Sunday, April 18, 2010

Oakland County won’t enforce smoking ban, Patterson says

Oakland County won’t enforce smoking ban, Patterson says
"Oakland County says it doesn’t plan to enforce Michigan’s smoking ban that’s set to take effect May 1.

County executive L. Brooks Patterson told WJBK-TV he’ll sue over the smoking ban next week. Patterson says the law amounts to an “unfunded mandate” if county health departments must oversee and enforce the ban.

Patterson says the county doesn’t have the resources to enforce the ban."

Editorial: Voters need to know who are paying for campaign ads |

Editorial: Voters need to know who are paying for campaign ads
"The decision raises the specter that shadowy groups — labor unions, multi-national companies or wealthy individuals with axes to grind — will quietly pull the strings of state and national elections and never be held accountable for their actions"

I saw the earth explode

I saw the earth explode: How a photographer shooting outdoor clothing camped on Iceland's volcano & and witnessed the eruption that closed Europe.

George F. Will - The perils of the value-added tax

George F. Will - The perils of the value-added tax
"adoption of a VAT would proclaim the impossibility of serious spending reductions and hence would be the obituary for the Founders' vision of limited government."

B-36: Bomber at the Crossroads

B-36: Bomber at the Crossroads History of Flight Air & Space Magazine
"It was the biggest warplane ever to wear an American star, and in the summer of '49 the Peacemaker found itself a war--in Washington."

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Why Volcanic Ash Is Dangerous to Airplanes

Why Volcanic Ash Is Dangerous to Airplanes - Volcanic Ash Engine Failure -
"Today, authorities closed airports across Britain and Northern Europe due to clouds of volcanic ash in airspace from an Icelandic eruption."

National Prayer Day Shot Down; What Will Obama Do?

National Prayer Day Shot Down; What Will Obama Do? - Law Blog - WSJ
"according to Wisconsin federal judge Barbara Crabb, who ruled on Thursday that the federal statute that created the day violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

“[I]ts sole purpose is to encourage all citizens to engage in prayer, an inherently religious exercise that serves no secular function,” wrote Judge Crabb.
“In this instance, the government has taken sides on a matter that must be left to individual conscience.”"

‘BEHAVIOR PLACEMENT’: GE’s Orwellian NBC Wants ‘You To Do Good’

‘BEHAVIOR PLACEMENT’: GE’s Orwellian NBC Wants ‘You To Do Good’

"Forget product placement, NBC Universal is trying “behavior placement” with some of its shows. Characters from programs such as “30 Rock” and “The Office” are acting out eco-friendly behaviors that advertisers hope will sway viewers.

WSJ’s Amy Chozick reports.
In just one week on NBC, the detectives on “Law and Order” investigated a cash-for-clunkers scam, a nurse on “Mercy” organized a group bike ride, Al Gore made a guest appearance on “30 Rock,” and “The Office” turned Dwight Schrute into a cape-wearing superhero obsessed with recycling."

Next time you consider purchasing a GE product.....think again.

Spending, Not Tax Cuts, Is the Real Driver of the Fiscal Mess

Spending, Not Tax Cuts, Is the Real Driver of the Fiscal Mess — The American, A Magazine of Ideas
"To balance the budget over the next 25 years, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says, would require an immediate and permanent increase in tax revenues, or reduction in spending outlays, equal to 5.4 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).

To put that in context, that equals a 29 percent increase in all federal tax revenues relative to historical levels.
That means not just income taxes, but payroll taxes, corporate taxes, capital gains and dividends taxes, and other sources of revenue.
And it doesn’t mean just a 29 percent increase in tax rates, but—to account for the disincentive effects of higher taxes—even higher rates so that total revenue rises by 29 percent.

That’s a pretty big deal."

Fond memories of Norton Shores founder, Robert Hunter, 93

Fond memories of Norton Shores founder, Robert Hunter, 93
"Family and friends of Robert Hunter are remembering the man known for his community leadership and the fair way he treated people.
Hunter, who played a key role in the transition from Norton Township to the city of Norton Shores"

His name is on the street connecting Sternberg and Ellis by the airport.
Who'd of guessed?

Extramarital sex fuels earthquakes

Extramarital sex fuels earthquakes: Senior Iran cleric - Middle East - World - The Times of India
A senior Iranian cleric has claimed that dolled-up women incite extramarital sex, causing more earthquakes in Iran, a country that straddles several fault lines, newspapers reported on Saturday.

'Many women who dress inappropriately ... cause youths to go astray, taint their chastity and incite extramarital sex in society, which increases earthquakes,' Ayatollah Kazem Sedighi told worshippers at Tehran Friday prayer."

PaperCut - emailSTRIPPER

PaperCut - emailSTRIPPER -
"emailStripper is a free program for cleaning the '>' and other formatting characters out of your emails.
It will restore 'forwarded' or 'replied' emails back to their original state so they're easier to read."

This is a great tool!

Legends of Vietnam: Super Tweet

Legends of Vietnam: Super Tweet Military Aviation Air & Space Magazine
"The A-37 brought jet-propelled combat in Vietnam down from rarefied heights to the low-and-slow—where the acrid haze of rice-burning season permeated the unpressurized cockpit and you plucked bullets from Viet Cong small arms out of the armor plate under your seat after a mission.
Its claim to fame?
'I've checked around and there really isn't anyone here who can help you,' wrote a spokesperson at Cessna-Textron Inc."

Read this article and especially the comments from our American Vietnam heroes.
What a great country we live in!

President's Nuclear Posturing, Part Deux: Biggest Threats Not Even On His Agenda

President's Nuclear Posturing, Part Deux: Biggest Threats Not Even On His Agenda
"So what was the major breakthrough announced by Obama at the end of the two-day conference?
That Ukraine, Chile, Mexico and Canada will be getting rid of various amounts of enriched uranium.

