Monday, October 26, 2009

In downtown Muskegon Heights

Tear down a building and uncover a bit of history.
Ironic that the Heights is arguably the most segregated city in Michigan.

Another 12 Insanely Titled Books

Another 12 Insanely Titled Books
"How to Date a White Woman: A Practical Guide for Asian Men

'Written by an Asian with Asian men in mind within the context of a western society.
Provided inside are the knowledge, framework and tools necessary for an Asian man to understand, to plan and to put into action the steps to successfully date a white woman.'"

Sunday, October 25, 2009

family loses home, possessions in fire

family loses home, possessions in fire
"around 10:30 or 10:45 p.m. Saturday, the couple took the children, Christopher Smith, 15, Austin Van Avery, 11, and 9-year-old Jaydean Van Avery, to visit the landlord. “They said everything was OK when they left,” he said.

Apparently Daniel Van Avery was going to get a tattoo from the landlord,"

No money for insurance but lots for a new tattoo!

MSU-Iowa "rain & pain"

Our last moments of happiness.....

First Daughters Not Vaccinated Against H1N1

» First Daughters Not Vaccinated Against H1N1
"President Obama's school age daughters have not been vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus.
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says the vaccine is not available to them based on their risk."

If we take the Obamas at their word (always a poor take) Barry and 'Chelle would love to protect their kids but..... the government directed vaccine program hasn't produced enough to be available to the Obama kids.

The world has been hyperventilating "pandemic" about this for a year!
Omama has promised that his version of health care is WAAAAY better.

If government can't take care of the President's family....what do you think we're gonna get.....

This is Obama-care folks!

"The bogus death statistic that won’t die"

"The bogus death statistic that won’t die"

Kausfiles :So You Think You Have Swine Flu?

Kausfiles : So You Think You Have Swine Flu?

So You Think You Have Swine Flu?
Am I the only one--besides Michael Fumento--who finds reports like NBC's last night on the spread of swine flu ("galloping its way across the country") to be wildly unconvincing?
The NBC piece claims "90 dead" last week under the rubric "swine flu cases." [See about 1:10 in]
This is almost certainly BS.
As this CDC report makes clear, that figure includes both the swine flu and the regular annual flu. Indeed, NBC promiscuously conflates a) swine flu (H1N1); b) regular flu and c) "flu like symptoms" which may not be any kind of flu at all. ... That may be because the CDC itself has decided to conflate at least the first two categories, as noted in this seemingly damning CBS story and confirmed in the CDC report itself:
This new system was implemented on August 30, 2009, and replaces the weekly report of laboratory confirmed 2009 H1N1-related hospitalizations and deaths that began in April 2009. Jurisdictions can now report to CDC either laboratory confirmed or pneumonia and influenza syndromic-based counts of hospitalizations and deaths resulting from all types or subtypes of influenza, not just those from 2009 H1N1 influenza virus. [E.A.]
I think this means the CDC does not really know how many cases are swine flu and how many aren't. (The regular flu kills many thousands of people every year.) ...12:43 A.M.

Friday, October 23, 2009


"Shortages, delays, long lines, rationing.

Just a small preview of what the government has in store for you...."

Experts Puzzle Over How Flight Overshot Airport

Experts Puzzle Over How Flight Overshot Airport
"Federal investigators intensified their efforts on Friday to determine why a commercial jet carrying 144 passengers and five crew members over the northern plains of the United States on Wednesday night overshot its destination by 150 miles."

Like they fell asleep, duh....
We sure need more experts don't we!
Meebee we need some experts to tell us why so many experts are so dumb?

Canon S90

Canon S90 Product Reviews:
"The S90 is the best compact camera I've ever used."

ummm, new camera craving growing.....

GOP calls Granholm's move to increase Michigan student funding cut to $292 per student 'fear mongering'

GOP calls Granholm's move to increase Michigan student funding cut to $292 per student 'fear mongering'
'The Legislature put a balanced budget on the governor's desk,' said state Rep. Kevin Elsenheimer, R-Kewadin, the House Republican leader. .
'Clearly, she's using fear mongering to set the stage for her tax increases.'"

S&P 500's PE Ratio of 139 Isn't Sustainable

S&P 500's PE Ratio of 139 Isn't Sustainable
"For investors a PE ratio in the 25 to 30 range means it will be difficult to find bargains, as you cannot expect an expansion of the PE ratio to contribute a higher level on the S&P 500 index.
Moreover, there is a risk the S&P PE ratio could contract, causing the level of the S&P 500 index to fall.
A drop to 20 on the S&P 500 PE ratio gives us a high of 917 on the S&P 500, assuming earnings does not change from its forecast.
Going forward investors need to keep in mind that the risk of a PE ratio contraction is a possibility.
A rise in the S&P 500 PE ratio is unlikely"

Romer: Impact of stimulus will level off

Romer: Impact of stimulus will level off:
"top White House economist says spending from the $787 billion economic stimulus has already had its biggest impact on economic growth and will likely not contribute to significant expansion next year."

Not a surprise to most. It never was a "stimulus", just an enormous pork dump on Barry's favored comrades.

The semi-bright side of this debacle might be that the world has seen just about every socialists economic-trick and they don't work.

Maybe some will start to get the message?

California Treasurer Lockyer: pensions will ‘bankrupt’ state « Calpensions

California Treasurer Lockyer: pensions will ‘bankrupt’ state
"State Treasurer Bill Lockyer, who sits on both the CalPERS and CalSTRS public pension boards, got the attention of his listeners during a legislative hearing yesterday.

