Monday, March 01, 2010

"Larry the Liquidator" on Senate Bill 1174 [Mackinac Center]

"Larry the Liquidator" on Senate Bill 1174 [Mackinac Center]
2010 Senate Bill 1174 (Rewrite corporate takeover rules for particular insurance company)

Introduced by Sen. Gerald Van Woerkom (R) on February 25, 2010, to rewrite the rules for corporate acquisitions so as to raise obstacles to the acquisition of a controlling interest in the Fremont Insurance Company (which is located in the district of the bill sponsor) by the Indianapolis-based Steak and Shake Corporation.
Specifically, the bill would require a two-thirds supermajority of shareholders to vote in favor of the sale if the current board of directors opposes being taken over, but only for a 'domestic (Michigan-based) insurer with 200 employees or fewer.
Take the money.
Invest it somewhere else.
Maybe, maybe you'll get lucky and it'll be used productively.
And if it is, you'll create new jobs and provide a service for the economy and, God forbid, even make a few bucks for yourselves."

This speech is from "Other People's Money," considered by some to be capitalism's finest film.
"Predatory" investor "Larry the Liquidator's" (Danny DeVito) explains to shareholders considering a vote on a "hostile" takeover the virtue of encouraging the movement of capital from less productive uses (and managers) to more productive ones, not only because it will make money for them, but because it ultimately increases the overall wealth and well-being of a society.'"

Jerry is term limited out this year.
And this legislation helps the managers of the company keep their cush jobs but at great cost to all its stockholders.
And sends a message to ALL future businesses that Michigan is special interest heaven.

Ancient Secret Service Computers Overtaxed

Ancient Secret Service Computers Overtaxed
"A classified review of the United States Secret Service's computer technology found that the agency's computers were fully operational only 60 percent of the time because of outdated systems and a reliance on a computer mainframe that dates to the 1980s, according to Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn."
Now Obama is taxing his Secret Service computers?
Computers don't even have income!

Political Litmus Test: Bluest States Spilling The Most Red Ink

Political Litmus Test: Bluest States Spilling The Most Red Ink
"Powerful unions, big spending put Democratic states in deepest fiscal holes."

Could there be a connection between democrat control and financial disaster?
ya think?

Sweetness & Light

Sweetness & Light
"Billionaire investor George Soros, who helped U.S. President Barack Obama raise money for his presidential campaign in 2008, said Sunday he wasn’t happy with Mr. Obama’s handling of the financial crisis.
Mr. Soros said the government should have taken over U.S. banks instead of bailing them out, a move he suggested would have been more popular with Americans."

This guy funds and owns many democrat senators and congressman.
He also is a major donor to Obama.
This should scare everyone in our country.

Hot-dog hysteria

Hot-dog hysteria - Washington Times
"Believe it or not, the government is about to regulate the shape of hot dogs."

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Althouse: "Why do the women's costumes all do weird things around the boobs?"

Althouse: "Why do the women's costumes all do weird things around the boobs?"

'Why can't the men's costumes do the same thing with the ass area?'"

A CHART WORTH RUNNING AGAIN: From Cato: Five Decades of Federal Spending. I’m expecting the…

Editorial - Relieve the Chairman of His Gavel -

Editorial - Relieve the Chairman of His Gavel -
"Congressman Charles Rangel was far from humbled after the ethics committee admonished him for taking corporate-paid Caribbean junkets in violation of the House ethics code.
Rather, the New York Democrat berated the panel’s leaders on the House floor.
The moment was characteristic of Mr. Rangel’s arrogance throughout the investigation"

My gosh!
The New York Times?

A perfect storm is brewing for the IPCC

A perfect storm is brewing for the IPCC
"Furthermore, it has also emerged in almost every case that the decision to include these scare stories rather than hard scientific evidence was deliberate."

A tempest in a nuclear reactor?

A tempest in a nuclear reactor?
"Where's the accountability?
Two years ago, the Democrats and their friends in the liberal media were patting themselves on the back because of a National Intelligence Estimate that baldly stated, 'Iran halted its nuclear weapons development program in the fall of 2003.'
This was thought to make President George Bush look bad because he was insisting that Iran was a rogue nation that presented a growing threat in the Mideast and throughout the world"
And remember the media coverage that mocked Bush's stand!

MSU administrators pull in large raises despite tough economy

MSU administrators pull in large raises despite tough economy
"Even as Michigan State University cuts staff, pares back operating budgets and prepares to shut down some degree programs, a few of the university's top administrators are bringing in big raises.

Three years ago, William Strampel, the dean of MSU's College of Osteopathic Medicine was earning $204,568. Today he makes $324,254, an increase of more than 58 percent.
In the same time period, Marsha Rappley, the dean of the College of Human Medicine, has seen her salary jump from $300,000 to $378,521, a raise of more than 26 percent.
And Kim Wilcox, the university's provost, has gone from earning $288,000 to $347,000, a 20 percent increase over three years."

We tighten our belts while they buy bigger belts ( and we get to buy the belts).

How can Michigan's economy get moving if its roads are riddled with potholes?

How can Michigan's economy get moving if its roads are riddled with potholes?
“You bring a company in, you put them in a car and the first thing they do is hit potholes,” Klohs said.
“We drive roads that are Third World, and that’s supposed to be the impression they have of us?”"

Edwards epilogue: Does the press really vet presidential candidates?

Edwards epilogue: Does the press really vet presidential candidates?
"The revelations about Edwards, contained in two best-selling books, have undermined one of the favorite conceits of political journalism, that the intensive scrutiny given candidates by reporters during a presidential campaign is an excellent filter to determine who is fit for the White House."

The press knew all about Slick Willies steaming hot panties and never said a word to the country.
The same Stalinist press stifled Obama's entire life history. Not to mention his well documented associations with leftist icons and his shady voting record as Ill. and US senator.

