Thursday, July 09, 2009

Ensign paid $96,000 "gift" to Hamptons

Ensign paid $96,000 "gift" to Hamptons
"Sen. John Ensign paid out nearly $100,000 to the family of his mistress out of his private funds, his lawyer says in an e-mail.
The gifts, the statement says, are part of a pattern of 'generosity' on the part of the senator to the family he nearly destroyed."

Imagine the fool who talks "generosity" and expects anyone to believe his bullshit!

Out damned spot!

Women spend almost a year of their lives deciding what to wear

Women spend almost a year of their lives deciding what to wear
"WOMEN spend almost a year of their lives deciding what to wear, a new study has found."


I wonder just who funded this "study"...

More spelling errors plague Obama releases

More spelling errors plague Obama releases
"Misspellings continued to plague the Obama administration on Thursday, after two more releases containing errors were sent to reporters in the last 24 hours.
After misspelling the president's name as 'Barak Obama' yesterday on an official document sent to reporters, the General Services Administration messed up another message when announcing it had awarded an $18 million contract to redesign the website keeping track of spent stimulus dollars."

$18 million to set up a website to track porkulus dollars!!!!!

Obama positives at new low

Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data Anywhere: "Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of –8. The President’s Approval Index rating has fallen six points since release of a disappointing jobs report last week (see trends)."

Private sector can't afford public sector employees

Private sector can't afford public sector employees
"The federal government is the nation's largest single employer, even excluding the Postal Service. And state and local governments employ more people than any other sector of our economy.
It is no mystery the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities reports 74 percent of budget gaps are in blue states!"

Public Pensions Cook the Books

Public Pensions Cook the Books
"Here's a dilemma: You manage a public employee pension plan and your actuary tells you it is significantly underfunded. You don't want to raise contributions. Cutting benefits is out of the question. To be honest, you'd really rather not even admit there's a problem, lest taxpayers get upset.
What to do? For the administrators of two Montana pension plans, the answer is obvious: Get a new actuary."

TIGERHAWK: The 35% Solution

TIGERHAWK: The 35% Solution
“Because its efforts have been broken into separate initiatives with different justifications, few people other than news junkies have noticed how extraordinary Barack Obama’s agenda is.
Perhaps a number will help: 35%.
That is the aggregate percentage of United States GDP produced by the three industries that the Democrats hope to restructure from the top down: Health care (17% of GDP), energy (9.8% of GDP), and financial services (8% of GDP).
Think about that. Without even considering the transformational impact of proposed anti-business laws of general application, such as the Orwellian ‘employee free choice act,’ the Obama administration wants to redesign 35% of gross domestic product from the center. And he proposes to do it all in a rush this summer, lest the decline in his popularity and that of the Congressional Democrats erodes his power to do so.”"

How Ferris State's tuition increase stacks up to other Michigan schools

How Ferris State's tuition increase stacks up to other Michigan schools
"Students will pay the whole increase, but the university will cut rebate checks when it gets an expected $1.39 million in federal money."

Your "job stimulus" dollars at work?

People with employability issues or criminal records get training for construction trade in GRCC program

People with employability issues or criminal records get training for construction trade in GRCC program
Grants worth about $200,000 cover tuition, materials and other expenses.
"Perhaps the biggest benefit is that the guys can demonstrate to themselves that they can make a difference in the community, and demonstrate to the community that these people can make a difference," said Dan Buron, Goodwill's chief work force development officer.
Students, between the ages of 24 and 50, spend three weeks in a classroom brushing up on math skills, plus learning how to use small tools safely.
They will spend the rest of the summer building two scaled-down "green" model houses that can be set up at construction expos, as well as working in the field on Habitat for Humanity homes.

$200,000 (mostly from us taxpayers) to teach "math" and how to use an electric drill without killing someone, so those schmoos will be able to find there are NO construction jobs and no one needs a new house cuz we got thousands of empty ones already.
Cuz we tax our businesses out of the state .... in order to have nice programs like that one.......

That makes sense...right?

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The Big Public Pension Squeeze

The Big Public Pension Squeeze: "Vallejo, a working-class community of 120,000 northeast of San Francisco, has long been a strong union town. Like many cities, it gives its workers generous retirement benefits: Police and firefighters can retire as young as age 50 with a pension equal to 90 percent of their final salary, and they enjoy free health care for life. Salaries, which serve as the base for determining pension levels, have also been generous: Forty-four percent of the city’s 613 employees had gross wages in excess of $100,000 in 2008."

Corrections officers conducted "informational picketing" Tuesday outside the soon-to-close Muskegon Correctional Facility.

Corrections officers conducted "informational picketing" Tuesday outside the soon-to-close Muskegon Correctional Facility.
"The goal of the picketing, organized by the Michigan Corrections Organization, was to 'educate the public' about what that union calls a danger to public safety: the state's decision to parole up to 4,000 inmates after their minimum sentence is served -- sooner than would previously have been the case -- thus allowing it to close MCF and other prisons."

This is what state over-spending brings, folks.

The sentences are gonna be shorter, or non-existent, for the thugs.

And the thugs know it.

Buy a gun...NOW!

Officials: Arrests, hospital visits up at ROTHBURY

Officials: Arrests, hospital visits up at ROTHBURY
"Arrests and hospital visits stemming from the second ROTHBURY festival were up from last year's event, authorities say."

I wonder if all the concert cheerleaders factored this in.....

“SMART DIPLOMACY:” Reminding the Russians about Alaska. UPDATE: Setting off the “Quayle-o-Meter…

“SMART DIPLOMACY:” Reminding the Russians about Alaska. UPDATE: Setting off the “Quayle-o-Meter…:
July 8, 2009
“SMART DIPLOMACY:” Reminding the Russians about Alaska.

