Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Palin pushes Jindal to build barrier islands without feds' approval

Palin pushes Jindal to build barrier islands without feds' approval - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
"Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) pushed Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) on Sunday to ignore federal rules and proceed with his desire to build berms to protect his state's coastline.

Palin told Jindal to 'ask forgiveness later' for a plan to build a chain of artificial protective islands off the coast of Louisiana to help mitigate the ecological impact of the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill in Louisiana."


Gingrich to endorse Hoekstra for governor

Gingrich to endorse Hoekstra for governor detnews.com
"Lansing -- Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich will join U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra of Holland on Wednesday for a rally at Oakland County International Airport where he'll endorse the retiring Republican congressman for governor."

Lucianne.com News Forum - Thread

Lucianne.com News Forum - Thread

America's junkiest cities

America's junkiest cities - Jun. 1, 2010
"Think Greece and Spain are drowning in debt?

Look a little closer to home.

Seven U.S. cities recently had their municipal bonds downgraded below investment grade.

Their debt is now junk, considered more worthless than that of the so-called PIIGS."


Instapundit » Blog Archive

At least 25 shot, 1 killed in Chicago weekend violence.
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 2:01 pm"

'Peace convoy'? This was an Islamist terror ambush

"It is becoming ever more clear that Islamist terror attacks like this are fiendishly staged theatrical events in which the western media – and beyond them, western governments -- play an absolutely essential role in the drama.

If those media and governments refused to swallow the lies and instead called operations like this and the players behind it for what they actually are, such terrorist operations would not happen.

The Islamist strategy of war against Israel is carefully calibrated to deploy the most effective weapon in its armoury in the cause of jihadi violence – the western media.

Right on cue, western governments accordingly deliver their own script in condemning the victims of terror for defending themselves.

And so, courtesy of the west’s fifth columnists, yet another nail is driven into the west’s own coffin."

The Salary History of a Michigan Public School Teacher

The Salary History of a Michigan Public School Teacher [Mackinac Center]
"A Saline Public Schools teacher that was hired in 2009 would start with a salary of $40,425 and see it rise to $111,750 in the 15th year, an increase of 178 percent."

America faces a big, fat Greek-style bankruptcy

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: America faces a big, fat Greek-style bankruptcy - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com
"So what caused this?

Big government and government employee unions.
Greece's problem is Europe's problem ... and following closely behind, America's problem, too.

We're all Greeks now.

Quite simply, Greece's problem starts and ends with government employee unions.
There are too many government employees (one of every three Greek citizens works for government); their salaries are way too high; their bonuses can be described only as insane (2 months for each public employee); their pensions are ridiculous (retirement far too young and free health care for life); and their government jobs are guaranteed for life."

Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model

Soaring costs force Canada to reassess health model - Yahoo! News
"British Columbia is replacing block grants to hospitals with fee-for-procedure payments and Quebec has a new flat health tax and a proposal for payments on each medical visit -- an idea that critics say is an illegal user fee.

And a few provinces are also experimenting with private funding for procedures such as hip, knee and cataract surgery."

Monday, May 31, 2010

Video - Maher: Obama Not Acting Like A "Real Black" President

RealClearPolitics - Video - Maher: Obama Not Acting Like A "Real Black" President
"HBO's Bill Maher: 'I thought when we elected a black president, we were going to get a black president.

You know, this [BP oil spill] is where I want a real black president.

I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt so you can see the gun in his pants.

That's -- (in black man voice) 'we've got a motherfu**ing problem here?'

Shoot somebody in the foot.'"

Those leftist comedians, ya just gotta love 'em..... or maybe shoot them?

Mike Conway breaks leg but OK after horrific crash

Mike Conway breaks leg but OK after horrific crash The Indianapolis Star
"About an hour after Sunday's Indianapolis 500, Ryan Hunter-Reay looked pale and sounded like a shell-shocked driver still in the acceptance phase of a dramatic end to his race."

AMAZING video!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Stressed Out or Tone Deaf? Obama Chicago Vacation Raises Eyebrows

FOXNews.com - Stressed Out or Tone Deaf? Obama Chicago Vacation Raises Eyebrows
"Presidents are never really off the clock, even when they go on vacation.

But President Obama's decision to skip the traditional Memorial Day ceremony in Arlington while on his second vacation since the BP oil spill began has some wondering what the schedule says about his priorities."

The Crippling Price of Public Employee Unions

Mort Zuckerman: The Crippling Price of Public Employee Unions - US News and World Report

YouTube - A Teachers' Strike in Paradise

YouTube - A Teachers' Strike in Paradise

Rally cry for teachers: No more cuts

Rally cry for teachers: No more cuts - The Macomb Daily News: Breaking news coverage for Macomb County, Michigan
"Rally cry for teachers: No more cuts"

Read this article.
These teachers are delusional!

Big Labor's Payoff

Big Labor's Payoff - IBD - Investors.com

Those who give to politicians expect a lot in return.
That's clear from the budget-busting payoffs directed largely at organized labor by Democrats in Congress and the White House.

