Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Obamacare bails out union pension plans..

Obamacare bails out union pension plans
"Union bosses who have mismanaged benefits for their own members are poised to receive a $10 billion bailout from U.S. taxpayers in the form of a “reinsurance program” that has been folded into the healthcare bill, according to the Workforce Fairness Institute (WFI).
This provision should be viewed as part of a larger payback effort the Obama White House and top congressional figures have set up in exchange for the support they have received from organized labor, Katie Packer, executive director of WFI said.
Section 164 of the Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 provides that the government pay 80 cents on the dollar to corporate and union insurance plans for claims between $15,000 and $90,000 for retirees age 55 to 64. Union health insurance funds only have about 30 cents available to cover each dollar of anticipated claims, according to the Lewin Group and other research outfits.
If this provision were to be passed as part of the overhaul package favored by the Obama Administration, the $10 billion figure would probably expand overtime as union plans continue to come under financial pressure, Packer said."

Spartans RBs reportedly starting to separate

Spartans RBs reportedly starting to separate
"'Michigan State's quarterback competition remains virtually deadlocked, but the Spartans are seeing some separation in the race to replace All-American running back Javon Ringer.
'The team has several veteran options at running back -- senior A.J. Jimmerson and sophomores (Muskegon's) Ashton Leggett and Andre Anderson all have played -- but the coaching staff expects youth to be served this fall. Heralded true freshmen Larry Caper and Edwin Baker have been as advertised so far in camp, and redshirt freshman Caulton Ray is continuing his progression after a strong finish to spring ball."

Saving the Obama Presidency

William McGurn: Saving the Obama Presidency
"The president understands that he loses when he talks about substantive issues, which is why he's been fudging on the public option. He may not understand that he is closing the gap between his unpopular policies and his personal popularity in the worst way a president can: by reducing his own credibility."
"On Friday, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said his boss was 'quite comfortable' with the idea that sticking to his agenda may well mean 'he only lives in this house' for one term. Sounds like a man who appreciates the limits of a president's personal popularity."

Senator warns of hyperinflation rivaling the 1980s

Senator warns of hyperinflation rivaling the 1980s
"The economy could spiral into hyperinflation not seen since the early 1980s if the Federal Reserve does not tighten its monetary policy soon, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) warned Tuesday.
Grassley, speaking about the renomination of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to a second term as head of the Fed, asserted that Bernanke's ability to hold down inflation would be the metric by which the Fed's success would be measured."

That's what happened last time the Fed loosened the money supply.
Bummer for us, dudes....

You wonder which side they’re on'

"A 'furious' Rep. Peter King, the hawkish, maverick Long Island Republican, blasted a 'disgraceful' Eric Holder for opening an investigation of CIA interrogators and chided his own party for what he described as a weak response to the move in an interview just now with POLITICO.
'It’s bulls***. It’s disgraceful. You wonder which side they’re on,' he said of the attorney general's move, which he described as a 'declaration of war against the CIA, and against common sense.'"

Free-Speech Organization Launches National Advertising Campaign Warning College…

NEWS FROM F.I.R.E.: Free-Speech Organization Launches National Advertising Campaign Warning College…: "NEWS FROM F.I.R.E.: Free-Speech Organization Launches National Advertising Campaign Warning Colleges That Violate Students’ Rights.
It’s pretty direct."

Fruitport Village needs help with storm cleanup

Fruitport Village needs help with storm cleanup
"Fruitport Village officials are calling on their residents to volunteer with the massive cleanup effort in the aftermath of the Aug. 9 damaging storm."

How dare they!
It's up to the "government" to provided EVERYTHING!
I sure hope the citizens have a big protest to protest Fruitport's foolish assumption that citizens do ANYTHING to make their own lives better.

That's the Obama Way, right?

Are Ye Trying To Fill The Graveyards Quicker? - Workers Solidarity Movement

Are Ye Trying To Fill The Graveyards Quicker? - Workers Solidarity Movement: "Major protest in Cork against the Government and attack on the elderly.
Over 3,000 people – the old, the young and the grandchildren – marched through Cork city centre today in anger against the proposed cuts in Medical Cards for over the 70s."

Collectivism rules!
Interesting this article is from a socialist website.
When even the socialists protest "free" health "care", something is rotten in Denmark....and every where else

The babies born in hospital corridors: Bed shortage forces 4,000 mothers to give birth in lifts, offices and hospital toilets | Mail Online

The babies born in hospital corridors: Bed shortage forces 4,000 mothers to give birth in lifts, offices and hospital toilets
"Thousands of women are having to give birth outside maternity wards because of a lack of midwives and hospital beds.
The lives of mothers and babies are being put at risk as births in locations ranging from lifts to toilets - even a caravan - went up 15 per cent last year to almost 4,000.
Health chiefs admit a lack of maternity beds is partly to blame for the crisis, with hundreds of women in labour being turned away from hospitals because they are full. "

This is EXACTLY what Obama/Pelosi/rev. Wright "care" will bring to our country.

What the President's Attack on the CIA Really Means

What the President's Attack on the CIA Really Means
"The best way to understand what President Obama has done is to put aside this week's headlines and, for just a moment, press the rewind button:
In the 1930s, the world was becoming unglued and unstable. Fascism was on the march and, as usual, we Americans wished only to stay out of the world's problems and to focus instead on our own domestic issues."

Read on and be VERY frightened!
Our children will pay dearly for this..... and weren't the libs always advocating for the children.....?

RI gov to shut down state government for 12 days

RI gov to shut down state government for 12 days
"Rhode Island will shut down its state government for 12 days and hopes to trim millions of dollars in funding for local governments"

To find lost time, Secretary of State offices to close late | Detroit Free Press |

To find lost time, Secretary of State offices to close late Detroit Free Press "Secretary of State branch offices are to remain open two extra hours Monday and Sept. 8 to handle a crush of business that follows state worker furlough days.

The offices are to remain open those two days from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. instead of closing at 5 p.m., Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land said."

Anyone think there's gonna be whole lot o overtime goin' on.

And the net savings for all the "free friday's off" is......?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Woe, Canada!

