Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Mau-Mauing the Free Press

The American Spectator : Mau-Mauing the Free Press
"Lee Bollinger, president of Columbia University, host to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and newly appointed head of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, says government should get into the business of subsidizing journalism.
Like other Obama appointees, he says he is concerned that, with the changes in the financial structure of journalism, Americans might be deprived 'of the essential information they need as citizens.'

It's not difficult to imagine that one of those 'needs' would be a more 'balanced' view of President Obama.

Can anyone doubt that an administration that was willing to Madoff General Motors' bondholders in favor of its own union supporters would not exercise maximum bias in subsidizing the press?
Mr. Bollinger, practicing the glib and oily art to speak and purpose not, is a harbinger of Venezuelan-style gangster journalism."

Monday, August 02, 2010

Heroism in ambush may yield top valor awards

Heroism in ambush may yield top valor awards - Navy News, news from Iraq - Navy Times
"With no air or artillery support, the Marines of Embedded Training Team 2-8 were trapped deep in a kill zone in eastern Afghanistan.
Their radios worked only sporadically, and dozens of insurgents fired on them repeatedly from three sides.

“We’re surrounded!” Gunnery Sgt. Edwin Johnson yelled into his radio in the early-morning hours of Sept. 8, 2009.
“They’re moving in on us!”"

The Secret History of Climate Alarmism

The Secret History of Climate Alarmism The Weekly Standard
"Changes in the earth’s atmosphere, the additional greenhouse effect and the resultant changes in the climate .  .  . represent a global danger for humanity and the entire biosphere of the earth.
If no effective counteracting measures are taken, dramatic consequences are to be expected for all of the earth’s regions.

This warning will undoubtedly seem familiar, perhaps even mind-numbingly so.
But if the substance sounds like the same-old same-old, the date on which it was issued might seem surprising.
It was not in the run-up to the Copenhagen climate summit or indeed anytime in the last decade.
The above passage is nearly two decades old.
It comes from a resolution adopted by the German Bundestag in September 1991."

Obama's Immigration Power Play

The American Spectator : Obama's Immigration Power Play
"Last week, the Obama administration got Clinton-appointed Judge Susan Bolton to at least temporarily throw out key provisions of Arizona's immigration law.

Within 24 hours came more evidence that they weren't done eviscerating immigration enforcement yet.

That proof came in the form of an astonishing internal memo outlining ways the United States Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS) could effectively legalize at least tens of thousands of illegal immigrants even if Congress fails to enact amnesty.

Some would be granted resident status with the USCIS simply giving them green cards.
Others would be allowed to evade deportation, possibly indefinitely."

Climate Profiteers

Climate Profiteers - IBD - Investors.com
"And what are those goals, and just what has GEPAC accomplished thus far? 'On climate change,' Rice wrote, 'we were able to work closely with key authors of the Waxman-Markey climate and energy bill, recently passed by the House of Representatives. If this bill is enacted into law, it will benefit many GE businesses.'"

Climate Profiteers

Climate Profiteers - IBD - Investors.com
"And what are those goals, and just what has GEPAC accomplished thus far? 'On climate change,' Rice wrote, 'we were able to work closely with key authors of the Waxman-Markey climate and energy bill, recently passed by the House of Representatives. If this bill is enacted into law, it will benefit many GE businesses.'"

Layoffs to gut East St. Louis police force

Layoffs to gut East St. Louis police force
"East St. Louis has been crippled by crime and poverty for decades. Police officials say the cuts will mean fewer officers for patrols, investigations and juvenile cases.
Fire officials said the region should be upset because the department will have fewer people at the ready to fight fires on some of the region’s major highways and bridges"

Oops! Obama mama passport 'destroyed'

Oops! Obama mama passport 'destroyed'
"Last week, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the State Department released passport records of Stanley Ann Dunham, President Obama's mother – but those records for the years surrounding Obama's 1961 birth are missing.

The State Department claims that a 1980s General Services Administration directive had resulted in the destruction of many passport applications and other 'non-vital' passport records, including Dunham's 1965 passport application and any other passports she may have applied for or held prior to 1965.

Destroyed, then, would also be any records shedding light on whether Dunham did or did not travel out of the country around the time of Barack Obama's birth."


Pastor sticks up for modern view of God

Pastor sticks up for modern view of God - Religion - NewsObserver.com
"As Duke's campus minister for the United Church of Christ, the Rev. Mark Rutledge helped lead weekly worship services - reading Scripture and reciting the creed. He counseled students about their faith and took part in interfaith activities on campus.
But Rutledge is the first to admit he does not believe in a supernatural God with supernatural powers.
'The cosmic guy in the sky is not a credible image of God,' he said."

Chicago: Where Criminals No Longer Fear the Police

Pajamas Media » Chicago: Where Criminals No Longer Fear the Police
"(Chicagoans might find some comfort in the knowledge that the murder rate in Detroit is almost twice as high as theirs, and New Orleans’s is more than three times as high.)"

Sunday, August 01, 2010

The Auto Bailout Payback

The Auto Bailout Payback [Mackinac Center]
"President Barack Obama went on the TV show 'The View' and told the cast that all the taxpayer money his administration spent to bail out General Motors and Chrysler will be repaid.
The Mackinac Center for Public Policy experts talk about their take on the impact of the auto bailouts"

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Paperwork nightmare: A struggle to fix new law

Paperwork nightmare: A struggle to fix new law
"Tucked into the new health care law is a requirement that could become a paperwork nightmare for nearly 40 million businesses.
They must file tax forms for every vendor that sells them more than $600 in goods."

Congress Passed an Arizona-Like Immigration Law in 1996

Congress Passed an Arizona-Like Immigration Law in 1996 - Chris Battle (usnews.com
"The federal law that has been on the books for more than decade … empowers state and local law enforcement to impose immigration law. According to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, more than 60 jurisdictions in states across the country have taken advantage of this law."

