Monday, June 21, 2010


OK, DETROIT IS MORE DYSFUNCTIONAL Newsradio 620 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Charlie Sykes:
"As messed up at MPS is, Detroit still has us beat.
You might remember Detroit School Board President Otis Mathis as the one with a severe problem with literacy (see: Detroyt Skool Bored Prezzident cant reed, rite or spel goode), but it never occurred to me to think that the reason Mathis’ emails were misspelled so badly might have been because he was typing with one hand:

DPS police were investigating allegations by schools Superintendent Teresa Gueyser that during a meeting at about 5 p.m. Wednesday, Mathis touched himself for 20 minutes, then unzipped his pants.

Gueyser, in a memorandum to the board, said she ended the meeting.

“I told him that there was no reason for us to continue the meeting with that behavior,” she said."

More on The Jones Act

CARPE DIEM: More on The Jones Act
"Michael Barone -- And what about the decision not to waive the Jones Act, which bars foreign-flag vessels from coming to the aid of the gulf cleanup?

The Bush administration promptly waived it after Katrina in 2005.

The Obama administration hasn't and claims unconvincingly that, gee, there aren't really any foreign vessels that could help.
The more plausible explanation is that this is a sop to the maritime unions, part of the union movement that gave Obama and other Democrats $400 million in the 2008 campaign cycle.

It's the Chicago way: dance with the girl that brung ya."

Campaign Finance - Michigan in Brief

Campaign Finance - Michigan in Brief

Napolitano: Internet Monitoring Needed to Fight Homegrown Terrorism - Napolitano: Internet Monitoring Needed to Fight Homegrown Terrorism

Not much protest from Obama's MSM......

8 dead among 52 shot across city over weekend

8 dead among 52 shot across city over weekend :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES

How's that handgun ban working out, Chicago?

New VW mini Car

VW 1 Liter Car: "an average fuel consumption of 0.89 litres per 100 kilometres."

(that's 239/mpg)

Study Says Tort Costs Killing Business in Michigan

Study Says Tort Costs Killing Business in Michigan [Mackinac Center]
"The lawyer profession is often the butt of many jokes.
But now there is a public policy research think tank that says the profession could be driving business away from Michigan.

The Pacific Research Institute of San Francisco ranked Michigan 43rd in the nation in terms of 'tort cost' after an analytical look at things such as number of cases filed, personal-injury lawyers, damage awards and settlement losses."

Quebec bans 'weathervane' insult

"Quebec bans 'weathervane' insult

In a bold move to protect the democratic process and stand up for the forces of justice, Quebec's legislature has banned its politicians from using the word 'weathervane', on the grounds that it is 'hurtful'."

MEANING:noun:1. A weathervane, especially one with the figure of a rooster on it.
2. One who changes readily or often.

ETYMOLOGY:From weather + cock.

NOTES:The words weathercock/weathervane are especially suitable for politicians who change according to prevailing winds. Quebec's legislature has gone so far as to impose a ban on their use.
USAGE:"William was such a weathercock, how could one be sure?"Barbara W. Tuchman; The Guns of August; Random House; 1962

Why does terrorism fascinate me? Because of the terror in my past.

Why does terrorism fascinate me? Because of the terror in my past.
"Could sexual traumas contribute to contemporary terrorism?"

Very interesting insight from a uniquely qualified woman.

Wyoming's program to collect unused medicing may expand

Wyoming's program to collect unused medicing may expand
"'A big thing that we want to focus on is education,' he said.

'If you do put (medicine) in the landfill or you do put it in the toilet, it's going to get into our streams and rivers and lakes.

'Sitting in a landfill's probably not the best place for it.'"

Well now.
The first "education" I'd like to see is the studies that prove that our "streams and rivers and lakes" are showing dangerous levels of these drugs.
And the second is the total cost of this program.

I don't know if this is a worthy program or not

But if we the people won't demand answers to these questions, programs like this will multiply without oversight
Even if they're as worthless as most of the other "who cares what it costs" explosion of state, county and local boondoggles.

Proposed budget cuts for schools in Whitehall not as deep as feared

Proposed budget cuts for schools in Whitehall not as deep as feared
"After identifying the $1.4 million in cuts, the school board met earlier this month to restore more than $800,000 of the cuts.
'Things that were restored were direct services to the classrooms,' Dongvillo said.

The district initially was set to eliminate about 13 teaching positions.
But the budget now calls for seven."

When it's more money for tenured teachers, larger class size just disappears as an issue.
No cuts in their automatic triple automatic annual pay raises.
No cuts in their platinum health benes.
Screw the kids.
Screw the parents.
Screw the tax payers.

