Sunday, May 23, 2010

Indy 500 starting lineup

Indy 500 starting lineup -

Stealth Unionization Plot Survives Another Attempt to Kill It

Stealth Unionization Plot Survives Another Attempt to Kill It [Mackinac Center]
"Another attempt to stop the funding of the government agency tied with stealth unionization of home day care workers was defeated this week.
This time, an amendment to House Bill 5838 would have spelled out that the Michigan Home Based Child Card Council would have its funding yanked.

It was defeated by a 62-44 vote."

Local democrats Bennett and senate candidate MaryValentine voted with the union thugs.
Every democrat, save one, voted to keep this outrage.

Every GOPer voted to end it.

Remember in November!

Whittaker Chambers: The New Deal as Revolution

»Whittaker Chambers: The New Deal as Revolution - Big Government
"When Chambers finally realized the administration was apathetic to the traitors in its midst, he had to reassess what he knew of FDR and his policies.
In his classic autobiography, Witness, he describes how this rebuff affected him:"

Obama Has Enraged the "Citizen Class"

Austin Hill : Obama Has Enraged the "Citizen Class"
"While an overwhelming majority of the citizen class supports Arizona’s effort to uphold the significance of citizenship and sovereignty, President Barack Hussein Obama has sided with the United Nations, Venezuelan Dictator Hugo Chavez, China, and the President of Mexico in opposing the state of Arizona.

One would hope that the President of the United States – any President of the United States – would seek to protect all fifty of the states that he governs from international criticism, even if he didn’t happen to like the behavior of one of his states.

But our current President stands united with some of the most thuggish regimes in the world, in opposing his fellow Americans of Arizona."

Investigators: Edmonds rape suspect deported nine times

Investigators: Edmonds rape suspect deported nine times Seattle Area Local News
"Madrigal's arrest and immigration record includes a staggering number of contacts with law enforcement since 1989.
That's the year he was convicted of theft using a firearm in California.

He was deported a couple of times after that.
Then in 1999, he was arrested for drug sales in both San Diego and San Francisco.
Records show that he was deported three times that year between April and August.

He was arrested for drugs again in Stockton, Calif. in 2000.
In 2002, he pleaded to third degree sexual assault in Denver. Later that year, he was deported again.
And in 2003, records show he was deported three more times."

And Obama's democrat henchmen are more outraged by the AZ law that the reality of America today.

Stealth IRS campaign mandates millions of new 1099 tax forms

Stealth IRS campaign mandates millions of new 1099 tax forms
"But SMC's survey found that extending 1099s just to services purchased from corporations would push that number to at least 200 filings per year for a typical small business -- adding an estimated $6,000 to the cost of preparing the average tax return.

And that's without even accounting for the requirement that 1099s be filed for purchases of goods"

Sell Everything, You Won't Recognize America By The End Of The Year

Dow Theorist Richard Russell: Sell Everything, You Won't Recognize America By The End Of The Year

"Do your friends a favor.
Tell them to 'batten down the hatches' because there's a HARD RAIN coming.
Tell them to get out of debt and sell anything they can sell (and don't need) in order to get liquid.

Tell them that Richard Russell says that by the end of this year they won't recognize the country."

Quotes of the day

Quotes of the day
"City government was developed to serve its citizens.

Today the citizenry is working in large part to serve the government.

It is always hard to shrink government spending.

It is particularly difficult when public-sector unions have such a unique lever of pressure.We have to escape this cycle or it will crush us."

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Prosecutors lay out case in garbage cart bid rigging scheme

Prosecutors lay out case in garbage cart bid rigging scheme -
"A day after Chicago's inspector general said a Daley administration program to boost minority- and women-owned businesses in city contracts is beset with fraud, federal prosecutors laid out for a judge how they think a politically connected firm rigged a $1.7 million contract."

Jet-Setting Dave Matthews Wants You To Walk To Work

Jet-Setting Dave Matthews Wants You To Walk To Work
"“What I try and do is try and, with the knowledge that I have, is offset my contribution to [carbon emissions].

I think people that don’t move around as much as me can take a bike when it’s a nice day.”

You MUST watch all of this. Finally the perfect answer to, “Celebutard says what…?”

CNS reporter Nicholas Ballasy asks a simple question and what follows are three-plus minutes of what would make for a howlingly funny SNL skit if only SNL had the courage to pop their heads out of the bubble and seek to “get it” once again.

It’s probably time to move beyond howling “hypocrite” when we’re presented with revealing moments like this.

Celebrity and elitist hypocrite are now tied together as automatically as Patrick Goldstein and Polanski-supporting blacklister or Robert Rodriguez and race-hustling demagogue.

The entertainment value, however, never grows tiresome."

America's new culture war: Free enterprise vs. government control

America's new culture war: Free enterprise vs. government control
"In one, America will continue to be an exceptional nation organized around the principles of free enterprise -- limited government, a reliance on entrepreneurship and rewards determined by market forces.

In the other, America will move toward European-style statism grounded in expanding bureaucracies, a managed economy and large-scale income redistribution.

These visions are not reconcilable."