NUGENT: It is us

NUGENT: It is us - Washington Times
"NUGENT: It is us
We're the ones who allowed anti-Americans to take over America"

Administration considers going around Congress to let illegal immigrants stay

Administration considers going around Congress to let illegal immigrants stay Washington Examiner
The Obama administration, unable to push an immigration overhaul through Congress, is considering ways it could go around lawmakers to let undocumented immigrants stay in the United States, according to an agency memo."

From the "You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up" File: ADA vs. Chipotle; Happy 20th Birthday ADA

CARPE DIEM: From the "You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up" File: ADA vs. Chipotle; Happy 20th Birthday ADA
"'The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled this week that customers in wheelchairs are being denied the full 'Chipotle experience' of watching their food being prepared because Chipotle's 45-inch counters are too high.'"

Friday, July 30, 2010

California fiscal emergency declared by governor

California fiscal emergency declared by governor Reuters
"In the declaration, Schwarzenegger ordered three days off without pay per month beginning in August for thousands of state employees to preserve the state's cash to pay debt obligations, and for essential services."

We Michiganders are on our way there if we don't stop the spending NOW!

The Volt - G.M.’s Electric Lemon

The Volt - G.M.’s Electric Lemon - NYTimes.com
"For starters, G.M.’s vision turned into a car that costs $41,000 before relevant tax breaks ... but after billions of dollars of government loans and grants for the Volt’s development and production.
And instead of the sleek coupe of 2007, it looks suspiciously similar to a Toyota Prius.

It also requires premium gasoline, seats only four people (the battery runs down the center of the car, preventing a rear bench) and has less head and leg room than the $17,000 Chevrolet Cruze, which is more or less the non-electric version of the Volt.

In short, the Volt appears to be exactly the kind of green-at-all-costs car that some opponents of the bailout feared the government might order G.M. to build.
Unfortunately for this theory, G.M. was already committed to the Volt when it entered bankruptcy.
And though President Obama’s task force reported in 2009 that the Volt “will likely be too expensive to be commercially successful in the short term,” it didn’t cancel the project."

Not a Real News Network Anyway, MSNBC Announces Name and Format Change: Welcome to MPTV - Big Journalism#more-101193#more-101193

Watch for BIG changes in MSNBC in september!

"O boy, is this great!"

the Origins of the 'Acting White' Phenomenon

Author John McWhorter Dissects the Origins of the 'Acting White' Phenomenon
"a crucial reason for the gap in scholarly performance between even middle-class black students and white ones was that to be Young, Gifted and Black is often to also find oneself tarred as ''acting white'' by black peers"

There seems to not be an issue to the NAACP or it's personal political party, the democrats.
But Andrew Breitbart is a BIG deal!
Anyone sense a lack if seriousness here....

Three Unpaid Parking Tickets? No License!

Three Unpaid Parking Tickets? No License! [Mackinac Center]: "Three Unpaid Parking Tickets? No License!By Ken Braun July 27, 2010
Motorist with three or more unpaid parking tickets at one time should be looking warily over their shoulder at what state politicians are doing with legislation that has cleared the Michigan House but come to a stall in the Senate.
House Bill 4726, sponsored by Rep. Roy Schmidt, D-Grand Rapids, would have the Secretary of State deny a driver license renewal to any motorist with as few as three unpaid parking tickets. The bill cleared the Michigan House last October on a vote of 68-37."

"No other problems happenin' here folks....just workin' on the things that REALLY matter folks...."
This is your democrat party in Michigan folks!

Muskegon County Youth Fair keeps kids focused on rural living

• What: 83rd Annual Muskegon County Youth Fair
• When: Monday through Saturday.
Monday is entry day.
The fairgrounds will be open 8 a.m. to around 10 p.m."

This is a great time for young and old!

Phoney "Tea Party" candidates exposed!

Grand Haven Tribune a Michigan Newspaper
"Two candidates nominated by The Tea Party to run for state Senate seats won't be on the ballot because they're too young.
Thirteenth District Senate candidate Thomas Murdock of Troy and 15th District Senate candidate Heather Sartorius of New Hudson were both born in 1990 and won't be 21 by Jan. 1, 2011, the date they'd take office if they won.
That violates the state constitution.
A secretary of state spokeswoman says they're ineligible to appear on the Nov. 2 ballot.

Requests for comment left today with Murdock and Sartorius were not immediately returned.
The two were among 23 candidates nominated over the weekend by The Tea Party.

Unaffiliated tea partiers and Republicans are fighting to keep The Tea Party off the ballot."

The Michigan Tea Party movement has no affiliation with ANY political party.
This "Tea Party" is a phony scheme to disenfranchise voters by confusing them.
It is a creation of  the democrat party and its progressive/union thugs in order to steal another election.
We real Muskegon Tea Party members and all Tea Party members statewide are working very hard to expose and decertify this politial abomination.

Faithless Lawmakers

Faithless Lawmakers - WSJ.com: "Since the NPVIC would be legally unenforceable, only political pressure could be brought to bear to ensure that state legislatures stand by their commitments to it. Would this be enough? Let's put the question in starkly partisan terms: If you're a Republican, do you trust Massachusetts lawmakers to keep their word, and to defy the will of the voters who elected them, if by doing so they would make Sarah Palin president?"

This an IMPORTANT issue.
It a scheme by the democrats to have it both ways.

Pot Reviewer Gets Paid To Get High

Pot Reviewer Gets Paid To Get High - WBAL Baltimore
"DENVER -- A Denver man gets paid to smoke pot and write about it as one of the first medical marijuana critics in the country."

Our liberal MSM setting "higher" goals for America...again...

