee, began in December 2007 and ended in August 2008. Ensign's wife, Darlene, said that the couple's 'marriage has become stronger' and added: 'I love my husband.'"


Ohio Residents Ticketed for Parking in Own Driveways

Ohio Residents Ticketed for Parking in Own Driveways
"Residents of Toledo, Ohio, are complaining that they received $25 tickets for parking their vehicles in their own driveways.
Mayor Carty Finkbeiner says he stands by the citations handed out last week by the Division of Streets, Bridges and Harbor. He says the tickets were issued under a city law against parking on unpaved surfaces, including gravel driveways.
During a news conference Monday, Finkbeiner ignored a reporter's question of whether the crackdown and fines were related to the city's budget crisis."

How "creative" these democrooks are!

Witt Buick owner fighting GM's decision to close dealership

Witt Buick owner fighting GM's decision to close dealership
"After nearly 100 years of service to Muskegon and more than 70 years of selling Buicks, Witt Buick is expected to be one of the dealerships forced by General Motors to shut down in 2010."

California Democrats Seek Tax Boost as Battle Looms

California Democrats Seek Tax Boost as Battle Looms
"Speaker of the Assembly Karen Bass, a Los Angeles Democrat, said higher taxes and fees are needed instead of all $16 billion in cuts proposed by Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. His proposed reductions would eliminate entire welfare programs and leave 1 million children without health insurance. Democrats yesterday proposed a $15 automobile license fee and said they may consider a 9.9 percent per-barrel levy on oil produced in the state."

Dems ALWAYS want more taxes and spending!

They will tax any and everything... so watch out Americans.... they will take what they want unless we stand tall against them!

Sen. Coburn questions 100 stimulus projects

Sen. Coburn questions 100 stimulus projects
"Coburn also criticized a $3.4 million Florida Department of Transportation project for an 'eco-passage' - an underground wildlife road crossing for turtles and other wildlife in Lake Jackson, Fla., along U.S. 27.
'Why did the turtle cross the road? To get to the other side of a stimulus project,' the Coburn report says."

Monday, June 15, 2009


With a troubling chart of money-supply growth.

The American Spectator : After the Tea Parties

After the Tea Parties: "What do conservatives do after the Tea Parties? What do you do when the protests are over? How do you harness all that energy? How do you turn it into a permanent force?"

IRS Proposes New Cell Phone Tax

IRS Proposes New Cell Phone Tax
"According to the WSJ the IRS is proposing to require employees to pay taxes on 25% of the cost of any employer provided cell phone. Taxpayers would be exempt if they could prove that they had a separate cell phone for private use. Talk may get a lot more expensive very soon under the Obama Adminstration's IRS proposal. Stay tuned . . ."


theblogprof: "Yet more data against the CO2 bogeyman. There's more, so click over and read the whole thing. As I have pointed out in many prior posts on the topic, there are many instances (I would say an overwhelming majority here) of actual observable scientific data that contradicts the view of the global warming alarmists. Here's a short list of the challenges facing global warming zealots (compiled from what can be found at WattsUpWithThat and other sources):"

$1.5 million in cuts includes 9 Reeths-Puffer teaching positions

$1.5 million in cuts includes 9 Reeths-Puffer teaching positions
"The district will cut 9.2 teaching positions next year -- three of them through layoffs, said Superintendent Stephen Cousins.
About $1.5 million in spending cuts are included in a proposed 2009-10 budget expected to be approved by the school board Monday. The cuts would have been deeper if not for $545,000 in special education stimulus funds, Cousins said.
'That'll keep some people working that otherwise would have been laid off,' Cousins said. 'Our concern is that we're using a lot of stimulus money to augment the budget, and that money's going to be gone next year.'"

Using "stimulus" money to offset current budget shortfalls is exactly like borrowing from your credit card to pay you current bills......except your kids co-signed and they will have to pay the credit card bill.

