Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Tony's Bistro RIP

The service has been exceptionally bad lately.

But the "kiddy" bar owned by our county prosecutor and county treasurer is alive and well!

Muskegon Heights' Mayor Darrell Paige rallying residents to fill out census

Muskegon Heights' Mayor Darrell Paige rallying residents to fill out census
"After Paige finished speaking at a census rally at the Hackley Community Care Center, 2700 Baker, census workers gave out T-shirts, hats and other items printed with 2010 census slogans.
Workers also gave out census forms, which are in multiple languages, to anyone who needed them.
Forms also are available at the Muskegon Heights Library, in addition to other locations.

Shortly after giving a T-shirt to a Hackley employee, Partnership Assistant Cozette Thomas said she felt the giveaways had a good impact.

“Last year we had an event at the Muskegon Heights Festival In the Park, and a lot of people we talked to didn’t even know what the census was,” she said. “If anything else, it’s getting them to know what it’s all about.”"

Nuff said about the Heights....and lot's of free "items" from Obama.....

DMC sale foes, Cox aides to meet

DMC sale foes, Cox aides to meet
"Three Metro Detroit nonprofit groups that have raised objections to the proposed sale of the Detroit Medical Center will meet today with representatives from Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox's office to outline their concerns.

The groups charge that selling the nonprofit DMC to Vanguard Health Systems Inc., a for-profit health care company based in Nashville, Tenn., violates state law."

Non-profits sue cuz they they want profit making companies to be illegal in Michigan?
Is there ANY reason to question why we're the last state in our country in every economic category?

Three running for two Grand Haven school board seats

Three running for two Grand Haven school board seats
"To help voters make informed choices, The Chronicle sent questionnaires to registered candidates.
The questionnaires gave candidates the opportunity to provide personal information, list their top three priorities"

Not a single candidate even mentions the mastodon in the middle of the economic room, teacher pay, benefits and retirement.

And ya gotta love the "Save money by looking for additional energy efficiencies" goal.

"Class, we will now compare the total energy cost as a percentage of the total education cost vs the total compensation of teachers/aids expenditures as a percentage of the total education cost.......can't anyone do simple math anymore!!!"

Experts: Down economy makes Michigan open to 'try new things'

Experts: Down economy makes Michigan open to 'try new things'
"Michigan could bounce back if leaders take 'a bold stroke or two,' said Joseph Lehman, president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, a Midland-based free-market think tank.
One of those strokes is bringing state government employee benefits in line with the private sector, Lehman said.

'That would amount to $5.7 billion in annual savings,' Lehman said.
The reduction in turn would attract businesses and create jobs, he said.

Gov. Jennifer Granholm has proposed a plan that would encourage 7,000 state government workers and 39,000 public school employees into retirement to address a state budget crisis.
And House Speaker Andy Dillon, D-Redford Township, who is running for governor, has proposed that state and local workers as well as teachers be lumped into a statewide pool for health care benefits, a plan that would save up to an estimated $900 million a year.

Unions oppose both plans."

Understand just who our economic enemy really is!

Economy blamed for expected drop in Muskegon County population

Economy blamed for expected drop in Muskegon County population
"For the first time in 26 years, the U.S. Census Bureau estimates that the population of Muskegon County dropped in 2009.

Muskegon County’s 2009 estimated population was 173,951 people, down 618 or 0.35 percent."

OK, I get it.
It's "the economy's" fault.
It has nothing to do with our elected leader's votes and decisions.
Just "the economy".
Isn't that code for "Bush's fault"?

Federal survey finds homelessness, shelters are more expensive than housing | -

Federal survey finds homelessness, shelters are more expensive than housing
"A new federal survey finds that housing the homeless in emergency shelters can be more costly than the typical cost of rent or transitional housing.
For Grand Rapids, the average cost of a one-bedroom apartment is just under $600, compared to a cost of $744 a month at the Guiding Light Mission.

And while the mission also offers three meals a deal and day shelter for that cost, Executive Director Stuart Ray said the point is this: It costs more to house the homeless than prevent the loss of a home in the first place.

'My belief system says we ought to do everything we can to help people reach their full potential. This is the last place they want to be.'

The Department of Housing and Urban Development analyzed the cost of homeless programs in six places nationwide, including Kalamazoo.
It found that it costs $1,614 to house a family in an emergency shelter there per month, compared with $813 per month for transitional housing and $881 per month for permanent housing."

Grab your wallets, folks!
Here they come again!
The Obamaians want to go back guessed it...Chicago style PUBLIC HOUSING!

The above article sorta ignores that "nationwide" isn't necessarily Muskegon or west Michigan.
And the Guiding Light offers more than food and lodging.
They've got to deal with those who need help.

But who cares?
Free "health care", free student "loans", free housing!
Sounds sorta soviet to me.
And Obama wants to bring it to your neighborhood soon!

Jenison superintendent to announce cutback plan Monday

Jenison superintendent to announce cutback plan Monday
"Superintendent Tom TenBrink said recommendations concerning reductions to next year's school budget could be announced at Monday's upcoming board meeting.
The district is 'waiting as long as we can because the climate keeps changing,' he said.
Factors include whether the state will make another per-pupil funding cut.
While he's expecting a minimum deficit of $3.9 million, TenBrink hopes retirements will offset the need for layoffs.
Last year's reductions included switching to privatized custodial services.
A budget must be in place by June 30.
The board meets at 7:30 p.m. in the Jenison High School media center."

The real problem is the phrase they dare not speak: "teachers are paid too much for too little work and retire with too much benefits way too early".
And they get automatic triple raises every year.
Ya can't fix the problem if ya deny there is a problem.

