Saturday, January 30, 2010

The State of U.S. Kids

Time For Kids Classroom Home The State of U.S. Kids
"National Issues
Kids graded President Barack Obama on his first year in office.
Obama's Grades:
A: 19%
B: 30%
C: 24%
D: 10%
F: 16%"

Friday, January 29, 2010

Pension Pulse: Canada's $58 Billion Debt Time Bomb?

Pension Pulse: $58 Billion Debt Time Bomb?
"The federal government's bookkeeping of its pension promises for public servants is out of whack with the real costs, understating Canada's national debt by $58 billion, says a report by a leading think-tank."

Influx of bears a nuisance across Nunavut

Influx of bears a nuisance across Nunavut
"Ikummaq, a wildlife officer for 28 years who’s travelled on the land around Igloolik since the 1950s, says polar bears are indeed coming closer to human settlements in search of food, but they’re not skinny or sickly.

Instead, hunters in the region are reporting well-fed bears and mothers travelling with multiple cubs, another sign that bears are having no trouble finding food.
The male population is also up, he said.

“They [hunters] are guaranteed to be seeing polar bears at camp,” Ikummaq said.
“This much we know now.”

“Twenty years back, you went caribou hunting, there was never a time you saw a bear.
But in the last six years, that’s when polar bear-human encounters have occurred more constantly.”"

But AlGore and his minions promised us these dang bears were disappearing!

Sup wit dat?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's a Guy Thing! - Weird Inventions

"Harry’s Homocopter
(Patented 1977)"

Shortfalls for U.S. cities could reach $56 billion

Shortfalls for U.S. cities could reach $56 billion
"U.S. cities will face a collective budget shortfall of at least $56 billion over the next two years, with the current recession not seen hitting bottom until 2011, according to a report on Wednesday.
The National League of Cities said that because economic recoveries in cities lag national ones by about two years, the pain from the recession that began in 2007 could continue for years to come"

$56 BILLION in the next TWO Years??!!!!!!

And the automatic annual step up in pay and COL and pension increases just keep on rolling along......

The Ninth Annual Year in Ideas -

The Ninth Annual Year in Ideas - Magazine -
"And so we hereby present, from A to Z, the most clever, important, silly and just plain weird innovations we carried back from all corners of the thinking world."

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Illinois Careens Toward Bankruptcy

Illinois Careens Toward Bankruptcy: Report NBC Chicago
"The question is: what can Illinois do about its near-bankrupt status?
Answer: not much."

Daily Gun Pictures: Video: R Lee Ermey Presents the AA12, Lock-n-Load Shotgun

R Lee Ermey Presents the AA12, Lock-n-Load Shotgun


401k/IRA Screw Job Coming? - The Market Ticker

401k/IRA Screw Job Coming? - The Market Ticker
"401k/IRA Screw Job Coming?
Now this is a guaranteed rape job.
In a short conversation this noontime that CNBC apparently has omitted from their archives (Why's that folks?) Rick Santelli was talking about a potential to effectively force money into the Treasury market.
Where would they get this?
From your 401k and IRA accounts!
From Businessweek:
The U.S. Treasury and Labor Departments will ask for public comment as soon as next week on ways to promote the conversion of 401(k) savings and Individual Retirement Accounts into annuities or other steady payment streams, according to Assistant Labor Secretary Phyllis C. Borzi and Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary Mark Iwry, who are spearheading the effort.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

West Michigan Environmental Action Council to provide 5,000 energy-efficient bulbs to Muskegon area residents

West Michigan Environmental Action Council to provide 5,000 energy-efficient bulbs to Muskegon area residents
"Putting 5,000 such light bulbs into use saves $235,000 in energy costs and prevents the release of 3.6 million pounds of carbon dioxide over the lifetime of the bulbs, Hood said.

She said each bulb can save $20 to $30 per year in energy costs.

The bulbs will be distributed door-to-door in various neighborhoods and at locations such as churches and food pantries during March and April, said Ann Erhardt, the project coordinator."

OK, we know these "savings" numbers are bogus.
And we know that global warming is bogus.
But we don't know who is paying for all these "free" mercury bulbs......OK...we do..... it's us.
But where specifically is this idiocy coming from?

Maybe a republican running for office could call this scam out for us taxpayers?

5th Kent County person dies of H1N1 flu

5th Kent County person dies of H1N1 flu
"A woman in her late 60s with underlying health conditions is the fifth person in the county to die of H1N1, commonly known as swine flu, since this fall, according to the Kent County Health Department."

Remember waaaay back when the same guys who are now "helping" Haiti (the UN) told us all that the swine flu was a pandemic and without EVERYONE getting a show the world would bla bla?

Given the FACT that we see no comparisons between this flu season and other years, it's a safe bet that we just saw another government led boondoggle.

Will we EVER learn?

Saving the euro from a Greek tragedy

Saving the euro from a Greek tragedy
"Keen to keep Greece from crashing the euro, European Union governments pressed the country Tuesday to stick to a painful austerity program that could cut its ballooning debt at the risk of social unrest."

Greece appears to be the "California" of the EU.
bummer dudes....

Monday, January 25, 2010

Greater accountability needed for county department heads

Greater accountability needed for county department heads
"It would be better to have the county administrator fill those positions, with the consent of county commissioners. Then the administrator could supervise the department leaders and hold them accountable, just like the county board holds the administrator accountable.

With so much happening out of the public eye, it’s a wonder that more small county departments have not experienced the same sort of nightmares as the drain commissioner’s office.

The elected officials who run those departments are not accountable to anyone except voters, and the voters lack the time or inclination to keep them in check.

Let’s take a lesson from Hulka and Hepler and allow the people who know county government to fill these quiet but important posts. That way somebody will be supervising and watching, and future problems may be avoided."

And maybe a little "sunshine" from our local newspaper might help too?

Police prepare for more guns in public

Police prepare for more guns in public
"No one was charged because Michigan law does not prevent people over 18 who do not have a felony record from carrying a gun in the open -- as long as they don't try to enter certain gun-free locations like a church, day care center, bank or court, Saylor said."

Go ahead, make my day!

Employee Compensation in State and Local Governments

Table 1 shows average compensation per hour worked in state and local governments and the U.S. private sector.

Public sector pay averaged $39.66 per hour in 2009, which was 45 percent higher than the private sector average.
The public sector advantage was 34 percent in wages and 70 percent in benefits.

Read it all.
This disparity between the two Americas may well tear us apart if it continues.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Unions Get Exempt from Cadillac Tax

Unions Get Exempt from Cadillac Tax -
"Democrats seem impervious to embarrassment as they buy votes for ObamaCare, but their latest move makes even Nebraska's Ben Nelson look cheap: The 87% of Americans who don't belong to a union will now foot the bill for a $60 billion giveaway to those who do.

