Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Can Shopping Cause Impotence?

Can Shopping Cause Impotence? - Lemondrop.com
"Who needs birth control?"

Dutch agency admits mistake in UN climate report

Dutch agency admits mistake in UN climate report - Yahoo! News
"The Dutch agency accepted responsibility for one mistake by the IPCC when it reported in 2005 that 55 percent of
the Netherlands is below sea level, when only 26 percent is.
The report should have said 55 percent is prone to flooding, including river flooding.
The second previously reported error claimed the Himalayan glaciers would melt by 2035, which the Dutch agency partly traced to a report on the likely shrinking of glaciers by the year 2350."

Investors Fear Rising Risk of US Regional Defaults

Investors Fear Rising Risk of US Regional Defaults - CNBC
"Investors are worried that the risk of default for US local governments is growing, amid signs that some regions are facing the same type of difficulty in curbing pension and budget deficits as some eurozone countries"

“The risk in the second half of the year is that investor attention switches from Europe to the US,” said Robert Parker, senior adviser at Credit Suisse Securities, who singled out parts of California, as well as towns and cities in Illinois, Michigan and New York state as among the most vulnerable.
“You will see investor concern about the viability of those cities and therefore you will see, inevitably, further spread widening in the municipal bond market.”

TUESDAY HOT VIEW: IT'S NOT JUST PEGGY | Newsradio 620 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Talk, Sports, Weather | Charlie Sykes


Why aren’t businesses hiring?

Why aren’t businesses hiring? Washington Examiner
"Then a simple final paragraph, which could have come from a Wall Street Journal or Washington Examiner editorial:
“Uncertainty: there has been a tremendous amount of change over the last 12 months. Businesses are still trying to figure out what that means for their own bottom line. Until there are firm answers, they will freeze hiring.”

What kind of change over the last 12 months?
Who’s been producing that change?
Stewart doesn’t say, but it’s not too hard to figure out.
This is as pungent and concise an indictment of the Obama Democrats’ vast expansion of the size and reach of government as I’ve seen anywhere."

Monday, July 05, 2010

We Five - You Were On My Mind

YouTube - We Five - You Were On My Mind (Never seen before - great quality!)

GREAT SONG!....I'm still in love with Beverly Bivens...

Malveaux Hates Fourth of July - Reminds Her of Slavery and Economic Inequality

Malveaux Hates Fourth of July - Reminds Her of Slavery and Economic Inequality NewsBusters.org
"If you were African-American living in the era of President Barack Obama, would you hate the Fourth of July because it reminded you of slavery and economic inequality?

You would if your name was Julianne Malveaux and you were the syndicated columnist that also serves as the president of Bennett College, the historically black women's school in Greensboro, North Carolina."

Muskegon Bike Time

Muskegon Bike Time
"Muskegon, Michigan will once again host what is dubbed as 'America's fastest growing bike event!'

For three days , the largest city on the eastern shores of Lake Michigan will be host to the 4th Annual Muskegon Bike Time, the ultimate Steel Horse Nationals."

With the US trapped in depression, this really is starting to feel like 1932

"The US workforce shrank by 652,000 in June, one of the sharpest contractions ever.
The rate of hourly earnings fell 0.1pc. Wages are flirting with deflation."

This is "hope"?

It certainly is change......

"Why We Hate the Oil Companies"

Book Parties and Festivals - 2010 Book Expo America: Author Interview with John Hofmeister, "Why We Hate the Oil Companies" - Book TV

This is REALLY excellent!
If you want to talk to an expert, a sober thinker on our energy future, take a few minutes to see this video (or read the book).

Had Enough Therapy?: The Hotness Gap

Had Enough Therapy?: The Hotness Gap
"You have to wonder why Baird is so thoroughly out of sorts about hotness gap between Republican and Democratic women, or better, between conservative women and feminists.

Why is she so worried that leftist men are now fantasizing about hot Republican women?

Here's a guess. Feminism and radical leftism has always tried to deal with dissent by making the dissenters into outcasts and pariahs.
If you disagree with the basic dogmas of feminist ideology you will, in many communities, be shunned from polite society."

There are many places in this country where men hesitate to admit that they are Republicans because they will not just lose friends, but they will lose dating opportunities.

Many women openly brag that they will not date Republicans; often they will not even talk with them.

Say something nice about Sarah Palin in many communities and you will immediately be labeled as deranged.

I do not even want to think about what it is going to do to your sex life.

If all women are feminists, then this strategy can work.
But if the most attractive women are Republicans, then it will start breaking down.
If a man had to choose between a fantasy date with Nikki Haley or one with Elena Kagan, which would he choose?
If he had to choose between being married to Sarah Palin or being married to Hillary Clinton, who would he prefer?
Read this!

Ken Schram: Gregoire's incredible arrogance

Ken Schram: Gregoire's incredible arrogance KOMO News - Breaking News, Sports, Traffic and Weather - Seattle, Washington Ken Schram
"I don't know why every news organization in the Puget Sound isn't outraged.

Democrat or Republican, I don't know why every news consumer in Puget Sound isn't outraged.

Channel 5 Investigative Reporter Susannah Frame put together a series of stories detailing how the Washington state ferry system is wasting millions and millions of taxpayer dollars."

If Gregoire was a republican would the liberal Washington media be so....compliant?

Local aid cuts hit staff, pay, services in cities and towns

Local aid cuts hit staff, pay, services in cities and towns - The Boston Globe
"Hundreds of city and town employees are being laid off across Massachusetts as the recently signed state budget forces communities to cut back on librarians, police, teachers, and other workers to balance the books."