D.C. to begin using more-expensive Trojan condoms in HIV prevention program

D.C. to begin using more-expensive Trojan condoms in HIV prevention program
"High school students and college-age adults have been complaining to District officials that the free condoms the city has been offering are not of good enough quality and are too small and that getting them from school nurses is 'just like asking grandma or auntie.'"

Williams sisters back at Nos. 1-2 at French Open

Williams sisters back at Nos. 1-2 at French Open - Yahoo! News
"PARIS – Serena and Venus Williams are the French Open's two top-seeded women"



Michigan Teacher Salary

Michigan Teacher Salary Teaching Salaries in MI: $54,739
"Michigan is fourth on our comfort scale because there are great lakes and good teacher salaries.

New teachers make an average starting salary of $35,557 and an average overall salary of $54,739.

If you enjoy natural beauty, snowy winters, and desire an affordable lifestyle, this northern state is a great place to become a teacher.

Teachers that have a Master's Degree live even better in Michigan - but you'll be comfortable with a standard teaching certificate if you don't mind a few less canoe and hunting trips or a cabin in the UP!"

No mention of hours worked or benefits and still $54,739 average pay.

But the unions tell us WE need to pay more.

Will we cut our income so the teacher's union members can have more of our money to spend?

10 Coolest Bathroom Accessories

10 Coolest Bathroom Accessories -

» D.C. Metro Police Escorted SEIU Protesters to Bank Of America Executive’s Home

» D.C. Metro Police Escorted SEIU Protesters to Bank Of America Executive’s Home - Big Journalism
"The Maryland officers reported there were approximately 500 protesters on and near the front lawn of Baer’s house.

Montgomery County was not given a “heads-up” concerning the planned protest.
Although a protest permit is technically required in Montgomery County, in practice no citation is issued if the protestors disperse when requested to do so by the owner of the private property they occupy"

More video on this outrage.

Cat and crow

Amazing video.

Sales tax may save schools from cuts

Sales tax may save schools from cuts-Lansing State Journal
"A rise in sales tax revenue means that Michigan school districts probably will escape budget cuts for the 2010-11 school year, state economists said Friday."

Here it comes!!!!!!!

The triple autopilot increases in teacher pay will only increase if we all pay more.

The teachers continue their early retirement, platinum benefits and $100/hr total compensation.

Yeah, we need to pay more.....

Friday, May 21, 2010

The fruits of weakness

Charles Krauthammer - The fruits of weakness
"This is not just an America in decline.

This is an America in retreat -- accepting, ratifying and declaring its decline, and inviting rising powers to fill the vacuum."

Every day, in almost every way I see the signs of Germany in the 30s....amazingly without the nationalism.

The "we hate America" meme seems to resonate with a significant portion of "american" votrons in the same manner as "Germany hates the world" invigorated millions of Germans in the 1930s.

Their final solution may well be those the Obama regime "outs" as the country's "new Jews".

Once they have public anger focused on the requisite group, the purges will begin.

There is little question that the trial balloons have been tested with their willing enablers in the liberal MSM.

And the Wiemar-GOP is fighting the conservatives and the Tea Party members as much as they are fighting Obam-ism.

I will fight on but I worry.

When you are glad you have no children and are old......well, that's the sign of a government that promises a failed future that we have seen so many times in the past.

November 2, 2010 may well be the most important date for our country since 12-25-1776.

Are You Ready For Global Cooling?

Are You Ready For Global Cooling? - IBD -

"We see a bit of irony in an early February report that 11, 115-foot-tall wind turbines installed to provide power to 11 Minnesota towns were not functioning because they couldn't handle the record cold temperatures of a harsh winter."

Payback Time - Padded Pensions Add to New York’s Fiscal Woes

Payback Time - Padded Pensions Add to New York’s Fiscal Woes -

"In Yonkers, more than 100 retired police officers and firefighters are collecting pensions greater than their pay when they were working.

One of the youngest, Hugo Tassone, retired at 44 with a base pay of about $74,000 a year.

His pension is now $101,333 a year."

32 States Have Borrowed from the Federal Government to Make Unemployment Payments; California Has Borrowed $7 Billion 32 States Have Borrowed from the Federal Government to Make Unemployment Payments; California Has Borrowed $7 Billion

"The state of California has borrowed $6.9 billion.

Michigan has borrowed $3.9 billion,

Illinois $2.2 billion.

Below is the full list of the 32 states (and the Virgin Islands) that have borrowed from the Fed to make unemployment payments, and the amounts that remain borrowed as of May 20 . (Numbers in red are billions)"

Graduation Lunacy

Graduation Lunacy - IBD -

Some day, a Voltaire will emerge to satirize the Panglossian roster of speakers peppering U.S. university graduations in the era of the Tea Parties and multitrillion-dollar government debt, which ironically will end up dumped on the young people graduating from our schools of higher learning.

This year's speakers are big on extolling current orthodoxies instead of questioning them.

Inadvertently they reveal a lot about the state of universities, most of which are knee-deep in state funding, hostile to controlling costs and hothouses of political correctness."

Whatever Germany does, the euro as we know it is dead

Whatever Germany does, the euro as we know it is dead - Telegraph
"This is why the euro, in its current form, is finished.

