Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wow! Another teacher has a problem with a kid and an American flag

American Thinker Blog: Wow! Another teacher has a problem with a kid and an American flag: "Once again, an innocent American kid has been reprimanded for exhibiting an American flag. Todd Starnes at Fox News Radio reports:

Tracy Hathaway, of Salinas, CA, told FOX News Radio her 13-year-old daughter was ordered to stop drawing the American flag by an art teacher at Gavilan View Middle School.

'She had drawn the flag and was sketching the letters, ‘God bless America,' when the teacher confronted her,' Hathaway told FOX. 'She said, ‘You can't draw that - that's offensive.'

The teacher did have to sit through a mostly one-way conference with the parents of Miss Hathaway, but to the discredit of Gavilan Middle School she has not been reprimanded or made to apologize"

U.S. posts 19th straight monthly budget deficit | Reuters

U.S. posts 19th straight monthly budget deficit Reuters
"The United States posted an $82.69 billion deficit in April, nearly four times the $20.91 billion shortfall registered in April 2009 and the largest on record for that month, the Treasury Department said on Wednesday."

Hopey changey is gonna kill our country unless we the people get voting in August and November.

I'm sad/glad I have no children.....

Jimmy Carter's grandson wins Ga. Senate seat

Jimmy Carter's grandson wins Ga. Senate seat
The eldest grandson of former President Jimmy Carter has won a suburban Atlanta state Senate seat in a special election Tuesday night."

That bodes well....

Trade deficit rises to $40.4 billion in March

My Way News - Trade deficit rises to $40.4 billion in March
"The U.S. trade deficit rose to a 15-month high as rising oil prices pushed crude oil imports to the highest level since the fall of 2008, offsetting another strong gain in exports.

The larger deficit is evidence of a rebounding U.S. economy."

Didn't the MSM tell us  a growing "trade deficit" was a sign of a failed presidency during the Bush years?

Quebec Family Dies as Home Disappears Into Crater

Quebec Family Dies as Home Disappears Into Crater -

"OTTAWA — Richard Préfontaine and his wife, Lynne Charbonneau, were watching a playoff hockey game with their two daughters on Monday night when the ground beneath their house gave way suddenly and without warning.

The house’s bright green metal roof was all that was visible the next day in a vast mud crater near the village of St. Jude, Quebec, about 50 miles northeast of Montreal.

The landslide created a hole 100 feet deep, 300 yards wide and a third of a mile long.

The family’s remains were found huddled together on a couch by the television, with rescuers discovering only their golden retriever, tied to a tree, alive."


Sleep well tonight.....(is there any way the MSM can blame Bush or engler for this?)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Letters: Use science, economics when discussing wind farms

Letters: Use science, economics when discussing wind farms
"All mega wind farms produce power at significantly higher cost than any other means.

When the various subsidies are removed, the cost is as much as 10 times greater than coal.

All wind projects are subsidized, even those in Europe.

None makes money."

Excellent letter

Democrats Reject 5% Down Payment Rule

Democrats Reject 5% Down Payment Rule

"The Senate today rejected a proposal by Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., to impose a minimum 5% down payment for virtually all home mortgages.

The amendment to the broader financial regulatory overhaul bill, which failed 42-57, would have required income verification and an assessment of borrowers’ ability to repay as well."

Prosecutor says Muskegon Heights Police Department evidence room was 'in complete disarray'; Michigan State Police investigating

Prosecutor says Muskegon Heights Police Department evidence room was 'in complete disarray'; Michigan State Police investigating
"The Muskegon Heights Police Department has not properly secured evidence from hundreds of cases in its property room, and now authorities are concerned that money or other evidence may have been taken, according to the Muskegon County Prosecutor’s Office."

Oh yeah, and how 'bout any cases that relied on the Heights police "professionalism"?

This ought to be a big surprise to any citizen but it is the reality of Muskegon Heights today.

And this type of non-professional is the "standard" of the "leadership" of the Heights.

Until that disaster of a city elects and appoints qualified leaders, they will continue to suffer.

The days of morons, crooks and thieves have got to be getting old to the responsible residents of Muskegon Heights.

Michigan Average Teacher Salaries Continue to Rise

Michigan Average Teacher Salaries Continue to Rise [Mackinac Center]
"counting salaries of teachers in conventional schools (93 percent of all teachers) produces an average salary of $62,556."

"Underpaid" teachers?

Less than 6 months of work......rotten product.....early retirement.......guilt edged benefits...... underpaid?

Pay No Attention To The Inflation Problem

Pay No Attention To The Inflation Problem NetRight Daily
"Severe inflation is coming, and unless the Government reverses its actions immediately, the 535 Mary Poppins’ of Congress will have created the monster that they claim they are trying to prevent."

New posts at MuskegonTaxpayer'sAlliance

Lot's going on!

Paul Ryan: Radical or Sellout? - Reason Magazine

Paul Ryan: Radical or Sellout? - Reason Magazine

PAUL RYAN, free market extremist:.....

Paul Ryan, free market sellout:........

Which of these two snapshots represents the real Ryan?

They both do.

A very interesting analysis of the GOP's best hope for whatever level Ryan wants.

Don't use oil spill as excuse to deep-six domestic drilling

Our view on energy: Don't use oil spill as excuse to deep-six domestic drilling -
"The easy thing to do after the catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico would be to kill President Obama's shiny new plan to expand offshore drilling.

Many formerly pro-drilling coastal politicians, from California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, are calling for doing just that."

Who Will Bail Out America?

The American Spectator : Who Will Bail Out America?
"Social Security, Medicare and the retirement of the baby boom generation wasn't enough of a burden for the American taxpayer.