UPDATE: Setting off the “Quayle-o-Meter.” “That’s the way to ‘hit the Reset button’, Mr. President. Remind the Russians of perhaps the stupidest thing they ever did.”
Bottom line: The guy is a smooth-talking ignoramus: not all that smart, not well-read, with a wafer-thin resume.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Maybe Obama’s just covering for Joe Biden."

Lake Express -Big sale!

Lake Express - High Speed Car Ferry crossing Lake Michigan between Milwaukee, WI and Muskegon, MI
"Savings of more than 25% are possible when you take advantage of the Lake Express summer '91-19' return fare sale - Available for Phone and In-Terminal Bookings Only.

Convert your one-way trip to a roundtrip for as little as $19 per person when you use a 6:00 a.m. or 11:00 p.m. crossing"

Good idea!

Metrorail Operator Caught Texting on Job

Metrorail Operator Caught Texting on Job
"There's more bad publicity for Metro after a YouTube video surfaces of a Metro train operator apparently texting while on the job."

Government provided commuter care.

Barack Obama holds a fire sale of America’s nuclear defences in Moscow

Barack Obama holds a fire sale of America’s nuclear defences in Moscow
"For Obama, success is not the delivery of watertight nuclear security for America; it is a feel-good news conference and photo opportunity that will create huge approval ratings on liberal campuses where the delusions of 1968 and the anti-Vietnam war movement still linger on in these isolated Jurassic Parks.
It seems certain Obama will sacrifice the anti-missile shield in Europe that would have been our defence against a nuclear Iran after the ayatollahs, with Russian help, emerge as potential vapourising agents of the infidel. The interceptor missiles do not even carry warheads: they rely on an impact at 14,900mph to destroy any incoming missile, so Russian hysteria about this “threat” is synthetic."

Obama may make Neville Chamberlain look Churchillesque in comparison.

Audit finds states using stimulus to stay afloat

Audit finds states using stimulus to stay afloat: "The Obama administration hoped spending $787 billion in stimulus would jump-start the economy, build new schools and usher in an era of education reform.
So far, government auditors say, many states are setting aside such grand plans and simply trying to stay afloat."

So the $trillion dollar porkulus bill that was supposed to create jobs has simply been sucked up by the same credit card spending on the state level that the feds have been doing on the national level?

No new jobs....?
And we still owe the $trillion?

Just great.......

Tuesday, July 07, 2009 - Republican report puts blame for housing on Fannie, Freddie - Republican report puts blame for housing on Fannie, Freddie: "“The housing bubble that burst in 2007 and led to a financial crisis can be traced back to the federal government intervention in the U.S. housing market intended to help provide home ownership opportunities for more Americans,” declares the first sentence of the GOP Oversight and Government Reform report."

Obama: Social Justice in Catholic Church Has Had 'Profound Influence' on Me

Obama: Social Justice in Catholic Church Has Had 'Profound Influence' on Me
"President Obama said the Catholic Church's long tradition of social justice has had a 'profound influence' on him -- just days before he is to meet with Pope Benedict XVI on his first trip to Italy."

American Thinker Blog: Just how naïve is President Obama?

American Thinker Blog: Just how naïve is President Obama?
"'U.S. President Barack Obama said July 7 that if Iran stops its nuclear weapon development program, the U.S, has no reason to develop a missile defense system, Interfax reported. Obama was speaking at the Russian School of Economics in Moscow.'

Is the President unaware that North Korea is a nuclear power, and produces long range missiles that it tests and delivers to other countries?

Are there no other threats from terror groups or nations, other than Iran for which an American missile defense mightbe useful?"

EDITORIAL: Return of the Black Panther - Washington Times

EDITORIAL: Return of the Black Panther - Washington Times: "Rarely does the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights vote unanimously on anything.
A partisan divide has made the commission contentious in recent years. Yet the Department of Justice's decision to forfeit its voter-intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party and three individual defendants drew a 6-0 vote with one abstention by the commission. What unified the commission was outrage at the Justice Department for letting the Black Panthers off the hook."

I Still Hate You, Sarah Palin

I Still Hate You, Sarah Palin
"And so the word went out, from that time and place: Eviscerate Sarah Palin like one of her field-dressed moose. Turn her life upside down. Attack her politics, her background, her educational history. Attack her family. Make fun of her husband, her children. Unleash the noted gynecologist Andrew Sullivan to prove that Palin’s fifth child was really her grandchild. Hit her with everything we have: Maureen Dowd of the New York Times, taking a beer-run break from her quixotic search for Mr. Right to drip venom on Sister Sarah; post-funny comic David Letterman, to joke about her and her daughters on national television; Katie Couric, the anchor nobody watches, to give this Alaskan interloper a taste of life in the big leagues; former New York Times hack Todd “Mr. Dee Dee Myers” Purdum, to act as an instrument of Graydon Carter’s wrath at Vanity Fair. Heck, we even burned her church down. Even after the teleological triumph of The One, the assault had to continue, each blow delivered with our Lefty SneerTM (viz.: Donny Deutsch yesterday on Morning Joe), until Sarah was finished."

CRACKING THE SOCIAL SECURITY CODE: The nation’s Social Security numbering system....

The nation’s Social Security numbering system...... is an open book!
"I’m sure they’ll do a fine job of protecting your healthcare information, though."

Global Pensions-DISASTER!