New Jersey battles over tax on millionaires

New Jersey battles over tax on millionaires Reuters
"New Jersey politicians are due to battle on Monday over whether to slap a tax on millionaires or cut services for low-income senior citizens and the disabled."

Love this headline!
If we don't tax rich folks more, geezers and gimps will suffer!

Gimme a break....

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Public sector staff spend 9 fewer years at work and earn 30% more than private employees

Public sector staff spend 9 fewer years at work and earn 30% more than private employees Mail Online
"Great jobs apartheid: Public sector staff spend nine fewer years at work over lifetime than private employees AND earn 30% more"

Rolling Thunder 2010- A Marine's Vigil

Rolling Thunder 2010- A Marine's Vigil Before It's News

America and our Americans!

Cost of Seizing Fannie and Freddie Surges for Taxpayers

Cost of Seizing Fannie and Freddie Surges for Taxpayers - CNBC
"Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac took over a foreclosed home roughly every 90 seconds during the first three months of the year.
They owned 163,828 houses at the end of March, a virtual city with more houses than Seattle."


Instapundit » Blog Archive » THE MISSING GATES

THE MISSING GATES: Reader John Koisch makes an interesting observation:

For as long as I can recall, the media dubbed everything scandalous a “gate” of some sort after the famous Watergate.

So we had Watergate, Contragate, and of course the blogosphere had Rathergate, and so on.

I can’t recall a single “xxxgate” since Obama came to office, at least not in common parlance.

On the one hand, it is welcome relief from a tired meme.
But on the other, I wonder if the lack of Londongate, Stupakgate, Oilgate, Golfgate, [the democrat who was anti-abortion and wouldn't vote for the healthcare bill, but did anyway once he got a hug from Obama]gate, Tarpgate, and so on indicates some sort of complicity amongst the MSM?

It strikes me odd.

Hmm. It’s not as if there haven’t been scandals. . . .

UPDATE: Several readers suggest “Profli-Gate” as the catch-all description for this Administration . . ."

A Father's Day Story

Power Line - A Father's Day Story
"Tevlin writes:

[W]hen he saw on the television that tornadoes were forming in the area, Wes Michaels jumped in his pickup truck and drove down to the Cenex to check on Heidi, who was managing the station.
When he got there, a customer joked that he should be out having fun on his birthday.

A few minutes later, a twister took aim on the station.

Michaels ordered Heidi and customers into the cooler as it hit.
Michaels was a big man, about 6 feet tall with a broad chest, 'a strong man who wasn't afraid to use his strength,' according to his former boss, Orville Lee.
Instinctively, he positioned his body above that of his daughter, and took the brunt of the force from debris as the building crumbled around them.

It occurs to me that Michaels' story is a little like a real-life version of a song that we noted recently.

Wes Michaels, RIP, and happy Father's Day to all of our readers who are fortunate enough to bear that title."

We still live in a wonderful country filled with AMERICAN heroes!

Bank failure is 83rd in '10; pace more than double last year's

Bank failure is 83rd in '10; pace more than double last year's -
"The 83 closures so far this year is more than double the pace set in all of 2009"

This isn't good.
Don't you think you'd hear more about this disaster if Bush/McCain/Palin was president?

Dad's flag

I originally posted this on 4/6/2006 and thought it would go well with the story of Private First Class Jack G. Rasey and the flag his son bought in his Dad's name.

"Today is Take an American Flag to Work Day so I though it might be a good time to recount this little story about the last birthday gift I received from my father.
Dad passed away last summer after a broken hip forced him to move into assisted living. 
We'd become fast friends in the last 15 years after my rather tumultuous youth.
Like many fathers, Dad hated shopping and early on caved to reality, just sending a generous check as Christmas and birthday gifts. 
Most times I'd send Dad a thank you and deposit the check in my checking account, soon to be forgotten.
But last year, after my visit to his new apartment, reality crept into my consciousness and I realized that Dad might not be with me forever.
My birthday check arrived shortly after my visit and for some reason, I just hung on to it, not depositing it for a few weeks. 
It took me some time but I soon realized that I wanted to do something special with my father's gift.
As luck would have it, I was chatting with a friend who has his own flagpole and I asked him who had installed it. 
He had done it himself, and I instantly had the answer to my quest for the perfect gift from Dad.
A few days later it was up. 
Lighted at night, almost always flapping proudly during the day.
I took a photo of the flag and sent it to Dad and I think he got as much of a kick out of as did I. 
He even asked me to send him additional photos of my birthday gift.
Dad served in WW2 and Korea, losing his fighter pilot brother over France in 1943. 
He instilled a tremendous sense of American pride and patriotism in all his children and he was wonderfully proud to fit into his old US Naval officer's uniform a few years back. 
Yes, that's Dad up top.
We all must bear the loss of our parents but the memories of their love and life lessons live on.
My Father is gone now but his spirit and "Dad's Flag" greet me each time I come home.
Thank you, Dad. for the wonderful memories that make me smile even as I grieve."