West Michigan community leaders take field trip to see wind turbines in action

West Michigan community leaders take field trip to see wind turbines in action
"All of those who impulsively and emotionally oppose the wind turbine proposals need to become better educated on the wind industry, Muskegon City Commissioner Sue Wierengo said.

“This is fascinating to come and see how they work and what they look like,” Wierengo said.
“To have a (negative) gut reaction like they did in Pentwater is just stupid.
There is a lot to explore and learn, but I am favorably impressed.”"

This is what too many of our Muskegon elected "leaders" think of us uneducated little people.

The Rape of America

American Thinker: The Rape of America
"Let's start by analyzing the mind of a rapist.
His goal: Domination and absolute power, through any means necessary."

West Michigan community leaders take field trip to see wind turbines in action

West Michigan community leaders take field trip to see wind turbines in action
"Next in the community conversation and debate on whether to embrace the wind turbine industry will come May 4 when Michigan Great Lakes Offshore Wind Council gathers at Muskegon Community College for a public information meeting on state policies for offshore wind turbines.
The meeting for public input and discussion begins at 6 p.m."

Mark your calendars!

Health care overhaul spawns mass confusion for public

Health care overhaul spawns mass confusion for public
"Two weeks after President Barack Obama signed the big health care overhaul into law, Americans are struggling to understand how — and when — the sweeping measure will affect them"

G.M. and Chrysler Pensions Underfunded by $17 Billion

G.M. and Chrysler Pensions Underfunded by $17 Billion
"The pension plans at General Motors and Chrysler are underfunded by a total of $17 billion and could fail if the automakers do not return to profitability, according to a government report released Tuesday."

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Obama judicial nominee in 'jeopardy'

Obama judicial nominee in 'jeopardy'
"The missing material “creates the impression that he knowingly attempted to hide his most controversial work from the committee,” Judiciary Republicans wrote to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy on Tuesday."

Good grief!
A liberal liar and a cheater on his way to a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court.
Ain't Obama's "change" great?

YID With LID: Maxine Waters 2007 Speech at "F**K the USA" Rally (and SHE Bashes the Tea Party?)

YID With LID: Maxine Waters 2007 Speech at "F**K the USA" Rally (and SHE Bashes the Tea Party?)

"Maxine Waters is a perfect example of what is wrong with Congress a partisan who uses the office to enrich her family and her friends.
Even worse she represents the ultimate in hypocrisy.
The week after the tea parties out side the capital the weekend of the Obamacare vote she was front and center on TV criticizing the words and methods of the protesters, who were generally peaceful and respectful.
She also used her criticism as an opportunity to bash Republicans for supporting the tea parties.

Yet as this video shows, in 2007 she was a leader, speaking at a Code Pink rally, where the protesters were screaming 'F**K The USA' as she was screaming 'Bush is a Liar.'"

It also highlights the disgusting duplicity of the slobbering, liberal American TV and newspaper media.

GM workers in Wyoming to vote again on contract changes rejected last week

GM workers in Wyoming to vote again on contract changes rejected last week
"The former Delphi workers complained that GM failed to honor a January cost-of-living raise in their current contract, ending September 2011.

A 3 percent bonus was also dropped.

Terms for health insurance were fluid last week; the initial proposal put monthly costs at $345 for family coverage, but a last-minute negotiation reset the plan to keep existing plans in place.

Whether that change sticks in the package for revoting is unclear."

The thug unions destroyed the old GM.

And they continue to demand the guaranteed tripple raises every year and NO healthcare cuts or co-pay at all.

Now they want their political friends in the democrat party to set the stage for the next bankruptcy of Obama-motors......or another taxpayer bailout by their political godfathers in the democrat party.

Water funds to held in escrow until Muskegon Heights, Norton Shores, Fruitport dispute settled

Water funds to held in escrow until Muskegon Heights, Norton Shores, Fruitport dispute settled
"The ongoing legal dispute between three local municipalities concerning wholesale water rates is leading to more money being held in an escrow account until a resolution is reached."

The Heights thugs must be stopped.

This is a good sign for the future!

Cal pension funds a half-trillion dollars short, study says

Cal pension funds a half-trillion dollars short, study says
"'This study reinforces the immediate need to address our staggering pension debt,' Schwarzenegger said in a statement.

'According to the study, California taxpayers are on the hook for over a half trillion dollars.
That's nearly six times the size of our entire state budget.

The consequences are clear: increasingly large portions of state funding for programs Californians hold dear such as schools, parks and health care will be diverted to pay for this debt.

That is bad enough, but without reform, pension debt will only grow.'

Schwarzenegger has proposed broad pension reforms, including shifting new employees to a new, lower-cost system and raising state employees' pension contributions, but with opposition from public worker unions, his plan has gone nowhere."

It is long passed the time that we understand who the real enemy is: public sector unions.

Will we simply continue to bend over and tighten our financial belts as they continue to buy bigger belts...on our money?

Get involved or the ultimate price we all will pay will destroy our schools....and our personal savings

'Financial challenges' highlight Coopersville school address

'Financial challenges' highlight Coopersville school address
"He said he will need to work with unions to bring about necessary changes."

The only "necessary changes" the unions will approve are more taxes for the taxpayers, and more automatic raises and early retirement packages for their union members.

Unless we the people start going to school board meetings.

It's easy folks.

Just do it!

Or continue to pay the price of your laziness.

Study: California Public Pensions Underfunded by Over $500B

Study: California Public Pensions Underfunded by Over $500B
"California's three major public pension funds are underfunded by more than half a trillion dollars, according to a report released Monday, the San Jose Mercury News reports."

Monday, April 05, 2010

Health insurance, police contract among pressures of Muskegon city finances | -

Health insurance, police contract among pressures of Muskegon city finances
"Meanwhile, both the Police Officers Labor Council, representing approximately 63 city patrol officers, and the city commission have ratified a two-year labor agreement retroactive to Jan. 1 and expiring Dec. 31, 2011.
The contract includes a 1 percent pay hike in each of the two years.
If any nonunion city employee group receives a higher increase, so would the patrol officers."