“It’s impossible for this Legislature to reform the pension system, and if we don’t it will bankrupt the state,” is the Lockyer quote jotted down by one observer.

“My general view of the pensions is that the current benefits that have been promised are probably hard to maintain and the (retiree) health benefits that have been promised are impossible to maintain,” he said."

What will a bankrupt California mean for the rest of our country?

Holiday travel on a budget

Holiday travel on a budget
"visit Airfare Watchdog It lists deals from all airlines.
Don’t stop with the airlines, though. You can often find better deals on aggregator sites and other travel sites. Here are a few of the best:"

Excellent list of travel sites.

Chart of the Day: S&P500 P/E Ratio

Chart of the Day: S&P500 P/E Ratio
"As a result of the recent plunge in earnings and recent stock market rally, the PE ratio spiked and just peaked at 144 – a record high.
Currently, with 97% of US corporations having reported for Q2 2009, the PE ratio now stands at a lofty 129."

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Audit of Home Tax Credit Shows Errors and Abuses

Audit of Home Tax Credit Shows Errors and Abuses
"Just as Congressional leaders are calling for an extension of a popular $8,000 tax credit for first-time homebuyers, or even an expansion to all home purchasers, government investigators reported Thursday that their audits suggest widespread abuse and errors in the program."

I'm shocked, shocked to see ...bla, bla, ad nausium....again...and again....

Former Phillips School building may house homeless

Former Phillips School building may house homeless
"Housing for the homeless, and not substance abuse treatment, now is the plan for the former Phillips School, according to officials with West Michigan Therapy, which is hoping to take ownership of the shuttered building."

Another government (non-tax paying) entity providing free housing in Muskegon!

Don't we have hundreds of empty appartments and houses already?
Why spend tax money for more housing when we've already got too many empty homes and appartments!

Some Coopersville parents question district providing laptops to middle-school students

Some Coopersville parents question district providing laptops to middle-school students
"A few parents are not thrilled with every Coopersville Middle School student getting a laptop computer this year.
At a Board of Education meeting this week, one parent said children who use the school’s resource room for challenged students, such as her eighth-grade son, should not have received a laptop.
“It’s a lazy way of learning,” she said, referring to the laptops’ spell check and other automatic services. “How educational are these for the kids?”
Two other parents complained about the $30 liability fee that families are charged for students who want to take their laptops home."

Good grief!

The elite world of public employees

The elite world of public employees
"It is hard to make a case for going to work in the private sector anymore because government employees just have it better.
Even now, when the private sector is facing major cutbacks and layoffs, government, at the state and federal levels, still offer unparalleled perks, benefits, and salaries – even in the face of seemingly insurmountable budget deficits.
There is something terribly wrong with this picture"

Could Los Angeles Go Bankrupt?

Milken SOS: Could Los Angeles Go Bankrupt?
"Here’s a sobering thought: could the City of Angels go bankrupt?
Following up on recent comments by former LA Mayor Richard Riordan that Los Angeles was on the way to bankruptcy unless it got concessions from unions..."

So many dominoes, so many left to fall....

Cat 5 Hurricane Rick threatens Mexico resort city

Cat 5 Hurricane Rick threatens Mexico resort city
"Hurricane Rick, the strongest eastern North Pacific storm in more than a decade, raged across open seas on Sunday, but forecasters said it could veer into resorts at the tip of the Baja California Peninsula by midweek.
The track of the Category 5 hurricane threatened to disrupt a major sport fishing tournament scheduled to start Wednesday in Los Cabos, where hundreds of fishermen - mainly Americans - were gathering.
The hurricane's winds were still a howling 175 mph (280 kph) Sunday, down slightly from a peak of 180 mph (285 kph), according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami. But it was projected to move over cooler waters and weaken to around Category 2 status with winds of around 98 mph (156 kph) before hitting land."

I saved this from last week.
....never mind

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

HMM: “Voters in this small city decided overwhelmingly last year to do away with the party affiliat…

HMM: “Voters in this small city decided overwhelmingly last year to do away with the party affiliat…
"HMM: “Voters in this small city decided overwhelmingly last year to do away with the party affiliation of candidates in local elections, but the Obama administration recently overruled the electorate and decided that equal rights for black voters cannot be achieved without the Democratic Party.
The Justice Department’s ruling, which affects races for City Council and mayor, went so far as to say partisan elections are needed so that black voters can elect their ‘candidates of choice’ – identified by the department as those who are Democrats and almost exclusively black.”
If this is an accurate report, it will only strengthen claims that the Department of Justice has been politicized under Eric Holder, particularly as the decision was “made by the same Justice official who ordered the dismissal of a voting rights case against members of the New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia.”"

Imagine the MSM response if this was a republican administration.

Muskegon, Shoreline Inn to give valuation dispute to referee

Muskegon, Shoreline Inn to give valuation dispute to referee
"The city and hotel owner will agree to accept the property value determined by the independent appraiser, avoiding a lengthy and costly property tax appeal, city staff said.
The city would have to pay for legal fees and appraisal services if the hotel property tax case were taken to the Michigan Tax Tribunal, they said."

Big surprise that an entrepreneur doesn't trust the city to accurately value their property....right

Monday, October 19, 2009

Persistent criminals could escape trial under new CPS guidelines

Persistent criminals could escape trial under new CPS guidelines
"Hundreds of offenders may escape charges because court action would not be deemed “proportionate” to their crimes, under guidelines that set out the most significant changes to prosecution principles in 90 years"

In Hawaii, school's out for recession

In Hawaii, school's out for recession
"At a time when President Barack Obama is pushing for more time in the classroom, his home state has created the nation's shortest school year under a new union contract that closes schools on most Fridays for the remainder of the academic calendar.
The deal whacks 17 days from the school year for budget-cutting reasons and has education advocates incensed that Hawaii is drastically cutting the academic calendar at a time when it already ranks near the bottom in national educational achievement."