Happy Father's Day: It's Still a Mancession

CARPE DIEM: Happy Father's Day: It's Still a Mancession

Happy Father's Day - The World's Strongest Dad

BLACKFIVE: Happy Father's Day - The World's Strongest Dad
"But exactly how strong can one dad be?
So, this brings us to the world's strongest dad - a father among fathers. Blackfive reader Ron sends this story from Sports Illustrated's Rick Reilly about Dick and Rick Hoyt (Dick is a retired Air National Guard Lieutenant Colonel).

It's a great story about a father and son who saved each other.
I thought it would be a great story to read this weekend:"

Read this and be proud that you share this country with these two amazing Americans.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

CNN to air telethon to aid Gulf oil spill victims

CNN to air telethon to aid Gulf oil spill victims
"CNN and Larry King are presenting a telethon Monday to benefit victims of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

Celebrities on the special two-hour edition of 'Larry King Live' will include Justin Bieber (BEE'-bur), Ted Danson, Cameron Diaz, Randy Jackson and Robert Redford, as well as a performance by Sting.

CNN said Friday that guests will visit with King on set and by satellite. They will also participate in the program's telephone banks taking viewer calls.

Ryan Seacrest will host an online suite for viewers using social media like Facebook.

'Disaster in the Gulf: How You Can Help' is aimed at raising funds for the United Way, National Wildlife Federation and The Nature Conservancy. The telethon will air 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern.

Isn't this just gonna reduce what BP has to pay?

Teddy Kennedy Revealed -

Teddy Kennedy Revealed - HUMAN EVENTS
"The FBI released over 2,000 pages from their files on Monday concerning the late Sen. Edward Kennedy.

The files further solidify Teddy’s image as a promiscuous, immoral, trembling blob of sexual excitement.

Michigan celebrates! MI now #2 in unemployment after being #1 for 4 straight years, passed up by Nevada

theblogprof: Michigan celebrates! MI now #2 in unemployment after being #1 for 4 straight years, passed up by Nevada

The Job-Killing Impact of Minimum Wage Laws II

CARPE DIEM: The Job-Killing Impact of Minimum Wage Laws II

Friday, June 18, 2010

World Sees Obama as Incompetent and Amateur

Mort Zuckerman: World Sees Obama as Incompetent and Amateur - US News and World Report
"One Middle East authority, Fouad Ajami, pointed out that Obama seems unaware that it is bad form and even a great moral lapse to speak ill of one's own tribe while in the lands of others."

Detroit school board president accused of sex act in meeting

Detroit school board president accused of sex act in meeting Detroit Free Press:

Amid allegations that he fondled himself during a meeting with the schools superintendent, Detroit school board President Otis Mathis today admitted engaging in “inappropriate actions” but tried to rescind his resignation."

Dozen state-employee pensions slashed to cut costs

Dozen state-employee pensions slashed to cut costs ScrippsNews
"In an effort to reduce the burden on their budgets, at least a dozen states have passed laws this year overhauling their retirement systems.
Some have created less-generous pensions for newly hired workers.

Others have increased the amount of money employees must pay into their pensions. Some have done both."

Celluoid Burns Like Napalm - Hanger 42 percent Celluoid Burns Like Napalm - Hanger 42 percent
"Perhaps no one has yet noticed the similarity between the name and the amount (percentage) of credit provided to film makers for their 'investments' into the Michigan Economy?

Could it be possible, the sheer audacity of what now appears to be a scam to separate Michigan taxpayers from their hard earned dollars would lend itself to the very name of the tool used to perpetrate such fraud?"

An Apology To Be Truly Sorry About

An Apology To Be Truly Sorry About - IBD -
"Rep. Joe Barton says what everyone knows is true and his own party threatens to kick him out of his committee seat. We expected cynical political opportunism from Democrats, but not from Republican leaders.

Where are we as a society when the truth is treated as a something that can't be uttered in public?"

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Oil: The Real Green Fuel

Jonah Goldberg : Oil: The Real Green Fuel -
"estimates rainforest clear-cutting for biofuels releases 17 to 420 times more CO2 than it offsets by displacing petroleum or coal."

A view we won't see on MSM TV.

