Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy 234th Birthday to the Marines

Happy 234th Birthday to the Marines
"Earlier this year as I was filling up at the gas station I noticed a faded bumper sticker- vintage Bush 43-on the car next to me: “Dissent is Patriotic.”
When I pointed to the bumper and asked the driver if she still believed that, she suggested I do something to myself which I am certain is physically impossible.
I just laughed and said, “I’ll take that as a no.”
At the time, our Marine son and his men were deployed to a remote Forward Operating Base in Afghanistan."

...In AMERICAN PATRIOT by Robert Coram, Medal of Honor recipient Colonel Bud Day is quoted as saying:
“It is not a widely known fact, but military people are weepers.
They weep when they watch a parade and the flag goes by.
They weep when they hear the National Anthem.
They weep at tales of valor and sacrifice.”
When I read that, a sense of relief washed over me.
If maybe the most valiant man I ever met can weep then I guess it’s okay for me to admit shedding a tear.
I’ve shot guys and never flinched but tales of valor and the sacrifices I have seen by my military heroes and their families choke me up every time.
I wonder if the woman at Shell ever cries and if so, for whom or for what?"

Please read this entire ....gift to all of us.

DC sniper Muhammad executed for 2002 attacks

DC sniper Muhammad executed for 2002 attacks
"John Allen Muhammad, the mastermind of the sniper attacks that terrorized the nation's capital region for three weeks in October 2002, was executed Tuesday. Muhammad died by injection at 9:11 p.m. at Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt,"

Oh, happy day!

United announces Muskegon-Chicago flight schedule

United announces Muskegon-Chicago flight schedule
"Longtime air-service provider Delta Airlines will cease flights between Muskegon and Detroit on Feb. 10, the same day United takes over."

Doesn't that mean Delta will no longer service MKG?

Fruitport Township wants to study water alternatives

Fruitport Township wants to study water alternatives
"Fruitport Township officials took the first step Monday night that could pave the way for the township to eventually leave the Muskegon Heights water system, amid a long-running dispute over operation of the system."
Is Norton Shores gonna leave too?

How do you mark the Berlin Wall coming down without including Reagan? “Well, NBC …

How do you mark the Berlin Wall coming down without including Reagan?
“Well, NBC News shows us how, and, as a bonus, manages to include Hillary Clinton in the report, twice.”
Related item here."

Another example of the joys of government controlled media.
This trend is really getting scary!

New Hampshire Will Bailout Failing Newspaper

New Hampshire Will Bailout Failing Newspaper
"The state of New Hampshire last week agreed to guarantee 75 percent of a $250,000 loan from an Upper Valley bank to the new owner of the Eagle Times, an unusual deal because it involves a daily newspaper and the government it covers."

Here it comes!
Government controlled AND guaranteed media.
Adolf, Joseph and Mao would be proud.......

Is Social Security a savings account or a Ponzi scheme?

Is Social Security a savings account or a Ponzi scheme?
"Social Security works by transferring income of a younger generation to an older generation. So in that sense, it is a lot more like a Ponzi scheme in which earlier investors are paid returns off the investments of newer investors.
.....But, like a Ponzi scheme, Social Security does have a simple and fatal flaw: If there aren’t enough new participants in the system, there won’t be enough to support those receiving payoffs.
With the retirement of the baby-boom generation starting next year, the demographic structure of the U.S. population will slowly force Social Security to topple.
There simply won’t be enough workers to support those receiving benefits.
We will need to fix the system soon, or in 30 years Social Security will no longer be solvent."

This columnist suggests that even though it's a ponzi scheme, it's OK cause lot's of old folks made out like bandits.
gimme a break!

Interview with the President: Jail Time for Those without Health Care Insurance?

Interview with the President: Jail Time for Those without Health Care Insurance?
"During an exclusive interview with ABC News’ Jake Tapper today, President Obama said that penalties are appropriate for people who try to “free ride” the health care system but stopped short of endorsing the threat of jail time for those who refuse to pay a fine for not having insurance.
What I think is appropriate is that in the same way that everybody has to get auto insurance and if you don't, you're subject to some penalty, that in this situation, if you have the ability to buy insurance, it's affordable and you choose not to do so, forcing you and me and everybody else to subsidize you, you know, there's a thousand dollar hidden tax that families all across America are -- are burdened by because of the fact that people don't have health insurance, you know, there's nothing wrong with a penalty.”"

What about the "free ride" 10s of millions of citizens and NON-CITIZENS already get?
What a dufuss.

Golf balls: 'Humanity's signature litter'

Golf balls: 'Humanity's signature litter'
"Research teams at the Danish Golf Union have discovered it takes between 100 to 1,000 years for a golf ball to decompose naturally"

15 Interesting Cold War Vintage Ads

The New Tammany Hall

The New Tammany Hal
"A fantastic - and frankly scary - piece appeared in the Weekly Standard a month ago by Fred Siegel & Dan DiSalvo with this title and subtitle:
The New Tammany Hall
Public sector unions have become a labor aristocracy--and they are bankrupting states and municipalities.
The authors write that public sector employee unions have enjoyed a lot of political victories at the state and local level:
'Indeed, they are the one group, besides Goldman Sachs executives, that's done well during the current Great Recession.
Public sector unions have become political powerhouses in New York, New Jersey, Washington, California, and a host of other states.'"