A bill making its way through the Senate would bail out union pension funds to the tune of $165 billion.

The bill's author, Democratic Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, wants the public to pay for the gold-plated union retirement benefits that the funds have mismanaged into oblivion."

We tighten our belts so they can buy bigger belts with our money......

What Do We Do about Venezuela?

What Do We Do about Venezuela? - Michael G. Franc - The Corner on National Review Online
"The senators ask Secretary Clinton an important and long-overdue question: Is the Obama administration prepared to do something about the Chávez threat?"

That DVD from the library may be harder to get under new rules

That DVD from the library may be harder to get under new rules - MLive.com
"Cooperative director Sandra Wilson said the reason for the changes is financial. LLC's state aid was cut by 40 percent last year, about $110,000.
'We've been struggling for months with how to reduce 40 percent from our budget,' she said. 'Everything pointed to: We have to reduce the volume of delivery.'"

Our Blockbuster Video just closed.
Fired all its employees.
Maybe cuz they faced "free" "competition" from these leaches?

"Pathetic: BP Buses in Temps for Obama Photo Op"

JammieWearingFool: "Pathetic: BP Buses in Temps for Obama Photo Op"

Dow Ends Worst May Since 1940

Dow Ends Worst May Since 1940 - Bloomberg.com

Grand Haven boy, 16, sentenced to 6 to 20 years in prison after failing to progress in sex offender treatment

Grand Haven boy, 16, sentenced to 6 to 20 years in prison after failing to progress in sex offender treatment - MLive.com
"When Fathi Cullen was sentenced three years ago for barging into a young woman's home and sexually assaulting her, a judge thought the then-13-year-old boy could get help at a special Iowa treatment center for young offenders.

On Thursday, the same judge changed his mind and sent Cullen, now 16, to adult prison for six to 20 years."

What do we do with young monsters?

Three TV stations pull 'demonstrably false' ad attacking Pete Hoekstra

Three TV stations pull 'demonstrably false' ad attacking Pete Hoekstra - MLive.com

U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra's campaign announced three local television stations pulled a "demonstrably false" attack ad by a Virginia-based conservative group.

This is interesting!
I've never heard of ANY TV station doing this.

Muskegon County union contracts!

OK, this is just the beginning.

Read some of these contracts.

What do you think?

85% of our county budget goes to these 6 union contracts.

Would it be a good idea if we the taxpayers had a say in the next round of these contracts?

Andy Dillon pushes Michigan retirement plan, AFL-CIO chief bristles | lansingstatejournal.com | Lansing State Journal

Andy Dillon pushes Michigan retirement plan, AFL-CIO chief bristles Lansing State Journal

"State employees must be prodded -- and soon -- to take early retirement with the same combination of incentives recently approved for school employees, House Speaker Andy Dillon said Thursday.

Dillon of Redford Township, a Democratic candidate for governor, told Free Press editors and reporters that reforms are needed to cut state spending.

A House version of the retirement package would save the state about $300 million in the spending year that begins Oct. 1 and $850 million over 10 years by making those who don't retire pay more for retirement health care."

Dillon is right on.
How tough it must be to be a principled democrat in union controlled Michigan?

Marijuana smokers club owner arraigned on drug charges | lansingstatejournal.com | Lansing State Journal

Marijuana smokers club owner arraigned on drug charges Lansing State Journal
"MASON -- The owner of the Green Leaf Smokers Club in Williamstown Township was arraigned today in 55th District Court by Judge Donald Allen on five drug-related counts, including delivery or manufacture of more than 45 kilograms (99 pounds) of marijuana.

The maximum penalty for that charge is 15 years in prison."

Oh golly!
Maryjane potheads breaking the law!
Who could ever have imagined?

Oakland Pot Club Says Union, Yes! | NBC Bay Area

Oakland Pot Club Says Union, Yes! NBC Bay Area
"At a ceremony hosted by Oakland City Council's Rebecca Kaplan, 100 employees at medical marijuana dispensary and education hub Oaksterdam University turned in their membership cards to join the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 5.
It may well be the first union pot shop in the country, if not the world"

100 workers at a pot store?!!!!!

Worker Shortage in Washington with a Jobless Rate 9%? Orchard Brings 1,000 Workers from Jamaica?

CARPE DIEM: Worker Shortage in Washington with a Jobless Rate > 9%? Orchard Brings 1,000 Workers from Jamaica?

If we pay them not to work, they will not work.

Government-Funded Jihad

Government-Funded Jihad FrontPage Magazine
"when he investigated the mosque, he found that its library included “very, very violent materials” that advocated physical jihad and sedition, and that extremism was promoted during the week but not during Friday prayers when they are most likely to be caught."

Black Panthers 'Prepare for War' Against Tea Party

Black Panthers 'Prepare for War' Against Tea Party The FOX Nation
"“With the rise of the Tea Party, the white-right and other racist forces.

With gun sales nationwide at an all time high amongst whites, with a mood that is more anti-Black than any time recent, it is imperative that we organize our forces, pool our resources and prepare for war!” Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz, Esq. Convention Convener and Party Chairman."