Progressive Mag Editor Hates Fourth of July: Patriotism Leads to Fascism

Progressive Mag Editor Hates Fourth of July: Patriotism Leads to Fascism NewsBusters.org
"As amazing as it might seem, the 27-year-old Matthew Rothschild was just getting warmed up (h/t Weasel Zippers):

You can call me unpatriotic if you'd like, but really I'm anti-patriotic.
I've been studying fascism lately, and there is one inescapable fact about it:
Nationalism is the egg that hatches fascism.
And patriotism is but the father of nationalism.
Patriotism is not something to play with. It's highly toxic. When ingested, it corrodes the rational faculties. [...]
Plus, it's a war toy, wheeled out whenever a leader needs to improve his ratings by attacking some other country-often after invoking God's name, too. [...]
But as for me, between God, country, and apple pie, I'll take the apple pie."

French parliament to vote on proposed veil ban

French parliament to vote on proposed veil ban - swissinfo
"A French bill to ban full-face veils worn by some Muslim women in public will go to parliament Tuesday, bringing closer a measure which critics argue is hard to enforce and may be unconstitutional."

Veterans Affairs head blasts administration over hospital incident

Veterans Affairs head blasts administration over hospital incident - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
"“It's outrageous, one, that this happens, but even worse is this secretive, almost cover-up mode that they go into when something like this happens,” Rep. Bob Filner (D-Calif.) said on CNN Monday."

No MSM outrage over BarryO's admin....

NASA Chief: Next Frontier Better Relations With Muslim World

FOXNews.com - NASA Chief: Next Frontier Better Relations With Muslim World
"NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a recent interview that his 'foremost' mission as the head of America's space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world."

Why morning people rule the world

Why morning people rule the world Life & Style
"The problem is that those with the genetic gift of “morning-ness” tend to be more highly rewarded.
Morning-ness is perceived as a sign of activity and zest, whereas evening-ness implies laziness and loafing."

Barack Obama: The great jobs killer

WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Barack Obama: The great jobs killer - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com
"As former President Ronald Reagan might have said, 'Obama, there you go again.'

The current occupant of the White House claims to know how to create jobs.
He claims jobs have been created.
But so far the score is Great Obama Depression 2.2 million lost jobs, Obama 0 -- a blowout."

Summer meal program called crucial; Michigan kids missing out

Summer meal program called crucial; Michigan kids missing out freep.com Detroit Free Press
"But there's plenty of room to grow, state and local officials say."

Free food 24/7/365 for Barry's kids!
Ain't socialism great!!

A Good Tax Gone Bad?

A Good Tax Gone Bad? [Mackinac Center]
"The two politicians referenced were former state Rep. Bill Huizenga, R-Zeeland, and current state Sen. Wayne Kuipers, R-Holland — both of whom voted to create the MBT in June of 2007. Each is now an announced candidate to replace Hoekstra."

Howard Davidowitz: U.S. Economy "Is a Complete Disaster"

Howard Davidowitz: U.S. Economy "Is a Complete Disaster"

The U.S. economy is in shambles and Americans will continue to see high unemployment and lower living standards in the years to come, Howard Davidowitz tells Henry and Aaron in the accompanying clip.

Davidowitz lays much of the blame for the economy's woes at the feet of the Obama administration, which he calls "the worst of my lifetime."

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Plastic Bags: Untapped Tax Gold Mine?

Plastic Bags: Untapped Tax Gold Mine? - ABC News
"Who knew the lightweight disposable sacks, which millions of shoppers use every day to lug home groceries and take-out, could help states bring in much needed revenue.

Starting next year, Seattle residents will pay for disposable bags at stores.

At least, that's what some policymakers have proposed.

Only one US city – Washington, D.C. – has successful instituted a plastic bag tax, but at least 13 other states are considering one."

They will NEVER offer spending cuts!
They will only offer more taxes on the little people!
The democrats/liberals/progressives are the most aggressive cancer on the American lifestyle ever imagined!

Where Did the Tea-Party Anger Come From?

Works and Days » Where Did the Tea-Party Anger Come From?
"But at some point — perhaps triggered by the radical increase in the public sector under Obama, the militancy of the SEIU, or the staggering debts — the public snapped and has had it with whining union officials and their political enablers who always threaten to cut off police and fire protection if we object that there are too many unproductive, unnecessary, but too highly paid employees at the Social Service office. In short, sometime in the last ten years public employees were directly identified with most of what is now unsustainable in the U.S. The old idea that a public servant gave up a competitive salary for job security was redefined as hitting the jackpot."

AP Quietly Lowers the 'Normal' Unemployment Bar to 6%

AP Quietly Lowers the 'Normal' Unemployment Bar to 6% NewsBusters.org
"Those looking for evidence that there is a move afoot in the establishment press to lower the bar for whatever economic accomplishments might be accomplished during the Obama administration will be interested in how the Associated Press's report on the government's June jobs report defined 'normal' unemployment."

Friday, July 02, 2010

There Are too Many Bureaucrats and They Are Paid too Much

YouTube - There Are too Many Bureaucrats and They Are Paid too Much

Wal-Mart Benefits Local Farmers and Suppliers

CARPE DIEM: Wal-Mart Benefits Local Farmers and Suppliers
"Here's a new story from NPR

'Wal-Mart Helps Small Farms Supply 'Local' Foods,' that explains how 'The company wants to revitalize small and midsize farms in the U.S. and has begun a program to increase the amount of local produce sold in Walmart stores.

The program also benefits consumers, who have access to fresher food, as well as Wal-Mart itself.'"

Oh Canada! All Eyes Down South!