How the pitchforks almost killed the Ford Explorer

De Lorenzo: How the pitchforks almost killed the Ford Explorer- The Michigan View
"De Lorenzo: How the pitchforks almost killed the Ford Explorer
In those dark days, when two of the Detroit Three were heading toward oblivion, and Ford was certain to follow, it was not unexpected that some within Ford would be vehemently against the idea of doing a new Explorer.

After all, the letters S-U-V had become the bane of Detroit’s existence.
Consumers were beginning to abandon the segment in droves as the political rhetoric generated by the virulent anti-car, anti-Detroit “intelligentsia” (and I use that term derisively as if you had to guess) in Washington and California and in the media (only thinly-disguised at that point and led, of course, by their Patron Saint, Thomas Friedman of the New York Times) was reaching a cacophonous crescendo."

Isn't it funny how quickly the rich liberals and their comrades in the MSM drop their hate for the SUV when they think it is now their "idea"?
Actually, it's not funny.
It's very sad.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

CARPE DIEM: Funding Electric Vehicles is a Battery-Dead Idea

CARPE DIEM: Funding Electric Vehicles is a Battery-Dead Idea
"Can a bunch of technocrats in Washington really make better decisions than free consumers in the marketplace?
No economic or scientific case exists for subsidizing the electric vehicle.
The government should remain technology-neutral.
Subsidies hinder the ability of free enterprise to innovate and develop other advanced auto technologies like the hydrogen fuel cell.
The right way to create a diverse market for advanced technologies is to limit government involvement and introduce real tax reforms.

Government subsidies serve only to tilt the playing field and constrain the market's ability to operate.
They are not in America's best interests.
Funding electric vehicles is a battery-dead idea."

Fake Political Party Runs Mystery Candidates

Fake Political Party Runs Mystery Candidates [Mackinac Center]
"Snyder was part of a list of 23 candidates the newly formed Tea Party political group released Tuesday.

The Tea Party is suspected of being a Democrat front to skim unaware voters who may generally support the genuine grass roots tea party movement but be unaware that isn't supportive of a third party."

Who Is Behind the 'Tea Party' Party?

Who Is Behind the 'Tea Party' Party? [Mackinac Center]
"A tea party organizer says he has found the smoking gun that links the Democratic Party to the controversial 'Tea Party' that is running candidates and seeking official ballot status in Michigan.

A 'Jason Bauer' is listed on recent federal election documents and state campaign donation documents as the 'political director' of the Oakland County Democratic Party.
A 'Jason H. Bauer' signed the affidavits as the notary on nine of the mysterious Tea Party Political candidates' paperwork turned in to the state of Michigan.

A 'Jason H. Bauer' has registered twice to run for office in Oakland County, once as a Democrat in May of this year.
Both times, the Auburn Hills home address given by 'Jason H. Bauer' is the same as the 'Jason Bauer' who is identified as the Oakland County Democratic Party political director on the state and federal campaign documents."

Beckmann: No BP in Kalamazoo

Beckmann: No BP in Kalamazoo themichiganview.com The Michigan View
"That hasn't stopped the Utopians though.

'The horrific pictures coming in of the oil spill in Calhoun County area underscore just how imperative it is for Michigan to move toward...wind and solar instead of relying on outdated fuels like oil,' said Clean Water Action Michigan Director Cyndi Roper in a typically exploitive, exaggerated response.

I'm not sure what 'horrific' pictures the environmentalists are viewing but the only potential 'disaster' here would be another misguided response like that of the Obama administration when it shut down oil exploration in the Gulf and immediately jeopardized 20,000 jobs.

Now, THAT is creating a 'crisis.'"

Michigan Stimulus Recipients Failing to Report

Michigan Stimulus Recipients Failing to Report – Part 2 [Mackinac Center]
"more than two dozen Michigan companies, colleges and agencies which failed to tell the government how they used nearly $59 million over the past two reporting periods. (fourth quarter 2009 and first quarter 2010.)"

Driver in fatal crash convicted of murder after he 'catapulted over the bounds of human decency' with .425 blood-alcohol level

Driver in fatal crash convicted of murder after he 'catapulted over the bounds of human decency' with .425 blood-alcohol level
"Franco-Avina faces life in prison with the possibility of parole when he is sentenced on Aug. 25.
If he is paroled, he likely will be deported."

Nice PC reportage...no mention the murderer is an ILLEGAL!

Second opponent cries foul over Jay Riemersma's campaign tactics, files complaint with Federal Election Commission

Second opponent cries foul over Jay Riemersma's campaign tactics, files complaint with Federal Election Commission MLive.com
"Former state Rep. Bill Huizenga on Thursday filed a formal complaint against political opponent Jay Riemersma for what he called illegal attack ads against Huizenga and another candidate seeking the 2nd Congressional District's Republican nomination."

The Amnesty Memo

The Amnesty Memo - Robert VerBruggen - The Corner on National Review Online
"According to an internal U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services memo going the rounds of Capitol Hill and obtained by National Review, the agency is considering ways in which it could enact “meaningful immigration reform absent legislative action” — that is, without the consent of the American people through a vote in Congress.

“This memorandum offers administrative relief options to . . . reduce the threat of removal for certain individuals present in the United States without authorization,” it reads."

The Golden Witch Hunt: Left-Wing, Mainstream Media Target Gold Advertisers

The Golden Witch Hunt: Left-Wing, Mainstream Media Target Gold Advertisers
"“A secret tax has been discovered in ObamaCare.
Is there really a connection between both and your health?
How did this happened?”
Kudlow said. “[T]his is an incredible story – gold and ObamaCare and the deal is it's a hosing for small business just to put some meat on the bones.
Every time one of these gold bullion dealers makes a trade – a gold bullion dealer and everyone’s buying gold coins – if it’s above $600, they're going to have to file a 1099 IRS form.
Some of these guys may have to file 10,000 forms in a year.”"

