Monday, September 13, 2010

Michigan budget deal for 2011

Michigan budget deal for 2011 [Mackinac Center]
"with the end of federal stimulus subsidies, revenue projections for the following fiscal year fall off a cliff.

The early retirement pension boost — similar to one already adopted for public school employees earlier this year — is essentially a one-time gimmick that at least in part steals from future taxpayers so that current legislators can spend more today."

Doomsday warnings of US apocalypse gain ground

Doomsday warnings of US apocalypse gain ground
"'The US has run out of bullets,' Roubini told an economic forum in Italy earlier this month.
"Any shock at this point can tip you back into recession.'"

Sunday, September 12, 2010


"a University of Queensland academic has posted an internet video of himself using a page from the Muslim holy book to roll and smoke what appears to be a joint"

Wow dude...what a rush....and it helps me with my pain.....dude....

Big party week for the Obamas

Big party week for the Obamas -
"President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama have a packed social schedule this week, with two major galas and a reception for college athletes."

And the sucka was too busy to show up at Ground Zero on 9-11........

Barack Obama is the most antibusiness president in a generation, perhaps in American history. - Magazine Article
"Barack Obama is the most antibusiness president in a generation, perhaps in American history.

Thanks to him the era of big government is back.

Obama runs up taxpayer debt not in the billions but in the trillions.

He has expanded the federal government's control over home mortgages, investment banking, health care, autos and energy.

The Weekly Standard summarizes Obama's approach as omnipotence at home, impotence abroad."

Imagining Islam

Imagining Islam - Article - National Review Online
"Such an Islam, over nine long years, would have risen up and made itself heard.

It would have identified by name and condemned with moral outrage the imposters purporting to act in its name.

It would have honored America’s sacrifice of blood and treasure in the liberation of oppressed Muslim peoples.

It would have said “thank you” to our troops.

It would have joined America, without ambiguity or hesitation, in crushing terror networks and dismantling the regimes that abet them.

It would not have needed trillion-dollar American investments to forge democracies; it would naturally have adopted democracy on its own."

It has done nothing other than support the Ground Zero mosque and accusing those who oppose it of racism and islamaphobia.

US state steps in to meet city’s debt cost / US / Economy & Fed - US state steps in to meet city’s debt cost
"The state of Pennsylvania has stepped in to help its capital city Harrisburg avoid a default by advancing next year’s state aid so that the money can be used to make a $3.3m bond interest payment due this week.

On Sunday, Ed Rendell, the governor of Pennsylvania, announced a $4.3m cash transfer and said missing the bond payment was “not an option”."

The collapse is coming!

Bribing the public with the public's money | Washington Examiner

Examiner Editorial: Bribing the public with the public's money Washington Examiner
"as government control and dependency increases, American competitiveness at home and abroad decreases.

The United States was ranked No. 1 by the Geneva-based World Economic Forum in 2008, but slipped to second place last year and is now fourth -- behind Switzerland, Sweden and Singapore.

In his 1835 classic 'Democracy in America,' Alexis de Tocqueville prophetically warned, 'The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.'

Now that the politicians have made that discovery, the issue is what will the public do about it this November."

Mich. child care workers sue to break from union

My Way News - Mich. child care workers sue to break from union
"Peggy Mashke tends to 12 children for 12 hours a day at her home, so she was surprised to get a letter welcoming her to the United Auto Workers union.

'I thought it was a joke,' said Mashke, 50, of northern Michigan's Ogemaw County.
'I work out of my home.
I'm not an auto worker.
How can I become a member of the UAW?
I didn't get it.'

Willing or not, Mashke and 40,000 other at-home providers are members of a labor partnership that represents people across Michigan who watch children from low-income families.

Two unions receive 1.15 percent of the state subsidies granted to those providers, or more than $1 million a year."

Thomas Edison, You're Under Arrest

Thomas Edison, You're Under Arrest - IBD -
"Eco-Extremism: A light bulb factory closes in Virginia as mandated fluorescents are made in China. It's now a crime to make or ship for sale 75-watt incandescent bulbs in the European Union. Welcome to green hell."

Bed Bug Registry - Check Apartments and Hotels Across North America

Bed Bug Registry - Check Apartments and Hotels Across North America
"The Bed Bug Registry is a free, public database of user-submitted bed bug reports from across the United States and Canada."

GOP tries to take out tea party-backed candidate

My Way News - GOP tries to take out tea party-backed candidate
"'She's not a viable candidate for any office in the state of Delaware,' said the state party chairman, Tom Ross, who is backing Castle. 'She could not be elected dog catcher.'"

This drivel, from the Delaware GOP chairman.

What a good dog!!!

What a good dog!!!