Pension Pulse: Oh Canada! All Eyes Down South!
"Canada's economic recovery, which appeared so strong earlier this year, seems to have hit a rough patch.

The country's gross domestic product was unchanged in April from the month before, Statistics Canada said Wednesday.

Economists were expecting 0.2 per cent growth in GDP for the month.

That compared to a 0.6-per-cent GDP expansion in March.

It marked the first time in eight months that the Canadian economy did not expand and comes on the heels of 6.1- per-cent annualized growth in the first quarter of this year, the strongest expansion in more than a decade.

Statistics Canada said there was a 'large decline' in the retail sector in April, and lesser contractions in manufacturing and utilities, which were offset by gains in mining, wholesale, the public sector and construction."

Health overhaul may mean longer ER waits, crowding

Health overhaul may mean longer ER waits, crowding
"– Emergency rooms, the only choice for patients who can't find care elsewhere, may grow even more crowded with longer wait times under the nation's new health law.

That might come as a surprise to those who thought getting 32 million more people covered by health insurance would ease ER crowding.
It would seem these patients would be able to get routine health care by visiting a doctor's office, as most of the insured do.
But it's not that simple."

Thursday, July 01, 2010

AG's Office Knew About Hangar42 Months Ago

G.R. Press: AG's Office Knew About Hangar42 Months Ago [Mackinac Center]
"Attorney General Mike Cox's office knew about concerns regarding the Hangar42 film studio as early as February, according to a story in today's Grand Rapids Press.

Cox, however, did not officially announce an investigation of the film subsidy deal until a day after being called on to do so by Mackinac Center Legal Foundation Director Patrick J. Wright."

The Dodd-Frank Financial Fiasco

John B. Taylor: The Dodd-Frank Financial Fiasco - WSJ.com
"The sheer complexity of the 2,319-page Dodd-Frank financial reform bill is certainly a threat to future economic growth.
But if you sift through the many sections and subsections, you find much more than complexity to worry about.

The main problem with the bill is that it is based on a misdiagnosis of the causes of the financial crisis, which is not surprising since the bill was rolled out before the congressionally mandated Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission finished its diagnosis."

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Spend, Baby, Spend!

Spend, Baby, Spend! - Reason Magazine
"Not long ago, President Barack Obama ordered the creation of a commission that would report back to him with policy recommendations on cutting the federal deficit.
And as great leaders throughout history have proved, the most effective way to tend to any intergenerational crisis is to create a bipartisan commission to study it—but only after midterm elections.

You, the public, are only asked to suspend your disbelief and accept that the president is deeply worried about the deficit, the huge national debt, and the federal spending explosion.
As a candidate, after all, the president assured us that he would scour the budget 'line by line' for any wasteful spending, yet today we've seen the national debt climb to $13 trillion, and federal spending is nearly 25 percent of gross domestic product.
Washington likely will spend $1.56 trillion more than it took in last year—putting the Bush administration to shame."

National debt soars to highest level since WWII

National debt soars to highest level since WWII - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com
"The federal debt will represent 62% of the nation's economy by the end of this year, the highest percentage since just after World War II, according to a long-term budget outlook released today by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office."

And the future seemed great then!

Does it seem great today?

Firing Public Union Workers Creates Jobs

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Firing Public Union Workers Creates Jobs
"Public unions in New Haven, Connecticut have not yet gotten the message that business-as-usual no longer flies.

I am quite happy with that because the city responded by dumping public workers and privatizing services, and that is exactly what needs to happen.

Firing public union workers actually creates jobs."

check it out!

2nd man killed in alleged South Knox County burglary

2nd man killed in alleged South Knox County burglary ID'd » Knoxville News Sentinel
"Both of the men killed during an alleged South Knox County home burglary Sunday night had criminal records, according to the Knox County Sheriff's Office."

Our world is a better place!

Police Reopen Sex Abuse Case Against Al Gore KPTV Portland

Police Reopen Sex Abuse Case Against Al Gore - Your Vote News Story - KPTV Portland
"Portland police have reopened the case regarding sex abuse allegations made in 2006 against former Vice President Al Gore."

Seems to me it started back with this thug-kiss....

Jobs Market Barely Budges in June as Hiring Stays Weak

Jobs Market Barely Budges in June as Hiring Stays Weak - CNBC
"It also supported fears that the short and tepid recovery from the worst recession since the 1930s was fizzling.

'There is really no way to characterize this number other than disappointing,'"


Spending $trillions dollars on political pork and attacking business owners with new taxes and regulations didn't increase employees!

Who'd of guessed?

Where Did the Tea-Party Anger Come From?

Works and Days » Where Did the Tea-Party Anger Come From?
"Why is the Angry Public so Angry?
I think we all know why the Tea Party movement arose—and why even the polls do not quite reflect the growing generic anger at incumbents in general, and our elites in particular.

There is a growing sense that government is what I would call a new sort of Versailles—a vast cadre of royal state and federal workers that apparently assumes immunity from the laws of economics that affect everyone else."

FBI: Spies Hid Secret Messages on Public Websites

FBI: Spies Hid Secret Messages on Public Websites Danger Room Wired.com
"Steganography is simultaneously one of the oldest methods for secret communications, and one of the more advanced.

The process dates back to the fifth century B.C., when the Greek tyrant Histiaeus shaved the head of one of his servants, tattooed a message on his head, and waited for his hair to grow back before sending the messenger out.

When the courier arrived, his head was shaved and the missive was read, giving information about upcoming Persian attacks."

