Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Poll: Nerd ads lift Rick Snyder to second place, Democratic voters undecided, what John Engler could win in 2012

Poll: Nerd ads lift Rick Snyder to second place, Democratic voters undecided, what John Engler could win in 2012
"If businessman Rick Snyder is a nerd, it probably won't help him -- or hurt him -- in the Republican primary for governor.

But the TV ads in which he lays claim to the moniker have snagged him attention.
And in an election year, attention can be an uplifting thing.

A new statewide public opinion survey released exclusively to Booth Newspapers on Wednesday showed Ann Arbor-based Snyder, with the support of 18 percent of Republican voters, is second to U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra of Holland, with 28 percent.
State Attorney General Mike Cox dropped to third with 12 percent."

The voters want "change" and nerds are certainly change.

Of course, so is a REAL conservative, ex-chairman of the house intelligence committee.
Congressman Hoekstra.

I'll go with Pete.

Muskegon Commissioner Clara Shepherd accused of misusing position

Muskegon Commissioner Clara Shepherd accused of misusing position
"“We couldn’t believe what had happened,” Jamie Paquin said. Jeremy Paquin added: “We were appalled and very uncomfortable.”

The couple who opened the upscale breakfast and lunch restaurant in early summer 2008 said they did not want to press the issue with authorities.

“We weren’t going to say much, but our customers must have reported what happened,” Jamie Paquin said."

Do we really deserve the leadership we elect?

The next election will tell more about the soul of Muskegon than most other elections.

If Muskegon citizens want to avoid morphing into a doppelganger of Muskegon Heights, they MUST elect competent and honest leaders.

Otherwise, our central city will continue its slide into bankruptcy and despair.

The citizens will make that decision.

No one else.

2,000 grades boosted at CPS' Hyde Park Academy

2,000 grades boosted at CPS' Hyde Park Academy :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Education
"Last school year at struggling Hyde Park Academy High, more than 2,000 grades were boosted at least one notch — including more than 870 F’s that were changed to passing marks, a Chicago Sun-Times analysis shows.

And this school year, blanket A’s were ordered issued to all students of five new Hyde Park teachers after the students suffered through a string of substitute teachers for most of the first quarter, a letter obtained by the Sun-Times shows."

The stench that emanates from this "profession" has engulfed our children, country wide.
The little ones learn "ethics" from the ethic-less.
And no wonder there is no time left for reedin', riten or nummers.

Banking On Corruption In The Windy City

Banking On Corruption In The Windy City -
"Another bank failure is nothing new these days — except if the bank is run by the family of a U.S. Senate candidate who profited handsomely and lent millions to a convicted felon. But then, that's the Chicago way.
'I did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of fat-cat bankers on Wall Street,' President Obama said in a recent interview with '60 Minutes.' Speaking to those bankers, he said: 'You guys are drawing down 10, 20 million dollar bonuses after America went through the worst economic year that it's gone through in — in decades, and you guys caused the problem.'

Not all those fat cats, apparently, are on Wall Street. Some are on Main Street in the president's hometown.
One of those 'guys' recently won the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate seat once held by Obama.

He's an Obama protege and fundraiser.
His name is Alexi Giannoulias, and his family runs the Broadway Bank in Chicago, a financially troubled institution that the feds appear ready to seize and shut down.
He is running for U.S. Senate from Illinois."

Power Line - Obsession

Power Line - Obsession
"Matt Drudge is trumpeting the fact that Senate staffers have been warned to stay away from the Drudge Report on the theory that it may be spreading computer viruses. (If the old rules apply, that is libel per se, isn't it?)

What I thought was even more entertaining was the Drudge Report's traffic totals:

The [Drudge Report] was seen 149,967 times since March 1st from users at and 244,347 times at
[There were] 10,825 visits from the White House,,' the Drudge Report wrote.

These numbers appeared on March 8; do the math:
18,750 times a day, Senators and their staffers visit the Drudge Report--
187.5 times a day for each Senator;
30,543 times a day Congressmen and their staffers check in on Drudge--
70 times a day for each Congressional office;
and, most comical of all, 1,353 times a day President Obama's White House staffers log on to the Report.

The war is over.
Drudge won it."

Future of F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II

Future of F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II - Popular Mechanics
"Now that the F-22 is canceled (freezing the fleet at 186 airplanes), the F-35 program faces even more scrutiny.
Aerospace analysts, press and the discussion-board community frequently ask why a superior airplane like the F-22 is being axed while the problematic F-35 limps along during development.
Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley said this week that the F-35 would not be ready until 2015, rather than 2013."

LEE HARRIS: Weak Tea Or Strong Tea?

LEE HARRIS: Weak Tea Or Strong Tea?
"Too many of those currently ‘analyzing’ the Tea Party movement seem to have no genuine interest in grappling with its potential historical significance.
Plus, David Brooks’ appeal to snobbery.

UPDATE: They expected 600, but over 2000 showed up at this anti-Obamacare meeting."

Gov. Pat Quinn to propose borrowing or tax hike in budget

Gov. Pat Quinn to propose borrowing or tax hike in budget -
"Gov. Pat Quinn on Tuesday unveiled a caustic budget plan that would borrow billions of dollars to stay afloat and push even more debt down the road, hoping to persuade leery lawmakers to instead raise taxes in an election year."