Michigan limits mercury from coal-fired plants

Michigan limits mercury from coal-fired plants
"Michigan's coal-fired power plants will be required to make drastic cuts in mercury emissions under regulations announced Monday.
The rules developed by the Department of Environmental Quality are designed to implement a policy Gov. Jennifer Granholm announced three years ago to slash the generators' mercury output 90 percent by 2015.
Coal-fired plants produce 60 percent of Michigan's electricity."

Imagine you're a company CEO thinking of expanding in Michigan ...... or moving out....

Times Says It Will Cut 100 Newsroom Jobs

Times Says It Will Cut 100 Newsroom Jobs
"The New York Times plans to eliminate 100 newsroom jobs — about 8 percent of the total — by year’s end, offering buyouts to union and non-union employees, and resorting to layoffs if it cannot get enough people to leave voluntarily, the paper announced on Monday"

Who would not cheer the soon demise of Pravda on the East River.
Take those few niblets of hope while the tsunami progressivism rolls over.....

Black leaders getting restless for answers in Muskegon police shooting that killed one man | Muskegon News - -

Black leaders getting restless for answers in Muskegon police shooting that killed one man
"Anger and frustration within the Muskegon community has continued over the lack of information released by law enforcement officials about the nearly month-old shooting of a Muskegon man.

It’s something Rev. William Anderson hopes to address during a community meeting on Tuesday.

Anderson, president of the Muskegon branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, is hosting a townhall-style meeting at 6 p.m. at Angel Community Christian Church about the shooting of Julius Allen-Ray Johnson"

This "anger" from black leaders might just have some legitimacy 'cept their congenital silence at outrage from anyone other than a brotha..... and we wonder where our contry is going?

How cool is this! Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) from us to THEM!

Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT)
"As of Oct. 1, 2008, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is the new name for the federal Food Stamp Program.

The new name reflects the changes we’ve made to meet the needs of our clients, including a focus on nutrition and an increase in benefit amounts.
SNAP is the federal name for the program.
State programs may have different names.

Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) is an electronic system that allows a recipient to authorize transfer of their government benefits from a Federal account to a retailer account to pay for products received.
EBT is used in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam. BT has been implemented in all States since June of 2004."
I saw this "EBT" on a pizza flier.
So our tax dollars are supporting PIZZA as a "focus on nutrition"?

Don't ya just love government's love of "nutrition"?
And don't you love SNAP!

Residents of Missouri's Dancing Rabbit test the limits of green living

Residents of Missouri's Dancing Rabbit test the limits of green living
"Drawn by cheap land prices and a lack of repressive zoning restrictions, Missouri is home to more than 50 'intentional communities,' a broad term that includes communes, co-housing, and student co-ops."

The future of eco-loonie?

Rush Limbaugh: The Race Card, Football and Me

Rush Limbaugh: The Race Card, Football and Me -
"David Checketts, an investor and owner of sports teams, approached me in late May about investing in the St. Louis Rams football franchise.
As a football fan, I was intrigued.
I invited him to my home where we discussed it further.
Even after informing him that some people might try to make an issue of my participation, Mr. Checketts said he didn't much care.
I accepted his offer."


MSU Homecoming 2009

Spartan March Madness sets records!

My Way - Sports News
"It would be hard for Michigan State to be much better than it was last season, when it went 31-7, won the Big Ten by the second-largest margin in history and went 5-1 in the NCAA tournament, including upsets of overall top seed Louisville and semifinal opponent Connecticut in Ford Field, 92 miles from campus.
'When I recruited these guys, we talkd about the chance to play for a championship in our own state,' Izzo said.
'We put 73,000 fans in Detroit, had 30,000 for a public practice and had 9,000 in a mall for a pep rally, all records.
In fact, your program now has the number 1, 2 and 3 largest crowds ever to watch a basketball game.'
Izzo has always compared his program to the established powers and looked at crowd counts for Midnight Madness.
When told that people were turned away Friday night and there was a sellout crowd of 14,759, he flashed a satisfied smile.
'That's the most we've had here by a lot,' he said. '...
One of my personal dreams was to somehow fill this place for Midnight Madness.
Now, we've done that.'"
Tom rode in on an IndyCar replica.... gonna get back to Indy in March 2010!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ariz. sheriff launches immigration sweep

Ariz. sheriff launches immigration sweep
"'It doesn't bother me, because we are going to do the same thing,' said Arpaio, whose deputies had arrested 16 people by Friday evening on unspecified charges.
'I am the elected sheriff.
I don't take orders from the federal government.'"

Destruction Of Healthcare Delivery System Underway

Destruction Of Healthcare Delivery System Underway
"If you want to understand why Aetna, Independence Blue Cross (Keystone), and other insurance companies are dropping some, though not all, of their Medicare Advantage policies, you have to understand the way these plans have been tainted by President Obama and the Democratic proposals for Obamacare in its various forms.
Their proposals, not yet enacted, will destroy the greatest health care delivery system in the world if enacted.
But what they have already done has started to do serious damage to our system, as exemplified by what is going on with Medicare Advantage.
Medicare Advantage plans are popular and have many advantages for senior citizens. So, naturally, Mr. Obama wants to kill them."