VA hospital may have infected 1,800 veterans with HIV

VA hospital may have infected 1,800 veterans with HIV - CNN.com
"A Missouri VA hospital is under fire because it may have exposed more than 1,800 veterans to life-threatening diseases such as hepatitis and HIV."

This is "free" government healthcare.......

Read this thread!

Lucianne.com News Forum - Thread
Birthers,’ Polls and Public Ignorance
New York Times, by Staff

There’s a new poll out, from Vanity Fair and 60 Minutes, showing that 24 percent of Americans don’t think that Barack Obama was born in the United States.
On MSNBC last night, Chris Hayes asked me about it, and I tried to suggest that polls like this should be taken with a large grain of salt — both because Americans will happily express all kinds of outlandish opinions to a pollster without necessarily meaning much by them (does almost half the public really believe in U.F.O.s

Sorry Ladies...what goes around, comes around. How many believed some of these falsehoods promulgated by the MSM and other leftists: Bill Clinton was impeached because he had sex with an intern.
GWB lied about Saddam's WMD. 9/11 was an inside job.
0bama was a Constitutional Law Professor.
The SCOTUS 'selected' GWB to be president etc....
Sorry, but even if 0bama was born in America, he is NOT American."

Read the rest of these insightful responses!

Democrats add teacher money to war funding bill

Democrats add teacher money to war funding bill - Yahoo! News

"House Democrats, who are trying to pass a long-stalled war funding bill this week, have attached $10 billion to help local school districts avoid teacher layoffs when schools reopen."

Is it about time we realized just who the teacher unions really care about?

have you ever wondered why all those Disney kids are so cute and perky?

Couple o' kids vids - Maggie's Farm
"I love behind-the-scenes exposés, as I’m sure you do.

For example, have you ever wondered why all those Disney kids are so cute and perky?

Wonder no more."

Must see video!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sheryl Crow: Tea Partiers Are Too ‘Uneducated’ to ‘Understand What’s Happening on Wall Street’

Sheryl Crow: Tea Partiers Are Too ‘Uneducated’ to ‘Understand What’s Happening on Wall Street’ NewsBusters.org
"Pop-star and courageous anti-toilet-paper crusader Sheryl Crow apparently has a new political concern: Tea Partiers.
The country crooner told CBS journalist Katie Couric that Tea Party members are uneducated, angry and potentially dangerous in an interview with Glamour magazine this June."

Ludacris dazzles 11,000 at Summer Celebration

Review: Ludacris dazzles 11,000 at Summer Celebration MLive.com
"One thing is for sure.
Summer Celebration had the right idea by bringing in Ludacris.
Rap hasn’t been as commonplace at the main stage shows in the past as other genres, and they would do well to include more of it next year."

Well, 11,000 on a Monday night is a great turnout.

It looks like having a "black night" at MSC does bring out the fans.

How many were African americans?

Wouldn't that be "inclusive"?

The Public Pension Crisis

The Way We Live Now - The Public Pension Crisis - NYTimes.com
"Ever since theWall Street crash, there has been a bull market in Google hits for “public pensions” and “crisis.”

Horror stories abound, like the one in Yonkers, where policemen in their 40s are retiring on $100,000 pensions (more than their top salaries), or in California, where payments to Calpers, the biggest state pension fund, have soared while financing for higher education has been cut.
Then there is New York City, where annual pension contributions (up sixfold in a decade) would be enough to finance entire new police and fire departments."

It is coming to EVERY community in our country!

The Cost of Unions

The Cost of Unions - Veronique de Rugy - The Corner on National Review Online
"The Cost of Unions [Veronique de Rugy]

Here is interesting some data:
Unionized public sector workers have much higher average wages and benefits than nonunionized public sector workers.

Bureau of Labor Statistics data in Table 2 show that union members have a 31-percent advantage in wages and a 68-percent advantage in benefits.

This line bears repeating: 'Union members have a 31-percent advantage in wages and a 68-percent advantage in benefits.'

That's from Chris Edwards' work on Public Sector Unions here.
He adds that even when one controls for the fact that states with generally higher wages tend to be more unionized, public-sector unions increase average pay levels by roughly 10 percent.

This information is interesting in the context of the following chart.

It shows that in 2009, for the first time ever, more public-sector employees (7.9 million) belonged to a union than did private-sector employees (7.4 million) despite there being five times more wage and salary workers in the private sector.

This helps explain some of the disparities between public- and private-sector compensation."

AdMan | Advertising that Sells

AdMan Advertising that Sells: "How to write a blog that sells"

Sex complaint against Gore is detailed, credible

Sex complaint against Gore is detailed, credible Washington Examiner
"Finally she got away. Later, she talked to friends, liberals like herself, who advised against telling police.
One asked her 'to just suck it up; otherwise, the world's going to be destroyed from global warming.'"

Airline Food Fails To Meet Health Standards

Airline Food Fails To Meet Health Standards - wcbstv.com
"It turns out, however, the biggest safety issue you face while flying could be the food served by the airlines."

They serve food on airlines?

Who'd have guessed?

Inside the Black Panther case

ADAMS: Inside the Black Panther case - Washington Times

On the day President Obama was elected, armed men wearing the black berets and jackboots of the New Black Panther Party were stationed at the entrance to a polling place in Philadelphia.
They brandished a weapon and intimidated voters and poll watchers.
After the election, the Justice Department brought a voter-intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party and those armed thugs.

I and other Justice attorneys diligently pursued the case and obtained an entry of default after the defendants ignored the charges.
Before a final judgment could be entered in May 2009, our superiors ordered us to dismiss the case.

