Wednesday, October 07, 2009

City illustrates new report on unions' impact

City illustrates new report on unions' impact
"'What you have right now is a very uneven playing field,' he said.
In the Vallejo study, the authors argue that public unions are more costly in government than private business because business management is accountable to stockholders, compared to the often less politically active average citizens.
'...Politically, public-sector unions constitute a permanent activist constituency that works to expand the size and scope of government,' the report authors wrote. '
And bosses beholden to their employees are not likely to be accountable to the taxpayers.'"

This is exactly what has happened in Muskegon.

There is absolutely ZERO representation on behalf of the citizen/taxpayer when county employment contracts are negotiated.

Just the union lawyers and county department heads vs county department heads and 11 county commissioners who suffer not one penny of risk if the union contracts bankrupt our county.

Anyone see a problem here?

Flu Vaccinations in Muskegon

Flu Vaccinations:
Seasonal flu shot $27
Seasonal flu mist $35
Pneumonia shot $52

Anyone can receive a seasonal flu vaccination at the health department, however, the health department is unable to bill Medicare or health insurance programs other than Medicaid. If you have Medicare, we recommend either getting a seasonal flu shot at your doctor's office or through Visiting Nurse Services (VNS).

Hours of Service
Monday through Friday
Noon until 4:30 pm

Public Health - Muskegon County
209 East Apple Avenue
Muskegon, Michigan 49442

Plus at many libraries in the county.
Take control of your own health!

Cholesterol, Lipid and Glucose Screening

Cholesterol, Lipid and Glucose Screening
Tuesday, Oct. 14 and Nov. 11,
7 a.m. to noon

Mercy H.E.A.R.T. Center
No appointment needed.

$6 for cholesterol or glucose screenings, $15 for a lipid profile and $21 for both

Save on your own health care!

Loveland ski opens Wednesday, A-Basin on Friday

Loveland ski opens Wednesday, A-Basin on Friday
"Boasting its earliest opening day in 40 years, Loveland officials today announced the area will open for skiing Wednesday."

More proof of "global warming"!

Historic '81 lottery winner Lou Eisenberg now living in mobile home

Historic '81 lottery winner Lou Eisenberg now living in mobile home
"The former multimillionaire now lives in a mobile home in Lake Worth, Fla., on $250 a week from his Social Security and pension checks."


When war in Afghanistan comes to Whitehall

When war in Afghanistan comes to Whitehall
"It is the Government's cavalier attitude towards our Armed Forces, as well as its failure to provide sufficient quantities of combat troops and equipment, that lies at the root of what is becoming the most rancorous falling-out between the military and political classes in living memory."

Much like the Neville Chamberlain/Roosevelt types in the 30s, these selfish politicians will be the cause of much suffering soon.

Support Builds for a Tax Credit for Creating Jobs

Support Builds for a Tax Credit for Creating Jobs
"critics of the idea argue that businesses hire based on actual demand for their products, and a minor subsidy for adding an employee will not make up for the collapse in demand across the broader economy.
“Why would a business hire a new worker?” Bill Rys, tax counsel to the National Federation of Independent Business, a small-business industry group, said.
“They’re hiring because they need to do work. Unless you have work to do, it’s still an expense.”

This was a disaster when tried under the Carter regime.
It will be a disaster under Hussein Carter the 2nd.
Except for all the new government employees needed to run this idiocy.

Chicago Violence Haunts Obama

Chicago Violence Haunts Obama
"At least 47 school-age children in Chicago have been killed in homicides, mostly by guns, since the month President Barack Obama took office."

Tuesday, October 06, 2009 News Forum - Thread News Forum - Thread:
Same thing over and over....a kid gets murdered......the community demand solutions from Leaders... A bunch of do-nothing Poverty Pimps (in this case Eric Holder) fly in, make a few perfunctory remarks and leave....nothing changes.
The destruction of the urban Black family by power seeking Liberals from LBJ to 0bama are directly responsible for this violence, but addressing the real problem would require they admit their guilt.....don't hold your breath for any real change Chicago"

ObamaCare, The Great Tragedy

ObamaCare, The Great Tragedy
"Today, the Senate Finance Committee is expected to vote on the mark-up of the Senate version of ObamaCare, which would create the equivalent of a public-private partnership like Fannie Mae, the Federal Reserve, or Amtrak to 'compete' with private sector health insurance."

Obama Talks Up Counterterrorism Efforts

Obama Talks Up Counterterrorism Efforts
"Citing a counterterrorism expert, Mr. Obama added:
“Because of our efforts, Al Qaeda and its allies have not only lost operational capacity, they’ve lost legitimacy and credibility.”

Interesting, though not surprising, the NYT accolates continue to try to provide cover for their Dear Leader.

French Gay Football Team Says Muslim Players Snubbed Them

French Gay Football Team Says Muslim Players Snubbed Them
"But 'as a Muslim, I have the right to decide not to play against homosexuals because I don't agree with their ideas,' he said."

Southside Chicago, The Home of Corruption

Southside Chicago, The Home of Corruption
"In this new position, one of Michelle's top priorities was to solve a problem of too many poor patients or those on Medicare and Medicaid clogging the emergency room at UCMC.
To deal with this problem, Michelle helped create the Southside Health Collaborative.
This project served to provide a way to shuttle away patients to other medical clinics to receive care.
This was blatant patient dumping."

Congressional leaders fight against posting bills online

Congressional leaders fight against posting bills online
"What you don't know can hurt you:
» House energy and global warming bill, passed June 26, 2009. 1,200 pages. Available online 15 hours before vote.

» $789 billion stimulus bill, passed Feb. 14, 2009. 1,100 pages. Available online 13 hours before debate.

» $700 billion financial sector rescue package, passed Oct. 3, 2008. 169 pages. Available online 29 hours before vote.

» USA Patriot domestic surveillance bill, passed Oct. 23, 2001. Unavailable to the public before debate."

UN calls for new reserve currency

UN calls for new reserve currency
"The United Nations called on Tuesday for a new global reserve currency to end dollar supremacy which has allowed the United States the 'privilege' of building a huge trade deficit."