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Apple third highest stcok capitialization in US!Investors await iPad’s cliffhanger launch

Investors await iPad’s cliffhanger launch
"Spurred in part by iPad anticipation, shareholder enthusiasm has more than doubled Apple’s market capitalisation in the past year, driving it past Google and Walmart.
At $214bn, Apple is worth more than every US company but ExxonMobile and Microsoft."

Friday, April 02, 2010

State Websites Give History a Rewrite

State Websites Give History a Rewrite
Readers of the state of Michigan's various Web sites would be hard pressed to find evidence of one of the more embarrassing incidents to have happened this year to the Granholm administration."

Muskegon County jobless rate drops, slightly, to 16.3 percent in February

Muskegon County jobless rate drops, slightly, to 16.3 percent in February
"Like most labor market areas in Michigan, Muskegon County reported drops in labor force levels, employment and unemployment because of likely educational staff recalls and seasonal layoffs at retail and leisure establishments."

School Pension Reform Stalls in Senate

School Pension Reform Stalls in Senate
"A plan to reform public school pensions and set them more in line with private-sector retirement standards — and thus save Michigan taxpayers an estimated $3.5 billion over the next 10 years — stalled in the Michigan Senate as that chamber prepared to leave for its spring break.

Although GOP senators cast blame for the failure at Gov. Jennifer Granholm and Democrats, Republican sources said that only 18 votes could be mustered for the measure, leaving it two votes shy of passage in a chamber where Republicans hold a 22-16 majority."

Thursday, April 01, 2010

“Watching the Commander of the Pacific Fleet’s deadpan face as Congressman Hank Johnson…

“Watching the Commander of the Pacific Fleet’s deadpan face as Congressman Hank Johnson (D., Ga.) asks him about the danger of the island of Guam tipping over and capsizing is a glimpse of how the viziers to the loopier Ottoman sultans must have felt.”

UPDATE: Johnson says it was just an out-of-control metaphor.
Frankly, I find this explanation more plausible. . . .
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 6:35 pm"

Underemployment Rises to 20.3% in March

Underemployment Rises to 20.3% in March
: "Gallup Daily tracking finds that 20.3% of the U.S. workforce was underemployed in March -- a slight uptick from the relatively flat January and February numbers."

Toyota's US sales jump 35.3 percent in March

Toyota's US sales jump 35.3 percent in March
"Toyota on Thursday reported a 35.3 percent jump in US sales in March, rebounding from a series of mass safety recalls which have undermined the embattled Japanese automaker's reputation."

Embracing Liberty, Not Big Government

Embracing Liberty, Not Big Government
"Over the past 14 months, our political debate has been transformed into an argument between the heirs of two fundamental schools of political thought, the Founders and the Progressives.

The Founders stood for the expansion of liberty and the Progressives for the expansion of government.

It's an argument that has been going on for a century but was largely dormant over the quarter-century of low-inflation economic growth that followed the Ronald Reagan tax cuts.
It's been raised again by the expand-government policies of the Obama administration and Democratic congressional leaders."

Steve Gunn: Lawmakers need a dose of courage to deal with deficit

Steve Gunn: Lawmakers need a dose of courage to deal with deficit
"According to statistics, Michigan’s private sector has lost 12.1 percent of its jobs since 2000, while the number of state government jobs has actually increased.

State employees make an average of $57,788 in total compensation, which is 6 percent higher than the national state employee average, according to the Anderson Economic Group of East Lansing. State employees make about $17,000 more than the average private-sector employees in Michigan.

Michigan public employees also collect about $5.7 billion more in benefits than they would if they worked in the private sector."

UAW members at GM plant in Wyoming reject contract changes, risk closing plant

UAW members at GM plant in Wyoming reject contract changes, risk closing plant
"Members of Local 167, United Auto Workers, soundly rejected a package of changes to their contract Wednesday at the former Delphi Corp. plant, now held by General Motors Components Holding.
Workers voted 136 yes to 258 no, nearly 2-1 against the Memorandum of Understanding dated on St. Patrick's Day 2010."

Just wait 'til "card check" is the law of the land.
We won't have any factories left in our country.

California's last auto plant shuts its doors

California's last auto plant shuts its doors
"The last car has rolled off the production lines at California's sole auto plant."

10 Greatest April Fool's Day Hoaxes

10 Greatest April Fool's Day Hoaxes -

Eight U.S. militia members enter not guilty pleas

Eight U.S. militia members enter not guilty pleas
"The question is where they actually serious, or just a bunch of guys beating their chests and issuing rants?' said Jerry Flynn, his court-appointed attorney.
'There are a lot of allegations with very little proof.'"

I suspect this big media event was contrived by the Obama administration and all those big mouth fools will go free.
And soon.
And the liberal MSM will provide excuses for BarryO and his feddies.
This country has really been turned upside down!

Mitch Albom: Dot on Tom Izzo's résumé: Seven weeks in Oklahoma

Mitch Albom: Dot on Tom Izzo's résumé: Seven weeks in Oklahoma
"The winds howled.
The sky was purple-black.
A young Tom Izzo pulled his car off the highway, got out and did what they had told him to do:
He crawled under the car for safety.
There, beneath the chassis, pressed against the earth, he prayed, 'Dear Lord, don't let me die here.'
He was a man against the elements, Tom vs. Tornado, a stranger in a strange land ..."

UAW membership sinks to post-WWII low

UAW membership sinks to post-WWII low
"The ranks of UAW members fell to a new post-World War II low in 2009 as the bankruptcies of General Motors and Chrysler led to thousands of manufacturing job losses."