The New Black Panther case was the simplest and most obvious violation of federal law I saw in my Justice Department career.
Because of the corrupt nature of the dismissal, statements falsely characterizing the case and, most of all, indefensible orders for the career attorneys not to comply with lawful subpoenas investigating the dismissal, this month I resigned my position as a Department of Justice (DOJ) attorney.

The federal voter-intimidation statutes we used against the New Black Panthers were enacted because America never realized genuine racial equality in elections.
Threats of violence characterized elections from the end of the Civil War until the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965.

Before the Voting Rights Act, blacks seeking the right to vote, and those aiding them, were victims of violence and intimidation.
But unlike the Southern legal system, Southern violence did not discriminate.
Black voters were slain, as were the white champions of their cause.
Some of the bodies were tossed into bogs and in one case in Philadelphia, Miss., they were buried together in an earthen dam.

Based on my firsthand experiences, I believe the dismissal of the Black Panther case was motivated by a lawless hostility toward equal enforcement of the law.
Others still within the department share my assessment.
The department abetted wrongdoers and abandoned law-abiding citizens victimized by the New Black Panthers.
The dismissal raises serious questions about the department's enforcement neutrality in upcoming midterm elections and the subsequent 2012 presidential election.

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has opened an investigation into the dismissal and the DOJ's skewed enforcement priorities. Attorneys who brought the case are under subpoena to testify, but the department ordered us to ignore the subpoena, lawlessly placing us in an unacceptable legal limbo.

And the democrooks tell us there is no voter fraud.
And their willing enablers in the MSM parrot the lie.

Their evil plan is simple:
1. Cover up EVERY case of voter fraud, even if it's GOPers cheating.(that's because democrook cheating is WAAAY more prevalent)

2. When voter fraud is reported by some renegade medium, bury it, deny it, make fun of the accusation.

3. When there is video, audio and dozens of eye witnesses, send it to Obama's "justice department" and, after the outrage has quieted, dismiss the case, order attorneys to illegally ignore subpoenas and deem it never to have happened.

4. Fully expect the MSM to actively bury the facts.

This is our Obama-nation folks.

Will Congress Kill Volunteer Fire Departments?

Will Congress Kill Volunteer Fire Departments? - HUMAN EVENTS
"House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D.-S.C.) wants to include the Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act as part of the war supplemental coming before the House this week.

The bill forces state and local governments to collectively bargain with police, firefighters and emergency workers.

Its critics say it would compel volunteer firefighters to join unions, threatening the survival of America's nearly 26,000 volunteer fire departments."

Fannie-Freddie Bailout Could Cost Taxpayers $1 Trillion

Fannie-Freddie Bailout Could Cost Taxpayers $1 Trillion - CNBC
"For American taxpayers, now on the hook for some $145 billion in housing losses connected to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loans, that amount could be just the tip of the iceberg.
According to the Congressional Budget Office, the losses could balloon to $400 billion.

And if housing prices fall further, the cost to the taxpayer could hit as much as $1 trillion."

Monday, June 28, 2010

BYRON YORK: Sex complaint against Gore is detailed, credible

BYRON YORK: Sex complaint against Gore is detailed, credible; Could this be Gore’s real ‘Inconvenie…

BYRON YORK: Sex complaint against Gore is detailed, credible; Could this be Gore’s real ‘Inconvenient Truth’?

Anybody else notice that this came out right after Gore started criticizing the White House over the oil spill?

Plus, condoms in the hotel “treat box?”
Was that an “intimacy kit?”
What kind of hotel was this? . . . .
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 4:53 pm"

CARPE DIEM: MCAT Scores for Medical Students by Gender

CARPE DIEM: MCAT Scores for Medical Students by Gender
"In the most recent year of 2009, men scored higher on average by 1.50 points (31.6 men vs. 30.1 women), which is a statistically significant difference"

The Jones Act: Lost at sea

The Jones Act: Lost at sea - Juneau Empire
"Who would have thought the Gulf oil spill would make a 90-year-old law newsworthy?

The Merchant Marine Act of 1920, also known as the Jones Act, was meant to save the merchant marine industry by requiring ships that plied American waters be built in the United States and manned by American crews.

After the oil started gushing, lawmakers started demanding that the government waive the law to speed international assistance for the cleanup.

What the White House can't waive, however, is the ongoing damage caused by the Jones Act.

The policies it embodies are a remnant of a worldview that contributed to economic collapse and the Great Depression."

CARPE DIEM: Quote of the Day

CARPE DIEM: Quote of the Day
"'Hillsdale College is one of the last true meritocracies.
There's no place on its application for racial identity, and it doesn't know the racial make-up of its student body until it shows up on campus in the fall.

'The purpose of education is not diversity,' Hillsdale President Larry Arnn says.

'It's truth.''

~Detroit News"

12% pure hope

Wolf Files: 12% pure hope
"DRUDGE: President Obama: 'Very difficult choices ahead' on deficits. Translation: increase taxes.

Flashback: Most Americans view the Deficit Commission as cover to raise taxes.

The only thing transparent about this administration is their undisciplined explosive spending and their willing to raise destructive taxes to cover it."

Sen. Robert Byrd not only was a KKK member but led his local Klan chapter

Sen. Robert Byrd not only was a KKK member but led his local Klan chapter The Daily Caller
"Byrd joined the Klan at the ripe young age of 24 — hardly a young’un by today’s standards, much less those of 1944, when Byrd refused to join the military because he might have to serve alongside “race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds,” according to a letter Byrd wrote to Sen. Theodore Bilbo at the height of World War II."