This is BIG!

The coming war with Iran

The coming war with Iran
"War with Iran is now inevitable.
The only question is: Will it happen sooner or later?
Tehran's recent missile tests and war games suggest that the apocalyptic mullahs have reached the same conclusion."

Does anyone have ANY faith in our commander in chief?
I don't.

CNN Fact Checks Last Saturday's SNL Obama-Razzing Skit

CNN Fact Checks Last Saturday's SNL Obama-Razzing Skit
"Can one even imagine CNN fact checking any of the skits SNL on President Bush or Sarah Palin??
Heaven forbid SNL finally make fun of President Obama.
CNN couldn't help themselves.
They actually fact checked the jokes."

Brit chain folds to hate mongers

Welcome To
Upscale British supermarket chain Waitrose says it is pulling its advertisements from Fox News in the U.K. after customers complained about the right-wing cable news channel's Glenn Beck program.

Why Public Sector Unionism Is a Bad Deal for Taxpayers

Why Public Sector Unionism Is a Bad Deal for Taxpayers and Representative Government
"By granting monopoly power to labor unions over the supply of government labor, elected officials undermine their duty to taxpayers, because this puts unions in a privileged position to extract political goods in the form of high pay and benefits that are much higher than anything comparable in the private sector."

New wine shop bearing Russo family name opens

New wine shop bearing Russo family name opens
"Russo, 60, said he has not been involved with the G.B. Russo store since a falling-out in January with his two youngest brothers, Dave and Phil Russo.
He said his new store is a partnership with his wife's brother, Farouk Karadsheh, who owns Towne & Country's anchor store, Mediterranean Island International Foods, and several of the center's spaces."

10 Manliest Names Eve

10 Manliest Names Ever
"Lieutenant General Sir Manley Power, a British military leader who fought in a number of campaigns for Britain and rosed to the rank of Lieutenant General. After his active military service, Manley was appointed Lieutenant Governor of Malta, which made him even manlier."

Hoekstra hosts tranquil town hall meeting on health care reform

Hoekstra hosts tranquil town hall meeting on health care reform
"No major outbursts. No finger pointing. No name calling"

The "Difference"

The Difference:

If a conservative doesn't like guns, they don't buy one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, then no one should have one.

a conservative is a vegetarian, they don't eat meat. If a liberal is vegetarian, they want to ban all meat products for everyone.

If a conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat his enemy. A liberal wonders how to surrender gracefully and still look good.

If a conservative is homosexual, they quietly enjoy their life. If a liberal is homosexual, they loudly demand legislated respect.

If a black man or Hispanic is conservative, they see themselves as independently successful. Their liberal counterparts see themselves as victims in need of government protection.

If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels. Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A liberal wants all churches to be silenced and God removed from public view..

If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it. A liberal demands that his neighbors pay for his.

from an e-mail

How Toll Of 'Social Justice' Eludes Elites

How Toll Of 'Social Justice' Eludes Elites
The Nazis murdered 20 million of their own people and those in nations they captured.

From 1917 and 1987, Stalin and his successors murdered, or were otherwise responsible for the deaths of, 62 million of their own people.

From 1949 and 1987, Mao Zedong and his successors were responsible for the deaths of 76 million Chinese"

Monday, October 05, 2009

Orton was a who?

Ortonville man dies after MSU-UM game
"A 25-year-old Ortonville man died Saturday night after he fell and hit his head following the college football game between Michigan State and U-M, police said.
The incident happened at a residence on Gunson in East Lansing, said Sgt. Mark VandeWouwer. The man, who had been drinking, was not a student at MSU, he said...... The man's name had not been released. "

ACORN embezzlement was $5 million, La. attorney general says

ACORN embezzlement was $5 million, La. attorney general says
"Louisiana's attorney general has broadened the scope of an investigation of ACORN to include a possible embezzlement of $5 million a decade ago within the community organization, five times more than previously reported."

Taliban Afghan momentum due to lack of troops

Taliban Afghan momentum due to lack of U.S. troops
The Taliban has the momentum in Afghanistan now because of the inability of the United States and its allies to put enough troops into the country, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Monday"

What great leaders Obama has!

Letterman apologizes to wife on Monday's show

Letterman apologizes to wife on Monday's show
"David Letterman apologized to his wife on Monday's 'Late Show,' saying she had been 'horribly hurt by my behavior.'
The late-night host vowed to repair his relationship with his wife, Regina Lasko.
'Let me tell you folks, I got my work cut out for me,' said Letterman, according to an early transcript of the program released by CBS."

Hey gals!
Is this guy funny or what?

Corporate Welfare for Mickey Mouse

Corporate Welfare for Mickey Mouse
"Earlier this month, the Senate passed the Travel Promotion Act by a lopsided margin of 79–19. The name is innocuous enough. Read the fine print, however, and the bill becomes rather less appealing. It’s corporate welfare for Mickey Mouse.

Here’s a little background on the bill. The TPA directs the Department of Homeland Security to impose a $10 fee on foreign citizens who visit America under the visa-waiver program. That program lets people from 35 countries, mostly in Europe, travel to the U.S. without first obtaining a visa. Instead, travelers register with DHS’s online security system before coming to this country.

The DHS fee could bring in hundreds of millions of dollars over the next decade. (In 2006 alone, the United States welcomed some 18 million visitors from visa-waiver countries.) The fees will be used to fund a new nonprofit known as the Corporation for Travel Promotion. Its mission is to “promot[e] the United States of America to world travelers,” and it will do so via multimillion-dollar ad campaigns.

What could be wrong with that?"


Big Government Health Care PSA

This is Obama's best argument for his big government take-over of 16% of our American economy....and your health care decisions for you and your family.

I love that guy!

And he loves me too!!!!!!

Um, isn't that ship getting a little close?