Woe, Canada!
"Medical Care:
A leaked report shows that Vancouver's health authority is considering cutting thousands of surgeries to balance the budget.
However organized, government-run health care inevitably leads to rationing."

Picturing The Enemy

Picturing The Enemy
"Security: The ACLU sneakily photographing CIA officers near their homes, then showing the shots to the imprisoned planners of the 9/11 attacks.
A fruitcake fantasy?
The government is looking into exactly this."

Donations pay for Camp Pendalouan improvements

Donations pay for Camp Pendalouan improvements
"The YMCA's Camp Pendalouan has undergone a series of improvements made possible through individual donations"

What! No government money!!!!!
This just can't be true!

'Clunkers' program aims to get bowling ball sales rolling

'Clunkers' program aims to get bowling ball sales rolling
"A local business is running its own Cash for Clunkers program -- bowling ball style.
The federal government's car trade-in program is all the rage these days, and has spawned spinoffs in other industries"

What! No free government money?!!!!!!
What are these people thinking!!!!!!

Video: Is Obama’s loss Wall Street’s gain?

Video: Is Obama’s loss Wall Street’s gain?

Monday, August 24, 2009

NY Gov Paterson blames "Racism"!

"He suggested that Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, the country's only other African-American governor, also is under fire because of his race.
'We're not in the post-racial period,' Paterson said.
'The reality is the next victim on the list - and you can see it coming - is President Barack Obama,
who did nothing more than trying to reform a health care system.'"

"Racism"! The cure all for everyone.... (well not EVERYONE) losing a political race.

10 Weirdest Theme Parks

10 Weirdest Theme Parks
"Love Land is a park about sex."

We could have a fat-sex version in Muskegon!
How cool would THAT be.......


"watching media supporters of President Obama's health care package puzzle over the obscure motivations of the noncompliant Americans rallying against it.
'Racial anxiety,' guessed New York Times columnist Paul Krugman.
'Nihilism,' theorized Time's Joe Klein.
'The crazy tree blooms in every moment of liberal ascendancy,' historian Rick Perlstein proclaimed in the Washington Post.
While the commentariat's condescension is almost comical, the whole evil-or-stupid explanation misses the elephant in Obama's room: Americans of all stripes, it turns out, aren't very keen about the government barging into their lives."

Justice Dept. Report Advises Pursuing C.I.A. Abuse Cases

Justice Dept. Report Advises Pursuing C.I.A. Abuse Cases
"The Justice Department’s ethics office has recommended reversing the Bush administration and reopening nearly a dozen prisoner-abuse cases, potentially exposing Central Intelligence Agency employees and contractors to prosecution for brutal treatment of terrorism suspects, according to a person officially briefed on the matter.
The recommendation by the Office of Professional Responsibility, presented to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr."

Obama Approves New Team to Question Key Terror Suspects

Obama Approves New Team to Question Key Terror Suspects
"President Obama has approved the creation of an elite team of interrogators to question key terrorism suspects, part of a broader effort to revamp U.S. policy on detention and interrogation, senior administration officials said Sunday.
Obama signed off late last week on the unit, named the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group, or HIG.
Made up of experts from several intelligence and law enforcement agencies, the interrogation unit will be housed at the FBI but will be overseen by the National Security Council -- shifting the center of gravity away from the CIA and giving the White House direct oversight."


"PRESIDENT Obama and con gressional Democrats are now fixing their gun sights on health insurers, but their broader, underlying goals remain unchanged: socializing costs and extending Washington's control of the health-care sector.
This takes what Obama told Joe the Plumber about 'spreading the wealth' a step further. Because not only do the reforms redistribute wealth by shifting costs; they also put government in charge of spending even more of the nation's money.
And they can do it via a 'public option' or heavy insurance regulation and mandates."

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mercury Marine: Fond du Lac union rejects changes, so we'll move south by 2012

"Following the union’s vote, the company will consolidate much of its Fond du Lac manufacturing operations with its existing operations in an expanded Stillwater, Okla., facility."

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Strange things are happening to the Obama administration

Strange things are happening to the Obama administration and quickly so.
His polls are diving and may not stop at 50/50, the most precipitous drop in approval of a first-year President since Bill Clinton in 1993 (cf. Hillary care).
First, here are some of the problems the President faces:"

Detroit MSM starting to notice: Why are Canadians getting health care in Detroit?

"Obviously, the Canadian system can't work that well if they have to outsource their healthcare to the U.S. In addition, neither piece mentions the individuals coming over here from Canada and the U.K. that are paying for healthcare out of pocket in dire circumstances. Doesn't fit the narrative I guess.

Exit question: what the heck are Canadians going to do for health care once Obama destroys the U.S. healthcare system?"

CARPE DIEM: Historical Examples of Erroneous Health Care Cost Estimates; Don't Trust Those Government Forecasts

CARPE DIEM: Historical Examples of Erroneous Health Care Cost Estimates; Don't Trust Those Government Forecasts

Officials Find Swine Flu Hits Minorities Harder

Officials Find Swine Flu Hits Minorities Harder
"Young people are more at risk of getting swine flu, and pregnant women, among others, have a higher chance of hospitalization from the new flu. Now public health officials are discovering that blacks and Latinos have a substantially higher risk of both.
It is apparently not because of race or ethnicity, per se; it's because of the social circumstances of many African-Americans and Hispanics."

4-Block World

4-Block World

Friday, August 21, 2009

Second Wave Of The Credit Crisis: Collapsing Commercial Real Estate

Second Wave Of The Credit Crisis: Collapsing Commercial Real Estate
"It appears owners have lost their entire down payments on $1.3 trillion worth of property.
In the first six months of this year, commercial properties in default, foreclosure or bankruptcy doubled.
That pace may accelerate because commercial usually lags residential by a year."

Anyone in the MSM screaming out "iceberg ahead" on this one?