Farhat drops Senate bid, joins Hoekstra campaign

Farhat drops Senate bid, joins Hoekstra campaign
"David Farhat, a former Muskegon County state representative, is exiting the race for the 34th state Senate District and turning his attention to helping a West Michigan candidate for governor."

Good for Dave and Pete.
Bad for us Muskegon voters.
Dave would have been an excellent senator.

YouTube - 3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv

YouTube - 3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv

You MUST see this democrat congressman.....and fear for our nation.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Protecting Public Pensions

Protecting Public Pensions
"The city of Evanston, Illinois is a suburban municipality located directly north of the city of Chicago and has approximately 74,000 residents.
This city has had a long history of underfunding its police and fire pension plans and it still dealing with these problems today despite prior litigation.
The underfunding of the police and fire pension plans continually worsened with the City now facing a $159 million unfunded accrued liability for the police and fire pension plans with plan assets covering only 42% of the benefits owed.
To put these figures in context, the unfunded liability is about $2,000 per Evanston resident or $4,500 per household."

4 dead in Southeast DC drive-by shooting

4 dead in Southeast DC drive-by shooting
"The shooting victims are six men and three women. Most are in their 20s and 30s. One is a teen."

It's obvious we've lost the war against crime and criminal government in DC.
Isn't it time we considered pulling our troops and police out of harms way?

Works and Days » We Are All Pods Now

Works and Days » We Are All Pods Now
: "Go to Sleep, Wake up a Pod

I am catching on to this new year-old society; I think I am at least.

Paying an underwater mortgage is sort of what wealthy and dubious people do; defaulting on one is proof of legitimate victimhood.

There is no more immigration law — unless you are a foolish German, Russian, or Aussie who overstays his visa without claim on a proper -ism.
Budgeting for your private health care plan is proof of privilege; a maxed out credit card is better proof of corporate conspiracy.

And paying no federal income taxes is evidence that you belong to the good 50% of Americans — or are mega-rich, savvy, and able enough to pay on your income instead at the capital gains rate.

There is no more interest on your meager passbook account; just on your mortgage: you pay the bank 5% for a house loan; they pay you a tenth of that at .5% for having $10,000 in your savings.
They are dubbed “evil” by Washington and given more perks and latitude than ever before.

You are to pay higher local, state, federal, payroll, and heath care taxes, with the assumptions that you will not help to pay down the debt and you, the greedy bastard, should pay even more taxes than you do.

Wake up, and get with it, reader: either you are a pod now — or everyone else is."

A Trip Down Memory Lane

A Trip Down Memory Lane

"Not too long ago, taking to the streets to protest your government was considered a patriotic act.

It’s true!

But it seems that publicly airing your grievances stopped being patriotic right around noon on January 20th, 2009.
Once President Obama was sworn in, protesting became incitement to violence.

If you’ve opened up a newspaper or watched a cable news program in the past week or so, you’ve probably seen members of the media painting Tea Party activists as dangerous bigots.

That’s because disagreeing with President Obama on issues like government spending and high taxes makes you a racist, you see.

What’s interesting about the media’s latest freak-out is that there were radicals a-plenty under President Bush.
They protested in the streets.
They talked openly about revolution and killing.
But oddly, the violent imagery used by people claiming to be advocates for peace never registered with the media.
They were too busy fawning over Cindy Sheehan.

Why the difference in coverage?

Did the media cheerlead the protests against President Bush to hurt him politically?

Are they trying to marginalize the increasingly powerful Tea Party movement because they favor President Obama’s agenda?

One thing’s for sure: If there is such a thing as dangerous rhetoric, then the media is at least one president too late in reporting the story.

Don’t believe me?

Well, then let’s take a trip down memory lane..."

Click the link to see Evan's 4 minute movie.
And then tell me there is no media bias.

Power Line - Evan Coyne Maloney remembers

Power Line - Evan Coyne Maloney remembers
"... During the Bush administration, Evan was out in the field with his camera observing protests and interviewing protesters.
He is therefore in a good position to recall the signs and symbols of the left-wing opposition to the Bush administration's post-9/11 national security policies.
How do they compare to the Tea Party protesters expressing their opposition to Barack Obama's program of national socialism?

Evan has now produced a timely new video splicing together footage that he calls 'A trip down memory lane.'

He describes it as four minutes of nonstop examples of violent imagery and extremist rhetoric employed by left-wing anti-Bush protesters.

He writes: 'For some reason, despite it being well documented at the time by me and many others, the media chose to ignore it.'


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

NCAA Final Four and Championship live in 3D At Celebration! Cinema

NCAA Final Four and Championship live in 3D At Celebration! Cinema
"Come watch the Michigan State vs. Butler game LIVE in 3D on April 3rd and the NCAA championship game live in 3D on April 5th!

Tickets for the MSU-Butler final four matchup and the NCAA championship game are on sale below:

Michigan State vs. Butler
Click here to buy tickets for the Michigan State vs. Butler matchup in the Final Four!

NCAA Championship Game
Click here to buy tickets for the NCAA Championship Game!

Additional Info:
Tickets are $20.

There will be a cash bar available for both games."

This is pretty cool!

Does MSU really belong among college baskeball elite?

Does MSU really belong among college baskeball elite?
"But think about the track record. Izzo has now taken MSU to consecutive Final Fours TWICE in his career.
Only five other coaches have ever done that.
And only four coaches now have ever gone to more Final Fours than Izzo has."

The Costs of Expanding Medicaid Will Bankrupt the States

The Costs of Expanding Medicaid Will Bankrupt the States

"One of the central aspects ObamaCare, besides the individual mandate to purchase insurance, is the expansion of Medicaid eligibility to 133 percent of the poverty level.