Um, isn't that ship getting a little close?
"From the Enchantment of the seas.
OK, so we're sitting in port.
A few of us are on the pool deck watching the Carnival Legend pull out of port.
As we're watching it, it's getting closer and closer.
It looked like the wind was pushing the other ship toward us. I looked down and saw a tug boat try to get between the two boats, but it was too late.
Then the collision became inevitable.
There was some crunching and breaking glass noises and the ship rocked to one side a little.
It was such a slow crash that it was barely noticeable.
We could see scraped paint on the other ship, Really, nobody was hurt and we're waiting for the all-clear from the Harbor master to leave port."

Barney Frank (D-Fannie Mae) Comes To Talk To Michigan Democrats (with video)

theblogprof: TEA PARTY Protest Breaks Out As Barney Frank (D-Fannie Mae) Comes To Talk To Michigan Democrats (with video)
"TEA PARTY Protest Breaks Out As Barney Frank (D-Fannie Mae) Comes To Talk To Michigan Democrats (with video)
With Michigan being in the state that it is in - highest unemployment in the nation for 40 straight months, in a perpetual budget hole due to Democrat tax and spend policies that necessitated a short state shutdown (again), it was only appropriate that Democrats brought in Barney Frank to speak at their dinner yesterday in Troy, MI.
Especially since Democrats in the state have proposed this 5-point program to lift Michigan back into prosperity:

Hiking the minimum wage to $10 an hour for all workers.
Imposing a blanket moratorium on home foreclosures for 12 months.
Cutting utility rates 20% across the board.
Requiring all employers to provide health care to their employees.
Hiking, by $100 a week, and extending, for six months, unemployment benefits.

And no, that's not a joke. About 600 Democrats came to the dinner."

GVSU reverses course, sends bills to Michigan Promise students because scholarship's future in doubt

GVSU reverses course, sends bills to Michigan Promise students because scholarship's future in doubt
"Grand Valley State University is now telling students to expect bills to make up for potentially lost Michigan Promise scholarships.
President Thomas J. Haas sent an e-mail to students Monday saying the university is reversing course and now is assuming that the scholarships of up to $4,000 will be lopped out of the still-undecided state budget.
'I am disappointed beyond words that the state of Michigan cannot keep its promise to you,' he said in the letter.
Students had been credited for up to $500 for the scholarship on their fall semester tuition bills. Now they'll be billed for the amount and can pay in two monthly installments"

Bing: AFSCME won't budge; more layoffs may come

Bing: AFSCME won't budge; more layoffs may come
"Bing said the city has presented its final offer to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 25, which represents about 3,500 of the 13,000 workers.
But he said the union has rejected any concessions, including his call for a 10 percent pay cut"

Teacher perks bleed budget dry

Teacher perks bleed budget dry
"The study conducted by analyst Kenneth Braun finds salaries for Michigan public school teachers are $12,000 above the national average.
If paychecks for the state's nearly 110,000 teachers were lowered to the average of other states, taxpayers would save $1.3 billion a year -- or exactly the amount of the deficit in the 2010 budget.
The salary discrepancy is a surcharge of $789 per pupil. And it keeps Michigan teachers the fourth-highest paid in the nation......
... Benefits for public school teachers cost taxpayers $2.6 billion a year or about $1,600 per pupil. That's 41 percent above the national average and consumes roughly 35 percent of school district budgets."

At least our bankrupt state is close to #1 in a couple of things!

What's new in Windows 7?

Komando Toolbox
"Q. I’ve heard a lot about Windows 7.
But I don’t know much about it.
What’s new in Windows 7?
Can I upgrade my machine without losing my data and programs?
A. Yes, Microsoft’s marketing machine has been working overtime.
But many are still confused about Windows 7.
Let’s get that cleared right up!"

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Capitalism: The Real Story

CARPE DIEM: Capitalism: The Real Story
"Michael Moore: Capitalism did nothing for me."

The data show that capitalism has actually done a lot for Michael Moore, and the millions of others living in countries with higher levels of economic freedom and capitalism."

Mug a Hoodie: Tories promise they will put 100,000 in jail to clear Britain's streets of thugs

Mug a Hoodie: Tories promise they will put 100,000 in jail to clear Britain's streets of thugs
"Thousands of thugs will be locked up in a fresh crackdown on the horrific lawlessness that blights so many towns and cities in Britain if the Conservatives win power.
Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling is to introduce new laws to tackle violent crime - and he will ditch Labour’s policy of releasing prisoners because there are not enough cells.....
They will also outline a huge welfare shake-up, aimed at stripping the work-shy and forcing them back into work and proposals to reform care for the elderly."

County taxi regulations proposal reaches dead end

County taxi regulations proposal reaches dead end
"After researching ordinances in cities like Kalamazoo, Waters had redrafted the proposal.
Her proposal had called for the state to regulate taxicabs similar to limousine operators.

Trip fares would have been agreed upon prior to a taxi picking someone up, instead of the traditional ticking meter.

“That would have been completely unworkable,” McEnvoy said. “When you drop someone off at Meijer, how long would you wait for them to shop?”

Is Waters as stupid as her proposal?

Bronze statue of patron lumber baron will oversee his park

Bronze statue of patron lumber baron will oversee his park
"The sculpture is another project of Downtown Muskegon Development Corp.’s Public Art Committee, which also made possible the Richard Hunt “Muskegon, Together Rising” sculpture in the traffic circle."

Oh boy!
More "art" spending!

Death is Milliseconds Away…

Death is Milliseconds Away…
"Unless there’s some Photoshop trickery afoot here, this photo makes you want to shout, “He’s behind you!”, because you know that the cute little robin is as good as a gone."

15 Most Stupid Forehead Tattoos -

15 Most Stupid Forehead Tattoos - "Does the cursive make this f* word tattoo more elegant? (Link)"

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Guns allowed in Arizona bars starting Wednesday

Guns allowed in Arizona bars starting Wednesday
"Bartender Randy Shields was serving British brews and Arizona ambers as usual at Shady's bar in east Phoenix when he saw a customer walk in with a hunting knife strapped to his hip.
A disturbing image flashed through his mind — 'that knife sliding between my ribs.'
The customer willingly turned over the knife while he was in the bar, but Shields still worries about a new Arizona law that goes into effect Wednesday that will allow guns into Arizona bars and restaurants that serve alcohol.
Under the law, backed by the National Rifle Association, the 138,350 people with concealed-weapons permits in Arizona will be allowed to bring their guns into bars and restaurants that haven't posted signs banning them."