The IPCC, Climate Change and Solar Sophistry

The IPCC, Climate Change and Solar Sophistry

My Tax Burden

My Tax Burden: "Fill out the left-hand column and click Calculate to estimate your 2011 income tax under three scenarios"

County workers 'spike' retirement pay - Government - Modbee.com

County workers 'spike' retirement pay - Government - Modbee.com
"Nearly all of Stanislaus County's management employees and more than 75 percent of rank-and-file workers cash out unused vacation time to 'spike' their retirement pay, according to a study."

Everyone is on the hook for city of Bell benefits

Letters: Everyone is on the hook for city of Bell benefits- The Orange County Register
"And so now it comes to light that the 'enraged' folks of Bell actually made it possible for their city employees to earn the outrageous salaries by way of Measure A, which was approved by the apparently uninformed voters of Bell ['Bell residents want more resignations,' Front page, July 24].

This is why I cringe every time I hear an ad telling people they must vote. Just vote – it's your duty.
Nary a word is ever said about making an informed vote or to please stay home if you are not aware of the issues.

Obviously the voters of Bell should have studied the Measure a bit more closely before they voted or they should have just stayed home.

And to add insult to injury, we, the tax paying people of California are on the hook to pay the outrageous pensions of the officials that were allowed the salaries by the approval of an uninformed populace.
The fine folks of Bell, many of whom are below poverty, aren't paying the taxes that will go toward paying these con-artists until their death, but my husband and I will, even though we never would have voted to allow such a horrible Measure to pass."

Party at the DOJ: Golf, Pool Parties and other Fun on the Taxpayer Dime

Party at the DOJ: Golf, Pool Parties and other Fun on the Taxpayer Dime - Big Government
"Untold millions of your tax dollars are paying for recreation in the name of crime prevention: pool parties, rollercoaster rides, and police donut-eating contests.
The idea is that fun activities keep kids out of trouble, build self-esteem and prevent crime.

CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports the problem is the money comes from the Department of Justice – which doesn’t even have enough resources to keep up on analyzing foreign intelligence.
Now, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)has found nobody is measuring just how much is spent on the recreation – or whether it even works.

Sen.Tom Coburn, R-Okla., estimates well over $100 million tax dollars over five years has been spent on recreation to fight crime.
Coburn says poor tracking leads to questionable spending.
At least $200,000 was spent for officials to attend conferences at golf resorts in Florida and Palm Springs, or a film festival featuring “Santa, The Fascist Years.”

Many of the grants are earmarked by Congress without the normal public review.
Justice Department officials told the GAO that it makes them harder to scrutinize.
So they rely on recipients to follow the rules: not all of them do."



The BP Spill: Has the Damage Been Exaggerated?

The BP Spill: Has the Damage Been Exaggerated? - TIME
"President Obama has called the BP oil spill 'the worst environmental disaster America has ever faced,' and so has just about everyone else."

Right up there with the swine flu "PANDEMIC!!!"

Who's coming to the Tea Party?

Petoskey News-Review - Who's coming to the Tea Party?
"A group calling itself the 'Tea Party' filed more than 59,000 signatures to get it placed on the Michigan general election ballot as an official party.
Many grassroots organizers say they don't want an official party and call the move by a relatively unknown former UAW worker, a trick by Democrats to splinter voters support, reminiscent of Republicans supporting independent Ralph Nader to fracture independent voter support in the George W. Bush, Al Gore election in 2000 presidential election."

Year of the Tea Party Voter

Year of the Tea Party Voter - WSJ.com
"The party-affiliation breakdown of the 'pox on all politicians' segment is fascinating.

Only 44% are Republicans, while 34% are independents and 21% are Democrats.

That breakdown roughly mirrors the profile of people who in other polls identify themselves as Tea Party supporters.

Interestingly, however, PPP finds that only about 35% of the 'angriest segment' actually call themselves Tea Partiers.

That's compared to about 25% of voters in the electorate as a whole who identify themselves as Tea Party supporters."

These are the voters most likely to vote for the phony "tea party" candidates that are now set up in Michigan by the liberal/union supporters of the democrat party.

Many independents are angry with both parties but know what the Tea Party movement stands for.

Few will realize that the official "tea party" that will be on the ballot in 29 Michigan races are leftist/socialist phonies.   

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

SEC Says New FinReg Law Exempts It From Public Disclosure

FOXBusiness.com - SEC Says New FinReg Law Exempts It From Public Disclosure
"So much for transparency.
Under a little-noticed provision of the recently passed financial-reform legislation, the Securities and Exchange Commission no longer has to comply with virtually all requests for information releases from the public, including those filed under the Freedom of Information Act.
The law, signed last week by President Obama,"

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

NEW: Shirley Sherrod’s Husband Caught On Video!

NEW: Shirley Sherrod’s Husband Caught On Video!
"this time, we get to meet Mr. Charles Sherrod through his own video clip giving a speech in January 2010 on the “white man and his Uncle Tom.“ Keep in mind, this speech was given in 2010, after Obama has won the election and been in office a good year. Maybe he just didn’t get that news?
Charles Sherrod: …”“We must stop the white man and his Uncle Toms from stealing our elections!”"

G.M. Puts $41,000 Price Tag on the Volt

G.M. Puts $41,000 Price Tag on the Volt - NYTimes.com
"The Chevrolet Volt, a plug-in car capable of driving about 40 miles at a time on battery power without using any gasoline, will have a sticker price of $41,000 before a $7,500 federal tax credit, General Motors said Tuesday."

So the federal government (that's us, folks) is subsidizing its own auto company to the tune of $7,500/car.
Doesn't ANYONE see anything nuts about this?

In wake of witness affidavit, Mike Cox denies attending wild Manoogian party

In wake of witness affidavit, Mike Cox denies attending wild Manoogian party MLive.com
"WDIV, the Detroit Free Press and Fox 2 report attorney Norman Yatooma has obtained a sworn affidavit from a motorcycle club member who says he worked security at the party and saw Cox receive a lap dance and Carlita Kilpatrick assault stripper Tamara 'Strawberry' Greene."