Obama administration spends $1.2 billion on cycling and walking initiatives

Obama administration spends $1.2 billion on cycling and walking initiatives - Telegraph:
"Obama administration spends $1.2 billion on cycling and walking initiatives
The Obama administration more than doubled spending on cycling and walking initiatives to $1.2 billion (£810 million) last year as it seeks to coax Americans out of their cars."

Is this the time to expand frivolous spending?

Granholm defends record after 8 years

Granholm defends record after 8 years Lansing State Journal
"Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, battered by economic turmoil but still optimistic, said Friday that her nearly eight years as governor have been a fight to shrink government, adapt to hundreds of thousands of manufacturing job losses and educate more citizens."

This woman is the Nero of Michigan as she fiddled away our entire state economy.

And now she shows us she is delusional to boot!

The Immutable Law Of The Potomac

The Immutable Law Of The Potomac - IBD -
"Sen. Joe Lieberman believes American households are 'willing to pay less than $1' a day to stop global warming.

The Connecticut independent needs a lesson in the history of government program costs."

When some say both political parties are the same, remind them of this eco-tax monster that is the core of the democrat party.

CARPE DIEM: The Job-Killing Impact of Minimum Wage Laws

CARPE DIEM: The Job-Killing Impact of Minimum Wage Laws

Take Action! Stop the Union Budget Busting Bills

Take Action! Stop the Union Budget Busting Bills Americans for Prosperity
"SB 1072, supposedly a reform of binding arbitration that has been strangling local governments for 40 years, will actually expand union boss power.
It will expand binding arbitration to local authorities, school districts and boards and do nothing to reform arbitration in cities and townships."

HB 6154 will extend binding arbitration to county corrections workers and greatly increase costs to counties and taxpayers."

Call your state rep. and senator or pay the price for your lethargy.

France says EU wants global financial tax

My Way News - France says EU wants global financial tax
"French President Nicolas Sarkozy says European Union leaders will call for a a global tax on financial transactions.
He says the 27 leaders want the United States and others to back a tax at a Group of 20 summit of rich and emerging nations in Toronto next week - despite opposition from some nations.
It is unclear how exactly a global tax would work."

Maybe this is what they have in mind:

Banks have declared war -- on you
Changes are coming fast to the credit card world, and you can expect your bank to raise rates, slash credit limits, add fees and cut rewards. Consumers, brace yourselves.

Lap Around the Boat

Lap Around the Boat

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

German student attacks Hell's Angels with puppy

"German student attacks Hell's Angels with puppy

Wed, May 26 2010BERLIN (Reuters) - A German student created a major traffic jam in Bavaria after making a rude gesture at a group of Hell's Angels motorcycle gang members, hurling a puppy at them and then escaping on a stolen bulldozer."

Ya gotta love those Germans! So inventive!

So bulldozerish!

Al Gore's Alleged Affair With Laurie David

Dear Margo: Al Gore's Alleged Affair With Laurie David -- Reason for His BP Silence? wowOwow
"He is silent on this issue for the same reason that Teddy Kennedy couldn’t join the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas fight: The equivalency to Teddy’s womanizing is that Mr. Gore has been in a two-year affair with Laurie David, also an environmentalist, and it would be, uh, unseemly."

Car Lust: 1976 Chevrolet Vega Cabriolet

Car Lust: 1976 Chevrolet Vega Cabriolet
"Egad! How else to begin a post on this poor little pretentious thing?
The Vega never had the best reputation to start with, but to call this car a convertible when it had a full, fixed metal roof?
C'mon now!"

Sacramento council approves economic sanctions against Arizona

Sacramento council approves economic sanctions against Arizona - Sacramento City News -
"The Sacramento City Council voted Tuesday night to place economic sanctions against Arizona companies in response to that state's immigration laws."

There's a pipe spewing a gazillion gobs of oil into the gulf, so let's build more windmills

Obama's speech: There's a pipe spewing a gazillion gobs of oil into the gulf, so let's build more windmills Top of the Ticket Los Angeles Times:

LA Times?!!
Check out the photo!

Clip Syndicate Video: 5/20 - Prichard Pension Plan

Clip Syndicate Video: 5/20 - Prichard Pension Plan

The Flipper Bridge: Hong Kong to China

CARPE DIEM: The Flipper Bridge: Hong Kong to China
"Hong Kong drives on the left side of the road (thanks to the British Empire) and mainland China drives on the right side. So how do you prevent crashes when driving on a bridge between them?

Answer: The Flipper Bridge, find out more here."