The silence from the MSM when dead, drunk Arizonians ....don't appear....will be deafening.

A VICTORY FOR FREE SPEECH: Pittsburgh-Area College Allows Student to Advocate for Concealed Carry

"A VICTORY FOR FREE SPEECH: Pittsburgh-Area College Allows Student to Advocate for Concealed Carry on Campus, Abandons Repressive Policy.
Chalk another one up to F.I.R.E. — an institution worthy of your support."

U.S. Review of Battle Disaster Sways Strategy on Afghanistan

U.S. Review of Battle Disaster Sways Strategy on Afghanistan
"The history is replete with wrong turns at every point of the unit’s mission, starting with the day it was reassigned to Afghanistan from training for Iraq."

Editorial: West Michigan perfect home for March Madness

Editorial: West Michigan perfect home for March Madness
"There’s so much happening here that would appeal to an NCAA crowd. Grand Rapids, which would be the center of the action, has lots to offer in terms of nightlife and restaurants. But Muskegon, Grand Haven and Holland would put the icing on the cake for a West Michigan weekend fans would remember for a lifetime.

Depending on the weather, indoor and outdoor events showing off Lake Michigan could be planned.

When the Local Organizing Committee puts in its bid for the 2014, 2015 and 2016 games, we suggest they broaden their appeal to include the lakeshore communities. If the bid is awarded, certainly the lakeshore communities could offer coordinating events."

West Michigan in March!
What a concept!
Hoop fans would just love a 45 mile drive through the drizzle to wallow in our March Misery on the lake.

This has got to be the brain pupa of the delusional Paul Keep.

LeanLogistics preps for move, add 580 jobs in Holland | West Michigan Business - -

LeanLogistics preps for move, add 580 jobs in Holland
"The company’s efforts have been aided by tax incentives approved by the Michigan Economic Growth Authority.
The City Council has an Oct. 14 public hearing on the company’s request for a renaissance zone, the first step for local tax breaks on the project.
The economic development agency Lakeshore Advantage aided LeanLogistics’ efforts to expand."

A triple play of government tax incentives!
From our bankrupt government.
And so it goes.....

Muskegon County to save $200,000 through early retirements

Muskegon County to save $200,000 through early retirements
"Two incentives were on the table, but employees could only choose one. For employees with fewer than 25 years with the county, a credit of three years is applied toward the retirement medical plan. In other words, someone with 22 years could retire with medical insurance that is offered to those with 25 years’ tenure.

Also, employees who qualified to retire early were offered the option of collecting an increase of 200 hours in the employee’s “vacation bank.” That would be a $4,000 incentive, before taxes, for someone who makes $20 an hour.

The $200,000 annual savings takes into account salaries and benefits. While 10 of the positions are expected to be filled, the new hires will have lower salaries and less benefits than their predecessors."

This giant gift to Muskegon county employees may...and I mean "may" save the county $200,000 but if was really true wouldn't there be a simple way to track the savings..... and report it back to us taxpayers?

Yeah right. Just like all the other "savings" generated by the county "leadership".

And there is the idiocy of having to pay for the same position while the retiree gets a bonus AND a significant pension and health benefits paid by the state retirement fund.

So we're sorta paying 2 folks for one job? Yep!

And EVERY other county in the state is doing the same our broke state will get broker.

Now that's leadership!

Hoekstra workshop to focus on federal government contracts | Muskegon News - -

Workshop to focus on federal government contracts
"U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, is hosting a federal procurement/contracting workshop Thursday at Grand Valley State University’s Lake Michigan Center in Muskegon, 740 W. Shoreline.
The event is 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m."

State Budget Crisis Not Fixed » Mike Bouchard For Governor-some good ideas

Budget Crisis Not Fixed » Mike Bouchard For Governor

In September, Bouchard announced his proposals for avoiding a budget crisis in the future. His proposals include:
* First; every day after May 15 without a budget will cost every legislator and statewide officeholder a day’s pay.

* Second; no non-essential legislation should be considered until a budget is adopted.

* Third; the state should adopt a two-year rolling budget and use externally verified numbers with a three-year projection."

Muskegon, MI Employment Trends

Muskegon, MI Employment Trends

versus Muskegon Unemployment Levels 1 year ago

Sad but true unemployment links.
Hat tip to "pete"-the-commenter below.

Cuti's Sports Bar and Grill reverses smoke-free policy after business slumps

Cuti's Sports Bar and Grill reverses smoke-free policy after business slumps
"A Muskegon bar owner who wanted to protect the health of his employees says he lost so much business in a 10-day period after going smoke-free that he feared a closure if he didn’t reverse the decision."


"Here’s the tougher question:
How many people voted illegally in other, fraudulent ways?
How many voted as one of the many fake names registered in the repeated and well-covered registration scandals of last year?
How many took advantage of the well-known fact that if you falsely register someone who’s dead or in prison -- which volunteers with the ACORN criminal enterprise did in Wisconsin last fall -- and you show up at a polling place to vote under that name, no one will ask you for any identification that could expose the fraud?
No such fraud took place, insist those who say vote fraud isn’t a problem (these, generally, would be people on the same political page as ACORN, uncoincidentally).
How do they know? They just know. They saw nothing, ergo . . .
Well, there was fraud, as the Milwaukee Police reported.

But more to the point:
If, despite similar assurances that our porous voting system nonetheless suffered no fraudulent voting by felons, we learn only now that about 200 felons voted undetected, what possible belief can anyone have that no one pulled off a much harder-to-detect fraud, especially after so much registration fraud was uncovered?

Answer: No such belief is sustainable other than by sheer, politically motivated wish that such vote fraud remain viable and useful."

9.8% unemployment in September

9.8% unemployment in September
"Unemployment in the United States hit 9.8% in September, despite the $787 billion stimulus that a Democratic Congress passed without a single Republican vote in the House and only 2 in the Senate.
That is roughly 2 points higher than the 7.8% that the White House had promised for September if the stimulus package became law.
There has been a net loss of 3 million jobs since the stimulus was passed."