French Minister Says Bailout Alters EU Treaty

French Minister Says Bailout Alters EU Treaty - CNBC
"It is expressly forbidden in the treaties by the famous no bail-out clause.

De facto, we have changed the treaty,” he added"

The end is near for the EURO.

NJ Teacher who complained of low pay to Gov. Chris Christie makes >$100,000 with benefits

theblogprof: NJ Teacher who complained of low pay to Gov. Chris Christie makes >$100,000 with benefits
Well, it turns out that that very teacher that claimed to be unfairly compensated, and that she would love to make $83,000, actually gets a salary of $86,389.

Plus healthcare. plus pension. In totality, it amounts to well over $100,000 per year.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) to GM on bailout shell game: “dangerously close to committing fraud,” “you might have colluded with the U.S. Treasury to deceive the American public”

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) to GM on bailout shell game: “dangerously close to committing fraud,” “you might have colluded with the U.S. Treasury to deceive the American public” FedUpUSA
"Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) to GM on bailout shell game: “dangerously close to committing fraud,” “you might have colluded with the U.S. Treasury to deceive the American public”"

Bankruptcy talk spreads among Calif. muni officials

Bankruptcy talk spreads among Calif. muni officials Reuters
"Street expects more talk of municipal bankruptcy across California because local government finances are in such dire shape -- a situation underscored on Wednesday when a top finance officer for Sacramento County projected a worse-than-expected shortfall for the county of $181 million, which could force more than 1,000 layoffs from the county's payroll."

Some airports much cheaper than others

Some airports much cheaper than others
"a list of the 100 most expensive U.S. airports recently released by the federal Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

In second place, with an average domestic airfare of $423.76, was Savannah, Ga.'s international airport, followed by Grand Rapids, Mich. in third at $412.40, Knoxville"

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Obama punts on Birnbaum exit

Obama punts on Birnbaum exit - Eamon Javers and Carol E. Lee - POLITICO.com
"That explanation flummoxed reporters in the room, who seemed surprised to learn that the president wouldn’t know exactly what had happened to one of the key figures in an ongoing federal emergency – the one he was holding a news conference on at that very moment."

YouTube - A Teachers' Strike in Paradise

YouTube - A Teachers' Strike in Paradise

Up to 14 hurricanes predicted for Atlantic storm season - Yahoo! News

Up to 14 hurricanes predicted for Atlantic storm season
"The Atlantic storm season could produce as many as 14 hurricanes this year, the U.S. government's top climate agency predicted on Thursday, setting the scene for potentially the most intense season since 2005."

These guys are NEVER right.
Why do we taxpayers continue to pay for their idiocy?

French unions strike to keep right to retire at 60

French unions strike to keep right to retire at 60
"PARIS (AP) - Strikes across France delayed flights, closed schools and frustrated commuters Thursday as hundreds of thousands of workers protested government plans to raise the retirement age past 60—one of the lowest even in Europe."

New Drugs for Macular Degeneration

Technology Review: New Drugs for Macular Degeneration
"Scientists have since identified variants in several related genes that also boost risk, and which collectively account for about 50 to 60 percent of the heritability of the disorder."

I sure hope the Obama jihad against medical research won't kill the future of these breathtaking new drugs and procedures.

Is Europe heading for a meltdown?

Is Europe heading for a meltdown? - Telegraph
"This financial crisis is worse than the sub-prime crash of 2008 because the sums are so much bigger and it is governments that are in dire straits."

NJ Teacher who complained to Gov. Chris Christie she deserved $83k actually makes $86k

NJ Teacher who complained to Gov. Chris Christie she deserved $83k actually makes $86k Washington Examiner

Yesterday, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie had a little dust-up with teacher Rita Wilson. Upset over Christie’s education budget, Wilson complained that she wasn’t paid enough and got sharp rebuke from the governor:
But borough teacher Rita Wilson, a Kearny resident, argued that if she were paid $3 an hour for the 30 children in her class, she’d be earning $83,000, and she makes nothing near that.
“You’re getting more than that if you include the cost of your benefits,” Christie interrupted.
When Wilson, who has a master’s degree, said she was not being compensated for her education and experience, Christie said:
“Well, you know then that you don’t have to do it.” Some in the audience applauded.Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/blogs/beltway-confidential/nj-teacher-who-complained-to-gov-chris-christie-that-she-wasnt-paid-83k-she-deserved-actually-makes-86k-94951164.html#ixzz0p9EcNciF

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

CARPE DIEM: Worker Shortage in Washington with a Jobless Rate > 9%? Orchard Brings 1,000 Workers from Jamaica?

CARPE DIEM: Worker Shortage in Washington with a Jobless Rate > 9%? Orchard Brings 1,000 Workers from Jamaica?

Ground Zero mosque plan has backers and detractors as community board votes to support plan

Ground Zero mosque plan has backers and detractors as community board votes to support plan - NYPOST.com
"Angry relatives of 9/11 victims last night clashed with supporters of a planned mosque near Ground Zero at a raucous community-board hearing in Manhattan.