Crooks and idiots!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rural Mich. counties turn failing roads to gravel

Rural Mich. counties turn failing roads to gravel
"Some Michigan counties have turned a few once-paved rural roads back to gravel to save money. .........
Reverting to gravel has happened in a few other states but it is most typical in Michigan. At least 50 miles have been reverted in the state in the past three years."

We call it "regraveling"!
This will bring in the new businesses and jobs.......right.......

Power Line - The Walpin Story

Power Line - The Walpin Story: "If, like me, you haven't had time over the last few days to keep up with the story of Barack Obama's firing of Gerald Walpin, the Inspector General who has responsibility for the AmeriCorps program, Byron York will bring you up to speed. The story is an interesting one that sheds light on the lawless, bullying nature of the Obama administration." News Forum - Thread News Forum - Thread: "If, like me, you haven't had time over the last few days to keep up with the story of Barack Obama's firing of Gerald Walpin, the Inspector General who has responsibility for the AmeriCorps program, Byron York will bring you up to speed. (Snip)This story adds to the disconcerting picture we are getting of the Obama administration--a picture of lawlessness, hyperpartisanship, cronyism and lack of transparency."

Narrative Dissonance

Narrative Dissonance:
"'I mean, in a way, Obama's standing above the country, above--above the world, he's sort of God.'
These drug-addicted words come from Evan Thomas, a longtime editor at Newsweek. He uttered them on Chris Matthews's MSNBC show."

And the libs in academia tell us there is no media bias?

Detroit pension trustees take flight on funds' tab

Detroit pension trustees take flight on funds' tab
"The trustees who oversee Detroit's two public pensions, their lawyers and staff spent $380,000 over the past year circling the globe to attend conferences -- often traveling in packs, with virtually no limitation on where they went or how often they traveled."

Lots of thoughts here.....
Why did it take the Detroit media so long to figure out what EVERYONE already knew?
Why haven't any Michigan or national media reported this?
Why hasn't the Freep reported this outrage earlier?

Why do these crooks do the SAME THING in most EVERY city and county in America and GET AWAY WITH IT?


"Talkers says average national weekly listenership for Dr. Laura, who like Rush is heard here on WABC (770 AM), is 18 million. Stern, of WXRK (92.3 FM), has 17.5 million and Limbaugh clocks in at 17.25 million."

Bummer libs!

This gush of joy from the "end-of-Rush" hopers is from 1998!

Will you get free Prozac with free Obama-care?

A question of race? Working couple stopped by police

A question of race? Working couple stopped by police
"Why did a resident of the upper-middle-class subdivision call the police on her? Why did a sheriff's deputy question her for more than 20 minutes? And why did the same deputy visit Langston and her boyfriend the next day?"

Classic race baiting by The Chronicle.
There is absolutely no proof or even an allegation of racial profiling except for the charge by the black couple.... anyone smell a nice lawsuit in the works?

Yet it is prominently positioned in the "newspaper" and on the web.

Compare how they treat the Muskegon charter amendments (posted below).
In depth analysis nowhere to be seen on that one.

Not racial enough?

Muskegon to end curbside recycling, ax four employees

Muskegon to end curbside recycling, ax four employees
"Elimination of twice-monthly curbside recycling beginning July 1 will save $60,000. City Manager Bryon Mazade said the recycling program -- which has been part of the city-provided garbage service -- was struggling with less-than-hoped-for use by city residents"

Recycling is an idiotic program that costs money, time and energy to produce zero benefit except for anyone except the public employees on salary.....and their bosses.

It's about time we got rid of this bogus program.

Now let's roll up our sleeves and dump the other dozens of worthless, tax-increasing, job destroyers while there is still a "Muskegon".

Muskegon voters to face city charter issues

Muskegon voters to face city charter issues
The sx charter amendments would:
• Eliminate the civil service system.
• Change the city's fiscal year.
• Change the time for city property tax collection.
• Change the date when the budget must be submitted.
• Eliminate the charter provision for board of review sessions.
• Eliminate the city August primary.
Many of the amendments have cost-saving implications.
Both the changes in fiscal year and tax collection provide one-time budget benefits if the city commission were to enact the change."