What a relief.
I don't know about you, but I lie awake nights worrying about Canadian uranium.
I know these people.
I grew up there.
You have no idea what they're capable of doing.
If Sidney Crosby hadn't scored that goal to win the Olympic gold medal, there's no telling what might have ensued.

Let us stipulate that sequestering nuclear material is a good thing.

But, it is a minor thing, particularly when Iran is off the table, and Pakistan is creating new plutonium for every ounce of Canadian uranium shipped to the U.S."

Ex-congressman: Someone forged aide's pay increase

Ex-congressman: Someone forged aide's pay increase
"Former congressman Eric Massa said Saturday that someone forged a $40,000 salary increase for his chief of staff, who has accused the ex-lawmaker of sexual harassment"

No shouts of "culture of corruption" from the MSM.
Meebee Massa is a democrat?
"Nothing going on here folks. Go on with your lives..."

Thief, Brandon Hall's time on the Grand Haven Board of Education is coming to a close

Thief, Brandon Hall's time on the Grand Haven Board of Education is coming to a close
"Hall, 20, will announce his resignation from the board when it meets at 7 p.m. Monday at Mary A. White Elementary School, he said Friday.
The resignation will be effective at the beginning of the 2010-11 school year, Hall said, giving the current board time to complete the budget process and allowing those who would potentially replace him time to familiarize themselves with the district"

It gets slimier:

US Senate climate bill to be unveiled April 26

US Senate climate bill to be unveiled April 26
"A long-awaited compromise bill to reduce U.S. emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases blamed for global warming will be unveiled by a group of senators on April 26, sources said on Thursday."

It's coming folks.
The democrats will vote this bill in if we Americans allow it.
Let's make some noise.

The Cost of Tax Preparation = Oklahoma's GSP

CARPE DIEM: The Cost of Tax Preparation = Oklahoma's GSP
"Add to that the $30 billion the IRS estimates Americans will spend out-of-pocket on tax preparation (tax software programs, tax preparers, accountants etc.), and it's equal to the $139 billion annual output of the state of Oklahoma."

There is something seriously wrong with this.
It is entirely wasted effort and expense.
Especially when 47% of Americans don't pay, don't care.

Recovery? Hah! Just Oscillating Unemployment Claims.

Recovery? Hah! Just Oscillating Unemployment Claims. « Uncommon Misconceptions
"For the past 5 1/2 months, the initial unemployment claims data have not really changed.
Here’s what I mean:

The data are oscillating about a slowly increasing value, indicating that, if anything, unemployment claims are increasing.
That means that for the past 5 1/2 months, every time the administration has told us that the unemployment situation is slowly recovering, and that the data show “the right trend,” they have been absolutely mistaken.

The media has been doing their typical baby duck analysis: every day is a brand new day, every unemployment claims report is the first one they’ve ever seen.
So we get headlines like, “job situation improving” when the number of claims drops, and “unexpected increase” when the number rises.

For half a year the claims data has just been oscillating – going nowhere.
And nobody seems to have noticed."

'Save the Ta-Tas' cancer-awareness T-shirts land Mona Shores High students in hot water

'Save the Ta-Tas' cancer-awareness T-shirts land Mona Shores High students in hot water

Thanks For What?

Thanks For What?
"In fact, that wasn't his promise at all.

Here's what candidate Obama really said in September of 2008:
'Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase.
Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.'

Got that? 'Not any of your taxes.'
The claim of no tax hikes on those below $250,000 as a result of the current administration's policies is completely and utterly false.

A report from the House Ways & Means Committee's GOP members notes that, since January 2009, Congress and the president have enacted $670 billion in tax increases.
That's $2,100 for each person in America.
At least 14 of those tax hikes, the report says, break Obama's pledge not to raise taxes on those earning less than $250,000.
Roughly $316 billion of the tax hikes — 14 increases in all — hit middle-class families, the report says."

The Contract from America

The Contract from America

1. Protect the Constitution
Require each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does. (82.03%)
2. Reject Cap & Trade
Stop costly new regulations that would increase unemployment, raise consumer prices, and weaken the nation’s global competitiveness with virtually no impact on global temperatures. (72.20%)
3. Demand a Balanced Budget
Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require a balanced budget with a two-thirds majority needed for any tax hike. (69.69%)
4. Enact Fundamental Tax Reform
Adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words—the length of the original Constitution. (64.90%)
5. Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government in Washington
Create a Blue Ribbon taskforce that engages in a complete audit of federal agencies and programs, assessing their Constitutionality, and identifying duplication, waste, ineffectiveness, and agencies and programs better left for the states or local authorities, or ripe for wholesale reform or elimination due to our efforts to restore limited government consistent with the US Constitution’s meaning. (63.37%)
6. End Runaway Government Spending
Impose a statutory cap limiting the annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of the inflation rate plus the percentage of population growth. (56.57%)
7. Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health Care
Defund, repeal and replace the recently passed government-run health care with a system that actually makes health care and insurance more affordable by enabling a competitive, open, and transparent free-market health care and health insurance system that isn’t restricted by state boundaries. (56.39%)
8. Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above” Energy Policy
Authorize the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries and reduce regulatory barriers to all other forms of energy creation, lowering prices and creating competition and jobs. (55.51%)
9. Stop the Pork
Place a moratorium on all earmarks until the budget is balanced, and then require a 2/3 majority to pass any earmark. (55.47%)
10. Stop the Tax Hikes
Permanently repeal all tax hikes, including those to the income, capital gains, and death taxes, currently scheduled to begin in 2011. (53.38%)

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Teacher Pension Nightmare

The Teacher Pension Nightmare -
"Pension and retirement plans all over America have lost value.
Plans covering public school teachers, by their own admission, are underfunded by $332 billion.