Convicted arsonist keeping his fireman's pension

Convicted arsonist keeping CFD pension

Paterson: NYS Will Be Broke In 4 1/2 Weeks If Cuts Aren't Made Immediately

Paterson: NYS Will Be Broke In 4 1/2 Weeks If Cuts Aren't Made Immediately
"Governor David Paterson called an unusual joint session of the Legislature Monday to implore recalcitrant lawmakers to close the state's huge budget gap before New York runs out of money."

Monday, November 09, 2009

The Warrior Song


First-time-homebuyer credit draws fraudulent claims

First-time-homebuyer credit draws fraudulent claims
"U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration J. Russell George told a panel of the U.S. House of Representatives late last month that more than 19,000 people filed 2008 tax returns claiming the tax credit for homes they had not yet purchased."

This is a surprise?

Government's bailout strategy driving up unemployment - says TARP oversight chair Elizabeth Warren

theblogprof: Government's bailout strategy driving up unemployment - says TARP oversight chair Elizabeth Warren
"And even more ironically, this was shown on MSNBC of all places:"

Government Cable

CARPE DIEM: Government Cable

Montague moves playoff football game to Holton

Montague moves playoff football game to Holton
Montague has moved its Saturday 1 p.m. (last week) playoff game to the artificial field turf stadium at Holton.
Montague (10-0), which is hosting Sanford-Meridian in a Division 6 district championship game, moved the game because of poor field conditions at its stadium."

Kids played football for a century on muddy fields.
Is this new "sensitivity" really a ploy to get voters ready for a new artificial turf stadium.......yep!

Why you can't get swine-flu vaccine

Why you can't get swine-flu vaccine
"the US government set out to have the H1N1 vaccine produced largely in single-dose syringes -- a demand that has set back production considerably, because multidose vials are far easier to make.
And the only reason to seek single-dose production was to please people needlessly worried about the preservative thimerasol, which is used to provide multiple doses of the vaccine. The fear -- utterly groundless and repeatedly debunked is that thimerasol can cause autism and other neurological disorders in infants and other young children.
If not for that decision, we'd have more than enough vaccine.
Instead, because the government yielded to pressure from antivaccine fringe groups, we're behind the curve on protecting millions of children from swine flu."

Will the United States Default on Its Debt?

Will the United States Default on Its Debt?
"I suggested that the unthinkable had become thinkable: some advanced society—say, the United States, Spain, Italy, Japan, or Great Britain—might someday default on its government debt.
It wouldn't pay its creditors all they were owed or wouldn't pay them on time.
Just a few days later, and completely coincidentally, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued a report that, without saying so, added credence to this unsettling hypothesis"

The table below shows government debt in relation to a country's gross domestic product (GDP), which is the output of its economy. The first column shows the debt-to-GDP ratio for 2007, the last pre-crisis year; the second column gives the IMF's projection for 2014. (Debt reflects government borrowing to cover annual budget deficits.) By this standard measure, many rapidly growing emerging-market countries are less indebted than wealthier nations.

General Government Debt to GDP
COUNTRY 2007 2014
BRAZIL 67% 59%
CANADA 64% 69%
CHINA 20% 20%
FRANCE 64% 96%
GERMANY 63% 89%
INDIA 81% 79%
ITALY 104% 129%
JAPAN 188% 246%
MEXICO 38% 44%

Fee increase from 21 cents a ton to $7.50 a ton proposed for trash dumping in Michigan

Fee increase from 21 cents a ton to $7.50 a ton proposed for trash dumping in Michigan to encourage recycling
"Some legislators in Michigan want to increase solid waste disposal fees from 21 cents to $7.50 a ton to encourage recycling."
oh...and it would also be a $145 MILLION tax increase on Michigan residents.....and oh, it's another ALL DEMOCRAT political scam.

Will the United States Default on Its Debt?

Will the United States Default on Its Debt?
"In my latest NEWSWEEK column, I suggested that the unthinkable had become thinkable: some advanced society—say, the United States, Spain, Italy, Japan, or Great Britain—might someday default on its government debt."

Sunday, November 08, 2009

No new talks scheduled in Philly transit strike

No new talks scheduled in Philly transit strike
"Commuters in the City of Brotherly Love have been told to gear up to begin a second week of finding other ways to work following the collapse of a proposed deal to end a six-day-old strike by about 5,000 bus drivers, subway and trolley conductors and mechanics."

This is what you get with government mandated commuter-care.

MSU fans, meet Ashton Legget

MSU fans, meet Ashton Leggett
"Two weeks ago, Michigan State running back Ashton Leggett was on the scout team, buried beneath a host of ballcarriers on the depth chart.
Flash forward to the Spartans' 49-14 win over Western Michigan, when Leggett emerged for 110 yards and four touchdowns on 14 rushing attempts - including a 71-yard scoring run the first time he touched the ball."

Muskegon HS grad!

Mercy H.E.A.R.T. Center

Mercy H.E.A.R.T. Center
"Lipid Profiles and Glucose Screenings
A blood draw to obtain Total Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, Triglycerides, and Glucose values.
Open to community.
Results sent to your home in about 1 week. 12 hour fast required prior to testing.
Second Tuesday of every month.
Walk-ins between 7:00 AM and 12:00 PM.
$15 for a Lipid Profile
$6 for a Glucose Test"

Now that they passed it, will Dems survive 2010?