Another fab example of The Chronicle's famous "in depth" reportage!
....or more of the same lazy, cheerleading for the same idiotic "leadership" that has destroyed our city.

This could be a BIG issue if The Chronicle would allow analysis and a legitimate debate of each amendment.

It would also be a first for our dying local newspaper.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Biden: $2-billion boost coming to help Michigan

Biden: $2-billion boost coming to help Michigan
yeah, right....

Trashing food scraps? This city will fine you

Trashing food scraps? This city will fine you
"Trash collectors in San Francisco will soon be doing more than just gathering garbage: They'll be keeping an eye out for people who toss food scraps out with their rubbish.
San Francisco this week passed a mandatory composting law that is believed to be the strictest such ordinance in the nation. Residents will be required to have three color-coded trash bins, including one for recycling, one for trash and a new one for compost — everything from banana peels to coffee grounds."

IRS Considers Taxing Personal Use of Work Cell Phones as 'Fringe Benefit'

IRS Considers Taxing Personal Use of Work Cell Phones as 'Fringe Benefit'
"The IRS is weighing a proposal to deem one-quarter of employees' use of work cell phones as personal use and therefore subject to tax as a fringe benefit."

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Way - Sports News

My Way - Sports News: "This fall's eagerly awaited return of Minnesota football to campus after 27 years will feature nostalgia, pageantry and fresh air. But no beer.
University President Robert Bruininks is expected to recommend Friday that regents ban alcohol from the new TCF Bank Stadium following a dispute with state lawmakers."

Cher's daughter Chastity Bono is changing gender from female to male

Cher's daughter Chastity Bono is changing gender from female to male
"Cher is about to get a new son.
Chastity Bono, the celebrity offspring of the singer and late husband Sonny Bono, is changing gender from female to male, her publicist told the Daily News on Thursday."

Ms Bono with a boner?

'Bama crooks?

My Way - Sports News: "The university uncovered the violations after an Alabama Supply Store employee realized that an athlete had more than $1,600 in charges for the fall semester of 2007 and alerted university officials. Athletes get free textbooks with their scholarship, but some were accused of getting additional textbooks for other students."

Unintended consequences?

President Obama: No more federal bucks planned for General Motors, Chrysler

President Obama: No more federal bucks planned for General Motors, Chrysler
"President Barack Obama's auto task force told skeptical lawmakers Wednesday the government had no plans to pump more dollars into General Motors and Chrysler and that the public had a 'reasonable probability' of getting its money back."

Yeah, right.....

Patriotic rally set for Friday in Montague

Patriotic rally set for Friday in Montague
"A patriotic rally designed to honor current and former members of the military and emergency services may produce a memorable flag-waving moment Friday afternoon.
Beginning at 4 p.m., people are invited to bring little American flags and wave them as part of the rally at Ellenwood Park"

"little American flags..."?

Embattled Muskegon school board member Charles Nash resigns

Embattled Muskegon school board member Charles Nash resigns
"Charles Nash, forced out by a circuit court ruling, submitted a letter of resignation to the Muskegon school board Tuesday that railed against the justice system, called on the public to mount a defense campaign on his behalf and instructed the board on the direction it should take."

Who is paying this fool's legal bills and how much has he cost the taxpayers in Muskegon to get his idiotic butt out?

Sparta man who allegedly was rifling through neighbor's car while wearing bra charged with resisting arrest, home invasion

Sparta man who allegedly was rifling through neighbor's car while wearing bra charged with resisting arrest, home invasion
"A 20-year-old Sparta man who was wearing a purple bra and boxer shorts when he was discovered allegedly rifling through his neighbor's car was charged Wednesday in Rockford District Court."

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cherry has image problem in bid to be next Michigan governor

Cherry has image problem in bid to be next Michigan governor
"Cherry, 58, is the kind of guy who gets angry if you don't call him John"


Classic - Jonah Goldberg

A Democratic Underground dweller buys a doohickey so he can turn off Fox News in any public place he finds it. So courageous.
'It's time to get aggressive when it comes to people playing FOX News in businesses, doctor's offices and other public places.'"