Illinois is "California" here in the midwest.
They will implode.
The question is how will that affect the rest of us in Michigan....and it will affect us in some way.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

I'm Just a Bill [Mackinac Center]

I'm Just a Bill [Mackinac Center]: "HOUSE BILL 5197
Authorize enhanced pension 'early out' for state employees
Introduced by state Rep. Gary McDowell, D-Rudyard
The bill authorizes early retirement benefits for certain state employees who retired between Aug. 1 and Nov. 30, 2009.

These employees would be able to get full benefits if their age plus years on the job equal 70 (that is, a 50-year-old with 20 years on the state payroll could get a full pension), plus the cash benefits would be increased by 33 percent until age 62, and then by 16.7 percent thereafter."

This what you get when the public employee unions own our elected officials.


“So I’ll give Dan Rather a pass.
But if we give Dan Rather a pass for the accidental appearance of racism, will anyone who isn’t liberal be given a pass?
I know they won’t.
That’s the way it is.”"

And it sure says volumes about the liberal bias of the leftist MSM.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Dan Rather: 'Articulate' Obama Couldn't Even 'Sell Watermelons' |

Dan Rather: 'Articulate' Obama Couldn't Even 'Sell Watermelons' "DAN RATHER: Part of the undertow in the coming election is going to be President Obama's leadership. And the Republicans will make a case and a lot of independents will buy this argument. 'Listen he just hasn't been, look at the health care bill. It was his number one priority. It took him forever to get it through and he had to compromise it to death.' And a version of, 'Listen he's a nice person, he's very articulate' this is what's been used against him, 'but he couldn't sell watermelons if it, you gave him the state troopers to flag down the traffic.'"

We The People

This is GREAT!

Pension Pulse: Pension Black Holes Set to Explode?

Pension Pulse: Pension Black Holes Set to Explode?
"Luckily for civil servants, any shortfall in the amount needed to provide them with a guaranteed amount in their pension pots has to be made up with public money."

CNN Exposes 'Lavish' Government Pensions despite Economic Crisis

CNN Exposes 'Lavish' Government Pensions despite Economic Crisis -
"'They can draw on their pension beginning at age 50; depending on the years of service they can get as much as 80 percent of their final salary, there are cost-of-living-adjustments added on, and they're still eligible to receive Social Security.'

Citing the analysis of the National Taxpayers Union (NTU), Sylvester used Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., as an example of broken government. NTU, a nonpartisan taxpayer group that has worked under the guiding principle 'This is your money and the government should return it to you' since its inception, found that Dodd will have a starting annual pension of $125,500 when he retires next year."

Get real: Taxpayer suffering, state deficit should forestall pay hikes and pension sweeteners

Get real: Taxpayer suffering, state deficit should forestall pay hikes and pension sweeteners
"It defies logic that lawmakers refuse to rescind a 3 percent raise for unionized state workers and continue to discuss a $2.9 billion union-proposed plan to fatten teachers' pensions this spring.

When there's a $1.6 billion hole in the 2011 budget, neither of those expenditures should be on the table.

But Senate Democrats have blocked a proposal to cancel the raises.

The 22-15 party-line vote on Wednesday was short of the two-thirds majority necessary to prevent the $48 million in pay increases from taking effect Oct. 1.

Twenty-six votes are necessary."

The two Americas.
We tighten our belts so they can buy new, bigger belts with our money.
Is this what America is supposed to be?


"Some Tea Partiers supported Debra Medina, but — as with Scott Brown — more seemed focused on supporting a candidate who could win."

Sunday, March 07, 2010

What Dave and his chum Barack don't want you to know about green jobs and green energy – Telegraph Blogs

What Dave and his chum Barack don't want you to know about green jobs and green energy – Telegraph Blogs: "Green jobs are a waste of space, a waste of money, a lie, a chimera. You know that. I know that. We’re familiar with the report by Dr Gabriel Calzada Alvarez of the Rey Juan Carlos University in Spain which shows that for every “green job” that is created another 2.2 jobs are LOST in the real economy.
We also know that alternative energy is a fraud – only viable through enormous government (ie taxpayer subsidy) and utterly incapable of answering anything more than a fraction of our energy needs. As Shannon Love puts it here:
Here’s a fact you won’t see mentioned in the public policy debate over “alternative” energy:
There exists no alternative energy source, no combination of alternative energy sources, and no system of combinations of alternative energy sources that can fully replace a single, coal fired electric plant built with 1930s era technology.
So why are our political leaders setting out quite deliberately to deceive us?"

Neglected by 'lazy' nurses, Kane Gorny, 22, dying of thirst rang the police to beg for water

Neglected by 'lazy' nurses, Kane Gorny, 22, dying of thirst rang the police to beg for water
"A man of 22 died in agony of dehydration after three days in a leading teaching hospital.
Kane Gorny was so desperate for a drink that he rang police to beg for their help.
They arrived on the ward only to be told by doctors that everything was under control.

The next day his mother Rita Cronin found him delirious and he died within hours.
She said nurses had failed to give him vital drugs which controlled fluid levels in his body.
'He was totally dependent on the nurses to help him and they totally betrayed him.'"