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Taking the National Debt Seriously

Taking the National Debt Seriously
"The OMB projects deficits of about $9 trillion over the next 10 years.
If that occurs, the national debt will be almost $21 trillion by 2019.
However, the actual amount could be much higher.
The OMB also optimistically projects $13.5 trillion of revenue increases over the next decade, while minimizing the inevitable rise in interest rates that will come with an expanding national debt.
During Jimmy Carter's years in the White House, Treasury yields reached 15%. The 2009 average interest rate on the debt was only 3.2%.
With our mounting national debt and budget deficits, it is reasonable to assume that in the near future interest rates on new and refinanced debt could double or triple."

Dow 10,000 isn't a green light for economy

Dow 10,000 isn't a green light for economy
"Several experts point out than many of the relatively strong earnings reports helping to lift the markets in recent days are being driven by cost cuts, rather than strong revenue growth that would be a better indicator of consumers and businesses being willing to spend again.
If businesses keep cutting costs to make the numbers that Wall Street wants to see, that can only put more downward pressure on jobs and wages, and result in weaker economic growth or another downturn.
'The companies are cutting fat, and in many cases cutting bone and muscle.
There's no organic economic growth there,' said Yamarone."

California appears poised to be first to ban power-guzzling big-screen TVs

California appears poised to be first to ban power-guzzling big-screen TVs
'We would not propose TV efficiency standards if we thought there was any evidence in the record that they will hurt the economy,' said Commissioner Julia Levin, who has been in charge of the two-year rule-making procedure. 'This will actually save consumers money and help the California economy grow and create new clean, sustainable jobs.'"

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

S&P 500 P/E Ratio - Chart

S&P 500 P/E Ratio - Chart: "Chart Table CSV Subscribe
Current P/E: 19.50 +0.34 (1.75%)
P/Es are based on average inflation-adjusted earnings from the previous 10 years (P/E10)."

Some things are more entertaining than politics

Some things are more entertaining than politics
"Some things are more entertaining than politics
Former police officer Barry Cooper (author, 'Never Get Busted Again') is so disgusted with the War on Drugs that he came up with an idea for a reality TV show called 'Kop Busters.'
In a clever sting operation, police ended up raiding a house where nothing illegal was going on -- most likely because their illegal FLIR cameras detected indoor grow lights:"

Let it Rip Apartment flag ban

Let it Rip Apartment flag ban: "Let it Rip: Apartment flag ban
People living in an Oregon apartment complex are up in arms after their landlord asked them to keep the American flag off their cars.
Renters were told if there is a flag anywhere on their car -- even on a sticker -- it must be removed or they could face eviction.
Managers say they made the move because the image is offensive to some people."

Michigan State's Izzo driven to win another title

Michigan State's Izzo driven to win another title
"'I am concerned about the fact that we have no proven center,' Izzo said."

Gateway Pundit: Top Quotes From This Year's Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Gateway Pundit: Top Quotes From This Year's Nobel Peace Prize Winner: "Obama to his supporters:
'Get in Their Faces!'

Obama on ACORN mobs:
'I don't want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I'm angry!'

Obama to his mercenary army:
'Hit Back Twice As Hard'"

Wall Street Journal surpasses USA Today as No. 1

Wall Street Journal surpasses USA Today as No. 1
"The Wall Street Journal has surpassed USA Today as the top-selling daily newspaper in the United States."

Can you hear us now - Tea Party of West Michigan

Can you hear us now - Tea Party of West Michigan
"Holland walk by is a definite GO!!! Gather just west (down hill) of Sentinell office on 8th street.
Note this is not a rally.
No speakers, no program.
Just citizens out for Saturday stroll, exercising 1st amendment rights.

Do not give the paper the slightest opportunity to trash us.
In particular following are NOT appropriate:

No Anti-Obama, Anti-Pelosi, Anti-Reid, etc messages
No Obamacare / Healthcare messages
No 'Liar' related
No name calling (e.g. dumb, stupid, racial epithet, etc.)
No Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh for President"

Interesting that the "Tea Party" czars are so worried about offending the media.......and those who are destroying our country.


Or is there something we don't know going on?

Just who are these "sensative" TP czars?

Nation's Oldest Taxpayer Group Criticizes Committee Vote for Baucus Health Bill, Hidden Tax Increases

Nation's Oldest Taxpayer Group Criticizes Committee Vote for Baucus Health Bill, Hidden Tax Increases
"The 362,000-member National Taxpayers Union (NTU) today condemned the Senate Finance Committee's 14-9 vote to support the health care bill drafted by Senator Max Baucus (D-MT), pointing to hundreds of billions of dollars in damaging tax increases.
This so-called 'moderate' health care reform bill would grow the already bloated federal budget while saddling middle class families with billions in new taxes."

The 2010 Senate Candidates

The 2010 Senate Candidates:
While the 2010 election is a long way off, one fact stands out right now:
the Democrats will be defending 18 seats and the Republicans will also be defending 18 seats.
However, more Republicans are retiring than Democrats, as listed on the Senate retirements page.
In races where there is only one serious competitor for his or her party's nomination, that person is shown below, even though the nominee is not certain until the primary is finished."

Taking the National Debt Seriously

Taking the National Debt Seriously
"As of Sept. 30, 2009, the national debt was almost $12 trillion and interest on that debt was $383 billion for the year, according to the Treasury Department's Bureau of the Public Debt.
The Congressional Budget Office on Oct. 7 estimated the 2009 budget deficit to be almost $1.4 trillion (about 10% of GDP). In August, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) estimated total government revenues at about $2 trillion.
The revenue estimate included $904 billion from individual income taxes.
This means the cost of interest on the debt represented more than 40 cents of every dollar that came in from individual income taxes."