Grab a hankie and watch this wonderful video.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

US poverty on track to post record gain in 2009

US poverty on track to post record gain in 2009
"The number of people in the U.S. who are in poverty is on track for a record increase on President Barack Obama's watch, with the ranks of working-age poor approaching 1960s levels that led to the national war on poverty."

I remember 2007, when the democrats took over congress, things were pretty good.

Nice work Barry Hussein O'Carter.

The Nanny State Has Blown the Bank

RealClearPolitics - The Nanny State Has Blown the Bank
"I'm still trying to imagine the scenario in which this ends well. (Give me more time!)

The closest thing I can see to hope is currently invested in the tea party movement of the U.S. Notwithstanding the slanders heaped upon it, this movement is good-willed, riot-free, indeed situationally non-urban, and under the leadership of basically sane people.

Of course, there is no guarantee that any movement devoted to genuine political change can remain so, under the inevitable provocations.

But something must be done, and here is the closest thing, anywhere in the West, to a political movement committed to the only measure that can possibly save us from riding over that cliff."

Righthaven Lawsuits: A Chilling Effect on the Blogosphere?

Righthaven Lawsuits: A Chilling Effect on the Blogosphere? - Big Journalism
"The Las Vegas Review-Journal has contracted with a company called Righthaven.

Righthaven sues web sites that they say are violating the copyright laws by sharing the R-J stories.

No warning, no request to take down the material, no shot across the bow—it’s nuclear right out of the box.

Virtually every other newspaper across the country asks “offending” web sites to just take down the material, and lawsuits are used only as a last resort."

Friday, September 10, 2010

Quote of the Day

CARPE DIEM: Quote of the Day
"'A man who chooses between drinking a glass of milk and a glass of a solution of potassium cyanide does not choose between two beverages; he chooses between life and death.

A society that chooses between capitalism and socialism does not choose between two social systems; it chooses between social cooperation and the disintegration of society.

Socialism is not an alternative to capitalism; it is an alternative to any system under which men can live as human beings.'"

Monica Conyers behind bars in W.Va prison camp

Monica Conyers behind bars in W.Va prison camp Detroit Free Press
"Conyers, federal inmate No. 43693-039, self-surrendered at roughly 1:40 p.m. at the Alderson Federal Prison Camp"

New GM CEO's pay package worth $9 million

New GM CEO's pay package worth $9 million - Yahoo! News
"New General Motors Co. CEO Daniel Akerson will get the same $9 million pay package as the man he replaced, Ed Whitacre."

Chairman Barry still approves the free jets for car execs?

Governor Chris Christie "Schools" Teacher About The Budget

Muskegon Heights' old Roosevelt Elementary School may graduate from retirement to new role: reading center

Muskegon Heights' old Roosevelt Elementary School may graduate from retirement to new role: reading center
"The building that housed the former Roosevelt Elementary School in Muskegon Heights might see new life as an after-school reading center.

That's the plan being developed by school officials who see a crucial need to increase reading proficiency among all students, said Muskegon Heights Superintendent Dana Bryant."

If our current schools aren't teaching reading.....well what the heck are they doing?

And why put the same non-teachers in charge of doing the same job they admit they have already failed at?

"It's for the children" just doesn't cut it anymore!

We all know it's "FOR THE TEACHERS" and screw the kids.

Lumberjacks' No. 2 draft pick Joe Cox verbally commits to Michigan State

Lumberjacks' No. 2 draft pick Joe Cox verbally commits to Michigan State
"Joe Cox, the Muskegon Lumberjacks’ second selection in the United States Hockey League’s futures draft, has made a verbal commitment to play for the Michigan State Spartans."

10 Coolest Beer World Records

10 Coolest Beer World Records -

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Column of Molten Rock Found Under Yellowstone - Column of Molten Rock Found Under Yellowstone
"perhaps shed light on some larger mysteries. 'If you look at the mass extinctions on Earth,' Camp said, 'we think that a few may have been associated with eruptions from mantle plumes.'"

South Dakota Flex-Fuel Vehicles Test Lower Ethanol Blend South Dakota Flex-Fuel Vehicles Test Lower Ethanol Blend
"Although E-85 was 23 cents per gallon cheaper than the standard 10 percent ethanol blend, tests showed that the 23 percent decrease in gas mileage negated the cost savings."

Interesting that the state government figured this out.

San Francisco County Jail installs condom machines for inmates -

San Francisco County Jail installs condom machines for inmates -
"San Francisco County Jail has installed 16 condom machines for the 75- inmates at its San Bruno lockup,"

16 machines for 75 inmates?