Muskegon, Michigan (49441) Conditions & Forecast

Muskegon, Michigan (49441) Conditions & Forecast

This is really cool!

(HT Kim Komando)

Holly Graf: Navy Relieves Harsh Commander of USS Cowpens - TIME

Holly Graf: Navy Relieves Harsh Commander of USS Cowpens - TIME
"Captain Holly Graf was the closest thing the U.S. Navy had to a female Captain Bligh."

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Complaints About Female 'Captain Bligh' Began Early, Says a Navy Chaplain

Complaints About Female 'Captain Bligh' Began Early, Says a Navy Chaplain - TIME
"Questions continue to swirl about how Graf not only retained her command, but kept getting promoted despite reports from eyewitnesses like Kaprow."

New Woe for Vatican as Usher Linked to Prostitution

New Woe for Vatican as Usher Linked to Prostitution
"One of Pope Benedict's ceremonial ushers and a member of an elite choir in St Peter's Basilica have been implicated in a gay prostitution ring, in the latest sexual scandal to taint the Vatican."

The vile spurting from the Vatican is never ending.

When will the rest of the world acknowledge this world wide homosexual coven for what it is?

Angry US students protest cuts to higher education

Angry US students protest cuts to higher education
"Anger over increasing tuition and school budget cuts boiled over as students across the country staged rowdy demonstrations that led to clashes with police and the rush-hour shutdown of a major freeway in California."

They're angry at their parents and grandparents for not paying enough?
And they're NOT angry at the teachers and administrators who've stolen all the money?

And if these are "students", just what are they teaching at the "schools"?

"Competitors Complain About Wind Unreliability Subsidy

"Competitors Complain About Wind Unreliability Subsidy"

An article in the Wall Street Journal reports on the debate within the electric power industry about whether it is fair for wind power generators to avoid paying a cost for the lower dependability of wind.

One grievance: Coal, nuclear and gas operators must pay for their own backup if an operational or maintenance problem prevents them from delivering power as promised.

But if wind generators fail to deliver promised power because the wind doesn’t blow, the cost of backing up wind power companies is spread among all the generators, state officials say.
This puts an unfair burden on nonwind generators, says the gas faction."

Wind power is another hoax perpetrated by fools and evil minds.

Rangel, Paterson and a Harlem Political Dynasty's Fall

Rangel, Paterson and a Harlem Political Dynasty's Fall
"It's been a brutal week for Harlem politicians. On March 3, Charlie Rangel, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee and 20-term representative from New York's 15th district, announced he would temporarily relinquish his stewardship of the powerful tax-writing body in the wake of an ethics investigation that found he violated protocol by accepting corporate-funded trips to the Caribbean.
The decision came on the heels of scandal-scarred New York Governor David Paterson's announcement that he will not run for re-election in the fall. The synchronized setbacks of two longtime Harlem leaders have prompted a flurry of obituaries for the Harlem dynasty, which for decades has been the unquestioned nerve center of black politics in the U.S.
Rangel and Paterson's father Basil were members of Harlem's Gang of Four, along with Percy Sutton - a civil rights activist, lawyer and local power broker, who died Dec. 26 at 89 - and David Dinkins, who served as mayor of New York City from 1990 to 1993"

I you want the answer to the question, "why is our black population still mired in misery and failure?", look at who the black population chooses as its leaders.
Is "democrat" now synonymous with "crook"?

Rep. Eric Massa to resign

Rep. Eric Massa to resign
"Democratic Rep. Eric Massa will resign from Congress on Monday, only days after reports first surfaced that the freshman New York lawmaker was under investigation by the House ethics committee for allegedly sexually harassing a male staffer."

...culture of corruption......?

Ex-Mayor Gets 15 Years for Bribery - City Pays Price

Ex-Mayor Gets 15 Years for Bribery - City Pays Price
"Residents here were not terribly surprised on Friday when Larry Langford, the former mayor, was sentenced to 15 years in prison and fined $360,000 by a federal judge, ending a long-running bribery case that shook local government and state Democratic politics."

Hey MSM!
Where's your shout of "culture of corruption?"

Illinois Dems Find Something To Investigate

Illinois Dems Find Something To Investigate
"Burdened by a $13 billion deficit and a rash of political scandals that make even jaded Chicago pols blush, the state's ruling Democrats would seem to have a full plate.
But the Illinois Senate found time for two days of hearings on state Sen. Bill Brady's fiscal 2012 budget plan.
Yes, 2012. So why did Democratic lawmakers set aside today's gaping budget holes and look to the future?
Well, Brady is the GOP nominee for governor as of Friday.
So Democrats decided to imagine the horror if he won the election and made good on his promise to slash the Illinois budget 10% across the board:"

That's the democrat party that bankrupted Illinois and gas the world BarryO!

No Worker Left Behind offers unemployed a chance at film school

No Worker Left Behind offers unemployed a chance at film school

Residents currently enrolled in Michigan Works' No Worker Left Behind, a state program designed to help unemployed people transition to new jobs, might qualify for tuition assistance for Muskegon Community College's new film-industry course.
Michigan Works recently approved tuition support for the new course, Introduction to Film Production, which is part of the college's Continuing Education program.
No Worker Left Behind clients who are interested in the film course are encouraged to contact their assigned work force development center for details.
The registration cost for the course is $2,200. No Worker Left Behind provides up to $5,000 per year for two years in tuition and registration assistance for training in high-demand fields, emerging industries or entrepreneur programs.