Dangerous to our health

Dangerous to our health - The Boston Globe
"But if Obama is as opposed to a government-ruled health sector as he claims, why has he nominated Dr. Donald Berwick as director of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services — far and away the nation’s largest health-insurance programs, at a cost of nearly $1 trillion — a man who openly adores Britain’s socialized health care?
“I am romantic about the National Health Service,’’ Berwick told a British audience in 2008.
“I love it.’’
He not only loves the National Health Service, he extols it as “an example for the whole world — an example . . . that the United States needs now.’’"

Whitehall School District files tenure charges

White Lake Beacon - Whitehall and Montague, Michigan

"Dongvillo said the charges have been placed in Trevino’s personnel file.
She declined to share the nature of the charges."

Why are the charges secret?
This teacher spent her days with our children!
Tell us the truth!

How Independent is Obama's Department of Justice?

How Independent is Obama's Department of Justice?
"The DOJ's plan to challenge to Arizona's SB 1070 while declining to investigate the Sestak job offer suggests that someone other than Attorney General Eric Holder is pulling the strings."

School Nutrition Bill Allocates $1 Million to Study How Government Can Restrict Food Ads Directed at Kids - School Nutrition Bill Allocates $1 Million to Study How Government Can Restrict Food Ads Directed at Kids
"A recently introduced House bill, said to mirror First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” initiative, would spend $1 million to study how the government can restrict food advertisements aimed at children"

Sen. Kennedy Offered to Collaborate with Soviets Against Reagan, KGB Documents Show >> Sen. Kennedy Offered to Collaborate with Soviets Against Reagan, KGB Documents Show
"Senator Edward M. Kennedy offered to work in close concert with high level Soviet officials to sabotage President Ronald Reagan’s re-election efforts and to arrange for congenial American press coverage of General Secretary Yuri Andropov, according to a 1983 KGB document."

Politics Trumps Science on Great Lakes Drilling

Analysis: Politics Trumps Science on Great Lakes Drilling [Mackinac Center]
"The latest example of political posturing on environmental issues is a plan hatched by House Democrats that would ban drilling in the Great Lakes via a series of bills that, if passed by the Legislature, would place on the November ballot a constitutional ban on directional drilling under the Great Lakes.

Never mind that Michigan law already does not allow drilling in the Great Lakes, nor does federal law."

Gov. Granholm's tax hike plan would kill 30,000 jobs

Gov. Granholm's tax hike plan would kill 30,000 jobs [Mackinac Center]
"Fourteen percent of Michigan' labor force is unemployed.
Thousands of others are underemployed or fear for their jobs.
Yet a proposal by Gov. Jennifer Granholm for a net tax increase of $554 million in fiscal year 2011 would only exacerbate the problem, causing the loss of nearly 30,000 jobs in the first year alone"

Michigan Property Tax Appeal Guide

Michigan Property Tax Appeal Guide

Pro-Black Panther prejudice

EDITORIAL: Pro-Black Panther prejudice - Washington Times
"Readers will remember that the case involved two New Black Panther Party members - one a local Democratic Party official and poll watcher - who used racial epithets and threats while standing at the entrance to a Philadelphia polling place on Election Day, 2008.

One Panther brandished a nightstick like a weapon.

After the case effectively had been won, political appointees of President Obama's dismissed or reduced all charges or sanctions against the defendants, and then they stonewalled multiple inquiries about the case from Congress, the media and the Civil Rights Commission"

Big man shortage on campus

ALLEN: Big man shortage on campus - Washington Times
"About 57 percent of undergrads these days are female and just 43 percent male,"

Reid's Push To Nationalize Police Unions

Reid's Push To Nationalize Police Unions - IBD -
"In an effort to please union backers ahead of the 2010 midterm elections, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is quietly trying to nationalize rules governing every police, fire and first responder union in the nation."

Imagine a national police strike!

Hilite International going 'green' with its landscaping

Hilite International going 'green' with its landscaping
"Hilite International is set to become the second major manufacturer in Whitehall to trade in its well-maintained lawn for an environmentally friendly native prairie"

So, weeds are now "native prairie"?
Maybe Detroit's burned out slums could be called environmentally friendly "urban sprouts".
Environmentalism is a code word for insanity. 

Soros: European recession next year almost inevitable

Soros: European recession next year almost inevitable Reuters
"Flaws built into the euro from the start had become acute, Soros told a seminar, warning that the euro crisis could have the potential to destroy the 27-nation European Union."

The euro was doomed from the start.
Based on false promises of every nation to "do the right thing".....yeah, like Europe has a long history of that..........