The Senate bill was financed in part by a 40% excise tax on high-cost insurance coverage. The White House backs this 'Cadillac tax' as one of the few remaining cost-control tokens. But Big Labor abhors the tax because union benefits tend to be far more generous than average, and labor leaders and House Democrats have been throwing a political tantrum for weeks.

So emerging from their backrooms, Democrats have agreed to extend a special exemption from the Cadillac tax to any health plan that is part of a collective-bargaining agreement, plus state and local workers, many of whom are unionized.
Everyone else with a higher-end plan will start to be taxed in 2013, but union members will get a free pass until 2018.

Ponder that one for a moment.
Two workers who are identical in every respect—wages, job, health plan—will be treated differently by the tax system, based solely on union membership.

Michigan: 17,000 state workers to take up to 10 furlough days

Michigan: 17,000 state workers to take up to 10 furlough days
"LANSING – About 17,000 state employees will take up to 10 furlough days, as bargaining failed to produce $16 million in concessions.

The employees are represented by the UAW and work in administrative services and human services.

Mitchell said the union offered more in concessions than the state asked, but was rejected.
He said the union would not agree to a two-tier health benefit system, with reduced benefits for new hires such as higher deductibles and co-pays."

Americans Traveling to Vancouver Olympics Warned of Possible Terror Threats

Americans Traveling to Vancouver Olympics Warned of Possible Terror Threats
"Americans traveling to Vancouver for the 2010 Winter Olympics are being warned by the U.S. State Department to stay vigilant about terrorist threats.

A recently issued fact sheet from the agency warns that al Qaeda's 'demonstrated capability to carry out sophisticated attacks against sizeable structures – such as ships, large office buildings, embassies, and hotels – makes it one of the greatest potential threats to the Olympics.'"

No worries, the Mounties will protect ya, you betcha.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Michigan leaders downplay state's Race to the Top chances as Obama announces $1.35 billion expansion of program

Michigan leaders downplay state's Race to the Top chances as Obama announces $1.35 billion expansion of program

"Michigan educators had their Race to the Top application in Washington by today’s deadline, and some state leaders and lawmakers are now downplaying the state’s chances at winning one of the initial grants.

The deadline comes as President Obama announces he’ll add $1.35 billion to next year’s budget to expand the reform program, even setting aside some of the money to allow districts to submit plans directly to the federal government.....

There has been speculation since last month that Michigan’s chances faded when the state cut education funding and then failed to land a planning grant from the Gates Foundation.
It also likely didn’t help that Michigan’s teachers unions withheld their support, though the New York Times reports they’re not alone, as labor groups in Minnesota and Florida also balked."

Anyone getting this "union" /"failure" connection?

More Details on Obama's Big Bribe to Big Labor

More Details on Obama's Big Bribe to Big Labor
"Back when he was taken seriously as a politician, John Edwards used to talk about there being two Americas.

Well it turns out, that's a good description of life under President Obama.
If you're part of one America, you have to pay a tax if you receive generous health benefits.

But if you're part of the other America that has contributed handily to Democratic campaigns and has access to the White House, you can receive those same benefits without paying a tax."

To Help Haiti, End Foreign Aid

Bret Stephens: To Help Haiti, End Foreign Aid -
"For actual Haitians, however, just about every conceivable aid scheme beyond immediate humanitarian relief will lead to more poverty, more corruption and less institutional capacity.
It will benefit the well-connected at the expense of the truly needy, divert resources from where they are needed most, and crowd out local enterprise.
And it will foster the very culture of dependence the country so desperately needs to break.

How do I know this?
It helps to read a 2006 report from the National Academy of Public Administration, usefully titled 'Why Foreign Aid to Haiti Failed.'
The report summarizes a mass of documents from various aid agencies describing their lengthy records of non-accomplishment in the country.

Here, for example, is the World Bank—now about to throw another $100 million at Haiti—on what it achieved in the country between 1986 and 2002: 'The outcome of World Bank assistance programs is rated unsatisfactory (if not highly so), the institutional development impact, negligible, and the sustainability of the few benefits that have accrued, unlikely.'"

Friday, January 22, 2010

Task force says Lansing-Detroit rail line needs more study

Task force says Lansing-Detroit rail line needs more study
"A proposed high-speed rail line between Detroit and Lansing needs further study, said a legislative task force that has studied the idea since the summer.

....... The construction would cost roughly $10 million per mile of construction.

The rail would run off solar-powered hydrogen and use magnetic levitation technology to propel rail cars about 200 miles per hour.
A combination of 40-seat passenger cars, private cars, car ferries, freight and even medical triage cars could run along the line."

A combination of billions of American tax dollars and millions of Michigan borrowed tax dollars will be sucked into this replica of Detroit's People Mover.
Stop this disaster NOW!

Copenhagen Accord on Climate Change Collapsing?

Copenhagen Accord on Climate Change Collapsing? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine
"The nonbinding Copenhagen Accord was hastily cobbled together at President Barack Obama's insistence as the United Nations' Copenhagen climate change conference whimpered to its end in December.
Under the Accord, countries are supposed to make their commitments to cut greenhouse gases official by January 31.
It now appears that most countries will miss that deadline."

Getting the Olympics Ready, One Snow Delivery at a Time -

Getting the Olympics Ready, One Snow Delivery at a Time -

Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice... Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice...:

State Senator Wayne Kuipers recently announced that he is the first candidate in the race for the 2nd Congressional District to sign Club for Growth's 'Repeal it!' pledge to repeal Obamacare should it become law.
What's better than being first, of course, is being credible.

The Repeal It! pledge states:
'I, Wayne Kuipers, hereby pledge to the people of my district (MI-02) upon my election to the U.S. House of Representatives, to sponsor and support legislation to repeal any federal health care takeover passed in 2010, and replace it with real reforms that lower health care costs without growing government.'

But this is not the first pledge Wayne Kuipers has made to the tax payers of Michigan.
Several years ago, Wayne Kuipers signed Americans for Tax Reform's, 'Taxpayer Protection Pledge', in which he pledged to the taxpayers of his district 'and all the people of this state that I [Kuipers] will oppose and vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes.'
Sen. Kuipers is listed as a signatory to ATR's Taxpayer Protection Pledge on the ATR website.

Unfortunately, in 2004 Kuipers either forgot his pledge, or hoped that the taxpayers would.
He voted to raise taxes three different times, and earned himself inclusion into ATR's Taxpayers' 'Hall of Shame'."