Is there any wonder why our state is bankrupt?
Both financially and morally.

Friday, March 05, 2010

FHP: Driver lacked razor-sharp focus |

FHP: Driver lacked razor-sharp focus
"As authorities nationwide warn motorists of the dangers of driving while texting, Florida Keys law enforcement officers add a new caution: Don't try to shave your privates, either.
Florida Highway Patrol troopers say a two-vehicle crash Tuesday at Mile Marker 21 on Cudjoe Key was caused by a 37-year-old woman driver who was shaving her bikini area while her ex-husband took the wheel from the passenger seat.
'She said she was meeting her boyfriend in Key West and wanted to be ready for the visit,' Trooper Gary Dunick said."


YID With LID: "Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Pushing Banks to Buy Bad Loans"

Wilders on course to be next Dutch prime minister

Wilders on course to be next Dutch prime minister
"Mr Wilders has called Islam a backward religion, wants a ban on headscarves in public life and has compared the Koran to Hitler's Mein Kampf."

Detroit School Leader Sends Wrong Message, Some Parents Say

Detroit School Leader Sends Wrong Message, Some Parents Say
As if Detroit doesn't have enough problems these days, the president of the city's school board offered the shocking admission that he can't pen a coherent sentence."

New York Rep. Massa resigns under ethics cloud

New York Rep. Massa resigns under ethics cloud
"New York Democratic Rep. Eric Massa, facing a harassment complaint by a male staffer, said Friday that he is stepping down from his seat with 'a profound sense of failure.'
'I am guilty,' Massa said in an interview with a Corning, N.Y., newspaper columnist."

The culture of corruption just lanced a boil.

Lot's more to come!

Why the Legislature Should Oppose a State Employee Pay Hike

Why the Legislature Should Oppose a State Employee Pay Hike [Mackinac Center]

Well, it's a start.
But how 'bout "they're over paid, under worked, can't be fired for ANYTHING, and their retirement and benefits are bankrupting our state"?

The Saga of Forced Unionization

The Saga of Forced Unionization [Mackinac Center]

The Saga of Forced Unionization

The Saga of Forced Unionization [Mackinac Center]

The Saga of Forced Unionization

The Saga of Forced Unionization [Mackinac Center]

Obama looking to give new life to immigration reform -

Obama looking to give new life to immigration reform - "The basis of a bill would include a path toward citizenship for the 10.8 million people living in the U.S. illegally. Citizenship would not be granted lightly, the White House said. Undocumented workers would need to register, pay taxes and pay a penalty for violating the law. Failure to comply might result in deportation."

Federal pay ahead of private industry -

Federal pay ahead of private industry - "Overall, federal workers earned an average salary of $67,691 in 2008 for occupations that exist both in government and the private sector, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. The average pay for the same mix of jobs in the private sector was $60,046 in 2008, the most recent data available.

These salary figures do not include the value of health, pension and other benefits, which averaged $40,785 per federal employee in 2008 vs. $9,882 per private worker, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis."

Former speaker handed out staff pay raises - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee

Former speaker handed out staff pay raises - Sacramento Politics - California Politics Sacramento Bee: "Former Assembly Speaker Karen Bass quietly promoted 20 members of her Democratic caucus staff and gave them 10 percent salary increases that took effect her final days as Assembly leader."

Rash of Scandals Tests Democrats at Sensitive Time

Rash of Scandals Tests Democrats at Sensitive Time
"The troubles of Gov. David A. Paterson of New York, followed by those of two of the state’s congressmen, Charles B. Rangel and Eric J. Massa, have added to the ranks of episodes involving prominent Democrats like Eliot Spitzer, Rod R. Blagojevich and John Edwards."

We're not hearing the MSM's favorite slur, "culture of corruption", anymore.
I wonder why.......yeah...right.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

MEGAN MCARDLE: Students protest university cutbacks, reality. ” But while I’m sympathetic to stude…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » MEGAN MCARDLE: Students protest university cutbacks, reality. ”

TaxingTennessee: Tea Party Rally: Cutting the Budget Montana Style

TaxingTennessee: Tea Party Rally: Cutting the Budget Montana Style

Green-Jobs Fantasy

Green-Jobs Fantasy - Iain Murray - National Review Online
What could possibly lead anyone to object to them?
The answer is — as ever, for a conserv­ative — real-world experience.

Germany and Spain went down the green-jobs road many years ago, for much the same reasons as the ad­ministration.
They saw it as a way to make their countries world leaders in coming technologies, provide good jobs to replace decaying industries, and insulate against energy shocks originating overseas.

It didn’t work out that way.

A recent report from German think tank Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaft­sfor­schung (RWI) sets out what happened in Germany. ..... The RWI found that the subsidy per job amounted to $240,000.