Iran FM: Zionists behind U.S. church's plan to burn Koran

Iran FM: Zionists behind U.S. church's plan to burn Koran - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News
"Tehran on Thursday said that Israel was behind the plan by a United States pastor to burn copies of the Koran on the ninth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the official news agency IRNA reported."

Dang Jews!
They even control the loonie Christians!

Cotton crunch could push up apparel prices in 2011

Cotton crunch could push up apparel prices in 2011 - Sep. 9, 2010
"The reason: Cotton prices have nearly doubled this year, hitting a near 15-year high following a chain of events among major Asian cotton producers that has choked off global supply."

Check's In The Mail

Check's In The Mail - IBD -
"The U.S. Postal Service expects to lose $7 billion in the current fiscal year and delivers less mail each year.

It could use some fiscal austerity.

But the postal workers union wants more, more, more."

New 3D speed bump of girl crossing road that suddenly 'appears' in front of drivers

New 3D speed bump of girl crossing road that suddenly 'appears' in front of drivers Mail Online
"It sounds like a terrifying experience that would make even the most seasoned of drivers panic or even crash.

But a school in Canada is using a bizarre 3D optical illusion of a young girl crossing the road to try and make drivers slow down.

The image of a girl chasing after a ball is painted on the road and elongated to make it appear three-dimensional when seen from an approaching car."

Our governments are at war with their own citizens...everywhere!

GRPS raises could help narrow pay gap

GRPS raises could help narrow pay gap WOOD TV8
"GRPS is looking at raises for teachers and other employees"

"Narrow pay gap" with WHO?

The unemployed/underemployed who have no pensions in Michigan?

We tighten our belts while they buy new, bigger belts with our money.

Yes, there is really two Americas, we who pay and the public employees who take......everlastingly!

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

How To Tie Your Shoes Really Fast

CARPE DIEM: How To Tie Your Shoes Really Fast

This is really amazing....and a bit creepy that we were told how to do it the wrong way for 10,000 years.....

Jesse Jackson says Holland's battery plant belongs in Detroit

Jesse Jackson says Holland's battery plant belongs in Detroit
"In addition to voicing his opposition to urban farming in Detroit ('cute but foolish'), civil rights leader Jesse Jackson's remarks to the Detroit City Council on Tuesday featured some provocative comments about the new battery plant in Holland.

Specifically: It should be in Detroit."

Pension Insanity: $75,000 Salary Turns Into $155,000 Pension for One Kindergarten Teacher

Champion News: "Every time I think I cannot possibly be any more cynical about public pensions and salaries than I already am, I find some new data to prove me wrong yet again. Yes it's true; I am still not cynical enough."

August 19, 2010 - Cost of Government Day Has Arrived!

Americans for Tax Reform Center for Fiscal Accountability
"In 2010, Cost of Government Day falls on August 19.

Working people must toil 231 days out of the year just to meet all costs imposed by government - 8 days later than last year and a full 32 days longer than 2008.

In other words, in 2010 the cost of government consumes 63.41 percent of national income"

Obama Added More to National Debt in First 19 Months Than All Presidents from Washington Through Reagan Combined, Says Gov’t Data - Obama Added More to National Debt in First 19 Months Than All Presidents from Washington Through Reagan Combined, Says Gov’t Data
"In the first 19 months of the Obama administration, the federal debt held by the public increased by $2.5260 trillion, which is more than the cumulative total of the national debt held by the public that was amassed by all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Ronald Reagan."

Retiring at 65 no longer looks realistic

Retiring at 65 no longer looks realistic women, work, time - Home - The Orange County Register
"Older boomers looking forward to retirement after a lifetime of labor are finding the promised 60-plus land of plenty evaporating along with jobs and investments."

Who dares speak out against pensions?

Who dares speak out against pensions? Mitchell Schnurman Dallas Business, Texas Busi...
"But what about the article's brave ideas: mustering the political will to fix the pension, embracing a painful remedy and paying the fiddler?"

East Lansing protest of Quran burning planned for Saturday

East Lansing protest of Quran burning planned for Saturday
"An East Lansing church is holding a “counter-event” to this weekend's planned burning of copies of the Quran in Florida."

Muskegon Area Running/Biking/Outdoors Meetup Group (Muskegon, MI) - Meetup

Muskegon Area Running/Biking/Outdoors Meetup Group (Muskegon, MI) - Meetup
"Welcome Outdoor Enthusiasts!
This group is open to all people of all ages and skill levels, and events are not limited to just running or biking.
Other activities could include hiking, camping, or pretty much anything involving the outdoors."

"A small, sad exit for a product and company that can trace their roots to Thomas Alva Edison's innovations in the 1870s."