After four hours of public debate, members of Community Board 1 finally voted 29-1 in support of the project."

This is an outrage from an ALL DEMOCRAT board!


Lucianne.com News Forum - Humming_Puppies

You must click on this short puppy video.....or you will forever be puppy deprived!

Rare Michigan law may help waitress win weight discrimination lawsuit against Hooters

Rare Michigan law may help waitress win weight discrimination lawsuit against Hooters
"A former Hooters worker in Roseville stands a chance of winning her weight discrimination lawsuit based on a law written by a retired Grand Rapids legislator -- a law not found in most states.

Cassandra Smith, 20, alleges a Hooters restaurant -- known for its scantily-clad waitresses -- placed her on 30-day 'weight probation' earlier this month."

This state law may well be the reason our chicks are so fat!

Gov. Christie: We're Not Raising Taxes

Gov. Christie: We're Not Raising Taxes - wcbstv.com
"Gov. Christie: We're Not Raising Taxes
New Jersey Governor Says He Has Residents Covered Through Fiscal Year 2011 Despite $800 Million Hole

How Did He Do This?

Remember The Budget Freeze?

Looks Like It Worked"


More Cities on Brink of Bankrupty

More Cities on Brink of Bankrupty - CNBC
"The possibility of a bankruptcy filing by the city of Harrisburg, Pa., the state capital, looms large these days—and it could be the first in a series, say some Wall Street traders."

Sestak White House scandal called 'impeachable offense'

Sestak White House scandal called 'impeachable offense'
"If a Democratic member of Congress is to be believed, there's someone in the Obama administration who has committed a crime – and if the president knew about it, analysts say it could be grounds for impeachment."

And Mr workaholic is just beginning his 79th vacation since the inauguration.

Muskegon Township official David Fisher appointed county drain commissioner

Muskegon Township official David Fisher appointed county drain commissioner
"David Fisher was appointed as Muskegon County’s interim drain commissioner Tuesday afternoon and, two hours later, he was being asked a question about a drain project by a county commissioner."

Great choice!

A380 Hard Landing at Oshkosh

YouTube - A380 Hard Landing at Oshkosh

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

David Brandon supports Rich Rodriguez, focuses on U-M's future

David Brandon supports Rich Rodriguez, focuses on U-M's future The Detroit News
"Michigan athletic director Dave Brandon reiterated Tuesday what he made clear in February after the university received a Notice of Allegations from the NCAA alleging five major violations in the football program:

Rich Rodriguez will be the Wolverines' coach this fall."

I'm thinking this public affirmation of support is the traditional kiss of coaching death.....

Most of the Navy guys I know would not let themselves be called a liar by a sad sack l…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » BLACKFIVE: Most of the Navy guys I know would not let themselves be called a liar by a sad sack l…


Most of the Navy guys I know would not let themselves be called a liar by a sad sack like Robert Gibbs if they weren’t, you know, lying.

Froggy would have waterboarded his fat ass quicker than you can say “Charlie Sheen is an awesome actor.”

And Subsunk would have appeared out of a storm drain like some kind of an angry sea wolf ninja, kicked him in the nuts until he fell to the ground holding onto what was left of them, grabbed the hair on the back of his head and shoved his face into the pavement until his nose and teeth were mashed up into some kind of a bloody stew.

But Joe Sestak didn’t do that.

So here’s what I think. I think the fact that Joe Sestak — even after being called a liar by Robert Gibbs — has not come forward and made a statement to the authorities about felony corruption he claims to have witnessed says something about Joe Sestak.

And what it says is this: Joe Sestak is either a coward, a liar, a political sycophant or — and this is where I’d put my money — all three of these things.

Whatever Joe Sestak learned in the Navy, it wasn’t “personal accountability.”


Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 10:47 pm"

Moody’s Reiterates U.S. Spending Risks Credit Rating

Moody’s Reiterates U.S. Spending Risks Credit Rating (Update1) - Bloomberg.com
"The U.S. government’s Aaa bond rating will come under pressure in the future unless additional measures are taken to reduce projected record budget deficits, according to Moody’s Investors Service Inc."

Muskegon County murderer released under protest in 2007 headed back to prison for third drunken driving conviction

Muskegon County murderer released under protest in 2007 headed back to prison for third drunken driving conviction - MLive.com
"A Muskegon County man who spent 27 years in prison for a brutal 1979 murder is headed back behind bars for up to 20 years on a third-offense drunken driving conviction.
Wayne Lee Stevens, 56, .... blood-alcohol level registered a 0.16, double the state's legal limit for drunken driving.

During the traffic stop, his female passenger fled the car, ran to police and alleged he was being abusive."

Sundstrom city is going broke

Sundstrom city is going broke
"Despite an income tax hike approved by voters in early May and Bob Sullivan's offer to open Richmond Pool with his own money, City Manager Greg Sundstrom said the budget future is very dark."