Now that they passed it, will Dems survive 2010?
"Sixteen Democrats, however, come from McCain districts, and still voted for the bill. They are listed below by district and last name as well as the percentage of their voters that went for McCain:"

Saturday, November 07, 2009

FuturePundit: Policy Decisions Slow H1N1 Vaccine Production

FuturePundit: Policy Decisions Slow H1N1 Vaccine Production: "Why is H1N1 influenza vaccine coming out so slowly in the United States? Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a former FDA deputy commissioner, says a few policy decisions slow the production of vaccine."

Friday, November 06, 2009

Report Says 75 Percent of Young Americans Unfit for Military Service

Report Says 75 Percent of Young Americans Unfit for Military Service
"About 75 percent of the country's 17- to 24-year-olds are ineligible for military service, largely because they are poorly educated, overweight and have physical ailments that make them unfit for the armed forces, according to a report issued Thursday.
Other factors, such as drug use, criminal records and mental problems"

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Police: Security guard head-butted, sat on, driven away at Wal-Mart

Police: Security guard head-butted, sat on, driven away at Wal-Mart
"Two women trying to avoid arrest after allegedly stealing goods from a local Wal-Mart store head-butted, urinated on and drove off with a security guard in the getaway car on Halloween night, police said.
Nice gals, right by my home.
And the libs want to disarm me and my family and neighbors?

Health-Care Bill Doesn't Index for Inflation; Hits Young and Rising Middle Class Hard - WSJ.com

Health-Care Bill Doesn't Index for Inflation; Hits Young and Rising Middle Class Hard - WSJ.com: "All of those twentysomethings who voted for Barack Obama last year are about to experience the change they haven't been waiting for: the return of income tax bracket creep. Buried in Nancy Pelosi's health-care bill is a provision that will partially repeal tax indexing for inflation, meaning that as their earnings rise over a lifetime these youngsters can look forward to paying higher rates even if their income gains aren't real."

Rivals.com College Basketball - Preseason Countdown: No. 3 Michigan State

Rivals.com College Basketball - Preseason Countdown: No. 3 Michigan State
The state of Michigan has received its share of bad news in the past year - but none of it came from Michigan State. The Spartans gave fans a feel-good story by reaching their sixth Final Four under coach Tom Izzo before losing in the national championship game to North Carolina. With limited accolades and hype, Michigan State marched to the Final Four on guile and hard work. Michigan State can't play the underdog card this season. Michigan State returns Big Ten Player of the Year Kalin Lucas to a team that won the conference by a commanding four games. But the Spartans do have some holes to fill. While every other Big Ten team that went to the NCAAs returns nearly intact, Izzo must replace two key players. Center Goran Suton was one of the most valuable players in the NCAA tournament, and guard Travis Walton was the league's defensive player of the year. If Michigan State can find capable replacements, the Spartans could write another inspirational story for their fans."

Senate blocks census US-citizenship question

Senate blocks census US-citizenship question
"Senate Democrats have blocked a GOP attempt to require next year's census forms to ask people whether they are a U.S. citizen."
Yes, there is a difference between the democrat and republican party.
Tell your friends!

Prichard Alabama Files Bankruptcy Over Pensions

Prichard Alabama Files Bankruptcy Over Pensions;
"Inquiring minds are noting another city has been driven to bankruptcy because of pension promises that cannot possibly be met.
Please consider Prichard Alabama Files For Bankruptcy."

15 Fascinating World WII Vintage Ads & Posters

Warren Buffett: Tax Hypocrite?

TaxProf Blog: Warren Buffett: Tax Hypocrite?
Warren Buffett's Tax Hypocrisy:
When Warren Buffett criticized President Bush's tax cuts while plumping for the presidential campaigns of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, he garnered prominent, adulatory headlines ... Consider that as the context for two pieces of information:
First, the observation, amid a column in today's Wall Street Journal, about Berkshire Hathaway's cash mountain: 'Mr. Buffett would rather not resort to the simplest way of solving this problem -- paying excess cash out to shareholders in the form of a dividend. Since he owns roughly 26% of Berkshire's shares, a cash dividend would saddle Mr. Buffett with one of the largest personal-income tax bills in American history. That's not the kind of thing at which he likes to excel. Mr. Buffett's reluctance to pay a dividend leaves him with little choice but to buy big companies outright.'
Second, the news (again, from the Wall Street Journal) that Mr. Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway is joining in a bid to buy $3 billion in tax credits from Fannie Mae. Reports the Journal: 'The credits are virtually worthless to Fannie Mae and require the company to take losses each quarter as their value declines. Companies such as Berkshire Hathaway and Goldman Sachs could use them to offset federal tax expenses.'
Neither Journal article places the news in the context of Mr. Buffett's stated support for higher taxes.
Prior TaxProf Blog coverage"

Clunker pickups traded for new pickups

Clunker pickups traded for new pickups
"The most common deals under the government's $3 billion Cash for Clunkers program, aimed at putting more fuel-efficient cars on the road, replaced old Ford or Chevrolet pickups with new ones that got only marginally better gas mileage, according to an analysis of new federal data by The Associated Press.
The single most common swap - which occurred more than 8,200 times - involved Ford F150 pickup owners who took advantage of a government rebate to trade their old trucks for new Ford F150s. They were 17 times more likely to buy a new F150 than, say, a Toyota Prius. The fuel economy for the new trucks ranged from 15 mpg to 17 mpg based on engine size and other factors, an improvement of just 1 mpg to 3 mpg over the clunkers."