However, the plans' real funding gap is far worse than their financial statements show, at nearly a trillion dollars--and you and I will bear the burden of covering their shortfall.

The story of how this happened is familiar:
States expanded their promises to retirees when times were good.
Then, the economy tanked, pension assets fell in value and states skirted their obligations to deposit cash in pension funds--all causing a funding gap.
But because benefits are contractually guaranteed, the obligation to cover any funding shortfall lies with taxpayers."

States Face ‘Staggered’ Recovery

States Face ‘Staggered’ Recovery, Pew’s Urahn Says
"Investors in municipal bonds should purchase higher-rated debt and diversify across the states, LaRosa said.

Buyers should focus on pre-refunded municipal bonds, a tax-exempt security payable from U.S. Treasuries in escrow that are left in the market after refinancing deals, and callable debt.

Lower-rated states, such as California and Illinois, are not yielding enough to merit the risk of investment, LaRosa said."

Dimwitted fake Tea Partier Justin Lewis of law firm Gordon & Rees doesn't fool anyone

W.C. Varones: Dimwitted fake Tea Partier Justin Lewis of law firm Gordon & Rees doesn't fool anyone
"At the Midway PO, surrounded by signs saying, 'Plant' and 'Not a Tea Partier.'

Try again next time, Obamabot!

The man was identified by Tea Partiers who recognized him as lawyer Justin Lewis from a firm called Gordon & Rees."

Too funny!
Gotta love his obliviousness to his shirt.
I'm sure his law firm is proud....or his ex-law firm....
More on the dufus;

Victoria Jackson: "There's A Communist Living in the White House!!"

AP Silent on Motive of Killer Who 'Needed to Take His Family Back to Allah' |

AP Silent on Motive of Killer Who 'Needed to Take His Family Back to Allah'

Mark Steyn: Obama's nuke summit dangerously delusional

Mark Steyn: Obama's nuke summit dangerously delusional
"What Obama and his empty showboaters failed even to acknowledge in their 'security' summit is the reality of the Post-Big Five nuclear age:

We're on the brink of a world in which the wealthiest nations, from Canada to Norway to Japan, can barely project meaningful force to their own borders while the nickel 'n' dime basket-cases go nuclear.

How long do you think that arrangement will last?"

Read it all and cans of spam?

Mark Steyn: Obama's nuke summit dangerously delusional

Mark Steyn: Obama's nuke summit dangerously delusional nuclear, obama, summi
"In years to come – assuming, for the purposes of argument, there are any years to come – scholars will look back at President Barack Obama's Nuclear Security Summit and marvel.

For once, the cheap comparisons with 1930s appeasement barely suffice:
To be sure, in 1933, the great powers were meeting in Geneva and holding utopian arms-control talks even as Hitler was taking office in Berlin.

But it's difficult to imagine Neville Chamberlain in 1938 hosting a conference on the dangers of rearmament, and inviting America, France, Brazil, Liberia and Thailand ...but not even mentioning Germany.

Yet that's what Obama just did:
He held a nuclear gabfest in 2010, the biggest meeting of world leaders on American soil since the founding of the United Nations 65 years ago – and Iran wasn't on the agenda."

CBS News Reprimanded by White House for Suggesting Supreme Court Candidate Elena Kagan Is Gay

CBS News Reprimanded by White House for Suggesting Supreme Court Candidate Elena Kagan Is Gay
"The White House made what to us looks like a tactical error yesterday when it insisted that CBS News pull down a blog post that indicated Elena Kagan, the Solicitor General and a frequently named candidate to replace John Paul Stevens on the Supreme Court, is gay.
Former Bush-administration aide Ben Domenech wrote on that Obama would 'please' a lot of his base if he selected America's 'first openly gay justice.'"

Wooo, we were "taught" that out was in.

Single mother soldier who couldn't sort out childcare wins £17,000 payout from MoD

Single mother soldier who couldn't sort out childcare wins £17,000 payout from MoD
"She won her landmark employment tribunal case earlier this year, and also won a claim of race discrimination because Army chiefs did not let her bring her half-sister from the Caribbean, where Miss DeBique was recruited, to look after her child."

Oh my GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Churchill may very well come back from his grave!

If England were only so lucky.

How horribly sad for the future of the citizens of that country.

Obama, Clinton fundraiser admits $292 million fraud | Reuters

Obama, Clinton fundraiser admits $292 million fraud

You probably won't see a frowny faced perkie Katie or stern Brian reporting this.
But where did the money he "gave" to the Obama and Clinton campaigns come from?
Inquiring minds want to know...but none in the MSM.

The 2010 Iowahawk Earth Week Virtual Cruise-In

iowahawk: The 2010 Iowahawk Earth Week Virtual Cruise-In
"Bruce adds this bonus photo of his pride & joy in flight, taunting some wind turbines in North Texas:"

Izzo plays best for the home team

Izzo plays best for the home team - College Basketball -
“He is gonna try to get the last little bit you got,” Summers said of Izzo.
“You can be tongue hanging out of your mouth dying, and he’s still gonna try to get a little bit more out of you.
I think that’s what makes him special at this time of year.”"


MSU sports blog | Detroit Free Press MSU sports blog
LAS CRUCES, N.M. — New Mexico State men’s basketball coach Marvin Menzies says Jahmar Young will not return for his senior season and redshirt freshman Jacoby Patton has been dismissed from the team indefinitely.

Menzies made the announcement in a statement issued by the university today.

Young was arrested early Sunday and charged with battery on a peace officer after he and a group of people were reportedly being disruptive inside a Las Cruces convenience store.
Young claimed not to know who Michigan State point guard Kalin Lucas was before the teams met in the first round of the NCAA tournament last month.