The game is up for a monetary union that was meant to bolt together work-and-save citizens in northern Europe with the party animals of Club Med.

No amount of pit props from Berlin can save the euro Mk I from collapsing under the weight of its structural dysfunctionality.

You cannot run indefinitely a single currency with one interest rate for 16 economies, when there are such huge fiscal disparities"

U.N. Internet Tax Dead - For Now - U.N. Internet Tax Dead - For Now
"“This is a ‘Do Not Pass Go. Do Not Collect $200’ resolution,” said a U.S. participant at the Assembly.

“My guess is that it will take one or two years or possibly longer.”"

Obama's Thugocracy - Obama's Thugocracy
"From the G.M. bondholders, to the Black Panthers at polling stations, to ACORN to the mobs showing up at the homes of private citizens, Obama is running a Hugo Chavez-style thugocracy."

Mayor addresses Muskegon Hts. PD case

Mayor addresses Muskegon Hts. PD case WOOD TV8
"'We just want people to know that we did call state police here for the investigation,' Mayor Darrell Paige said.

'We initiated it.

They've been down there now for about three weeks, maybe.

We don't know how long it's going to take and we're cooperating with them -- totally trying to get this done.'

Michigan State Police said Monday it will be a couple months before the prosecutor ever sees reports from the department's investigation into the Muskegon Heights Police Department."

Myths about school employee 'concessions.'

Myths about school employee 'concessions.' [Mackinac Center]
"The data, however, fail to show any significant reduction in public school labor costs."

Hoekstra Is Only Above-Average GOP U.S. Rep. on 'Pro-Growth' Congressional Scorecard

Hoekstra Is Only Above-Average GOP U.S. Rep. on 'Pro-Growth' Congressional Scorecard [Mackinac Center]
"U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, scored 85 percent.

His score is the best from Michigan and the only one to exceed the Republican national average."

Hangar42 Studios' Incentives Raise Questions [Mackinac Center]

Hangar42 Studios' Incentives Raise Questions [Mackinac Center]
"Increased scrutiny of such deals is especially appropriate in light of the recent approval of a $9.1 million Michigan Economic Growth Authority tax credit/subsidy deal involving Richard A. Short, a convicted embezzler who was on parole.

Short is facing parole violations and other embezzlement charges."

Firefighters Lose. How Much Do They Make, Anyway?

Firefighters Lose. How Much Do They Make, Anyway?
"Pam Keller was the only city council member who did not have the guts to impose a %5 pay reduction on members of the Fullerton firefighter’s union after negotiations failed on Tuesday.

The union refused to accept a deal similar to those offered to all other Fullerton employees."

Obama lies about Arizona law, misleads on immigration, uses one of Bush's lines

Obama lies about Arizona law, misleads on immigration, uses one of Bush's lines

D.C. Metro Police Escorted SEIU Protesters to Bank Of America Executive’s Home

D.C. Metro Police Escorted SEIU Protesters to Bank Of America Executive’s Home - Big Journalism
"The primary role of the Washington cops in this event was to protect the protesters.

The D.C. officers had no authority to act to disperse the protesters even had the homeowner been present and asked them to vacate the private property.

The event ended as a “dash one”– no arrests, no citations –"

Sikorsky X2 Helicopter Progressing Toward Record Speed

Sikorsky X2 Helicopter Progressing Toward Record Speed Autopia
"Next week Sikorsky plans to finish the third phase of flight testing for its new X2 helicopter with a flight of 180 knots (207 miles per hour).

The X2 team has been slowly expanding the performance envelope of the technology demonstrator and says they expect to reach their goal speed of 250 knots (288 miles per hour) some time in the late summer or early fall.

The X2 uses a coaxial main rotor system, eliminating the need for the tail rotor that typically counters the torque of a single main rotor.

In place of a tail rotor, the X2 has a propeller at the back of the aircraft that generates thrust similar in a similar manner as a fixed-wing aircraft."

Why state pension funds could need a $1 trillion bailout

Why state pension funds could need a $1 trillion bailout - May. 20, 2010
"Ready for another government bailout?

Taxpayers could be on the hook within the decade if current state pension system isn't reformed."

Thank Your Military | Thank A Soldier | Causes

Thank Your Military Thank A Soldier Causes

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Stocks to Drop 20% More; Cash the Safest Place: Roubini

Stocks to Drop 20% More; Cash the Safest Place: Roubini - CNBC
"Prices in both stocks and commodities are likely to take a hit, and investors may only be safe in cash and other safe havens."

Global Cooling Is Coming -- and Beware the Big Chill, Scientist Warns

Global Cooling Is Coming -- and Beware the Big Chill, Scientist Warns

Contrary to the commonly held scientific conclusion that the Earth is getting warmer, a scientist who has written more than 150 peer-reviewed papers has unveiled evidence for his prediction that global cooling is coming soon.