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Supreme Court Vindicates Political Speech, Pulverizes McCain-Feingold

Supreme Court Vindicates Political Speech, Pulverizes McCain-Feingold
"In a landmark 5-to-4 ruling, the Supreme Court today in Citizens United v. FEC struck down major portions of the McCain-Feingold campaign-finance law. The Court left in place the disclosure requirement for corporations and the disclaimer requirement that identifies whether an ad is not paid for by the campaign. But little else remains. The Court overruled the highly controversial 1990 decision in Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce, which upheld restrictions on corporate spending to support or oppose political candidates. As this report notes:
The majority, invoking the Constitution’s free-speech clause, said the government lacks a legitimate basis to restrict independent campaign expenditures by companies. . .“The government may regulate corporate political speech through disclaimer and disclosure requirements, but it may not suppress that speech altogether,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the majority. Companies, which had been barred since 1947 from spending money in support or opposition to a candidate, potentially now will pump millions of dollars into campaigns. Companies, and possibly labor unions as well, will be able to use their general-treasury dollars to punish or reward lawmakers for their votes on legislation.
This is a vindication of the First Amendment and a victory for the protection of political speech, which is at the heart of our political system. It will certainly increase the amount of speech."

Local gal on part 2 Cultivating Failure - The Atlantic (January/February 2010)

Cultivating Failure - The Atlantic (January/February 2010)
"Imagine that as a young and desperately poor Mexican man, you had made the dangerous and illegal journey to California to work in the fields with other migrants.

There, you performed stoop labor, picking lettuce and bell peppers and table grapes; what made such an existence bearable was the dream of a better life."

Local gal on

Education -
"Last month, Alissa Novoselick wrote a wonderful story for Salon about starting a school garden in rural Camp Verde, Ariz.

So when Caitlin Flanagan wrote her sneering attack on Alice Waters, the Edible Schoolyard, and school gardening in general, Alissa chose to respond.

Also read Andrew Leonard's response here."

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ONE YEAR GONE: Hitler Finds Out Scott Brown Won ‘The Lying of the Senate’s’ Seat

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ONE YEAR GONE: Hitler Finds Out Scott Brown Won ‘The Lying of the Senate’s’ Seat

Michigan Senate GOP: Cut all public workers' pay, benefits | | Lansing State Journal

Michigan Senate GOP: Cut all public workers' pay, benefits
"Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop said Tuesday the pay of teachers, professors and state and local government workers should be cut by 5 percent and held at that level for the next three years to save money."

The Rochester Republican told reporters he is proposing a constitutional amendment to go to the voters in August that would suspend collective bargaining rights and allow the pay cut to take effect.

Another constitutional amendment would be needed to require that all public employees pay 20 percent of their health care premiums unless they participate in a health savings account or wellness program.......

It's all part of a plan Bishop said would save up to $2 billion, enough to eliminate the estimated $1.6 billion deficit in next year's budget.
Both the pay cut and the higher premiums cost would affect lawmakers.

Bishop said he's not trying to be mean-spirited, but wants to solve the money woes of public institutions, including state government, by decreasing costs rather than raising taxes.

"We cannot afford the government that we have today," he said.

"We're asking that our public servants ... step up to the plate to be a part of the solution."

Our problem is too many state employees making too much money and benefits.

This is an excellent first step.

And an shrewd political move by the republicans.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rep. Frank lashes out over accusations that Mass. Dems would stall a Brown certification

Rep. Frank lashes out over accusations that Mass. Dems would stall a Brown certification
"'That is the stupidest thing I've been asked in a long time.

That is insane, the suggestion could only come from a demented right wing source,' erupted Representative Barney Frank (D - MA), when asked by The Washington Times about what he thought of assertions that Massachusetts Democrats would stall the certification process should Mr. Brown win.

'There isn't the slightest possibility of it happening---a way of doing it.

That is conspiracy theory at its most contemptible.'"

We'll know just how contemptible real soon.

Unions nab sweetheart health-care deal

Unions nab sweetheart health-care deal
"In another major concession to labor, the value of dental and vision plans would be exempt from the tax even after the deal expires in eight years, negotiators said."

Why Is This Woman Handing out Absentee Ballots? » Why Is This Woman Handing out Absentee Ballots?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Residents pack Shelby meeting to voice opposition to offshore wind farm proposal

Residents pack Shelby meeting to voice opposition to offshore wind farm proposal
"Another benefit as outlined by the wind farm developers is a “compensation” agreement where the wind farm owner would pay local units of government.
That would be on top of royalty or lease payments to the state of Michigan, which controls the bottomlands of the lake.

But such economic benefits are many years down the line, if they ever materialize, the developers said."

Quick question:
How much money is our bankrupt state and our bankrupt country going to funnel to these scam artists?

A Dollar Crisis? - A Dollar Crisis?
"Recession: As federal spending and debt soar to new highs, many economists have alarmingly concluded that the dollar will soon collapse and take the economy with it."

Illinois enters a state of insolvency

Illinois enters a state of insolvency
"As Illinois' fiscal crisis deepens, the word 'bankruptcy' is creeping more and more into the public discourse.
'We would like all the stakeholders of Illinois to recognize how close the state is to bankruptcy or insolvency,' says Laurence Msall, president of the Civic Federation, a fiscal watchdog in Chicago.

'Bankruptcy is the reality that looms out there,' Republican gubernatorial candidate Andrew McKenna Jr. says."

Monday, January 18, 2010

US accused of 'occupying' Haiti as troops flood in

US accused of 'occupying' Haiti as troops flood in
"The French minister in charge of humanitarian relief called on the UN to 'clarify' the American role amid claims the military build up was hampering aid efforts.

Alain Joyandet admitted he had been involved in a scuffle with a US commander in the airport's control tower over the flight plan for a French evacuation flight.

'This is about helping Haiti, not about occupying Haiti,' Mr Joyandet said."

How soon before our "dear leader" accuses US soldiers of "an error of judgement" ......or even war crimes?

Can We Afford Web Access for All

Can We Afford Web Access for All
"When you pay your phone bill each month, a small percentage goes to a federal fund that subsidizes phone service for people in remote areas and for the poor.
Now the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is considering expanding this $7 billion Universal Service Fund to give all Americans access to high-speed Internet."

Chile Elects A Conservative President

Chile Elects A Conservative President The Foundry: Conservative Policy News
"On January 17, voters in Chile’s presidential run-off selected conservative Sebastián Piñera to become their next chief executive.
The win for Piñera ended the 20-year hold on the presidency exercised by the center-left Concertación coalition and made Piñera Chile’s first elected conservative president in 52 years."