Court rules Duluth free to change city retiree benefits

Court rules Duluth free to change city retiree benefits
"A state court has sided with the City of Duluth in a long-standing dispute over the generous health benefits provided to hundreds of retired city workers.
The court ruled the city is free to change the retiree's benefits to match those of current workers.
State District Judge Kenneth Sandvik said Duluth can change the terms for retired workers' health care and that the city is not bound by whatever terms were in effect the day a particular worker retired."

This is BIG!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Teachers benefit from job-saving stimulus spending

Teachers benefit from job-saving stimulus spending
"In Michigan, where officials said 19,500 jobs have been saved or created, three out of four were in education."

We tighten our belts so they can buy bigger belts.
How long will the taxpayers continue their silence?

Day care next frontier in fighting kids' obesity

Day care next frontier in fighting kids' obesity
"Day care is the next frontier: New Harvard research shows few states require that child-care providers take specific nutrition and physical activity steps considered key to keeping the under-5 crowd fit.
And while years of work now have older kids starting to get healthier food in schools, more and more kindergarteners show up their first day already overweight or obese.
'We've got to start really early. Elementary school is too late,' Dr. Lynn Silver of the New York City Health Department — a leader in anti-obesity standards for day care — told a recent meeting that brought child-care specialists together with federal and state health authorities to start learning how."

Thank "god" the parents won't feel guilty.....

A Perfect Nobel Pick

A Perfect Nobel Pick
"Pop quiz: What do Bertha von Suttner, Henri La Fontaine, Ludwig Quidde, Norman Angell, Arthur Henderson, Eisaku Sato, Alva Myrdal and Joseph Rotblat have in common?
Answer: Barack Obama.
If you're drawing blanks on most of these names, don't be hard on yourself: They're just some of the worthies of yesteryear who were favored with a Nobel Peace Prize before disappearing into the footnotes of history."

Seriously, how pathetic are the 5 Norway idiots?

And the 1 "american" who accepted this dumbed down drivel?

HEH: “He gets the Nobel Peace Prize one week, the next week he’s declaring war on Fox News and gay …

HEH: “He gets the Nobel Peace Prize one week, the next week he’s declaring war on Fox News and gay bloggers …:

Some lawmakers frown on museum spending --

Some lawmakers frown on museum spending
"To New York officials, the $3 million in federal economic stimulus money they received to transform an old canal boat into a 259-foot-long floating museum was money well spent."

Is ANYONE listening?

Monday, October 12, 2009

R-P energy-savings program a success

R-P energy-savings program a success
"Reeths-Puffer Schools has saved more than $900,000 in energy costs the last four years by adjusting thermostats and turning off lights and computers........
The district contracted with an energy management firm, Energy Education Inc., four years ago, paying it $70,000 annually to help analyze energy use and implement savings strategies.
The four-year contract is up, so the district won't pay any more fees, but it will continue to pay $19,000 per year for its energy manager,"

OK, $900,000- $356,000 [$280,000($70,000x4)+$76,000($19,000x4)] = $544,000.
That's a great investment....... if there is no more to the other costs......
The Chronicle continues its tradition of unabashed public cheer leading and its utter lack of curiosity.

Survey: Most economists see recovery beginning

Survey: Most economists see recovery beginning
"Forecasters now expect the economy, as measured by gross domestic product, to advance at a 2.9 percent pace in the second half of the year, after falling for four straight quarters for the first time on records dating to 1947....
The recession, the worst since the 1930s, has eliminated a net total of 7.2 million jobs"

So, how's that hope-thang workin' out for ya?

"Midnight Madness At The Breslin Center on Oct. 16

Midnight Madness At The Breslin Center on Oct. 16

Celebrate the Moment with Spartan basketball.

EAST LANSING, Mich. – Michigan State’s annual Midnight Madness event to tip-off the 2009-10 basketball season will be held on Friday, Oct. 16.
This year’s event is called Celebrate the Moment, as the men’s and women’s basketball team will recognize some of the best moments in the programs’ history.

Spartan fans will also have the opportunity to be a part of a banner ceremony as Michigan State will unveil new Final Four banners and raise the 2009 Final Four banner to the rafters for the first time.
Doors to the Breslin Center will open at 9:30 p.m.
Admission is free.
The event begins with autographs for Spartan fans on the Breslin Center concourse.
The formal program will begin at 10:30 p.m. and feature the introduction of the men’s and women’s basketball teams.
The evening will also include promotional giveaways and performances by the Spartan Marching Band, Michigan State cheerleaders, MSU dance team and Sparty.
The evening will conclude with the men’s basketball team playing on the court."

Obama fails to win Nobel prize in economics

Obama fails to win Nobel prize in economics
"In a decision as shocking as Friday's surprise peace prize win, President Obama failed to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences Monday."

Sunday, October 11, 2009

"DETROIT - Viagra and pornography are not staples on the government's food stamp list?

Viagra and pornography are not staples on the government's food stamp list.
But authorities say a Detroit store supplied them during a series of illegal deals.
Federal prosecutors filed fraud charges this week against three people who worked at Jefferson's Liquor Palace.
The alleged scheme worked this way:
Food stamp recipients would get cash from the store in exchange for swiping larger amounts off their electronic cards.
The store would then be reimbursed by the U.S. Agriculture Department.
But in some transactions, confidential informants got more than cash.
The government says the store provided Viagra, painkillers, liquor and porn videos in exchange for swiping about $2,000 off food stamp cards.
The government says overall fraud at the store topped $130,000 over 2-1/2 years"

Nothing new here except for minor media coverage.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

What happened to global warming?