Holder’s Justice Department Full of Terrorist Defenders

Holder’s Justice Department Full of Terrorist Defenders - HUMAN EVENTS
"At the rate the Obama Administration is going, it may rival the Nixon Administration in its cover-ups and dishonesty.
The new revelation that at least nine attorneys in the Justice Department have previously defended accused jihad terrorist follows closely after another incident remarkably similar in broad outline: the Rashad Hussain debacle.
Both feature the Obama Administration apparently turning a blind eye to sympathy for jihad terrorists, followed by clumsy attempts to cover up its indifference once the whole thing came to light."

And BarryO's cabal of comrades has only ruled for 1 year!

Proposal: Pay Aspenites to deed restrict their housing

Proposal: Pay Aspenites to deed restrict their housing

A study funded by McBride's nonprofit Sopris Foundation found that 60 percent of Aspen's residences are second homes, and that 75 percent of the residential floor area in the city is second homes.

When 60% of your residences are part-time, you get the weirdness of Aspen.....dude.

How The Coming Union Pension Plan Collapse is Affecting White House Decisions

YID With LID: How The Coming Union Pension Plan Collapse is Affecting White House Decisions
"The list of 108 union pension plans below is from the Moody's September 2009 report.
The ones in green print are at the endangered level, the ones in red are critical."

Read this article!
Ignore it at your own financial risk!

Nutter proposes 2-cent-per-ounce sweet-drink tax

Nutter proposes 2-cent-per-ounce sweet-drink tax Philadelphia Inquirer
"Mayor Nutter wants to treat the city's weight and wallet problems in his 2010-11 budget with the same remedy: the nation's highest tax on all sweetened beverages including soda, energy drinks, ice tea, even chocolate milk."

Remember the democrat rules:
Government spending CAN'T be cut!

NY Times, Washington Post Hide Phony ‘Coffee Party’ Astroturf Roots — at the NY Times!

NY Times, Washington Post Hide Phony ‘Coffee Party’ Astroturf Roots — at the NY Times! - Big Journalism: "Meanwhile, her claim that the Coffee Party is “purely grassroots” and “independent of any party” is laughably rebutted by the fact that the registrant for the website was listed as “Real Virginians For Webb, 14461 Sedona Drive, Gainesville, Virginia 20155” until the information suddenly went private behind a proxy.

That’s “Webb” as in Virginia Sen. Jim Webb, one of at least two elected Democrats for whom Park has actively campaigned (as evidenced by this campaign video, “Real Virginians for Webb”:"

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

BBC News - South Africa black-owned farms 'failing'

BBC News - South Africa black-owned farms 'failing'
"Some 90% of farms redistributed to South Africa's black population from white farmers are not productive, the government has said."

Hoyer knew of Massa allegations

Hoyer knew of Massa allegations
"First-term Rep. Eric Massa announced Wednesday that he will not seek reelection, saying his doctors have told him that he can’t continue to “run at 100 miles an hour.”
But several House aides told POLITICO that the House ethics committee has been informed of allegations that the New York Democrat, who is married with two children, made unwanted advances toward a junior male staffer."

Why I took a stand-Jim Bunning

Why I took a stand - Opinion -
‘If the Senate cannot find $10 billion to pay for a measure we all support, we will never pay for anything.’"

Specter Tells Business He’ll Back Pro-Union Card Check

Specter Tells Business He’ll Back Pro-Union Card Check
"Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., will vote for cloture on card check if the pro-union legislation comes up for a vote, he told businessmen Tuesday."

Remember ex-GOPer, RINO Specter when you vote in the primary elections!

Federal Grand Jury Set to Indict John Edwards, Report Claims

Federal Grand Jury Set to Indict John Edwards, Report Claims

Democrat presidential candidate.
Democrat senator.
Class action lawyer.

Britain Grapples With Debt of Greek Proportions -

Britain Grapples With Debt of Greek Proportions -
"As Greece’s debt troubles batter the euro, Britain has done its utmost to stay above the fray.

The pound fell to $1.4954 on Tuesday, its lowest level against the dollar in months.

Until now, that is.
Suddenly, investors are asking if Britain may soon face its own sovereign debt crisis if the government fails to slash its growing budget deficits quickly enough to escape the contagious fears of financial markets."

This is a worldwide disaster and the worst is yet to come.


Political Correctness is Jihad against our military

Political Correctness is Jihad against our military
"What most of us don’t seem to understand, including our own military criminal investigators, President and congress is that our troops are innocent until proven guilty."

President Obama Wants Your Kid!

For a Better Day
President Obama Wants Your Kid!
Looking for an internship?

According to the Altas Shrugs website, students in an Ohio high school were given these applications in class for internships with President Obama's Organizing for America program, a political activism organization.

But why is the President using his campaign icon and platform to actively recruit children to push his agenda?

Why are they being trained to use the Democratic Party voter record system?

Why are they focusing on implementing government run healthcare?"

Sadly, I think we all know why.
Our schools have been taken over by socialist/progressive activists who have seen their greatest success with the AlGore global warming brainwash movie.
They got away with it then.
They think they have free reign over our children's political indoctrination.
And they will continue have that control until we start going to school board meetings all over our country.