Residents get 6 votes each in suburban NY election

Residents get 6 votes each in suburban NY election - Yahoo! News
"Federal Judge Stephen Robinson said that violated the Voting Rights Act, and he approved a remedy suggested by village officials: a system called cumulative voting, in which residents get six votes each to apportion as they wish among the candidates."

This is because hispanic candidates haven't gotten elected there?!!!!!

Tom Izzo/MSU Fun Facts

Tom Izzo/MSU Fun Facts: "Tom Izzo/MSU Fun Facts

Through the end of the 2010 season..."

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Izzo stays 2010

Izzo stays 2010 - College Basketball Nation Blog - ESPN
"I’ll admit it.
I like Tom Izzo.
I like how he coaches.
I like what he stands for.
I like how he treats people and I like that, in a business I fear is losing its characters along with its character, he doesn’t take himself terribly seriously.
(Anyone who can show up at Midnight Madness dressed as Sparty one year and a hippie the next doesn’t take himself too seriously)."

Mitch Albom: Tom Izzo searched his soul and did the right thing

Mitch Albom: Tom Izzo searched his soul and did the right thing Detroit Free Press

AIRBRUSHING CHURCHILL: If he were still alive, he’d shove that cigar up their ass.

AIRBRUSHING CHURCHILL: If he were still alive, he’d shove that cigar up their ass.
If he were still alive, he’d shove that cigar up their ass.
Which would be the right thing to do.

Plus this: “Viewing the now disfigured image reveals just how unhinged the vociferous anti-smoking lobby has become.
So much for the notion that only communist tyrants airbrushed history.”
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 6:39 pm"

Tom Izzo rejects Cleveland Cavaliers, staying with Michigan State Spartans - ESPN

Tom Izzo rejects Cleveland Cavaliers, staying with Michigan State Spartans - ESPN
"EAST LANSING, Mich. -- Tom Izzo is staying at Michigan State, turning down a chance to coach the Cleveland Cavaliers and perhaps LeBron James.
In a statement released by the school on Tuesday Izzo says: 'I'm pleased to say I am here for life at Michigan State.'"

Evaluation: Here Comes The Judge

Evaluation: Here Comes The Judge

LA police say another Charlie Sheen Mercedes taken from driveway and rolled off cliff

LA police say another Charlie Sheen Mercedes taken from driveway and rolled off cliff -
"For the second time in five months, a Mercedes-Benz owned by 'Two and a Half Men' star Charlie Sheen was stolen and sent off Mulholland Drive near his Santa Monica Mountains home, authorities said Tuesday.

Firefighters responding to a report of a traffic accident found the silver Mercedes S600 about 100 feet down a brushy ravine around 3 a.m., Fire Department spokesman Eric Scott said.

Nobody was in the car."

It's gotta be bad breaks...brakes.....right?
Time for another ObamaMotors forced recall of Mercedes-death-machines?

Black Flight is the New Worry for Detroit

Black Flight is the New Worry for Detroit -
"DETROIT—This shrinking city needs to hang on to people like Johnette Barham: taxpaying, middle-class professionals who invest in local real estate, work and play downtown, and make their home here.

Ms. Barham just left.
And she's not coming back.

In seven years as a homeowner in Detroit, she endured more than 10 burglaries and break-ins at her house and a nearby rental property she owned.
Still, she defied friends' pleas to leave as she fortified her home with locks, bars, alarms and a dog."

Replace Offshore Oil With Wind?

FuturePundit: Chris Nelder: Replace Offshore Oil With Wind?
Replace Offshore Oil With Wind?
Chris Nelder looks at what it would take to replace US offshore Gulf of Mexico oil with a comparable amount of energy from wind power."

Europe's $1.6 trillion hangover

Europe's $1.6 trillion hangover - Street Sweep: Fortune's Wall Street Blog
"Banks in France and Germany alone have nearly $1 trillion in exposure to the staggering economies of southern Europe,"

Izzo's Choice - Izzo talks to Lebron!

Mike And Mike: Izzo's Choice - ESPN Video - ESPN

Petraeus passes out briefly at hearing

44 - Petraeus passes out briefly at hearing
"Gen. David H. Petraeus, the commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East, fell ill at the witness table during a Senate hearing Tuesday and had to be escorted from the room."

Did McCain call him "My friend" one time too many?

Etheridge the Unready -- and his enablers

Power Line - Etheridge the Unready -- and his enablers
"Whoever the young interrogators of Rep. Etheridge, and whatever their motives, Etheridge unmistakably revealed that he is a bully and a nut."

Do laws even matter today?

Do laws even matter today? -
"there seems to be a growing sense among many citizens that they are expected to play by the rules while others are exempt."