What happened to global warming?
"This headline may come as a bit of a surprise, so too might that fact that the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998.
But it is true.
For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures.
And our climate models did not forecast it, even though man-made carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible for warming our planet, has continued to rise."

Picking the Most Visible of 205 Names

Picking the Most Visible of 205 Names
"Several prominent Nobel observers in Oslo said the Nobel committee had put the integrity of the award at stake. But Mr. Jagland seemed to savor the risk. He said no one could deny that “the international climate” had suddenly improved, and that Mr. Obama was the main reason."

"suddenly improved"?

Generational Battle Brews Over Gilded Baby-Boom Pensions

Generational Battle Brews Over Gilded Baby-Boom Pensions
"Generation X and Gen Y are getting fed up and might not take much more.
That's what I'm hearing from a number of younger public employees who responded to my column last month on the incumbent employee conundrum.
The gist of their feedback was this:
They don't appreciate bearing the brunt of pay cuts and benefits reductions — the ones imposed by employers who try to balance the books on their pension and retiree medical plans by slashing compensation for younger employees and new hires.
They'd like to see their elders share in the pain — or at least pay their share."

This will one of the biggest battles in America in the next few years.

Friday, October 09, 2009

tOfficial 2009-10 MSU Men's Basketball Preseason Thread

tOfficial 2009-10 MSU Men's Basketball Preseason Thread

Athlon - #2 (Lucas #3 floor leader and 3rd team AA, Morgan #9 slasher)
Blue Ribbon - #2
Lindy's - #3 (Lucas #1 PG, Summers #14 SG, Morgan #19 PF)
Sporting News #3 (Lucas #3 PG)

Gary Parrish (CBS) - #3
Jeff Goodman (Fox) - #3"

Midnight Madness in just one week!

Senate 2010: Most endangered seats

Senate 2010: Most endangered seats
"The 2010 Senate landscape is almost evenly split down the middle: Republicans will be defending 18 seats, while the Democrats will be defending 19 seats, including the January special election in Massachusetts. Click here for the full watch list."

Thursday, October 08, 2009

50 Examples of Government Waste

50 Examples of Government Waste
"8. A GAO audit classified nearly half of all purchases on government credit cards as improper, fraudulent, or embezzled.

Examples of taxpayer-funded purchases include gambling, mortgage payments, liquor, lingerie, iPods, Xboxes, jewelry, Internet dating services, and Hawaiian vacations.
In one extraordinary example, the Postal Service spent $13,500 on one dinner at a Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse, including “over 200 appetizers and over $3,000 of alcohol, including more than 40 bottles of wine costing more than $50 each and brand-name liquor such as Courvoisier, Belvedere and Johnny Walker Gold.”
The 81 guests consumed an average of $167 worth of food and drink apiece."

Decision to Cut Funding to Iran Watchdog Is Misguided, Critics Say - Political News -

Decision to Cut Funding to Iran Watchdog Is Misguided
"A decision by the Obama administration to deny federal funding to a group that keeps track of human rights abuses in Iran is a misguided attempt by the White House to appear non-confrontational with the Islamic republic, critics say.
....The State Department has not divulged the reason the request was denied."

Is this another example of FOX's "opinion journalism masquerading as news"?

Or is it FOX reporting what the Obamedia won't?

White House Defends Attacks on Fox News

White House Defends Attacks on Fox News: 'They Will Say Anything'
"The White House is stepping up its attacks against the Fox News Channel, labeling it a bastion of stilted and opinionated journalism.
A top administration communications official has called the Fox 'opinion journalism masquerading as news,' and vowed to wage a war of ideas against the network"

Food stamps swapped for booze, porn, Viagra

Food stamps swapped for booze, porn, Viagra
"Viagra and pornography are not staples on the government's food stamp list. But authorities say a Detroit store supplied them during a series of illegal deals."

If School Kids Sang the Truth About Obama

If School Kids Sang the Truth About Obama
"We recently found out that a bunch of kids in New Jersey and yesterday on CNN were told to sing songs praising President Barack Hussein Obama.
This particular song caused a lot of outcry, probably because it swiped bits from “Jesus Loves Me” and “Battle Hymn of the Republic” while trying to mold them into little Obamaites.
Well, in the spirit of fairness we should provide a counter-song the kids can sing to cleanse their minds of indoctrination and give them a more accurate assessment of our 44th president"

THIS is a great song!

Todd Olin, of Alpine Township, pleads guilty to seventh drunk driving offense

Todd Olin, of Alpine Township, pleads guilty to seventh drunk driving offense
An Alpine Township businessman faces up to five years in prison after he pleaded guilty to his seventh drunk driving offense.
State police troopers busted Todd Olin, 40, when he parked on the lawn of the Paw Paw post and was covered in his own vomit.
Olin will be sentenced Jan. 11 for the July 23 arrest after which he registered a 0.19 on a preliminary breath test.
Olin told police he believed he was near his home."

Nipped in the bud: CVS quickly pulls Chia Obama

Nipped in the bud: CVS quickly pulls Chia Obama
"Walgreens officials said they received a few complaints.
CVS would not say why it stopped the sales."