To entice Democrat lawmakers, especially in the Senate, to vote for this, Senate leaders assured the states that the federal government would cover the costs of the expansion until 2014.

After that, they said, the states would be responsible for paying for 10 percent of the expansion.

According to the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, the Medicaid expansion would “result in large increases in eligibles in most states and many new enrollees.
Not only would eligibility standards be extended but the individual mandate, though somewhat difficult to enforce at these income levels, will mean that large numbers of both previously eligible and newly eligible people will enroll.”

In other words, costs will go up. A lot."

Obama To Take Over Control of College Textbooks?

Obama To Take Over Control of College Textbooks? « Publius Forum
"National Review quotes George Mason economics professor Donald J. Boudreaux as saying that this act seems to be “a first step toward federal oversight of the contents of college textbooks.”
As proof he points specifically to section C, the publisher requirements section.

"(C) A description of the substantial content revisions made between the current edition of the college textbook or supplemental material and the previous edition, if any."

Why does Obama’s overlords need to know what revisions have been made to a textbook?
This act is supposed to be concerned with pricing and availability, not content… isn’t it?"

Karl Rove Gets Branded 'War Criminal' At Beverly Hills Book Signing

Karl Rove Gets Branded 'War Criminal' At Beverly Hills Book Signing
"KCAL 9's Dave Bryan was there and said Rove 'was shouted down and forced to leave the stage.'

Another woman screamed at Rove, 'The only comfort I take is're going to rot in hell.'"

Did Lawmakers Play “Race Card” to Smear Protesters?

Did Lawmakers Play “Race Card” to Smear Protesters?
"In one case, there simply is no evidence.
Video shows the congressmen walking to the Capitol, while protesters shouted “Kill the bill!”
No racial slurs can be heard. In another case, emerging facts seem to expose the lie;
Cleaver claimed that a protester spat on him and was arrested, yet Capitol Police spokesman Sgt. Kimberly Schneider said that no arrests were made that day."

Pet shop owner who sold goldfish to boy hauled before court and ordered to wear electronic tag | Mail Online

Pet shop owner who sold goldfish to boy hauled before court and ordered to wear electronic tag
"Buying a goldfish at a pet shop used to be an innocent childhood pleasure.
But today an elderly pet shop owner told how she was 'entrapped' into selling a goldfish to a 14-year-old schoolboy, then warned she could face jail.
She had breached a law introduced in 2006 which bans selling live fish to anyone under 16."

The Associated Press: Prudential to take $100M health care charge in 1Q

The Associated Press: Prudential to take $100M health care charge in 1Q
"Insurer Prudential Financial Inc. said Monday that it will take a $100 million charge in the first quarter in relation to the recent health care overhaul legislation."

NASA Data Worse Than Climate-Gate Data, Space Agency Admits

NASA Data Worse Than Climate-Gate Data, Space Agency Admits

No Time for a Real Threat as ABC and CBS Skip Arrest of Man Targeting GOP’s Cantor

No Time for a Real Threat as ABC and CBS Skip Arrest of Man Targeting GOP’s Cantor
"Yet after the networks led last week with less-immediate threats against Democrats, they weren’t so interested in a real case of a death threat against a Republican as neither CBS nor ABC aired a word about the arrest and NBC’s Brian Williams gave it short-shrift after leading last Wednesday with Democrats as the victims:
“It's getting ugly as anger over health care reform erupts into some over-the-top rhetoric, including threats now against members of Congress.”"

American music during World War Two-World War II song Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy.

American music during World War Two - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"An article published in Stars & Stripes during WWII credits Clarence Zylman of Muskegon, Michigan, as the original Boogie Woogie Bugler."

James Lovelock: Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change

James Lovelock: Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change
"One of the main obstructions to meaningful action is 'modern democracy', he added"

CNN Fails to Stop Fall in Ratings

CNN Fails to Stop Fall in Ratings
"CNN continued what has become a precipitous decline in ratings for its prime-time programs in the first quarter of 2010, with its main hosts losing almost half their viewers in a year."

Monday, March 29, 2010

Rep. Burgess: If Mandate To Buy Health Insurance Upheld By Court, No Limit To What Govt Can Force People To Buy

Rep. Burgess: If Mandate To Buy Health Insurance Upheld By Court, No Limit To What Govt Can Force People To Buy
"Representative Michael Burgess (R-Texas) told that if the mandate in the health care law requiring individuals to purchase health insurance or be penalized is upheld by the courts, the federal government could mandate anything, such as requiring all Americans to purchase a General Motors car."

Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Way News - Many felony pot cases getting tossed out of court

My Way News - Many felony pot cases getting tossed out of court: "Police in a northern California town thought they had an open-and-shut case when they seized more than two pounds of marijuana from a couple's home, even though doctors authorized the pair to use pot for medical purposes."

Seven arrested in FBI raids linked to Christian militia group

Seven arrested in FBI raids linked to Christian militia group
Seven arrested in FBI raids linked to Christian militia group"

Most Say Tea Party Has Better Understanding of Issues than Congress - Rasmussen Reports™

Most Say Tea Party Has Better Understanding of Issues than Congress - Rasmussen Reports™: "The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 52% of U.S. voters believe the average member of the Tea Party movement has a better understanding of the issues facing America today than the average member of Congress. Only 30% believe that those in Congress have a better understanding of the key issues facing the nation."

STEYN: A healthy dose of catastrophe

STEYN: A healthy dose of catastrophe
"Which is to say that right now, the future lies somewhere between the certainty of decline and the probability of catastrophe.
What can stop it?
Not a lot."

Coward Russ Carnahan Pushes Bogus Tea Party Lie to Media

Coward Russ Carnahan Pushes Bogus Tea Party Lie to Media– Claims Prayer Service With Coffin Was a Violent Threat - Big Government
"Claims Prayer Service With Coffin Was a Violent Threat

Remember as you read this: There is nothing the democratic-media complex will not do to lie about the tea party patriots or to prop up these horrid leftists who are transforming our country into some kind of quasi-socialist state.