Global Pensions
"Hungary’s pension system will be financially unsustainable in the coming weeks as the government has run out of money, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation"

Dumbing-down the U.S. Navy

Dumbing-down the U.S. Navy
"According to Fleming, who once sat on the board of admissions, white applicants must have all As and Bs and test scores of at least 600 on the English and math parts of the SAT even to qualify for a 'slate' of 10 applicants, from which only one will be chosen.
However, if you check a box indicating you are African-American, Hispanic, Native American or Asian, writes Fleming, 'SAT scores to the mid 500s with quite a few Cs in classes ... typically produces a vote of 'qualified' ... with direct admission to Annapolis. They're in and given a pro forma nomination to make it legit.'
If true, the U.S. Naval Academy is running a two-tier admissions system of the kind that kept Jennifer Gratz out of the University of Michigan and was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

Monday, July 06, 2009

US lurching towards 'debt explosion' with long-term interest rates on course to double - Telegraph

US lurching towards 'debt explosion' with long-term interest rates on course to double - Telegraph: "In a 2003 paper, Thomas Laubach, the US Federal Reserve’s senior economist, calculated the impact on long-term interest rates of rising fiscal deficits and soaring national debt. Applying his assumptions to the recent spike in the US fiscal deficit and national debt, long-term interests rates will double from their current 3.5pc.
The impact would be devastating by making it punitively expensive to finance national borrowings and leading to what Tim Congdon, founder of Lombard Street Research, called a “debt explosion”."

Grand Haven Board of Light and Power customers to pay new surcharge

Grand Haven Board of Light and Power customers to pay new surcharge
"The state's plan is aimed at public utilities meeting 1-percent energy savings starting in 2012.
The BLP worked with the Michigan Public Power Association to develop the plan.
The BLP's customers in the Grand Haven area will pay the surcharge based on a formula that translates to the average residential user paying an additional 83 cents per month.
'That's definitely manageable,' Molyneux said"

Manageable to whom?
$12 buck a year here and $12/yr there and it starts to add up.
This is your State of Michigan democrat eco-nuts at work folks!

Nonunion Muskegon County Road Commission workers get raise

Nonunion Muskegon County Road Commission workers get raise
"Board members said they didn't need the extra money. They said the board is largely a voluntary role they enjoy, though they receive salaries between $3,500 and $7,000, depending on years of service.
'I don't need the extra money either,' Conrad said. 'I was just thinking about you guys.'
There was not a motion to include commissioners in the pay-raise package, and it did not come back up for further discussion.
Nevertheless, county commissioners in attendance, including James Derezinski, were not amused.
During a recent county board meeting, Derezinski asked whether the road commission has the authority to give itself a raise.
County Attorney Theodore Williams said that by state law the county board holds the power in granting raises to the road commission's board members."

Since when does "voluntary" mean $7 grand a year from the taxpayers of our pothole infested county?
And kudos to commissioner Derezinski for spotting and stopping Conrad's scam before it succeeded!

WZZM-TV13 (ABC), WWMT-TV3 (CBS), WOOD-TV8 (NBC) will begin to pool news video

WZZM-TV13 (ABC), WWMT-TV3 (CBS), WOOD-TV8 (NBC) will begin to pool news video
"Three of West Michigan's major TV network affiliates are launching a news sharing arrangement, it was announced today. The stations -- WOOD-TV8 (NBC), WWMT-TV3 (CBS) and WZZM-TV13 (ABC) -- cover the Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo and Battle Creek markets. The pooling does not include Grand Rapids-based WXMI-TV17 (Fox)."

Single source news!
...sorta like single source health care?

Bloggers Unite!

Changes likely in store for Muskegon Summer Celebration

Changes likely in store for Muskegon Summer Celebration
"The financially-troubled Muskegon Summer Celebration festival might have thrown its last party -- or at least its last 'Big Party,' anyway.
Festival officials on Sunday acknowledged preliminary figures don't look good."
Total bummer!
Good luck MSC!

Clinic cuts a concern

Clinic cuts a concern
"Medicentres in and around Edmonton are closing their doors early, if they open them at all, leaving many sick and hurt people frustrated.
With only one doctor on, the Belmont clinic was forced to curtail its hours from the normal 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. stretch to 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Other centres -- from Jasper Avenue to Sherwood Park -- had phone messages and signs on doors informing would-be patients that 'due to a shortage of physicians' they would not open or they would close early."

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Sharia law UK... How Islam is dispensing its own justice side-by-side with British courts

Sharia law UK... How Islam is dispensing its own justice side-by-side with British courts
"Sharia has been operating here, in parallel to the British legal system, since 1982. Work includes issuing fatwas - religious rulings on matters ranging from why Islam considers homosexuality a sin to why two women are equivalent to one male witness in an Islamic court....
In Britain, sharia courts are permitted to rule only in civil cases, such as divorce and financial disputes. Until last year, these rulings depended on voluntary compliance among Muslims. But now, due to a clause in the Arbitration Act 1996, they are enforceable by county and high courts."

The Stupid Shall Be Punished: CDR Kevin Mooney's Retirement Remarks

The Stupid Shall Be Punished: CDR Kevin Mooney's Retirement Remarks
"Now some of you may think NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NOT TRUE. We never did settle on what the acronym NATO really denotes, but here were some of the contenders:
- Not At The Office
- Not After Two O'clock
- No Action Talk Only, and my personal favorite:
- Need Alcohol To Operate
All accurately describe NATO operations."

Irving woman spreads spirit of 4th with flags

Another Blow to Junk Science... Polar Bear Populations Booming

Another Blow to Junk Science... Polar Bear Populations Booming
"As the democrats passed the junk science 'pile of sh*t' this past week a new report was released, and suppressed, insisting that polar bear numbers, far from decreasing, are much higher than they were 30 years ago."