Norton Avenue reconstruction put off

Norton Avenue reconstruction put off
"Money through the Transportation Improvement Program will be used for the Norton and Harvey projects. In most cases, the local municipality is required to provide a 20 percent financial contribution for those projects."

Web site shows which cars are least, most expensive to insure

Web site shows which cars are least, most expensive to insure
"Before buying your next car, check out eye-opening lists of the most and least expensive 2009 vehicles to insure. It could save you hundreds of dollars a year."

CNN Co-Founder: “CNN’s Ratings Have Gone Down The Drain”

CNN Co-Founder: “CNN’s Ratings Have Gone Down The Drain”
"seven months after Barack Obama’s victory, CNN’s ratings have gone down the drain.

From May of last year to May of this year, CNN lost 22% of its total primetime audience. MSNBC was down 2%, while FoxNews was up 24%. .......

Total day was nearly as bad, with Fox up 24% and CNN down 7%. MSNBC was down 2% in total viewing. Fox is beating CNN almost two-to-one in most categories."

Flint mayor says GM job losses mean big city needs

Flint mayor says GM job losses mean big city needs
"Flint's mayor says a city that has seen its General Motors Corp. work force fall by 90 percent over the years needs lots of federal stimulus aid."

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The Proposed Coal-Fired Power Plant in Rogers City, MI Part 3 « Jennerationx

The Proposed Coal-Fired Power Plant in Rogers City, MI Part 3 « Jennerationx: "that I found out that CEI was going around to all the townships of Presque Isle county and distributing copied versions of An Inconvenient Truth and telling the board members that they are just a small group interested in asking questions."

Obama's Enemies List Grows

Obama's Enemies List Grows
"The targeting of perceived political enemies by the Obama Administration has grown from mere individuals to entire groups. Evidence emerged that a common thread among the list of 789 Chrysler dealerships ordered closed by the White House is that the owners donated to GOP candidates, Republican-leaning causes or donated to Hillary Clinton or John Edwards during the Democratic presidential primaries."

Newspaper's future is in your hands

Newspaper's future is in your hands
"While I can make that pitch, it's clear the future shape of The Chronicle is in the hands of its readers and advertisers.
And that's the way it should be."


The Weekly Standard
"And, as if 'saved or created' wasn't a fatuous enough standard to begin with, Obama continues to claim that he's 'saved or created' 150,000 jobs during the same time the economy has lost 1.6 million.
He could at least drop the 'created' half of the canard. Then, I guess, 'Hey, if we hadn't gone $700 billion further into debt in the last three months, we would have lost 1.75 million jobs' isn't an argument he wants to make."

Obama turned down Bush proposal on autos

Obama turned down Bush proposal on autos
"President Barack Obama's transition team turned down a pitch last November from Bush administration officials to publicly join forces in setting tough conditions on General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC in return for money to survive."

'Buy American' will lose U.S. more jobs

'Buy American' will lose U.S. more jobs
"'Buy American' provisions make sense politically, because they create huge political payoffs for elected officials who protect jobs in domestic industries. But, economically, Buy American rules, like all forms of trade protectionism, make no sense at all, since research shows that for every job protected and saved, about two jobs are lost.
Why? Because Buy American provisions and tariffs protect inefficient domestic producers from more efficient foreign rivals. Take steel manufacturers. American firms that buy domestic steel are forced to charge consumers more. So retail sales decline, and thousands of jobs are then lost in countless industries that use steel as raw material."

Gun owners show support for open-carry law at picnic in Kalamazoo

Gun owners show support for open-carry law at picnic in Kalamazoo
"It resembled most any Sunday afternoon picnic in Bronson Park.
Except most of the people assembled around tables filled with watermelon and grilled goodies had firearms in holsters strapped to their waists.
The Glocks and the Smith & Wessons remained holstered but visible during a three-hour Open Carry Picnic designed to raise public awareness of what organizers called Second Amendment rights in Michigan to openly carry a firearm in most places."