On Sunday night several members of the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition held a prayer vigil at Russ Carnahan’s office for the millions of babies that will be slaughtered under the democrat’s pro-abortion health care bill.

We also prayed for the handicapped and the elderly who will be turned away as they face the death panels created by this bill.
And, as we stood outside his office in the rain, we prayed for our country and for the democrats in Washington DC who were stealing away our freedom at that very moment.

We brought a coffin with us to represent the millions of Americans who will suffer from inadequate treatment and perish under Obamacare."

Read this and fear for YOUR freedoms.

Fake Products and Companies Certified by Energy Star

Fake Products and Companies Certified by Energy Star - Popular Mechanics
"The Government Accountability Office Punk'd Energy Star recently by submitting fake products and companies for certification.

1. Tropical Thunder Appliances

To perform this investigation, the Government Accountability Office's (GAO) March 26, 2010, report states that it "used four bogus manufacturing firms and fictitious individuals to apply for Energy Star partnership." All four qualified. In fact, two of the fake firms received requests for real companies to buy their Energy Star–certified products—none of which exist. ."

Ten more!

They Fly First Class « John Stossel

They Fly First Class « John Stossel
"Will you and your family put off a vacation this year because you can't afford it?
Too bad, because you have paid for some terrific trips -- for government bureaucrats.
The Washington Times reports that last year $13 billion in tax dollars was spent to pamper 'public servants' on trips that double as vacation junkets."

Michigan Great Lake Wind Council meets the public -- and council members call response 'surprisingly favorable'

Michigan Great Lake Wind Council meets the public -- and council members call response 'surprisingly favorable'
"Two more public meetings are planned.
Both will start with a 6 p.m. open house, followed by 7:00 p.m. presentations.
The meetings are intended to end by 9 p.m.
APRIL 14: Danforth Place. 4989 Danforth Road, Escanaba, (Upper Penninsula).
MAY 4: Muskegon Community College, Collegiate Hall, 221 S Quarterline Rd, Muskegon."

Be there or pay the price of your laziness.

Arenas will return to Wizards

Arenas will return to Wizards
"Arenas avoided jail time for the offense, instead receiving a sentence that also includes two years of probation, a $5,000 fine and 400 hours of community service."

DC has very strict gun laws with mandatory jail sentences.
But Arenas walks.

Ah yes, the two Americas.
One for the rich and famous and another for us rabble.
It ain't gonna get better folks.
The media is enbracing this cuz they think they're in the first group.
They always are....until they're not.

ALERT: Reid Supporters Throw Eggs at Tea Party Express Buses

ALERT: Reid Supporters Throw Eggs at Tea Party Express Buses
"Supporters of Senator Harry Reid have just thrown eggs at the Tea Party Express bus caravan - striking at least one of the three buses (the red Tea Party Express bus) with multiple eggs.

About 35 Reid supporters had lined Highway 95 in front of the Nugget Casino in Searchlight where they were attempting a counter-demonstration the tens of thousands of tea party supporters who are gathering for the 'Showdown in Searchlight.'"

No frowny faces reporting this hate on TV.

No 'special relationship' between Britain and US: MPs

No 'special relationship' between Britain and US: MPs
"'The UK must continue to position itself closely alongside the US but there is a need to be less deferential and more willing to say no where our interests diverge,' the committee chairman, Labour's Mike Gapes, said, summing up the report.
He added that the phrase 'special relationship' -- first coined by Winston Churchill in 1946, the year after World War II -- was 'potentially misleading, and we recommend that its use should be avoided'."

The world will truly love us when Obama is president....right?

The Empire Strikes Back

Power Line - The Empire Strikes Back
"Good post on the true cost of ObamaCare.
But it gets better: the Dems are now shaking down CEOs who don't get with the program.

In the attached letter, Henry Waxman not only orders the CEOs of AT&T, Caterpillar, Deere & Co, and Verizon to testify before the Energy and Commerce Committee, but also to produce internal analyses and emails related to their statements.

They don't expressly subpoena the CEOs, so we can hope that they tell the Dems to GFY, though somehow I doubt that will happen.

The Dems sent these letters to the Republicans on the committee after 6pm tonight with no advance notice or prior cooperation.

Here is the letter Waxman sent to the Chairman of AT&T; the others are similar. Click to enlarge:"


So if an American company tells its employees the true cost of Obama care, the federal government will intimidate (and fine or imprison) the company's executives?

And our American media refuses to report this?!!!

321 killed in previously unreported Congo massacre

321 killed in previously unreported Congo massacre
DAKAR, Senegal (AP) -- At least 321 civilians were killed in a previously unreported massacre in Congo in late 2009, while villagers that escaped their rebel captors were sent back with their lips and ears cut off as a warning to others of what would happen if they tried to talk,"

Is this the Africa so wistfully portrayed in our new America?

Obama, scolding GOP, makes 15 appointments

Obama, scolding GOP, makes 15 appointments
"The Constitution gives presidents the power to appoint nominees who would otherwise require Senate confirmation while the chamber is in recess.
The appointments expire at the end the next legislative session, which in this case means the end of 2011.

Mr. Becker, a former AFL-CIO and Service Employees International Union lawyer, has been the target of fierce opposition as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other business groups have warned he would pursue union interests at the expense of employers, including a stalled piece of legislation that would make union organizing easier."

Two points.
The phrase "legislation that would make union organizing easier" is the destruction of the secret ballot in union elections known as "card check".
Card check is back folks.
And it is as anti-American as any piece of legislation ever proposed in our country.