The Coming Public-Sector Pension Crisis

The Coming Public-Sector Pension Crisis
"The only real question left is who gets stuck with most or all of the bill for the sort of old-school program in Cincinnati and most other governmental units around the country: The people in it or the rest of us."

Minimum Wage Increase Leads to Higher Teen Unemployment Rate

Minimum Wage Increase Leads to Higher Teen Unemployment Rate
"Earlier this year, economist David Neumark of the University of California, Irvine, wrote on these pages that the 70-cent-an-hour increase in the minimum wage would cost some 300,000 jobs.
Sure enough, the mandated increase to $7.25 took effect in July, and right on cue the August and September jobless numbers confirm the rapid disappearance of jobs for teenagers.
The September teen unemployment rate hit 25.9%, the highest rate since World War II and up from 23.8% in July. Some 330,000 teen jobs have vanished in two months.
Hardest hit of all: black male teens, whose unemployment rate shot up to a catastrophic 50.4%"

If things don't get better fast (and they won't) it will be a long hot summer in the cities.

Making the World Safe for Medicaid Fraud

Making the World Safe for Medicaid Fraud
"Americans expect to show a photo ID when they board a plane, enter many office buildings, cash a check or even rent a video -- but rarely in voting or applying for government benefits such as Medicaid.
Many Democrats seem to view asking citizens for proof of identity as an invasion of privacy -- though what's really being protected is the right to commit identity fraud."

Friday, October 02, 2009

It’s Only Anti-Social

It’s Only Anti-Social

"The deep spiritual sickness of contemporary Britain is evident in the following comment on the inquiry in the liberal newspaper,
The Guardian: “Although much of the abuse centred on the taunts about the children’s disabilities, police failed to recognise it as a hate crime rather than simple antisocial behaviour, which would have made it a far higher priority.”

In other words, the seriousness of an offense committed in Britain now depends upon who the victim is.
If a person is not of an identifiably protected group, he or she is not entitled to police intervention against abusive stone- and bottle-throwing youths.
He is not entitled to protection at all.
The Guardian’s article appears to accept that such behavior, so long as it targets a member of an unprotected group, is merely undesirable—“anti-social” rather than obviously criminal.
The rule of law is fast evaporating in Britain; we are coming to live in a land of men, not of laws."

Sick and frightening!

La Raza President Wants Health Care Reform for ‘Everyone,’ Including Illegal Aliens

La Raza President Wants Health Care Reform for ‘Everyone,’ Including Illegal Aliens
"National Council of La Raza President Janet Murguia said that health care reform should include “everyone,” and this means illegal immigrants as well because with more people paying into the system it might lower the costs of health care"

MSNBC’s Schultz Blames 'Right-Wing Talkers' for Obama Olympic Defeat; Compares GOP to Hanoi Jane

MSNBC’s Schultz Blames 'Right-Wing Talkers' for Obama Olympic Defeat; Compares GOP to Hanoi Jane
"Enter MSNBC's Ed Schultz. During his Oct. 2 MSNBC show, the liberal host launched into a rant blaming the Republican Party and went as far as comparing the party to the anti-American antics put on by Jane Fonda during the Vietnam War."

Many Medical Devices Still Taxed Under Baucus Health Bill

Many Medical Devices Still Taxed Under Baucus Health Bill
"But the tax, expected to raise about $40 billion over the next decade, is still in the bill and includes items like:
Hip joint replacements
Gastrointestinal tubes
Artificial hearts
Hearing aids
Porcelain teeth
Heart defibrillators
Prosthetic heart valve rotators
Powered wheelchairs
Groups like the Medical Device Manufacturer's Association said that the tax would hurt them, as well as those who need medical devices.
'Virtually all medical device providers would be affected,'"

Central Florida Enjoys Break From Heat

Central Florida Enjoys Break From Heat
"In fact, Daytona Beach International Airport reported a record-tying low of 58 degrees at 3:33 a.m.
That tied the previous record set back in 2001, when we had another cool start to October."

More "proof" of global warming!

Greg Norman, Chris Evert say they have separated

Greg Norman, Chris Evert say they have separated
"Just 15 months after they were married, golf star Greg Norman (FSY) and tennis great Chris Evert announced they have separated."

GOP seeks 72-hour window to read bills

GOP seeks 72-hour window to read bills
"Most recently, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi brought the Democrats' global-warming bill to the floor 16 hours after they unveiled a 316-page amendment that rewrote much of the legislation...
At a press conference weeks later, Mrs. Pelosi promised to let lawmakers have two days to read the health care bill before she schedules a vote on it."

The democrats voted down this "72 hour window to read the bills" promise.

Imagine the arrogance of these democrat thugs!!!!!

Yes, there is a difference between the democrat and GOPer parties.

John Fund: Congress Needs a 72-Hour Waiting Period -

John Fund: Congress Needs a 72-Hour Waiting Period
On Wednesday, the Senate Finance Committee voted 12 to 11 to reject a proposal to require a 72-hour waiting period and a full scoring of the bill by the Congressional Budget Office before the committee casts any final vote.
Only one Democrat, Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas, voted for the waiting period.

Although Barack Obama campaigned last year for transparency and openness in government, their idea has languished in committee since June.
It has 67 Republican and 31 Democratic co-sponsors—a rare show of bipartisanship. .....
But the notion of a 72-hour waiting period is anathema to Democrats"

Jobless rate reaches 17 percent in September - Yahoo! Finance

Jobless rate reaches 9.8 percent in September
"If laid-off workers who have settled for part-time work or have given up looking for new jobs are included, the unemployment rate rose to 17 percent, the highest on records dating from 1994."

What Michelle Obama told the International Olympic Committee about her Chicago (and father)

What Michelle Obama told the International Olympic Committee about her Chicago (and father)
"Sports were a gift I shared with my dad -- especially the Olympic Games.
Some of my best memories are sitting on my dad's lap, cheering on Olga and Nadia, Carl Lewis, and ...
... others for their brilliance and perfection. Like so many young people, I was inspired."