Texas Store Sells American Flag With 61 Stars

FOXNews.com - Texas Store Sells American Flag With 61 Stars
"The Dollar Tree's assistant store manager told WFAA.com that the flag is sold as a 'patriotic banner' and not as an American flag."

RBS tells clients to prepare for 'monster' money-printing by the Federal Reserve

RBS tells clients to prepare for 'monster' money-printing by the Federal Reserve - Telegraph
"Andrew Roberts, credit chief at RBS, is advising clients to read the Bernanke text very closely because the Fed is soon going to have to the pull the lever on 'monster' quantitative easing (QE)'.

'We cannot stress enough how strongly we believe that a cliff-edge may be around the corner, for the global banking system (particularly in Europe) and for the global economy.

Think the unthinkable,' he said in a note to investors."

States of Crisis for 46 Governments Facing Greek-Style Deficits

States of Crisis for 46 Governments Facing Greek-Style Deficits - Bloomberg
"Still, California isn’t Greece.

It’s home to Silicon Valley, Hollywood and a $27 billion agriculture industry.

“It’s unbelievable,” says Bob Nichols, CEO of Windward Capital Management Co. in Los Angeles.

“How do you screw up a place with the growth capability of California?

It’s so dysfunctional.”"

Styx, Foreigner time slots changed for Tuesday concert

Styx, Foreigner time slots changed for Tuesday concert MLive.com
"In that spirit, contrary to what had previously been reported, Summer Celebration officials today were notified that Styx will be the headliner of Tuesday evenings concert at Heritage Landing.
Foreigner will go on at 7 p.m., Styx will follow at 8:50."

unrestrained spending debt and taxes

The Free Enterprise Nation - unrestrained spending debt and taxes
"The federal government says that national debt is $13.5 TRILLION, yet they plan to borrow another $1.5 trillion this year, and another $7 trillion over the next decade.

Meanwhile, experts say that there is ANOTHER $106 trillion of HIDDEN debt for Social Security and Medicare, and the government’s own pension plan for civilian and military pensions is completely unfunded.

Congress has just guaranteed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac debt, and these two “financial black holes” have guaranteed $8 trillion of unworthy mortgages!"

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Why I'm going to be VERY careful where I put my money this summer | Mail Online

Why I'm going to be VERY careful where I put my money this summer Mail Online: "Here are two essential pieces of advice. Anyone planning to travel to Eurozone countries during the summer should consider what has previously been unthinkable - the fate of euro notes and coins if the single currency falls apart.
I believe it is inevitable that Greece and Portugal will pull out of the euro at some stage, and when that happens there will be little or no warning.
In these extreme circumstances, the euros issued by these two countries might be converted back to drachmas and escudos - leaving the value of them in jeopardy.
Of course, under European Central Bank rules the value of this money ought to be fully protected, but who knows what will happen if there was a major crisis.
Certainly, on my travels, I'm going to be wary of accepting euro notes with serial numbers that are prefixed with the letters Y (coming from Greece) or M (from Portugal).
I shall also strongly steer clear of notes with the serial numbers starting G (Cyprus), S (Italy), V ( Spain), T ( Ireland) and F (Malta).
This might sound as if I'm being ridiculously alarmist, but you cannot be too careful.
However, other euro notes should be reasonably safe."

How Marines welcome a President


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Favorite Star Spangled Banner rendition

Favorite Star Spangled Banner rendition

This is a pretty cool link for us America lovers.

Decision to use on-duty officers for funeral procession of David Brown Jr. spurs outrage

Decision to use on-duty officers for funeral procession of David Brown Jr. spurs outrage CRIME Blog dallasnews.com
"A cop-killer who is the son of the Dallas police chief continued to stir deep emotions Friday as he headed to his grave.
An apparent last-minute decision by a deputy police chief to provide assistance during part of David Brown Jr.'s funeral procession angered some police associations. The city manager quickly issued a written statement distancing herself and Chief David Brown from the decision.
'This was not a planned event nor a full honor escort,' according to the statement issued late Friday afternoon evening by Dallas City Manager Mary Suhm. 'The action will be fully investigated and may lead to disciplinary action.'
Officers said the assistance included 10 to 12 motorcycles and at least one squad car.
David Brown Jr., who killed Lancaster police Officer Craig Shaw and an innocent bystander June 20 before being shot by other officers, was buried in Lincoln Memorial Cemetery in Dallas."


RealClearPolitics - Video - Biden Calls Manager Who Told Him To Lower Taxes A "Smartass"

RealClearPolitics - Video - Biden Calls Manager Who Told Him To Lower Taxes A "Smartass"

Retro Thing: MS 760 Paris Jet: The ultimate way to fly, 1950s style

Retro Thing: MS 760 Paris Jet: The ultimate way to fly, 1950s style

Also at the airshow today and tomorrow!

The Real Top Gun

The Real Top Gun Military Aviation Air & Space Magazine
"As the F-14 tomcat rounded the fantail on the aircraft carrier’s port side, Dale Snodgrass whipped it into an 85-degree banked turn. With its right wingtip below the flight deck, the jet sliced past the spectators, rolled wings level and pulled up into the vertical S of a double Immelman, then shot back down into a high-G aero­batic performance that flung mist off the wings like fur in a catfight."

He flys at the MSC airshow today and tomorrow!

Ottawa County paid to settle lawsuit over immigrants getting marriage licenses

Ottawa County paid to settle lawsuit over immigrants getting marriage licenses MLive.com
"The county paid $13,350 to settle a recent federal lawsuit over a former county policy that required people to give Social Security numbers to get a marriage license.
Attorneys for the Los Angeles-based Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund were paid the settlement money, said Douglas VanEssen, an attorney for Ottawa County."