Gov. Jennifer Granholm wants ailing Doug Bennett in Lansing for budget votes

Gov. Jennifer Granholm wants ailing Doug Bennett in Lansing for budget votes
"Bennett supported legislation Tuesday that would place a 3-percent tax on gross incomes of Michigan physicians.
The House also approved tax increases to fund college scholarships, which is expected to face strong resistance in the Senate."

No Kidding: Snow on Sunday!

No Kidding: Snow on Sunday
"Start cursing the weather gods, Chicago.
Snow could be coming to town as early as this weekend.
That’s right, snow. Flurries and flakes.
The forecast says that Saturday night rain will turn into the white stuff early Sunday morning."

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Residents Get Chance At Stimulus Money

Residents Get Chance At Stimulus Money
"Detroit's homeless and low-income residents have another opportunity for a chance at millions of stimulus dollars.

The money is available to help low-income residents from becoming homeless and homeless residents to find housing.

Thousands of people lined up Tuesday"

We used to call this welfare.

Now dear leader Obama-ummm-ummm-ummm calls it a job stimulus program.

Nothing like giving free money to homeless folks to bring jobs to Detroit....right?

Why bother to fix our state roads when we can just enjoy that big sucking sound of money headin' east to Detroit..... right?

Criminalizing everyone

Criminalizing everyone
"'You don't need to know. You can't know.'

That's what Kathy Norris, a 60-year-old grandmother of eight, was told when she tried to ask court officials why, the day before, federal agents had subjected her home to a furious search.

The agents who spent half a day ransacking Mrs. Norris' longtime home in Spring, Texas, answered no questions while they emptied file cabinets, pulled books off shelves, rifled through drawers and closets, and threw the contents on the floor.

The six agents, wearing SWAT gear and carrying weapons, were with - get this- the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service."

This is change we must believe in with our brave new Obamanation.
How's the "change" thing working out for you?

City illustrates new report on unions' impact

City illustrates new report on unions' impact
"'What you have right now is a very uneven playing field,' he said.
In the Vallejo study, the authors argue that public unions are more costly in government than private business because business management is accountable to stockholders, compared to the often less politically active average citizens.
'...Politically, public-sector unions constitute a permanent activist constituency that works to expand the size and scope of government,' the report authors wrote. '
And bosses beholden to their employees are not likely to be accountable to the taxpayers.'"

This is exactly what has happened in Muskegon.

There is absolutely ZERO representation on behalf of the citizen/taxpayer when county employment contracts are negotiated.

Just the union lawyers and county department heads vs county department heads and 11 county commissioners who suffer not one penny of risk if the union contracts bankrupt our county.

Anyone see a problem here?

Flu Vaccinations in Muskegon

Flu Vaccinations:
Seasonal flu shot $27
Seasonal flu mist $35
Pneumonia shot $52

Anyone can receive a seasonal flu vaccination at the health department, however, the health department is unable to bill Medicare or health insurance programs other than Medicaid. If you have Medicare, we recommend either getting a seasonal flu shot at your doctor's office or through Visiting Nurse Services (VNS).

Hours of Service
Monday through Friday
Noon until 4:30 pm

Public Health - Muskegon County
209 East Apple Avenue
Muskegon, Michigan 49442

Plus at many libraries in the county.
Take control of your own health!

Cholesterol, Lipid and Glucose Screening

Cholesterol, Lipid and Glucose Screening
Tuesday, Oct. 14 and Nov. 11,
7 a.m. to noon

Mercy H.E.A.R.T. Center
No appointment needed.

$6 for cholesterol or glucose screenings, $15 for a lipid profile and $21 for both

Save on your own health care!

Loveland ski opens Wednesday, A-Basin on Friday

Loveland ski opens Wednesday, A-Basin on Friday
"Boasting its earliest opening day in 40 years, Loveland officials today announced the area will open for skiing Wednesday."

More proof of "global warming"!

Historic '81 lottery winner Lou Eisenberg now living in mobile home

Historic '81 lottery winner Lou Eisenberg now living in mobile home
"The former multimillionaire now lives in a mobile home in Lake Worth, Fla., on $250 a week from his Social Security and pension checks."


When war in Afghanistan comes to Whitehall

When war in Afghanistan comes to Whitehall
"It is the Government's cavalier attitude towards our Armed Forces, as well as its failure to provide sufficient quantities of combat troops and equipment, that lies at the root of what is becoming the most rancorous falling-out between the military and political classes in living memory."

Much like the Neville Chamberlain/Roosevelt types in the 30s, these selfish politicians will be the cause of much suffering soon.

Support Builds for a Tax Credit for Creating Jobs

Support Builds for a Tax Credit for Creating Jobs
"critics of the idea argue that businesses hire based on actual demand for their products, and a minor subsidy for adding an employee will not make up for the collapse in demand across the broader economy.
“Why would a business hire a new worker?” Bill Rys, tax counsel to the National Federation of Independent Business, a small-business industry group, said.
“They’re hiring because they need to do work. Unless you have work to do, it’s still an expense.”

This was a disaster when tried under the Carter regime.
It will be a disaster under Hussein Carter the 2nd.
Except for all the new government employees needed to run this idiocy.

Chicago Violence Haunts Obama

Chicago Violence Haunts Obama
"At least 47 school-age children in Chicago have been killed in homicides, mostly by guns, since the month President Barack Obama took office."