"Strawberry" was sitting on his cox?

Monday, July 26, 2010

'If Hizbullah strikes, we hit Lebanon'

'If Hizbullah strikes, we hit Lebanon'
"He told the newspaper that since the Lebanese goverment is allowing Hizbullah to rearm, 'we will not run after each Hizbullah terrorist or launcher. . . . We will see it as legitimate to hit any target that belongs to the Lebanese state, not just to Hizbullah.'"

National Data: If Obama Has Stepped Up Enforcement, Why Suppress The Numbers?

VDARE.com: 07/21/10 - National Data: If Obama Has Stepped Up Enforcement, Why Suppress The Numbers?
"No photo ops. No press coverage.
But more illegals displaced from jobs Americans need?
That is the implication.

Well, there really isn’t any.
We don’t know how many illegals were arrested in the workplace last year or how many were fired by employers seeking to avoid criminal prosecutions.
For some strange reason, Immigration And Customs Enforcement’s latest “Workplace Enforcement Overview” does not present enforcement activity for FY2009, the first year President Obama could sway the agency’s agenda.

So the NYT’s Preston merely recycles ICE boilerplate:
'Over the past year, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has conducted audits of employee files at more than 2,900 companies.
The agency has levied a record $3 million in civil fines so far this year on businesses that hired unauthorized immigrants, according to official figures.'

Let’s see.
About 7 million illegal aliens are estimated to be working in the United States—so the Administration is fining employers an average 43 cents per illegal alien worker.
Not exactly a fearsome prospect."

CALIFORNIA PENSION REFORM » Bell city manager’s pension could top $30 million

CALIFORNIA PENSION REFORM » Bell city manager’s pension could top $30 million
"If Bell city manager Robert Rizzo retires and lives another 30 years, he could collect about $30,000,000 over the life of his pension.
Here’s a good summary"

$30,000,000 for one city employee?!!!!!!!

Taking What is Not Yours

Taking What is Not Yours NetRight Daily
"Don’t be fooled by Obama’s plan for America’s Great Outdoors Initiative.
The claims are more land is in need of protection and more American’s should have the benefit of seeing the great outdoors in their natural state, but the government already owns 1 out of every 3 acres in the U.S. — 1 out of every 2 acres in the West"

Obama Bingo Game

Obama Bingo Game
"Obama Speech Bingo
Scroll down to the speech video.
Click a word on the bingo board when you hear it."

Obama Lawyers Pursue Electronic Card Check as Alternative to Legislation 

Obama Lawyers Pursue Electronic Card Check as Alternative to Legislation NetRight Daily
"Unfortunately, the public’s elected representatives may not have the final say where labor policy is concerned.
Craig Becker, a recess appointee to the NLRB with strong ties to organized labor, has made it clear that he favors taking administrative action without congressional approval."

This is electronic "CARD CHECK"!

HMM: Sherrod: “We Must Stop The White Man And His Uncle Toms …”

Instapundit » Blog Archive » HMM: Sherrod: “We Must Stop The White Man And His Uncle Toms …”
“First, a note of heartfelt appreciation for Joan Walsh of Salon.
Her moving post on Charles Sherrod – in defense of his wife, Shirley – provided the inspiration required to dust off my Google skills.
I simply had to fulfill her stated desire to share the actual words of Civil Rights icon Charles Sherrod with her readers, so touched was I by her profound tribute.

And she’s been swamped on TV, justifying Shirley Sherrod calling Fox and Andrew Breitbart racist.

I can only hope she will be kind enough to direct her readers here, so we can all share his unique wisdom on race relations together, as one.
That is, after all, the way it should be, is it not, Joan?”"

I'm thinking the MSM prefers to examine Breitbart rather than ...say....their new heroine Shirley.

Socialist "JournoListas"

New Zeal: Socialist "JournoListas"
"The now closed down JournoList, has caused considerable controversy in recent weeks.
According to its opponents, JournoList, teamed up some 400 prominent "progressive" journalists in an effort to smooth Barack Obama's path to the White House.

There have been accusations that 'Journolitstas', deliberately sought to downplay Obama's association with the marxist Rev. Jeremiah Wright and tried to smear conservatives, or opposing journalists as 'racists'.

This post looks at 106 reported 'Journolistas' to look for connections or common threads."

Excellent analysis of the "vast left wing conspiracy" the leftist MSM continues to bury.

Markets in Everything: The Pedal Pub

CARPE DIEM: Markets in Everything: The Pedal Pub
"Markets in Everything: The Pedal Pub"

Drink (and peddle) your way to a cleaner environment!

Obama puts Shirley Sherod away in an undisclosed location. Or is it the MSM?

theblogprof: Obama puts Shirley Sherod away in an undisclosed location. Or is it the MSM?
"Marlow makes a valid point too, and that it may well be the MSM, and not Obama, that is keeping Sherrod off the air:

Considering the Shirley Sherrod interview barrage that took place last Thursday, to not see Sherrod on television Sunday morning sends a clear signal the mainstream media no longer feels allowing the public to get to know the real Shirley Sherrod advances their agenda.

So is it the White House or the MSM?
Or both?"

Will gender discrimination rules put an end to ladies' night at bars?

Will gender discrimination rules put an end to ladies' night at bars? MLive.com
"The Minnesota Department of Human Rights issued a statement declaring ladies'-night promotions -- wherein female customers are offered discounted or free drinks in exchange for gracing a bar with their presence -- unfairly discriminate by gender and are in violation of the state's human rights act."

Disgrace: DOJ Fails to Protect Military Voting Rights

Pajamas Media » Disgrace: DOJ Fails to Protect Military Voting Rights
"In the 2008 presidential election, 17,000 soldiers, sailors, and Marines mailed home completed ballots that were never counted."