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

A deathblow to ObamaCare

A deathblow to ObamaCare
"But Virginia results are the most important.
More than 80 Democratic congressmen and 20 senators come from states that John McCain carried in 2008.
For them, the sudden switch in Virginia, a swing state that Obama actually carried, heralds tough political times ahead.

New Jersey is the quintessential blue state.
If it goes Republican, blue state congressmen needn't worry.
Their districts are likely still safe.
But when a Republican in Virginia wins by 20 points, it sends a message to red-state Democratic congressmen to take cover"

Persistent Errors in Stimulus Job Count

Persistent Errors in Stimulus Job Count
"President Barack Obama's economic recovery program saved 935 jobs at the Southwest Georgia Community Action Council, an impressive success story for the stimulus plan. Trouble is, only 508 people work there.

The Georgia nonprofit's inflated job count is among persisting errors in the government's latest effort to measure the effect of the $787 billion stimulus plan despite White House promises last week that the new data would undergo an 'extensive review' to root out errors discovered in an earlier report.

About two-thirds of the 14,506 jobs claimed to be saved under one federal office, the Administration for Children and Families at Health and Human Services, actually weren't saved at all, according to a review of the latest data by The Associated Press.
Instead, that figure includes more than 9,300 existing employees in hundreds of local agencies who received pay raises and benefits and whose jobs weren't saved.

That type of accounting was found in an earlier AP review of stimulus jobs"

Philip Greenspun’s Weblog » The Coming Collapse of the Municipal Bond Market

Philip Greenspun’s Weblog » The Coming Collapse of the Municipal Bond Market: "Sheehan starts off by noting that a lack of panic by the ratings and government agencies does not indicate health for a financial market. He cites the fact that the Fed did not anticipate how bad the subprime collapse was likely to be and obviously the Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s ratings were ridiculous.
Sheehan notes that “spending is rising and revenue is collapsing” for all levels of government. Pension fund losses will require governments to double their contributions to pension plans (see my blog posting on public employee pensions). Spending is rising, e.g., in New York City from an average of $65,401 in compensation per public employee in 2000 to $106,743 in 2009."

Family has impact on U.S. House bill tackling Huntington's disease

Family has impact on U.S. House bill tackling Huntington's disease
"A local family has influenced federal legislation.
After hearing from the Mikula family about the effects of Huntington's disease, Rep. Peter Hoekstra added his name as co-sponsor of a House bill that would revise medical criteria for it.
The Mikula family has lost five members to the disease, and two more have it."

This wonderful family runs a John Deere dealership and runs the lawnmower racing contest in Sparta.
They also own numerous lawnmower racing championships.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Molecular Sunglasses for Macular Degeneration

Molecular Sunglasses for Macular Degeneration
"Molecules designed to slow the production of toxic byproducts in the eye by making it less sensitive to light are now being tested in patients with macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in people age 50 and older.
If successful, the compounds would provide a much needed therapy for the disease, which affects more than 15 million people in the United States."

Proposed law would require pay for sick workers

Proposed law would require pay for sick workers
"U.S. employers who tell workers to stay home when they are sick will have to give them paid time off for up to five days under new federal legislation proposed on Tuesday.
The emergency law would cover pandemic H1N1 flu or any other infectious disease, said California Representative George Miller, a Democrat who chairs the House Education and Labor Committee and who introduced the bill."

Outside the Wire - Free Speech on the Cheap

Outside the Wire - Free Speech on the Cheap

Written by JD Johannes
Tuesday, 03 November 2009
This line from a Washington Post story jumped out at me:

"The arrival of war dead at Dover has long pitted free speech advocates against the government, which had been accused of using the ban to hide the horror of war from the public--especially as casualty rates in Iraq and Afghanistan began to climb."

The article is by Christian Davenport.

I'm at a little outpost in northern Iraq, fresh back from a patrol where we met with a local Sheik. The previous day I had rode with US Soldiers to a logistics base on a resupply run and while there picked up a few back issues of Stars and Stripes where I read the story.

In the story, a previous graph has a quote from University of Delaware Journalism Professor Ralph Begleiter one of the above mentioned free speech advocates. Begeleiter said, "Taking pictures of the returning casualties to Dover is a measure of the human cost of war. Do you want the government ultimately to have control over what we see or not see? Or do you want independent observers, an independent press or media, relaying those images?"

Mr. Begleiter if you really want to understand the human cost of war, don't stand on a fucking tarmac, get embedded and see the human cost of war up close and personal where the price is actually paid.

But many of the free speech advocates have no desire to put themselves at risk to tell the stories of the women and men who have willingly put themselves in harms way.

They want to do it on the cheap, standing on concrete in the US at a scheduled time rather than face the capricious hazards of war standing on the sands of Iraq or rocks of Afghanistan.

Many of those free speech advocates are interested only in the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines as props. As the story illustrates, very few of the arrivals at Dover are covered by the media.

When a reporter is embedded with US forces they at least have to share some of the risks and possibly themselves become another account in the human cost of war.

I have been ready to pay that price for the last five years and nearly had to pay it a few times. How many of the so-called speech advocates have been willing to pay that price?

Large Hadron Collider ready to roll again ... unless God stops it first

Large Hadron Collider ready to roll again ... unless God stops it first
"What is even scarier about the Large Hadron Collider, however, is that one of the CERN physicists working on the project (his name has not been released) was arrested Oct. 12 on suspicion of having Al Qaeda connections."