School Employee Concessions in Utica Don't Add Up

School Employee Concessions in Utica Don't Add Up [Mackinac Center]
"The Macomb Daily reported recently that teachers in Utica Community Schools agreed to $6 million in employee concessions.
On the surface, this appears to be a major step towards helping the district balance its budget.

In fact, these concessions won't help all that much.

Employee compensation granted to members of the Utica Education Association consumes about 70 percent of the school district's entire operating budget.

Yet the concession trimming $6 million from that expense only nibbles at the $33 million in overspending the district has created.

Therefore, 82 percent of the budget cuts must come from the remaining 30 percent of the budget.

An apt chart produced by the Port Huron School Board illustrates the problem, which is that teacher compensation gobbles up the lion's share of district spending and comes at the expense of other necessary services.
Just like the rest of the world, school districts have scare resources and must prioritize how to allocate them.

In this case, smaller concessions from the teachers union means larger cuts to other necessities and to programs like art, music and athletics."

Michigan proposed resolution opposes Arizona immigration law, urges boycott

Michigan proposed resolution opposes Arizona immigration law, urges boycott - FOX 17: "Michigan opponents of anti-immigration legislation are trying to raise the profile of their campaign.

Democratic state Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Detroit says Tuesday she is introducing a resolution urging Arizona to repeal a recently enacted law empowering local police to question anyone they suspect of being in the country illegally. The resolution also urges Michigan organizations not to do business in or with Arizona."

I sure hope that nice lady, and her democrat party, get their chance to publicly vote!

Why is College Tuition Rising 2X Rate of Inflation?

CARPE DIEM: Why is College Tuition Rising 2X Rate of Inflation?
"What an amazing story: full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty outnumbered full-time administrators in 2001 at UM-Flint by 11 positions - 171 faculty vs. 160 administrators.

By 2009, the administrators outnumbered full-time faculty by 109 positions - 278 administrators vs. 169 tenured and tenure-track faculty!"

Up and away! World's largest airship lifts off for the first time

Up and away! World's largest airship lifts off for the first time Mail Online
"Although the airship only has a top speed of 80MPH it can take-off and land vertically.
The craft is also able to hover over an area for up to a week at a time - something neither airplanes or satellites cannot manage."

a comment that is interesting:

Hydrogen does not have twice the lifting power of helium, it has only about 8% more. You have to look at the difference between the density of the gas and the medium that the airship is floating in. If you had a gas with zero density (i.e. a vacuum in a rigid container), it would not have infinite lifting power, just slightly more than helium or hydrogen.

On the other hand, there's something to be said for the notion that we should conserve helium, because in the long run it's going to be hard to come by, because there's no way to produce it chemically and when let loose, it escapes from the atmosphere. It's unique among the elements in this regard.
There could come a day when we'll need a lot of it (for fusion, cryogenics, or whatever), and we'll be wishing we hadn't squandered it.
Airships are not really the big problem, but toy balloons for kids waste a lot.
- J-J Cote, Lunenburg, MA, USA, 22/5/2010 15:55Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1279831/Up-away-Worlds-largest-airship-lifts-time.html?ito=feeds-newsxml#ixzz0oxIEw8Xo

Private pay shrinks to historic lows

Private pay shrinks to historic lows - USATODAY.com
"Paychecks from private business shrank to their smallest share of personal income in U.S. history during the first quarter of this year, a USA TODAY analysis of government data finds...
.....The trend is not sustainable, says University of Michigan economist Donald Grimes.

Reason: The federal government depends on private wages to generate income taxes to pay for its ever-more-expensive programs. Government-generated income is taxed at lower rates or not at all, he says.

"This is really important," Grimes says."

This same trend is happening in just about every city, county and state budget in our country. 

The government grows and the private sector shrinks.

Europe Debt Crisis - Greece 'Tip of the Iceberg'

Europe Debt Crisis - Greece 'Tip of the Iceberg': Deputy Doom - CNBC

"The debt crisis is a game changer for the market and Europe is now at risk of heading into a double-dip recession, Arnab Das, managing director of market research and strategy at Roubini Global Economics told CNBC Monday."

New Facts Exposed in Hangar42 Investigation

New Facts Exposed in Hangar42 Investigation [Mackinac Center]
"Knape also confirmed that the current owner of the property is planning to use the subsidy money received by the buyer to pay for renovation work that has already been performed by contractors.

At least some of the contractors have not been paid and have filed six liens against the property, one of them for $228,000."

Volt of hope: Can electric car recharge General Motors, Michigan and US auto industry? | -

Volt of hope: Can electric car recharge General Motors, Michigan and US auto industry?

Nice car.
But where will the electricity to power it come from?

State Taxpayers Eat $350K Loan for East Lansing Property Purchase

State Taxpayers Eat $350K Loan for East Lansing Property Purchase [Mackinac Center]
"The East Lansing Downtown Development Authority bought the building from Brad Ballein.

At the time of the sale, Ballein's father, Howard Ballein, was serving on the DDA, the son said.

Today, Brad Ballein serves on the DDA."