Unions Get Exempt from Cadillac Tax

Unions Get Exempt from Cadillac Tax
"Democrats seem impervious to embarrassment as they buy votes for ObamaCare, but their latest move makes even Nebraska's Ben Nelson look cheap:
The 87% of Americans who don't belong to a union will now foot the bill for a $60 billion giveaway to those who do"

After Obama Rally, Dems Pin Blame On Bush

After Obama Rally, Dems Pin Blame On Bush
"(Curiously, Kennedy mentioned Coakley repeatedly during his remarks to reporters, each time referring to her as 'Marcia,' not 'Martha.')"

Calif. man shoots his way out of sinking SUV

Calif. man shoots his way out of sinking SUV
"A driver whose SUV plunged into a Northern California creek after he was startled by his hands-free cell phone device escaped the sinking vehicle by blasting out the window with a handgun."

Some in Unity Breakfast audience angered by speaker Mark Fancher's comments

Some in Unity Breakfast audience angered by speaker Mark Fancher's comments
"The speaker, Mark Fancher, a Michigan attorney for the Racial Justice Project of the American Civil Liberties Union, told his audience that white people continue to enjoy special privileges because of the color of their skin.

He also raised the temperature of some in the audience when he began sharing stories of what he called recent incidents of discrimination involving law enforcement and government officials. The majority of those who attended the Friday event were community and business leaders, educators and law enforcement officials."

As interesting as the bigoted comments spewed by the breakfast racist is the Chronicle and other attendees' acceptance of his lies.

Few in the room objected to his disgusting assertions that would have created riots had they been said by whites about blacks.

The Chronicle's cowardly "We just report" is just another reason for their demise.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

IS galloping inflation around the corner?

Will the Fed Use Its Whole Arsenal Against Inflation?
"Those two lessons go a long way toward explaining history’s hyperinflations, like those experienced by Germany in the 1920s or by Zimbabwe recently.

Is the United States about to go down this route?"

Beware: SEIU’s Purple Army marches on Massachusetts

Michelle Malkin » Beware: SEIU’s Purple Army marches on Massachusetts
"They’ve dumped nearly a $1 million of rank-and-file dues into Martha Antoinette Coakley’s coffers.

They “pulled out all the stops” before the primary and they’ll be throwing all their ground troops into the Bay State over the weekend.

We know how the SEIU thugs operate.
I told you in Culture of Corruption about Andy Stern’s organizational motto: “[W]e prefer to use the power of persuasion, but if that doesn’t work we use the persuasion of power.”

They’ll go after Boy Scouts.
And baby-sitters.
And home health-care providers.
They raided their treasury to pour $60-$80 million into Obama and the Democrats’ 2008 campaigns.
They’re not about to roll over and play nice while their 60-vote supermajority slips away."

World misled over Himalayan glacier meltdown

World misled over Himalayan glacier meltdown
"A WARNING that climate change will melt most of the Himalayan glaciers by 2035 is likely to be retracted after a series of scientific blunders by the United Nations body that issued it.

Two years ago the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a benchmark report that was claimed to incorporate the latest and most detailed research into the impact of global warming.
A central claim was the world's glaciers were melting so fast that those in the Himalayas could vanish by 2035.

In the past few days the scientists behind the warning have admitted that it was based on a news story in the New Scientist, a popular science journal, published eight years before the IPCC's 2007 report.

It has also emerged that the New Scientist report was itself based on a short telephone interview with Syed Hasnain, a little-known Indian scientist then based at Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi.
Hasnain has since admitted that the claim was 'speculation' and was not supported by any formal research.

If confirmed it would be one of the most serious failures yet seen in climate research.

The IPCC was set up precisely to ensure that world leaders had the best possible scientific advice on climate change."

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Black-on-Black Discussion of Black Racism

American Thinker: A Black-on-Black Discussion of Black Racism
"I never dreamed that we blacks would need to be liberated from ourselves."

U.S. newspaper group to file bankruptcy

U.S. newspaper group to file bankruptcy
"The publisher of the Denver Post, The Detroit News, the Salt Lake Tribune and 51 other daily newspapers says it will declare bankruptcy.
Affiliated Media Inc., the"

U.N.'s World Health Organization Eyeing Global Tax on Banking, Internet Activity

U.N.'s World Health Organization Eyeing Global Tax on Banking, Internet Activity

The World Health Organization (WHO) is considering a plan to ask governments to impose a global consumer tax on such things as Internet activity or everyday financial transactions like paying bills online.

Such a scheme could raise "tens of billions of dollars" on behalf of the United Nations' public health arm from a broad base of consumers, which would then be used to transfer drug-making research, development and manufacturing capabilities, among other things, to the developing world.

The multibillion-dollar "indirect consumer tax" is only one of a "suite of proposals" for financing the rapid transformation of the global medical industry that will go before WHO's 34-member supervisory Executive Board at its biannual meeting in Geneva.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Martha Coakley's Convictions

Dorothy Rabinowitz: Martha Coakley's Convictions -
"What does this say about her candidacy? (Ms. Coakley declined to be interviewed.)

If the current attorney general of Massachusetts actually believes, as no serious citizen does, the preposterous charges that caused the Amiraults to be thrown into prison—the butcher knife rape with no blood, the public tree-tying episode, the mutilated squirrel and the rest—that is powerful testimony to the mind and capacities of this aspirant to a Senate seat.

It is little short of wonderful to hear now of Ms. Coakley's concern for the rights of terror suspects at Guantanamo—her urgent call for the protection of the right to the presumption of innocence.

If the sound of ghostly laughter is heard in Massachusetts these days as this campaign rolls on, with Martha Coakley self-portrayed as the guardian of justice and civil liberties, there is good reason."

You must read this horrible recounting of an American disgrace.

And of the democrat candidate for the "Kennedy seat" who continues to show contempt for American citizens at the same time as she cries for "justice" for America's enemies.

Michigan Consumer Resources Just a Click Away

Michigan Consumer Resources Just a Click Away - AARP Bulletin Today
"Users like John Dantuma, 74, have made SeniorBrigade’s health care channel the most popular.
The Muskegon resident has become a specialist in comparison shopping for medical and prescription drug plans for himself and others.

“I have a lot of friends who aren’t computer-literate, and I am,” said Dantuma.
“My intention is to guide them, because it’s really quite difficult to find the right plan for the right person.
This website is quite useful, with lots of links.”

Dantuma also keeps tabs on the scam alerts, which he relays to others at a daily coffee gathering.