Makes sense to me

(from an e-mail)

The last 4 letters in American is ... I CAN

The last 4 letters in Republican is ... I CAN

The last 4 letters in Democrats is ... RATS

Gen Y explained

Gen Y Cartoon
"Why is Generation Y called Generation Y you might ask."
(HT vcm)

Nasa reveals most-detailed images of Earth | Mail Online

Nasa reveals most-detailed images of Earth Mail Online
These spectacular 'blue marble' images are the most detailed views of Earth to date.
click to see a better image.

Newseum | Today's Front Pages | Map View

Newseum Today's Front Pages Map View

This is very cool!

Just put your mouse on a city anywhere in the world and the newspaper headlines pop up... Double click and the page gets larger... you can read the entire paper on some if you click on the right place.

Also, if you look at the European papers, the far left side of Germany will pop up as The Stars & Stripes (European edition, of course).. AND, this site changes every day with the publication of new editions of the paper.

State halts practice of giving diplomas to special-education graduates

State halts practice of giving diplomas to special-education
"State law is forcing local high schools to stop their practice of awarding diplomas to all graduating seniors, regardless of their abilities.
That means students with significant cognitive impairments at Muskegon High School will instead receive 'certificates of completion' when they attend commencement along with their classmates.
Muskegon and Muskegon Heights high schools are among very few statewide that have handed out high school diplomas to low-functioning special education students who complete an 'adaptive curriculum.'"

Those Muskegon and Heights grads must be SO proud of their diplomas...

How pathetic!

When will we citizens take back control of our schools from the big education, thug unions?

Frequently asked questions about Michigan's transportation funding

Frequently asked questions about Michigan's transportation funding

We spend $3 billion/yr on our roads and this article focuses on the need for MORE money from taxpayers but never questions just how our state spends the $3 billion.

Anyone wanna bet that a full review of how Jenny's bureaucrats spend our tax dollars might just be embarrassing to those who do the spending?

American reliance on government at all-time high

Washington Times - American reliance on government at all-time high
"The so-called 'Great Recession' has left Americans depending on the government dole like never before.

Without record levels of welfare, unemployment and other government benefits as well as tax cuts last year, the income of U.S. households would have plunged by an astonishing $723 billionmore than four times the record $167 billion drop reported last month by the Commerce Department.

Moreover, for the first time since the Great Depression, Americans took more aid from the government than they paid in taxes."

Argentina celebrates diplomatic coup as Hillary Clinton calls for talks over Falklands

Argentina celebrates diplomatic coup as Hillary Clinton calls for talks over Falklands - Times Online
"What began as a last-minute change to Mrs Clinton’s itinerary on her five-day sweep through Latin America has snowballed into a major diplomatic incident that has emboldened Argentina and caught the US largely un- awares."

Ohio Mayor Seeks To Eliminate Public Unions

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Ohio Mayor Seeks To Eliminate Public Unions;
Come Senators, Congressmen Please Heed the Call For the Times they are A-Changin'
"Mayor Don Robart of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio is seeking to eliminate public sector unions.
That is certainly a welcome event and hopefully the start of a major trend towards fiscal sanity in cities across the country."

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Words Fail: 'Farouk's on Fire'

Words Fail: 'Farouk's on Fire' - The New Editor
"Words Fail: 'Farouk's on Fire'
Farouk Shami is running for Governor of Texas in the Democratic Party primary."

FuturePundit: Pain Killers Accelerate Hearing Loss With Age?

FuturePundit: Pain Killers Accelerate Hearing Loss With Age?
"In a study published in the March 2010 issue of The American Journal of Medicine, researchers determined that regular use of aspirin, acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) increases the risk of hearing loss in men, particularly in younger men, below age 60."

Upate: Grand Haven school board trustee Brandon Hall hasn't ruled out resigning

Upate: Grand Haven school board trustee Brandon Hall hasn't ruled out resigning
"In the wake of the school board’s censure for his larceny conviction, a Grand Haven school board member said he would resign if several conditions are met, including him approving whoever replaces him."

Seriously, if this guy isn't booted NOW, we deserve the scum who we so often elect!
Gimme a break!

Health Care BS

Health Care BS
"In other words, AP counts some Dems as potential switchers simply because they didn’t bother to respond.
And others are counted because they refused to state a position, probably fearing they would be misquoted."

Student apologizes for noose in UC San Diego library -

Minority student apologizes for noose in UC San Diego library
"In a letter published Monday on the front page of the UC San Diego student newspaper, the Guardian, the student wrote that the incident was 'a mindless act and stupid mistake' and was not meant to recall the lynching of blacks.

'As a minority student who sympathizes with the students that have been affected by the recent issues on campus, I am distraught to know that I have unintentionally added to their pain,' the student wrote."

She's a "minority".
Never mind.....
Yes, we have two Americas...
How sad.

Survey: 26 pct of Americans get news via phone

Survey: 26 pct of Americans get news via phone
"Just over a quarter of American adults now read news on their cell phones, according to a new report from the Pew Research Center."

The GOPers gotta get on board with tech or they got trouble.

Big time!

Democrats need unions to win governorship

Democrats need unions to win governorship

Well, duh!
The unions have destroyed our state.
Now they will destroy their democrat party.