McCain-Kennedy Immigration Reform Bill vs. Mexico's Immigration Law

McCain-Kennedy Immigration Reform Bill vs. Mexico's Immigration Law - HUMAN EVENTS
"Mexico, which annually deports more illegal aliens than the United States does, has much to teach us about how it handles the immigration issue.
Under Mexican law, it is a felony to be an illegal alien in Mexico."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hamilton teacher who fondled himself in classroom pleads guilty, wants to 'move on with life'

Hamilton teacher who fondled himself in classroom pleads guilty, wants to 'move on with life'
"A Hamilton Middle School music teacher must resign from his job after pleading guilty Tuesday to charges that he fondled himself in a classroom office."

well....duh......MoveOn...with his

Phony Marine at Phony Vietnam Blumenthal's Presser

American Thinker Blog: Phony Marine at Phony Vietnam Blumenthal's Presser
"Clarice Feldman

Doug Ross spots a ringer.
One of the merry band of brother 'Marines' at the presser of Connecticut Democrat Senatorial candidate Blumenthal evidently is a phony soldier.

This is William Joseph Trumpower (AKA Eliot Storm), a man listed on POW Network's Phony Vets Database.

Trumpower, like Blumenthal, is a Connecticut resident and has made quite a name for himself hawking books on the Vietnam experience.
The 'POW Networks Phony' database lists Trumpower's bogus credentials as follows:

CLAIMING BRONZE STAR w/VALOR device... Claims 2nd Lt, Claims... Wears 3 Purple Hearts, 2 Bronze Starsw/V. The jacket in EARLIER pictures boasted 8 ribbons. This NEW pic has more and includes V device on Bronze Star and 2nd Lt bars....

It's entirely fitting if the staged Blumenthal apology was, as our anonymous contributor asserts, accompanied by another puffed-up bloviator."

Editorial: County board needs to clarify rules

Editorial: County board needs to clarify rules
"Our form of government works best when the people participate.

Elected officials need to get comfortable with this new interest from the public and accommodate it.

They need to look at the public as partners, not opponents."


A breath of fresh air from The Chronicle.

It is about time our county leaders realized that they work for the citizens and taxpayers of the county and not the other way around.

Other cities and counties post union contracts on the web.

Provide voice and video of meetings for free or on the web.

Easily accommodate interested citizens who ask questions about how their local government is spending their money.

This may be a first step towards the disinfecting light of sunshine for our county commission.

It must not be the last.

Kudos to The Chronicle to stand tall with our citizens.

Dick Blumenthal saw Vietnam combat - on TV

Dick Blumenthal saw Vietnam combat - on TV -

This Dick Blumenthal even looks a little like Eliot Spitzer.

And now it turns out, as somebody said yesterday, even Jane Fonda spent more time in Vietnam than he did.

Copy machines, a security risk?

Copy machines, a security risk? [VIDEO]

This amazing!
And VERY disturbing!

(HT theoneandonlyd)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Senators load financial overhaul with irrelevancies

Senators load financial overhaul with irrelevancies
"Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., wants the government to finish building the 700-mile fence between the U.S. and Mexico.

Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., wants to end the health insurance industry's antitrust protection.

West Virginia's two senators want help with mine and oil rig safety.

They all want to add these things to the financial regulatory overhaul bill that's moving through the Senate, even though their ideas have little or nothing to do with oversight of financial markets."

Graph of the Day for May 18, 2010

American Thinker Blog: Graph of the Day for May 18, 2010
CEOs' Rankings of States for Business in 2010"

Arizona passes law banning multilingual requirement for businesses

American Thinker Blog: Arizona passes law banning multilingual requirement for businesses
"Arizona did it again!

Fresh from signing a law that reinforces a federal law giving police the right to ask a person stopped by police for an unrelated matter to produce papers proving the right to be legally in the US, followed by a law banning schools from teaching minority/ethnic studies courses advocating separatism, group superiority and subversion of this country, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (R) signed legislation affirming that nothing in state law requires businesses to provide 'trained and competent' interpreters when a customer comes in speaking a language other than English. Assistant Attorney General Michael Walker said that has probably always been the law.

If it was always the law, why the need for this law?

Because of a lawsuit of course.

A unilingual Spanish speaking woman in Arizona was treated by a unilingual English speaking optometrist in his Arizona office.

The woman's underage 12 year old daughter offered to be the interpreter; fearing legal, insurance and medical problems if the child misunderstood the optometrist refused, asking the mother and child to return with an English speaker over 18 or alternatively, visit some Spanish speaking optometrists.

Instead, the Spanish speaker, whether legally in this country or not, understood enough of this country to file a discrimination suit against the English speaking optometrist.

Refusing to settle, the optometrist finally won after the Arizona Attorney General took a year to decide no laws had been broken."


“On eight separate occasions, President Barack Obama has referred to the ‘green economy’ policies enacted by Spain as being the model for what he envisioned for America…

But today’s leaked document reveals that even the socialist Spanish government now acknowledges the ruinous effects of green economic policy.”
Posted by Ed Driscoll at 3:33 pm"

College campuses embrace coed dorm rooms

College campuses embrace coed dorm rooms Philadelphia Inquirer
"Swarthmore juniors Jen Crick and her boyfriend, Omer Ikizler, didn't set out to live together this semester, but after failing to find single rooms on the same hall, they found the next best thing: a dorm room they could share.

Not just a coed dormitory, or coed hallway, but the very same room.

Across the nation's campuses, a small but growing number of students are signing up to live with the opposite sex, with 50-plus colleges and universities offering coed suites and coed rooms."