10 of the Dumbest Gadgets Ever Made

10 of the Dumbest Gadgets Ever Made

Under-Ease pants: designed to hide the smell of farts
According to Under-Tec's president and inventor Buck Weimer, the Under-Ease is an underwear that provides "protection" against human gas. The weird product, designed by this American manufacturer, has a built-in multi-layered, replaceable filter made of felt, charcoal and fibreglass wool. To prevent gases escaping without passing through it, the underpants are made from air-tight fabric and completely sealed with elastic around the waistband and legs.
They are supposed to be worn at anytime, anywhere --in bed, at work and at social events, professional meetings and so on.
.... (Link Photo)

Beer Burglar Alarm: an alarm that goes on when someone drinks your beer

Yes, there are more!
click and marvel!

I'm getting tired of e-mail petitions

I'm not against online petitions but I doubt they EVER have had any success in changing public policy.

A far more successful result would be achieved by calling and writing letters (not e-mail) to our state and federal reps. and senators. Both democrat and republican.

Do you really care?
An in-person visit to their Lansing or local offices can produce enormous results.

Our electeds have influence on Obama right NOW.

The democrats especially.

If you really want to supercharge your efforts, contact (by phone, letter and in person) those candidates who will be running in 2010 for election.

Especially those running in primary elections.

In Michigan, we have many candidates, democrook and GOPer-cowards, running for almost every office in the Aug. primary.
If you contact them, they will respond.

Ill. has a primary on Feb. 2 to replace the ignoramus Roland Burris who was appointed to replace Obama as US senator when Obama decided to represent big unions, socialism, general maliase and America's enemies as US president.

Republicans Mark (RINO) Kirk and Patrick (Tea Party dude) Hughes are the GOPer leaders.

Ill. state treasurer (crook) Giannoulias and a passel of other crooks are running on the democrat side.

Do your own homework if you want to call the candidates.,_2010

If you REALLY care, pick up a phone, a pen or fill up your gas tank, grab some friends and visit your local representative's office and get ready to rumble!

Otherwise, forward the petition and let your elected reps. snooze through this whole annoying distraction from pork and junkets.

Obama and the Missing Nobel Prize Money

Obama and the Missing Nobel Prize Money
"The other day I pointed out the fact that President Obama has yet to donate the money he was awarded as the Nobel recipient.
Obama stated he would donate the $1.4 million prize to charity.
It’s been several weeks since he received the money and no one knows what’s happened to it."

Almost as interesting as Obama's niggardliness is the lack of ANY MSM interest in this story.
Show us the money!

anti-Scott Brown Ad

This ad isn't very much different from most of the e-mails I get from the Obama administration and democrat party.

And it SURE ain't much different from most of MSNBC!



"So you don’t think Scott Ritter was blackmailable, or anything, and that this might have had something to do with his sudden change of position?"

Seriously, this guy made a MAJOR change in his appraisal of WMDs just before the war.

And he was twiddling-about with American children at the same time?

Anyone with that information would OWN the scumbag Ritter.

The Obama administration has the means to find the truth.

Anyone wanna bet they got "better" things to do?

Ex-Michigan State RB Ashton Leggett pleads guilty in frat fight

Ex-Michigan State RB Ashton Leggett pleads guilty in frat fight
"Former Michigan State running back Ashton Leggett pleaded guilty to two counts of misdemeanor assault and battery and received a plea deal to dismiss a count of conspiracy during a pre-trial hearing this morning at 54-B District Court in East Lansing.

Leggett, who has transferred to Illinois State, admitted to punching two men at an Iota Phi Theta fraternity potluck at MSU’s Rather Hall on Nov. 22."

Bu bye Ashton.
We Muskegon Big Red fans had such great Spartan hopes for you.
Good luck and much success at ISU.

Skip the potlucks in the future......

Thursday, January 14, 2010

HOW THE MEDIA ARE COVERING that disastrous Head Start study.

HOW THE MEDIA ARE COVERING that disastrous Head Start study.
“A day after it was released, here’s a roundup of how the mainstream media are covering the HHS study showing that America’s $100 billion plus investment in Head Start is a failure: [...crickets...] Nada. Zilch. Rien du tout, mes amis.”"

Public Pensions Face $2 Trillion Deficit

Public Pensions Face $2 Trillion Deficit
"Even in a world of massive deficits and rising national debt, not many problems come in packages that are in the trillions of dollars.
The deficit facing U.S. public pension funds will grow to $2 trillion, according to an interview that the chairman of New Jersey's pension fund, Orin Kramer, gave to the FT.
'Estimates of aggregate funding requirement of the US pension system have ranged between $400bn and $500 bn, but Mr Kramer's analysis concluded that public funds would need to find more than $2,000bn to meet future pension obligations.'"

Where do YOU think THEY will get the $2 trillion?

Either the public employees will see their massive pay and benefit packages realign with the real American worker or the rest of us will pay through the nose and see our economy explode.

What is up with the younger Americans?

Don't they see who will REALLY pay?

Swift Boaters on the Attack in Massachusetts!

I just got this fund raising e-mail from the panicked democrats:

"What you do in the next two minutes could mean the difference between keeping Ted Kennedy's seat blue, or ceding his seat to a tea-bag Republican.
Scott Brown has vowed to be the 41st vote to kill health care legislation and the rest of President Obama's agenda.
We can't let him get anywhere near Kennedy's desk.
Election Day is five days away.
We need Martha Coakley in the United States Senate, and she won't get there without your help."

And this in a side blip:
Swift Boaters on the Attack in Massachusetts!

I don't hang with any Kennedy democrooks but this seems a bit over the top.
I guess democrat leaders think their mind numbed robotic votrons will be galvanized to write big checks cuz "Swift Boaters" or "tea-bag" are scary words to their poor lib ears.

Can Oliver Stone show us the human side of Hitler?

Can Oliver Stone show us the human side of Hitler?
"The director is battening down the hatches already, saying he fully expects 'ignorant attacks' on a new documentary series in which he is promising to 'liberalise' Hitler and to finger US corporations for their role in the rise of National Socialism in Germany."

The darling of the folks who devised "tea bagging" is gonna try to convince the world that Hitler was misunderstood (Mein Kampf was really written by Ted Sorensen?) and our evil American corporations were at fault.

I wonder if good old Joe Kennedy will be mentioned?
What's next from Oliver?
Maybe "the softer side" of Uday and Qusay Hussein?


"It looks to me like the Obama administration is starting to eye your retirement.

As of right now, it might look relatively harmless, but the Obama et al are “weighing how the government can encourage workers to turn their savings into guaranteed income streams.”