We will now be paying as well for the generous pensions of Greek bureaucrats retiring in the warm Mediterranean sun at age 55, thanks to the foresighted leadership of our very own international statesman, Barack Obama."

CBO: Health Care Bill Will Cost $115 Billion More Than Previously Assessed

CBO: Health Care Bill Will Cost $115 Billion More Than Previously Assessed
"The director of the Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday that the health care reform legislation would cost, over the next ten years, $115 billion more than previously thought, bringing the total cost to more than $1 trillion."

BIG surprise.......right?

Video: A Day in the Life of the Regulatory State

Video: A Day in the Life of the Regulatory State

"A few days ago, we wrote about the EPA's shameless and wasteful video contest soliciting the submission of YouTube videos explaining the alleged benefits of government regulations.

Our friends at the Competitive Enterprise Institute submitted the video below - check it out:"

Harvard Astrophysicist: Global Warming Probabilities Are Absolute Crap, The AGW Movement is All About Profit

YID With LID: Harvard Astrophysicist: Global Warming Probabilities Are Absolute Crap, The AGW Movement is All About Profit
"Soon is known for his view that most global warming is caused by solar variation (the normal cycle of sunspots).

Dr Soon questions the theory that man-made green house gases have created global warming trend.

In fact Soon believes the earth is and cooling.

He also believes that some of the 'numbers crunching' used to come up with the global warming theory is crap and that its about time his fellow scientists to “take back climate science.” and stop catering to the moonbats crying wolf."

Cape Wind rate shock

Cape Wind rate shock -

"The controversial Cape Wind project will cost taxpayers and ratepayers more than $2 billion to build - three times its original estimate.

That colossal cost is the driving force behind the sky-high electric rates it plans to charge Massachusetts customers in coming years."

Nothing new here.

Only the delusional and the ill educated believe that wind power is anything other than a scam to empower and enrich a select few.

Anyone want to bet what will happen to electric rates if we Michigan fools allow the "wind farms" to desecrate our lakeshore?

and this

Illinois $13 Billion Budget Woes Reach Boiling Point; Governor Quinn Works for Union Thugs and Promises to Raise Taxes by 50%; Bill Brady for Governor

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Illinois $13 Billion Budget Woes Reach Boiling Point; Governor Quinn Works for Union Thugs and Promises to Raise Taxes by 50%; Bill Brady for Governor
"Inquiring minds are again focusing on problems in state budgets.

Illinois is in a dogfight with California, New York, and New Jersey for the dubious honor of being the state deepest in fiscal do-do.

Although New Jersey is addressing its fiscal issues thanks to Governor Chris Christie... Illinois, California, and New York are flopping around like a 50 pound sea bass in 3 inches of water."

Bailout Buddies

Bailout Buddies - IBD -
"Sovereign Debt Crisis: For many Americans, the EU's trillion-dollar bailout of Greece and other troubled European welfare states is probably of little concern.

But they should know that they are going to help pay for it.

Much of the media coverage has centered on the 'European Union' bailout of its members.

But the fact is, the U.S. is playing a much larger role in this than many realize — from strategizing to financing."

A way-early Big Ten hoops preview: Michigan State second, Michigan last

A way-early Big Ten hoops preview: Michigan State second, Michigan last
"And then there's Michigan, who failed to make the NCAA tournament after reaching the Big Dance in 2009.

Would you believe Yarina has U-M in last place right now?
He points to the fact that the Wolverines will be without Harris and DeShawn Sims.

Yarina: The Detroit Duo combined for 54% of Michigan's scoring, meaning Zack Novak, at 7.4 points per game, inherits the title of top returning scorer. Yikes."

West Virginia Rep. Mollohan Loses Dem Primary

West Virginia Rep. Mollohan Loses Dem Primary
"Democrat Alan Mollohan became the first member of the U.S. House to be ousted this spring primary season after his opponent mounted a campaign that questioned the 14-term congressman's ethics and support for federal health care reform.

Voters tap Republican for Scott Brown’s empty seat

Voters tap Republican for Scott Brown’s empty seat -
Republican Richard Ross claimed the state Senate seat formerly held by Scott Brown as his Democrat opponent conceded a GOP victory last night, in a contest viewed as a referendum on Brown’s stunning U.S. Senate victory, experts said."

Is It Already Too Late to Save Greece?

Herculean Task Ahead: Is It Already Too Late to Save Greece? - SPIEGEL ONLINE
"Greece has more than five times as many civil servants per capita than the United Kingdom."

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Highland Park basketball team trip to Arizona scrapped

Highland Park basketball team trip to Arizona scrapped - Chicago Breaking News
"Reveling in its first conference championship in 26 years, the Highland Park High School girls varsity basketball team has been selling cookies for months to raise funds for a tournament in Arizona.

But those hoop dreams were dashed when players learned they couldn't go because of that state's new crackdown on illegal immigrants.

Safety concerns partly fueled the decision, but the trip also 'would not be aligned with our beliefs and values,' said District 113 Assistant Superintendent Suzan Hebson.

That explanation, though, smacks of political protest to parents upset by the decision."

Lot's of hopey and changey here...right?

Court official: Siblings of drowning victims removed from homes

Court official: Siblings of drowning victims removed from homes
"Chief Assistant Prosecutor Brett Gardner confirmed that both families had had previous contact with DHS due to “improper supervision.”"


Kagan's Hidden, But Obvious, Agenda

Kagan's Hidden, But Obvious, Agenda

"Even the New York Times, which would undoubtedly be happy with a Justice Kagan, is grousing that 'whether by ambitious design or by habit of mind, Ms. Kagan has spent decades carefully husbanding her thoughts and shielding her philosophy from view.'"