Isn't that nice..... News Forum - four_and_a_half_painful_minutes_ News Forum - four_and_a_half_painful_minutes_ - Miss USA Skunked Again Courtesy of Liberal Hollywood - Miss USA Skunked Again Courtesy of Liberal Hollywood: "In a nutshell here's how it worked on Sunday at the Miss USA pageant: Conservative answer = Points lost. Liberal Answer = Brownie points."

CBS Skips Any Mention of Dem Senate Candidate's Military Scandal, NBC Avoids Party ID |

CBS Skips Any Mention of Dem Senate Candidate's Military Scandal, NBC Avoids Party ID "CBS's Early Show on Tuesday completely ignored the front page New York Times story on Democratic senatorial candidate Richard Blumenthal and his claims to have 'served in Vietnam,' despite having never done so."

Distorting the Truth About Crime and Race

Distorting the Truth About Crime and Race by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal 14 May 2010
"Here are the crime data that the Times doesn’t want its readers to know:

blacks committed 66 percent of all violent crimes in the first half of 2009 (though they were only 55 percent of all stops and only 23 percent of the city’s population).
Blacks committed 80 percent of all shootings in the first half of 2009.

Together, blacks and Hispanics committed 98 percent of all shootings.

Blacks committed nearly 70 percent of all robberies.

Whites, by contrast, committed 5 percent of all violent crimes in the first half of 2009, though they are 35 percent of the city’s population (and were 10 percent of all stops).

They committed 1.8 percent of all shootings and less than 5 percent of all robberies.

The face of violent crime in New York, in other words, like in every other large American city, is almost exclusively black and brown.

Any given violent crime is 13 times more likely to be committed by a black than by a white perpetrator—a fact that would have been useful to include in the Times’s lead, which stated that “Blacks and Latinos were nine times as likely as whites to be stopped.”

These crime data are not some artifact that the police devise out of their skewed racial mindset.

They are what the victims of those crimes—the vast majority of whom are minority themselves—report to the police."

Look for more of this type of "reporting" in your local news reportagers.....yeah right....

Napolitano Hasn't Reviewed 'In Detail' the Arizona Immigration Law She's Criticized

Napolitano Hasn't Reviewed 'In Detail' the Arizona Immigration Law She's Criticized
"Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, who has been a vocal critic of the new Arizona immigration law, told Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Monday that she had not reviewed the law in detail, but nevertheless repeated criticism she made in April on ABC’s “Good Morning America” that the law is a “bad law enforcement law.”"

Do what Obama, Holter and Mommy-janet haven't done, read the 10 page bill!

And see their lies!

Newaygo County board meetings to go online

Newaygo County board meetings to go online
"WHITE CLOUD — Due to recent upgrades in the Newaygo County Board of Commissioners Room, meetings will now be available for viewing online."

Seriously, when Newaygo is ahead of Muskegon in tech, what does that say about the "leadership" of Muskegon county?

Short-run tax hikes being used to fill gaps

Short-run tax hikes being used to fill gaps -
"Many states and cities coping with hard times are asking residents to open their wallets for the latest fashion in taxation — the temporary tax.

Governments are raising taxes for a specific period of time and promising the hikes will go away when good times return."

And that bridge in Brooklyn is still for sale.

Indiana Rep. Souder says he'll resign over affair

Indiana Rep. Souder says he'll resign over affair
"Indiana Republican Rep. Mark Souder announced Tuesday he would resign from Congress, effective Friday, because he had an affair with a staffer."

Be gone, you scumbag!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Bombshell: Democratic Senate candidate lied about serving in Vietnam; Update: “Hit job”?

Hot Air » Bombshell: Democratic Senate candidate lied about serving in Vietnam; Update: “Hit job”?
"Not just any Democratic Senate candidate, either.

It’s Richard Blumenthal, current attorney general of Connecticut, whom Chris Dodd made way for by retiring earlier this year.

He’s been leading all Republican challengers by upwards of 20 points in the polls and was considered a mortal lock to win the seat in November.

Until now."


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tea Party Group Moving from Protests to Election Action [Mackinac Center]

Tea Party Group Moving from Protests to Election Action [Mackinac Center]: "Hoping to progess past protests and impact elections, Joan Fabiano has launched what is being called a tea party 'strike force' for conservative candidates.
Fabiano, the Holt tea party activist who founded Grassroots in Michigan (, held her first meeting last week for the Mobile Action Patriot Strikeforce that's goal is to educate and mobilize tea party voters.
'It is time to put down the tea party signs and pick up the tools necessary to help your constitutional conservative candidate win,' Fabiano said.
Here's how it will work:"

Spartans poised to live up to latest No. 1 rankings

Spartans poised to live up to latest No. 1 rankings
"East Lansing -- Tom Izzo knows he has something special going on in East Lansing.
And, it seems like everyone else knows it, as well.

Michigan State is ranked No. 1 by Mike DeCourcy of The Sporting News going into the 2010-11 season.

The same can be said for Gary Parrish of"

We're doomed.....heh......