California is a greater risk than Greece, warns JP Morgan chief

California is a greater risk than Greece, warns JP Morgan chief
"Jamie Dimon, chairman of JP Morgan Chase, has warned American investors should be more worried about the risk of default of the state of California than of Greece's current debt woes."

When will Americans wake up?
The public employee pension disaster is destroying our cities, states and ultimately our country!

We shoulda known -

We shoulda known
When a recent conver sation turned to a be leaguered Gov. Paterson, a New York official aimed a barb at journalists.
"How many articles took a close look at Paterson before he became lieutenant governor?" the official asked.
It was a rhetorical question, the answer obvious: approximately none.

Supreme Court scrutinizes state, local gun control

Supreme Court scrutinizes state, local gun control
"Gun control advocates think, if not pray, they can win by losing when the Supreme Court decides whether the constitutional right to possess guns serves as a check on state and local regulation of firearms.
The justices will be deciding whether the Second Amendment - like much of the rest of the Bill of Rights - applies to states as well as the federal government.
It's widely believed they will say it does."

Tuesday is the big day.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pair of Bandits Steals Chicken Wings From Pizza Delivery Driver in Georgia

Pair of Bandits Steals Chicken Wings From Pizza Delivery Driver in Georgia
"COLUMBUS, Ga. — Police in Georgia are searching for a pair of hungry bandits who stole an order of chicken wings from a pizza delivery driver.
Columbus Police say the 19-year-old Domino's driver was approached outside a home Tuesday night by two men who asked for money.
One of the men pointed a chrome pistol.
Police say one of the men then said, 'give me the wings.'
They fled the scene with the $36 order.
No cash was taken and the driver was not injured."

Hoekstra leads, but the 'Nerd' is gaining

Hoekstra leads, but the 'Nerd' is gaining
"Some Michigan Republicans apparently like GOP gubernatorial candidate Rick Snyder's 'One Tough Nerd' ads that began during the Super Bowl."

Exclusive: New Obama Interrogation Unit Not Deployed to Question Captured Taliban Chief

Exclusive: New Obama Interrogation Unit Not Deployed to Question Captured Taliban Chief - Declassified Blog -
"for reasons that are unclear, the administration has not deployed HIG personnel to question Afghan Taliban military commander Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, arguably the most important terrorist suspect captured since the detention of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in spring of 2003."

Those who suggested that Obama's coven of comrades weren't serious about winning the war on terror were ridiculed.

This doesn't look good at all.


Digest for Friday, February 26, 2010 - Editions - PatriotPost.US
"Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) introduced the Dietary Supplement Safety Act (DSSA), S. 3002, which would empower the Food and Drug Administration to regulate dietary supplements such as vitamins.
The FDA could arbitrarily reclassify supplements as drugs or pull them off the shelves altogether.
Find that one in the Constitution.
With Republicans like this, who needs Democrats?"

The fact that Palin supports McCain over JD Hayworth is not a "plus" for Sarah.

Obama, the Chicago Boys, and their 30 Billion Dollar Slush Fund

Obama, the Chicago Boys, and their 30 Billion Dollar Slush Fund
"The Obama administration is seeking to exclude from federal oversight its new $30 billion dollar small-business lending program.
Obama's rhetoric about transparency during the campaign was as phony as his vow to end the era of lobbying (last year was that industry's best year ever in Washington)."

$5000 fine for not filling out census form?

This is an e-mail I received from a Ludington (MI) Tea Party leader. (
Read it and thank God for Rod and all the tea party patriots.
And be very worried about where our country is headed!

"I would like to thank Bob, a LTP member, for questioning a recently e-mailed video about the Census as misleading. I’m sure that we’ve all heard about the short form and then a longer form with questions that we may receive. I have attached the PDF form copied from explaining what we can expect.

While it is true that the Decennial Census Program is only a 10-question form required to be filled out by every household, the separate American Community Survey also requires completion if you receive it. Failure to file one or both of these forms this year is subject to a $5,000 fine according to the way I read the attached 2010 Census Constituent FAQ.

I also find it rather odd that your phone number is one of the ten questions. Since when is it the government’s business to have this when in the past it wasn’t collected, and for many people their number isn’t published? Again as a genealogist, I see little use decades or centuries from now to have this information and would rather that data more uniform be obtained as was asked in previous census surveys."

Ask Not For Whom the Bell Tolls, MSM: It Tolls for Thee

Ask Not For Whom the Bell Tolls, MSM: It Tolls for Thee
"Almost no voice, until Rush Limbaugh came on the scene.
Almost 30 years later, the tables have turned.
The problem for these journalists is that they have functioned robotically and cavalierly for so long, that they are not aware of the reality around them.
Things have changed.

This is a great read for all of us citizen journalists!
(HT Instapundit)

Video: Democrats insist “nothing wrong” at Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac in 2004

Video: Democrats insist “nothing wrong” at Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac in 2004

Remember this when democrats try to tell you "it's Bush's fault".

Pelosi Says She’s Running ‘Most Ethical’ Congress Ever, But Won’t Ask Rangel to Resign Chairmanship—For Now

Pelosi Says She’s Running ‘Most Ethical’ Congress Ever, But Won’t Ask Rangel to Resign Chairmanship—For Now: "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) insisted on Friday that she is running the most ethical and honest Congress in history.
At the same time, however, she indicated she will not ask House Ways and Means Chairman Charles Rangel (D.-N.Y.) to resign his chairmanship"

Fannie Mae asking for another $15.3 billion - Feb. 26, 2010

Fannie Mae asking for another $15.3 billion - Feb. 26, 2010
Since it was taken over by the federal government in September 2008, Fannie Mae has received $60.9 billion from the Treasury Department.
.....Freddie Mac, which has received $50.7 billion in taxpayer funds, did not request any additional money.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Those nutty Americans

Those nutty Americans
'Fifty-six percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released (Feb. 19) say they think the federal government's become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens,' CNN says.
Perhaps even more remarkable is the breakdown of those saying that: Nearly seven in 10 Republicans, as you might assume -- but also a whopping 63 percent of independents, and even 37 percent of Democrats.
If the tea partiers are 'kooky' for thinking the government is out of control, then, well, a majority of Americans are crazy, one supposes."
The democrats and their comrades in the liberal media tell us the Tea Party patriots are out of line with....well, with what the libs want them to believe.
The American people are rising up to tell them all that they are wrong.
Damn wrong!
And we don't need no stinkin' liberal media to get the truth anymore!
We have our citizen Paul Reveres in the form of millions of American Tea Party volunteers!