"We don't shy away from battles," Young said at the time. "We like tough games, you know. It's also a plus to play a name … what's his name?"
"Kalin Lucas."

"Kalin Lucas. I really never even heard of him. But if he's that good, it'll show."

Patton was also arrested on a misdemeanor charge following the same incident with Young.


Bottom Up Politics: Muskegon Tea Party Tax Day

Bottom Up Politics: Tea Party Tax Day
"For short notice our Tax Day Tea Party rally turned out well. Fred and I estimated 150 people came."

A nice blog post with photos and links!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Women can be 'blinded' by jealousy

Women can be 'blinded' by jealousy - Telegraph
In these experiments, it was always the women who searched for a target.
The researchers don't yet know what will happen when the roles are reversed and men's jealousy is tested."

U.S. Fish and Wildlife goes for birds, against Muskegon County's wind turbine plan

U.S. Fish and Wildlife goes for birds, against Muskegon County's wind turbine plan
"Muskegon County's effort to 'go green' is running up against an unlikely foe: the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which says the county's proposal to erect wind turbines would endanger birds."

No surprise here but..good grief!

The only "green" power source in existence is nuke!

And the same "birder", "CO2", "coal mining", et al fools have stopped it.

Do they really want no....power?

I'm thinking that is their real goal.

Obamas earned 5.5 million dollars in 2009

Obamas earned 5.5 million dollars in 2009
"President Barack Obama and his wife have doubled their income since he took office, declaring a joint gross income of 5.5 million dollars for the 2009 fiscal year, the White House said Thursday"

Has ANY sitting president made close to $5.5 MILLION in one year?

Imagine if he was!

But this is a simple yawn from the MSM.

Nothing here folks, just go home...walk big deal....

Breyer: ObamaCare a Good Candidate for Supreme Ct. Review

Breyer: ObamaCare a Good Candidate for Supreme Ct. Review
"Justice Stephen Breyer says that the U.S. Supreme Court is likely to rule on ObamaCare at some point in the future, the Associated Press reports:
Breyer told a congressional panel Thursday that the massive health care law, like most major federal legislation, is a good candidate for high court review."

Markets could be derailed again, warns Soros

Markets could be derailed again, warns Soros
“Unless we learn the lessons, that markets are inherently unstable and that stability needs to the objective of public policy, we are facing a yet larger bubble."

Even Soros is on board!
Be afraid...very afraid......

NYC to stop paying teachers to do nothing

NYC to stop paying teachers to do nothing
"Officially known as teacher-reassignment centers, the so-called rubber rooms are off-campus spaces where hundreds of teachers are paid their full salaries to do nothing while they await disciplinary hearings."

N.C. Says Tea Party Flags Are Weapons?

N.C. Says Tea Party Flags Are Weapons?
"The ban on flagpoles and signs with posts that could be turned into weapons was added in September to the permit from the N.C. Department of Administration that groups need to hold demonstrations or events on state-operated grounds."

The Teacher Pension Nightmare

The Teacher Pension Nightmare
"Pension and retirement plans all over America have lost value.
Plans covering public school teachers, by their own admission, are underfunded by $332 billion.
However, the plans' real funding gap is far worse than their financial statements show, at nearly a trillion dollars--and you and I will bear the burden of covering their shortfall."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


"The general picture is not a good one. According to the fifty-nine funds’ own financial statements:
Total unfunded liabilities to teachers—i.e., the gap between existing plan assets and the present value of benefits accrued by plan participants—are $332 billion.
According to our more conservative calculations:
These plans’ unfunded liabilities total about $933 billion.
In addition, we have found that:
Only $116 billion, or less than one quarter, of this $600 billion discrepancy is attributable to the stock market drop precipitated by the 2007 financial crisis.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average would have to nearly double overnight to make up for the present underfunding of these plans."

Obama's disregard for media reaches new heights at nuclear summit

Obama's disregard for media reaches new heights at nuclear summit
"In the middle of it all was Obama -- occupant of an office once informally known as 'leader of the free world' -- putting on a clinic for some of the world's greatest dictators in how to circumvent a free press."

WaPos leftist Dana Milbank?!!!

Nation's soaring deficit calls for painful choices

Nation's soaring deficit calls for painful choices
"Under Obama's budget plan, the USA's debt in 2020 would be nearly the size of the entire economy then.
Interest costs would be $900 billion, five times today's level."

Local 'Tea Party' group plans rally at Heritage Landing on income tax day

Local 'Tea Party' group plans rally at Heritage Landing on income tax day
"The Muskegon Patriots, a local group that is part of the national “Tea Party” movement, is holding a rally at Heritage Landing on Thursday."

The Ninth Justice -- How Republican Justices Evolve Leftward

The Ninth Justice -- How Republican Justices Evolve Leftward
"their more liberal Republican-appointed colleagues have been moved neither by wisdom, nor by legal principle, nor by general public opinion, but by the leftward march of the intellectual elite, especially in the media and academia.......

.....The justices' reputations are determined in large part by mostly liberal news reporters, commentators and law professors and by liberal feminist, civil rights and professional interest groups such as the American Bar Association.
Newly appointed justices who vote conservative are often portrayed as uncompassionate right-wing ideologues. Those who move leftward win praise for enlightenment. ('I ain't evolving,' the aggressively conservative Thomas has reportedly told clerks.)
And the bright young law clerks -- the justices' closest professional collaborators -- tend to come from elite law schools where conservative professors are rare birds and general public opinion is widely seen as benighted."

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Is the U.S. Killing Green Jobs?

Is the U.S. Killing Green Jobs?