Muskegon Heights rejects proposal to lower water rates

Muskegon Heights rejects proposal to lower water rates
"The Muskegon Heights city council on Monday rejected a request from Fruitport Township and Norton Shores to lower their municipal water rates.
The council's decision prompted a short but testy verbal exchange between city and township leaders, and resulted in Fruitport and Norton Shores officials leaving Monday's meeting in a huff.
'Are you ready?' Fruitport Township's Matt Farrar asked David Geyer, director of Norton Shores water and sewer division, after both men publicly made their pleas to the council and had returned to their seats.
'Yeah, it doesn't matter,' responded Geyer"


"You write the caption....


"Wow.....Hotair provides quick recap of the day's breaking news....

What better way to complete a day in which Barack Obama’s economic policies lose the majority in a Gallup poll, Dems lose the edge on the GOP in a Rasmussen poll on economics, and the Supreme Court apparently blocks Obama’s dictatorial dissolution of an American carmaker than to highlight a “parliamentary coup” in Albany, NY? Manic Monday turned literal in the New York state Senate, where Democrats Pedro Espada and Hiram Monserrate switched sides and gave control of the chamber to the Republicans...,"

Lynn Hahn, J.D. Driver bring back memories of racquetball's glory days

Lynn Hahn, J.D. Driver bring back memories of racquetball's glory days
"Racquetball was so popular back then that the facility now known as the Omni Fitness Club was simply Racquetball Plus, with 15 courts and a waiting list to get on them at most hours of the day.
It was also the heyday of two of the state's all-time best players -- Lynn Hahn of Whitehall and J.D. Driver of Muskegon.
Hahn and Driver were back in the news recently, when the Racquetball Association of Michigan Hall of Fame held a banquet in Lansing honoring the inductees from the hall's first 25 years, with Hahn and Driver the only two local players in that group."

That Didn't Take Long

That Didn't Take Long
"Today's Rasmussen survey finds that voters now trust Republicans over Democrats on six of ten issues, most notably the economy, 45 percent to 39 percent. Another one is government ethics, 35-29. And immigration, by a wide 43-29 margin.

I think a lot of voters are figuring out that what the Democrats meant by 'change' wasn't quite what they had in mind."

Monday, June 08, 2009

Senate could vote today on tougher tobacco laws

Senate could vote today on tougher tobacco laws
"After more than a decade of debate, Congress is poised to approve the most sweeping effort ever to regulate tobacco products.
The Senate could pass a bipartisan bill as early as today that would require larger health warnings on cigarette packs, ban candy flavorings, ban the use of claims such as 'light,' 'mild' and 'low tar,' and further restrict tobacco advertising."

GOP falls flat with its auto arguments

GOP falls flat with its auto arguments
"Just ask the surviving UAW members whose base wages, health-care benefits and pensions are unaffected by their concessionary deal with GM, in particular.
Yes, you read that right."

Government Motors: Quotes of the Day

Government Motors: Quotes of the Day
"The government that runs Amtrak (which has lost $23 billion, in today's dollars, just since 1990) vows to make GM efficient. But one reason Amtrak runs on red ink is that legislators treat it as their toy train set, preventing it from cutting egregiously unprofitable routes.

~George Will"

Not Your Father's Playboy

Not Your Father's Playboy
"Not every liberal engages in this kind of despicable conduct, but I have never seen a prominent liberal condemn it, either. That is, sadly, the political world in which we live,"

Watchdog or lapdog? It depends on who is in power

Watchdog or lapdog? It depends on who is in power
"Continuing its pro-Obama spin, the Post claimed that the May job loss of 345,000 was far smaller than economists had predicted. It failed to mention that the employment picture is not only worse than what the Obama administration predicted it would be if Congress passed the stimulus package, it also is worse than the administration predicted it would be without that package."

“Funny that this is a story now.” DENVER — The thick-muscled man with c…

“Funny that this is a story now.” DENVER — The thick-muscled man with c…
"They were too busy investigating Joe The Plumber back during the election.
You’d think this would have been a tipoff, though: “He claimed to have lost a finger, but had 10 digits.” Note, however, the way the NYT story executes damage-control as it goes."