Monday, June 14, 2010

America's Municipal Debt Racket

Steven Malanga: America's Municipal Debt Racket -
"New Jersey officials recently celebrated the selection of the new stadium in the Meadowlands sports complex as the site of the 2014 Super Bowl.
Absent from the festivities was any sense of the burden the complex has become for taxpayers.

Nearly 40 years ago the Garden State borrowed $302 million to begin constructing the Meadowlands.
The goal was to pay off the bonds in 25 years.
Although the project initially went according to plan, politicians couldn't resist continually refinancing the bonds, siphoning revenues from the complex into the state budget, and using the good credit rating of the New Jersey Sports and Exposition authority to borrow for other, unsuccessful building schemes.

Today, the authority that runs the Meadowlands is in hock for $830 million, which it can't pay back.
The state, facing its own cavernous budget deficits, has had to assume interest payments—about $100 million this year on bonds that still stretch for decades."

Ace of Spades HQ

Ace of Spades HQ
"President Obama is asking for $50 Billion to distribute to state and local governments to avoid public-sector employee layoffs. (And for 'public-sector employees', you can read 'SEIU and Teacher's Unions'.)
The GOP is sure to oppose it, but may not be able to stop a concerted Democratic push.

Bailing out the states (especially California) is going to take a lot more than a piddling $50 billion, of course.
The first tranche is simply to establish precedent."

Tell Izzo how you feel in HAIKU...

Tell Izzo how you feel in HAIKU...

If Izzo Returns

 My Girlfriend Will Be Tired

Cuz of My Boner

Hey, it's college dudes...dude....

'Tea partyers' pushing to get new line on November ballot

'Tea partyers' pushing to get new line on November ballot Buffalo News
"Organizers of the 'tea party' movement are poised to mount a statewide petition drive in hopes of creating a new line on the November election ballot.
The goal is to give 'disaffected, aggravated, frustrated voters' an alternative to choosing from among the 'lesser of two evils,' Rus Thompson, leader of the local tea party, said Sunday in referring primarily to the major party nominees for governor, Democrat Andrew M. Cuomo and Republican Rick Lazio."

Political suicide!

Clear signal: Boaters can operate U.S. Coast Guard's new foghorn system

Clear signal: Boaters can operate U.S. Coast Guard's new foghorn system
"Sensors in the lighthouse used to detect the presence of fog and would activate the signal automatically to guide ships into port.

However, the sensors began malfunctioning as they grew older and continually became covered in spider webs, Salzmann said.
To activate the fog signal, boaters must tune their marine radio to channel 79A and depress the microphone five times."

OK, this system is better than nothing at all.
But why can't the USCG clean off the spider webs?
Sup wit dat?

Muskegon County board changes policy on public comment

Muskegon County board changes policy on public comment
"The public will now be able to make comments to the Muskegon County Board of Commissioners during meetings at two separate parts of the agenda, including an opportunity to weigh in on items before commissioners vote on them."

A small, but important, victory for the little guys.

We can speak.

Will they listen?

Why You Need Two Cameras. And maybe a third, inconspicuously recording from a distance, …

Instapundit » Blog Archive » MOE LANE: Why You Need Two Cameras. And maybe a third, inconspicuously recording from a distance,

Afghanistan on deck for ex-Spartan

Afghanistan on deck for ex-Spartan Lansing State Journal
"'Earned. Never given.'"

EPA classifies milk as oil, forcing costly rules on farmers

EPA classifies milk as oil, forcing costly rules on farmers
"But the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is classifying milk as oil because it contains a percentage of animal fat, which is a non-petroleum oil."

America's new N-word is lightning rod

America's new N-word is lightning rod

Congressman Assaults Student on Washington Sidewalk » Congressman Assaults Student on Washington Sidewalk

What Do Protectionism, Union Power and Jones Act Have to Do with the Cleanup in the Gulf? A LOT

CARPE DIEM: What Do Protectionism, Union Power and Jones Act Have to Do with the Cleanup in the Gulf? A LOT

Sunday, June 13, 2010

YouTube - Dodge Challenger Freedom Commercial

YouTube - Dodge Challenger Freedom Commercial

Great video...from an Italian car company!

Rectifier 5K Run-Winner!

Rectifier 5K Run:
"Overall Female Great Grand Masters Winner

Place Name City Bib No Age Overall TimePace Time Back
1 Francine Lessard Muskegon MI 642 60 212 36:11 11:40/M"

Honeybunch rules!

Black leaders urge swift federal action on poverty

Black leaders urge swift federal action on poverty :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES
"'Hot shoes make presidents dance,' Jackson said.
'We're bringing some hot shoes [to Washington].'"