American Pilot Who Dismissed Initial Pearl Harbor Report Dies at 96

American Pilot Who Dismissed Initial Pearl Harbor Report Dies at 96
"'Don't worry about it,' Tyler famously replied, thinking it was a flight of U.S. B-17 bombers that was due in from the mainland"

Coming To A Hospital Near You?

Coming To A Hospital Near You?
"At the root of these grave troubles are hospital managers — bureaucrats — who, according to a Times of London report, 'stopped providing safe care because they were preoccupied with government targets and cutting costs.'"

Pension Rhetoric vs. Pension Reality

Pension Rhetoric vs. Pension Reality
"As California’s public employee retirement system teeters on the verge of complete financial collapse, defenders of the current system continue to deny this, often accusing reformers of being “public servant bashers.”
But politically motivated rhetoric will not change financial reality – or the pursuit of reforms so private workers don’t endure punitive taxation to sustain a privileged class of government employees."

Rep. McDermott tries to sneak anti-CIA amendment into bill in the dead of night

Rep. McDermott tries to sneak anti-CIA amendment into bill in the dead of night
"Liberal Democrats may tout openness, reform and transparency on the campaign trail but those promises never seem to make it past the Beltway when they return to Washington.

In one of the more egregious examples of this truism, one needs to look no further than the efforts by Representative Jim McDermott (D-Washington) to pull a fast one and slip into the intelligence budget a provision that, in a backdoor way, impose fines and prison terms on intelligence officers who 'abuse' captured terrorism suspects."

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Forced Unionization, Day Care

Forced Unionization, Day Care

Tens of thousands of small business owners in Michigan could be freed from forced unionization if Senate Bill 1173 becomes law.
Some 40,000 home-based child care operators were shanghaied into a union because they receive subsidy payments on behalf of low-income parents. The Mackinac Center Legal Foundation has filed a lawsuit against the Michigan Department of Human Services over this very issue.
According to the Novi Information Network, SB1173 would 'clarify that an individual who receives a direct or indirect government subsidy in his or her private employment is not a public employee.'"

Union's 'banked' days would save Michigan $11 million

Union's 'banked' days would save Michigan $11 million
"The Michigan State Employees Association, which represents 4,300 employees in nearly every state department, refused to adopt the new two-tiered health plan.
In response, the state imposed five days of furlough to achieve the union's share of the savings."

Fire them all and see if anyone even notices any change at all.
These greedy union thugs are destroying our state.
And any hope for the future!

Snowmen stand against taxes on Michigan Capitol lawn

Snowmen stand against taxes on Michigan Capitol lawn
"A group opposed to raising taxes in Michigan wasn't about to let a good snowstorm go to waste."

Obama Health Care: President's Health Care Plan the Chicago Way

Obama Health Care: President's Health Care Plan the Chicago Way
"Obama will be in his element, talking and lecturing, the law professor framing the debate.
He'll spend hours being seen as reasonable.
The Republicans will balk and the president will shrug.
He'll sigh and say he tried to reason with them but they refused.

Then once the cameras are turned off, he'll take out the baseball bat and explain how things get done The Chicago Way"

read it all!

Gov. Jennifer Granholm says she will shut down government to preserve school funding

Gov. Jennifer Granholm says she will shut down government to preserve school funding
"Gov. Jennifer Granholm drew an early line in the sand with state legislators Wednesday, saying she is willing to shut down the state government this fall before agreeing to cuts in education."

Make no mistake about what "school funding" really is.

It is more of your money (or more potholes in our roads) that continues to pour into the pockets of the teacher's unions and their overpaid members.

It's real simple.

We tighten our belts so teachers and college employees can buy bigger belts.
Jenny is little more than a publically paid union boss.

Weatherization program helps eldery battle winter's chill

Weatherization program helps eldery battle winter's chill
"But senior citizens, who often are on fixed incomes, don't always have the resources to keep up with weatherization projects.
The good news is there are programs to help. And some are free."

It is articles like this that caused the Chronicle to disappear.
And highlights just how out of touch with our state and country's impending bankruptcy they really are.
"Free" is always nice and cozy to those getting the "free".
And the government employees giving out the "free" while they keep their jobs and benefits.

But, in the end, someone's gotta pay for "free" stuff.

And our cities are broke.
Muskegon county is broke.
Jenny has bankrupted our state.
Barry O has destroyed our economy and our children's future.
And The Chronicle just sails right along, marveling at how folks like 'free" stuff.
Gimme a break!

E-Verify Misses Half of Illegal Workers, Report Finds

E-Verify Misses Half of Illegal Workers, Report Finds
"The system Congress and the Obama administration want employers to use to help curb illegal immigration is failing to catch more than half the number of unauthorized workers it checks"

So if this is OK with our government, why wouldn't it the same okey dokey if Obama Care missed half of the illnesses we get?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Government Beer?

CARPE DIEM: Quote of the Day: Government Beer?
"What might have established the so-called monopoly and oligopoly?
Why, government, of course.
New York State has an impressive government regulatory structure that specifies what must be covered by your insurance policy.
By law, you are restricted from shopping elsewhere for coverage."