Tax tricks: Michigan service tax defended by phantom facts

Tax tricks: Michigan service tax defended by phantom facts - The Oakland Press Opinion
"Indeed, enacting a service tax would make Michigan unusual.
According to the Washington, D.C.-based Tax Foundation, only five other states generally tax services: Hawaii, New Mexico, Mississippi, South Dakota and West Virginia (not all of them state this explicitly in their statutes).

These states make it possible to check whether a service tax would live up to its promises of stability and better reflect the changing economy.

As it stands, states with a service tax have actually experienced a relative decline in sales tax revenue."

Many not ready for college, costing Texas $200 million a year- Houston Chronicle

Many not ready for college, costing Texas $200 million a year Houston & Texas News Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
"It has been the dirty little secret of higher education for decades: Tens of thousands of college students can't do the work."

"Higher" education in America is about to be exposed as the scam it is.


Lucianne.com News Forum - Bassets_RULE

Monday, May 24, 2010

Calderon And Daley Want Your Guns

Calderon And Daley Want Your Guns - IBD - Investors.com

Rent Control Is a Vanishing New York Treasure

The Appraisal - Rent Control Is a Vanishing New York Treasure - NYTimes.com
"He is John Burke, a 65-year-old paying $288 a month for a studio at 218 East 84th Street"

Treasure for pirates does come at a cost.

British Airways cabin crew begin 5-day strike

My Way News - British Airways cabin crew begin 5-day strike
"British Airways cabin crews began a five-day strike Monday to protest cost-cutting changes at the loss-making airline, forcing it to scrap almost half its flights out of London's Heathrow Airport."

Unions...ya just gotta love 'em......

A thug too far, part 2

Power Line - A thug too far, part 2:
Nina Easton's account of the SEIU demonstration that terrorized the son of her next-door neighbor -- the deputy general counsel of Bank of America -- has drawn remarkably little attention.

That's the way that SEIU wanted it;"

Teachers Seek $23b- Lifeline or Bailout?

Teachers Seek $23b- Lifeline or Bailout? « Liveshots
"Education Secretary Arne Duncan is asking lawmakers to put aside “politics and ideology” as they consider a request for $23 billion in “emergency” funding for public schools – a measure Republicans reject as a massive federal bailout for the teachers’ unions."

....Find out how much this program costs you by using Fox News' Taxpayer Calculator.

The 10 Best Graduation Speeches of All Time

The 10 Best Graduation Speeches of All Time - CNBC

"Woody Hayes, Former Football Coach, Ohio StateOhio State (1986)

Woody Hayes, who won three national titles and 13 Big Ten championships in 28 years as head coach at Ohio State, offered some sage advice from the field on toughening up – and facing your worst enemy.

“In football we always said that the other team couldn't beat us.
We had to be sure that we didn't beat ourselves. And that's what people have to do, too--make sure they don't beat themselves.

“... you'll find out that nothing that comes easy is worth a dime.

As a matter of fact, I never saw a football player make a tackle with a smile on his face.
Read The Full Transcript

Impatience with patients who won't die

HAGELIN: Impatience with patients who won't die - Washington Times
"Final goodbyes are just that — final.
I'll always be grateful that Dad's didn't come on someone else's schedule."

Listverse Top 50 Jokes

Listverse Top 50 Jokes - Top 10 Lists Listverse

4. Three kids come down to the kitchen and sit around the breakfast table.
The mother asks the oldest boy what he’d like to eat.
“I’ll have some fuckin’ French toast,” he says.
The mother is outraged at his language, hits him, and sends him upstairs.
She asks the middle child what he wants.
“Well, I guess that leaves more fuckin’ French toast for me,” he says.
She is livid, smacks him, and sends him away.
Finally she asks the youngest son what he wants for breakfast.
“I don’t know,” he says meekly, “but I definitely don’t want the fuckin’ French toast.”

Pete Hoekstra: State made mistake denying air quality permit to Wolverine Power Cooperative

Pete Hoekstra: State made mistake denying air quality permit to Wolverine Power Cooperative - MLive.com
"The Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DNRE) issued a long-overdue decision today that epitomizes everything wrong with the bureaucracy in Michigan the past seven years, and just how much Lansing is lacking leadership.

Specifically, DNRE denied an air quality permit to Wolverine Power Cooperative -- a generation and transmission electric cooperative headquartered in Cadillac, Michigan. Wolverine seeks to build a new power plant utilizing clean coal technology.

The decision took over two years!"

The Seven Dumbest Deaths in Recorded History

The Seven Dumbest Deaths in Recorded History Crystal Kiss - Strange News and more...
"Jerome Irving Rodale:
Founding father of the organic food movement, creator of “Organic Farming and Gardening” magazine, and founder of Rodale Press, a major publishing corporation.

How he died: On the “Dick Cavett Show”, while discussing the benefits of organic foods.

Rodale, who bragged “I’m going to live to be 100 unless I’m run down by a sugar-crazed taxi driver,” was only 72 when he appeared on the “Dick Cavett Show” in January 1971.

Part way through the interview, he dropped dead in his chair.

Cause of death: heart attack.

The show was never aired."