4-Block World: Every Close Election


"As the Democrats in Congress – and in the mainstream media – celebrate leftist loon and tax cheat Al Franken’s stolen victory from incumbent Republican Norm Coleman, the rest of us are still recovering from nausea at the very thought of Franken as a 'valid' U.S. senator. After nearly eight tortuous months of refusing to concede defeat to Coleman, Franken’s bully tactics finally paid off – thanks mainly to George Soros and ACORN."

Ezra Klein - In Case You Were Insufficiently Depressed About the Job Numbers

Ezra Klein - In Case You Were Insufficiently Depressed About the Job Numbers: "And, as Billy Mays would have said, that's not all! We've also got about 9 million workers who are part-time because they can't find full-time work. That's up from 5 million workers in June.And, as Billy Mays would have said, that's not all! We've also got about 9 million workers who are part-time because they can't find full-time work. That's up from 5 million workers in June."

Friday, July 03, 2009

Cap and Trade Extras - Jamie Dupree on

Cap and Trade Extras - Jamie Dupree on "So let's just review these three items:
* Payments to those making up to 150% of the poverty line to offset the costs of the Cap & Trade bill
* A doubling of the EITC for low income workers with no dependents who qualify for aid
* An open-ended funding of Medicare and Social Security money to deal with job losses and lower tax revenues caused by Cap & Trade
Have you looked through any of this bill yet? What are you waiting for?"

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Springs surgery tech suspected of exposing thousands to hepatitis C

Springs surgery tech suspected of exposing thousands to hepatitis C
"According to the criminal complaint, Parker - a former heroin addict - admitted swapping her own dirty syringes filled with saline solution for syringes filled with Fentanyl, a narcotic 80 to 100 times stronger than morphine.
The drug is supposed to be used to help major post-surgery patients manage pain. Instead, they got no relief while Parker injected herself with the painkiller at home and in the hospital bathrooms before and after a surgery, according to the seven-page complaint.
'I know I (expletive deleted) up,' Parker told Denver Police Detective Dale Wallis after he confronted her"

DESPERATELY SEEKING SILVER LININGS: Have you noticed a change in the economic news over the past …

DESPERATELY SEEKING SILVER LININGS: Have you noticed a change in the economic news over the past …:
Have you noticed a change in the economic news over the past year or so? It’s a deliberately ambiguous question: The actual news has gotten worse, but the coverage of it has changed in tone. Today, reporters are eagerly looking for the light at the end of the tunnel. A year ago, and for a long time before that, they couldn’t wait to get into the tunnel.
What changed? Yeah, like you need to ask.
People have been joking about the “state-controlled media,” but in fact it’s worse — a real state-controlled media might be forced to maintain at least a pretense of objectivity and balance . . . ."

Strassel: The EPA Silences a Climate Skeptic

Stop The Madness That's Killing Jobs

Stop The Madness That's Killing Jobs
"Worse, the June jobs data mark a milestone of sorts: Our unemployment rate equals that of the no-growth Eurozone nations.
Why is this job decline happening? The private sector — the real engine of economic and job growth — won't hire because it's scared of what it sees coming out of Washington.
On the horizon, as far as the eye can see, are higher taxes, uncontrolled spending and layers upon layers of new regulations.
Who would hire new workers faced with that?"

City Council spends frivolously despite shortfall

City Council spends frivolously despite shortfall
"It's no secret. The City of Evanston is in financial crisis. Aside from the $145 million deficit in the police and fire pension funds, the nationwide recession is crippling market-based revenue sources, such as the real estate transfer tax.

With this in mind, it's hard to imagine how the Evanston City Council could justify investing $1.2 million to renovate the Clark Street beach, as it did in a measure passed by a 7-2 vote at Monday's meeting."

Wal-Mart and Health Care -

Wal-Mart and Health Care - "I find it hard to believe that none of the liberal commentators breathlessly celebrating Wal-Mart's 'capitulation' on national health care have even entertained the most parsimonious explanation: that Wal-Mart is in favor of this because it raises the barriers to entry in the retail market, and hammers Wal-Mart's competition. Yet somehow, this appears nowhere in any of the analysis."

US nuclear recycling faces the axe

US nuclear recycling faces the axe
"Earlier this week, the administration of President Barack Obama quietly cancelled plans for a large-scale facility to recycle nuclear fuel. The move may prove a fatal blow to the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) set up by previous president George W. Bush. Nature News looks at the decision, what it means for US nuclear policy, and where a long-hoped-for nuclear renaissance may be headed."

Forget Green Shoots: They’re Just Weeds

Forget Green Shoots: They’re Just Weeds
"But when it comes to engendering an immediate economic recovery, the answer is a fairly simple three step process:
Commit to a zero interest rate policy for at least 2-3 years.
Enact a 100% tax holiday on business income and capital gains.
That’s not a deferral, it’s a full abatement.
Commit credibly to eliminate new regulations on business."

Congress's Travel Tab Swells

Congress's Travel Tab Swells
"The spending on overseas travel is up almost tenfold since 1995, and has nearly tripled since 2001, according to the Journal analysis of 60,000 travel records. Hundreds of lawmakers traveled overseas in 2008 at a cost of about $13 million. That's a 50% jump since Democrats took control of Congress two years ago."

Obama's War on the American Dream

Tea Party Talking Points: Obama's War on the American Dream
"Creating or Saving Jobs?
The President set a benchmark of a 138.6 million jobs in the U.S. economy by the end of 2010. He is currently 6.4 million jobs short.
Yet with rising unemployment, the White House continues to take credit for jobs 'saved' without any empirical evidence to suggest this is true.
The stimulus bill did create jobs in one sector--the government--by nearly doubling the size of several federal agencies and creating a huge bureaucracy."