Obama's Enemies List Grows

Obama's Enemies List Grows
"Just having the appearance of someone who might possibly vote for an opponent of Barack Obama could land them on the President's enemies list where proxies do the dirty work. Political appointees in the Justice Department killed a six-month investigation by career DOJ lawyers into the most blatant voter intimidation case in 40 years. Last November, jack-booted, uniformed, baton-wielding thugs from the New Black Panther Party calling themselves 'security' obstructed a Philadelphia polling location and behaved in an intimidating manner toward white voters.

Days after dismissing charges against the menacing thugs, the Justice Department moved in the opposite direction by blocking responsible steps to stem voter fraud. The DOJ barred the administrative procedures Georgia authorities put into place – under federal court guidance -- to verify voter registrations. The DOJ claimed the procedures violated the rights of minority voters.
A de facto Obama enemies list and dirty political machine have been expanding since last year. Obama has established several embarrassing presidential firsts including targeting private individuals by names, assigning a well-known 'partisan dirt-digger' and non-lawyer to the White House Counsel's Office to likely gain access to Bush Administration documents protected under attorney-client privilege, and moving the senior political advisor into the West Wing. These are heretofore unseen partisan practices."

Obama's Enemies List Grows

Obama's Enemies List Grows
"Just having the appearance of someone who might possibly vote for an opponent of Barack Obama could land them on the President's enemies list where proxies do the dirty work. Political appointees in the Justice Department killed a six-month investigation by career DOJ lawyers into the most blatant voter intimidation case in 40 years. Last November, jack-booted, uniformed, baton-wielding thugs from the New Black Panther Party calling themselves 'security' obstructed a Philadelphia polling location and behaved in an intimidating manner toward white voters.

Days after dismissing charges against the menacing thugs, the Justice Department moved in the opposite direction by blocking responsible steps to stem voter fraud. The DOJ barred the administrative procedures Georgia authorities put into place – under federal court guidance -- to verify voter registrations. The DOJ claimed the procedures violated the rights of minority voters.
A de facto Obama enemies list and dirty political machine have been expanding since last year. Obama has established several embarrassing presidential firsts including targeting private individuals by names, assigning a well-known 'partisan dirt-digger' and non-lawyer to the White House Counsel's Office to likely gain access to Bush Administration documents protected under attorney-client privilege, and moving the senior political advisor into the West Wing. These are heretofore unseen partisan practices."

Think twice about 'green' transport, say scientists

Think twice about 'green' transport, say scientists
"In some circumstances, for instance, it could be more eco-friendly to drive into a city -- even in an SUV, the bete noire of green groups -- rather than take a suburban train. It depends on seat occupancy and the underlying carbon cost of the mode of transport."

Liberal media on life support Opinion Articles - Noemie Emery | Editorials on Top News Stories | Washington Examiner

Liberal media on life support Opinion Articles - Noemie Emery Editorials on Top News Stories Washington Examiner: "On May 17, Edmund Andrews wrote a piece in the Times about how the mortgage meltdown and fiscal collapse of last autumn left him over-extended, facing foreclosure, and broke. He blamed himself (which was nice, since as one of the Times’ economic reporters he should have known better), but also heaped blame on Alan Greenspan and others for his debacle, and of course, on then-President Bush.

Days after this, bloggers exposed the fact he had neglected to mention that his wife had gone bankrupt twice, once in the ‘90’s, and each time on a six-figure income, changing the story from one of hapless homeowners gulled by unscrupulous lenders to one of compulsive super-consumers who overspent wildly on things with which Bush and Greenspan had nothing to do."

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Wings of Mercy event draws huge crowd

Wings of Mercy event draws huge crowd
"For those with deep pockets, plane rides were popular.
Vanderlinde said 21 people forked over $400 each for a ride in the B-25 bomber and three others took a lift for $1,000 on the P-51 Mustang. Others dropped between $25 and $30 for a ride in a helicopter and Executive Air Transport's commercial planes."