Muskegon crime rates and statistics

Muskegon crime rates and statistics
"3 (out of 100)
100 is safest

This city is safer than 3% of the cities in the US."

And we wonder why this city is dying?

News from The Harbor Theater

News from The Harbor Theater
"The Harbor Theater is thrilled to present two of the most anticipated indie films of the year this week!

'The September Issue' follows Vogue editor Anna Wintour as she puts together Vogue's legendary September issue. Anna Wintour was portrayed devillishly by Meryl Streep in the semi-fictional 'The Devil Wears Prada' back in 2006, this is her chance to show the world her true self."

The Harbor Theater has really made it happen!
Proving me wrong, again.....and I'm glad to be wrong on this one.
Click their site and sign up for their excellent weekly newsletter.
It really is one of the best e-mails I've ever seen!

Muskegon County Clerk

Muskegon County Clerk
Election results link

My voting experience today

I walked up to the voting desk and an elderly lady told me to fill out the "Application to Vote" form and show my ID.

I told her I had no ID and her partner at the desk said that OK, just fill out BOTH sides of the little form. The back side was an affidavit affirming I was not in possession of picture identification.

I filled out both sides, signed and returned it to her.

As I waited to get my voting form I mentioned how wonderful it was that we didn't need to show photo ID to vote.

The nice lady replied, "you must have photo ID to vote" and pointed to a card that read "Must have photo ID to vote".

I then pointed to the Application to Vote that she was approving.

She seemed befuddled.

I voted.

I wonder how many times each ACORN voter will vote today.

here's the application:


Will Corzine Allies Steal the Election in New Jersey? ACORN, Dirty Tricks and Absentee Ballot Fraud

Will Corzine Allies Steal the Election in New Jersey? ACORN, Dirty Tricks and Absentee Ballot Fraud
"New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine is locked in the political fight of his life.
With just hours left before voting, polls show a neck-and-neck race between Corzine and GOP candidate Chris Christie, with Independent candidate Chris Daggett pulling significant support. Obama and VP Biden are making last ditch pitches for the embattled governor.
But evidence is building that Corzine’s campaign may see its only salvation is in rigging the election."

I voted today without showing any ID at all.
I simply signed a slip promising I was me.

click this link to see how our vote is "protected" from fraud:

Aide's pay: $149,000 -- plus $100,000 pension

Aide's pay: $149,000 -- plus $100,000 pension
"James Dencek was 54 when he retired in 1994 from the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
Not quite three years later, Dencek landed a new job.
Under a $100,000 consulting contract, he was hired to be chief of staff to the district's new president, Terrence J. O'Brien, who used to work for Dencek at the agency.
Dencek's one-year consulting deal has stretched into 13 years.
His annual contract is now worth $149,374 -- nearly double O'Brien's salary as part-time president.
He also gets a $100,392 yearly pension from the district -- which he couldn't collect if he had come back as an employee of the district rather than a consultant."

This is happening EVERYWHERE in our country!


"It all began in July when jars of caramel-brown Vegemite mixed with cream cheese began appearing on supermarket shelves with brightly colored labels inviting consumers to “Name Me.”"

Editorial: Here's our endorsements

"Editorial: Here's our endorsements"

My golly, they can't even get the grammar correct.

Mum hid bomb kit in her burka | The Sun |News

Mum hid bomb kit in her burka The Sun News: "A MUSLIM woman who had a 'DIY terrorism kit' hidden in her burka was jailed for two years yesterday.
Houria Chentouf, 41, was carrying a computer pen-drive containing 7,000 documents, including a detailed explosives manual and extreme religious material.

House ... where she was arrestedAnd investigators later found letters in which the mother of six admitted she had considered using herself and her children as suicide bombers."

House Democrats bristle at more bailouts - Washington Times

House Democrats bristle at more bailouts - Washington Times: "House Democrats are balking at an Obama administration plan that would put taxpayers on the hook for up to five years to dismantle any giant financial firm whose failure could repeat last year's Wall Street collapse."

Robert J. Samuelson - Robert J. Samuelson on whether America could go broke - washingtonpost.com

Robert J. Samuelson - Robert J. Samuelson on whether America could go broke - washingtonpost.com

Controversial New Video of Obama’s Pastor

Controversial New Video of Obama’s Pastor: "A new video of Jeremiah Wright has surfaced, showing Barack Obama's pastor of 20 years praising Marxism and discussing his ties to communists in El Salvador and Nicaragua and the Libyan government. Equally important, Wright is being introduced in the video by Robert W. McChesney, co-founder of Free Press, an organization which has come under scrutiny for its links to the Obama Administration and dedication to the transformation and control of the private media in the U.S."

Monday, November 02, 2009

Poster Girl

Oh my golly!
This woman's beautiful anthem from the begining of the war will live forever.

BLACKFIVE: Beccy Cole - "Poster Girl" on the Wrong Side of the World

BLACKFIVE: Beccy Cole - "Poster Girl" on the Wrong Side of the World

Another re-post of Beccy Cole's beautiful song.
A song that supported our coalition victory for the freedom loving people of Iraq!

You go Beccy!