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Mississippi tops U.S. obesity rankings

Mississippi tops U.S. obesity rankings
"Rounding out the top five states among adults were West Virginia, with 31.2 percent of its population considered obese; Alabama, 31.1 percent; Tennessee, 30.2 percent; and South Carolina 29.7 percent."

Brace yourself for higher taxes

Brace yourself for higher taxes
"President Obama had said in September, 2008: 'I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.'
This pledge has already been broken, at least with respect to federal tobacco taxes.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

“The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows..............

“The Rasmussen Reports
"June 30, 2009
“The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 31% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President.
Thirty-three percent (33%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -2. That matches the lowest level yet recorded.”

Canada's Single-Prayer Health Care

Canada's Single-Prayer Health Care
"Ava Isabella Stinson was born last Thursday at St. Joseph's hospital in Hamilton, Ontario. Weighing only two pounds, she was born 13 weeks premature and needed some very special care. Unfortunately, there were no open neonatal intensive care beds for her at St. Joseph's — or anywhere else in the entire province of Ontario, it seems.
Canada's perfectly planned and cost-effective system had no room at the inn for Ava, who of necessity had to be sent across the border to a Buffalo, N.Y., hospital to suffer under our chaotic and costly system. She had no time to be put on a Canadian waiting list. She got the care she needed at an American hospital under a system President Obama has labeled 'unsustainable.'"

The 'Absentee' Senator

The 'Absentee' Senator
"The unfortunate lesson is that you don't need to win the vote on Election Day as long as your lawyers are creative enough to have enough new or disqualified ballots counted after the fact. "

When Envy is on the Menu

When Envy is on the Menu

CARPE DIEM: Banking Fact of the Day

Banking Fact of the Day
"Number of bank failures this year so far:
45 (FDIC data here, click on 'Produce Report').

Total Assets of the 45 failed banks: $36.965 billion

Total Bank Assets of All 8,246 FDIC-insured banks: $13.542 trillion (data here)

Failed Bank Assets as a Percent of Total Bank Assets: .27% (or about 1/4 of 1%)

Bottom Line: The worst of the banking crisis is behind us, the percent last year was 2.69%."

Gunfire wounds 7 Detroit teens; 3 critical

Gunfire wounds 7 Detroit teens; 3 critical
"Seven teenagers were shot near Cody Ninth Grade Academy this afternoon, leaving three in critical condition."

Apostrophe Abuse

Apostrophe Abuse

June Federal Receipts: The Dive Continues, As Does Media Near Silence

June Federal Receipts: The Dive Continues, As Does Media Near Silence
"Media coverage of the ongoing receipts dive has been minimal at best. A Google News search on 'federal receipts' (typed in quotes) returns on seven items, two of them originating from yours truly."

June Federal Receipts: The Dive Continues, As Does Media Near Silence

June Federal Receipts: The Dive Continues, As Does Media Near Silence
"Estimating on what I believe is the high side, it looks like total June 2009 receipts will come in at about $230 billion, consisting of about $198 billion in the line items identified above (i.e., another $13.2 billion will come in during the final two days) plus $32 billion in other receipts. That would be a 12% drop from last year's official total, but a 20% drop from last year's $287.8 billion in total receipts from economic activity."

U.K. First-Quarter GDP Drops 2.4%, Most Since 1958

U.K. First-Quarter GDP Drops 2.4%, Most Since 1958
"Gross domestic product fell 2.4 percent from the final three months of 2008,"

Obama’s Census to castrate American Caucasians

Obama’s Census to castrate American Caucasians:
"But infinitely more telling is what the new census form doesn’t ask.
It doesn’t ask if you are a citizen of the U.S.A., if you are an immigrant, or if you are a Muslim.
Naturally, the questions are in English and Spanish, lest anyone think that America is an Anglo nation. Many stand in violation of the Constitution which states that a national census should concern itself solely the number of individuals in a household.
For this reason, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann is refusing to answer the “very intricate” and “very personal” questions.
But there are problems with the Obama census beyond the intrusive nature of the comprehensive survey.
To assist in the hiring of census takers, the Obama Administration has opted to partner with the following special interest groups (not one of which represents the despised race of whites who settled this country):
100 Black Men of America
African American Women’s House of Imagene (sic) Shelter
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
Arab American Institute
Asian American Federation
Asian American Justice Center
Asian and Pacific Islander Coalition on HIV/AIDS
Association of Professors and Scholars of Iranian Heritage
Boat People SOS
Hispanic Alliance for Prosperity Institute
Hispanic Federation
Fundacion Azteca
Latino Justice PDLDEF
Mas New Mexico
Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund
Minority Access
National Alliance for Hispanic Health
National Alliance of Black School Educators
National American Indian Housing Council
NAACP National Voter Fund
NAACP (National Association of Colored People)
National Association for Black Social Workers
National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs
National association of Hispanic Federal Executives
National Association of Hispanic Publications
National Association of Latino Elected Officials
National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs National Black Chamber of Commerce
National Black Child Development Institute
National Black Justice Coalition
National Black Leadership Forum
National Coalition on Black Civic Participation
National Congress of Black Women
National Federation of Filipino American Associations
National Hispanic Leadership Institute
National Hispanic Business Information Clearinghouse
National Latino Research Center
National Minority AIDS Council
National Puerto Rican Coalition
National Puerto Rican Day Parade
Rainbow Push Coalition
U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Voto Latino

Get the picture? Notice a racial bias?