Communities headed for clash over water rates

Communities headed for clash over water rates
"Muskegon Heights' administration 'is pulling an arbitrary number out of the air and choosing to implement that rate,' Werschem said, pointing to the six or so meetings during which the committee members worked with numbers to calculate their recommended rate."

As school years shrink, state lawmakers seek return to minimum of 180 days

As school years shrink, state lawmakers seek return to minimum of 180 days
"Take note, K-12 students, as you embrace the start of summer vacation: People in high places think the school year is not long enough. At least, not anymore.
Michigan used to require at least 180 days of school annually. The Legislature dropped that six years ago so districts could have flexibility to manage operating costs while achieving the minimum required number of hours, 1,098. The result is that most districts have swapped longer school days for shorter school years."

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Bills would boost 'Pure Michigan' funding -

Bills would boost 'Pure Michigan' funding
"A legislative package proposed in Lansing could provide as much as $40 million annually to promote Michigan as a travel destination and lure business investments to the state.
One of the four bills introduced this week in the Democratic-controlled state House would create a temporary $2.50 per-day assessment on vehicles rented within five miles of a commercial airport or convention center, or if the rental begins at a motel or hotel, assuring the assessment is paid mostly by out-of-state visitors."

Crews begin taking out Detroit's Tiger Stadium

Crews begin taking out Detroit's Tiger Stadium
Friday June 05, 2009, 4:18 PM
DETROIT -- Crews began demolishing what's left of Tiger Stadium on Friday as fans looked on and said goodbye to the historic ballpark.
AP PhotoA backhoe drops a concrete block to break up the seating area at Tiger Stadium in Detroit on Friday.
A backhoe tore apart a portion of the lower deck along the former third base line about an hour after Detroit Economic Growth Corp. executive vice president Waymon Guillebeaux emerged from an onsite meeting with the demolition contractor and told The Associated Press he had given the green light to begin.

Demolition ordered to stop at Tiger Stadium
by Ben Leubsdorf The Associated Press
Friday June 05, 2009, 11:01 PM
DETROIT (AP) -- Tiger Stadium's final out appeared at hand Friday as crews began demolishing what's left of the venerable ballpark, until a judge halted the demolition -- with an assist from a fan who charged the mound armed with the court order.
A temporary restraining order issued by Wayne County Circuit Judge Isidore Torres around 5 p.m. EDT halted demolition work that had started several hours earlier.


Canadians angered over Buy American rule

Canadians angered over Buy American rule
"Canadian municipal leaders threatened to retaliate against the 'Buy America' movement in the United States on Saturday, warning trade restrictions will hurt both countries' economies.
The Federation of Canadian Municipalities endorsed a controversial proposal to support communities that refuse to buy products from countries that put trade restrictions on products and services from Canada.
The measure is a response to a provision in the U.S. economic stimulus package passed by Congress in February that says public works projects should use iron, steel and other goods made in the United States."

Let the trade wars begin!

Wal-Mart and Chicago's South Side Food Desert

Wal-Mart and Chicago's South Side Food Desert: "Various surveys have shown the dearth of supermarkets in Chicago's poor neighborhoods and how the attendant health problems ripple through the state and city. But you don't need a survey to know there's a problem. Wander around parts of the South or West Sides. Look. People shop for meals in liquor stores and fast-food joints, in little shops where fresh means moldy tomatoes and tired meat."

Prison closing packs another economic punch to Muskegon

Prison closing packs another economic punch to Muskegon
"Muskegon community leaders, law-enforcement officials and ordinary citizens were dismayed at Friday's news that Muskegon Correctional Facility will close this year."

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Executive correspondence

Executive correspondence
"Forgive my abruptness, but would you kindly provide me with your wire transfer information?
I have all this money here that I’d would really like you to take, but I have been unable, thus far, to find a way to jam it down your throat.
Oh sure, you claim you don’t need it (you arrogant SOB) but I’ll never be able to complete the full-scale destruction of American free-market capitalism if I don’t get this money in your company’s checking account post-haste."