AP IMPACT: Fed'l inspections on rig not as claimed

AP IMPACT: Fed'l inspections on rig not as claimed - Yahoo! News
"The federal agency responsible for ensuring that the Deepwater Horizon was operating safely before it exploded last month fell well short of its own policy that the rig be inspected at least once per month, an Associated Press investigation shows."

Merkel insists financial transaction tax must be universal

Merkel insists financial transaction tax must be universal - Monsters and Critics
"German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Sunday that a tax on financial transactions would only work if it were introduced globally - but expressed little hope of the Group of 20 (G20) leading economies agreeing to this.

She was speaking ahead of a crunch meeting on the so-called Tobin Tax by European Union finance ministers in Brussels on Tuesday.

If trade unions were able to persuade G20 leaders to introduce such a tax, aimed at curbing speculation 'then I will not oppose it,' Merkel added."

A global tax on everyone in the developed world, collected by every bank in the world and fed to unions to increase public employee pay and benefits.

Not yet but they are pushing for it.

Be ever alert!

Creature comfort: the British 'safari jet' that transforms into a plush viewing platform

Creature comfort: the British 'safari jet' that transforms into a plush viewing platform
"The four-engined Avro Business Jet Explorer Four has been designed to land on short runways and uneven landing strips, delivering its wealthy passengers directly into wildlife areas"

Dumpster diving with purpose: Grand Rapids Freegans make political statement by searching through trash

Dumpster diving with purpose: Grand Rapids Freegans make political statement by searching through trash
"Freegans, a combination of “free” and “vegans” — people who avoid all animal products — are a slowly growing group of anti-consumerists who try to use as few resources as possible."

Ummm, have they considered traveling to Africa.....central America.....Asia, S America...E Europe....?

: "Progressive" Campaigns Inc (PCI) Hired for Fake Tea Party Petition Zarko Exclusive Follow-up: "Progressive" Campaigns Inc (PCI) Hired for Fake Tea Party Petition
"Progressive (inset photo is of Michigan field operator Rob Grocholski) has been funded by Soros, the Michigan Democratic Party"

Saturday, May 15, 2010

US faces one of biggest budget crunches in world

US faces one of biggest budget crunches in world – IMF – Telegraph Blogs
"Compare it with the UK, which is often pinpointed as a Greece in the making.

As you can see, gross debt increases sharply, but not by anything like the same degree."

Palin in the Mainstream

Palin in the Mainstream.  The Weekly Standard
"As I listened to the speech, I was struck by how Palin's positions are widely shared.

She opposes the health care law -- so does the public.

She's concerned about the federal deficit -- so is the public (see question 10b).

She supports the Arizona illegal immigration law -- so does the public.

She supports the right to life -- and the public is moving toward her.

She supports the Afghanistan surge and the current course in Iraq -- both Obama administration policies."

I'm thinkin' that's what bugs the eastern socialist elites.
She's had a real life and connects with what real Americans want for their country and their children.

Armed Forces Day-Today!

Armed Forces Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"In the United States, Armed Forces Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in May.

It marks the end of Armed Forces Week, which begins on the second Saturday of May and ends on the third Sunday of May.

The day was created in 1949 to honor Americans serving in the five U.S. military branches – the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard – following the consolidation of the military services in the Department of Defense.

It was intended to replace the separate Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Days, but observance of these days, especially within each particular service, continues to this day.[11]

The first Armed Forces Day was celebrated by parades, open houses, receptions and air shows.

The United States' longest running city-sponsored Armed Forces Day Parade is held in Bremerton, WA.
In 2009, Bremerton celebrated the 61st Armed Forces Day Parade([12]).

Because of their unique training schedules, National Guard and Reserve units may celebrate Armed Forces Day/Week over any period in May."

Celebrate and revere our protectors!

The Looming Obama Debt Disaster

Power Line - The Looming Obama Debt Disaster
"Is the United States Greece?
The short answer is: not yet, but it will be if the Democrats remain in control in Washington for two more election cycles.

In the Telegraph, Edmund Conway summarizes a lengthy report by the International Monetary Fund on sovereign debt that came out today:

[T]he really interesting stuff is the detail, and what leaps out again and again is how much of a hill the US has to climb.

Exhibit a is the fact that under the Obama administration's current fiscal plans, the national debt in the US (on a gross basis) will climb to above 100pc of GDP by 2015 - a far steeper increase than almost any other country.

This graphic tells the story.

Note what happened after the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007:"

Seventh Rangers (Mechanized): The art of special delivery . . sniper

Seventh Rangers (Mechanized): The art of special delivery . . sniper

Your Saturday happy video of the weekend!

(HT privacky)

Boeing Debuts Its 'Phantom Ray' Unmanned Spy Plane

Boeing Debuts Its 'Phantom Ray' Unmanned Spy Plane
"On Monday, Boeing revealed its newest unmanned spy plane, a boomerang-shaped, drool-inducing object that looks straight out of a Michael Bay film.

The sleek Phantom Ray is 36-feet long with a 50-foot wingspan, and takes off this December.

This bad boy can hit 614 mph while hovering around 40,000 feet, but its purpose seems a bit obscure."