Landscapers find workers choosing jobless pay

Landscapers find workers choosing jobless pay

"In a state with the nation's highest jobless rate, landscaping companies are finding some job applicants are rejecting work offers so they can continue collecting unemployment benefits."

The Detroit News seems shocked that some folks prefer "free" money to work.
Maybe the reporter never read a newspaper?

(HT AtlantaLou)

Muskegon primary candidates!

An amazing number of candidates for the primary election!

Change they will believe in?

In November!

The Further Left You Are the Less You Know About Economics:

The Volokh Conspiracy » The Further Left You Are the Less You Know About Economics:

Some of the results in this new article by Zeljka Buturovic and Dan Klein in Econ Journal Watch (a peer-reviewed journal of economics) are startling:

67% of self-described Progressives believe that restrictions on housing development (i.e., regulations that reduce the supply of housing) do not make housing less affordable.

51% believe that mandatory licensing of professionals (i.e., reducing the supply of professionals) doesn’t increase the cost of professional services.

Perhaps most amazing, 79% of self-described Progressive believe that rent control (i.e., price controls) does not lead to housing shortages.

Note that the questions here are not whether the benefits of these policies might outweigh the costs, but the basic economic effects of these policies.

Those identifying as “libertarian” and “very conservative” were the most knowledgeable about basic economics.

Those identifying as “Progressive” and “Liberal” were the worst.

Union-boss bonanza in Michigan

Union-boss bonanza in Michigan
"If a politician can handpick favorite union bosses to be the political representative of 40,000 workers (all forced to pay union dues), then any group that receives public subsidies can be swept into forced unionism.

Child care workers, health care workers, even unemployed workers and many others -- they can all lose their First Amendment rights as they are forced to accept a union as their political representative.

Millions of dollars in forced union dues are at stake –- money that union bosses will use to buy more political influence and gain still more special privileges.
Union bosses in Michigan will reap a forced-dues windfall that could run as high as $4,000,000 every single year far into the future.

Union bosses are already spreading this scheme nationwide.

Foundation attorneys are poised to launch class action lawsuits in Illinois next month and hopefully many other states where politicians are eager to hand their Big Labor patrons millions in forced-dues windfalls."

This will happen unless we the people get in touch with our legislators!

Muskegon Heights to hold monthlong cleanup

Muskegon Heights to hold monthlong cleanup -
"Muskegon Heights to hold monthlong cleanup

Two free dumping days, a promotional sticker sale and a designated project are the highlights of the spring cleanup monthlong event put on by the city of Muskegon Heights.

Large metal trash bins will be made available for free dumping, except for a $3 charge for tires, for city residents only, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. May 15 and May 22 at the Muskegon Heights Department of Public Works, 3124 Wood.

Paint cans, chemicals and brushes cannot be dumped.

City officials also are offering a half-price sale on stickers needed to haul away large trash items during May.

The stickers can be purchased in the treasurer’s office at City Hall, 2724 Peck."

Let's see how successful this is....

My Computer Takes Forever to Boot Up!

My Computer Takes Forever to Boot Up!

You can see what programs are on your computer's startup list by:

clicking the Start button,

then Run,

then typing MSCONFIG,

then pressing Enter.

The System Configuration Utility appears -- click the Startup tab.

This displays everything that loads in the background when you start your computer.

If it's a very long list, it's probably slowing you down.

I tried this this morning and my computer is ZIPPY!

Summer Celebration lineup offers choice acts

Summer Celebration lineup offers choice acts

A two-day air show (June 26-27) also is part of the celebration.

For details, visit

The following acts have been announced for this year’s Muskegon Summer Celebration — June 24 through July 4.
Individual ticket prices are for adults 13 and older;
prices will go up after June 25:

•June 24: ZZ Top, $31.

• June 25: John Rich and Emerson Drive, $27.

• June 26: Newsboys, Neon Trees, Civil Twilight and Paper Tongues, $25.

• June 27: Toby Keith with Randy Houser and Bucky Covington, $57.

• June 28: Ludacris and Here Come the Mummies, $27.

• June 29: Foreigner and Styx, $31.

• June 30: O.A.R. with Four Finger Five, $27.

• July 1: Papa Roach, Chevelle and Brent James, $27.

• July 2: B-52s and KC & The Sunshine Band, $29.

• July 3: Tonic, Candlebox and Default, $25.

• July 4: Matt Giraud, Echoes of Pink Floyd and Live Bait, $16.


Charlie Sykes:
"'You can disagree with the policies of the American military; you can even hate them, but you can’t alienate yourself from the institution without in a certain sense alienating yourself from the country.

Barring the military from campus is a bit like barring the president or even the flag.

It’s more than a statement of criticism; it’s a statement of national estrangement.'"

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Nonprofit's disorganization jeopardizing $76 million deal for Harlem

Nonprofit's disorganization jeopardizing $76 million deal for Harlem -

"Although it formed four years ago, the West Harlem Local Development Corp. lacks a mission statement, has yet to get tax-exempt status from the IRS and doesn't even have a phone number.

The group already has received $500,000 from Columbia University -- part of a 16-year payout designed to assuage community fears over the school's expansion -- yet hasn't spent a cent on the neighborhood."

In WW II, U-boats wreaked havoc in Gulf of Mexico

In WW II, U-boats wreaked havoc in Gulf of Mexico
"An unusual thing happened then.

Kühlmann ordered the German U-166 to the surface.

He appeared on the conning tower and shouted to the passengers in boats, rafts and the water that he was sorry he couldn’t help them.
Then he shouted that he wished them luck.