Incentives Not to Work

Incentives Not to Work -
"'The second way government assistance programs contribute to long-term unemployment is by providing an incentive, and the means, not to work.
Each unemployed person has a 'reservation wage'—the minimum wage he or she insists on getting before accepting a job.
Unemployment insurance and other social assistance programs increase [the] reservation wage, causing an unemployed person to remain unemployed longer.'"

Englers buy Mich. home, fueling talk of political run

Englers buy Mich. home, fueling talk of political run
"Former Michigan Gov. John Engler and his wife, Michelle, have bought a lakefront home in Shiawassee County, fueling speculation about a return to politics."

Please God nooooooooo....

States Skimp on Pension Payments

States Skimp on Pension Payments
"State governments from New Jersey to California that are struggling to close budget deficits are skipping or deferring payments to already underfunded public-employee pension plans.
The moves could help ease today's budget pressures, but will make tomorrow's worse.

New Jersey's governor, a fiscal conservative, has proposed not making the state's entire $3 billion contribution to its pension funds because of the state's $11 billion budget deficit."

The Municipal Market

Rick Bookstaber: The Municipal Market
"Once a few municipalities default, there is a risk of a widespread cascade in defaults because the opprobrium will be lessened, all the more so if the defaults are spurred along by a taxpayer revolt – democracy at work."

This is scary!

The Teaparty Movement, The Democrat Party, Racism and Incitement!

The Teaparty Movement, The Democrat Party, Racism and Incitement! • Looking at the Left
"Democrat leaders describe Teapartyers as Nazis, evil-mongers , racists, and un-American.
In an attempt to provoke an ugly incident Congressional Black Caucus members went fishing for racism on Capitol Hill.
They paraded in the midst of a Teaparty protest immediately before the final vote on the healthcare bill.

The MSM has endlessly reported that Teapartyers hurled the “n” word at congressmen.

There exists no photo or sound-bite evidence despite the sea of cameras present at the time and a $100,000 reward for proof."

What Gov't Can't Do

What Gov't Can't Do
"Federal Failure: Auditors say the Postal Service's business model isn't viable, and a magazine reports that GM leads the league in producing the worst-made cars on the road. Big government breeds big incompetence.
The post office, which has a government-protected monopoly on first-class mail delivery, could lose at least $238 billion over the next decade."

Late bill would ban most private gun sales in Wisconsin

Late bill would ban most private gun sales in Wisconsin
"A fast-tracked bill introduced in the state Legislature at the end of March would ban the private sale of most firearms in Wisconsin and would for the first time extend a prohibition on the possession of firearms to those convicted of certain misdemeanors."

Visualizing Obama's budget cuts

Visualizing Obama's budget cuts. [VIDEO]

This is GREAT!
(thanks JudgeO)

Government Employee Political Clout Obstructs Budget Reform

Analysis: Government Employee Political Clout Obstructs Budget Reform [Mackinac Center]
"The Legislature returns today after a two-week break to take up perhaps the greatest challenge facing state government since 1983: an estimated $1.5 billion budget shortfall.
Making this all the more difficult is the apparent inability of lawmakers to adopt what most struggling private sector workers and small business owners view as modest reductions in state employee pay and benefits.
That failure was highlighted in three separate events just before the break."

New Dow high ahead? Happy talk feeds sheep

New Dow high ahead? Happy talk feeds sheep Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch
"BusinessWeek, Kiplinger's and USA Today reported on the false predictions made before the 2008 subprime credit meltdown spread rapidly across America and the world:

Bernanke: 'I don't anticipate any serious [failures] among large internationally active banks.'

Ken Fisher: 'This year will end in the plus column ... so keep buying.'

'Mad Money' Jim Cramer: 'Bye-bye bear market, say hello to the bull.'

Goldman Sachs' Abby Joseph Cohen: 'The fear priced into stocks is likely to abate as recession fears fade.'

Barney Frank: 'Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are fundamentally sound.'

Barron's: 'Home prices about to bottom.'

Worth magazine: 'Emerging markets are the global investors' safe haven.'

Kiplinger's: 'Stock investors should beat the rush to the banks.'"

Monday, April 12, 2010


"Four of the seven vehicles on our list of the worst-made cars on the road come from GM brands.
And all of the cars on the list -- including Chrysler's Dodge Nitro and Jeep Wrangler -- are made by Detroit's Big Three."

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Crashing Tea Party Events - Bing

Crashing Tea Party Events - Bing:
"Crash the tea parties! - Infoshop News"

Don't "reporters" have google and Bing?

Marathon Pundit: Obama's union pals plotting pension bailouts

Marathon Pundit: Obama's union pals plotting pension bailouts
'We spent a fortune to elect Barack Obama -- $60.7 million to be exact -- and we're proud of it.'
SEIU President Andy Stern.

The payback for Barack Obama's union pals continues.

The silent but economically devastating agenda of organized labor is attended to daily at the highest levels within the White House.

Turning to their friends for help with under-funded and mismanaged pension plans, government contracting policies, and initiatives that weaken workers' rights and force unionization on small businesses, Big Labor's looking for payback and they are receiving it.

Just last week, Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania introduced a bill that would dump the burden of union pension plans, which are going bankrupt, on the federal government; therefore, placing the costs at the feet of taxpayers."

The 2010 Masters Tournament - Leaderboard

The 2010 Masters Tournament - Leaderboard

Tea Party Express Stops at Capitol

Tea Party Express Stops at Capitol
"Tea Party Express Stops at CapitolBy Tom Gantert April 11, 2010

Fresh off the retirement of Bart Stupak, the Michigan congressman who became the face of tea party wrath over the federalized health care bill, the national Tea Party Express rolled into Lansing on Satuday and was met by about 1,800 people."