Althouse: "A small, sad exit for a product and company that can trace their roots to Thomas Alva Edison's innovations in the 1870s."
"'The last major GE factory making ordinary incandescent light bulbs in the United States is closing this month....'

Oh! It is so sad. It is doubly sad. The workers are losing their jobs, and we, who love traditional light bulbs are being deprived of a product we want. And those vile CFL bulbs? They're made in China.

Thanks a lot, Congress.

Now, how many incandescent bulbs do I need to stockpile last until the end of my life? I need to buy them before 2014...."

Chris Dodd's last act: 'Control the people'

Chris Dodd's last act: 'Control the people'
"Homeowners would end up paying exorbitant costs and losing control over their own homes, according to DeWeese.

'To get the money a community must meet environmental standards.

That requires houses to be equipped with new roofs, new windows, and efficient appliances.

They did this last year in Oakland.
It costs an estimated $35,000 to make a house comply with the environmental regulations.
They say homeowners can't sell their houses if they don't meet these standards.'"

Living Here in Allentown

Living Here in Allentown [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
"The 1982 beating death of Vincent Chin, a Chinese-American man employed as an industrial draftsman for a Michigan automotive supplier.
Chin's murderers were two laid-off auto workers who mistook him for a man of Japanese descent and thus - to their way of thinking - at fault for their unemployment.
The attackers accepted a plea bargain and had to pay court costs, but after using a baseball bat to slay Chin neither man served time in jail.

LaFaive and I reasoned that foreign automakers learned a lesson from this.
'The murder stood as a stark message to outsiders: you (and your investment) are not welcome in Michigan.'

Shortly after Chin's death, Honda - the world's largest manufacturer of engines - began opening their first auto assembly facilities in the United States. Some of the earliest ones went to Ohio, a state not too different from Michigan, but none have come here."

Paris Video Shows the Future of Ground Zero

American Thinker: Paris Video Shows the Future of Ground Zero
"Yes, the Ground Zero Victory Mega-Mosque will symbolize physical conquest, but it is, after all, only an inert thing.

The real conquest will be the ownership of the public space around it, asserted by the fanatics from all over the world who will flock there five times a day for prayers.

They'll pray in the mosque and they'll pray in the streets, face to the ground, with a rakish tilt of their derrieres to the sky from which their blessed destruction came burning down.

They'll block off street after street, refusing passage to people who live and work there, choking off the economic bloodstream of the shops and restaurants and offices that keep the struggling neighborhood alive

This is creepy...and it's happening right now in Dearborn and New York!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Rodney King engaged to Cynthia Kelley, one of the jurors who awarded him $3.8 million

Rodney King engaged to Cynthia Kelley, one of the jurors who awarded him $3.8 million: report
"LOS ANGELES - Police beating victim Rodney King is engaged to one of the jurors who awarded him a $3.8 million settlement, RadarOnline reported Tuesday.

King and Cynthia Kelley said they first felt a romantic spark when they met in a Newport Beach pizzeria the day after the controversial 1994 jury award."

Hood Fights: Muskegon Heights

YouTube - Hood Fights: Muskegon Heights

Detroit on the lake....

Research Upends Traditional Thinking on Study Habits

Mind - Research Upends Traditional Thinking on Study Habits -
"But individual learning is another matter, and psychologists have discovered that some of the most hallowed advice on study habits is flat wrong.
For instance, many study skills courses insist that students find a specific place, a study room or a quiet corner of the library, to take their work. The research finds just the opposite.
In one classic 1978 experiment, psychologists found that college students who studied a list of 40 vocabulary words in two different rooms — one windowless and cluttered, the other modern, with a view on a courtyard — did far better on a test than students who studied the words twice, in the same room.
Later studies have confirmed the finding, for a variety of topics."

Another reason to suspect our teacher's unions care more for their own moolah than our children's learning.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Obama Calls for $50 Billion Public Works Plan

Obama Calls for $50 Billion Public Works Plan -
"Mr. Obama also used Monday’s appearance here to deliver a hearty defense of his policies and take a few whacks at Republicans.

“They talk about me like a dog,” the president said.

“That’s not in my prepared remarks, but it’s true.”"

When's the last time a dog bankrupted a country?

We should be so lucky......

Sunday, September 05, 2010

If Indiana becomes a right-to-work state, could it affect Michigan's ability to lure business?

If Indiana becomes a right-to-work state, could it affect Michigan's ability to lure business?
"Indiana could be heading back to the right-to-work column if voters put Republican majorities in both houses of the legislature this fall.
That prospect has union advocates sweating."