These agencies will be paid millions in taxpayers’ dollars to assist the President in conducting the census and to make sure that all minorities are included in the official count.

Not one of the groups represents the despised race of white Europeans who settled this country and gave their sweat and blood to make it the most prosperous nation on earth.
Excluded from the list of census partners are such groups, as the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Elks Clubs, the Rotary Clubs, the Moose Lodge, and, of course, the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick."

Monday, June 29, 2009

CARPE DIEM: More on the Male-Female SAT Math Test Gap

ADVICE TO REPUBLICANS, FROM DAN RIEHL: “Any real change has to start from the ground up.

“Any real change has to start from the ground up.
Ranting about witholding money might make you feel good. And there’s nothing wrong with doing it, provided you’re sending the right message as to what will be required to motivate you to support the GOP, again. You’d actually be better off to raise money yourself and give it to more conservative candidates, just as the Left did to some degree with politicians they liked.
I believe RedState already has that type of initiative. They’re even raising money specifically for a more conservative candidate to take on Boxer - Chuck Devore. That’s the way to get what you want by channeling money, not simply withholding it because one is angry.”"

6 Shot Dead In City This Past Weekend; Several Others Shot Or Stabbed And Wounded

6 Shot Dead In City This Past Weekend; Several Others Shot Or Stabbed And Wounded
"Shootings claimed the lives of six men in the city in a bloody and violent 24 hours over the weekend"

What is Obama's exit strategy to extricate American police and citizens from this quagmire?

Waxman-Markey promotes ‘Shower Nazi’

Waxman-Markey promotes ‘Shower Nazi’
"Section 217 of the bill provides for a “water efficient product incentive program” that would provide rebates, vouchers, direct installs and other forms of financial assistance for the installation of water-saving products.
During my radio interview last Friday with Bob Jamison (Kern Valley News, KNCQ 102.5 FM / Bakersfield, CA), Jamison, a motel owner, told me that he had been solicited by the seller of the “Shower Manager,” a water-saving device. Curious, I went to the Shower manager web site.
Here’s how the Shower Manager works:
The Shower Manager not only puts time limits on the shower, it also cuts the water flow when the time has expired. Our unique shower timer is a patented two-phase flow controller that permits a full-flow of water for a time period you select, (5, 8 or 11 minutes) and then restricts the water flow by two-thirds when that time limit expires. You set the full-flow Interval that best fits your lifestyle and lock it in using a special magnetic sensor."

Ya just know the Gorebal Warmists and their democrat comrades want this to be required in every home and hotel.

theblogprof: DPS to cut 1,900 jobs, still in deficit. To Robert Bobb: "MR. MANAGER - TEAR DOWN THIS DISTRICT!"

theblogprof: DPS to cut 1,900 jobs, still in deficit. To Robert Bobb: "MR. MANAGER - TEAR DOWN THIS DISTRICT!": "Can't they just scrap DPS and start all over again? Such would be the case if the children's education really were the central goal. It's not. Politics takes precedence. From The Detroit Free Press: Cuts can't erase Detroit Public Schools' deficits. The subline is: Goal is to avoid a complete shutdown. Thus my question: 'why?' I'd go farther and say shutter the entire absurdity already! A graduation rate of 1 in 4?"

The Debt Tsunami -

"Now comes the CBO with yet more news of the sort that neither Capitol Hill nor the White House is likely to welcome: its freshly released report on the federal government's long-term financial situation.

To put it bluntly, the fiscal policy of the United States is unsustainable.

Debt is growing faster than gross domestic product.

Under the CBO's most realistic scenario, the publicly held debt of the U.S. government will reach 82 percent of GDP by 2019 -- roughly double what it was in 2008. By 2026, spiraling interest payments would push the debt above its all-time peak (set just after World War II) of 113 percent of GDP. It would reach 200 percent of GDP in 2038."

This is the Washington Post?!!!!

Is there a tiny bit of light at the end of the Obam-edia tunnel?

Why stagflation is coming

Why stagflation is coming
"The policy decisions made by the Federal Reserve Board and Congress virtually assure we will enter a period of 1970s-like stagflation."

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Runaway Spending = Runaway Debt

Runaway Spending = Runaway Debt
"'Under current law,' said the Congressional Budget Office in its long-term budget outlook, released late last week, 'the federal budget is on an unsustainable path — meaning that federal debt will continue to grow much faster than the economy over the long run.'"

The forbidding arithmetic of healthcare reform

The forbidding arithmetic of healthcare reform
"THE FUZZY math behind the Massachusetts universal healthcare law is starting to add up - just as Washington studies the law as a possible model for the nation.
Because of a recession-related drop in state revenues and a surge in enrollment by the recently unemployed, the truth is emerging at an inconvenient time. Massachusetts doesn’t have enough money to pay for the coverage envisioned by the law. "

Axelrod: Obama Won't Rule Out Middle-Class Tax Hike

Axelrod: Obama Won't Rule Out Middle-Class Tax Hike
"White House senior adviser David Axelrod said the president won't rule out a health care reform bill that includes a middle-class tax hike."

Recipe for Detroit's political corruption

Recipe for Detroit's political corruption
"Conyers very early in her council career learned that her vote had value far beyond making the city work.
She could make some people a lot of money depending on how she cast her vote. That became even more true once she got on the city's cash-rich pension board.
Why shouldn't she be rewarded for her service?
So she started to think about how to make politics a bit more lucrative."