What a nice story!
20 year old Michelle (born in 1964) sitting on her dad's lap while watching Carl Lewis win the gold in his first Olympic visit (1984)..........ummm does anyone find this lie bigtime creepy?

And the poor guy had MS while big Miche was watching TV on dad's lap!

What a family!

Finance Committee Democrat Won’t Read Text of Health Bill, Says Anyone Who Claims They’ll Understand It ‘Is Trying to Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes’

Finance Committee Democrat Won’t Read Text of Health Bill, Says Anyone Who Claims They’ll Understand It ‘Is Trying to Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes’
"Sen. Thomas Carper (D.-Del.), a member of the Senate Finance Committee, told that he does not “expect” to read the actual legislative language of the committee’s health care bill because it is “confusing” and that anyone who claims they are going to read it and understand it is fooling people.

“I don’t expect to actually read the legislative language because reading the legislative language is among the more confusing things I’ve ever read in my life,” Carper told"

Representative Pete Hoekstra to Host Health Care Town Hall Meeting in Muskegon

Representative Pete Hoekstra
"Hoekstra to Host Health Care Town Hall Meeting in Muskegon
U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, will host a public town hall meeting on health care in Muskegon on Monday, Oct. 5 at the Reeths-Puffer Rocket Centre for the Fine Arts Auditorium."

Olympics | Live - 2016 Olympics decision day

Olympics Live - 2016 Olympics decision day
"BBC News' Adam Brookes in Chicago: 'The shock of Chicago's elimination was greater for the fact that it came in the first round.
And greater for the fact that President Obama had taken valuable hours from his packed and tense political schedule to travel to Copenhagen.

The afro-american host on CNN looks like he's gonna cry..... bummer dudes.

But there is still:
1. It's bush's fault!
2. The other guys cheated!
3. We're sending in ACORN to do a recount!

This vote just saved our country about $100 billion!

Right on!

Kausfiles : Rattner's Legacy: The Chooch Is At the Door

Rattner's Legacy: The Chooch Is At the Door

GM's sales are down 45% from last September (when sales were already bad enough to drive the company into banrkuptcy). Chrysler is down 42%. Ford is only down 5%. Car buyers are clearly punishing the two bailout recipients brutally. Robert Farago of Truth About Cars predicts that GM and Chrysler will both 'go down by the end of next year' without a second, new federal bailout. The only question, he says, is whether the two bailed out manufacturers will need the cash before the 2010 midterm elections."

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Bra converts to gas-mark, creator wins IgNobel | The Australian

Bra converts to gas-mark, creator wins IgNobel The Australian: "ENGINEERS who invented a brassiere that converts quickly into a gas mask, pathologists who determined that beer bottles can crack your skull even when empty and Irish police officers who mistakenly wrote tickets to 'Driver's License' have all won 'IgNobel' prizes.
Prizes also went to Zimbabwe for issuing banknotes that range in value from one Zimbabwean cent to 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollars, Mexican scientists who made diamonds out of tequila and executives of four Icelandic banks that suffered spectacular collapses.
The IgNobel prizes are given out by the Harvard-based humor magazine Annals of Improbable Research.
The Public Health prize went to Elena Bodnar of Illinois, who designed and patented a bra that can be quickly converted into a pair of gas masks, one for the brassiere wearer and one to be given to some needy bystander.
Ireland's police won the literature prize from writing more than 50 traffic tickets to a frequent visitor and speeder named Prawo Jazdy."

Detroit Bribes Students to Boost School Attendance

Detroit Bribes Students to Boost School Attendance
Public school districts across Michigan mobilized Wednesday to boost attendance for Count Day, the annual fall roll call that largely determines how much money each district receives under the state's per-pupil funding system.
Students in Detroit were treated to free meals, ice-cream parties, T-shirts, celebrity visits and a chance to win iPods and a plasma-screen TV — just for showing up for class.
Districts received an average of $7,810 per student last year, but that could decline by more than $200 a pupil this year as Michigan looks to close a $1.7 billion budget hole.
Every student in class Wednesday represented funding for the school year."

Sympathy for the Devil

Sympathy for the Devil

"So is this what am I saying: that President Bare Heart is at the helm, with a bunch of loose cannons possibly running the show?
That he's giving a wink-wink to miscreants both here and abroad?
That the New Weird Order is starting to unhinge the already unbalanced, and bring new, vulnerable people, into its fold?
That Obamaphobia is real, and we ignore it at our peril?
But don't listen to me.
Don't listen to anyone: not the mental midgets who call you 'racist;' not your brother in law who says you're nuts; not the Talking Heads who paint you as stupid trash.
Pay attention to no one, to nothing, except the light of truth revealing itself to you."

Young thugs at Walmart

My Walmart experience last night.

I pushed my cart to my car and was, surprisingly, surrounded by 4 young "mixed race" (in the old days we'd call them black) thugs.

They taunted me "hey, how 'bout some money for the children?" and "don't you care" and more but I was so shocked that I just went to my car and started to put my groceries in my trunk.

And, like yellow jacket bees they came back and demanded "hey, how 'bout some money..."

I charged them and said get away... they ran a bit and laughed at me.

As I finally closed my trunk, they were still close and I had to yell at them again to get them away from me.

I'm almost 6 foot tall.

How do women protect themselves?

These 12-17 year old monsters are cruising our Walmart parking lot.

Does anyone care?

And the "event" happened at the Norton Walmart.

I reported it to the asst. store manager today and he was concerned and said they'd take my report very seriously.

With our governor emptying prisons and 50% of young people unemployed, this may be a harbringer of our future.

Dealers stunned after Saturn deal with Penske collapses, GM prepares to shut down brand

Dealers stunned after Saturn deal with Penske collapses, GM prepares to shut down brand
"Saturn Corp., established two decades ago by General Motors Co. as an innovative import fighter, will disappear after entrepreneur Roger Penske's firm unexpectedly ended talks to acquire its dealer network"

Bird strike! The moment 200 starlings were sucked into passenger jet engine on take-off | Mail Online

Roman Polanski's real "defense"

Roman Polanski's real "defense"
"Polanski can, of course, argue extenuating circumstances at a sentencing hearing. However, the truth seems to be that he just wants to have sex with young girls. As he put it a few years after he fled to Europe:
If I had killed somebody, it wouldn't have had so much appeal to the press, you see? But... f___ing, you see, and the young girls. Judges want to f___ young girls. Juries want to f___ young girls. Everyone wants to f__ young girls!"