Call me paranoid, but this looks to me like just the opening shot of what will become an attempt by the government to seize your retirement funds.

How could they make this work?"

This will happen if we voters let it happen!

Will we?

Read it and tell your friends about it.

Unions Make Obama An Offer He Can’t Refuse - Big Government

Unions Make Obama An Offer He Can’t Refuse - Big Government
"It’s amusing to watch President Obama try to stick it to his friends in organized labor by proposing a tax on union-negotiated health care benefits.
If it weren’t for the fact that the tax proposal would have a devastating effect on the American economy, the situation would be downright hilarious."

Our own Kyle Olson from Muskegon nails the big union/Obama connection!

Driver, 11, runs stop sign in Calif., killing 3

Driver, 11, runs stop sign in Calif., killing 3
"Investigators are trying to determine why an 11-year-old boy was driving a car that ran a stop sign in California and crashed into another vehicle, leaving him and two others dead.

The collision Tuesday night killed Jose Manuel Silva Covarrubias, his mother, Maria Silva, and 6-year-old sister, Elizabeth Silva Covarrubias."

Mother and 6 yr old sister in the car with little Jose driving.
And the lib MSM dares not question their ........immigration....status.

Dangerous Debut at Winter Olympics: Skier Versus Skier - At 100 Kilometers Per Hour

Dangerous Debut at Winter Olympics: Skier Versus Skier - At 100 Kilometers Per Hour
"'In the team, we always made jokes about locking ourselves away as soon as we had qualified for the Olympics,' Stickl told SPIEGEL ONLINE.
'Just so that nothing could happen to us.
Because our sport is so dangerous.'"

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

White House credits stimulus with up to 2M jobs

White House credits stimulus with up to 2M jobs
"President Barack Obama is trumpeting a new White House estimate that his top economist calls 'stunning': His stimulus plan has already created or saved up to 2 million jobs.
The analysis is part of the administration's quarterly report to Congress on the controversial $787 billion package of spending and tax cuts he signed weeks after taking office.
Republicans have denounced the stimulus plan as an expensive flop, pointing to a national unemployment rate stuck at 10 percent and December figures showing the economy shed 85,000 more jobs.
But the report from the President's Council of Economic Advisers said the economy is a lot better off than it would have been without the stimulus. Citing its own analysis plus a range of private sector summaries, the council estimated the annual growth rate last year would have been roughly 2 percentage points lower, and there would have been 1.5 million to 2 million fewer jobs.
'That's truly a stunning and important effect', Christina Romer, the council's chairwoman, said in a conference call with reporters. 'It has done exactly what we have anticipated it would do.'"


When the best that can be said of an administration is "delusional", one must marvel at what awaits us these next three years.

Michelle Obama: Harry Reid doesn't owe me an apology

Michelle Obama: Harry Reid doesn't owe me an apology
"First lady Michelle Obama told reporters Wednesday that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid doesn’t owe her an apology over his racial comments about her husband’s electoral chances because she knows Reid so well."

Why is the MSM reporting this gaff as a slap at Obama?

Reid's slur was aimed at ALL "dark skinned" and "negro" sounding black Americans!!!!
Not mocha colored, Ivy-league millionaires.

And why does the MSM allow the Obamas to be the deciders and apology acceptors/

Oh.... I remember now......

Records Show Keith Gladney Firing Unusual Event

Records Show Keith Gladney Firing Unusual Event
"Why should anyone care about the firing of Keith Gladney?"

Why doesn't the media care?

Ottawa County makes Lake Michigan parks free to low-income residents

Ottawa County makes Lake Michigan parks free to low-income residents
Low-income residents will get a break on admission to Ottawa County parks with a policy change approved by county commissioners Tuesday.
The county will waive its $12 annual fee for admission to Lake Michigan parks, including Tunnel and Kirk parks, to county residents who submit a written fee waiver request along with a copy of their Michigan Bridge card.
'The Parks and Recreation Commission recognizes the importance of outdoor recreation opportunities to the health and well-being of all people,' County Parks Director John Scholtz said."

Ain't being "poor" great!

The "Michigan Bridge Card", never leave home without it!

This is for the poor, right?........meebee our state can get one?

Iron Chef Special Used Ringers, Not Veggies From The White House Garden

Iron Chef Special Used Ringers, Not Veggies From The White House Garden
"The produce used on the Food Network's Jan. 3 Iron Chef of America two-hour special White House show was billed as being from the White House garden.
But the show did not disclose that 'stunt double vegetables' were used and not produce from the First Family's garden."

Even the Food Network will shill for these phonies.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Detroit, Ann Arbor out of contention to host World Cup

Detroit, Ann Arbor out of contention to host World Cup
"Despite being listed as contenders in the U.S. bid process to host the FIFA World Cup in 2018 or 2022, the Detroit region's two prospective stadiums — Ford Field and Michigan Stadium — both removed themselves from consideration months ago."

What are the DNC and DSCC Seeing That We Aren’t?

What are the DNC and DSCC Seeing That We Aren’t? - Erick’s blog - RedState
"Coming on the heels of Martha Coakley saying Scott Brown’s surge is “frightening”, I’m hearing tonight that the DNC and DSCC have rapidly deployed senior aids to Massachusetts to try to get the Coakley campaign under control and course corrected.

Internal polling on the Democrat side suggests that Brown has pulled to within the margin of error and public polls are reflecting this.
The Democrats are panicked.
The shaping conventional wisdom is that if Brown can just keep Coakley close, even if he does not win, he may fatally wound Obamacare by spooking vulnerable Senate Democrats.
This is getting interesting."

U.S. Chamber warns of 'double-dip' recession because of Dem policies

U.S. Chamber warns of 'double-dip' recession because of Dem policies
"U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue warned the U.S. faces a double-dip recession because of the taxes and regulations under consideration by the Democratic Congress and President Barack Obama.

“Congress, the administration and states must recognize that our weak economy simply could not sustain all the new taxes, regulations and mandates now under consideration.
It’s a sure-fire recipe for a double-dip recession, or worse,” Donohue said in a speech providing the Chamber's outlook for 2010."

Monday, January 11, 2010

Road projects don't help unemployment

AP IMPACT: Road projects don't help unemployment
"Ten months into President Barack Obama's first economic stimulus plan, a surge in spending on roads and bridges has had no effect on local unemployment and only barely helped the beleaguered construction industry, an Associated Press analysis has found.
Spend a lot or spend nothing at all, it didn't matter, the AP analysis showed: Local unemployment rates rose and fell regardless of how much stimulus money Washington poured out for transportation, raising questions about Obama's argument that more road money would address an 'urgent need to accelerate job growth.'
Obama wants a second stimulus bill from Congress that relies in part on more road and bridge spending, projects the president said are 'at the heart of our effort to accelerate job growth.'"