Traffic noise could be ruining sex lives of frogs

Traffic noise could be ruining sex lives of frogs
"CANBERRA, Australia -- Traffic noise could be ruining the sex lives of urban frogs by drowning out the seductive croaks of amorous males, an Australian researcher said Friday.
A well-projected and energetic croak is the male frog's most important asset"

Ayn Rand and Socialized Medicine - Ayn Rand Admirers at The Atlasphere

Ayn Rand and Socialized Medicine
"its plot revolves in a crucial way around the compulsory “administration” of healthcare, doctors, and even the dispensing of medicine, by bureaucrats mired in corruption, favoritism, envy, revenge, power lust. It can become an acquired taste, the lust for power to decide whether a person lives or dies.its plot revolves in a crucial way around the compulsory “administration” of healthcare, doctors, and even the dispensing of medicine, by bureaucrats mired in corruption, favoritism, envy, revenge, power lust. It can become an acquired taste, the lust for power to decide whether a person lives or dies."


As Vets Suffer, VA Staff Get $24M Bonuses

As Vets Suffer, VA Staff Get $24M Bonuses
"Thousands of Employees Receive Big Bucks While Wounded Veterans Face Financial Hardship, Reports Show"

Lawyers Showed Photos of Covert CIA Officers to Guantanamo Bay Detainees

Lawyers Showed Photos of Covert CIA Officers to Guantanamo Bay Detainees
"The Justice Department recently questioned military defense attorneys at Guantanamo Bay about whether photographs of CIA personnel, including covert officers, were unlawfully provided to detainees charged with organizing the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to sources familiar with the investigation.
Investigators are looking into allegations that laws protecting classified information were breached when three lawyers showed their clients the photographs, the sources said."

This is our new america under Obama.

Most Michigan state government offices closed Friday for furlough

"Most state government offices are closed Friday, the fifth of six unpaid furlough days for 37,400 employees intended to save the state $21.7 million."

It isn't the "pay" that's killing our state it's the benefits and ridiculous retirement packages.

Official I Am Sorry I Voted For Obama Website

Official I Am Sorry I Voted For Obama Website

Anger Grows Over Hero’s Welcome for Libyan Convict

"British and Scottish officials joined the United States on Friday in criticizing the way Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi, the only person convicted in the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, was welcomed home in Tripoli, Libya, as a hero late Thursday after the Scottish government ordered his early release from prison on compassionate grounds."

The Bush administration would never have let this happen!

And now BOTH countries express shock?

A pox on all their heads!

Death panel in Oregon NOW!

"The “Death Panels” get liberals hackles up more than the thought of “rationing” healthcare.
But let’s be real.
Given limited resources and government funding, at some point your healthcare will be the subject of a cost/benefit analysis by a government bureaucrat.
Now here’s the funny thing: it is already happening.
We posted on this earlier, but the clip over 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
For those of you who have radio shows, etc. and want to run this, I’ve pared down this news story to a manageable 1 minute and 28 second segment.
You can easily catch what’s going on — a lady’s doctor recommends she get medical treatment. The state run healthcare system says no and refers her to an assisted suicide specialist.
The bureaucrat in charge of what amounts to a real death panel admits that the money could be better spent elsewhere, so the patient is going to have to die.
It is an inevitable fact of life that the more the government outlays to keep you alive, the more your life becomes subject to a cost/benefit analysis.
Here’s the audio/video proving death panels are, in fact, real:"

click the link in the article to see the video..... very chilling!

Honest Debate Needed on End-of-Life Talk

Honest Debate Needed on End-of-Life Talk
"We also have to tell the defenders of the notorious Section 1233 of H.R. 3200 that it is not quite as benign as they pretend. To offer government reimbursement to any doctor who gives end-of-life counseling -- whether or not the patient asked for it -- is to create an incentive for such a chat.
What do you think such a chat would be like?
Do you think the doctor will go on and on about the fantastic new million-dollar high-tech gizmo that can prolong the patient's otherwise hopeless condition for another six months?
Or do you think he's going to talk about -- as the bill specifically spells out -- hospice care and palliative care and other ways of letting go of life?"

700 0f 796 "new" jobs not really new!

The report also revealed that through the end of June that stimulus money created or saved 796 jobs, with 700 of those state workers who did not have to get laid off thanks to the federal grants, Fitch said.
Federal highway money accounted for 75 jobs and weatherization programs kept or added 16 to the payroll, he added

All of these "new" jobs for only $16.1 million!
When are we gonna see a "cash for crotchety seniors" program?
Just pay us "money" to go away.....

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kunstrad EM 2009 Carla und Henriette Hochdorfer

Holy Hochdorfer!

You must see this to the end!

Refuting Obama Lies About "Lies"

Refuting Obama Lies About "Lies"
"RUSH: Let's get into some of these lies, or Obama refuting the lies.
We won't be able to go through all of this but we'll get a good start here."

Canadians visit U.S. to get care

Canadians visit U.S. to get care
"Hospitals in border cities, including Detroit, are forging lucrative arrangements with Canadian health agencies to provide care not widely available across the border.
Agreements between Detroit hospitals and the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care for heart, imaging tests, bariatric and other services provide access to some services not immediately available in the province, said ministry spokesman David Jensen.

The agreements show how a country with a national care system -- a proposal not part of the health care changes under discussion in Congress -- copes with demand for care with U.S. partnerships, rather than building new facilities.

Michael Vujovich, 61, of Windsor was taken to Detroit's Henry Ford Hospital for an angioplasty procedure after he went to a Windsor hospital in April. Vujovich said the U.S. backup doesn't show a gap in Canada's system, but shows how it works.

'I go to the hospital in Windsor and two hours later, I'm done having angioplasty in Detroit,' he said. His $38,000 bill was covered by the Ontario health ministry."

'We are God's partners in matters of life and death' - Ben Smith -

'We are God's partners in matters of life and death'
"We are God's partners in matters of life and death," Obama said, according to Moline (paging Sarah Palin...), quoting from the Rosh Hashanah prayer that says that in the holiday period, it is decided "who shall live and who shall die."

Pension reform, school choice, deunionize government.