Stafford Hospital caused ‘unimaginable suffering’ - Times Online

Stafford Hospital caused ‘unimaginable suffering’
"Patients were routinely neglected or left “sobbing and humiliated” by staff at an NHS trust where at least 400 deaths have been linked to appalling care."

Governor candidates Mike Cox, Pete Hoekstra say unionized state workers should take pay cut

Governor candidates Mike Cox, Pete Hoekstra say unionized state workers should take pay cut
"Two Republican candidates for governor -- state Attorney General Mike Cox and U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra -- said today that unionized state workers, rather than getting raises, should take pay cuts like many have in the private sector.
'There ought to be a sense of shared sacrifice,' Cox said.
The candidates also said the state's tax structures should be revised to attract businesses and jobs. Hoekstra said taxes and government policies 'stifle investment, stifle entrepreneurs.'
They spoke at a conference of Michigan Association of Insurance Agents at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel.
Hoekstra also criticized federal education reforms -- former President George Bush's 'No Child Left Behind and President Barack Obama's 'Race to the Top' -- as too costly, with local school districts essentially ceding control to Washington, D.C.
Cox said he disagreed with Hoekstra and other lawmakers who agreed to a federal bailout of financial institutions.
But Hoekstra said: 'Bottom line, we don't know what would've happened if we had not put that money into the financial sector.'"

GM’s Hummer China deal collapses

GM’s Hummer China deal collapses
"General Motors on Wednesday night gave up on efforts to sell its Hummer operations to a Chinese buyer and said it would now wind down production of the heavy SUV."

Nationwide Strike Paralyzes Greece

Nationwide Strike Paralyzes Greece
"Public- and private-sector unions called the strike to protest a range of measures aimed at reducing Greece's budget deficit.
The government has announced a freeze on civil-service wages, cuts in public-sector entitlements and the closing of tax loopholes for certain professions, including some civil servants.
It has also announced a fuel-tax increase."

Americans, watch this!
We are on the same path!
The public sector unions are demanding the "rest of us" pay for their life of poor performance, out of line pay (with automatic increases not related to performance) and early retirement with golden pay and medical packages.
If bend over ...they will win.

Illegal Immigrants or Public Employees: Who’s the Bigger Problem?

Illegal Immigrants or Public Employees: Who’s the Bigger Problem?
"He stated that he felt it was the nation’s most critical issue, and wondered why the subject seems to have been put on the backburner by many Republicans.
I replied with sympathy for his position, but ultimately I’ve come to the conclusion that the most critical issue facing America – and the one driving our budget problems at the local, state and federal level – is public employee unions and their related costs."

Pensions push state to insolvency

Pensions push state to insolvency
"As the $17 billion annual taxpayer tab for government employees’ pensions and retiree health care increases at a rate of “several billion dollars” a year, Orange County Supervisor John Moorlach says California is heading for an “economic meltdown.”"

» ACORN Official: Gangster Group Will Be Bankrupt Soon But Fake Spinoff Groups Will Carry On The Corruption

ACORN Official: Gangster Group Will Be Bankrupt Soon But Fake Spinoff Groups Will Carry On The Corruption
"The ACORN crime syndicate is not going away anytime soon, but it’s going to look different.

ACORN will probably run out of money and fold by year’s end but a dozen ACORN state chapters reincorporated to seem like new, independent organizations will spring up in the next week to carry on ACORN’s business, a leaked email from ACORN’s online director suggests."

Nearly 25% of all mortgages are underwater

Nearly 25% of all mortgages are underwater
"Nevada was the state with the worst record at 70% of all mortgaged properties underwater.
That was followed by Arizona (51%), Florida (48%), Michigan (39%) and California (35%)."

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

US diplomats add a moat to their expenses at $1bn London embassy

US diplomats add a moat to their expenses at $1bn London embassy
"The United States has unveiled plans for its new $1 billion high-security embassy in London — the most expensive it has ever built.
.....The new embassy, on a former industrial site behind Battersea power station known for its gay clubs, will be designed by Kieran Timberlake, the Philadelphia architect."

We don't got no stinkin' recession!

Climategate Meets The Law, Sen. Inhofe’s Call to Investigate Al Gore. …

Election 2010: Iowa Governor

Election 2010: Iowa Governor - Rasmussen Reports™:
"The latest Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 telephone survey of the Iowa governor’s race shows incumbent Democrat Chet Culver trailing badly in a match-up with one of his Republican predecessors and also running behind a lesser-known GOP challenger."

More cracks in the Soros crumbling dike.
How cool is this to watch!

Cool Tea Party links


Rock and reload!

We're here to stay!

Happy Birthday Tea Party!

Axe Clean Your Balls

Axe Clean Your Balls

The most important video of the decade!

Navy to End Ban on Women Serving Aboard Submarines

Navy to End Ban on Women Serving Aboard Submarines; Congress Is Last Potential Roadblock
"Women are a big step closer to serving on U.S. Navy submarines. ABC News has learned that the Navy has decided to lift the ban on female submarine crew members.
Subs are one of the last places in the military from which women are excluded."

List of Troubled Banks at 16-Year Peak, F.D.I.C. Says

List of Troubled Banks at 16-Year Peak, F.D.I.C. Says -
"After weathering the nation’s worst run of bank failures in nearly two decades, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation announced Tuesday that it had added 450 institutions to its list of challenged lenders in 2009 and warned that the industry was likely to remain under stress."
And this is from the NYT!

Cruise line: 350 sick aboard ship in Caribbean

Cruise line: 350 sick aboard ship in Caribbean
"About 350 people who got sick a week into a Caribbean cruise were responding well to medicine, the cruise line said Tuesday.
Celebrity Cruise spokeswoman Cynthia Martinez said 326 of the more than 1,800 passengers on the Celebrity Mercury began complaining Sunday of upset stomachs, vomiting and diarrhea. Martinez says 27 of the nearly 850 crew members also reported symptoms."