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dark Roasted Blend

Dark Roasted Blend

Shrinking U.S. Labor Force Keeps Unemployment Rate From Rising

Shrinking U.S. Labor Force Keeps Unemployment Rate From Rising
"An exodus of discouraged workers from the job market kept the U.S. unemployment rate from climbing above 10 percent in December, economists said.
Had the labor force not decreased by 661,000 last month, the jobless rate would have been 10.4 percent, according to economists including David Rosenberg at Gluskin Sheff & Associates in Toronto and Harm Bandholz at UniCredit Research in New York.
“The actual unemployment rate is higher than shown by the official numbers,”

Friday, January 08, 2010

EPA Expands Its Reach: New Air Pollution Standards Will Require Action From Hundreds More Jurisdictions

EPA Expands Its Reach: New Air Pollution Standards Will Require Action From Hundreds More Jurisdictions
"'This kind of levels the playing field,' said Leo Kay, spokesman for the California Air Resources Control Board.
'In California we've set pretty tough air pollution standards for a long time now and this brings the rest of the country to the same level.'"

That's their plan folks.
Turn EVERY state into the disaster that California now is.
It's Obama's version of what Gov. Jenny has done to Michigan, turn the entire state into Detroit.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

37 vulnerable House Dems we need to target on health care

Cassy Fiano » 37 vulnerable House Dems we need to target on health care
"Eric Cantor was able to identify 37 more Democrats who might be vulnerable or hesitant about Obamacare." - Jailhouse Crock - Jailhouse Crock
"On the same day three inmates break out of an Illinois prison, a state legislative panel approves selling another Illinois prison to the feds to house former Gitmo detainees.
What is wrong with this picture?"

CARPE DIEM: Bypass the Doctor and Go Straight to the Lab

CARPE DIEM: Bypass the Doctor and Go Straight to the Lab
"The name of one fast-growing chain of walk-in labs encapsulates the field's business model, Any Lab Test Now.

The company says it can generally have testing results within 24 hours and at a cost that is as much as 80% less than going through a doctor.

The lab franchises offer up to 1,500 tests, from a simple cholesterol check to more sophisticated packages of tests that address complex medical issues."

Column: 2010, a mid-term election year, holds plenty of hope for GOP

Column: 2010, a mid-term election year, holds plenty of hope for GOP
"Here’s my prediction: U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, one of the state’s most popular Democrats, will quickly declare her candidacy for governor and win the Democratic primary."

Interesting prediction from one who knows what he's predicting.

An Insult To Our Democracy

Another democrook outrage!
Watch this and fear for our country!!!!!!!!!

H&R Blockheads and the Regulating IRS -

H&R Blockheads and the Regulating IRS
"So having made tax filing so complicated that most Americans need help with their forms, Washington now wants to raise the price of such counsel by regulating advisers in a way that may reduce their supply.
Defending the decision, IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman declared that regulating tax preparers was reasonable because 'In most states you need a license to cut someone's hair.'
Yes, the cosmetology guild does like to raise the barriers to entry for competitors."

State Tax Revenue in U.S. Drops Most Since 1963

State Tax Revenue in U.S. Drops Most Since 1963

"U.S. state tax collections fell the most in 46 years in the first three quarters of 2009 as the recession shrank revenue from sources including personal income, the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government said."

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

State Department Using 'Diversity Visas' to Encourage Immigration to U.S. from Terror-Ridden Yemen

State Department Using 'Diversity Visas' to Encourage Immigration to U.S. from Terror-Ridden Yemen

"The 'diversity visas' are designed to encourage immigration from countries that do not otherwise send significant numbers of immigrants to the United States.

The State Department roster of all countries whose nationals have received 'diversity visas' to immigrate to the United States in 2010, for example, shows that 2 of these immigrants will be from Luxembourg, 3 from the Solomon Islands, 4 from French Guiana, 5 from Reunion, 6 from Cape Verde, 7 from Malta, 8 from Guinea-Bissau, 9 from Comoros, 10 from Suriname--and 72 from Yemen.

Nationals of the four states listed by the State Department as state sponsors of terrorism--Cuba, Iran, Sudan, and Syria--also received 'diversity visas' from the State Department to immigrate to the United States in 2010. These include 98 from Syria, 298 from Cuba, 1,084 from Sudan, and 2,773 from Iran."

Remember, "diversity is our strength"......or is it "our strength is our diversity"?

I'm thinking that worked out great for the indians back in the 1600s.


WHAT'S PAUL RYAN UP TO? JUST ASKING. Newsradio 620 Charlie Sykes
"Paul Ryan continues to insist (quite sincerely, I think) that he has no interest bin running for national office.
But his national profile continues to rise and there have been a number of stories that make you go 'hmmmmmm.'"

Click Charlie's link to see what's "up" about THE guy to watch for 2012.

State and local pensions plans are on a path to failure.

State and local pensions plans are on a path to failure. -
"THE RECENT history of pension plans for state and local government employees can be summarized as 'promise now, pay later.'
Eager to attract good workers -- or to placate unionized ones -- elected officials often contracted for generous retirement benefits, including health benefits, without increasing taxes to pay for them."

When the WaPo calls it "a path to failure", in an editorial no less, what is waiting at the end of this path must be mighty frightening.
Imagine how many of their SEIU and federal unionistas they are upsetting!

State Senator Galluccio sent to jail for violating terms of house arrest

State Senator Galluccio sent to jail for violating terms of house arrest
"Authorities have not pursued any alcohol-related charges against Galluccio for the hit-and-run crash in Cambridge the afternoon of Oct. 4, when he acknowledges he sped away after rear-ending a minivan carrying a family of four.

But a police report revealed that Cambridge police gave Galluccio a ride home 13 hours before the crash because the officers believed he was too drunk to drive.

Galluccio has twice been convicted of driving under the influence; he was pardoned for one of the convictions.
In a third 2005 incident, a clerk-magistrate ruled that he had been drinking before causing a four-car accident in Boston, but that there was not enough evidence to warrant a charge of driving under the influence of alcohol."

Not really an important article except...nowhere in it does it state the political party of the disgraced senator.
Can you guess?

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Comedy Of Errors: Cameras Didn't Work At Newark

Comedy Of Errors: Cameras Didn't Work At Newark -
"Comedy Of Errors: Cameras Didn't Work At Newark

Sources Tell CBS 2 That TSA Surveillance Cameras Were Inoperable At Time Of Terminal C Security Breach

TSA Apparently Didn't Know Number For Continental To Get Other Footage"

Things are really gonna be great when these guys take over health care.