"All of a sudden, government officials are noticing the enormous amount of unfunded liabilities – i.e. debt – that future taxpayers are on the hook to pay for to make good on all the unreasonable guaranteed pension promises that officials have made to government workers. In Orange County, government workers can retire in their 50s with 80 percent or more of their final year's pay guaranteed forever. Some can retire with more than their final pay after they take advantage of the many pension-spiking gimmicks."

Health Insurers Fear Probe By House Dems Is Reprisal for Opposing Part of Obama's Plan

Health Insurers Fear Probe By House Dems Is Reprisal for Opposing Part of Obama's Plan
"In a move some fear is a reprisal for opposing President Obama's health care plan, Democrats sent 52 letters to health insurers requesting financial records for a House committee's investigation.
Reps. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., and Bart Stupak, D-Mich., sent a letter warning health insurers that the House Energy and Commerce Committee is 'examining executive compensation and other business practices of the health industry.'
Waxman, chairman of the committee, and Stupak, chairman of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee did not inform their Republican counterparts of their plans."

The View From North Central Idaho - Did we just win?

The View From North Central Idaho
"We were a little surprised to win the battle on carry in National Parks and we almost won a battle for nationwide reciprocity we couldn't have imagined even coming up for a vote had we thought about it after the election last November. But the enemy was still putting up resistance and we thought they were still formidable opponents. Then they collapsed. The White House (or Red Shed as a commenter recently called it) said it was no big deal to open carry. Public opinion is affected by statements from the White House. Having the most anti-gun administration in U.S. history say it's no big deal to open carry is huge."

Mayor Nutter Warns The Court System May Suffer If The City Does Not Get A Sales Tax Increase

Mayor Nutter Warns The Court System May Suffer If The City Does Not Get A Sales Tax Increase
"Philadelphia's court system will face a 'virtual shutdown' if the cash-strapped city does not get state approval for a sales tax increase and changes to how it makes its pension payments."

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ensign: I did nothing 'legally wrong'

Ensign: I did nothing 'legally wrong'
"Sen. John Ensign told The Associated Press on Wednesday that his affair with a friend's wife was a mistake but not as bad as former President Bill Clinton's relationship with a White House intern because he didn't lie about it under oath.
'I haven't done anything legally wrong,' the Nevada Republican said."

True... not the slut out of office!

Climate Change department keep air-conditioning rather than open windows

Climate Change department keep air-conditioning rather than open windows
"Plans to switch off the air-conditioning and instead open windows at the Department for Energy and Climate Change have been scrapped after staff complained about the noise."

Tuition: 4-Year Universities vs. 2-Year Colleges

"tuition has increased annually at both levels of higher education much higher than the rate of inflation (7.7% for 4-year universities and 6.6% for two-year colleges vs. inflation of 4.3%), the growth in tuition at 4-year universities has increased by more than a full percentage point on average each year since 1976.

It also appears that annual tuition increases at both 4-years and 2-years were pretty similar up until about the mid-1990s, and then tuition started increasing faster at 4-year universities than at 2-year colleges."

GE seeks support for GE-minded politicians

Green Hell Blog
"General Electric’s political action committee (GEPAC) issued the following letter to GE employees soliciting contributions so that it can support politicians who make money for the company, including with respect to the Waxman-Markey climate bill, financial services reform and military spending."

"GE, we bring good things to life..... er......friendly politicians"

Stars Align in MSU Prof's State Pay Study

Stars Align in MSU Prof's State Pay Study

Lies Revealed — Greenpeace Leader Admits Arctic Ice Exaggeration

Lies Revealed — Greenpeace Leader Admits Arctic Ice Exaggeration

Michigan jobless rate dips slightly to 15 percent

Michigan jobless rate dips slightly to 15 percent
"Michigan's unemployment rate edged down slightly to 15 percent in July.

The seasonally adjusted rate announced Wednesday on a state Web site is below the 15.2 percent jobless rate posted in June.

But Michigan is likely to keep the dubious honor of having the nation's highest rate.

Michigan has led the nation for 26 of the past 27 months."

Is this tiny drop in the unemployment rate proof of the success of the Jenny/Obama stimulus plan...... or is it the result of U-Hauls racing out of Michigan, taking our most employable residents to other states?

What do you think?

Haworth to add 500 jobs at its Holland campus by next year, after closing Calgary plant
"The plant consolidation will eliminate 600 jobs at the Calgary plant. Haworth will keep 100 workers there in its showroom and offices.
Today, Michigan's Economic Growth Authority was expected to approve a 13-year, $22.4 million tax incentive deal to underwrite the move."

This is the perfect reason why our state is bankrupt!
No competitive company will be able to compete with Haworth in Michigan so every new job will go to other states or countries.

And our state needs corporate tax dollars yet we are forgoing them ($22.4 million) to play this charade of future jobs.

We're doomed.... until we wake up.....

Outbursts at Frank's Town Hall

"Rep. Barney Frank lashed out at protester who held a poster depicting President Barack Obama with a Hitler-style mustache during a heated town hall meeting on federal health care reform."

Rumblings of a shutdown?

Rumblings of a shutdown?
"The Detroit News is reporting that a growing number of observers say the likelihood of a shutdown is increasing because the Republican-controlled Senate, the Democrat-dominated House and the Democratic governor are far apart on budget proposals.
In 2007, a budget stalemate forced state government to shut down for a few hours. The new budget under discussion would take effect Oct. 1."

Seriously, how scary is this... for us?

I'm thinking, "not at all".

Shut the state down for a month in January! Oh yeah!

The real fear is the state employees who would be "outed" if they were disappeared and no one noticed!

Double-Standard on Anti-ObamaCare "Mobs"

Double-Standard on Anti-ObamaCare "Mobs"

With President Obama and congressional liberals facing loud protests over their big government health care plan, journalists are casting the anti-ObamaCare forces as “ugly,” “unruly,” “nasty” mobs, with reporters presenting the most odious images (like pictures of Obama drawn as Hitler) as somehow representative.

But when President George W. Bush faced left-wing protests, the media scrubbed their stories of radical voices and depicted demonstrators as mainstream, and even “prescient.”