Muskegon County home and business owners may face 'significant rise' in sewer rates

Muskegon County home and business owners may face 'significant rise' in sewer rates
"The wastewater management committee for the countywide sewer system recently recommended that wholesale rates charged to municipalities and direct industrial users increase by 12.5 percent.
The recommendation follows a 15-percent hike in wholesale rates last year."

Friday, September 03, 2010

Court Order Keeps FAKE "Tea Party" Off Ballot

"A new court order leaves a shadowy group calling itself 'The Tea Party' off Michigan's November ballot.

The Michigan Supreme Court said in an order it won't take up an appeal of a lower court ruling that left 'The Tea Party' off the ballot."

Whoo hoo!

Amazingly, I heard it on Muskegon radio.

Albeit from a FoxNews report.

National news dudes!

Good guys win another one!

Michigan State's 2011 class is ranked second in Big Ten

Michigan State's 2011 class is ranked second in Big Ten Detroit Free Press released their recruiting rankings by school for the class of 2011 and Michigan State currently sits second in the Big Ten behind Ohio State.

The Spartans, who have 15 commitments, are rated 22nd nationally.

We've turned the corner!

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Oil Should Be Around $10 a Barrel

Oil Should Be Around $10 a Barrel: Analyst - CNBC
"'We have so much oil right now, more than we've had in 27 years.
Why is it 27 years?
Because that's how far our records go back.
It's probably the most in 50 or 100 years,' he added."

‘Clunkers,’ a classic government folly

‘Clunkers,’ a classic government folly - The Boston Globe
"IN THE market for a used car? Good luck finding a bargain:
The price of “pre-owned’’ vehicles has climbed considerably over the past year.

According to, a website for car buyers, a three-year-old automobile today will set you back, on average, close to $20,000 — a spike of more than 10 percent since last summer."

Dear Patients: Vote to Repeal ObamaCare

Hal Scherz: Dear Patients: Vote to Repeal ObamaCare -
"Our patients have always expected a certain standard of care from their doctors, which includes providing them with pertinent information that may affect their quality of life.

Because the issue this election is so stark—literally life and death for millions of Americans in the years ahead—we are this week posting a 'Dear Patient' letter in our waiting rooms.

The letter states in unambiguous language what the new law means:

'Dear Patient: Section 1311 of the new health care legislation gives the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services and her appointees the power to establish care guidelines that your doctor must abide by or face penalties and fines.

In making doctors answerable in the federal bureaucracy this bill effectively makes them government employees and means that you and your doctor are no longer in charge of your health care decisions.

This new law politicizes medicine and in my opinion destroys the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship that makes the American health care system the best in the world.'"

Read it all!

Cops: Calif doctor gets stuck in chimney, dies

My Way News - Cops: Calif doctor gets stuck in chimney, dies
"A doctor involved in an 'on-again, off-again' relationship apparently tried to force her way into her boyfriend's home by sliding down the chimney, police said Tuesday.

Her decomposing body was found there three days later."

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Investors’ Anger Rises at Poor IPO Returns

Anger Rises at Poor IPO Returns - CNBC
"More than half the big initial public offerings in Europe this year are trading below their issue price,"

What is Teacher Wish Lists

What is Teacher Wish Lists
"WOOD/WOTV/WXSP and Maranda know that many teachers use up to $500 per year of their own money to buy supplies for their classrooms. That’s why we are working together to support teachers.

We are launching a program called “The Teacher Wish Lists”.

It is our effort to promote classroom support by asking families and businesses to buy classroom supplies."

And we all KNOW that teachers are underpaid and overworked, right?

Or is that overpaid and underworked.......

Big incentive for school attendance: Cash

Big incentive for school attendance: Cash
"Stacey Wright had more than a dozen choices when it came to enrolling three of her children in an elementary school, from charters to magnets to traditional public schools in every corner of the city.

She chose Jefferson Elementary School, the brick St. Louis public school across the street.
And for that, she may get $900."

Overwhelmingly White Media Criticize Conservative Rallies as 'Overwhelmingly White'

Overwhelmingly White Media Criticize Conservative Rallies as 'Overwhelmingly White'

Appeals Court: `The Tea Party' can't make Michigan ballot

Appeals Court: `The Tea Party' can't make Michigan ballot FOX 21 Online
"The Michigan Court of Appeals has decided a group calling itself 'The Tea Party' doesn't qualify for the Nov. 2 ballot because it didn't correctly show the party name on petitions.

Republicans and tea party activists say 'The Tea Party' that has nominated nearly two dozen candidates is a fake aimed at hurting them by drawing away votes from Republicans.

They've been fighting the group's efforts to get on the ballot.

The court released its decision Monday.
It says the word 'the' was not in 24-point bold face type on the petitions as required by law.
A message seeking comment was left for the lawyer representing the 'The Tea Party.'