Up in the air: Great Lakes Kite Festival could fill skies over Grand Haven State Park

Up in the air: Great Lakes Kite Festival could fill skies over Grand Haven State Park
"The sky will dance with color when virtually hundreds of kites take flight over Grand Haven State Park during the 20th annual Great Lakes Kite Festival May 21-23."

This sounds like fun!

Non-partisan group questions timing behind ads attacking Pete

Non-partisan group questions timing behind ads attacking Pete Hoekstra
"Earlier this year, the Supreme Court ruled organizations like Americans for Job Security would be required to disclose their funders, but Michigan hasn't enforced that ruling, Robinson said."

Interesting article but it misses the bigger point.
Why is our state NOT enforcing federal law and a supreme court ruling!

Alinsky's Star Pupil Uses 'Rules' As A Manual For 'Social Surgery'

Alinsky's Star Pupil Uses 'Rules' As A Manual For 'Social Surgery'
"Obama has also used the tactic to dismiss charges that he's pushing a 'socialist' agenda, arguing that critics will next accuse him of 'being a secret communist because I shared my toys in kindergarten.'"

Friday, May 14, 2010

CBC could see its spending clout increase in the next Congress

CBC could see its spending clout increase in the next Congress -
"The Congressional Black Caucus is poised to gain major influence on the House Appropriations Committee."

That's a comforting thought....

Detroit to Demolish 10,000 Abandoned Properties

Detroit to Demolish 10,000 Abandoned Properties -
"Detroit is finally chipping away at a glut of abandoned homes that has been piling up for decades, and intends to take advantage of warm weather and new federal funding"

Is your congressman supporting the Spending Limit Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?

Is your congressman supporting the Spending Limit Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? Washington Examiner
"Representatives Mike Pence of Indiana, John Campbell of California, and Jeb Hensarling of Texas have a solution, the Spending Limit Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

So far, 40 members of Congress have signed on as co-sponsors, but that leaves 495 who aren't."

RealClearPolitics - Cap and Scam

RealClearPolitics - Cap and Scam
"Praising the legislation, President Barack Obama made his customary case, twinning the fictitious economic benefits of statism with freshman-class utopianism, claiming that 'we will put Americans to work in new jobs that pay well and can't be outsourced --"

Aren't ALL the Greek government jobs safe from being "outsourced"?

Like, dude...who's gonna hire an MBA in India to work 3 hours a week picking up cigarette butts?

Republicans introduce bill to prevent Euro bailout

Right Now - Republicans introduce bill to prevent Euro bailout

Michigan lawmakers OK substitute for algebra class

Michigan lawmakers OK substitute for algebra class
The Michigan Legislature has passed a bill that would give high school students more options to avoid taking algebra II and still graduate."


Pelosi to Aspiring Musicians: Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care - Pelosi to Aspiring Musicians: Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care
"Pelosi to Aspiring Musicians: Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care"

Hip-hop studies the latest in mindless education trend | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Hip-hop studies the latest in mindless education trend The Daily Caller
"about 300,000 students across the country use the program. In more than 12,000 American schools, kids are rapping about English, history, science and math.
By most accounts, they love it.
And why wouldn’t they?
Singing’s more fun than studying."

But are they actually learning anything?
That’s less clear.
Despite endorsements from left-wing academics like Howard Zinn, there are still no independent studies that demonstrate rapping about social studies is any more educational than rapping about sex or gunfights.

One thing you can say about Flocabulary, though: it’s quick.

Let’s say you wanted to teach a room full of kids about the history of the civil rights movement.

You could spend weeks reading actual books on the subject, then explaining the facts of what happened and why.

Or, in a fraction of the time, you could simply recite a rap:

MLK had a dream, took it mainstream.
Civil Rights Bill, Voting Rights Acts, they passed.
Modern day Jesus, turning the other cheek,some blacks like “dog, that’s weak.
I’m not looking to get beat deep into next week,my everyday life is police brutality.
”Malcolm picked up X and dropped his slave name,radical change, “defense by any means.”
Went on hajj to Mecca, said ‘let God protect ya,Whites and Blacks, yeah, we’re in this together.’
But there are race riots, people are dying,Warfare in Watts, tear gas, bullets are flying.
He got assassinated.
He got assassinated.
Malcolm X?
He got assassinated.
So it’s up to us to keep that dream alive…

It’s that simple. As long as you don’t care about context or accuracy – as long as your goal is to encourage students to “keep that dream alive,” rather than to teach them legitimate history – rapping is as good as teaching.Read more:

Anonymous donor offering $100,000 reward to find those who stole WWI cross at center of ACLU challenge

Anonymous donor offering $100,000 reward to find those who stole WWI cross at center of ACLU challenge The Daily Caller
"An anonymous donor is offering $100,000 for leads in the hunt for the thieves responsible for stealing the World War I memorial cross that’s been at the center of a decade long legal battle."

The Health Care Reform Already Costs More Than We Thought It Would

The Health Care Reform Already Costs More Than We Thought It Would - Business - The Atlantic
"There's been a spate of bad news recently about the health care bill.

Henry Waxman canceled his War on Accounting, not because there was a sudden breakout of common sense on Capitol Hill, but because his committee's investigation revealed that companies had begun exploring whether they should drop their health insurance plans entirely--a move that would cost over $100 billion thanks to the huge new subsidies the government would have to dole out."