American Thinker: Breakthrough on the Authorship of Obama's 'Dreams'

American Thinker: Breakthrough on the Authorship of Obama's 'Dreams': "Their collective contribution should dispel the doubts of all but the willfully blind that Ayers played a substantial role, likely the primary role, in the writing of Dreams." - Chambliss blocks regulatory pick over animal lawsuits - Chambliss blocks regulatory pick over animal lawsuits: "Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) has blocked President Obama’s candidate for regulation czar, Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein, because Sunstein has argued that animals should have the right to sue humans in court."

The four-pronged attack on our future prosperity

The four-pronged attack on our future prosperity
"Death by a thousand cuts. Or in the case of the efficiency of the American economy, by at least four — energy policy, healthcare policy, trade-union resurgence, and fiscal madness."

The Volokh Conspiracy - -

The Volokh Conspiracy - -: "A few months ago, if someone had to figure out a way to spend as much money and create as few jobs as possible, the Stimulus Bill would be pretty much the ideal piece of legislation."

The Worst Emerging Disease of All

The Worst Emerging Disease of All
"I have had the misfortune to work with UN officials for many years, most recently at the meetings of the task force on biotechnology-derived foods of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, a creature of the UN's WHO and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) that sets international food standards. The group established standards that were unscientific and excessively stringent and ensure that new, innovative foods will be so expensive to develop that they will remain largely unavailable to the poorest of the poor, who need them most.

During a meeting of the task force, Jorgen Schlundt, the director of the WHO department concerned with food safety, zoonoses [diseases that spread from animals to humans] and food-borne diseases, repeatedly exhorted the group to add ethical concerns about biotech foods to the regulatory barriers that already impede their adoption. He was more like a witless Monty Python character than an official entrusted with serious international responsibilities - including issues pertaining to swine flu, avian flu, West Nile Virus and SARS ."

Saving Phantom Jobs

Saving Phantom Jobs
"Of course, Mr. McGurn knows that a lot is explained by the journalists' sentiments toward President Obama. With Bush the younger many expressed their contempt by pouncing on any slip or error as evidence that he was a malicious liar. By contrast, these same journalists are highly sympathetic to the Obama administration and eager to see it enjoy success."

Chemical Ban Will Not Help Kids

Chemical Ban Will Not Help Kids
"Periodically, activists with an anti-chemical agenda pick up on these issues and start pressuring politicians at various levels of government to ban or restrict consumer products, based on nothing more than hypothetical dangers like this one." - News From AP - News From AP: "Billy Mays, the burly, bearded television pitchman whose boisterous hawking of products such as Orange Glo and OxiClean made him a pop-culture icon, has died. He was 50"

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Quisling Republicans - streiff’s blog - RedState

The Quisling Republicans - streiff’s blog - RedState

Tax dollars wasted on construction of stimulus signs

Tax dollars wasted on construction of stimulus signs
"'Those signs were required by the recovery act,' said Liz Boyd, Granholm's press secretary.

'The Federal Highway Administration has strongly recommended posting signs that indicate which projects are recovery projects.'

That sounds too much like political double-talk to us.

There is a distinct difference between 'required' and 'strongly recommended.'"

Thursday, June 25, 2009

United States presidential line of succession

United States presidential line of succession
"This is a list of the current presidential line of succession[1], as specified by the United States Constitution and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 (3 U.S.C. § 19) and subsequent amendments to include newly created cabinet officers.

1 Vice President Joe Biden
2 Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi
3 President pro tempore of the Senate Robert Byrd
4 Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
5 Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner

Pray, oh glory hallelaujah... pray for the safety of our President!

How Green Is a Nudist Vacation?

How Green Is a Nudist Vacation?
"With summer upon us, how many green vacationers’ fancies will turn to thoughts of nudism?
Going without clothes on beaches and other vacation spots is commonly called naturism — a description that implies helping the planet, as some practitioners claim to be doing.
Spending more time with nothing on stems waste and pollution in all sorts of ways, according to an article by Kathy Blanchard on The Naturist Society’s Web site"

6-25-1876 Custer's Last Stand

Custer's Last Stand: "Custer's Last Stand
Never comprehending the overwhelming odds against him, believing that the Indians were 'on the run', and thinking that between himself and Reno he could 'double them up' in short order, Custer had sealed his fate. It was about five miles from where Custer first saw the northern end of the village and where he attacked the center of the village. During this 5 mile ride, Custer never saw the complete magnitude of the Indian Camp. As he attacked, and rounded the bluff, he found himself confronted with thousands skilled and well equipped warriors, all ready for the fight. He had hoped to attack the center of the village unmolested, and to meet Reno's men there, coming from the other direction. Instead he faced an intense attack from the thickets and trees. He could not ignore the attack, and had to deal with the threat at hand. He had his men dismount, and begin engaging the fire coming from the thickets. This was a perilous move, as he was outnumbered ten to one at this point. Worse than that, hundreds of young braves had mounted their horses and dashed across the river below him, hundreds more were following and circling all about him. It is likely that this is the point that Custer realized that he was in trouble, and that he must cut his way out and escape the overwhelming enemy surrounding him.
His trumpeters sounded 'Mount!', and leaving many injured companions on the ground, the men ran for their mounts. With skill and daring, the Ogalallas and Brulés recognized the opportunity, and sprang to their horses, and gave chase. 'Make for the heights!' must have been Custer's order, for the first dash was eastward, and then more to the left as their progress was blocked."

Happy National Catfish Day!

National Catfish Day
"National Catfish Day is a national observance of the United States celebrating 'the value of farm-raised catfish.'
The day was designated as June 25, 1987, by President Ronald Reagan, who issued the Presidential Proclamation after the U.S. Congress called for the day to be established in House Joint Resolution 178."