A lawyer for the opposition says he's waiting to see if 'The Tea Party' appeals to the Michigan Supreme Court."

Monday, August 30, 2010

Drudge is giving Obama a hard time this morning.

Althouse: Drudge is giving Obama a hard time this morning.

See them all!

Top 7 insane homeowners association rules

Top 7 insane homeowners association rules - The Week

Is It Hot In Here? Or Is It Just You?

Is It Hot In Here? Or Is It Just You? - CNBC
"It turns out that many women like a guy who uses a tacky pick-up line.
At least many British women do.

A 'survey' done by UK online casino claims that nearly 60 percent of women believe it takes a sense of humor and confidence for a guy to walk up to a woman and say, 'Did it hurt when you fell out of heaven?'

I would add that it also takes about three or four beers."

It's Not A Question Of IF Sovereign Nations Will Default, But HOW

It's Not A Question Of IF Sovereign Nations Will Default, But HOW
"The sovereign debt crisis is not European: it is global.
And it is not over."

Sunday, August 29, 2010

How much play will this photo get?

How much play will this photo get? « Don Surber
forget the media spin...this guy is a moron!!!!

EPA Surrenders to NRA on Gun Control Issue

EPA Surrenders to NRA on Gun Control Issue - US News and World Report
"The EPA had planned to solicit public responses to the petition for two months, but this afternoon issued a statement rejecting a 100-page request from the Center for Biological Diversity, the American Bird Conservancy, and three other groups for a ban on lead bullets, shot, and fishing sinkers. The agency is still considering what to do about sinkers."

In other words, they can do whatever they want but they didn't want to do it just before an election.

Does this sound as creepy to you as it does to me?

YouTube - Blown Away, 4 Years Later

YouTube - Blown Away, 4 Years Later

Almost disaster in St.Maarten: Boeing 747 aborts landing because there is another 747 on the runway - Almost disaster in St.Maarten: Boeing 747 aborts landing because there is another 747 on the runway
"Almost disaster in St.Maarten: Boeing 747 aborts landing because there is another 747 on the runway"

Divorce Law Firm in New York in Split of Its Own

Divorce Law Firm in New York in Split of Its Own -
"Now, Mr. Sheresky, Mr. Aronson and Mr. Mayefsky may be facing their most challenging breakup yet: their own.

Mr. Sheresky, 82, left the firm in a huff last month, claiming that his former partners reneged on a longstanding commitment to take care of him financially in the twilight of his career.
Mr. Aronson, 61, and Mr. Mayefsky, 57, denied that such a vow existed, and dissolved the partnership, forming a new one with Pamela M. Sloan, who joined the original firm in 2007.

Mr. Sheresky responded strongly Friday by filing a $26 million lawsuit in State Supreme Court in Manhattan, alleging breach of contract and fraud."

Ah, Schadenfreude!

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Public Pensions and Our Fiscal Future

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Public Pensions and Our Fiscal Future -
"As former Speaker of the State Assembly and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown pointed out earlier this year in the San Francisco Chronicle, roughly 80 cents of every government dollar in California goes to employee compensation and benefits.

Those costs have been rising fast."

Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters Washington Examiner
"Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democratic candidates and campaign committees in 2008"

How Severe is U.S. pension debt?

How Severe is U.S. pension debt? CalWatchDog

Friday, August 27, 2010

Grand juror should determine if fake Tea Party ploy is a crime

Editorial: Grand juror should determine if fake Tea Party ploy is a crime The Detroit News

Oakland Circuit judges should grant County Executive L. Brooks Patterson's petition that they appoint a one-person grand jury to investigate possible election fraud.

Voters deserve fair elections, and efforts to deceive them should be revealed and prosecuted.

Poll finds solid support in Michigan for tea party's causes

Poll finds solid support in Michigan for tea party's causes Lansing State Journal

An EPIC/MRA poll of 600 likely general election voters released exclusively to the Free Press and WXYZ-TV (Channel 7) showed only 3 percent of respondents and 2 percent of households had a tea party member in them, but 44 percent statewide are in support of its call for lower taxes, less spending and a reined-in government.

The poll showed 33 percent were opposed to the tea party, and 23 percent undecided.

Environmental Protection Agency Reviewing Petition to Ban Lead Bullets

Environmental Protection Agency Reviewing Petition to Ban Lead Bullets The Weekly Standard
"Will Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson make a back door move to ban lead bullets the day before the November 2 elections?"

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fruitport casino plan gets the cold shoulder from Michigan House of Representatives

Fruitport casino plan gets the cold shoulder from Michigan House of Representatives
"The chances of the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians building a casino at the former Great Lakes Downs racetrack site suffered a setback Wednesday."