Kühlmann’s decision to surface was fateful.

The crew of the escort vessel a half-mile ahead turned and raced back.

As the U-166 crash-dived, the escort craft dropped five depth charges.

Making a tight circle, it located the sub by sonar and dropped five more depth charges.

When an oil slick appeared, the escort vessel began picking up survivors.

Kühlmann and his more than 50 crew members perished in the attack."

A terrifying reality: Father featured on TV show kills one of three who tried to invade his home

A terrifying reality: Father featured on TV show kills one of three who tried to invade his home Morristown Citizen Tribune,TN

"'Scott Knight is to be commended for a job well done in protecting himself and his family because the law does provide that a man has a right to protect his home,' Jarnagin said."

And Obamaistas want us disarmed?

Teams to search Scottish loch for 'Dambusters' bouncing bombs

Teams to search Scottish loch for 'Dambusters' bouncing bombs - The Scotsman
"DIVERS will this summer search a Scots loch for dozens of bouncing bombs dropped in a training exercise ahead of the famous Second World War Dambusters raid.

The raid, led by Wing Commander Guy Gibson, took place on 16 May 1943, when Lancaster bombers from the RAF's 617 Squadron dropped the bomb, codenamed, on the Mohne, Sorpe and Eder Dams in the Ruhr Valley."

What brave men!
What a fabulous movie!

could_very_well_be_the_cutes News Forum - could_very_well_be_the_cutest_little kitten


Does Welfare Cause Terrorism?

kaus files dot com
"The point isn't simply that many terrorists take advantage of Western welfare states, the same way they take advantage of Western freedoms and Western technology.

The point is that extreme anti-social terrorist ideologies (radical Islam, in particular) seem to breed in 'oppositional' cultures supported by various government welfare benefits."

See what would have happened if MSU basketball coach Tom Izzo chose stage over court in 'Izzo Goes to Broadway'

See what would have happened if MSU basketball coach Tom Izzo chose stage over court in 'Izzo Goes to Broadway'
"'He's probably one of the easiest people to get a long with,' McCullough says.

'He was on time every day.

He was thrilled to do this. He never complained.'

Except for that frantic sideline dancing on the court, Izzo says his background on the dance floor was 'zero.'

Still, his wife thought 'he did really well.'"

'Big Chill' ticket sales exceed 100,000, cut off to general public

'Big Chill' ticket sales exceed 100,000, cut off to general public
"The state of Michigan no longer holds the record for largest attendance at a hockey game, but that will change soon enough.

Ticket sales for 'The Big Chill at the Big House' hockey game between Michigan and Michigan State on Dec. 11 have exceeded 100,000 and are no longer available for the general public."

America has good reason to worry about Greece / Columnists / Clive Crook - America has good reason to worry about Greece
"At the end of last week, the US looked hard at Greece and was scared.

So tiny an economy should not be bringing all of Europe low and even threatening to explode the euro, but it is.

What started as a US financial crisis plunged Europe into recession; was Europe about to return the compliment?

What, Americans began to wonder, did Europe’s problems tell them about their own?"

Get used to the pain as world tackles debt crisis

Get used to the pain as world tackles debt crisis The Australian

"The European contagion is just the start of the fallout

RIOTS in Greece, raw panic on Wall Street, voters blocked from the ballot in Britain and an extraordinary backlash against Kevin Rudd's new mining tax back home."

Can the U.S. Avoid European Contagion?

Can the U.S. Avoid European Contagion? The Weekly Standard
"We are all Greeks now.
Or so it would seem if we are guided by the gyrations of share prices.
Or if we believe that today’s Greece is tomorrow’s United States.

After all, we are running Grecian-style deficits, our debt-to-GDP ratio is approaching the magic 90 percent mark that stifles growth and makes it more difficult to bring the budget deficit under control, and the effective U.S. tax rate on new corporate investment is.......almost twice an 80-nation average."

Freddie Mac’s Loss Is Ignored in Washington

Fair Game - Freddie Mac’s Loss Is Ignored in Washington -
"Freddie — already propped up with $52 billion in taxpayer funds used to rescue the company from its own mistakes — recorded a loss of $6.7 billion and said it would require an additional $10.6 billion from taxpayers to shore up its financial position."

Financial Reform Includes Big Labor Loophole

Financial Reform Includes Big Labor Loophole
"Union bosses are expected to use the provision to affect corporate boards to force pension fund investors to obtain more seats on those boards and that means union pension funds will suddenly have more influence on business simply because of their influence in Washington."

Why don't we just give the rest of our companies over to Obama and his union thug comrades?
You know, sorta streamline our entire Greece.

A tough but essential change for retirees

Stephen Henderson: A tough but essential change for retirees
"The Senate proposal also restored dental and vision coverage for teacher retirees; Granholm had proposed eliminating the coverage."

Retired teachers get free, lifetime dental and vision insurance?!!!!!!!!!!

So, do I have this right?
I don't have dental or vision or ANY health insurance paid by my old employer BUT I must pay even MORE in taxes so teachers won't have to pay for their own insurance.

Is that correct?

This is wrong!

Big Lie! Michigan residents' tax burden drops over decade | | Detroit Free Press

Michigan residents' tax burden drops over decade
"The Senate Fiscal Agency says Michigan residents are seeing a smaller percentage of their personal income go to state taxes.
It says in a recent report that tax burdens have fallen significantly in the state between 1999 and 2009."