Lindsey Graham's Sordid Self

Lindsey Graham's Sordid Self
"Today, Graham is little more than the ever-eager turn-to guy whenever the hard left needs a squishy sycophant to carry its water through the corridors of Congress.
As evidenced most recently by his teaming up with liberal totem John Kerry to co-author a New York Times op-ed endorsing the highly controversial, disastrously costly cap-and-trade legislation.
As the green web site Grist.com breathlessly enthused:
“It’s hard to overstate the significance of this joint declaration.
It ensures that the Senate bill will be bipartisan.
It demonstrates that there is a pathway to 60 votes to overcome a filibuster.
And it establishes comprehensive energy and climate legislation as the next item on the Senate agenda after health care reform, meaning there is a very real shot at Senate passage prior to Copenhagen.”
In short, in one fell stroke, Graham betrayed scores of his Senate colleagues and tens of millions of Americans who know that the cap-and-trade bill will paralyze American industry and cost the average household as much as $3000 a year"

WHO: nearly 5,000 swine flu deaths worldwide

WHO: nearly 5,000 swine flu deaths worldwide
"Nearly 5,000 people have reportedly died from swine flu since it emerged this year and developed into a global epidemic, the World Health Organization said Friday."

This is a "pandemic"?
This is a FRAUD!

Chris Christie's Next Case: Who Stole My Election?

Chris Christie's Next Case: Who Stole My Election?
"Meanwhile, the Democratic Party in New Jersey is taking advantage of a new loosely written vote-by-mail law to pressure county clerks not to vigorously use signature checks to evaluate the authenticity of absentee ballots, the only verification procedure allowed.
The state has received a flood of 180,000 absentee ballot requests.
On some 3,000 forms the signature doesn't match the one on file with county clerks.
Yet citing concerns that voters would be disenfranchised, Democratic Party lawyer Paul Josephson wrote New Jersey's secretary of state asking her 'to instruct County Clerks not to deny applications on the basis of signature comparison alone.'
Mr. Josephson maintained that county clerks 'may be overworked and are likely not trained in handwriting analysis' and insisted that voters with suspect applications should be allowed to cast provisional ballots.
Those ballots, of course, would then provide a pool of votes that would be subject to litigation in any recount, with the occupant of New Jersey's highest office determined by Florida 2000-style scrutiny of ballot applications."

This is the plan for the ACORN-democrat party EVERYWHERE!
Imagine the nice old ladies at the polling places in ...Detroit or Muskegon Heights et al disputing the signature of a brotha or sista.
It won't happen.
Precincts that used to have 2% turnout are now showing 50%, 97%, 110% turnout.
When will America fight back?

Can This P-38 Be Saved?

Can This P-38 Be Saved?
Lockheed P-38 Lightnings brought many a pilot home.
This pilot would like to return the favor"

Public school nurses give swine flu vaccine to kids without parents' OK, sends child to hospital

Public school nurses give swine flu vaccine to kids without parents' OK, sends child to hospital
"School nurses mistakenly gave the swine flu vaccine to two students who didn't sign up for it - including a Brooklyn girl with epilepsy who wound up in the hospital."

This is government supplied "health care".

Ebling: The Cold, Cruel Reality -

Ebling: The Cold, Cruel Reality

All football losses aren’t the same.
All L’s on the scoreboard aren’t even losses. Some are lessons with long-term payoffs.

Saturday night’s 42-34 whipping by Minnesota was more than a setback for Michigan State.
It was a statement of gross inadequacy - in many ways, the most alarming defeat in Mark Dantonio’s three seasons as head coach of the Spartans.
The long knives are out!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

TaxProf Blog: Chicago Property Taxes Increase 9.6%; Obama's Property Tax Increases 1.0%

TaxProf Blog: Chicago Property Taxes Increase 9.6%; Obama's Property Tax Increases 1.0%
"Chicago Property Taxes Increase 9.6%;
Obama's Property Tax Increases 1.0%"

US admiral concerned about China military buildup

US admiral concerned about China military buildup
"'When we see a military growing at that rate, we're interested in transparency and the understanding of the uses of that military,' said Donegan"

Earth Talk now part of Chronicle

Column: Earth Talk now part of Chronicle
"It is only in recent years that we have begun to take a serious look at the toll those items of convenience have taken on our environment.
And whether one believes that man is contributing to the pillage of the Earth with the irresponsible choices we make is a matter of great debate."

"man ...pillage...of the earth"

This woman is an idiot!

Marijuana growers upend hard-luck California town

Marijuana growers upend hard-luck California town
"But locals in Trinity say California law is so permissive that almost anyone can get a doctor's 'recommendation' needed to grow their own marijuana or buy it at dispensaries.
ID cards -- which patients can use as proof they have a physician's recommendation for medicinal cannabis -- are voluntary.
And because state guidelines aren't hard and fast, some doctors recommend that their patients be allowed to grow many more plants than the suggested ceiling."

Mona Shores voters face ballot issues

Mona Shores voters face ballot issues
"Furthermore, if a requested five-year Headlee Amendment override isn’t renewed, Mona Shore could lose nearly $300,000 the first year in nonhomestead property tax collections, according to ballot language. Districts where overall property values rise faster than inflation cannot levy the full 18 mills unless voters agree to waive the effects of the Headlee Amendment, which restricts property tax collections to the rate of inflation.

Mona Shores is asking voters to approve a renewal of 18 mills on nonhomestead property for five years, which would raise $5,430,232 the first year.

The separate Headlee override, levied only as needed, would permit the district to levy up to 1 mill for five years. It would raise an estimated $294,076 the first year."