Obama's Nominee to Run Medicare: 'The Decision is Not Whether or Not We Will Ration Care--The Decision is Whether We Will Ration Care With Our Eyes Open'

CNSNews.com - Obama's Nominee to Run Medicare:
'The Decision is Not Whether or Not We Will Ration Care--The Decision is Whether We Will Ration Care With Our Eyes Open'

CARPE DIEM: Top Recipients of Public Pensions in New York Would Rank as 178th Largest Economy in World

CARPE DIEM: Top Recipients of Public Pensions in New York Would Rank as 178th Largest Economy in World
There are more than 22 retirees receiving more than $200,000 per year, and one receiving more than $300,000.

In total, New York taxpayers are paying more than $370 million per year to just this partial group of retired New York public workers, which doesn't include those receiving less than $100,000 per year and doesn't include New York firefighters.

If this group of retired workers on the NY Times list was considered as a separate national economy, it would rank as the 178th largest country in the world by GDP."

Feeding America's twilight

Feeding America's twilight - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
"Here are just a few of the scores of examples:

• House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called ObamaCare 'an entrepreneurial bill' that should encourage Americans to be 'creative,' and be, say, 'a musician.'
Quit your job, she urged; 'focus on your talent' and don't worry about not having health care.

Perhaps that's because other hardworking, tax-paying schmucks are paying for this freeloader's socialist care?"

Greek PM blames ’speculators’ for financial crisis, calls for transition to ‘green economy’

Greek PM blames ’speculators’ for financial crisis, calls for transition to ‘green economy’ Washington Examiner
"For every green job created by the Iberian nation’s massive investment in renewable energy, that transfer of wealth to uneconomic activities cost the economy 2.2 jobs in opportunity cost, as well as direct job losses thanks to the increased cost of electricity"

State aims to change negative perceptions of welfare recipients

State aims to change negative perceptions of welfare recipients - MLive.com
"The state is on a campaign to reduce negative perceptions about those who need welfare, saying the stigma tarnishes the program and keeps people from getting help."

No problems.
Our state has oodles of extra Obama-stash and this expense is waay better than fixing roads, more cops or lower taxes for businesses.
I sure hope we begin a similar program to reduce our negative perceptions about those who vote for and create these programs, politicians.

President Obama Deeply Connected To Organizers Of Recent Angry Street Mob Actions

President Obama Deeply Connected To Organizers Of Recent Angry Street Mob Actions - Big Government
"President Barack Obama and his administration, is shamefully deeply connected to the people and organizations that recently organized street mob protests, terrifying a teenage child in his own home, and storming bank buildings (violating how many Federal laws?) in a show of uncivil disobedience (intimidation)."

Coral snake antivenin supply running out

Coral snake antivenin supply running out
"The bad news is that the one manufacturer that made the stuff is no longer making it. Come October, the last batch of coral snake antivenin hits its expiration date.
So little antivenin is used through the course of a year it isn't profitable for drug companies to invest millions of dollars in studies, tests and manufacturing."

Health Care Law

Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports™
"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 63% of U.S. voters now favor repeal of the plan passed by congressional Democrats and signed into law by President Obama in March."

When a public pension is a trust fund

Mark Hemingway: When a public pension is a trust fund Washington Examiner
"And what about the other 3,704 retired New York public sector employees collecting six-figure pensions?

According to the Congressional Research Service, the mean income for private sector retirees is $31,757.

The CRS figure doesn't count the value of health care, which most retired public employees get for free or at minimal expense to them.

The CRS figure does include the average Social Security payout, which almost all public sector employees get on top of their generous pensions."

2007 Heritage Flight Promo

2007 Heritage Flight Promo www.asb.tv

"2007 is the tenth anniversary of the United States Air Force Heritage Flight.
Over 200 million people have watched the Heritage Flight, making it the most popular air show program in history.
AirShowBuzz made this video to acknowledge the good work of the Heritage Flight and the proud Air Force history it represents."

The chills flow during this video.

One false move in Europe could set off global chain reaction

One false move in Europe could set off global chain reaction
"If one or more fail to make the expected progress on cutting budgets, restructuring economies or boosting growth, it could drain confidence in a broad and unsettling way.
Credit markets worldwide could lock up and throw the global economy back into recession."



D.C. Metro Police Escorted SEIU Protesters to Bank Of America Executive’s Home.
“Meanwhile, a teenage boy is home alone, frightened by what’s happening outside his front door.”

When tea-partiers show up on politicians’ doorsteps — and they will — I don’t want to hear any talk of “fascist tactics.”
We’re already seeing that, and the press and pundit class, for the most part, doesn’t care.
Just remember, every act sets a precedent.

Related: “They are the feral vanguard of a collapsing system, using violence and intimidation to make it clear those not favorably connected to the political power structure will be sacrificed to preserve it, for as long as possible.”

This is an outrage and not a peep out of the liberal MSM.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Jamaica declares emergency in capital after attacks

Jamaica declares emergency in capital after attacks Reuters
"Jamaica declared a state of emergency in two parishes of its capital Kingston on Sunday after shooting and firebomb attacks on police stations by suspected supporters of an alleged drug lord who faces extradition to the United States."