Tuesday, October 06, 2009 News Forum - Thread News Forum - Thread:
Same thing over and over....a kid gets murdered......the community demand solutions from Leaders... A bunch of do-nothing Poverty Pimps (in this case Eric Holder) fly in, make a few perfunctory remarks and leave....nothing changes.
The destruction of the urban Black family by power seeking Liberals from LBJ to 0bama are directly responsible for this violence, but addressing the real problem would require they admit their guilt.....don't hold your breath for any real change Chicago"

ObamaCare, The Great Tragedy

ObamaCare, The Great Tragedy
"Today, the Senate Finance Committee is expected to vote on the mark-up of the Senate version of ObamaCare, which would create the equivalent of a public-private partnership like Fannie Mae, the Federal Reserve, or Amtrak to 'compete' with private sector health insurance."

Obama Talks Up Counterterrorism Efforts

Obama Talks Up Counterterrorism Efforts
"Citing a counterterrorism expert, Mr. Obama added:
“Because of our efforts, Al Qaeda and its allies have not only lost operational capacity, they’ve lost legitimacy and credibility.”

Interesting, though not surprising, the NYT accolates continue to try to provide cover for their Dear Leader.

French Gay Football Team Says Muslim Players Snubbed Them

French Gay Football Team Says Muslim Players Snubbed Them
"But 'as a Muslim, I have the right to decide not to play against homosexuals because I don't agree with their ideas,' he said."

Southside Chicago, The Home of Corruption

Southside Chicago, The Home of Corruption
"In this new position, one of Michelle's top priorities was to solve a problem of too many poor patients or those on Medicare and Medicaid clogging the emergency room at UCMC.
To deal with this problem, Michelle helped create the Southside Health Collaborative.
This project served to provide a way to shuttle away patients to other medical clinics to receive care.
This was blatant patient dumping."

Congressional leaders fight against posting bills online

Congressional leaders fight against posting bills online
"What you don't know can hurt you:
» House energy and global warming bill, passed June 26, 2009. 1,200 pages. Available online 15 hours before vote.

» $789 billion stimulus bill, passed Feb. 14, 2009. 1,100 pages. Available online 13 hours before debate.

» $700 billion financial sector rescue package, passed Oct. 3, 2008. 169 pages. Available online 29 hours before vote.

» USA Patriot domestic surveillance bill, passed Oct. 23, 2001. Unavailable to the public before debate."

UN calls for new reserve currency

UN calls for new reserve currency
"The United Nations called on Tuesday for a new global reserve currency to end dollar supremacy which has allowed the United States the 'privilege' of building a huge trade deficit."

This is BIG!

The coming war with Iran

The coming war with Iran
"War with Iran is now inevitable.
The only question is: Will it happen sooner or later?
Tehran's recent missile tests and war games suggest that the apocalyptic mullahs have reached the same conclusion."

Does anyone have ANY faith in our commander in chief?
I don't.

CNN Fact Checks Last Saturday's SNL Obama-Razzing Skit

CNN Fact Checks Last Saturday's SNL Obama-Razzing Skit
"Can one even imagine CNN fact checking any of the skits SNL on President Bush or Sarah Palin??
Heaven forbid SNL finally make fun of President Obama.
CNN couldn't help themselves.
They actually fact checked the jokes."

Brit chain folds to hate mongers

Welcome To
Upscale British supermarket chain Waitrose says it is pulling its advertisements from Fox News in the U.K. after customers complained about the right-wing cable news channel's Glenn Beck program.

Why Public Sector Unionism Is a Bad Deal for Taxpayers

Why Public Sector Unionism Is a Bad Deal for Taxpayers and Representative Government
"By granting monopoly power to labor unions over the supply of government labor, elected officials undermine their duty to taxpayers, because this puts unions in a privileged position to extract political goods in the form of high pay and benefits that are much higher than anything comparable in the private sector."

New wine shop bearing Russo family name opens

New wine shop bearing Russo family name opens
"Russo, 60, said he has not been involved with the G.B. Russo store since a falling-out in January with his two youngest brothers, Dave and Phil Russo.
He said his new store is a partnership with his wife's brother, Farouk Karadsheh, who owns Towne & Country's anchor store, Mediterranean Island International Foods, and several of the center's spaces."

10 Manliest Names Eve

10 Manliest Names Ever
"Lieutenant General Sir Manley Power, a British military leader who fought in a number of campaigns for Britain and rosed to the rank of Lieutenant General. After his active military service, Manley was appointed Lieutenant Governor of Malta, which made him even manlier."

Hoekstra hosts tranquil town hall meeting on health care reform

Hoekstra hosts tranquil town hall meeting on health care reform
"No major outbursts. No finger pointing. No name calling"

The "Difference"

The Difference:

If a conservative doesn't like guns, they don't buy one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, then no one should have one.

a conservative is a vegetarian, they don't eat meat. If a liberal is vegetarian, they want to ban all meat products for everyone.

If a conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat his enemy. A liberal wonders how to surrender gracefully and still look good.

If a conservative is homosexual, they quietly enjoy their life. If a liberal is homosexual, they loudly demand legislated respect.

If a black man or Hispanic is conservative, they see themselves as independently successful. Their liberal counterparts see themselves as victims in need of government protection.

If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels. Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A liberal wants all churches to be silenced and God removed from public view..

If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it. A liberal demands that his neighbors pay for his.

from an e-mail

How Toll Of 'Social Justice' Eludes Elites

How Toll Of 'Social Justice' Eludes Elites
The Nazis murdered 20 million of their own people and those in nations they captured.

From 1917 and 1987, Stalin and his successors murdered, or were otherwise responsible for the deaths of, 62 million of their own people.

From 1949 and 1987, Mao Zedong and his successors were responsible for the deaths of 76 million Chinese"