This report is a big lie.
Read the truth:

Brewer has got a beef with Drolet's piggy pal

Brewer has got a beef with Drolet's piggy pal
Detroit Free Press
"Brewer has got a beef with Drolet's piggy pal

Michigan Democratic Party Chairman Mark Brewer -- in a fit of pique or boredom, it was hard to tell which -- announced last week that he had filed a campaign finance complaint against Leon Drolet, the Macomb County anti-tax activist and former Republican legislator now running for state Senate.

Brewer's accusation?
That the giant, trailer-mounted pink pig Drolet hauls around to promote his campaign failed to include the 'paid for by ... ' disclaimer required of campaign signs.

Asked about the charge, Drolet said he believes Brewer has a 'very personal vendetta against Mr. Perks,' the pig's given name. Mr. Perks is not a sign; he is a registered trailer, Drolet said."

YouTube - L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S.

YouTube - L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S.

"Where we now stand is stolen, occupied Mexico"...La Raza rally at UCLA....More gems... StandWithArizona — May 08, 2010 —

"Where we now stand is stolen, occupied Mexico"...La Raza rally at UCLA....

More gems: 'Communist Revolution', 'Frail, racist white people', 'La Raza' (the Race), Fidel Castro, 'Northern Front of Latin Revolution'..."40 the belly of the beast". "Our enemy is Capitalism and Imperialism". Sedition anyone?

U.S. Debt Shock May Hit In 2018, Maybe As Soon As 2013: Moody's

U.S. Debt Shock May Hit In 2018, Maybe As Soon As 2013: Moody's
"Spiraling debt is Uncle Sam's shock collar, and its jolt may await like an invisible pet fence.

'Nobody knows when you bump up against the limit, but you know when it happens it will really hurt,'"

US Sen. Bob Bennett ousted at Utah GOP convention

US Sen. Bob Bennett ousted at Utah GOP convention

Saturday, May 08, 2010

We Are Out of Money

We Are Out of Money - Reason Magazine
"According to E.U. rules, member countries cannot maintain budget deficits above 3 percent of gross domestic product; nor can their total debt rise above 60 percent of GDP.

As Veronique de Rugy points out in this issue, the U.S. budget deficit in 2009 was three times the E.U.’s limit, and total debt will zoom past the 60 percent threshold sometime this year.

Washington makes Paris look frugal."

Venezuela annual inflation rate hits 30 percent

Venezuela annual inflation rate hits 30 percent
"Venezuela's annual inflation rate has surpassed 30 percent after consumer prices surged in April."

Release the Blagojevich tapes: Target the Chicago '5'

Release the Blagojevich tapes: Target the Chicago '5'

Last week, redacted portions of Blagojevich’s Motion to Subpoena President Obama came to light, indicating that Obama had contacted SEIU labor officials to lobby the Senate seat for Valerie Jarrett.

If true, this would potentially contradict the President’s public statements.

NUGENT: Profile or die

NUGENT: Profile or die
"My name is Ted Nugent, and I profile.
And it is good.
We are sick and tired of the soulless condition of denying factual, clear and present danger in the name of feel-good backpedaling."

Stinko de Mayo

EDITORIAL: Stinko de Mayo
"The question is: Who taught these kids to hate America so much?"

4 ways Congress caused the financial crisis

4 ways Congress caused the financial crisis
"Bankers may have rushed to create fancy new securities, but it was legislators who enabled risky behavior by housing giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — and failed to instill watchdogs like the Federal Reserve and the Securities and Exchange Commission with the backbone needed to rein in risky activities.

In detail, Levine makes these points that illustrate the role of Congress:"

Metra boss Phil Pagano's suicide a repeating pageant for Illinois

Kass: Metra boss Phil Pagano's suicide a repeating pageant for Illinois -
"When politicos play musical chairs in Illinois, what happens after the music stops and there's no safe place to sit?

There have been four dead in recent years, unrelated cases of suicide, different except for the acts of the common pageant: The corruption investigators call. The music ends abruptly.

Two were done in by guns, one on a beach, the other under a bridge. A third was by pills in a construction trailer.

The fourth came Friday morning during rush hour, announced by that body under that white sheet on the Metra tracks in McHenry County."

oh yeah!

Ill. rail chief dies in apparent suicide by train

Ill. rail chief dies in apparent suicide by train
"Pagano was under investigation and that he had been placed on paid administrative leave from his $269,000-a-year job. Metra had hired an attorney to investigate allegations that the Metra executive director of 20 years had received an unauthorized $56,000 bonus."

Let's hope the other government crooks give this a try too.

State Senator Sylvia Allen responds to SB1070

State Senator Sylvia Allen responds to SB1070 - The Cholla Jumps
"I’m Arizona State Senator Sylvia Allen.
I want to explain SB 1070 for which I voted yes.
Rancher Robert Krentz was murdered by the drug cartel on his ranch a month ago.
I participated in a senate hearing two weeks ago on the border violence, here is just some of the highlights from those who testified."

This is one of the most frightening letters I've ever read.

“I never thought I’d be on national TV for wearing an American flag shirt.”

VIDEO: “I never thought I’d be on national TV for wearing an American flag shirt.”
“What seems to elude people in this incident is that everyone has the right to express themselves on every day of the year in the US, and that ’some people may be offended’ is no just cause for censorship.”"

The Greek Economy Explained

The Greek Economy Explained
"In terms of overall ease of doing business, Greece comes in 109 out of 183 countries around the world.

It is dead last among the 27 members of the European Union as well as the advanced economies in the OECD.
You have to go up 30 slots to find the next worst EU performer, Italy. The U.S. ranks fourth and Singapore is first.
At 109, Greece ranks below such models of transparency and free enterprise as Egypt (106), Zambia (90), Rwanda (67) and Kazakhstan (63).