NY dealers pull out of clunkers program

NY dealers pull out of clunkers program

Hundreds of auto dealers in the New York area have withdrawn from the government's Cash for Clunkers program, citing delays in getting reimbursed by the government, a dealership group said Wednesday.
The Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association, which represents dealerships in the New York metro area, said about half its 425 members have left the program because they cannot afford to offer more rebates.

They're also worried about getting repaid.

Students protest tuition hikes

Students protest tuition hikes

The Spartans and Wolverines may be university rivals but they agree on at least one thing - college is expensive and they want government officials to prioritize higher education.

"It's not every day you will see a Wolverine and Spartan standing peacefully along side each other," Dysarz said with a laugh.

"This state has suffered long enough and needs its political leaders to put their differences aside, like we students did today."

Last month, the MSU Board of Trustees voted to raise tuition 5.2 percent for the coming year and 4.9 percent for the next. Annual tuition and fees for in-state freshmen at MSU after the coming year's increase will be $10,880.

MSU President Lou Anna Simon previously has said the university will use federal stimulus monies it gets from the state to lower tuition costs for undergraduate students from Michigan, potentially bringing the actual tuition increase down to 2.5 percent.

All this expensive and "valuable" education and these kids think it's their parents (through increased taxes and reduced services where they live) who aren't paying enough taxes?

Or even worse, some magic, evil, corporation.

No mention of the salaries and benefits and other expenses controlled by the universities?

gimme a break... we're doomed!


we're still doomed!

What happened to the antiwar movement? Cindy Sheehan hits 'hypocrisy' of Left, Democratic allies.

What happened to the antiwar movement? Cindy Sheehan hits 'hypocrisy' of Left, Democratic allies.
After my column, "For the left, war without Bush is not war at all," appeared Tuesday, I got a note from Cindy Sheehan, the anti-war activist who was the subject of so much press coverage when she led a protest against the Iraq war outside then-President George W. Bush's ranch in Texas.

This is what the note said:

"I read your column about the "anti-war" movement and I can't believe I am saying this, but I mostly agree with you.
The "anti-war" "left" was used by the Democratic Party. I like to call it the "anti-Republican War" movement."

GR firm wins Muskegon school district's copier bid

GR firm wins Muskegon school district's copier bid
"A Grand Rapids firm has won a bid to sell $191,000 in new digital copiers to Muskegon Public Schools.
IKON Office Solutions submitted the low bid of $190,950....... Office Machines Co., a Muskegon vendor with which the school district has done business for 'many, many years,' submitted a bid that was $38,000 higher than IKON's, Privasky said."

The long time local vendor submits a losing quote that's 20% higher than a company 40 miles away and the incurious reporter doesn't ask about the past quoting process.

And this article is hardly intended to support the Muskegon school's move to reduce costs.

Kudos to the MHS board.

And sad The Chronicle is continuing its death spiral.

Detroit pension funds want to build $7.4M riverfront HQ

Detroit pension funds want to build $7.4M riverfront HQ
"Concerns raised earlier this year about a cash-flow crisis and the recent loss of $2.5 billion aren't stopping Detroit's two public pension funds from trying to build a new riverfront headquarters."

This actually makes sense....if you are a scumsucking crook.
They know the taxpayers (us and the few remaining companies in Michigan) will pick up the bill if the pension fund doesn't have enough to pay it's pensioners.
So why not party like it's 1928!

High court's insurance ruling will cost drivers, critics say

High court's insurance ruling will cost drivers, critics say
"Michigan drivers will pay $20 more this fiscal year to care for accident victims who have brain damage, paralysis or other catastrophic injuries."

$20 dollars here, $20 dollars there...... it's no big deal.....right?
cept we're seemin' to be hearing it EVERY day!

White House OK With Guns at Rallies

White House OK With Guns at Rallies
"the White House:
Armed men seen mixing with protesters outside recent events held by President Obama acted within the law, the White House said Tuesday, attempting to allay fears of a security threat.
Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, said people are entitled to carry weapons outside such events if local laws allow it. “There are laws that govern firearms that are done state or locally,” he said. “Those laws don’t change when the president comes to your state or locality.”"

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Woman driver stalls her car on opening drawbridge

Woman driver stalls her car on opening drawbridge
"A woman driver had a hair-raising – not to mention car-raising - experience today when her vehicle got stuck on an opening drawbridge.
She stalled on the bridge at Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, and was still stationary as the giant structure swung open to allow a ship through.
Thanks to a good set of brakes and decent tyres, her vehicle defied gravity and stayed put as the giant hinges yawned to a 45 degree angle."

Fat, unfit NHS staff top the sick league

Fat, unfit NHS staff top the sick league
The first national audit of staff habits has found that high rates of obesity, smoking, absenteeism and poor mental health are having a direct impact on the quality of patient care.
....... More than 45,000 NHS workers are calling in sick every day, one and a half times the rate of absence in the private sector.

Energy workers rally against climate plan

Energy workers rally against climate plan
"Local energy workers jammed a downtown Houston theater today to protest climate change legislation that the U.S. Senate will take up in the coming weeks.
The Energy Citizens rally, promoted by some major energy companies and business organizations as well as the Greater Houston Partnership, is the first of several such events planned in 19 states in the coming weeks.
About 3,500 people, or 1,500 more than expected, filed into the facility, many donning yellow T-shirts that were being handed out that read 'I'm an energy citizen.'"

How dare those evil energy companies promote their side of the discussion!
I thought ACORN was the only "Obama certified" organization allowed to speak or organize.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » “WHY OBAMACARE IS FAILING:” To listen to the White House and its supporters, in and out of the me…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » “WHY OBAMACARE IS FAILING:” To listen to the White House and its supporters, in and out of the me…

Dealers awaiting 'clunker' payments from U.S.

Dealers awaiting 'clunker' payments from U.S.
"Car dealers have found that the benefits of the government's 'Cash for Clunkers' program go hand in hand with the aggravation of trying to get reimbursed.
In three weeks, the government has paid only a tiny share of claims. The unpaid claims, worth up to $4,500 each, may soon begin to pinch some dealers' ability to do business.
Keith Dennis hasn't yet seen a penny from the government for the roughly 250 claims from his dealerships, Dennis Hyundai and Dennis Imports. Until he gets reimbursed, he is curbing his participation in the program."