Legislature approves plan for 30,000 school employee retireents

"analysts said could save the state $3.1 billion over 10 years."

And the teacher unions and most democrats voted against this bill.

Remember in November!

Top 10 Ridiculously Huge Handguns

"Illinois Taxpayers Have No Obligation to Make Public Employees Millionaires"

Champion News: "Illinois Taxpayers Have No Obligation to Make Public Employees Millionaires"

The GOP's Fresh 2012 Faces

The GOP's Fresh 2012 Faces - The Daily Beast
"So who is likely to gain traction and interest, and perhaps ultimately the nomination?
The odds increasingly favor someone like Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels or South Dakota Senator John Thune."

How area lawmakers voted on the school retirement legislation

How area lawmakers voted on the school retirement legislation
• Yes: Sen. Gerald Van Woerkom, R-Norton Shores; Sen. Wayne Kuipers, R-Holland.

• Yes: Rep. Goeff Hansen, R-Hart; Rep. Arlan Meekhof, R-Olive Township; Rep. David Agema, R-Grandville.
• No: Rep. Mary Valentine, D-Norton Shores; Rep. Doug Bennett, D-Muskegon Township."

Property Taxes UP 10%, Soda Tax Out in Philly

Property Taxes UP, Soda Tax Out in Philly NBC Philadelphia

"To fill in a $150 million budget gap, officials made several tax increases, the most notable being a 9.9-percent jump in property taxes, officials told NBC Philadelphia.
That increase will only last for two years."

Stupidist Caller Ever- Welfare Money From Obama Stash, Illegal Aliens

Hello Michigan: Stupidist Caller Ever- Welfare Money From Obama Stash, Illegal Aliens - Michael Savage

This is funny!

RealClearPolitics - Crony Capitalism: From GM to Greece, the Lies Keep Growing

RealClearPolitics - Crony Capitalism: From GM to Greece, the Lies Keep Growing
"To understand the pertinence to America of events in Greece, notice General Motors' most recent misbehavior.
A television commercial featuring CEO Ed Whitacre demonstrates the institutional murkiness and intellectual dishonesty that result when the line between public and private sectors disappears.

In the commercial, Whitacre says GM has 'repaid our government loan in full.'

Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., noted that GM used government funds to pay back the government:
It 'simply transferred $6.7 billion from one taxpayer-funded TARP account to another.'

The government still owns 60.8 percent of GM's common equity, and the Congressional Budget Office projects that the government will lose about $34 billion of the $82 billion of TARP funds dispersed to the automotive industry.

When Ryan and two colleagues asked the Treasury Department for clarification, they got this careful reply:
'Treasury has never suggested that the loan repayment represented a full return of all government assistance.'

A Treasury press release did say 'GM Repays Treasury Loan in Full.'

The loan is, however, a small part of taxpayer exposure.
Under crony capitalism, when government and corporate America merge, both dissemble."

National Right to Work Committee

National Right to Work Committee
"The Police and Firefighters Monopoly Bargaining bill (HR 413) is a dangerous Big Labor power grab, and it working its way through the Senate at this very moment.

A vote could come up at any moment!

HR 413 would override state laws across the country, and would increase the size and cost of government services, something you and I simply cannot afford in this economic climate.

The Committee is looking to reach up to 6 million individuals to oppose this power grab by Big Labor. But they are going to need your help."

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Guess What Greece Has To Jettison?

Guess What Greece Has To Jettison? - IBD -
"Policy Failure: Greece was told that if it wanted a bailout, it needed to consider privatizing its government health care system.

So tell us again why the U.S. is following Europe's welfare state model."

Duncan, Wamp say public has right to TVA's information

Duncan, Wamp say public has right to TVA's information » Knoxville News Sentinel
"The Tennessee Valley Authority is refusing to make public the salaries of its top-paid employees, information the agency has divulged in the past."

Nothing new here....just gov-biz as usual....

No Audits for Ten Years on Companies Getting Special Tax Breaks from State

No Audits for Ten Years on Companies Getting Special Tax Breaks from State [Mackinac Center]
"For the first 10 years the state's flagship economic development program didn't do any audits of businesses that were collecting tax credits, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation CEO said Wednesday."

Psychologist Brandee Peikert sentenced to nine months in jail for LESBO sexual relationship with young client

Psychologist Brandee Peikert sentenced to nine months in jail for sexual relationship with young female client

"Prosecutors say Peikert became acquainted in 2004 with the victim, who was then a 16-year-old Kenowa Hills High School student getting therapy at Pine Rest Mental Health Services."

Your tax dollars at work!

How wonderful government is!

9 indicted on charges of accessing Obama records

9 indicted on charges of accessing Obama records

Nine people were indicted Wednesday on federal charges of accessing President Barack Obama's student loan records while they were employed for a Department of Education contractor in Iowa.

The U.S. attorney's office said a grand jury returned the indictments in U.S. District Court in Davenport.

New Hawaii law shuns Obama birth document requests

New Hawaii law shuns Obama birth document requests
"It's now law in Hawaii that the state government can ignore repetitive requests for President Barack Obama's birth certificate."