Detroit Mayor Dave Bing on Public Sector Unions: 'Either they can't read, they can't add or they can't comprehend' - The New Editor

Detroit Mayor Dave Bing on Public Sector Unions: 'Either they can't read, they can't add or they can't comprehend'

Maryland's Pension Tsunami

Maryland's Pension Tsunami
"The Pew Center on the States released earlier this week 'The Trillion Dollar Gap: Underfunded State Retirement Systems and the Roads to Reform.'
It should have been called 'The Road to Serfdom' like the Hayek classic.
According to the report, Maryland's 'management of its long-term pension liability is cause for serious concern.'
It shows that Maryland's liabilities grew 77 percent from 1999 to 2008 while assets only grew 43 percent, a recipe for MUCH higher taxes."

Crushing the Competition

Power Line - Crushing the Competition
"It's rumored that during the Olympics, when a curling match carried over into Keith Olbermann's time slot, ratings plunged when the curling ended and Olbermann came on.
Well, that makes sense.
I'd rather watch curling than Olbermann.
But then, I'd rather get a root canal than watch Olbermann, too."

Obama to spell out rebates for energy efficiency

Obama to spell out rebates for energy efficiency
"The price tag for Home Star could be in the range of $6 billion, said one official.
Cash for Clunkers was a $3 billion program that ran for about a month last year, from July 27 to Aug. 25"

The Flu Season That Fizzled

Young voters increasingly identify with conservative politics

Young voters increasingly identify with conservative politics
"A recent Pew Research Center report said 40 percent of voters ages 18 to 28 lean Republican, up from 30 percent last year.
Fifty-four percent of those voters said they lean Democratic, down from 62 percent last year."

Very interesting article.
Note that young folks lean more with conservative politics than with republican politicians.

The GOPers need a real plan to connect with these young voters at the grass roots level.
They have NO plan yet.

Hey Washington! Economy has us very worried

Hey Washington! Economy has us very worried
"Then, ABC News reported that its Consumer Comfort Index plunged to the minus-50 mark and now hovers just four points from its record low.

The Conference Board survey is particularly interesting because it's broken up into two components.
The 'Present Situation Index' -- meaning, how's your life today? -- dropped nearly six points to 19.4.
But the 'Expectations Index' of how those surveyed believe the economy will be six months from now declined a whopping 13.5 points.

Holy crisis!

Even with the stock market still bubbling and media trying its damnedest to convince us at least a million times a day that there's an economic recovery, the American public isn't buying it.
Worse, we've become a clinically depressed nation that doesn't think the situation will ever get better.

OK, so what's really going on?
Well, this is what you get when the government lies to people and when those in elected office believe their own fibs."

A gas tax to cure global warming?

A gas tax to cure global warming? Compromise looks to revive stalled plan
Sens. John Kerry, D-Mass., Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., .....would instead go after power plants, motor vehicles and manufacturers with targeted taxes and caps.

RINO Lindsey Graham believes AlGore is right about global warming and we need more taxes in our country.
Wake up SC conservatives!

A Blizzard Of Lies From Al Gore

A Blizzard Of Lies From Al Gore
Climate Fraud:
Al Gore resurfaces in an op-ed to say that nobody's perfect, everybody makes mistakes and climate change is still real.
And he has some oceanfront property in the Himalayas to sell you.

Lottery Winner Eats $15,000 Winning Lottery Ticket

Lottery Winner Eats $15,000 Winning Lottery Ticket
"One airline passenger became so irate that he could not claim his $15,000 winning scratch card while on board a flight that he took rather odd action — he ate his ticket."

Monday, March 01, 2010

"Larry the Liquidator" on Senate Bill 1174 [Mackinac Center]

"Larry the Liquidator" on Senate Bill 1174 [Mackinac Center]
2010 Senate Bill 1174 (Rewrite corporate takeover rules for particular insurance company)

Introduced by Sen. Gerald Van Woerkom (R) on February 25, 2010, to rewrite the rules for corporate acquisitions so as to raise obstacles to the acquisition of a controlling interest in the Fremont Insurance Company (which is located in the district of the bill sponsor) by the Indianapolis-based Steak and Shake Corporation.
Specifically, the bill would require a two-thirds supermajority of shareholders to vote in favor of the sale if the current board of directors opposes being taken over, but only for a 'domestic (Michigan-based) insurer with 200 employees or fewer.
Take the money.
Invest it somewhere else.
Maybe, maybe you'll get lucky and it'll be used productively.
And if it is, you'll create new jobs and provide a service for the economy and, God forbid, even make a few bucks for yourselves."

This speech is from "Other People's Money," considered by some to be capitalism's finest film.
"Predatory" investor "Larry the Liquidator's" (Danny DeVito) explains to shareholders considering a vote on a "hostile" takeover the virtue of encouraging the movement of capital from less productive uses (and managers) to more productive ones, not only because it will make money for them, but because it ultimately increases the overall wealth and well-being of a society.'"

Jerry is term limited out this year.
And this legislation helps the managers of the company keep their cush jobs but at great cost to all its stockholders.
And sends a message to ALL future businesses that Michigan is special interest heaven.