How can ANYONE in our country believe that this same, idiotic US government can run the entire health care system any better than they have run this auto-destructo boondoggle?

Oh, they promise us they can do it cheaper too!

Are liberals really that stupid?

Today's debate: 'Double dipping' -- Public sector 'retirees' draw a pension -- and a paycheck

'Double dipping' -- Public sector 'retirees' draw a pension -- and a paycheck
"Taxpayers, younger workers suffer when pensioners go back on payroll.

Consider this career choice faced by tens of thousands of teachers, police officers and other government workers across the USA:
Work past the age when you can collect a guaranteed pension (often 50 or 55), or retire that year and come back to your old desk or one nearby to collect the pension and a crisp new paycheck to boot.
Collecting both checks is a no-brainer, and in most states it's also legal. This 'double dipping' is financed by the 100 million private-sector workers who have no such option themselves,
and in several states they've started expressing some well-placed anger."

In the "Two America's" of today, we in the private sector tighten our belts so the public sector employees can let out their belts.

How long will we let this continue?

How long will the young americans be silent?

Woman gives birth on pavement 'after being refused ambulance'

Woman gives birth on pavement 'after being refused ambulance'
"A young mother gave birth on a pavement outside a hospital after she was told to make her own way there.
Mother-of-three Carmen Blake called her midwife to ask for an ambulance when she went into labour unexpectedly with her fourth child"

Thousands of surgeries may be cut in Metro Vancouver, leaked paper reveals

Thousands of surgeries may be cut in Metro Vancouver, leaked paper reveals: "Vancouver patients needing neurosurgery, treatment for vascular diseases and other medically necessary procedures can expect to wait longer for care, NDP health critic Adrian Dix said Monday.
Dix said a Vancouver Coastal Health Authority document shows it is considering chopping more than 6,000 surgeries in an effort to make up for a dramatic budgetary shortfall that could reach $200 million."

Anyone notice the liberal's old popular phrase "Canadian style health care" seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth?

Unintended consequences of government

Unintended consequences of government
"the economic role of government is to create the conditions whereby businesses can compete freely and openly.
This may sound benevolent at first glance, but isn't legislation that just singles out new 'businesses' an assault on every existing small business?
Wouldn't the unintended consequence of this legislation be to unfairly penalize existing, struggling small businesses?"

There will be a large group of Republicans hoping to replace Con. Pete Hoekstra next year.

Muskegon's Bill Cooper is in that group and has an interesting take on government grants or legislation that targets specific companies ("oh yeah, free money") and leaves the rest out in the cold.

It's a good article from one of Muskegon's more successful entrepreneurs.

My additional observation is that when companies see that their competitive advantage is best improved by political connections and contributions rather than their own innovation, their creative capital will shift to influencing political decisions instead of focusing on more competitive products and services.

In other words, if you want more tainted money flowing to more ethically challenged politicians (of any party), give the politicians MORE power in choosing "winners" or "losers" in Michigan businesses.

Brinks Security now Broadview Security?

Brinks is a well known name, even to criminals.

No one has ever heard of Broadview.

Why the name change?

Thousands Quit AARP Over Health Reform

Thousands Quit AARP Over Health Reform
"CBS News has learned that up to 60,000 people have cancelled their AARP memberships since July 1, angered over the group's position on health care"

I sent them my "cancel my membership" e-mail this morning!

You can cancel your AARP membership here:

Here's the link for the conservative friendly American Seniors Association (ASA):

ASA’s Four Pillars
• Social Security Reform

• Medicare Reform

• Tax Reform (Fair Tax)

• Keeping Citizen Benefits out of the hands of illegal aliens

Do it now!

You'll feel healthier all week!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Climate change we CAN believe in!

Tim Pawlenty foresees GOP surge if health plan is rejected
It appears that President Obama is making great progress on climate change, he is changing the political climate in the country back to Republican,” Pawlenty said during a speech to the second annual GOPAC conference in Chicago."

Rethinking Canada's pension problem

Rethinking Canada's pension problem: "A 2007 report by consulting firm Towers Perrin, found the private sector workforce grew by 26% in Canada between 1992 and 2005, but overall pension coverage fell from 49% to 42%. It's the perfect storm for a pension crisis."

Michigan School Databases: Union Contracts, Revenues, Expenditures, and More

Michigan School Databases: Union Contracts, Revenues, Expenditures, and More
"Much of the day-to-day life of Michigan’s public schools is shaped by
their district's union contracts, spending choices and available revenues.
Michigan School Databases, hosted by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy,
provides a revealing look at public school districts across the state."

Falling Boulder Kills Man in ColoradoRock Smashes Windshield; Wife Drives 3 Kids to Safety

A 45-year-old Missouri man died Friday afternoon when a boulder fell off a Colorado mountain and landed on his car, according to the Aspen Daily News.
Tom Murphy was driving his wife and three boys home to Kansas City following a weeklong vacation in Snowmass when the accident happened along Route 82 near Aspen. According to authorities, a boulder the size of a cooler fell off a mountain and crashed through the windshield of the family's SUV, hitting Murphy on the head and knocking him unconscious.

Canada's doctors-"We all agree that the system is imploding

Overhauling health-care system tops agenda at annual meeting of Canada's doctors: "The incoming president of the Canadian Medical Association says this country's health-care system is sick and doctors need to develop a plan to cure it.
Dr. Anne Doig says patients are getting less than optimal care and she adds that physicians from across the country - who will gather in Saskatoon on Sunday for their annual meeting - recognize that changes must be made.
'We all agree that the system is imploding, we all agree that things are more precarious than perhaps Canadians realize,' Doing said in an interview with The Canadian Press.
'We know that there must be change,' she said. 'We're all running flat out, we're all just trying to stay ahead of the immediate day-to-day demands.'"