Medicaid paid dead people

Gantert: Medicaid paid dead people themichiganview.com
"There were Medicaid payments of perhaps up to $2 million paid to dead people or for people who had died before they received the medical service in question.
That was one of the more glaring findings in a recently released state audit of the Department of Community Health.
It states that as much as $4.4 billion over the past two years was not properly accounted for."

No faith in universities

EDITORIAL: No faith in universities - Washington Times
"Students also are subject to official sanction for intellectual heresy.
Twenty-four-year-old Augusta State University graduate student Jen Keeton was given the choice between attending a 'gay sensitivity' training course or being expelled.
Miss Keeton's crime in the eyes of the bureaucracy was saying that homosexuality was a lifestyle choice, not a 'state of being,'"

SNP: Lockerbie letters must be made public

SNP: Lockerbie letters must be made public - The Scotsman
"ALEX Salmond yesterday heaped pressure on the US and UK governments to publish crucial correspondence relating to the Lockerbie bomber, after it emerged the Obama administration had been willing to discuss alternatives to custody in the run-up to his release."

50 ways to make Michigan better

Special Report: Restructuring ideas: 50 ways to make Michigan better
"Restructuring ideas: 50 ways to make Michigan better

The Detroit News' editorial board is highlighting ideas from various groups to promote discussion on reform and restructuring government and the economy."

Oliver Stone: 'Jewish-Dominated Media' Prevents Hitler from Being Portrayed 'in Context'

Oliver Stone: 'Jewish-Dominated Media' Prevents Hitler from Being Portrayed 'in Context' NewsBusters.org
"Stone said that, 'Hitler did far more damage to the Russians than the Jewish people, 25 or 30 [million killed].'

The Sunday Times interviewer then asked why there was such a focus on the Holocaust.

'The Jewish domination of the media,' responded Stone.
'There's a major lobby in the United States.
They are hard workers.
They stay on top of every comment, the most powerful lobby in Washington.
Israel has f***** up United States foreign policy for years.'"

Another Liberal/Progressive icon speaks from his "heart".
Maybe we need more Baptists in the media.......muslims....?
Mel Gibson should be so lucky.....

Settlement expected for Detroit cop who ticketed Christine Beatty

Settlement expected for Detroit cop who ticketed Christine Beatty detnews.com
"The settlement is separate from a 2008 case in which $25,000 was paid out to end a defamation lawsuit brought by two police officers who pulled over Beatty in another suit.

The officers maintained she yelled at them, used profane language and asked 'do you know who the ... I am?'

After details of the stop became public, Kilpatrick implied in a radio interview that the officers violated her rights."

And the money comes from the Detroit-money-tree!
How cool is that!

The race for Michigan's governor

The race for Michigan's governor freep.com Detroit Free Press

Not all that bad considering the source....

Prosecutor: No arrests after shootings in Norton Shores, Muskegon Heights

Prosecutor: No arrests after shootings in Norton Shores, Muskegon Heights MLive.com
"Police were left searching for what triggered the fight and who fired the shots."

It's the Detroit culture...right here in our two tiny towns!
How proud the progressives must be!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

TED NUGENT: America's economic hari-kari

TED NUGENT: America's economic hari-kari - Washington Times
"Anyone with a lick of common sense will tell you that when you are in a hole, you need to quit digging.
Continuing to dig will only create a larger problem.
Do schools teach this?

Recently, even President Obama's national debt commission told him that his continuing spending orgy is digging America into a gigantic fiscal hole.

Next year, America's total debt is expected to exceed $14 trillion.
Each American's share of that debt totals just short of $50,000.
If Fedzilla would be honest and put all the figures on the table, we would see that we are in debt more than $100 trillion because of the financial obligations for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

That's $100 trillion.
One hundred percent predictable, 100 percent preventable."

The Nuge speaks the truth!
Will we listen?

Britain Plans to Decentralize National Health Care

"Even as the new coalition government said it would make enormous cuts in the public sector, it initially promised to leave health care alone."

And BarryO would force us into this debacle...yeah....

The sheriff shoots himself in the foot

The sheriff shoots himself in the foot themichiganview.com
"Bouchard answered 'supports' to a Detroit News query published Thursday about whether he backed the 'affirmative action ban.'
The question was in reference to the 2006 Michigan Civil Rights Initiative that banned racial preferences in state hiring and passed in a popular landslide with a huge majority of Republican voters.

Bouchard, however -- in keeping with his historically cautious style -- opposed the measure as a U.S. Senate candidate.
Other high-profile GOP moderates like Dick DeVos and Rick Snyder also ran for the tall grass at the time -- a retreat that ultimately victorious conservatives have never forgotten."

Let us not forget!

Welcome to The Michigan View

Welcome to The Michigan View themichiganview.com The Michigan View
"Welcome! To TheMichiganView.com, a lively, daily online site commenting on Michigan news.
The Michigan View brings you the best conservative writers and personalities in the state."

WOW, check out the contributors list!
This should be a daily visit for all of us!

The Most Valuable Comic Books of All Time

The Most Valuable Comic Books of All Time - CNBC

Bell council used little-noticed ballot measure to skirt state salary limits

"The highly paid members of the Bell City Council were able to exempt themselves from state salary limits by placing a city charter on the ballot in a little-noticed special election that attracted fewer than 400 voters.

Since passage of the measure, salaries for council members — part-time employees — have jumped more than 50%, from $61,992 a year to at least $96,996."

They can only succeed in the darkness of public lethargy.
Wake up and smell the fetid stink of corruption!

Green Jobs Training

Green Jobs Training [Mackinac Center]
"Ken Braun, managing editor of Michigan Capitol Confidential:
Government experts know the secret to making 'green energy' AND creating jobs?
And the formula is just adding more tax dollars?

The worst part of this fantastic fable is that it isn't even original.