A country has to work hard to do this poorly.

The Doing Business survey reveals an economy that's hostile to free enterprise and private property, primed for corruption, lacking in labor and capital mobility, stifled by powerful trade unions and unlikely to grow without deep-rooted changes."

Friday, May 07, 2010 - 2 People Shot to Death in Old Navy in Chicago - 2 People Shot to Death in Old Navy in Chicago: "Authorities say two people were shot to death at the Old Navy clothing store in the heart of the city's Loop retail corridor.
Chicago Fire Department spokesman Larry Langford says a man and a woman were shot inside the store. He says they were dead when emergency responders arrived Friday morning at the scene, just blocks from Chicago's City Hall."


MAJOR MEDIA FAIL: Note this poll on Arizona:

The new poll finds 61 percent of voters nationally think Arizona was right to take action instead of waiting for the federal government to do something on immigration.

That’s more than twice as many as the 27 percent who think securing the border is a federal responsibility and Arizona should have waited for Washington to act. . . .

Significantly more voters think the Obama administration should wait and see how the new law works (64 percent) than think the administration should try to stop it (15 percent).

Forget the Arizona bill itself.
What this poll says is that despite weeks of national-media coverage that was unrelentingly negative, calling the bill racist, drawing Nazi analogies, etc. — only 15 percent are really against it.

Sorry guys — you’re still talking, but people aren’t listening.

UPDATE: A reader asks why I didn’t just use the favor/oppose numbers, which support the bill but in a less lopsided way.
Because if the bill is really a racist, Nazi enactment, people should want to actually do something about it, not just register opposition.

Take Action! Vote on Bridge Boondoggle Looming!

Take Action! Vote on Bridge Boondoggle Looming!
"The Michigan House of Representatives is likely to vote on House Bill 4961 next week. Your State Representative needs to hear from taxpayers like you today to avoid a massive waste of your tax dollars.

The Ambassador Bridge, built and maintained for 80 years by the Detroit International Bridge Company (DIBC), carries one-quarter of all trade between the U.S. and Canada. DIBC has begun a $1 billion project to build a second span using no taxpayer funds.

But the state has sued to stop construction so they can build the Detroit River International Crossing (DRIC) – using taxpayer money only.
Building the DRIC would cost American taxpayers billions of dollars, forcibly relocate hundreds of families and businesses, and be another example of Michigan’s fiscal failure."

Butler bummer!

Butler bummer!
"Butler coach Brad Stevens finally got the answer he needed Friday, even if it was bad news.
Star forward Gordon Hayward is heading to the NBA, and Stevens can now turn his full attention toward next season."

Broader U-6 Unemployment Rate Increases to 17.1% in April

Broader U-6 Unemployment Rate Increases to 17.1% in April
The U.S. jobless rate rose to 9.9% in April, the first increase in three months, but the government’s broader measure of unemployment ticked up for the third month in a row, rising 0.2 percentage point to 17.1%.

The hopey changey thing is really workin'...doncah think?

L.A. Times Declines to Endorse Sen. Boxer in California Primary

L.A. Times Declines to Endorse Sen. Boxer in California Primary
"The editors at the biggest newspaper on the West Coast, who were expected to endorse Sen. Barbara Boxer in her primary campaign against token opposition, have decided to remain neutral, saying the California Democrat doesn't display enough intellectual firepower."

That's gotta hurt....if she knew what "intellectual firepower" meant.

Two People Who Deserve to be Fired

Two People Who Deserve to be Fired - WSJ This Morning
"There are two people who should be out of work for their poor decisions lately."

Retired Park Township surgeon charged with stealing hotel furniture in Florida

Retired Park Township surgeon charged with stealing hotel furniture in Florida
"A retired surgeon with stately homes in Park Township, Michigan, and affluent East Naples is charged with walking off with about $7,000 worth of furniture and wall art from a hotel."

Interesting story of a fruitcake doctor who has his anger control issues ready as an excuse.

JAPAN ACTIVATES the Monju Fast-Breeder Reactor. If we’d started building these in the 1970s, the wo…

JAPAN ACTIVATES the Monju Fast-Breeder Reactor.
If we’d started building these in the 1970s, the world’s energy probems would be largely solved, and carbon emissions would be much lower.
But environmentalists blocked them.
Thanks for nothin’, guys"

......The Clunk in Clunkers

......The Clunk in Clunkers - Counts Consulting, Ltd.
"Ok, on to the issue at hand.
If you run a full service recycling business, did you get in on the Clunker rage last fall?
You know that deal where taxpayers subsidized people who were willing to get rid of a paid-for asset and go in debt for something they already had, which was a running vehicle.
You know that program that cost the U.S. tax payers over $40,000 per vehicle.
If you run a full service recycling business and wonder if you missed out by not jumping in on this deal, be at peace, you made the right decision.
If metal had not gone up recently, it would have put a lot of recyclers out of business and it still may be the beginning of the whirlpool for others.

If you are wondering why I'm writing about something that has already happened, then be advised that the administration is thinking about doing this again!
Therefore, I would like to see recyclers have a plan if this comes our way in the future."

Read this excellent article!

(HT ClunkerKing)

MEA-owned insurance carrier using rate hikes to replenish coffers?

Hello Michigan: MEA-owned insurance carrier using rate hikes to replenish coffers?
"MEA-owned insurance carrier using rate hikes to replenish coffers?

WOW!!! What a deal for the Teachers Union.

Let me see, WE paid into their retirement fund and WE paid for their insurance, and WE pay their salaries.

Now because MESSA, the NEA Teachers Union lost money in the market, we get to cover their losses for them???"