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Associated Press: Obama birthplace flap evokes Chester Arthur debate

The Associated Press: Obama birthplace flap evokes Chester Arthur debate
Finding the "birthplace" of President Chester A. Arthur is easy: Turn left at Town Hall and its Chester A. Arthur Conference Room, go past Chester's Bakery and turn right on Chester A. Arthur Road.
Nearly five miles up the winding two-lane country road, past rolling hills and dairy farms, is the tiny Chester A. Arthur Historic Site, proclaiming the spot where the nation's 21st president was born in a cottage.
Or was he?
Nearly 123 years after his death, doubts about his U.S. citizenship linger, thanks to lack of documentation and a political foe's claim that Arthur was really born in Canada — and was therefore ineligible for the White House, where he served from 1881 to 1885.
Long before "birthers" began questioning the citizenship of President Barack Obama, similar questions were raised about the early years of Arthur, an accidental president who ascended to the job after President James Garfield was assassinated.
"It's an old rumor that won't die, political slander," said John Dumville, who runs Vermont's historic sites and knows well the legend. "It's a fun story, and it comes up every year. People latch on to it and they've read about it somewhere and they want to know more."
The U.S. Constitution says you must be a "natural-born citizen" to serve as president. The issue has received renewed interest due to legions of Obama doubters who say his Hawaiian birth certificate is fake and that he was born in Kenya.
But the Arthur birthplace question came up before the Internet was around to spread such theories.
Known as Vermont's "other president" — Calvin Coolidge was born in Vermont — Arthur was the son of a Baptist minister whose first assignment was this small town (pop. 1,916) in the heart of northern Vermont dairy country.
He was born Oct. 5, 1829, but later in life, he lied about the year. Even his gravestone lists 1830, though Arthur family bibles at the Library of Congress in Washington say 1829.
The family moved often, and by 1835 had left Vermont. Arthur went on to become a teacher, lawyer and political operative, serving as quartermaster general for the state of New York during the Civil War and later Collector of the Port of New York, appointed by President Ulysses Grant.
The focus on his place of birth became an issue in the 1880 presidential campaign, when Arthur was tapped to be the running mate for Garfield.
According to historical accounts, Republican bosses wanted him to provide proof of his birthplace, but he never did.
Democrats, meanwhile, hired a lawyer named Arthur Hinman who sought to discredit Arthur, claiming he was born in Dunham, Quebec, about 47 miles north of Fairfield. Hinman traveled to Vermont and Canada to research Arthur's past, eventually concluding that Arthur was born in Canada but appropriated the birth records of a baby brother who was born in Fairfield, but died as an infant.
He later incorporated the findings into a book titled "How A British Subject Became President of the United States."
Arthur, who served from 1881 to 1885, never publicly addressed the allegation.
Vermont officials hold fast to their claim on Arthur's birth, but have little to back it up.
The state of Vermont didn't begin receiving birth records until 1857, according to state archivist Gregory Sanford. The birth records at the Town of Fairfield go back no further, Town Clerk Amanda Forbes said.
Arthur biographer Thomas C. Reeves, a former University of Wisconsin history professor who wrote "Gentleman Boss" in 1975, debunked the born-in-Canada claim.
"This was a little campaign trick, in an era when politics were just as dirty as they are now," Reeves said in an interview. "It didn't threaten him in anyway. He was lying about his age, which complicated things. Like so many people, he just lopped a year off his life."
But the legend lingers, like a salacious rumor too juicy not to repeat.
In 1998, the Ottawa (Ont.) Citizen newspaper published a story asserting Arthur was born in his grandparents' home in Dunham but "probably" appropriated the birth records of the dead brother.
"The great impostor, the ultimate spoilsman, has never been defrocked. Not bad for a Canadian, eh?" said the newspaper, which called Arthur "our man in Washington."
At the Chester A. Arthur Historic Site, which draws about 400 visitors a year despite its remote setting, the topic is the first thing on people's lips, said caretaker Shirley Paradee.
"That's usually pretty much the most-asked question — if he was born here or in Canada," she said. "And I don't really have an answer for that because there isn't anything, any proof anywhere, where he was born."
If anything, the display boards inside a two-room replica of the parsonage where Arthur spent some of his early years fan the controversy. One contains a quote from a "J.H. Corey" who asserted in 1881: "I am positive C.A. Arthur was born in Canada."
Another reads, "Today, in an era when virtually every detail of a politician's life is open to public view, there is no concrete proof of the location of President Arthur's birthplace. Records and recollections lend strong support to the claim that Arthur was born in Fairfield, Vt."
For his part, Dumville says Vermont is proud to call Arthur a native son. Until someone proves otherwise.
"There's no way to prove he was not born in Vermont. It's a little boosterism for Vermont, having a U.S. president born here," Dumville said.

5,000 fewer guns turned in under city program

5,000 fewer guns turned in under city program

Fewer than 2,000 guns were turned in for gift cards Saturday as part of Chicago's annual gun buy-back event.
This year's total -- 1,887 -- was significantly lower than last year's take of 6,800 guns, officials said

75 War Movies to See Before You Die

75 War Movies to See Before You Die

Copyright(c) 2009 Ad Gardener, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Ads belong to their respective owners.

Copyright(c) 2009 Ad Gardener, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Ads belong to their respective owners.: "When it comes to having past views that should frighten every American citizen, Ezekiel Emanuel (see above editorial) has nothing on the president's ''chief science adviser, John P. Holdren. (Snip) The question naturally arises why President Obama chooses to surround himself with extremists like Mr. Holdren or Dr. Emanuel. No matter how much they claim their views have ''evolved,'' health and science under Obamacare would be a frightening prospect with people like this advising the

[companion piece to preceding Wash Times editorial] Indeed, the entire nation and some real person who actually gets to ask a question in an 0bama town hall, if there is such a person, needs to ask why 0bama has surrounded himself with radical freaks with such outlandish ideas. What kind of message is he trying to send the American people?"