This College Says: Get a Job -- or Get Your Money Back

This College Says: Get a Job -- or Get Your Money Back
"Lansing Community College in Lansing, Mich., offers six-week training courses for students interested in careers as call-center specialists, pharmacy technicians, quality inspectors and computer machinists.

The cost for each of these certificate programs is is $2,400, but a special money-back guarantee program is being offered to 61 students.

If they attend every class, complete every assignment, and make a good-faith effort to get a job, if they are unable to find employment within a year after graduation, they'll get their tuition back."

This seems to be a safe bet from the LCC perspective:

The "attend every class, complete every assignment, and make a good-faith effort to get a job" isn't likely the norm for ANY LCC student who can't get a job.

It's sorta the key to success without worrying about getting your money back.

Like, isn't that the reason a kid goes to get a job?

But it sure sounds like an excellent idea for most major universities.

If this was the rule, imagine how many communications or black studies programs would shut down right NOW.

Crash The Tea Party!

Crash The Tea Party!

These are the scum who accuse the real Tea Party Patriots of racism, etc.

Be very aware of the rot that the left will bring to our patriotic protists!

About Last Night:

About Last Night
"TT: So you want to see a show?

Here's my list of recommended Broadway, off-Broadway, and out-of-town shows, updated weekly.
In all cases, I gave these shows favorable reviews (if sometimes qualifiedly so) in The Wall Street Journal when they opened.
For more information, click on the title.

Warning: Broadway shows marked with an asterisk were sold out, or nearly so, last week."

LA utility at center of city's financial meltdown

LA utility at center of city's financial meltdown
"When the city's Department of Water and Power spent $50,000 on lactation consultants two years ago to assist breast-feeding employees, the utility said it was a humanitarian move aimed at cutting absenteeism."

Increasing crime rates and shrinking NYPD headcounts remind New York City of the 'bad old days'

Increasing crime rates and shrinking NYPD headcounts remind New York City of the 'bad old days'
"Memories of that grim era resurfaced recently as the city's murder rate jumped 22.5% in the first three months of 2010."

Saturday, April 10, 2010

When Civil Rights Make Civil Hands Unclean

American Thinker: When Civil Rights Make Civil Hands Unclean
"The advocates of 'social justice' masquerade as partisans of civil rights, but they are actually practitioners of civil wrongs.

Some people in this country think that they have a right to use government compulsion to overcome the free will of their fellow citizens.

In the name of 'social justice,' they claim to have a 'civil right' to health care, and they assert that their fellow citizens have a corresponding civil duty to finance that civil right.

If their fellow citizens disagree, the proponents of 'social justice' have no qualms about using government power to compel their fellow citizens to submit to their notion of civil rights."

» California Dreamin’ — Rachel Maddow and Gov. Moonbeam Cover Up the Real ACORN Scandal - Big Journalism

» California Dreamin’ — Rachel Maddow and Gov. Moonbeam Cover Up the Real ACORN Scandal - Big Journalism: "Did those employees commit a crime in offering to help O’Keefe and Giles themselves? Of course not, because O’Keefe and Giles weren’t actually a pimp and prostitute. All conspiracy crimes (which this would have been) require that there be an underlying criminal act – if no such criminal act exists, then conspiracy cannot be prosecuted. This makes sense. If you and I have a conspiracy to go to Baskin-Robbins, it is not a criminal conspiracy because no criminal act was ever in the offing. If a guy solicits an undercover police officer posing as a 12-year-old girl online, that’s not a crime unless the state legislature has specifically carved out such a situation. Similarly, in this case, no criminal act was in the offing because O’Keefe and Giles were never going to set up a whorehouse."



This is good.
It's also sad as it exemplifies the disconnect between our college student's education and the realities of post graduate life.

Arialink Broadband :: Muskegon

Arialink Broadband :: Muskegon:
"Muskegon County Update
Now providing fast, affordable internet! Residential pricing starts at $18.99! No contract, no introductory pricing, just one simple price for fast reliable broadband. Business pricing starts at $59.00! Arialink has over 7 years of experience in providing business class solutions and superior customer support.

Coverage Map
Currently Under Construction - Please check back for the updated Map

The good news: Another choice for consumers and competition for Verizon and Comcast.

The bad news: They don't have their coverage map up.

That seems odd to me.

If they have pricing and "experience", why not give future customers a heads up?

And this link came from the Muskegon county main website,

Is this an inside deal with the county commissioners and county money?

I'll try to find out.

Court's sidewalk ruling may impact cities, villages

Court's sidewalk ruling may impact cities, villages
"On Thursday, the high court ruled against Lansing in deciding municipalities no longer can seek to dismiss slip-and-fall cases with a defense known as the '2-inch rule.'"

The trial lawyers win another one!
And we the people will pay, again.

In Iraq: When the Music Stopped—the National Anthem

In Iraq: When the Music Stopped—the National Anthem
"This was written by Chaplain Jim Higgins LSA Anaconda.
He currently is serving at the Ballad Airport in Iraq, north of Baghdad.
“Please share only if you are so inclined, he wrote.”
I am inclined."

Spring Football Game, Youth Clinic Scheduled For April 24

Spring Football Game, Youth Clinic Scheduled For April 24
"Michigan State football concludes its 15 spring practices under fourth-year head coach Mark Dantonio with the Green-White intrasquad game on Saturday, April 24 at 1:30 p.m. in Spartan Stadium.

Admission is free."

Who’s Looking Out For You: Is the American Media Corrupt?

Who’s Looking Out For You: Is the American Media Corrupt?
"Today, we have a problem in America.
Entire news operations are devoting themselves not to reporting events honestly, but to promoting a certain ideology or party.

The Fox News Channel, where I work, has been accused of this.
But a study by the Center for Media and Public Affairs found that FNC’s coverage of the 2008 presidential campaign was tough on both candidates, while most other news networks blatantly favored Obama."