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Revealed: Lockerbie bomber defies doctors' prediction of death

Revealed: Lockerbie bomber defies doctors' prediction of death
"The health of the Lockerbie bomber has 'not deteriorated' since his release from prison three months ago – despite doctors' assessments that he would have died by now, a senior source has told The Sunday Telegraph."

If my family member had died on that plane, I'd find and get the "doctor" who provided the go-free card.

Dearborn Shoot-Out Opens a Window into Homegrown Terror

Dearborn Shoot-Out Opens a Window into Homegrown Terror
“We're not any fake terrorists, we're the real terrorists,” Abdullah (aka Christopher Thomas) once bragged to an undercover informant, according to an FBI affidavit."

Multiculturalists diminish 'rough beast' ravaging IslamFree Press

Multiculturalists diminish 'rough beast' ravaging Islam
"Paraphrasing William Butler Yeats, Mansur contends that Islam is in the grips of a 'rough beast' that has let loose anarchy upon the world.
He traces the problem back to the earliest days of Islam, when perverse Muslim rulers renounced the peaceful teachings of the Qu'ran by slaughtering each other in a bloody struggle for political power following the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632."

French Ideal of Bicycle-Sharing Meets Reality - NYTimes.com

French Ideal of Bicycle-Sharing Meets Reality
"Just as Le Corbusier’s white cruciform towers once excited visions of the industrial-age city of the future, so Vélib’, Paris’s bicycle rental system, inspired a new urban ethos for the era of climate change.

Renters of Vélib' bicycles in Paris say it can be a challenge to find functioning ones among those that have been vandalized.

In Paris 80 percent of Vélib' bicycles are stolen or damaged.

Residents here can rent a sturdy bicycle from hundreds of public stations and pedal to their destinations, an inexpensive, healthy and low-carbon alternative to hopping in a car or bus.
But this latest French utopia has met a prosaic reality: Many of the specially designed bikes, which cost $3,500 each, are showing up on black markets in Eastern Europe and northern Africa.
Many others are being spirited away for urban joy rides, then ditched by roadsides, their wheels bent and tires stripped.
With 80 percent of the initial 20,600 bicycles stolen or damaged, the program’s organizers have had to hire several hundred people just to fix them. And along with the dent in the city-subsidized budget has been a blow to the Parisian psyche."

What do you bet this "brilliant" idea is coming to a US city near you soon.....probably with "stimulus" dollars.

H1N1 Vaccinations To Be Offered To Guantanamo Bay Detainees

H1N1 Vaccinations To Be Offered To Guantanamo Bay Detainees


Thursday, October 29, 2009

If we're going to cap those outrageous payments ...

If we're going to cap those outrageous payments
"The eighth annual study by National Taxpayers United of Illinois of the state's top 100 government pension payouts.

It reveals that scores of administrators or teachers in the state public education and higher education systems could receive larger retirement checks than the senior executives carrying the burden of repairing the nation's banking system.

Wow, indeed."

Cash for Clunkers costs taxpayers $24,000 per car

Cash for Clunkers costs taxpayers $24,000 per car
"A total of 690,000 new vehicles were sold under the Cash for Clunkers program last summer, but only 125,000 of those were vehicles that would not have been sold anyway, according to an analysis released Wednesday by the automotive Web site Edmunds.com.
Still, auto sales contributed heavily to the economy's expansion in the third quarter, adding 1.7 percentage points to the nation's gross domestic product growth.
Is the economy really getting better?
The Cash for Clunkers program gave car buyers rebates of up to $4,500 if they traded in less fuel-efficient vehicles for new vehicles that met certain fuel economy requirements. A total of $3 billion was allotted for those rebates.
The average rebate was $4,000. But the overwhelming majority of sales would have taken place anyway at some time in the last half of 2009, according to Edmunds.com. That means the government ended up spending about $24,000 each for those 125,000 additional vehicle sales."

Mainstream Media Ignores Juicy ACORN Nuggets - Townhall.com

Hannah Giles : Mainstream Media Ignores Juicy ACORN Nuggets
"The “Pimp and Pro” story, exposing ACORN’s willingness to advise a prostitute on tax evasion and child sex trafficking, hit America a few weeks ago.
There were a myriad number of angles to report, yet the Mainstream Media's favorite approach seems to be the method in which James O’Keefe and I orchestrated and gathered the information."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Guantanamo prisoners to get swine flu vaccine

Guantanamo prisoners to get swine flu vaccine
"Even as some Americans await the arrival of their swine flu vaccines, the Pentagon has decided to vaccinate both soldiers and terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba."

Kinda like Obama prefers terrorists to your grandma?

We Now Have A Total Gangster Government

“I will never rush the solemn decision of…hand me the 5-iron, would you?”

“I will never rush the solemn decision of…hand me the 5-iron, would you?”

Michigan's debt to federal government for unemployment claims: $2.8B and counting

Michigan's debt to federal government for unemployment claims: $2.8B and counting
"Michigan has been borrowing from the federal government to pay out unemployment insurance benefit claims since mid-2008, when its own trust fund became insolvent, and now owes the feds $2.8 billion.

The total is expected to grow higher.......There is no estimate for when the state might be able to fully repay the debt, Isotalo said."
When will it be paid?