Decades ago, the magic green bullet was ethanol.
The formula for ethanol, as the Wall Street Journal's Paul Gigot famously quipped, is 'corn plus your tax dollars.'"

Worst heat ever

"Don't sweat it, New York.
While this month's sizzling weather may feel unbearable, with the temperature hitting a high of 97 degrees yesterday, tying a record, it pales in comparison to the heat wave that city residents endured in the summer of '96 -- 1896, that is."

I grew up in NY in the 50-60s and remember the 100 degree days.
The eco-nazis would tell their faithful that me and those who remember should be shunned for our apostasy.
But we are still here...and shouting the truth!

New club strives to be welcoming, safe

"The former Cadillac Jacks at 760 W. Broadway has reopened as Carbon under new ownership and management.
The renovated club features an urban theme and VIP areas catering to ages 21 and up."


It seems that "urban theme" in Muskegon now means "Detroit style".

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Woman charged with murder in road death

Woman charged with murder in road death freep.com Detroit Free Press
"A 23-year-old Pontiac woman was charged with second-degree murder Friday after police say she caused an accident that killed a 21-year-old woman, a violent end to an argument that began on Facebook."

It's the culture, stupid....

Medical marijuana to be OK in some VA clinics

"Patients treated at Veterans Affairs hospitals and clinics will be able to use medical marijuana in the 14 states where it's legal, according to new federal guidelines."

What about "second hand smoke"?

Holland man who died after rescuing son in Lake Michigan identified

Holland man who died after rescuing son in Lake Michigan identified MLive.com
"His father Mark quickly swam to his son’s rescue, but was swept away himself after rescuers took the boy from his arms."

What a tragedy!
God rest his soul and give comfort to his family.

1 killed during '100 person gang fight' in Norton Shores

"NORTON SHORES, Mich. (WZZM) -- The Norton Shores Police Department is investigating a large fight that broke out in Norton Shores, after a man was shot and killed Saturday night.
The Norton Shores Police Department received reports of a large fight in the 700 block of West Broadway shortly after 2:00 a.m."

Isn't it time for Muskegon Heights to annex that part of town?

Union lists its endorsements

Letters: Union lists its endorsements MLive.com
"The following is a list of endorsed candidates for the UAW Community Action Program."

An excellent list of candidates NOT to vote for.

Absentee ballot alert!

I was just about to mail in my absentee ballot last week and add the required stamp when it occurred to me that the large envelope might need more than the regular $.44 first class postage.

I weighed the envelope (it was about 1oz) but wondered if the large size might require more postage.
I took it to the Muskegon PO and they measured it (OK) and weighed it, not OK.
The envelope with my ballot weighted 1.1oz and required a $.61 stamp.

The envelope states "add correct postage" or something like that.
There is no suggestion that more than a regular first class stamp is necessary.

Most citizens don't have postage meters in their homes.
The weight of the envelope is VERY close to 1oz, so even if someone weighed it they might not realize the tiny difference that would require more postage.

And MOST IMPORTANT, if the wrong postage is affixed, the letter will be returned and the vote may be lost.

My question is simple:

Why not provide postage-paid envelopes or at least alert the voter that this mailing might need more than a regular $.44 stamp?

I live in Norton Shores and NS has chosen NOT to alert the voters to this problem.

I don't know what other cities/townships are doing but if you want your absentee vote to count, weigh it, measure it and add the correct postage.

And demand that your government officials make it clear or provide free postage in the future.

And tell your friends who vote absentee!

Bell council defiantly defends outgoing officials' high salaries

Bell council defiantly defends outgoing officials' high salaries - latimes.com
"The Times revealed last week that Rizzo was earning a $787,637 annual salary, Adams $457,000 and Spaccia $376,288.
Experts said Rizzo appeared to be the highest-paid city manager in the nation.
He had nearly three years left on his contract, and it's unclear whether the city bought it out or whether he agreed to walk away without compensation."

This abuse will continue to happen if the salary and compensation of public workers continues to be secret from the public.

City Council hearing is set on TV show

City Council hearing is set on TV show detnews.com The Detroit News
"Detroit has gone Hollywood, and some City Council members are none too happy with the results.
Council members have scheduled a 2 p.m. Tuesday hearing to grill producers of the ABC cop drama 'Detroit 1-8-7' about its representation of Motown.
But it's unclear if anyone from the prime time series, which started filming in Highland Park this week, plans to appear."

Friday, July 23, 2010

Nix kicks; Roe gets low - LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe

Nix kicks; Roe gets low - LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe
"Kalin Lucas is on schedule to be back on the basketball court in the fall. What about everyone else?
I caught up with MSU assistant strength coach Mike Vorkapich, who spends more time with these guys than anyone else in the offseason.

So let's list it -- Top Ten July 22 MSU Basketball Individual Updates (courtesy of Vorkapich):"

Great insight into our next Hoops season!

Now The Media Demands Context When It Comes to Race

Now The Media Demands Context When It Comes to Race — Are You Kidding Me? - Big Journalism
"Lemme get this straight: the media is talking about context. They want context!
They’ve never cared about context in the past.
When a person talked like a racist there were no excuses, no context, no explanation, no recovery allowed or given.
Ask any conservative who’s been wrongly accused of being a racist knows exactly what I’m talking about.
The list is long.
Limbaugh, Beck, Allen, O’Reilley—on and on."

White Lake area has vivid new sculpture

White Lake area has vivid new sculpture MLive.com
"A colorful addition has been made to the White Lake area. This 22-foot sculpture, “Sailboat-Trees,” designed by George Ramsay, has permanently been placed in Covell Park on N. Thompson Street in Whitehall.

The project was sponsored by the Arts Council of White Lake with generous donations from the White Lake Community Fund and area citizens."

This is the way art should be purchased!