The republican party leaders should have seen this coming.
Did they know and simply dodge the issue?
Or were they scammed again because they're a bunch of lazy fools?
Either way, we need more change in the party.

KUHNER: Will America break up?

KUHNER: Will America break up?
"President Obama is splintering America.

The passage of Obamacare was a historic victory for liberal governance.

Yet, its true cost may be that it triggers the eventual breakup of the country.

Mr. Obama has achieved what his liberal predecessors - Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, Bill Clinton - could only dream of: nationalized health care.

Obamacare signifies the government take-over of one-sixth of the U.S. economy.
It has dealt a mortal blow to traditional America.

We are now a European-style socialist welfare state.

The inevitable permanent tax hikes, massive public bureaucracy and liberal ruling elites will stifle competition and initiative."

And the looming bankruptcy of most of our cities, counties and states isn't even counted in this equation.

CBO report: Debt will rise to 90% of GDP

CBO report: Debt will rise to 90% of GDP
"President Obama's fiscal 2011 budget will generate nearly $10 trillion in cumulative budget deficits over the next 10 years, $1.2 trillion more than the administration projected, and raise the federal debt to 90 percent of the nation's economic output by 2020, the Congressional Budget Office reported Thursday."

This explosion of government spending will destroy our country.
Are the Tea Party members the only ones who have a clue?

The medicare part A underfunding already equals the entire value of all the stocks of all the companies on all the stock exchanges of every country in the world.

That's about $40 trillion dollars.

Will we end up as the 21st century's USSR?

A corrupt, bankrupt group of bickering small countries?

A North American Europe?

In the faces of Tea Party shouters, images of hate and history

Colbert I. King - In the faces of Tea Party shouters, images of hate and history -
"They were spotted last weekend on Capitol Hill under the Tea Party banner protesting the health-care-reform bill.

Some carried a signs that read 'If Brown [Scott Brown (R-Mass.)] can't stop it, a Browning [high power weapon] can.'

Some shouted racial and homophobic epithets at members of Congress.

Others assumed the role of rabble, responding to the calls of instigating Republican representatives gathered on a Capitol balcony."

This is the meme that the left hopes to use to marginalize ANY dissent.

Nothing really new here.

"Anyone who disagrees with us is a racist, homophobe, sexist, baby killer, etc."

We must fight them everywhere.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


"These clowns can't even install windows but we expect they can run our healthcare system?
Good luck with that."

A pushup bra for your butt.

Finally, A pushup bra for your butt.

Nursing homes at breaking point, says report

Nursing homes at breaking point, says report The Australian
"AUSTRALIAN nursing homes have reached breaking point due to chronic underfunding and staff shortages, with reports of physical assaults increasing by more than 50 per cent and sexual assaults by 36 per cent."

For Years, Deaf Boys Tried to Tell of Priest’s Abuse

For Years, Deaf Boys Tried to Tell of Priest’s Abuse -
"They told other priests.
They told three archbishops of Milwaukee.
They told two police departments and the district attorney.
They used sign language, written affidavits and graphic gestures to show what exactly Father Murphy had done to them.

But their reports fell on the deaf ears of hearing people."

Supply fears start to hit Treasuries

Supply fears start to hit Treasuries
“The environment for debt auctions has turned negative,” says Rick Klingman, managing director at BNP Paribas. “Long-term rates are rising and it is no coincidence that this has occurred after the passage of healthcare reform and the end of Fed buy-backs.”"

Little-Known Health Care Law Provision Is a Budget Buster

Little-Known Health Care Law Provision Is a Budget Buster, Critics Say
"While Congress spent the last year debating how to provide health insurance for the uninsured, a little-known provision slipped into the heath care law that could cost some Americans upwards of $2,000 a year.
The Class Act, otherwise known as the Community Living Assistance Services and Support Act, is the federal government's first long-term care insurance program.

Under-reported and the under the radar of most lawmakers, the program will allow workers to have an average of roughly $150 or $240 a month, based on age and salary, automatically deducted from their paycheck to save for long-term care.
The Congressional Budget Office expects the government will collect $109 billion in premiums by 2019."

Friday, March 26, 2010

Downtown no more: G&L Chili Dogs to close on Saturday

Downtown no more: G&L Chili Dogs to close on Saturday
"MUSKEGON -- G & L Chili Dogs, a downtown mainstay for more than 80 years, a place where folks went for a quick bite to eat and to dine in a familiar setting with people they knew, where 'regulars' have flocked since the first hot dog restaurant opened in 1929, will serve up its final Greek hot dog at 4 p.m. Saturday."

Thursday, March 25, 2010

They Fly First Class « John Stossel

They Fly First Class « John Stossel: "Will you and your family put off a vacation this year because you can't afford it? Too bad, because you have paid for some terrific trips -- for government bureaucrats. The Washington Times reports that last year $13 billion in tax dollars was spent to pamper 'public servants' on trips that double as vacation junkets."

Vatican Declined to Defrock U.S. Priest Who Abused Boys

Vatican Declined to Defrock U.S. Priest Who Abused Boys -
"Top Vatican officials — including the future Pope Benedict XVI — did not defrock a priest who molested as many as 200 deaf boys, even though several American bishops repeatedly warned them that failure to act on the matter could embarrass the church, according to church files newly unearthed as part of a lawsuit."

The Pope is complicit.
He must go...if the church is to have any credibility.

But imagine if the NYT had the guts to do similar investigating of the Islamic religion......yeah, right!

MSHDA: Michigan's Fannie Mae?

MSHDA: Michigan's Fannie Mae? [Mackinac Center]
"The state housing authority that one developer called the backbone for development and economic activity in Michigan is another victim of the collapse of the housing market.
The Michigan State Housing Development Authority's financial reports show it is in danger of losing money for the first time since the mid-1960s when it was created."