We just returned from a fabulous cruise on the Celebrity Millennium and the crew was everywhere cleaning and making the ship free from bacteria and other maladies. There had been a norovirus outbreak on the cruise before ours.

We had a wonderful 10 days.

Bummer for the folks on the Mercury and the stockholders of RCL.

Boomtime for the class action scum-lawyer friends of Obama and the rest of the democrats.

Planned Parenthood sweeps child rape under the pro-abortion rug

Planned Parenthood sweeps child rape under the pro-abortion rug: "In case you think this was an isolated incident, think again:

Last month, Students for Life of America released a video of another college student posing as a 15-year-old girl asking about emergency contraception because of sex with her mother's 30-something live-in boyfriend. The staffers acknowledge this as statutory rape, but a Public Records Request filed by the student organization revealed that no report had been filed by Planned Parenthood, even though the law requires a report.
Last year, Live Action Films had students pose as racists to tape phone calls in which several Planned Parenthood chapters accepted donations on the condition that the money be used to abort black babies only. No chapter turned down the money.

Also last year, Rose videotaped a California PP staffer telling her to lie about her age so that the staffer wouldn't have to report anything under the statutory rape laws here. She was posing as a 15-year-old pregnant by her 23-year-old boyfriend. 'You could say 16', the worker suggests. 'And I don't know anything.' Planned Parenthood responded by threatening a lawsuit against Rose."

Voters go to polls Tuesday in Fruitport school district, Holton Township

Voters go to polls Tuesday in Fruitport school district, Holton Township
"Voters in the Fruitport school district and Holton Township are headed to the polls today to decide on a school bond proposal and a township road tax."

The money suckers are at work 24/7 locally.
They never sleep because they know that when we doze off, our money is theirs!
We need to be ever alert!

Global warming advocates ignore the boulders

Global warming advocates ignore the boulders
"Last week, Todd Stern, America's special envoy for climate change -- yes, there is one; and people wonder where to begin cutting government -- warned that those interested in 'undermining action on climate change' will seize on 'whatever tidbit they can find.'
Tidbits like specious science, and the absence of warming?

It is tempting to say, only half in jest, that Stern's portfolio violates the First Amendment, which forbids government from undertaking the establishment of religion.
A religion is what the faith in catastrophic man-made global warming has become.

It is now a tissue of assertions impervious to evidence, assertions that everything, including a historic blizzard, supposedly confirms and nothing, not even the absence of warming, can falsify"



more info.

It appears if you support Planned Parenthood, you are supporting felony child rape.
And this is NOT an isolated event.
The woman posing as a 14 year old has found similar "advice" at EVERY PP clinic she's busted.
This is Obama care at its worst.

Candice Miller Says She Will Be Pork-Free in 2010

Candice Miller Says She Will Be Pork-Free in 2010 [Mackinac Center]
"The Club for Growth tracked 68 amendments to strip pork from bills and found that Candice Miller, R-Harrison Township, voted for them only 31 percent of the time in its 2009 RePORK Card"

promises, promises.......

Michael Steele's spending spree angers donors

Michael Steele's spending spree angers donors
"Republican National Chairman Michael Steele is spending twice as much as his recent predecessors on private planes and paying more for limousines, catering and flowers – expenses that are infuriating the party's major donors who say Republicans need every penny they can get for the fight to win back Congress.
Most recently, donors grumbled when Steele hired renowned chef Wolfgang Puck's local crew to cater the RNC's Christmas party inside the trendy Newseum on Pennsylvania Avenue, and then moved its annual winter meeting from Washington to Hawaii."

Good god!
They've learned NOTHING!

Youth-led, pro-life movement for human rights!

Live Action Youth-led, pro-life movement for human rights!
"New undercover footage shows staff at a Milwaukee, WI Planned Parenthood abortion clinic counseling a purportedly 14-year-old statutory rape victim not to tell anyone about her 31-year-old boyfriend and coaching her how to obtain an abortion without her parents' consent.
The new video, seventh in a series from Live Action documenting similar behavior in 5 other states, comes amid recent controversy about Planned Parenthood's compliance with state laws regarding minors and abortion"

The Canadian Press: 'My heart, my choice,' Williams says, defending decision for U.S. heart surgery

The Canadian Press: 'My heart, my choice,' Williams says, defending decision for U.S. heart surgery
"An unapologetic Danny Williams says he was aware his trip to the United States for heart surgery earlier this month would spark outcry, but he concluded his personal health trumped any public fallout over the controversial decision.
In an interview with The Canadian Press, Williams said he went to Miami to have a 'minimally invasive' surgery for an ailment first detected nearly a year ago, based on the advice of his doctors.
'This was my heart, my choice and my health,' Williams said late Monday from his condominium in Sarasota, Fla."

Canadian style "health care".
Where are the canucks gonna go when we get it here?

Climategate Meets the Law

Climategate Meets the Law: Senator Inhofe To Ask for DOJ Investigation (Pajamas Media/PJTV Exclusive)
"Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) today asked the Obama administration to investigate what he called “the greatest scientific scandal of our generation” — the actions of climate scientists revealed by the Climategate Files, and the subsequent admissions by the editors of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4).

Senator Inhofe also called for former Vice President Al Gore to be called back to the Senate to testify.

“In [Gore's] science fiction movie, every assertion has been rebutted,” Inhofe said.
He believes Vice President Gore should defend himself and his movie before Congress."

Oh boy!

This is gonna be great!

Idaho Senate panel to debate pension boost

Idaho Senate panel to debate pension boost
"Idaho government retirees mounted the steps of the Capitol on Monday to urge lawmakers not to 'tamper' with a proposed 1 percent pension increase in March for 33,000 state and local government retirees.
House Republicans passed a resolution to block the increase last week."