Lt. Col. West 'blacklisted' from charity gala

Lt. Col. West 'blacklisted' from charity gala
"Allen West, a retired U.S. Army officer and GOP candidate for Congress in Florida, claims he was disinvited from a high-profile charity fundraiser after his Democratic rival's wife 'prodded' donors to protest and 'blackmail' the organization."

Our national debt would horrify the Founders

Our national debt would horrify the Founders Washington Examiner
"In the period spanning the final year of George W. Bush's second term in the White House and President Obama's tenure to date, the national debt has exploded from $9.1 trillion to nearly $13.2 trillion, reaching 90 percent of the gross domestic product."

Tea party redux in Bell, California

American Thinker Blog: Tea party redux in Bell, California
"Bell, California has become the poster child for greedy public employees, a subject closely related to the TEA (taxed enough already) parties. The City Manager was making almost $800,000 a year, and the Police Chief nearly $500,000 in a city of under 40,000 souls.

Yet, because Bell is heavily Hispanic and lower income, few are making the connection between what happened there last night and the rise of the tea parties.
The two phenomena are closely related.

What happened in Bell Thursday night? Ruben Vives and Jeff Gottlieb of the Los Angeles Times report:"

Power to the people!

The Art of the Ann Arbor City Budget

The Art of the Ann Arbor City Budget [Mackinac Center]
"The debate in Ann Arbor, where firefighters are being laid off due to a multimillion dollar budget deficit, is over an $850,000 piece of art.
That's how much the city has agreed to pay German artist Herbert Dreiseitl for a three-piece water sculpture that would go in front of the new police and courts building right by the City Hall."

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Newark Budget Cuts

Newark Budget Cuts

"Things are getting so bad in Newark that the mayor has ordered the government to stop buying toilet paper.

It's part of Newark Mayor Cory Booker's belt-tightening plans that include reducing most city workers to a 4-day work week and shuttering city pools. Booker estimates that the pool closures alone would save $250,000.
He also says that no gas will be purchased for municipal vehicles that are not deemed critically important"

It's about time!
They do shitty "work".
They deserve to pay for their own TP!

Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Bill Cooper posts - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
"Bill Cooper, a congressional candidate in Michigan has updated the famous LBJ 'Daisy' Ad.

Instead of framing the decision to vote around national security and fear of nuclear war, the new ad uses the young girl counting the daisy petals to mark the growing national debt."

Great ad.
Great candidate!

Ballot slogan axed

Ballot slogan axed - JSOnline
"State elections officials Wednesday narrowly rejected a Milwaukee Assembly candidate's attempt to run with the slogan 'NOT the 'whiteman's bitch' ' under her name on the ballot.

Ieshuh Griffin, an independent candidate with a history of feuds with local officials, said in response she would sue the state Government Accountability Board for infringing on her freedom of speech."

The Tax Tsunami On The Horizon

The Tax Tsunami On The Horizon - IBD - Investors.com
"Many voters are looking forward to 2011, hoping a new Congress will put the country back on the right track. But unless something's done soon, the new year will also come with a raft of tax hikes — including a return of the death tax — that will be real killers.
Through the end of this year, the federal estate tax rate is zero — thanks to the package of broad-based tax cuts that President Bush pushed through to get the economy going earlier in the decade.
But as of midnight Dec. 31, the death tax returns — at a rate of 55% on estates of $1 million or more. The effect this will have on hospital life-support systems is already a matter of conjecture."

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Chetly Zarko, RIP

Chetly Zarko, RIP [Mackinac Center]
"Michigan has lost forever the contributions of a stalwart freedom fighter: Chetly Zarko was found dead this morning at the age of 39. Reportedly, he slipped away while reading, sitting in a chair in his apartment."

A stalwart soldier AND leader in the struggle for truth in Michigan.

He will be missed.

Our land is less free as a result of his passing.


Of Course Oakland Can't Afford These Cops

RealClearMarkets - Of Course Oakland Can't Afford These Cops
"At current levels of compensation, yes, Oakland cannot afford to maintain a police department with 776 employees.
That's because total compensation for an OPD employee averages an astounding $162,000 per year."

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

California Official's $800,000 Salary in City of 38,000 Triggers Protests

California Official's $800,000 Salary in City of 38,000 Triggers Protests - Bloomberg
"Hundreds of residents of one of the poorest municipalities in Los Angeles County shouted in protest last night as tensions rose over a report that the city’s manager earns an annual salary of almost $800,000.
An overflow crowd packed a City Council meeting in Bell, a mostly Hispanic city of 38,000 about 10 miles (16 kilometers) southeast of Los Angeles, to call for the resignation of Mayor Oscar Hernandez and other city officials. Residents left standing outside the chamber banged on the doors and shouted “fuera,” or “get out” in Spanish.
It was the first council meeting since the Los Angeles Times reported July 15 that Chief Administrative Officer Robert Rizzo earns $787,637 -- with annual 12 percent raises -- and that Bell pays its police chief $457,000, more than Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck makes in a city of 3.8 million people. Bell council members earn almost $100,000 for part-time work.
City Attorney Edward Lee said the council members couldn’t discuss salaries in public without advance notice."

RealClearPolitics - Video - Hillary Clinton: Pakistani Government Knows Where Bin Laden Is

RealClearPolitics - Video - Hillary Clinton: Pakistani Government Knows Where Bin Laden Is

Lawmaker Says Special Tax Favors Are 'Cronyism' [Mackinac Center]

Lawmaker Says Special Tax Favors Are 'Cronyism' [Mackinac Center]: "If a business is in need of a tax break, the quickest route may be the local politician.
State Rep. Justin Amash, R-Kentwood, recently called out his colleagues for submitting bills that created tax advantages for single businesses.
Amash called attention to Senate Bill 500, sponsored by State Sen. Tony Stamas, R-Midland. That bill was tailored to create a tax break for an electronics building in Gaylord. An expanded version was passed by the House and Senate"