"The statement has been made."

Classical Values :: "The statement has been made."
"I've been reading about a rash of fires started by arsonists in Flint, Michigan.
There have been so so many fires in recent weeks that it's hard to give an exact count.

But what I find especially ominous are local news reports quoting Flint officials as saying the arson was committed for political purposes, apparently in retaliation over the fact that the City of Flint has laid off fireworkers."

Friday, April 09, 2010

Sense of Events: A world without nuclear weapons, part 2

Sense of Events: A world without nuclear weapons, part 2\
"From the first world war to the second was only 20 years.
World War II ended almost immediately after the first (and thankfully only) use of atomic weapons.
It's been 65 years since the end of the second world war.
There has been no third world war.
I don't mean that the past six decades have been unicorns and rainbows, but can you imagine what a third world war might have been like even if fought with only conventional weapons?
By Donald Sensing"

Click to see the images of "no nukes".

Andy Dillon campaigning for Michigan Governor's seat: The state must face tax increases | -

Andy Dillon campaigning for Michigan Governor's seat: The state must face tax increases
Speaker of the House Andy Dillon addressed the Muskegon County Democratic Party's monthly meeting Thursday, telling those present
state leaders must make difficult choices on tax increases to rescue its budget.
Dillon admitted it was going to be a tough election cycle for the party.
Despite the problems facing the states economy and its government, the former steel company president and GE Capital executive said a new Democratic administration can go a long way in creating jobs and shoring up state and local governments.
'I think it is fixable,' Dillon told the gathering at Muskegon's CIO Hall. 'This is the most important election in my lifetime.'"

Romer: “America is too stupid to understand my superfantastic advanced Math skillz!!!1!”

A Goy and his Blog » Blog Archive »
Romer: “America is too stupid to understand my superfantastic advanced Math skillz!!!1!”: "Romer: “America is too stupid to understand my superfantastic advanced Math skillz!!!1!”
by goy @ 10:28. Filed under Politics, Socialism
Geebus, can this discredited windbag of a woman get any MORE frakking annoying???
The federal stimulus act has performed “exactly” as the Obama administration expected it to, Council of Economic Advisers Chairwoman Christina Romer said Sunday.

The “stimulus” didn’t just perform “within our strict margin of error” or, simply, “admirably”.
No, Romer’s going all in for her shot at The Nobel Prize for Hubris in Economics here with “exactly“.
According to the bogus Office of the President-Elect back in January of 2009, THAT DARK BLUE LINE, BELOW is what the Obama administration expected the “stimulus” to do, per Romer:"

City Segway Tours Chicago - Chicago

City Segway Tours Chicago - Chicago - Reviews of City Segway Tours Chicago
"Traveler Description:
Imagine cruising effortlessly through parks and along sidewalks while receiving a great orientation, informative, historical and current-day......"

This sounds fun!

Moody's Downgrades Los Angeles From Aa2 To Aa3

Moody's Downgrades Los Angeles From Aa2 To Aa3
"In the meantime, as we have been saying for about, oh, 12 months, munis are about to implode.
Here is Moody's, actually being just a year behind the curve on this one."

Liberal Fortress of Los Aneles is (Surprise!) Broke

Liberal Fortress of Los Angeles is (Surprise!) Broke
"Meanwhile, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa continues his war against private enterprise. His game plan for L.A.'s economic stimulus recovery sounds familiar: spend like drunken liberals; empower unions to bleed the hopelessly over-taxed taxpayers; and create vast new bureaucracies to handicap the private sector. Case in point:

As the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power seeks a hefty taxpayer rate hike, a Daily News review of salary data shows the average utility worker makes $76,949 a year -- or nearly 20 percent more than the average civilian city worker.

More than 1,140 of the utility's employees -- or about 13 percent -- take home more than $100,000 a year."

And that's before benefits and retirement at 48.

Prague Surrender

Prague Surrender
"Arms Deal:
President Obama signs away U.S. nuclear security and gives the Russians a veto over whether we can defend ourselves.
Our nuclear umbrella is in tatters as another piece of paper proclaims peace in our time.

Completing a process of disarmament and appeasement that manifested itself in the dismantling and defunding of U.S. military power that began with his inauguration, President Obama signed a new strategic arms limitation treaty with a grinning and very happy Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Thursday in the Czech capital."

Union Memo Hints At Gov.'s Death -

Union Memo Hints At Gov.'s Death
"The memo is the latest salvo in a war of words between Christie and the union over wage and benefits concessions.

The Record of Bergen County obtained the Bergen County Education Association memo that includes a closing prayer:

'Dear Lord this year you have taken away my favorite actor, Patrick Swayze, my favorite actress, Farrah Fawcett, my favorite singer, Michael Jackson, and my favorite salesman, Billy Mays.
I just wanted to let you know that Chris Christie is my favorite governor.'"

CBO chief says debt 'unsustainable'

Too Hot Not to Note: CBO chief says debt 'unsustainable'
"The nation’s fiscal path is “unsustainable,” and the problem “cannot be solved through minor tinkering,” the head of the Congressional Budget Office said Thursday morning."

Federal pay ahead of private industry

Federal pay ahead of private industry
"Overall, federal workers earned an average salary of $67,691 in 2008 for occupations that exist both in government and the private sector, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. The average pay for the same mix of jobs in the private sector was $60,046 in 2008, the most recent data available.

These salary figures do not include the value of health, pension and other benefits, which averaged $40,785 per federal employee in 2008 vs. $9,882 per private worker, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis."

Thursday, April 08, 2010

A Goy and his Blog » Blog Archive » Romer: “America is too stupid to understand my superfantastic advanced Math skillz!!!1!”