Congress Mulls Bill to Revise 14th Amendment Birthright Citizenship

Congress Mulls Bill to Revise 14th Amendment Birthright Citizenship - ABC News
"In 1983, for example, England amended its jus soli policy so that children born in the United Kingdom were only granted citizenship if one of their parents was either a citizen or could prove some sort of permanent residency in the country."

Pension Plans Go Broke as Public Payrolls Expand

Pension Plans Go Broke as Public Payrolls Expand: Joe Mysak -
ven states will run out of money to pay public pensions by 2020.
That hasn’t stopped them from hiring new employees."

That's because the politicians think we will simply accept more tax increases.

Will we?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Friday night news dump: White House says 51 percent of company health plans won't meet Obamacare guidelines

Friday night news dump: White House says 51 percent of company health plans won't meet Obamacare guidelines Washington Examiner
"Internal White House documents reveal that 51% of employers may have to relinquish their current health care coverage by 2013 due to ObamaCare.

That numbers soars to 66% for small-business employers."

Cash-poor NY state may issue IOUs like California

Cash-poor NY state may issue IOUs like California Reuters
"Cash-poor New York state might have to pay its bills with IOUs next week to avoid the 'anarchy in the streets' that could result from a government shutdown, Governor David Paterson said on Thursday."

Friday, June 11, 2010

Why Is Dick Cheney Silent on the Oil Spill?

Why Is Dick Cheney Silent on the Oil Spill? - Newsweek
"When the Obama administration, or the media, or just about anybody contradicts Dick Cheney's views on national security, he is far from shy about responding.
But facing a firestorm of criticism over the oil spill, he's been notably silent."

Oh please!
No wonder this rag is broke and soon to be gone for good.

This is the age of war between the generationsine

This is the age of war between the generations Anatole Kaletsky - Times Online
"This is the age of war between the generations
Never mind the credit crunch, it’s all those retiring baby-boomers who threaten us with national bankruptcy"

Jeepers, the boomers are doing the spending?
I thought it was congress/senate/Obama.
Who'd of guessed?

Director of Michigan Film Office retiring as criticism grows over movie incentives

Director of Michigan Film Office retiring as criticism grows over movie incentives
"More recently, questions were raised over film infrastructure tax credits, including a proposed $10 million credit tied to Walker's Hangar42 Studios project inside the former Lear auto-parts plant, 2150 Alpine Ave. NW.

Lockwood's office gave initial approval to the $10 million rebate based on a claim of a $40 million investment in the studio.
Critics point out the site was listed for sale for less than $10 million just weeks before that application, with little proof of major renovations or other investment since.

Efforts by The Press, The Mackinac Center for Public Policy and other media outlets to find out more about that deal -- including whether the $10 million check was cut -- were turned away by the film office and Michigan Department of Treasury.
They said it was illegal for them to share taxpayer information with the public."

More gangster government from the Granholm gangsters.
I wonder what the pension is for our disgraced, departed, doyenne of drama disbursements?

How'd you like a six-figure pension? Work for the government

How'd you like a six-figure pension? Work for the government
"'In Yonkers, more than 100 retired police officers and firefighters are collecting pensions greater than their pay when they were working.

One of the youngest, Hugo Tassone, retired at 44 with a base pay of about $74,000 a year.

His pension is now $101,333 a year...."

Oxford Schools: Saving Money and Improving Service

Oxford Schools: Saving Money and Improving Service [Mackinac Center]
"In the Oxford Community Schools this year, the classrooms were cleaned every other day due to attrition in the unionized ranks of the custodial staff.
Starting next year, the classrooms will be cleaned every day, they will have nine extra custodians, and the school district will save $5 million over the next five years, according to school officials."

Saving money and improving service.
It can be done.
It ain't rocket sturgery.

Gangster sports!

My Way - Sports News: "Masoli's trouble comes in an offseason littered with player transgressions."

Look at the list of thuggery!

Hollywood Aid-Elite Conspicuously Absent from Gulf Disaster

Hollywood Aid-Elite Conspicuously Absent from Gulf Disaster at
"In case you hadn’t noticed, your much-beloved Gulf Coast is awash in oil. An entire ecosystem is decimated, people are out of work, beaches are oozing thick, black gunk . . . seriously people, it’s a frickin’ disaster down there."

College conference realignment the talk of the sports world

College conference realignment the talk of the sports world Houston Sports News and Scores
"The Big Ten started it off by exploring plans to expand, an effort it hoped would add more eyes to its successful cable network"

It's all about money and money only.
And every cable TV viewer will pay.
Especially those who NEVER watch the Big 10 network.