GOPers standing tall against the overpaid, underworked teachers unionistas?

Who'd of guessed!

Obama's surge in government jobs

Obama's surge in government jobs
"But some figures about the prosperous state of public employees explains this amazing disconnect between Obama and the rest of the country.

It turns out that while the public sector is still hemorrhaging jobs (7 million jobs lost since the recession started), government workers are flourishing like never before.

The Obama boom is essentially a government employee boom." News Forum - touché News Forum - touché

Monday, February 22, 2010

"Fly Muskegon"?

Driving back from Indiana last weekend we saw 3 billboards imploring us to "Fly Muskegon".

The billboards are WORTHLESS.

Who made the contract and how much of our tax dollars were spent on this idiotic boondoggle.......again?
Price and convenience are the main reasons consumers make their flight decisions.

Everyone knows that there are at least some flights out of MKG so the "close to my home or business" factor only applies to those closer to MKG than to GRR.
A fairly small arc.

And the parking is a bit cheaper and MKG is FAR more customer friendly than GRR.

But the main reason most non-business and many business travelers would choose one airport over another is price.

And MKG is usually not price competitive.

Add in the smaller plane and limited number of airlines and flights and "voila", another few hundred thousand dollars (or more) down the drain to attract an unneeded airline to our airport.

So we waste more tax money to pay off a well connected billboard company and continue to make our community a laughing stock to the rest of west Michigan.

Is no one outraged?

Shinseki: US will fix broken VA disability system

Shinseki: US will fix broken VA disability system
"Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki said he's making it a top priority this year to tackle the backlog of disability claims that has veterans waiting months - even years - to get financial compensation for their injuries."

Remember, these are the folks who want to EXPAND their control over your health care.

Think about it, if they won't do right by our injured military.......our American heroes!
What do you think they're gonna do to you and your family?
Oh yeah.... and the VA is broke too.

Tea Party Nation: On the Movement's Rapid Rise, Protests - TIME

Tea Party Nation: On the Movement's Rapid Rise, Protests - TIME
"Small Is Beautiful
Now those people have a sort of political home.
Across the country, from Muskegon, Mich., to Wetumpka, Ala., Tea Party meetings are being convened in restaurants and living rooms and libraries and office buildings — and online."
And we meet tonight to get Muskegon Patriots revved up again!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Works and Days » Where Did Our Real Wealth Go?

Works and Days » Where Did Our Real Wealth Go?
"(A citizen who believes by birthright that he is to be taken care of by the state always hates the state that can never do enough, in the fashion that the country who is taken care of militarily always hates its protector.)"


Thursday, February 18, 2010



That’s funny.
O’Reilly calls the opposing position “extreme,” but such gun confiscation is illegal under federal statute, and as a matter of constitutional law; in fact, the city of New Orleans lost a lawsuit over gun confiscation during Katrina.
But then, O’Reilly’s no libertarian, to put things mildly.
And he’s consistently weak on the law, also to put things mildly.
Still, he should have been better briefed for this show, as he came across looking like a fool, and making his “extreme” guest look sober and well-informed by comparison.

How radically anti-gun is Bill O’Reilly here?
Even Barack Obama voted the other way. (Thanks to reader John Stober for the link).
Posted at by Glenn Reynolds at 9:47 pm"

Smelly Passenger Kicked Off Plane: Odor Disturbed Others on Flight

Smelly Passenger Kicked Off Plane: Odor Disturbed Others on Flight
"'People were just mumbling and staring at him,' Walsh told the Prince Edward Island Guardian, describing the man as unkempt.
'The guy next to me said, 'It's brutal.''"

Obama's federal government can weatherize your home for only $57,362

Obama's federal government can weatherize your home for only $57,362

State auditors report pension debt

State auditors report pension debt
"The state's five pension systems are collectively under funded by more than $62 billion, according to a new financial report released Tuesday by state auditors.
That liability was $8 billion more than the previous year, an increase of 14.7 percent."

Sarah Palin and the Politics of Grievance -

Dorothy Rabinowitz: Sarah Palin and the Politics of Grievance
"Though it hasn't attracted wide attention, nothing Mrs. Palin has done recently has been worthier of notice than her endorsement of Rand Paul, now running in Kentucky's GOP senate primary.
Dr. Paul, an opthamologist and radical libertarian, holds views on national security and defense that have much in common with those of the far left.
Not to mention those of the considerable body of conspiracy theorists, antigovernment zealots, 9/11 truthers, and assorted other cadres of the obsessed and deranged who flocked to the presidential candidacy of his father Ron Paul, the congressman from Texas."

Napolitano Meets with Muslim Brotherhood Leaders

Napolitano Meets with Muslim Brotherhood Leaders
"Last month, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and her senior staff privately met in Washington, D.C., with a select group of Muslim, Arab, and Sikh organizations.
Among the mix were three organizations directly associated with an outlawed terrorist entity — the Muslim Brotherhood."

Report: Barry violated city contract law - Washington Times

Report: Barry violated city contract law
"In addition, the report says Mr. Barry, 73, on several occasions delivered checks to Ms. Brighthaupt, accompanied her to the bank to cash the checks and then made her give him some of the money.
Ms. Brighthaupt said she gave Mr. Barry several hundred to thousands of dollars, according to the report.
Mr. Barry has said he insisted on being repaid for money he gave Ms. Brighthaupt to help her with a mortgage, car repairs and other bills."

Class Warfare's Next Target: 401(k) Savings

Class Warfare's Next Target: 401(k) Savings
"You did the responsible thing. You saved in your IRA or 401(k) to support your retirement, when you could have spent that money on another vacation, or an upscale car, or fancier clothes and jewelry.

But now Washington is developing plans for your retirement savings.