Check your cruise reservations!

Why losers have delusions of grandeur

Why losers have delusions of grandeur - NYPOST.com
"Charles Darwin observed that “ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.”"

Don't Rule Out a Double Dip Recession - WSJ.com

Don't Rule Out a Double Dip Recession - WSJ.com

Republican Djou wins U.S. House seat - Hawaii News

Djou wins U.S. House seat - Hawaii News
"The celebration at Hawaii Republican Party headquarters was barely 15 minutes old as Charles Djou, the GOP's newest darling, had already moved past the historic victory and turned his sights toward the general election in November."

Multiculturalism Trumps Feminism - Mark Steyn

Multiculturalism Trumps Feminism - Mark Steyn

I wrote last week about the American Academy of Pediatrics' support for Female Genital Mutilation-lite - a 'ritual nick'.

In return, I received a remarkable number of letters asserting I'd invented the whole thing.
Not so.
You can find chapter and verse and here.

One reason why readers think we rightwing madmen are just making this stuff up is because of the shameful silence (and worse) of western feminists, who implicitly accept a two-tier sisterhood, in which some women get to lead the lives they choose while others, in the interests of 'cultural sensitivity', get a literally rawer deal that begins with FGM and, if they're really unlucky, ends with 'honor killing'.

So I'm happy to salute the great Tina Brown, a fully paid-up Clinto-Blairite but not one prepared to descend into barbarism.
Over at her Daily Beast, Miss Brown has published a tough and unsparing column by Ayaan Hirsi Ali on what the AAP's 'nick' really means - and where it leads.

I have one tiny quibble with the e-mail alert Tina sent out:
Do read the extraordinary piece by Ayaan Hirsi Ali this morning on The Daily Beast on the outrageous proposal from the American Academy of Pediatrics to 'nick' little girls, a slippery slope to tolerating genital cutting in the U.S.—Tina Brown

'Genital cutting' is itself a euphemism.
In its 1998 policy position, the AAP used the phrase 'female genital mutilation'.
A decade on, they prefer to call it 'female genital cutting' - 'mutilation' being regarded by cultural accommodationists as too judgmental.
At the rate this slippery slope is greased, you can guess where we'll be in another decade.
05/23 09:23 AMShare"

The depravity of the liberal left is stunning!

Plans for a 13-storey mosque at Ground Zero provoke anti-Muslim backlash

Plans for a 13-storey mosque at Ground Zero provoke anti-Muslim backlash - Times Online
"Plans to build a 13-storey mosque and Islamic centre two city blocks from Ground Zero in New York are provoking an anti-Muslim backlash in America."

How do you say "in your face" in Islam?

Build a giant mosque at Ground Zero!

"Exclusive Followup: Identity & Union-Democrat Ties of Fake Tea Party Petition 'Organizer' Revealed"

OutsideLansing.com OutsideLansing.com is a production of Chetly Zarko and Zarko Research & Consulting.
"Exclusive Followup: Identity & Union-Democrat Ties of Fake Tea Party Petition 'Organizer' Revealed"

GREAT blog-research to find the demo-union scum behind the voting scam to disenfranchise Michigan voters!

Too bad the Michigan MSM is asleep again.....

Steele: 'Is Joe Sestak lying right now?' on White House job offer

Steele: 'Is Joe Sestak lying right now?' on White House job offer - POLITICO Live
"DNC Chair Tim Kaine, appearing along with Steele, was asked by host Chris Wallace: 'Should the white house answer the question openly and honestly instead of stonewalling?'

Kaine replied, 'I don't know stonewalling, I'm not sure what obligation they have.

If the question gets asked, it's something they should deal with.'"

Craven coward!

Palin accuses Obama of being in bed with big oil

Palin accuses Obama of being in bed with big oil
"The former vice presidential candidate and Alaska governor, who champions off-shore drilling, criticized the media for not drawing the link between Obama and big oil and said if this spill had happened under former Republican president George W. Bush the scrutiny would have been far tougher.

'I don't know why the question isn't asked by the mainstream media and by others if there's any connection with the contributions made to president Obama and his administration and the support by the oil companies to the administration,' she told Fox News Sunday."

Drawing lines: Counties, cities, townships villages, school districts. Is it time to take some places off the map?

Drawing lines: Counties, cities, townships villages, school districts. Is it time to take some places off the map?

Grand Rapids Mayor George Heartwell made local government consolidation the keynote of his State of the City speech at the beginning of the year.
"The greatest gift we could leave for our grandchildren would be a consolidated government," Heartwell said.

Interesting comment.

I guess outing the public employees union member's ever increasing wages and benefits sorta slipped his mind.

So, our grandchildren will be best gifted by more union and politician control over fewer groups of us pathetic citizens?
Hitler, Mao, Hugo, et al would be proud.

Health Care Bill Handouts to Big Labor Have Already Begun... Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

Health Care Bill Handouts to Big Labor Have Already Begun... Don't Say We Didn't Warn You