Rental Ordinance banning illegals struck Down

Latest Farmers Branch Rental Ordinance Struck Down NBC Dallas-Fort Worth
"Getty Images A federal judge has ruled that a Farmers Branch ordinance banning illegal immigrants from renting apartments is unconstitutional."

hidden cost of government

The Free Enterprise Nation - hidden cost of government
"the actual unfunded liability for these public sector pension plans would be $3.5 trillion if more realistic and conservative interest rate assumptions were utilized.

Attempts by others to determine the true federal debt (including unfunded obligations) result in the determination that if one federal “balance sheet” were utilized, the total federal debt would exceed $107 trillion, not the $12.3 trillion currently stated as “debt”.

The result is that the total federal and non-federal debt (if unfunded liabilities are included) is an estimated $112+ trillion, or SEVEN TIMES higher than the total $15 trillion currently disclosed to taxpayers.!!"

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


COMMON CENTS BLOG: "Liberal Liars Exposed! With the State Run Media Report it?
Have you heard the one about the Tea Party Protesters calling African American Congressmen Racial Epithets or calling them the 'N' Word? As the story goes:

The media claimed"

New post on Muskegon Taxpayer's Alliance from John McNally!

Police: Woman swapped girl, 10, to man for cocaine

Police: Woman swapped girl, 10, to man for cocaine
"SAGINAW, Mich. (AP) - Police in Michigan say a 45-year-old woman with a cocaine habit let a 67-year-old man have sex with a 10-year-old girl she was caring for in exchange for the drug."

Shocking Audio: Rep. Dingell Says ObamaCare Will Eventually ‘Control the People’ » Shocking Audio: Rep. Dingell Says ObamaCare Will Eventually ‘Control the People’

How the Tablet Will Change the World

How the Tablet Will Change the World
"Everyone who jammed into the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco on January 27, 2010, knew what they were there for:
Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ introduction of a thin, always-on tablet device that would let people browse the Web, read books, send email, watch movies, and play games.
It was also no surprise that the 1.5-pound iPad resembled an iPhone, right down to the single black button nestled below the bright 10-inch screen."

Trillion-Dollar Pension Crisis Looms Large Over America

Trillion-Dollar Pension Crisis Looms Large Over America
"Assuming they can laugh about such things, pension fund accountants might consider telling a joke that goes like this:

What’s the difference between General Motors and California?

California hasn’t gone bankrupt. At least, not yet."

Top 10 Low Pass Flyby's of All Time!

This is cool!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Playing the Victim - Well Blog -

Playing the Victim - Well Blog -

"In today’s Mind column, psychiatrist Dr. Richard A. Friedman explores the puzzling world of self-defeating behavior, when people blame others for their misfortune and feel victimized by bad luck.

So what explains those men and women who repeatedly pursue a path that leads to pain and disappointment?

Perhaps there is a hidden psychological reward.

I got a glimpse of it once from another patient, a woman in her early 60s who complained about her ungrateful children and neglectful friends.

As she spoke, it was clear she felt that all the major figures in her life had done her wrong.

In fact, her status as an injured party afforded her a psychological advantage: she felt morally superior to everyone she felt had mistreated her.

This was a role she had no intention of giving up.

As she left my office, she smiled and said, “I don’t expect that you’ll be able to help me.”

She was already setting up her next failure: her treatment."

Would it be cruel to say this fool is almost certainly a liberal democrat?.........

CEO Says ACORN 'Isn't Dead Yet' : NPR

CEO Says ACORN 'Isn't Dead Yet' : NPR:

"ACORN isn't disbanding despite a scandal that has caused membership to dwindle and revenues to dry up, the embattled activist group's chief executive officer told NPR on Tuesday.
'We're not dead, yet,' ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis told NPR's Allison Keyes on Tuesday's Tell Me More. 'Some of our state chapters have chosen to go their own way. We haven't been able to maintain the resources, state-by-state, that we had, so we have gotten a little bit smaller. We've had to change some of our programming.'"

14 Attorneys General Are Filing Suit on ObamaCare

14 Attorneys General Are Filing Suit on ObamaCare
"Fourteen Attorneys General have filed suits against ObamaCare.

Is your AG on this list?

If not, contact them and get them to stand up!

The fight to stop ObamaCare isn't over yet, and we can still win!"

MI AG Cox is on board!

Health-Care Overhaul Changes to Start Taking Effect This Year

Health-Care Overhaul Changes to Start Taking Effect This Year
"Indoor tanning salons will charge customers a 10 percent tax beginning today in just one of the changes Americans will see as a result of the U.S. health-care overhaul signed into law by President Barack Obama." – The Official Website of NCAA Championships - NCAA – The Official Website of NCAA Championships - NCAA

This is a great site for Spartan NCAA tournament hoops!

ACORN disbanding because of money woes, scandal

ACORN disbanding because of money woes, scandal

"ACORN's board decided to close remaining state affiliates and field offices by April 1 because of falling revenues, with some national operations will continue operating for at least several weeks before shutting for good, Whelan said Monday."

Don't believe this for a second!

They have suffered less funding but they're simply changing the name and the signs.

The same scumbags are still getting our state, federal and charity money as before.

Be ever vigilant!

The Old Jarhead: I'm tired

The Old Jarhead: I'm Tired
"I’m tired of being told how bad America is by leftwing millionaires like Michael Moore, George Soros and Hollywood entertainers who live in luxury because of the opportunities America offers.

In thirty years, if they get their way, the United States will have the religious freedom and women’s rights of Saudi Arabia, the economy of Zimbabwe, the freedom of the press of China, the crime and violence of Mexico, the tolerance for Gay people of Iran, and the freedom of speech of Venezuela.

Won’t multiculturalism be beautiful?"

He's tired of a lot more.
Read it all.