Athens or Washington, It's the Size of Government

RealClearPolitics - Athens or Washington, It's the Size of Government
"This is more than a financial crisis.
This is a national meltdown.
And while facile comparisons to the U.S. must be avoided, there are nonetheless lessons for us --particularly in light of the direction the Democratic Party wants to travel."

Field trip for black students sparks controversy at Ann Arbor elementary school -

Field trip for black students sparks controversy at Ann Arbor elementary school
"An Ann Arbor elementary school principal used a letter home to parents tonight to defend a field trip for black students as part of his school’s efforts to close the achievement gap between white and black students."

Imagine a school trip for white students only!

Imagine the mentality of the educators who think that a trip for black students ONLY is a great idea!

Someone needs a new job!

Teachers unions fight “for the kids?” Not exactly.

The Free Enterprise Nation - Teachers unions fight “for the kids?” Not exactly.
"The National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers stood up alongside Senator Tom Harkin, asking Congress to pass the Keep Our Educators Working Act.

The bill provides $23 billion in federal funding to local school districts so they can avoid having to make job cuts for the 2011 school year.
Harken said “This bill is an investment in our kids, in our economy, and in our future.”

We agree that nobody wants to see students in overcrowded classes, which could happen if the predicted 300,000 teaching job cuts were to happen.

However, if we, the American taxpayers, are giving one select group of people $23 billion to save their jobs, it would only be fair if we were able to receive some concessions from the teachers unions in exchange for our generosity."

We've seen where the teacher's unions love points.
And it don't point to even one kid.
It is self-love at its worst.

Jobs up 290,000; jobless rate rises to 9.9 pct.

Jobs up 290,000; jobless rate rises to 9.9 pct.
"All told, 15.3 million people were out of work in April."

No amount of TV happy talk about 290,000 new jobs (many of which are government "jobs") will help the 15.3 million Americans.

Remember in November!

FNC's Hume Chides Media Misinformation on AZ Immigration Law

FNC's Hume Chides Media Misinformation on AZ Immigration Law
"During Fox News Sunday's 'Roundtable' segment, regular panel member Brit Hume chided the news media for spreading misinformation about the new law in Arizona aimed at enforcing federal immigration laws, as he charged that 'It's turned out that a lot of the news stories simply flat had it wrong, and a lot of the critics of the bill itself have also got it wrong.'

After recounting that the law requires 'that there be a legitimate law enforcement incident, a stop, a detention, or arrest,' and 'reasonable suspicion,' he concluded that 'all the hysteria about it is grossly overdone, in my judgment.'"

Sadly, all the hysteria was done for a specific purpose.
Votes for democrats.

NUGENT: Is the kettle black enough?

NUGENT: Is the kettle black enough? - Washington Times
"The truth is that the federal government, as always, has overtly wasted, lost and blown far more of our hard-earned tax dollars than Wall Street crooks could have ripped off in their wildest Bernie Madoff imaginations.

Our politicians are the real bandits and culprits of our economic calamity."

State Government Loses Nearly 10,000 Workers in 9 Years

State Government Loses Nearly 10,000 Workers in 9 Years
"Leaders in the Republican-led Senate fell a few votes short of the two-thirds majority needed to repeal a 3 percent pay raise scheduled to take effect Oct. 1 for most state workers.
The proposal never came up for a vote in the Democrat-led House.
The increase will cost the state an estimated $45 million.

That could come back to bite some state workers.
Lawmakers don't appear likely to raise taxes, so layoffs or furlough days are a distinct possibility as the battle continues over balancing the budget.

Rep. Chuck Moss of Birmingham, the highest-ranking Republican on the House Appropriations Committee, would like to see state employee compensation decreased so the state can keep more workers to deal with citizens' needs.
He's frustrated by the failure of efforts to trim workers' pay and benefits, saying the state's ongoing budget woes will require more sacrifice.
'We have more government than we can afford right now,' Moss said."

We have 10,000 less workers but are spending more on workers now than we did before.
Anyone smell something fishy here?

New light shed on Kent State killings - Washington Times

New light shed on Kent State killings - Washington Times
"'We did it,' one man exulted, according to the inquiry.
'We got the riot started.'

The second man expressed disappointment at being excluded from the riot's planning.
'Wait until tomorrow night,' the leader replied excitedly.
'We just got the word.
We're going to burn the ROTC building.'"

A worthy read with the SEIU and other Obama thug bands running around.

Can Michigan afford generous tax exemptions for retirees?

Can Michigan afford generous tax exemptions for retirees?
"As Michigan grapples with yet another budget deficit, some say it’s time to eliminate generous tax exemptions for retirees."

Watch out you democrat geezer retirees!
You may well be voting for democrats to increase your taxes to pay for state employee pay and benefit increases.
Bummer dumbocrats.

Confidence Improves, But Trust Hurts Obama

Confidence Improves, But Trust Hurts Obama - Hotline On Call
"Only 39% of voters said they would vote to re-elect Pres."

Good news but can we survive three more years?

Flying with the Dragon Lady

Op-Ed Contributor - Flying with the Dragon Lady -
"I flew the U-2 during the 1990s, and I received this news as if I had learned that an old friend was dying.
It may seem odd to grieve for a machine.
But the U-2 is no ordinary vehicle.
Some in my world call flying the plane a religion, others a calling.
For me it was a gift."

Interesting farewell from a lady U2 pilot.

(HT Itazuke)

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Obama/Media vs. Arizona/America

American Thinker: Obama/Media vs. Arizona/America
"I can only conclude that Obama willfully and knowingly distorted/lied about the plight of Hispanic-Americans in Arizona and the state's immigration law when he said, '...but now suddenly if you don't have your papers, and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you're gonna be harassed, ...'