Ancient Secret Service Computers Overtaxed

Ancient Secret Service Computers Overtaxed
"A classified review of the United States Secret Service's computer technology found that the agency's computers were fully operational only 60 percent of the time because of outdated systems and a reliance on a computer mainframe that dates to the 1980s, according to Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn."
Now Obama is taxing his Secret Service computers?
Computers don't even have income!

Political Litmus Test: Bluest States Spilling The Most Red Ink

Political Litmus Test: Bluest States Spilling The Most Red Ink
"Powerful unions, big spending put Democratic states in deepest fiscal holes."

Could there be a connection between democrat control and financial disaster?
ya think?

Sweetness & Light

Sweetness & Light
"Billionaire investor George Soros, who helped U.S. President Barack Obama raise money for his presidential campaign in 2008, said Sunday he wasn’t happy with Mr. Obama’s handling of the financial crisis.
Mr. Soros said the government should have taken over U.S. banks instead of bailing them out, a move he suggested would have been more popular with Americans."

This guy funds and owns many democrat senators and congressman.
He also is a major donor to Obama.
This should scare everyone in our country.

Hot-dog hysteria

Hot-dog hysteria - Washington Times
"Believe it or not, the government is about to regulate the shape of hot dogs."

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Althouse: "Why do the women's costumes all do weird things around the boobs?"

Althouse: "Why do the women's costumes all do weird things around the boobs?"

'Why can't the men's costumes do the same thing with the ass area?'"

A CHART WORTH RUNNING AGAIN: From Cato: Five Decades of Federal Spending. I’m expecting the…

Editorial - Relieve the Chairman of His Gavel -

Editorial - Relieve the Chairman of His Gavel -
"Congressman Charles Rangel was far from humbled after the ethics committee admonished him for taking corporate-paid Caribbean junkets in violation of the House ethics code.
Rather, the New York Democrat berated the panel’s leaders on the House floor.
The moment was characteristic of Mr. Rangel’s arrogance throughout the investigation"

My gosh!
The New York Times?

A perfect storm is brewing for the IPCC

A perfect storm is brewing for the IPCC
"Furthermore, it has also emerged in almost every case that the decision to include these scare stories rather than hard scientific evidence was deliberate."

A tempest in a nuclear reactor?

A tempest in a nuclear reactor?
"Where's the accountability?
Two years ago, the Democrats and their friends in the liberal media were patting themselves on the back because of a National Intelligence Estimate that baldly stated, 'Iran halted its nuclear weapons development program in the fall of 2003.'
This was thought to make President George Bush look bad because he was insisting that Iran was a rogue nation that presented a growing threat in the Mideast and throughout the world"
And remember the media coverage that mocked Bush's stand!

MSU administrators pull in large raises despite tough economy

MSU administrators pull in large raises despite tough economy
"Even as Michigan State University cuts staff, pares back operating budgets and prepares to shut down some degree programs, a few of the university's top administrators are bringing in big raises.

Three years ago, William Strampel, the dean of MSU's College of Osteopathic Medicine was earning $204,568. Today he makes $324,254, an increase of more than 58 percent.
In the same time period, Marsha Rappley, the dean of the College of Human Medicine, has seen her salary jump from $300,000 to $378,521, a raise of more than 26 percent.
And Kim Wilcox, the university's provost, has gone from earning $288,000 to $347,000, a 20 percent increase over three years."

We tighten our belts while they buy bigger belts ( and we get to buy the belts).

How can Michigan's economy get moving if its roads are riddled with potholes?

How can Michigan's economy get moving if its roads are riddled with potholes?
“You bring a company in, you put them in a car and the first thing they do is hit potholes,” Klohs said.
“We drive roads that are Third World, and that’s supposed to be the impression they have of us?”"

Edwards epilogue: Does the press really vet presidential candidates?

Edwards epilogue: Does the press really vet presidential candidates?
"The revelations about Edwards, contained in two best-selling books, have undermined one of the favorite conceits of political journalism, that the intensive scrutiny given candidates by reporters during a presidential campaign is an excellent filter to determine who is fit for the White House."

The press knew all about Slick Willies steaming hot panties and never said a word to the country.
The same Stalinist press stifled Obama's entire life history. Not to mention his well documented associations with leftist icons and his shady voting record as Ill. and US senator.

California is a greater risk than Greece, warns JP Morgan chief

California is a greater risk than Greece, warns JP Morgan chief
"Jamie Dimon, chairman of JP Morgan Chase, has warned American investors should be more worried about the risk of default of the state of California than of Greece's current debt woes."

When will Americans wake up?
The public employee pension disaster is destroying our cities, states and ultimately our country!

We shoulda known -

We shoulda known
When a recent conver sation turned to a be leaguered Gov. Paterson, a New York official aimed a barb at journalists.
"How many articles took a close look at Paterson before he became lieutenant governor?" the official asked.
It was a rhetorical question, the answer obvious: approximately none.

Supreme Court scrutinizes state, local gun control

Supreme Court scrutinizes state, local gun control
"Gun control advocates think, if not pray, they can win by losing when the Supreme Court decides whether the constitutional right to possess guns serves as a check on state and local regulation of firearms.
The justices will be deciding whether the Second Amendment - like much of the rest of the Bill of Rights - applies to states as well as the federal government.
It's widely believed they will say it does."

Tuesday is the big day.