"Three Things About Islam"

New Zeal: "Three Things About Islam"
"Three things you probably didn't know about Islam."

Retiree Ponzi Scheme $16 Trillion Short

Retiree Ponzi Scheme $16 Trillion Short: Laurence Kotlikoff - Bloomberg
"Social Security has also played a central role in the massive, six-decade Ponzi scheme known as U.S. fiscal policy, which transfers ever-larger sums from the young to the old."

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

MSNBC Swears to Allah that Obama's Not A Muslim

MSNBC Swears to Allah that Obama's Not A Muslim - HUMAN EVENTS
"What McConnell actually said in response to the Muslim question was:
'The president says he's a Christian.
I take him at his word.
I don't think that's in dispute.'

Over at MSNBC, that's Republican code for: 'He's a Muslim!'

North Korean TV's Ed Schultz hysterically babbled:
'McConnell gave cover.
That's what he did.
He gave cover to all those low information voters out there who still believe this garbage about President Obama being a Muslim. ...
The Republican leadership just loves to feed the fire.'"

Morgan Stanley Says Government Defaults Inevitable

Morgan Stanley Says Government Defaults Inevitable - Bloomberg
"Investors will face defaults on government bonds given the burden of aging populations and the difficulty of securing more tax revenue, according to Morgan Stanley.

“Governments will impose a loss on some of their stakeholders,” Arnaud Mares, an executive director at Morgan Stanley in London, wrote in a research report today.
“The question is not whether they will renege on their promises, but rather upon which of their promises they will renege, and what form this default will take.”
The sovereign-debt crisis is global “and it is not over,” the report said."

10 Largest University’s In The United States

10 Largest University’s In The United States

Monday, August 23, 2010

Little-known fact: Obama's failed stimulus program cost more than the Iraq war

Little-known fact: Obama's failed stimulus program cost more than the Iraq war Washington Examiner
* Obama's stimulus, passed in his first month in office, will cost more than the entire Iraq War -- more than $100 billion (15%) more."

Sunday, August 22, 2010

"a division between what he calls the Mainstream Public and the Political Class"

The Weekend Interview with Scott Rasmussen: America's Insurgent Pollster -
"Mr. Rasmussen has a partial answer for Mr. Emanuel's question, and it lies in a significant division among the American public that he has tracked for the past few years—a division between what he calls the Mainstream Public and the Political Class."

Media misses the point about mosque

Media misses the point about mosque -
"But collectively they weren’t simply “fatalities.”

And individually they weren’t merely lost or killed, and they didn’t merely perish or die.

They were MURDERED.

And yet how many times have you heard the 3,000 dead described on TV newscasts as murder victims?

Not even once, right?

The M-word is never used."

Michigan Democrats embarrassed by Fake Tea Party

TaxingTennessee: Michigan Democrats embarrassed by Fake Tea Party
"Michigan Democrats embarrassed by Fake Tea Party

Democrats want one of their own fired after he tried to create a fake tea party to pull votes away from Republicans. Of course, they had to take action after the County Clerk uncovered the fraud.

Democrats on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Saturday called for the removal of a county Democratic Party employee in the wake of allegations of fraud by Oakland County Clerk Ruth Johnson a day earlier.

Commissioner Dave Coulter, D-Ferndale, said in an e-mail Saturday that Democratic commissioners approved the following statement:
“Democrats on the Board of Commissioners are very concerned about allegations that an employee of the county party may have had a role in fraudulent Tea Party candidate filings.

We have been strong advocates for open and transparent county government, and there is no place in our politics where deception can be tolerated.

Without commenting on the legal merits of these accusations, we ask for the immediate removal of Jason Bauer as an employee of the Oakland County Democratic Party.

Our caucus members and candidates demand the highest ethical standards of ourselves, our government and our party, and any violation of those standards must have real and significant consequences.”"

LA unveils $578M school, costliest in the nation

LA unveils $578M school, costliest in the nation - Yahoo! News
"With an eye-popping price tag of $578 million, it will mark the inauguration of the nation's most expensive public school ever.

The K-12 complex to house 4,200 students has raised eyebrows across the country as the creme de la creme of 'Taj Mahal' schools, $100 million-plus campuses boasting both architectural panache and deluxe amenities."

This is NUTS!
The people behind this must be tracked down and ground into animal feed!

"More evidence that Illinois taxpayers pay too much for education, not too little"

Champion News: "More evidence that Illinois taxpayers pay too much for education, not too little"

Read this!

Honoring a fallen Marine

GETZ: Honoring a fallen Marine - Washington Times
"Cpl.Wilson eloped with his fiancee, Hannah, just before he deployed to Afghanistan.
Now, at age 20, she is a widow.
The current wars have created several thousand young widows.