Obama's statement simply is not true."

When our president is such a blatant liar, we all suffer.

Steve Gunn: Columnist realizes his dream: his own hate club | -

Steve Gunn: Columnist realizes his dream: his own hate club
This is cool.
My own hate club.
It’s every columnist’s dream."

You haven't arrived until the leftist hate rises up!

Though their hate usually doesn't take much more than any disagreement with anyone over anything.

You go Gunn!

Whitewater II

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Whitewater II
"Jake reports, I repeat:

Though his agency was charged with coordinating the federal response to the major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Department of the Interior chief of staff Tom Strickland was in the Grand Canyon with his wife last week participating in activities that included white-water rafting, ABC News has learned."

Democrat Obey to leave House after 4 decades

Democrat Obey to leave House after 4 decades - Washington Times
"Mr. Obey was first elected in a special election in 1969 at age 30.
He is the third most senior member of the House, behind only Reps. John D. Dingell, who came to Congress in 1955, and John Conyers Jr., who arrived in 1965. Both are Michigan Democrats."

America is about to become a better country!

Al Sharpton: We Won’t Have True Social Justice Until Everything Is ‘Equal in Everybody’s House’

Al Sharpton: We Won’t Have True Social Justice Until Everything Is ‘Equal in Everybody’s House’

Norton Shores OKs firefighter layoffs; city officials may seek millage | -

Norton Shores OKs firefighter layoffs; city officials may seek millage
"'We've cut enough,' said Councilman Don Martines.
'We need to raise revenue.
The citizens are getting quite a bargain.'"

Not even a mention of the union contracts and their automatic pay increases.
Not a mention of the retirement benefits and costs.

You can't fix a problem if you refuse to acknowledge the cause of the problem.

Public meeting with Scandia wind farm developers set for Thursday night in Mason County

Public meeting with Scandia wind farm developers set for Thursday night in Mason County
"Scandia wants county boards' acceptance of seeing turbines from shore before starting three years of economic and environmental studies to determine if the $4 billion offshore wind plan is viable."

Attend this meeting and demand they tell you where they will be getting the money to build these studies and the wind farm. (your tax dollars)

And demand they tell us what will happen to electricity rates when they are built. (they'll skyrocket)

And ask yourself if there will be ANY companies left in Michigan when we are the highest energy cost state in the country.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Newspaper Death Act

Newspaper Death Act [Mackinac Center]
"There is no shortage of bad ideas coming out of Lansing. Senate Bill 1285 introduced by Sen. Bruce Patterson, R-Canton, would require customers to pay a deposit on each newspaper they purchase equal to one-half the retail price of the newspaper.
The proposed law would operate much like Michigan's bottle deposit law.
Newspapers would be required to be returned to a redemption center, with each publisher in the state required to operate at least one such center."

Another ridiculous RINO with an astoundingly idiotic bill for Michigan.

Oust this goon in August!

U.S. exempted BP rig from impact study

U.S. exempted BP rig from impact study - Washington Post
"The Interior Department exempted BP's calamitous Gulf of Mexico drilling operation from a detailed environmental impact analysis last year, according to government documents, after three reviews of the area concluded that a massive oil spill was unlikely."

How's that hopey changey thing goin' for ya now?

Muskegon County panel deciding on procedure to fill drain commissioner vacancy

Muskegon County panel deciding on procedure to fill drain commissioner vacancy
"Also by state law, the committee consists of Mullally, county Prosecutor Tony Tague and county Clerk Nancy A. Waters. All are elected officials.
Tague and Waters are Democrats; Mullally’s office is nonpartisan.

Whoever they choose will serve only until the county’s voters choose someone Nov. 2 to serve the remaining two years of Hepler’s four-year term.

That’s unless, of course, the panel’s pick runs and wins the election.

And that possibility could make the interim selection politically important. Incumbents typically have the best chance of winning local elections, so if the committee picks one of the election candidates as interim drain commissioner, it could be a valuable political gift.

The timing is interesting.

The filing deadline for candidates wishing to run for the two-year office is 4 p.m. Tuesday. The three-person committee isn’t expected to make its interim selection before then: Mullally said Monday’s meeting is only to decide on the process, such as spelling out a job-application procedure and timetable.

That means the panel will have a choice of already-declared election candidates to pick from — or, if they decide not to influence the election, they could pick someone else to hold the office for just six months or so."

Or the real choice will be that Waters/Tague will make a secret deal with a democrat who will run.
Let's hope they don't do what democrats always do and pick another unqualified union thug.

The Michigan Summit-Van Jones

INFORMATION : The Michigan Summit

People power from the ground up. Social justice. Human rights. Clean energy jobs. Urban cities.
Where do they all intersect?

In East Lansing on Saturday, June 12 when former White House advisor Van Jones takes center stage as our keynote speaker at Progress Michigan's Michigan Summit:

....As a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, Van Jones is continuing his fight to show that the economic and ecological crises facing our nation can be solved together.
We need more jobs for our families, our neighbors, our friends, and ourselves.
But they can't be just any jobs.

We need jobs that can support families without sacrificing the health and future of our environment.
Here in Michigan, where we stand on the cusp of a clean energy jobs revolution, Jones' message is vital to remaking our economy so we all share in the prosperity, not just the privileged few.

America-hater and confirmed communist, Van Jones is back!
And the guy who is too radical even for BarryO is gonna be in Michigan soon.

Where are the protesters?

click for more info on this "leader of the left:

(HT PaulaV)