BusinessWeek reports that the Treasury and Labor departments are asking for public comment on 'the conversion of 401(k) savings and Individual Retirement Accounts into annuities or other steady payment streams.'

In plain English, the idea is for the government to take your retirement savings in return for a promise to pay you some monthly benefit in your retirement years."

Michael Moore in Muskegon

I despise Mike Moore's anti-American rhetoric and fervently believe his movies are offensive distortions of the truth. His damage to our country's reputation and our system of capitalism will be long lasting.

But I was at the $75 gig last night at Hagar's and it was pretty cool.

And Mike was almost humble and very down to earth. And very likeable.

There were about 40 people, more if you count the volunteers providing food and a band.

And his short talk to the adoring crowd was strong on "support the arts" and wonder at the "big empty building down the road" (Sappi) and the Frauenthal. "Is that really your downtown?" he said almost hoping it wasn't.

He prattled on about the mess that Flint/Muskegon is today but threw no big stones.

He seemed to think a "non-profit" theatre was somehow better than a for-profit theatre.

But on the whole I came away with the feeling he was kind of a good guy.

I even got a photo of my man Mike and me!

I imagine I'd have felt the same way after a fun night with Bernie Maddoff.

His movies are Goebbels style propaganda but if he helps The Harbor, why not?

I love going into the belly of the beast.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

CNN Celebrates Obama Stimulus With a Birthday Cake

CNN Celebrates Obama Stimulus With a Birthday Cake
"Over at the most trusted name in news, they sure know how to party when it's called for.
That was evident this afternoon on CNN Newsroom when anchor Ali Velshi gushed:
Happy birthday, dear stimulus.
Our producer Ben Tinker (ph) baked this cake.
It is a stimulus happy birthday -- first birthday cake, which is also a pie chart.
It is the birthday of the stimulus. It is actually very --"

This... is ....CNN.. how pathetic! News Forum - top_100_conservative_blogs News Forum - top_100_conservative_blogs

Michigan Home-Care Providers File Class Action Suit Challenging Union Boss/Granholm Unionization Scheme

Michigan Home-Care Providers File Class Action Suit Challenging Union Boss/Granholm Unionization Scheme
"With free legal aid from National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation attorneys, a group of Michigan home-based day-care providers have filed a class action federal lawsuit against government union officials and Governor Granholm's Administration for illegally forcing them to pay union dues."

The good guys are fighting back!

(HT to Paula)

John Stossel on Forced Unionization : Whose Business is It Anyways 2/10/10

John Stossel on Forced Unionization : Whose Business is It Anyways 2/10/10

These scumbags will be in Muskegon at the Holiday Inn today at 6:00PM

Obama Envoy Vouched for Convicted Terrorist?

Obama Envoy Vouched for Convicted Terrorist?

Fox News – doing what the Obama-approved outlets won’t — takes a look at the newest Obama envoy. The report tells us:
President Obama’s new envoy to the Organization of Islamic Conference, Rashad Hussain, is at the center of a controversy over remarks attributed to him defending a man who later pleaded guilty to conspiring to aid a terrorist group.
.......Well, this seems like it’s worth looking into.
A helpful profile on Al-Arian is here.

But let’s not be coy here.
Hussain is the designated man to continue the suck-uppery to the “Muslim World,” which Obama was personally conducting in Cairo and via his televised addressed to the Iranian Supreme Leader at the start of his presidency."

Thank God for FoxNews and the internet!

Cell phone ban in school speed zones in effect, under radar

Cell phone ban in school speed zones in effect, under radar
"School districts and police officials are using e-mails, letters and warnings to publicize a new state law that has taken many parents by surprise because it prohibits the use of a hand-held cell phone while driving in a school zone.

Since the law took effect Jan. 1, officials have scrambled to inform parents who dial away while performing the daily rite of dropping off or picking up their children amid a thicket of cars, buses and darting pedestrians.
Many find the law confusing, and even some police officials complain that it will be difficult to enforce.

'Personally, I think the police have better things to do than sit in the parking lot of schools and watch for people talking on the phone,'"

Hazelwood man dies after 10 calls to 911 over two days

Hazelwood man dies after 10 calls to 911 over two days
"In his first call to 911, Curtis Mitchell sounded calm, explaining to dispatchers that his 'entire stomach [was] in pain.'

By the time his longtime girlfriend made a 10th call nearly 30 hours later, she was frantic.
He wasn't breathing.
He was cold to the touch.

'Oh God, oh God,' Sharon Edge sobbed to dispatchers.
'I've been trying to get an ambulance over here for three days.'

Paramedics arrived at their Hazelwood home as Ms. Edge tried to resuscitate the 50-year-old, but it was too late.

'I sat up here with him, watching him die,' Ms. Edge said Tuesday, after city officials apologized to her and pledged immediate changes in emergency response after Mr. Mitchell's death on Feb. 7.

'They didn't do their jobs like they were supposed to.'"

But government run health care is way less complicated and would be run much better than this.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Foreigners cut Treasury stakes; rates could rise - Yahoo! Finance

Foreigners cut Treasury stakes; rates could rise - Yahoo! Finance: "A record drop in foreign holdings of U.S. Treasury bills in December sent a reminder that the government might have to pay higher interest rates on its debt to continue to attract investors.
China reduced its stake and lost the position it's held for more than a year as the largest foreign holder of Treasury debt. Japan retook the top spot as it boosted its Treasury holdings.
The Treasury Department said foreign holdings of U.S. Treasury bills fell by a record $53 billion in December. That topped the previous record drop of $44.5 billion in April 2009.
Private analysts, though, were split over the significance of the decline. Some doubted that the drop in foreign holdings of short-term Treasuries signified growing unease about holding U.S. debt. They noted that net purchases of longer-term Treasury debt rose in December by $70 billion.
But other economists saw the decline as a warning signal. They fear that foreigners, especially the Chinese, have begun to worry about record-high U.S. budget deficits and are looking to diversify their holdings."