American Thinker: Manufactured Healthcare Crisis

American Thinker: Manufactured Healthcare Crisis

Hawaii plans quiet, sobering 50th anniversary

Hawaii plans quiet, sobering 50th anniversary
"Hawaii turns 50 years old as the 50th state Friday, but there will be no grand parades, no dazzling fireworks, no lavish displays of native culture.
Organizers of the observation are not even willing to call it a party. It is simply a 'commemoration,' one that is sensitive to a painful history of the Hawaiian monarchy's overthrow and unresolved claims of Native Hawaiians.
The main event is a low-key daylong conference reflecting on Hawaii's place in the world. Behind the tourist-friendly tropical images of beaches and sunshine, many remain uncomfortable with the U.S. takeover of the islands and the idea that businesses have exploited Hawaiians' culture.
'Instead of state government having huge parties and fireworks, we're having a convention,' said Manu Boyd, cultural director for the Royal Hawaiian Center, a shopping and entertainment area in Waikiki. 'That shows the strength and spiritual power of the Hawaiian people, whose shattered world has not yet been addressed.'
When statehood came calling in 1959, it ushered in an era of economic prosperity through tourism and the side effects that came with it: resort high rises, more than 500,000 monthly tourists and an emphasis on hokey luaus rather than the authentic host culture.
Sovereignty groups advocating independence from the United States make up a minority, but many residents recognize the long-standing issues associated with the 1893 overthrow of the monarchy, the islands' annexation and past harms to the Native Hawaiian people."

Drinking the Kool-Aid: Failing to lead, Hillary follows the President in placating the world

"Clinton's moral equivalency moment came when she told a group of Nigerian activists that, 'In 2000, our presidential election came down to one state where the brother of the man running for President was the governor of the state. So we have our problems, too.'
The reference to Florida, where Jeb Bush was governor, was inappropriate, no matter the context Clinton had in mind.
The election ultimately was decided by the Supreme Court and all but wing nuts on the Democratic left accepted the court's historic decision."

And the Sec of State of the USA is a wingnut!
Sleep well, America but be forewarned!

This is NOT a victory.

"If they get anything at all, they are looking at this as the camel’s nose under the tent.
They will increment and “improve” anything they can get passed until it is socialized medicine.
That is the ultimate goal.
That is what Clinton pushed and that, very, very clearly, is the message of this article.
This is not a victory.
We have to keep focused and keep fighting.
We have to."

Do not reduce your vigilance!

Palin Wins

Palin Wins
"The first we heard about Sarah Palin's 'death panels' comment was in a conversation last Friday with an acquaintance who was appalled by it.
Our interlocutor is not a Democratic partisan but a high-minded centrist who deplores extremist rhetoric whatever the source.
We don't even know if he has a position on ObamaCare.
From his description, it sounded to us as though Palin really had gone too far.
A week later, it is clear that she has won the debate."

A rally with troubling aspects

A rally with troubling aspects
"The rebound is based on restocking of inventories but, once that is complete, there are concerns about sustainability of growth in 2010 as the consumer remains burdened by high debt, rising job losses and sharply lower housing prices."

Russian Jets Collide During Air Show Rehearsal

Russian Jets Collide During Air Show Rehearsal
"Two Russian air force fighters collided Sunday as they rehearsed for an air show near Moscow, killing a pilot and sending one jet crashing into houses below, a military official said.
The Su-27 fighters were members of the elite Russian Knights flying group preparing to perform at the MAKS-2009 air show. The largest and most important exhibition for Russia's aerospace industry opens Tuesday.....
The RIA-Novosti and Interfax news agencies reported that the dead pilot was the Russian Knights' commander."

The Obamas: Stopping Traffic in Yellowstone

The Obamas: Stopping Traffic in Yellowstone
"For a brief, clattering moment on Saturday morning, Bald Eagles nesting along Yellowstone National Park's Firehole River Saturday had to share their sky with three Marine helicopters ferrying the First Family down to Old Faithful.
The Obamas had lunch and views of the famous geyser, most likely oblivious to the ripple effect caused by extensive security measures for their visit on the Park's busy, fee-free weekend.
On the narrow two-lane highway between Old Faithful and Midway Geyser Basin, however, motor traffic came to a standstill, eventually backing up vehicles for nearly two miles."

More Trouble in Cash for Clunkers?

More Trouble in Cash for Clunkers?
"The program started late, cost $50 million to administer, crashed computers and ran out of money.
All to see people spend money now that they would likely have spent later.
Now, this story says dealers are becoming frustrated that the government hasn't paid them for their deals - so frustrated that some believe it is no longer worth it to participate."

Town halls not resulting in more presidential threats

Town halls not resulting in more presidential threats
"There has been no increase in the number of security threats to President Barack Obama despite the contentious town hall meetings taking place around the country, according to the White House.
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs also said Friday there has been no change in the security precautions.
'We haven't viewed any increase in threats, and there's been no change in any of that,' Gibbs said."

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Unplugging Grandma isn't the problem

Unplugging Grandma isn't the problem
Obamacare means treatment rationing, so getting Grandma plugged in in the first place is the greater peril."

Chicago City Government Closed For Business Monday, Due To Budget Constraints

Chicago City Government Closed For Business Monday, Due To Budget Constraints
"If you planned to check out a library book, visit a city clinic or have your garbage picked up on Monday, you're out of luck.
The City of Chicago will basically be closed for business on Aug. 17"

Comming soon to a town near you!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Obama's Safety: Hate Groups Thrive Amidst Town Hall Health Care Debates - ABC News

Obama's Safety: Hate Groups Thrive Amidst Town Hall Health Care Debates - ABC News


Fear for Obama’s Safety Grows as Hate Groups Thrive on Racial Backlash.
As others have noted, we didn’t see this kind of concern when people were saying the same kinds of things about Bush.
This storyline seems like a pretty transparent effort to delegitimize the protesters particularly when you see who’s quoted.
But perhaps — as some did during the Bush era on the few occasions when they deigned to notice the hate — we should ask what Obama has done to so divide the country?
Meanwhile, Matt Welch notes a lot of pundits who seem eager to turn Obama-opposition into race-war.
And here I thought the Obama presidency was supposed to usher in a post-racial America.
How’s that working out so far?
Plus, watch out for all those anti-Obamacare fascists!
And Jesse Walker called it: The Paranoids Are Out To Get Me!