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Germany: 'Nuclear' toy sparks alarm - News

Germany: 'Nuclear' toy sparks alarm - News: "A TOY nuclear power plant built by two six year-olds sparked an alert in Germany, only for authorities to discover the would-be security threat was the shell of a computer with a radiation warning sign stuck to it.

Fire services and police cordoned off streets and told people to stay indoors in the western town of Oelde after the two boys left their mock power station in the street when they went home for dinner on Monday evening.

'It wasn't a prank, they were just playing,' a police spokeswoman said. 'They tried to go back later but the fire brigade wouldn't let them through.'"

The Futurist: Eight Ways to Supercharge the US Economy

The Futurist: Eight Ways to Supercharge the US Economy

Gov. Sanford Admits Affair and Explains Disappearance

Gov. Sanford Admits Affair and Explains Disappearance
"Mark Sanford, the governor of South Carolina, said he had conducted an extra-marital affair with a woman in Argentina, ending a mystery over his week-long disappearance that had infuriated lawmakers and seemed to put his rising political career in jeopardy."

Another horndog GOPer politician who picked the wrong political party.
These IS a party for those who cheat, lie and steal.
The democrooks await your flip, scumbag.
Good riddance!

He's up for de-election in 2010!
Out damned spot!

Audit: More than 250 ghost workers on payroll of Detroit Public Schools

Audit: More than 250 ghost workers on payroll of Detroit Public Schools
"More than 250 people may regularly cash Detroit Public Schools checks but aren't on the payroll, according to a recent audit."

Union Members Exempt from New Health Benefits Tax

Union Members Exempt from New Health Benefits Tax
"Union members and their families who receive healthcare benefits paid for by their employers would be exempted from a new tax on healthcare under one option being proposed by Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mt), according to a report by the Fox Business Channel’s Peter Barnes.

Baucus’s plan would tax health care benefits to raise from $161.9 billion to $418 billion over ten years to fund the nationalized “government provider” of health care benefits President Obama and Democrats want. Peter Barnes told me, “There would be preferential treatment for unions” under one version of the Baucus proposal.

As shown on page 3 of the Baucus outline published by Fox News under two of Baucus’ four options, healthcare benefits provided under collective bargaining agreements dated on or before January 1, 2013 would be exempt from the tax."

Warren Buffett to CNBC: U.S. Economy In "Shambles" .. No Signs of Recovery Yet

Warren Buffett to CNBC: U.S. Economy In "Shambles" .. No Signs of Recovery Yet "Buffett repeated his criticism of 'cap and trade' as a method to control pollution, saying it would be a huge, regressive tax"

"Early-In PassMuskegon Summer Celebration, June 26 - July 6, 2008

Muskegon Summer Celebration, June 26 - July 6, 2008
"Patrons who elect to purchase the Sappi 11-Day Early In Pass or an individual early-in upgrade will line up at a specific spot designated by signs on the sidewalk leading toward the Main Gate area. Those with regular admission passes or single day tickets can begin lining up at the bridge and back toward West Michigan Dock and Market. At 5:00 PM security and main gate personnel will instruct those with Early-In admission to proceed to the Main Gate to enter. It should be noted that the Early-In Passes and single day upgrades are valid ONLY until 5:30 PM. After 5:30 PM, patrons must use utilize the general admission line.
Concessions and beverage service will be available beginning at 5:00 PM.

Patrons should note those gaining early entrance are limited to two chairs each rather than the four normally allowed."

The Big Party! Muskegon Summer Celebration, June 26 - July 6, 2008

The Big Party! Muskegon Summer Celebration, June 26 - July 6, 2008: "Come early between 5:30 -7:30pm and enjoy “Happy Hour” pricing at all beverage stations. All alcoholic beverages are $1.00 off. Enjoy the opening night special “Happy Hour” pricing from 5:00pm-11:00pm."

Program Pays Girls $1 Per Day To Not Get Pregnant

Program Pays Girls $1 Per Day To Not Get Pregnant
"Brown said she hopes the program, which pays $1 each day to 12-to-18-year-old girls, will keep them from getting pregnant. In addition to remaining pregnancy-free, the girls must also attend weekly meetings.
The program is funded by a four-year grant from the state."

The world economy is tracking or doing worse than during the Great Depression (update) | vox - Research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists

The world economy is tracking or doing worse than during the Great Depression (update) vox - Research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists: "This is an update of the authors' 6 April 2009 column comparing today's global crisis to the Great Depression. World industrial production, trade, and stock markets are diving faster now than during 1929-30. Fortunately, the policy response to date is much better. The update shows that trade and stock markets have shown some improvement without reversing the overall conclusion -- today's crisis is at least as bad as the Great Depression."

Liquor stores crowded as customers grudgingly stock up

Liquor stores crowded as customers grudgingly stock up: "Liquor stores were jammed with mostly unhappy customers today as a province-wide strike looms for midnight tonight.
'Because they have a monopoly they can do this to the public,'"

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New All-Time Lows for Both CBS & ABC Evening Newscasts

New All-Time Lows for Both CBS & ABC Evening Newscasts
"Breaking: TVNewser has learned the CBS Evening News has once again set an all-time low last week with 4.89 million Total Viewers and 1.42 million A25-54 viewers.
But it was also the lowest (since records began in the 1991-'92 season) for ABC's World News with Charles Gibson. The Gibson program drew 6.42 million Total Viewers and 1.77 million A25-54 viewers."

Free security software to protect your PC from malware

Free security software to protect your PC from malware - Kim's Security Center
"Buying a computer security suite is costly. But you don't need to spend a dime. I have links to all the free security software you need."

Excellent site with free security links!