American Thinker Blog: Tea Party truths

American Thinker Blog: Tea Party truths: "Tea Party truths
Russ Vaughn

Glenn Reynolds, better known to bloggers of our persuasion as Instapundit, absolutely nailed it in his WSJ article this past weekend entitled, What I Saw at the Tea Party Convention. What is so effective is the way Reynolds sets the stage with his lead paragraph and the two following:

There were promises of transparency and of a new kind of collaborative politics where establishment figures listened to ordinary Americans. We were going to see net spending cuts, tax cuts for nearly all Americans, an end to earmarks, legislation posted online for the public to review before it is signed into law, and a line-by-line review of the federal budget to remove wasteful programs.

These weren't the tea-party platforms I heard discussed in Nashville last weekend. They were the campaign promises of Barack Obama in 2008.

Mr. Obama made those promises because the ideas they represented were popular with average Americans. So popular, it turns out, that average Americans are organizing themselves in pursuit of the kind of good government Mr. Obama promised, but has not delivered. And that, in a nutshell, was the feel of the National Tea Party Convention. The political elites have failed, and citizens are stepping in to pick up the slack.

Well that's a nutshell that foaming-mouthed liberals like Olbermann, Matthews, Maddow and the Puffington Host will be gagging on."

52% say Obama doesn't deserve reelection in 2012

CNN poll: 52% say Obama doesn't deserve reelection in 2012
"52 percent of Americans said President Barack Obama doesn't deserve reelection in 2012, according to a new poll."
Well, record setting unemployment isn't a great reelection strategery.

Lone voice warns of debt threat to Fed

Lone voice warns of debt threat to Fed
"The US must fix its growing debt problems or risk a new financial crisis, Thomas Hoenig, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, warned on Tuesday, adding a mounting deficit could spur inflation.

Mr Hoenig said that rising debt was infringing on the central bank’s ability to fulfil its goals of maintaining price stability and long-term economic growth.
“Stunning” deficit projections were putting political pressure on the Fed to keep interest rates low, infringing on its independence at the risk of inflation, he said.
“Without pre-emptive action, the US risks its next crisis,” Mr Hoenig said in a speech at the Pew-Peterson Commission on Budget Reform."

This is a major "DUH".
Spending like drunken Kennedys will lead to bankruptcy?
What a concept!

Bad Behavior Leaves Cox Open to Extortion

Bad Behavior Leaves Cox Open to Extortion
"That’s not the case here in Michigan, where one of our state’s most famous philanderers is still taken seriously.
In January, The Oakland Press named Michigan gubernatorial candidate Mike Cox one of their “Top 10 Cheaters” of the decade.
In 2005, Cox held a press conference to announce that he had taken part in an extramarital affair in 2003, while serving as the state’s Attorney General.
Cox only went public with the affair after trial lawyer Geoffrey Fieger allegedly threatened to expose it if Cox did not drop an investigation into Fieger’s alleged campaign finance violations.
One can only wonder what other secrets leave Mike Cox vulnerable to extortion"

This seems to be a hit-site set up by Cox opponents but it does ask legitimate, unanswered questions.

Last year, I asked the Cox campaign how he would handle the uncomfortable questions that surely would be asked by the media and his political opponents.

They dodged and tried to "shout" me down, even calling me at home and calling my political friends to shut me up.

Now it appears to be coming out again.

And Cox has yet to address the political problem.

How will he do in a statewide debate?

Will Michigan Business Taxpayers Be Subsidizing Batteries for 'Free' Golf Carts?

Will Michigan Business Taxpayers Be Subsidizing Batteries for 'Free' Golf Carts?
"While many Michigan taxpayers may be laughing or angry at the revelation by Fox News' John Stossel that he obtained a 'free' golf cart using special tax breaks and giveaways for electric cars [video], very few may realize that Michigan's lawmakers have been altering this state's business tax code to provide special credits and giveaways for the industry that creates these cars.

Most recently, on Dec. 31, 2009, Gov. Jennifer Granholm signed into law House Bill 5469, which expands a taxpayer subsidy for makers of electric car batteries.
Two weeks earlier, overwhelming majorities in the House and Senate voted to approve the bill — only nine lawmakers out of 148 voted 'no.'"

More "business as usual" for our Michigan legislators.
We will have a chance to see real change in the August primaries.
Do we have the cojones to stand up to the forces of fiscal evil?

‘Oddball’ portrait of Amy Bishop emerges

‘Oddball’ portrait of Amy Bishop emerges
"A family source said Bishop, a mother of four children - the youngest a third-grade boy - was a far-left political extremist who was “obsessed” with President Obama to the point of being off-putting."

Too much of a good thing?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Optimal Waist-to-Hip Ratios in Women Activate Neural Reward Centers in Men

PLoS ONE: Optimal Waist-to-Hip Ratios in Women Activate Neural Reward Centers in Men
"Secondary sexual characteristics convey information about reproductive potential.
In the same way that facial symmetry and masculinity, and shoulder-to-hip ratio convey information about reproductive/genetic quality in males, waist-to-hip-ratio (WHR) is a phenotypic cue to fertility, fecundity, neurodevelopmental resources in offspring, and overall health, and is indicative of “good genes” in women."

I always thought it was tits and ass...... hooters and hips.

Am I still single cuz I never understood fecundity?

Vancouver’s quick descent from high ground

James Lawton: Vancouver’s quick descent from high ground
"Kumaritashvili had just 26 practice runs, as opposed to the 200 for the Canadians"

Great Olympic comebacks by Wescott, Miller & Vonn

Great Olympic comebacks by Wescott, Miller & Vonn
"The speedskating event was delayed because both Zambonis were busted, leaving the machines in need of repair and the ice in need of cleaning."

The Zambonis were "busted"?

Is this a drug thing?