Dorgan announces retirement

Dorgan announces retirement - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room:
"In a huge surprise, Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) has just announced he will not seek reelection."

Another one bites the dust!

ClimateGate’s Next Phase: False Claims Act Lawsuit

ClimateGate’s Next Phase: False Claims Act Lawsuit
"A climate fraud False Claims Act suit would be no small undertaking.
The rewards, however, could be quite substantial, and not just in monetary terms.
Who would like to see a videotaped deposition of a climate-change fraudster defending his or her actions under oath?
I sure would."

It's about time the good guys started using our insane legal system to help ...the good guys!

Why The Gutierrez Amnesty Bill Is So Bad—And Why It Might Pass Anyway The Gutierrez Amnesty Bill Is So Bad—And Why It Might Pass Anyway
"Weakens Federal Enforcement: In addition to completely banning any state level enforcement, the bill will bar any immigration raids at churches, schools, and designated “community” locations.

It also practically prohibits any detention of illegal aliens if it will “separate families.”"

There's a whole lot more to this destructive bill that will speed up the destruction of our country.
Read it and call your representatives.

Short Course On America's Immigration Disaster 01/02/10 - Nachman’s Short Course On America's Immigration Disaster
My “Short Course” is divided into nine sections, as follows:

1. Scoping Our Subject
Brief once-overs about many of the component issues that make up the huge subject of mass immigration's impact on America, e.g. Robert Locke’s 2000 article Close The Borders. (This was originally published with a disclaimer by David Horowitz, which seems to have been removed).
2. Life in the Trenches (or Immigration in One Country)
Particular, striking examples of the pummeling our country is enduring under the regime of mass legal and illegal immigration, for example The Ordeal Of Immigration in Wausau, by Roy Beck, which originally appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, April 1994.)
3. Mexico and Mexicans
Aside from sheer numbers, the problems with immigration from Mexico are rooted in the culture of Mexico, for example Roger McGrath’s South Gate; Mexico Comes to California, which originally appeared in The American Conservative Magazine, May 19, 2003.
4. The Nation-Wreckers Reveal Themselves
Some immigrants, unwittingly, show quite clearly what bad news they are for us, for example 6 + 4 = 1 Tenuous Existence, by Samuel Quinones, Los Angeles Times, July 28, 2006 (which contains this great quote from an illegal alien in Kentucky: “We’re in a state where there’s nothing but Americans. The police control the streets. It’s clean, no gangs. California now resembles Mexico—everyone thinks like in Mexico. California’s broken.”)
5. Larger perspectives (A): Is it the Rest against the West? Examples of dysfunctional, self-destructive immigration policies elsewhere in the West, for example Risible lies about immigrants no substitute for honest debate, by Kevin Myers, The Independent [Dublin], August 15, 2008, giving appalling details about the highly disproportionate use of Irish public benefits by newcomers from Nigeria.
6. Larger Perspectives (B): The Auto-Immune Sickness of Western Civilization
Our immigration dysfunctions are prominent manifestations of deeper problems in the West. See, for example, The Myth of Diversity: Seldom have so many pretended to believe something so absurd, by Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, July/August, 1997.
7. Three Memorable Perorations
Speeches by Richard Lamm, Don Feder, and Peter Brimelow also make great essays.
8. Our Heavy Artillery
Broad and deep explications of both general principles and specific points that we can use in our fights, for example Larry Auster’s amazon The Path To National Suicide, [PDF HTML] which Peter Brimelow in Alien Nation called “perhaps the most remarkable literary product of the Restrictionist underground, a work which I think will one day be seen as a political pamphlet to rank with Tom Paine’s Common Sense.”
9. A Statement for Our Side
John Tanton reminds us that we have every right to argue for our own interests: The Puppeteer Replies.

The man behind shakes up the Republican Party

The man behind shakes up the Republican Party
"'It is the blog that's read by Capitol Hill staffers and Capital Hill lawmakers.
It's the place in the Republican Party you can go to get a pulse of what's happening in the heartland,' said Robert Bluey, director of online strategy for the Heritage Foundation and a former RedState contributor.
'And if you're working at the (National Republican Congressional Committee or National Republican Senatorial Committee), you're always on edge about what Erick Erickson is going to do because he can either be your biggest advocate or a huge thorn in your side.'"

The Census boondoggle: $340 million ad campaign

Michelle Malkin » The Census boondoggle: $340 million ad campaign

"Otherwise known as the tax-subsidized National Democrat Future Voter Outreach Drive:"

Hey, what do these twelve legislators have in common?

Hey, what do these twelve legislators have in common? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
"and they have two things in common.

First, they’re all Democrats.

Second, they all have email addresses with Erickson & Company.

And what is Erickson & Company?

As That’s My Congress puts it:
Erickson & Company is not a lobbying firm.
Instead, it helps set up events like the Heath Shuler’s BBQ, at which lobbyists and other people seeking special favors can come, check in hand, to pay for access to elected officials and their aides.

In other words, it’s a legal [and Democratic-aligned] money-laundering facility for lobbyists.

Need to toss Heath Shuler some cash, but you’re a dirty lobbyist?
Well, go to Shuler’s little BBQ (run by a go-between), drop a grand for a plate of food, and say hi!

No fuss, no muss, no need for disclosure.
Shuler’s happy: he’s getting his cut of your entry fee.
The go-between is happy: it’s getting its cut of your entry fee.
And you’re happy: this is a lot cheaper than a maximum campaign contribution would be."

We're gonna see frowney faces on ALL the evening news shows about this....right......?
(HT AtlantaLou)

The Big Labor Takeover of Big Government

In Pictures: The Big Labor Takeover of Big Government » The Foundry
"In the private sector … employers who are too generous with pay and benefits will be punished. In the public sector, however, more union members means more voters. And more voters means more dollars for political campaigns to elect sympathetic politicians who will enact higher taxes to foot the bill for the upward arc of government spending on workers
Big Labor has already bankrupted our nation’s once great auto industry. But who will Big Labor turn to when Big Government has bankrupted us?"

Senate Health-Care Bill Provision Would Make it Impossible for Future Congresses to Repeal Parts of Bill

Senate Health-Care Bill Provision Would Make it Impossible for Future Congresses to Repeal Parts of Bill
"A provision deep within the Senate’s 2,000-page health-care overhaul bill would make it impossible, once approved, for the legislation to be repealed or changed by future Congresses -- a provision that a Senate Republican and a conservative analyst say is unconstitutional."