NY23 Hits Its Tipping Point

NY23 Hits Its Tipping Point
"The official GOP nominee -- Dede Scozzafava, a very liberal New York Assemblywoman -- now trails her Democratic opponent, Bill Owens, and the Conservative Party nominee, Doug Hoffman, according to a survey released Monday by the Club for Growth.
The survey shows Hoffman surging into the lead with 31 percent, to 27 percent for Owens, with a fading Scozzafava drawing just 20 percent of the vote, and 22 percent of the voters still undecided."

Washington's Suicide Mission - WSJ.com

Holman Jenkins: Washington's Suicide Mission
"It's no exaggeration to say the Senate health-care bill taking shape is the equivalent of climbing aboard a train about to plunge into a canyon and deciding what it really needs is a bomb on board."
The problem is that it's us in the suicide belts.

LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe: MSU short two running backs

LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe: MSU short two running backs
"MSU short two running backs
MSU announced Wednesday that Caulton Ray and Andre Anderson are no longer on the team's active roster. Here's the release from associate athletic director John Lewandowski:
'Michigan State head football coach Mark Dantonio confirmed Wednesday afternoon that running backs Andre Anderson and Caulton Ray have been removed from the active roster.'
That's it. Lewandowski also said this is not a legal issue. Looks to me like a playing time issue, and it's somewhat surprising that it took this long for someone to bolt (or be 'removed,' as the statement makes clear).
No word on possible destinations.
For the rest of the season, MSU is now down to its freshmen, Ashton Leggett and A.J. Jimmerson."

Federal perks enough to make you sick

Federal perks enough to make you sick
"Buried deep in the $680 billion military spending bill sitting on President Barack Obama's desk is a sweet morsel that lets federal workers count unused sick time in calculating their pension benefit.
The Congressional Budget Office estimates that change, over 10 years, will cost $343 million — and even more after that."
This theft by our elected leaders happens EVERY day!
When are we going to rise up?

Rocco's Modern Life

Rocco's Modern Life:
"It would be hard to pack so much ignorance into one short paragraph if one were really trying.
We can deduce that Landesman doesn't even have to try."

Very scary the people our president surrounds himself with.

The ins and outs of Chapter 9 | Detroit

The ins and outs of Chapter 9
"After watching a recent debate among candidates for Detroit City Council, it has become apparent that Detroiters need to be educated on the application of Chapter 9 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code to Detroit's financial mess."

Detroit is going down..but who else will they bring with them?

Thomas Sowell On Economics Of Medical Care

Thomas Sowell On Economics Of Medical Care:
"Dr. Sowell has granted IBD permission to run one of the chapters of 'Applied Economics' — 'The Economics of Medical Care' — in its entirety.
We are doing so because of its relevance to the debate over health care reform.
The chapter will run in nine parts over the next week and a half.
The first part starts below and continues in the Issues & Insights section, where the other eight parts will appear"

Click the link and wrap yourself in brilliance.

Efficient Market Theory and the Crisis

Jeremy J. Siegel: Efficient Market Theory and the Crisis
"in the 61 years from 1945 through 2006 the maximum cumulative decline in the average price of homes was 2.84% in 1991. If this low volatility of home prices persisted into the future, a mortgage security composed of a nationally diversified portfolio of loans comprising the first 80% of a home's value would have never come close to defaulting. The credit quality of home buyers was secondary because it was thought that underlying collateral—the home—could always cover the principal in the event the homeowner defaulted. These models led credit agencies to rate these subprime mortgages as 'investment grade.'
But this assessment was faulty. From 2000 through 2006, national home prices rose by 88.7%, far more than the 17.5% gain in the consumer price index or the paltry 1% rise in median household income. Never before have home prices jumped that far ahead of prices and incomes.
This should have sent up red flags and cast doubts on using models that looked only at historical declines to judge future risk. But these flags were ignored as Wall Street was reaping large profits bundling and selling the securities while Congress was happy that more Americans could enjoy the 'American Dream' of home ownershi"



THE EVER-EXPANDING University of Phoenix.

THE EVER-EXPANDING University of Phoenix.
“In the world of for-profit higher education, and higher education in general, the University of Phoenix has historically been viewed as the 800-pound gorilla.
As of Tuesday, it may be more like a 1,000-pound gorilla.
As Phoenix’s parent company, the Apollo Group, reported its fourth quarter and annual earnings Tuesday, it announced that the university’s enrollment of degree-seeking students grew to 443,000 as of August 2009, up 22 percent from 362,000 in August 2008. . . . About two-thirds of the university’s new students as of August are female, 27.7 percent are African-American, and about half are 30 or over.”

How Dems outmaneuvered GOP on ACORN

How Dems outmaneuvered GOP on ACORN
"Although the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency -- designed to deal with issues like mortgages and credit-card fees -- has nothing to do with community organizing, Democrats offered an amendment that could allow ACORN and groups like it to participate in the new agency."

Read it all. It's pretty disgusting.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tax refugees staging escape from New York

Tax refugees staging escape from New York: "New Yorkers are fleeing the state and city in alarming numbers -- and costing a fortune in lost tax dollars, a new study shows.
More than 1.5 million state residents left for other parts of the United States from 2000 to 2008, according to the report from the Empire Center for New York State Policy.
It was the biggest out-of-state migration in the country.
The vast majority of the migrants, 1.1 million, were former residents of New York City -- meaning one out of seven city taxpayers moved out."
I'm sure the democrat governor is happy that millionaire Rush Limbaugh is already gone.....right?


Sadly, nuff said....