If you would console yourself with the idea that these young women were married such a short time and have so much life still ahead of them, that the loss they feel is somehow mitigated, you should meet Hannah McVeigh-Wilson.
She was brave enough to marry a Marine headed for combat who told her he didn't want to wait until he returned because, in case he didn't come home, he wanted to know he'd had all the experiences he could have in life, and one of the most important was to marry her.

It tears at the heart to see her living with that legacy and loss."

Cities, Fiscal Health and Union Contracts

Cities, Fiscal Health and Union Contracts [Mackinac Center]
"Local governments are in declining fiscal health that many top administrators believe will get worse in the coming year, according to a University of Michigan report."

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Smoking ban dries up business

Smoking ban dries up business Detroit Free Press
"On some weekend nights, there used to be seven waitresses working the crowd at Perfect Pitcher Sports Pub in Taylor.

But since Michigan's smoking ban went into effect May 1, Natalie Samu, the soon-to-be ex-owner of the bar, has just one or two waitresses serving the dwindling crowd.

'Our business is down over 50%,' said Samu, who sold the bar earlier this month but will stay on as manager. 'I know things go down in the summer, but it's never been this bad.'"

But think of all the drinkers who will be spared the horrors of "second hand smoke junk science"!

Pension Fraud in New Jersey Puts Focus on Illinois

Pension Fraud in New Jersey Puts Focus on Illinois -
"The federal government’s crackdown on the State of New Jersey this week for misrepresenting the condition of its pension funds raises a question:
Who else might have pension numbers that could draw regulatory fire?"

No 'risk' from Iran's Russian-built nuclear plant

No 'risk' from Iran's Russian-built nuclear plant: US
"The United States sees no 'proliferation risk' from Iran's Russian-built first nuclear power plant at Bushehr that was loaded with fuel Saturday, the State Department said.

The Russian involvement in the reactor, intended for civilian purposes, 'underscores that Iran does not need an indigenous enrichment capability if its intentions are purely peaceful,' State Department spokesman Darby Holladay told AFP.

'We recognize that the Bushehr reactor is designed to provide civilian nuclear power and do not view it as a proliferation risk,' he said.

The reactor, said Holladay, is 'under IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) safeguards and Russia is providing the needed fuel and taking back the spent nuclear fuel, which would be the principal source of proliferation concerns.'"

Video: More on the union boycott of LA Times for exposing union failure

theblogprof: Video: More on the union boycott of LA Times for exposing union failure
"An update on a recent post: LA teachers union to boycott LA Times for reporting union failures via student test scores, where the LA Times, to its credit, exposed the quantitative negative effect of bad teachers that continue to be employed because - let's face it - unionized teachers are almost impossible to fire.

Here's a Fox News segment on the controversy:"

click and watch!

Coffee Party Decline Removed From Its Website

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Post About Coffee Party Decline Removed From Its Website

Post About Coffee Party Decline Removed From Its Website
On Friday, August 13, I ran a post Coffee Party Grows Cold, highlighting a post on the Coffee Party's website titled Reversing the Coffee Party's decline about how the Coffee Party was in decline.


"Richard Nixon was not a crook, Michael Dukakis was not unpatriotic, and Barack Obama is not a Muslim."

Yeah, right....

California's war on itself

California's war on itself - Opinion - The Orange County Register
"Recently, though, the dream has been evaporating.

From 2003 and 2007, California state and local government spending grew 31 percent, even as the state's population grew just 5 percent."

Pete Hoekstra Running For U.S. Senate?

Pete Hoekstra Running For U.S. Senate – Inside Scoop?
"So I got bored and wondered if there was a way to see what Pete Hoekstra would do next.
There has been speculation by his supporters that he may run for U.S. Senate.

I decided to look at domain name registrations.
His domain for his governor run was .
What could Pete Hoekstra possibly name his domain name if he were to run for U.S. Senate?"


Rattle With Us Tea Party - Our Venom Is Our Vote

Rattle With Us Tea Party - Our Venom Is Our Vote
"Oakland County, Mich. - Friday, August 20, 2010 - Ruth Johnson, the Oakland County Clerk/Register, said her office has uncovered apparent evidence of fraud involving the so-called 'Fake' Tea Party and one of its candidates."

Friday, August 20, 2010

Just 8.1% of NY Smart Fortwo owners would buy again.

Focus Group: Just 8.1% of NY Smart Fortwo owners would buy again. San Francisco? 19.8% — Autoblog
"we were totally blown away with news from CNW Marketing Research that just 8.1 percent of Smart Fortwo owners in New York would buy the car again."