Do American Schoolkids Need 9/11 Education?

Do American Schoolkids Need 9/11 Education?
"In Shira Engelhart's 4th grade class in Virginia, students asked why the pilots on the plane didn't just say 'no' to the hijackers on 9/11.
In his journal, an elementary school student offered a possible explanation that the attacks were perpetrated by German soldiers during the period when there were frequent wars between the U.S. and Germany.
When Ms. Engelhart asked her class what happened on 9/11, eight out of 24 of her students knew that something bad occurred but were not sure what, while the rest of her class did not know the day is significant."

Senators turn back ID requirement for immigrant healthcare - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Senators turn back ID requirement for immigrant healthcare
- The Hill's Blog Briefing Room: "Senators turn back ID requirement for immigrant healthcare
By Jeffrey Young - 09/30/09 01:03 PM ET
Senate Finance Committee Democrats rejected a proposed a requirement that immigrants prove their identity with photo identification when signing up for federal healthcare programs.

Finance Committee ranking member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said that current law and the healthcare bill under consideration are too lax and leave the door open to illegal immigrants defrauding the government using false or stolen identities to obtain benefits.

Grassley's amendment was beaten back 10-13 on a party-line vote.

The bill, authored by committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.), would require applicants to verify their names, places of birth and Social Security numbers. In addition, legal immigrants would have to wait five years, as under current law, after obtaining citizenship or legal residency to access federal healthcare benefits such as Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program or receive tax credits or purchase insurance through the exchange created by the legislation.

But the would not require them to show a photo ID, such as a drivers license. Without that requirement, the bill 'remains dearly lacking when it comes to identification,' Grassley said. 'Frankly, I'm very perplexed as to why anyone would oppose this amendment,' he said.

But Democratic Sen. Jeff Bingaman, who represents the border state of New Mexico, said that the type of fraud Grassley said he wants to prevent is highly uncommon. 'The way I see the amendment, it's a solution without a problem,' Bingaman said."

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Morning Bell: Government-Run Health Care by Next Thursday?

Morning Bell: Government-Run Health Care by Next Thursday?
"So just how close are we to being inflicted with the Obama/Moore dream of anti-capitalist, competition-free, government-run health care?
Closer than many realize.
Multiple sources on the Hill have told The Foundry that as early as next week, the Senate could be debating Obamacare.
Senate Majority Leader Reid has stated an intention to take the HELP Committee product and merge it with the Senate Finance Committee markup that is expected to be over by this Thursday or Friday.
Their plan is to proceed to a House passed non-health care bill to provide a shell of legislation to give Obamacare a ride to the House and then straight to the President’s desk."

Read this!
The democrats are gonna stick it to us if we are asleep!

When I'm happy, so is family, says First Lady Michelle Obama

When I'm happy, so is family, says First Lady Michelle Obama
"First Lady Michelle Obama revealed a hidden White House truth: If she's happy, chances are, so is her husband.
'Throughout my life, I've learned to make choices that make me happy and make sense for me. Even my husband is happier when I'm happy,' she said in an interview with Prevention magazine, which hits newsstands next week."

Yes, it's true that most husbands are happier when their wives are "happy" but this interview is creepy.
Doncha ya think?

President Obama Finances Offshore Drilling in Brazil

President Obama Finances Offshore Drilling in Brazil
"You read that headline correctly.
Unfortunately, the Obama Administration is financing oil exploration off Brazil.
The U.S. is going to lend billions of dollars to Brazil's state-owned oil company, Petrobras, to finance exploration of the huge offshore discovery in Brazil's Tupi oil field in the Santos Basin near Rio de Janeiro."

Chenille Sisters in concert Friday

Chenille Sisters in concert Friday
"Sweet, silly, serious and satisfying is what listeners can expect from the Chenille Sisters in concert this Friday."

See them!

Wednesday is count day for schools across Michigan
"Last year, Grand Rapids Public Schools had its best count day in nearly a decade, beating enrollment projections by fifty percent."

Sup wit dat?????
Don't the teachers take ATTENDANCE EVERY DAY?

Why use 2 freak days a year when the ACTUAL date is right there?

Oh...meebee we already no...dont wee.....$$$$$$$...ours not theirs.......

Airliner crash simulation planned at airport Wednesday

Airliner crash simulation planned at airport Wednesday
"Despite visible flames, an actual fuselage and 90 “victims,” the emergency-type situation at the Muskegon County Airport scheduled for this morning was only a drill.
A full-scale simulation of a commercial airliner crash was being held to help train Norton Shores firefighters in the event an actual, similar crash takes place at the airport."

Ok..... now where are the ....... airliners?

Seriously, there is an enormous amount of tax payer dollars spent on this rarely used airport.

The state is broke, the county is broke, Norton Shores is broke.

When will someone suggest privatizing this white elephant

“how to date a tall chick.”…

“how to date a tall chick.”…: "FROM SUSANNAH BRESLIN, advice on “how to date a tall chick.”"

Supreme Court Takes Case on Reach of Gun Rights

Supreme Court Takes Case on Reach of Gun Rights
"The Supreme Court will decide whether the constitutional right of individuals to own firearms trumps state and local laws, reviving the legal battle over gun rights in America."

They're baaarack....

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Even in Capitalists’ Bad Times, Europe’s Socialists Suffer -

Even in Capitalists’ Bad Times, Europe’s Socialists Suffer - "A specter is haunting Europe — the specter of Socialism’s slow collapse."

Officials: Fed will need to boost rates quickly - Yahoo! Finance

Officials: Fed will need to boost rates quickly - Yahoo! Finance: "To prevent inflation from taking off, the Federal Reserve will need to start boosting interest rates quickly and aggressively once the economy is back on firmer footing, Fed officials warned Tuesday."