A Goy and his Blog » Blog Archive » Romer: “America is too stupid to understand my superfantastic advanced Math skillz!!!1!”: "Romer: “America is too stupid to understand my superfantastic advanced Math skillz!!!1!”"

Four shootings in three weeks put Muskegon neighborhoods on alert | -

Four shootings in three weeks put Muskegon neighborhoods on alert

'What's frustrating is that people who know information won't talk to us,' said Muskegon Director of Public Safety Anthony Kleibecker. '
The community needs to step up and talk to us.
It's only a matter of time before a child gets struck by a stray bullet.'"

Well, duh....
If the scumbags aren't any different from the "people", what do we expect?
Our own "Detroit on the lake" is the result of the unions/teacher/libs takeover of our children's education and morals.
And the left demands the answer is more money from the safe/educated areas funnelled to the scumbags who have created this hell on Lake Michigan.

Gimmee a break!

Bogus report: Researchers find Michigan tax credits well spent on job creation

Researchers find Michigan tax credits well spent on job creation
"The report looks at the economic impact of MEGA compared to the alternative of funneling its resources to other government spending.
In doing so, researchers estimate the program increased the state's employment by 18,000 jobs between 1996 when it was created and 2007, according to the report.

The Upjohn study differs from a similar study released by the Anderson Economic Group in March that tackled the effectiveness of several state tax incentives, including MEGA grants.

That study found a 10 percent drop in state business taxes would have more impact than MEGA grants, Bartik said, but the two studies use different assumptions and the amount of money expended each year on MEGA grants is far less than a 10 percent cut in state business taxes."

Their study doesn't include the enormous costs involved with the increase in state employees and their bloated lifetime pensions/benefits to administer these boondoggles.

That adds up to increased taxes, crappier roads and crappier other services or both.

Sorta makes a difference...right?

Greek Bonds Drop a 7th Day; Bund Spread Widens on Budget Woes -

Greek Bonds Drop a 7th Day; Bund Spread Widens on Budget Woes
“Greece continues to look like a slow-motion train crash,” Steve Barrow, head of Group of 10 currency strategy at Standard Bank Plc in London, wrote in a report.

“The crash has not occurred yet but it is coming.

Efforts to avoid a crash seem doomed to failure, whether it’s emergency loans or some other initiative."

The answer to this problem is simple.

Less government spending, workers and insane retirement benefits.

Sadly, every government (and most in the world wide MSM) are looking everywhere else for a solution.

We are doomed unless a Ronnie or Maggie lands in our world soon!

2 years after tax law, Michigan's making movies

2 years after tax law, Michigan's making movies
"The tax credit program is projected to cost the state nearly $69 million for projects completed in 2009, not counting incentives given for permanent infrastructure projects, according to the Michigan Film Office.
The potential annual bill is higher — more than $100 million — but some projects weren't finished and won't get the tax credits."

John Hantz prepared to break ground on urban farm in Detroit, but hints of suburban backup

John Hantz prepared to break ground on urban farm in Detroit, but hints of suburban backup
"While Mayor Dave Bing has offered public support for the concept of urban farming, Hantz tells Berman the city is, unfortunately, living up to its reputation as a tough place to do business."

The socialist, racists who run the hell hole called Detroit do not want white outsiders in their city.
They only want their money.
They don't want thousands of black entrepreneurs.
They want black slaves dependent on their Detroit plantation owners.

There is absolutely NO hope for the city until it is emptied, bulldozed and the population replaced by Americans who will get up in the morning and go to work.
And that ain't never gonna happen in Detroit.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

My Way - Sports News

My Way - Sports News: "LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) -John Wall and DeMarcus Cousins delivered on their promise to help coach John Calipari return Kentucky to national prominence.
Next stop, the NBA.
The freshman All-Americans are among five Kentucky players who declared for the NBA draft on Wednesday, an exodus that includes freshman guard Eric Bledsoe, freshman center Daniel Orton and junior forward Patrick Patterson."

TEA PARTY VIOLENCE:” Union Protester Attacks Tea Partier at Fort Lauderdale Townhall M…

” Union Protester Attacks Tea Partier at Fort Lauderdale Townhall Meeting.

And another reason to have a camera.

Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 8:58 pm"

Double-dip recession increasingly unlikely, economists say

Double-dip recession increasingly unlikely, economists say

Over the past few days, economists have been saying that fears of a double-dip recession are starting to ease, thanks to positive economic news in the past week."
Odds are against a double-dip recession," economist Alan Greenspan told ABC's "This Week," and on NBC's "Meet the Press," the chair of Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, Cristina Romer predicted economic growth for the year of 3 percent, which she said would be enough to keep creating jobs, according to a story from CNN Money.

Let's see how these liars are covered by the lib MSM 12 months from now.
We will spend ourselves into bankruptcy by hiring government workers (fed, state and local) and hiding the econo-disaster only so long.
The USSR (and California) taught us nothing?

Natural causes cited in death of Michigan's last wild wolverine

Natural causes cited in death of Michigan's last wild wolverine
"A necropsy performed at a DNRE lab at Michigan State University showed some heart degeneration and liver congestion, but no sign of infection or trauma."

Coincidence with the Ann Arbor wolverines.
I think not!
Think about it.
4 years spent with Michigan "womyn"!
I'm thinkin' liver/heart and any other disease would do any varmit in.
And bleat for the poor UM "male"'s gotta be ugly....

Nearly half of US households escape fed income tax

Nearly half of US households escape fed income tax
In recent years, credits for low- and middle-income families have grown so much that a family of four making as much as $50,000 will owe no federal income tax for 2009

OK but the democrats tell us we should still hate all those rich bastards...right?
....cept movie stars and baseball players....right?