‘Don’t Taze My Granny!’

‘Don’t Taze My Granny!’ « LewRockwell.com Blog
"Understandably alarmed — and probably more than a little disgusted — by the presence of uninvited armed strangers in her home, Lona ordered them to leave. This directive, issued by a fragile female octogenarian confined to a hospital-style bed and tethered to an oxygen tank, was interpreted as “aggressive” behavior by Officer Thomas Duran, who ordered one of his associates : “Taser her!”

“Don’t taze my granny!” exclaimed Tinsley."

Friday, June 25, 2010


There the folks who run Milwaukee County. A classic moment of cluelessness courtesy of Milwaukee County Supervisor Peggy West, who shares her geographical insights Thursday during a debate over a boycott of Arizona."

This is TOO funny.....if "funny" is the destruction of a politician's brain.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

MCCARTNEY: Global-warming skeptics same as Holocaust deniers...

Exclusive Paul McCartney chat The Sun Features
"The Beatles legend said: 'Sadly we need disasters like this to show people.
Some people don't believe in climate warming - like those who don't believe there was a Holocaust."

Get a great view of the air show, fireworks on the LST-393

Get a great view of the air show, fireworks on the LST-393 MLive.com
"The USS LST-393 has a two-for-one deal this weekend: Tour the historic ship and get a great view of Muskegon’s air show.

The World War II landing craft will be open Saturday and Sunday for tours for a $5 donation, and people on board each afternoon will have a front-row seat for the Summer Celebration Air Show scheduled for 12:30-3 p.m. both days."

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Half of all modified mortgages redefault within a year

Half of all modified mortgages redefault within a year - Yahoo! Finance
"More than half of all homeowners with modified mortgages fell at least two months behind in their payments a year after the adjustment was made, according to a federal report released Wednesday."

Taste of Muskegon winners announced

Taste of Muskegon winners announced MLive.com

Spring Lake's Christ Community Church removes cross, changes name to C3Exchange

Spring Lake's Christ Community Church removes cross, changes name to C3Exchange MLive.com
"Lawton gave a sermon March 21 likening using the cross as a symbol of Christ’s life to using a bullet to remember Martin Luther King Jr. He said that opinion is his and not the church’s."

Maywood to lay off all city employees, dismantle Police Department

Maywood to lay off all city employees, dismantle Police Department L.A. NOW Los Angeles Times
"The city of Maywood will lay off all city employees and begin contracting police services with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department effective July 1, officials said.
In addition to contracting with the Sheriff's Department, the Maywood City Council voted unanimously Monday night to lay off an estimated 100 employees and contract with neighboring Bell, which will handle other city services such as finance, records management, parks and recreation, street maintenance and others.
Maywood will be billed about $50,833 monthly, which officials said will save $164,375 annually.

'We will become 100% a contracted city,' said Angela Spaccia, Maywood's interim city manager."

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

EDITORIAL: The Golfer in Chief - Washington Times

EDITORIAL: The Golfer in Chief - Washington Times
"Marathon golf sessions often with high-roller partners are only one aspect of Mr. Obama's growing image problem.
While America suffers, Mr. Obama is hosting gala events at the White House, hanging out with rock stars, making pro-forma photo ops and then returning to Washington to 'clear his mind.'
We're surprised to hear that his mind is cluttered with anything, but he does have a busy travel schedule.
Last week, for example, Mr. Obama spent between $500,000 and $1 million of taxpayer money to fly to Ohio to deliver a 10-minute speech touting his purported achievements.
Because of the presidential presence, the work site Mr. Obama visited was closed for the day, taking work hours away from the working man.

'That's $200 we are missing out on,' said construction worker George Harrison.
'Everybody needs to eat, right?'
Eat cake, George."

Following a state trend, Muskegon pulls lifeguards to save money

Following a state trend, Muskegon pulls lifeguards to save money MLive.com
"Brubaker-Clarke said cutting the lifeguards will save the city about $26,000.

The city might decide to reinstate the lifeguard program in the future, she said, but probably won’t have the funds to do so anytime soon.

“Given the fact that we need to make significant cuts and have done so over previous years ... some of the extras that are important, but not as important, we’ve had to cut,” she said."

Finance Bill's Devilish Details

Finance Bill's Devilish Details - IBD - Investors.com
"Subprime Scandal: Much of the 2,000-page draft of the Democrats' finance reform bill could have been written by Acorn, and probably was."

Magnificent Motorcycles, Part 1

Dark Roasted Blend: Magnificent Motorcycles, Part 1

Public sector staff spend 9 fewer years at work and earn 30% more than private employees

Public sector staff spend 9 fewer years at work and earn 30% more than private employees Mail Online: "Great jobs apartheid:

Public sector staff spend nine fewer years at work over lifetime than private employees AND earn 30% more"

And they tell the Brits there is no "fat" to cut?

Now they tell us: Detroit School Board President Otis Mathis was a D-student in high school, went to college in a program for the academically unqualified, now resigned in disgrace after habitually masturbating in front of School Superintendent

theblogprof: Now they tell us: Detroit School Board President Otis Mathis was a D-student in high school, went to college in a program for the academically unqualified, now resigned in disgrace after habitually masturbating in front of School Superintendent:

"Detroit School Board President Otis Mathis was a D-student in high school, went to Wayne State University in a program for the academically unqualified, sued for his degree because he couldn't pass a basic English test, became a community organizer, eventually was unanimously elected President of the School Board despite his being unqualified (just like our Community Organizer-In-Chief)."

Ain't affirmative action great?