Monday, September 28, 2009

$25 million in U.S. aid on the way-Detroit to get lion's share of state package

$25 million in U.S. aid on the way
"The most recent wave of economic stimulus funding will infuse more than $25 million into cash-strapped Michigan communities to spur job creation, clean up blight, stave off foreclosures and fix crumbling bridges, roads and water mains."

Does Asset Allocation Still Work?

Pension Pulse: Does Asset Allocation Still Work?
"Richard Bookstaber, author of A Demon of Our Own Design, recently wrote an excellent piece in Seeking Alpha, Why I'm Skeptical About Asset Allocation:"

No government immunity for pension fund trustees

No government immunity for pension fund trustees
"A class action suit seeking to hold the Detroit General Retirement pension fund (DGR) trustees accountable for their investment decisions has been approved in what is said to be a precedent setting case.
Wayne County Circuit Court judge Amy Hathaway has certified a class action filed on behalf of over 9,000 pension plan participants and beneficiaries alleging the responsibility of several present and former DGR trustees' for losses of over US$100m."

Pumped-up pensions squeeze city

Pumped-up pensions squeeze city
"In 2001 and 2005, the Atlanta City Council approved substantial increases in pension benefits for city workers — but didn’t figure out how to pay for them.
Those decisions are not only hobbling city finances now, they threaten to cripple the city budget for years to come."

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Furor Over Alan Carlin, a Climate Change Skeptic -

Furor Over Alan Carlin, a Climate Change Skeptic - "It is true that Dr. Carlin’s supervisor refused to accept his comments on a proposed E.P.A. finding, since adopted, that greenhouse gases endangered health and the environment, and that he did so in a dismissive way."

Gates hints at more Iran nuke sites

Gates hints at more Iran nuke sites
"Defense Secretary Robert Gates strongly hinted on Sunday that Iran may be concealing other nuclear facilities in the country, beyond the uranium enrichment facility disclosed Friday by President Barack Obama and other leaders at the G-20 Summit.

This Week host George Stephanopoulos asked Gates if the newly discovered site is 'the only secret site that we know of.'

After a pause, Gates said, 'I'm not going to get into that. I would just say that we are watching closely.'"

If the police won't tackle young thugs any more, then what ARE they for?

MELANIE PHILLIPS: If the police won't tackle young thugs any more, then what ARE they for?
"Ten days ago, I happened to be on a panel of 'talking heads' at the annual conference of the Police Superintendents' Association of England and Wales. Against a backdrop of concern about the impact of looming public expenditure cuts, the panel were asked to name one thing they thought the police might usefully stop doing.
I suggested they should drop their obsession with 'diversity' and, rather than pursuing people under 'hate crime' laws for giving offence to others, should concentrate on tackling the yobbery on housing estates where besieged residents felt the police had abandoned them.
It is fair to say my remarks were not greeted with widespread acclaim.
Officers seemed stunned that I could challenge the sacred cow of 'diversity'.
I thought about this discussion when I read of the appalling case of Fiona Pilkington, who was driven to set fire to herself and her 18-year- old daughter Francecca in her car as a result of a decade of harassment they had suffered at the hands of local yobs.

The details of this awful case make you weep. For more than ten years, the Pilkingtons lived under siege in Barwell, Leicestershire, from a gang of thugs who pelted the house with stones, set fences on fire, pushed fireworks through the front door, taunted Francecca, who had a mental age of four, and threatened and assaulted Mrs Pilkington's son, Anthony, now 19.
The inquest has yet to reach its verdict. But the coroner has said the tragedy could have been prevented if the police and council authorities had taken the family's complaints seriously.
And the evidence produced at the inquest was sufficiently horrifying for the Home Secretary to be reportedly planning to highlight the case in his speech to this week's Labour conference.
For although she called them no fewer than 33 times, none of the criminals who were making her life so unbearable was ever charged with a criminal offence.
When asked to explain this failure, the police response was astounding.
Superintendent Steve Harrod told the inquest that 'low-level anti-social behaviour is mainly the responsibility of the council'.
Come again, Superintendent? So what are the police for? Whatever happened to the first duty of the police to 'preserve public tranquillity'? No wonder the Home Secretary is spitting tacks.
Certainly, the local councils in this case can also be faulted in failing to share information about this family's situation. But at one point Anthony was marched at knife-point into a shed and threatened with an iron bar. If this isn't a police responsibility, what is?
Many, many other unfortunate people are being forced to live in a similar state of siege from local yobs, with the police unable or unwilling to end the attacks. Other police forces, accused of ignoring the plight of terrorised residents, have claimed that the hurdles erected by prosecutors mean they can't get criminals to court.
There may be something in that. But to Superintendent Harrod it appears that the police can only prevent crime if the criminal justice system is avoided altogether. The police, he said, had to avoid youngsters being 'criminalised' because if they went to jail they were more likely to re-offend.

If AIDS Went the Way of Smallpox

If AIDS Went the Way of Smallpox
"Millions of children across Africa still die of measles simply because the vaccine doesn’t reach them,” said Barry Coleman, founder of Riders for Health, a British charity that buys and fixes motorcycles for African health workers. People with AIDS don’t need, he added, “another breakthrough that does not reach those who need it most.”"

It's not about children... it's about more money from the west to the crooks who control these scum countries.

More school: Obama would curtail summer vacation - Yahoo! News

More school: Obama would curtail summer vacation
"Obama and Duncan say kids in the United States need more school because kids in other nations have more school.
'Young people in other countries are going to school 25, 30 percent longer than our students here,' Duncan told the AP. 'I want to just level the playing field.'
While it is true that kids in many other countries have more school days, it's not true they all spend more time in school."

Another scam to shovel more money from us taxpayers to the big teacher's unions!!!
Fight this outrage!

Despite pressure, McChrystal to hold firm on request for troops

Despite pressure, McChrystal to hold firm on request for troops
"McChrystal also stated that he had only spoken to Obama once in 70 days since taking over as commander in the eight-year-old war."