The Runaway General | Rolling Stone Politics

The Runaway General Rolling Stone Politics
"'How'd I get screwed into going to this dinner?' demands Gen. Stanley McChrystal."

Here's the article

29-year-old Mayfield Heights man admits killing infant daughter with boiling water

29-year-old Mayfield Heights man admits killing infant daughter with boiling water cleveland.com
"A 29-year-old father pleaded guilty today to killing his 9-month-old daughter with boiling water.

The plea meant Joseph Nemitz avoided the death penalty.
He was sentenced for aggravated murder to 30 years to life in prison."

This monster "avoided the death penalty"?!!!!

Another Marylander Arrested for Recording the Police

Another Marylander Arrested for Recording the Police - Reason Magazine
"Sheriff's Cpl. Patrick Handy's report explained that Shaw was standing about 12 feet from him, and that Shaw 'did admit to recording our encounter on her cell phone for the purpose of trying to show the police are harassing people.'"

TALKING ABOUT WHAT TO DO WITH MCCHRYSTAL, over at The Hill. Plus, a reader emails: “Is it just me,…

Plus, a reader emails: “Is it just me, or is Michael Yon on the cusp of total, absolute vindication regarding his harsh criticism of McChrystal?” Well, this suggests his concerns had some basis, doesn’t it?

UPDATE: Flashback: Media Promoted Military Criticism Of President Bush. Well, sure.
Under a Republican President, it’s listen to the generals.
Under a Democratic President, it’s all about civilian control of the military.
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 2:01 pm"

Hoyer: Permanent middle class tax cuts too costly

Hoyer: Permanent middle class tax cuts too costly
"House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said Tuesday that tax increases will eventually be necessary to address the nation's mounting debt, raising a difficult election-year issue as Democrats fight retain control of Congress."

Prosecutors Make Use of Broader Vision on Hate Crimes - NYTimes.com

Prosecutors Make Use of Broader Vision on Hate Crimes - NYTimes.com
"The legal thinking behind the novel method is that New York’s hate crimes statute does not require prosecutors to prove defendants “hate” the group the victim belongs to, merely that they commit the crime because of some belief, correct or not, they hold about the group."

State Rep. Dave Agema hopes to outlaw marriages for illegal immigrants

State Rep. Dave Agema hopes to outlaw marriages for illegal immigrants MLive.com
"State Rep. Dave Agema, R-Grandville, said today he would introduce legislation to prevent illegal immigrants from obtaining marriage licenses.
The move comes after lawsuits were filed against clerks in Kent and Ottawa counties over a requirement that applicants possess a Social Security number -- a requirement that essentially denied marriage licenses to illegal immigrants."

Sounds OK to me.

Monday, June 21, 2010

From the comments: Is Michigan not cool because workers are unqualified?

From the comments: Is Michigan not cool because workers are unqualified? MLive.com
"Michigan needs young professionals to be cool, but it needs to be cool to attract young professionals."


Michigan needs JOBS to be cool and feel-good spend-a-thons like the Cool Cities debacle hemorrhage tax money out the door.

And high taxes to support these moronic boondoggles sends employers out of our state.

Kimble in favor of ‘shoot to wound’ bill

Kimble in favor of ‘shoot to wound’ bill : Niagara County : The Buffalo News
"When the Niagara County Legislature took up a resolution last week opposing a bill in the State Assembly that would require police officers who shoot suspects to death to be arrested for manslaughter, most members viewed it as an easy “yes” vote.
And indeed, the resolution condemning the so-called “shoot to wound” bill passed 18-1.

The one member in favor of the bill was Legislator Renae Kimble, D-Niagara Falls.

My legislative colleagues live in a different world than I live in,” said Kimble, the Legislature’s only black member, who represents inner-city Niagara Falls."

If you don't think democrats live in a different planet, think again!

US manufacturing crown slips

FT.com / China - US manufacturing crown slips
"The US remained the world’s biggest manufacturing nation by output last year, but is poised to relinquish this slot in 2011 to China – thus ending a 110-year run as the number one country in factory production."

president Barry must be SO proud!

Senator: Obama Told Me He's Not Securing Border on Purpose

Senator: Obama Told Me He's Not Securing Border on Purpose The FOX Nation
"On June 18, 2010, Arizona Republican Senator Jon Kyl told the audience at a North Tempe Tea Party town hall meeting that during a private, one-on-one meeting with President Obama in the Oval Office, the President told him, regarding securing the southern border with Mexico,

“The problem is, . . . if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’” [Audible gasps were heard throughout the audience.]

Sen. Kyl continued, “In other words, they’re holding it hostage.
They don’t want to secure the border unless and until it is combined with ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’”"

Let's call president scumbama on this one!

Is defending our borders dependent on AMNESTY to millions of democrat voting illegals?

Build a water plant, engineers advise Norton Shores and Fruitport Township

Build a water plant, engineers advise Norton Shores and Fruitport Township MLive.com
"A study conducted by an engineering firm has concluded the best alternative, based on rate costs and long-term investment, is for Fruitport Township and Norton Shores to build their own water filtration plant."

This is what "consolidation" brings.

Out damned spot!

Let's dump the crooks who are holding us hostage!

Ohio State recruit shot, in critical condition

Ohio State recruit shot, in critical condition
"Ohio State recruit Jamel Turner was shot this morning around 1 AM when he was with another girl, the girls ex-boyfriend broke into the house and shot them both.

The girl was killed instantly, while Jamel was able to call 911.

They arrested the man, but Jamel was rushed to the hospital were he was in critical condition for most of the day and then passed away not to long ago."

Doubly weird from April 2010:
