Monday, October 18, 2010

Turning a Blind Eye to Terror

Turning a Blind Eye to Terror - HUMAN EVENTS
"federal agencies charged with protecting America’s citizens (Department of Homeland Security, FBI, Office of the Director of National Intelligence) only do “outreach” to organizations which are known members of the Muslim Brotherhood’s (MB) Islamic Movement in the United States, many of them Hamas—all of them hostile to America."

We are so "blessed" to have such "leaders" to "protect" us....

Obama Administration Uses Taxpayer Funding to Encourage ‘Sustainable Communities’

Obama Administration Uses Taxpayer Funding to Encourage ‘Sustainable Communities’
"The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development last week announced nearly $100 million in new grants 'to support more livable and sustainable communities across the country.'"

So much money, so little time....

VFW moves to dissolve PAC's board

VFW moves to dissolve PAC's board - Ben Smith -
"The National Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Richard Eubank, has moved to amend his organization's bylaws to dissolve its PAC, which is run independently."

Intrade Odds Now 15:1 That Reps Will Take House

CARPE DIEM: Intrade Odds Now 15:1 That Reps Will Take House

101st Airborne Division Parachuting Into Michigan Stadium

101st Airborne Division Parachuting Into Michigan Stadium

This is GREAT!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Merkel: German multiculturalism 'utterly failed'

My Way News - Merkel: German multiculturalism 'utterly failed'
"Chancellor Angela Merkel's declaration that Germany's attempts to build a multicultural society had 'utterly failed' is feeding a growing debate over how to deal with the millions of foreigners who call the country home.

Merkel told a meeting of young members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union that while immigrants are welcome in Germany, they must learn the language and accept the country's cultural norms - sounding a note heard increasingly across Europe as it battles an economic slump and worries about homegrown terrorism."

Friday, October 15, 2010

The First 10 City Pensions That Will Run Out Of Money

The First 10 City Pensions That Will Run Out Of Money
"Unfunded liabilities equal around $15,000 per household nationally, and up to $41,000 per household in some cities."

Michigan education retirement costs hit new high: Schools will pay 20 percent surcharge on payroll

Michigan education retirement costs hit new high: Schools will pay 20 percent surcharge on payroll
"but it won't allow them to hire lots of new teachers.

Instead, they'll spend it to keep the teachers they have and pay pensions to those already retired."

Greedy teachers take all the money...and more.
Screw the kids and parents!
Remember when class size "mattered"?

Should China Stop Buying From Michigan?

Should China Stop Buying From Michigan? [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
"Michigan is surpassing national growth rates in trade to China.

Total U.S. exports to China rose 35.7 percent for the first half of the year, and Michigan's exports to China rose by 120 percent.

Since 2000, total U.S. exports to China rose by 326 percent, while Michigan's exports to China grew by 530 percent."

Editorial: Help fight the flu

Editorial: Help fight the flu
"Finding a flu clinic

• Health department:
Shots are available noon-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Cost is $27."

Ummm, Walmart, Walgreens and others have the shots (and nasal sprays) starting at $25.

Oh....they also pay taxes too.

In their words - LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe

In their words - LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe
"Barnett on whether walk-on CB Mitchell White is next in the event of an injury: 'It'll have to be Mitchell and then pray.'"

Teachers Picket as One of Michigan's Wealthiest School Districts Faces Big Deficit

Teachers Picket as One of Michigan's Wealthiest School Districts Faces Big Deficit [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
"West Bloomfield teachers currently do not contribute anything towards the cost of their own health insurance premiums.

The coverage costs taxpayers $20,511 for a 'family plan,' the most-popular, and is purchased from the Michigan Education Special Services Association, an arm of the state's largest teachers union.
The district also provides employees with dental, life, long-term disability and vision insurance at no cost to themselves."

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The end of wars!

General Motors and the State of California

CARPE DIEM: General Motors and the State of California
'The problem is stark:
Over the last decade in California, spending on state employees' compensation rose nearly three times faster than state revenues.

This has squeezed resources for programs, such as higher education and job training, that benefit private-sector workers.

This year, for the first time ever, our state was forced to spend more on retirement costs ($6.5 billion) than on higher education.'"

MTV Denies That Obama Telecast Is Political

MTV Denies That Obama Telecast Is Political - HUMAN EVENTS
"However, when asked if the audience is being pre-screened, McAndrew said yes, but to achieve their version of diversity.“"

Ontario court to rule if woman can wear niqab while testifying

Ontario court to rule if woman can wear niqab while testifying

"For the first time in Canada, an appellate level court is going to rule on whether a woman can testify in court while wearing a niqab."

Alvin Greene Sticks to His Talking Points During Awkward Interview (VIDEO)

Alvin Greene Sticks to His Talking Points During Awkward Interview (VIDEO)

Guess which party this guy represents.

Too funny!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Only 4 schools currently ranked in both football and basketball

Only 4 schools currently ranked in both football and basketball

"Team - Basketball - Football
Ohio State - 11 - 1
Michigan State - 4 - 11
Wisconsin - 24 - 16
West Virginia - 3 - 25

Michigan fans have to be loving this.

Their two archrivals, another Big Ten school, and the school that they stole all their coaches from."

Seattle’s War on Cars

Seattle’s War on Cars « Liveshots
"Parking ticket fines are projected to bring in $23 million next year up from $18.4 last year."

This isn't good government, it's a war against the citizens of the city.

Purely for ticket-fine-revenue.

And that ain't right!

Bow Down Big Sister

Obama's auntie -

WBZ-TV Video Archive -

You've gotta see this video of BHussein's illegal aunt.

Report: Michigan infants' well-being affected by race

Report: Michigan infants' well-being affected by race
"Black infants were about two-and-a-half times more likely to be born to unmarried mothers."

VFW endorses … Senator Ma’am?

VFW endorses … Senator Ma’am? « Hot Air
"The VFW has a history of tilting towards liberals, but this seems rather stunning. Barbara Boxer, who dressed down a general in a Senate hearing for calling her “ma’am,” won the endorsement of VFW’s political-action committee yesterday.

The move also comes despite Boxer’s votes to curtail military spending — or perhaps because of them"

"No true liberal or progressive should support current public employee compensation."

"No true liberal or progressive should support current public employee compensation." - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine
"So a $53,000-a-year secretary, a $95,000-a-year 'creeks supervisor' and a $67,000-a-year 'tennis services coordinator' all walk into a bar..."

School cafeterias to try psychology in lunch line

School cafeterias to try psychology in lunch line - Yahoo! News
"Hide the chocolate milk behind the plain milk.
Get those apples and oranges out of stainless steel bins and into pretty baskets.
Cash only for desserts.
These subtle moves can entice kids to make healthier choices in school lunch lines, studies show.
Food and restaurant marketers have long used similar tricks.

Now the government wants in on the act."

National Data: U.S. Importing Poverty—Despite The Great Recession 10/07/10 - National Data: U.S. Importing Poverty—Despite The Great Recession
"Immigration’s role? When the annual poverty data was released last year, I noted that immigration’s impact is two-fold: direct—many immigrants are themselves poor, adding to the poverty population.; and indirect—immigrants compete with and displace native-born Americans, driving them into poverty by bidding down their wages and taking their jobs."

Freeing Small Farms: Institute for Justice & Minnesota Farmers Fight Protectionism

YouTube - Freeing Small Farms: Institute for Justice & Minnesota Farmers Fight Protectionism
"Farmers should not be threatened with 90 days in jail and $1,000 in fines for selling pumpkins or Christmas trees grown outside city limits."

Debt - US Cities Face Half a Trillion Dollars of Public Pension Deficits

Debt - US Cities Face Half a Trillion Dollars of Public Pension Deficits - CNBC
"Big US cities could be squeezed by unfunded public pensions as they and counties face a $574 billion funding gap, a study to be released on Tuesday shows."

Mixer to call attention to new service at Lansing airport

Mixer to call attention to new service at Lansing airport
"Sun Country plans to start service from Lansing to five destinations beginning in December. They are: Orlando and Ft. Myers, Fla; Las Vegas; Cancun, Mexico; and Montego Bay, Jamaica."

Where Has All the Money Gone?

Where Has All the Money Gone? [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
"Tracking every dime of the estimated $20 billion public schools spend in Michigan each year, per pupil spending increased from $12,032 in 2000-01 to $12,438 in 2007-08, according to the state's Department of Education.

That's a 3.4 percent increase."

22 Statistics About The Coming Pension Crisis That Will Keep You Up At Night

22 Statistics About The Coming Pension Crisis That Will Keep You Up At Night


Your Household Owes $14,165 To Pay For Your City's Employees Retirements

Your Household Owes $14,165 To Pay For Your City's Employees Retirements
"A new study on pension shortfalls is getting a lot of buzz this morning.

It should sound a familiar theme -- thanks to unrealistic expectations, cities and states have much bigger pension shortfalls than they're willing to let on. All told, the gap could hit $3 trillion.

So what's it going to cost you?

The result is a growing wave of pension shortfalls that threatens to wash over many local governments in the near future, the report said.
The authors calculated that each household in the 50 cities and counties they studied owes an average of $14,165 to current and past government employees for their pensions.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Curse of Mike Hart

The Curse of Mike Hart -
It was only a few sentences, 40 or so words, but they have come to dominate the current era of the Michigan-Michigan State rivalry"

"No true liberal or progressive should support current public employee compensation."

"No true liberal or progressive should support current public employee compensation." - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine
"So a $53,000-a-year secretary, a $95,000-a-year 'creeks supervisor' and a $67,000-a-year 'tennis services coordinator' all walk into a bar..."

Greek Health System Opts for Amputation as Money-Saver

Greek Health System Opts for Amputation as Money-Saver Breaking Lastest International News
"This Saturday, digit of Greece’s most reputable newspapers, To Vima, reportable that the nation’s maximal polity upbeat shelter bourgeois would no individual clear for primary covering for diabetes patients.

Amputation is cheaper, says the Benefits Division of the land shelter provider."

US physics professor: 'Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life'

US physics professor: 'Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life' – Telegraph Blogs:

Politics Upside Down

Works and Days » Politics Upside Down
"I think at the heart of the tea-party revolt and public anger in general is simply sheer disbelief at the astronomical debts, red ink that has increased by $3 trillion in just two years — and will fall due one day mostly on a generation that did not incur or enjoy the borrowing."

Predictions of Success Are Public - Failures Are Secret?

Predictions of Success Are Public - Failures Are Secret? [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
"Michigan Economic Development Corp. very open with predictions of success, growing more secretive with news of failure"

Saturday, October 09, 2010

U.S. Won’t Recover Lost Jobs Until March 2020 At Current Pace

U.S. Won’t Recover Lost Jobs Until March 2020 At Current Pace
"At this year’s pace, the U.S. won’t recoup all those 8.36 million lost jobs* until March 2020 — 147 months after the December 2007 high."

State snatches baby when dad accused of being 'Oath Keeper'

State snatches baby when dad accused of being 'Oath Keeper'
"A 16-hour-old newborn was snatched from her parents by authorities in Concord, N.H., after social services workers alleged the father is a member of Oath Keepers."


The silence from the MSM and the left is frightening.

Angle: Reid helped child molesters get Viagra

My Way News - Angle: Reid helped child molesters get Viagra
"Before it passed, Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., proposed an amendment barring federal expenditures for supplying Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs to sex offenders.

Democrats called it a political stunt aimed at killing the legislation.

The amendment died."

Friday, October 08, 2010

Mike Lapham

Mike Lapham

The Politics of Foreclosure -

Review & Outlook: The Politics of Foreclosure -
"Talk about a financial scandal. A consumer borrows money to buy a house, doesn't make the mortgage payments, and then loses the house in foreclosure—only to learn that the wrong guy at the bank signed the foreclosure paperwork.

Can you imagine?

The affidavit was supposed to be signed by the nameless, faceless employee in the back office who reviewed the file, not the other nameless, faceless employee who sits in the front."

Biden: "If We Lose, We're Going To Play Hell"

RealClearPolitics - Video - Biden: "If We Lose, We're Going To Play Hell"

The hate and lies from the left are just begining....

Warning signs were there about financial adviser Dante DeMiro, accused of bilking Mona Shores

Warning signs were there about financial adviser Dante DeMiro, accused of bilking Mona Shores
"MONA SHORES — It doesn’t take much research to turn up red flags about Dante DeMiro, the financial adviser behind a Ponzi scheme that has cost Mona Shores Public Schools as much as $3.7 million."

Gotta love this comment:

kipfreespch October 08, 2010 at 8:29PM

This a-hole even had 90 unpaid parking tickets in the City of Detroit in 2004.
He was at the top of a delinquint list for owing $4,720.
Took 2 minutes to lfind when looking him up on the internet - not someone we would have "developed trust" in!

Tweedledee & Tweedledum feud as America is invaded | San Francisco Examiner

Tweedledee & Tweedledum feud as America is invaded San Francisco Examiner
"federal land managers are actively preventing the Border Patrol from sealing the southern border with Mexico"

The October Surprises continue

Dear MoveOn member,

This is an urgent request.

This week, news broke that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce—one of the biggest sources of corporate cash backing Republicans this year—has been using money from foreign corporations in India, Bahrain, and elsewhere to fund its attack ads, in apparent violation of the law.1
This explosive news could shift the course of the election if the Chamber is forced to scale back and all the right-wing candidates they're helping have to answer for this.

The Chamber knows that. Their strategy is to give no quarter and hope this blows over. In the last 48 hours they've actually spent millions more on ads targeted against progressive heroes including Russ Feingold.2

The liars on the left are expecting their collaborators in the MSM to "report" these fabrications as directed by and their ilk.

Be ever vigilant and contact the liberal media when they show their true colors!

Democrats: Adler campaign backed Tea Party candidate

Democrats: Adler campaign backed Tea Party candidate Courier-Post
"'The goal was to take 5 percent of (Republican Jon) Runyan's vote,'' said a Democrat with direct knowledge of the Adler campaign and CCDC operations."

The Tea Party brand has REAL political value and the media is letting the democrat hooligans steal it to hurt GOP candidates and decieve voters.

It almost worked in Michigan.

This WILL be a real problem in coming elections.

We've got to attack those media outlets that give credence to this obvious attempt to disenfranchise American voters.

Why Dems Are Going Down in November

RealClearPolitics - Why Dems Are Going Down in November
"Why is the electorate ready to kick Democrats to the curb?

Here's why:"

Click to see his list of democrat/Obama outrages against American citizens.

I had sort of forgotten some of them and the sheer number of attacks and failures is astounding.

In little more than one and a half years!

Video: Sparty would do (almost) anything for love ...

MSU sports blog: Video: Sparty would do (almost) anything for love ...
"A little rivalry humor heading into Saturday's big game:"

Economy loses 95K jobs due to government layoffs

My Way News - Economy loses 95K jobs due to government layoffs
"Since the recession ended in June 2009, the economy has grown 3 percent, according to economists at Deutsche Bank.

That's less than half the average 6.5 percent pace in postwar recoveries."

U.S. Transportation Chief Weighs Urging a Ban on All Phone Use by Drivers

U.S. Transportation Chief Weighs Urging a Ban on All Phone Use by Drivers - Bloomberg
"U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says he believes motorists are distracted by any use of mobile phones while driving, including hands-free calls, as his department begins research that may lead him to push for a ban."

“I don’t want people talking on phones, having them up to their ear or texting while they’re driving,” LaHood said in an interview this week.

So Ray has made his decision that we shouldn't use cell phones and now he spends our money on "research" that will prove his hypothesis.

That's "american" government under Obama, folks.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Gallup Finds U.S. Unemployment at 10.1% in September

Gallup Finds U.S. Unemployment at 10.1% in September
"Underemployment, at 18.8%, is up from 18.6% at the end of August"

No Pop for the Poor

Commentary » Blog Archive » No Pop for the Poor
"Now, there’s a strong argument to be made that if the government is setting the table and preparing the dinner, it should be able to choose the menu.

But that argument is not being made; on the contrary, those who want soda omitted from the items obtainable by food stamps are making the link between health and public spending."

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Voters Are Much Less Optimistic About Black-White Relations

Voters Are Much Less Optimistic About Black-White Relations - Rasmussen Reports™
"just 36% of voters now say relations between blacks and whites are getting better."

Tennessee state workers to ask for 7 percent raise

Tennessee state workers to ask for 7 percent raise The Tennessean
"The Tennessee State Employees Association said Tuesday that it will ask lawmakers for a 7 percent pay increase next year to make up for a wage freeze and the cancellation of a bonus tied to state revenues."

Woman charged with stabbing, biting security guard during alleged shoplifting incident at Kmart

Woman charged with stabbing, biting security guard during alleged shoplifting incident at Kmart
"According to a Muskegon Township Police Department report, Robertson was stealing four cans of air freshener and seven twin packs of deodorant"

This thugette either had serious stink problems or this shoplifting was just her regular daily "shopping".

It's the culture, stupid

Coldest winter in 1,000 years on its way

Coldest winter in 1,000 years on its way - RT

"The change is reportedly connected with the speed of the Gulf Stream, which has shrunk in half in just the last couple of years.

Polish scientists say that it means the stream will not be able to compensate for the cold from the Arctic winds.

According to them, when the stream is completely stopped, a new Ice Age will begin in Europe."

Well, at least they're scientists, not fat, massage parlor molesters.

Woman, 81, jailed in vote-fraud case

Woman, 81, jailed in vote-fraud case
"After investigating the complaint for more than a year, Attorney General Greg Abbott's office sought a warrant for Comparin's arrest Sept. 30.
Investigations take time, and we're very thorough,” said Tom Kelley, a spokesman for Abbott."

Yeah, right.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

License Plate Recognition System To Be Installed At Mackinac Bridge

9&10 News - License Plate Recognition System To Be Installed At Mackinac Bridge
"The Mackinac County Sheriff says the only time the system would capture any data is if it has a reason to."

Oooh the system makes the decision?

Is Quebec the Future of the U.S.?

Pajamas Media » Is Quebec the Future of the U.S.?
"But even if Quebec remains in the Canadian family, its future looks problematic.

It is the highest taxed jurisdiction on the North American continent, and taxes in general, value added or GST surtaxes, and user fees are waistlining out by the year.

Indeed, a new user fee will shortly be piled onto our single-payer medicare system, which is already prohibitively costly and seems almost totally dysfunctional.

Patients wait inordinately long before being treated, are often released prematurely, and some die on corridor gurneys.

For these undoubted benefits Quebec has earmarked approximately 40% of its program spending, which is, admittedly, a Canadian problem as well. (Americans, take heed, and remember, Michael Moore is a sicko liar.)"

IRS Answered Only 8.8% of 352,758 Telephone Calls From Deaf Taxpayers

TaxProf Blog: IRS Answered Only 8.8% of 352,758 Telephone Calls From Deaf Taxpayers
"The Level of Service for the TTY/TDD toll-free telephone line for the 2010 Filing Season was 8.8%, the lowest Level of Service since the 2003 Filing Season when it was 6.2%.

The TTY/TDD product line Level of Service has consistently provided the lowest Level of Service among all of the Customer Account Services Enterprise product lines."

Illinois Pays More Than Mexico as Cash-Strapped States Sell Bonds Overseas

Illinois Pays More Than Mexico as Cash-Strapped States Sell Bonds Overseas - Bloomberg
"The state sold one-fifth of the federally subsidized securities abroad the next month, tapping investors who are the fastest-growing source of borrowed cash for U.S. municipalities.

Illinois, with the lowest credit rating of any state from Moody’s Investors Service, dangled yields higher than Mexico, which defaulted on debt in 1982, and Portugal, which costs more to insure against missed payments."

Monday, October 04, 2010

American Thinker: How to Win the Trade War with the Democrats

American Thinker: How to Win the Trade War with the Democrats: "There are three positions on trade when a country is being punched out by mercantilists:

1. Unilateral Free Trade. This is the Republican establishment's pacifist strategy of just taking the punches to afford an example to the rest of the world. This has been U.S. policy for three decades.
2. Protectionism. This is liberal Democrats' 'industrial policy' strategy of protecting government-preferred industries with tariffs and subsidies. President GW Bush did it with respect to steel and was forced by the WTO to back down. President Obama did it with respect to tires produced in China and succeeded in enforcing it.
3. Balanced Trade. This is the conservative pro-free-market strategy of balancing exports with imports in order to defeat the mercantilist strategy of maximizing exports and minimizing imports. It takes advantage of a special WTO rule that lets trade deficit countries impose import duties or limitations in order to bring trade into reasonable balance."

Witnesses in Defense Dept. Report Suggest Cover-Up of 9/11 Findings - EXCLUSIVE: Witnesses in Defense Dept. Report Suggest Cover-Up of 9/11 Findings
"A document obtained and witnesses interviewed by Fox News raise new questions over whether there was an effort by the Defense Department to cover up a pre-9/11 military intelligence program known as 'Able Danger.'"

10 former San Diego city employees will split $61 million in pensions

CALIFORNIA PENSION REFORM » 10 former San Diego city employees will split $61 million in pensions
"Ten former San Diego city employees will split $61 million dollars for the rest of their lives.
Did they win the lottery?
No – they will receive it in payouts from the City of San Diego pension system"

Illinois Leads Underfunded U.S. Pensions

Illinois Leads Underfunded U.S. Pensions - BusinessWeek
"To rank the municipal pension funding levels for the 50 U.S. states, Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C., the Bloomberg Municipal Data Team and the Municipal Fundamentals Team collected and supplemented data from The Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, a set of government financial statements.
Data is for states' respective fiscal year ends, current as of August 20, 2010."

Interactive chart

How Are the Benefits? For Members of Congress, Not Too Shabby - How Are the Benefits? For Members of Congress, Not Too Shabby
"A little-known benefit drew some attention Wednesday after it was reported that the family of the late West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd will be paid his $193,000 salary next year.
That's just the tip of the benefits iceberg that comes with being a venerable member of Congress."

Conyers lost driver's license after renewal check bounced

Conyers lost driver's license after renewal check bounced - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
"Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) lost his driver’s license temporarily this summer because he bounced the check used to pay the renewal fee"

Livonia mulling 1% fee on taxes

Livonia mulling 1% fee on taxes Detroit Free Press
"Livonia might charge its residents a 1% administrative fee to collect their property taxes, beginning with the December tax bill."

If they can, they will tax.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Manhattan couple booted from cruise over 'Jew slur' fight

Manhattan couple booted from cruise over 'Jew slur' fight -
"Broadway producer Gloria Sher, 82, and her husband, Frederick Evans, 91, said they were ordered off the luxury liner after their obscenity-filled argument with someone they claim had made an anti-Semitic remark during a stately black-tie dinner."

Not news at all but nice to see some rich big mouths kicked off cuz of their shear obnoxiousness!

And landing in Quebec no less!


My Way - TV

My Way - TV: "Black & Gold: Remembering the WSU Plane Crash"

Big Ten Blog - ESPN

Big Ten Blog - ESPN
"Robinson set a Michigan single-game total offense record (383 yards) in the opener against Connecticut and has since broken his own mark twice.

He has 905 rushing yards and 1,008 passing yards with more than a half-season to play.

Robinson has eclipsed 100 rushing yards in each of his first five games."

I HATE UM but this guy is a dream to watch.

Next Saturday, MSU v UM baby!

10 Most Breathtaking Gardens in the World

10 Most Breathtaking Gardens in the World -

"One Nation" (Of Commies, Unions, & Other Leftist Extremists)...Trashing The Mall

Marooned In Marin: "One Nation" (Of Commies, Unions, & Other Leftist Extremists)...Trashing The Mall
"Today was the day that an assortment of Left-wing groups, labor unions, Democrats and the NAACCP rallied on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to 'counter' the genuine grassroots Tea Party movement."

Saturday, October 02, 2010


Instapundit » Blog Archive » THE NEW TEA PARTY CHALLENGE


Yes, don’t get distracted.

As this NPR story suggests, the powers-that-be would like nothing better than to see the Tea Party morph into a social-conservative movement instead of a small-government movement.

They can handle the former, but not the latter.

Friday, October 01, 2010

US apologizes for '40s syphilis study in Guatemala

My Way News - US apologizes for '40s syphilis study in Guatemala
"The NIH-funded experiment, which ran from 1946 to 1948, was uncovered by a Wellesley College medical historian.

It apparently was conducted to test if penicillin, then relatively new, could prevent some sexually transmitted infections.

The study came up with no useful information and was hidden for decades." president, congress....liberal news here folks.....just go home....

“We figured out a surefire way around the First Amendment”

“We figured out a surefire way around the First Amendment” - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine
“We figured out a surefire way around the First Amendment”"

An insider look at City Hall

CityWatch - An insider look at City Hall
"The real reason the Mayor for Life is pulling the plug is that Chicago is broke, running out of cash, with no attractive alternatives."

Meredith Whitney's new target: The states - Fortune Finance

Meredith Whitney's new target: The states - Fortune Finance
"The full rankings:
Worst states
1. California
2. New Jersey, Illinois, Ohio (tie)
3. Michigan
4. Georgia
5. New York
6. Florida"

This is not new news.

When will we recognise the tsunami of debt that is already on its way to our states?

The 9 Greatest College Fight Songs

Total Pro Sports - Battle Cries: The 9 Greatest College Fight Songs

The Is What a Radical Republican Looks Like

The Is What a Radical Republican Looks Like - By Kevin D. Williamson - The Corner - National Review Online
"The Is What a Radical Republican Looks Like

October 1, 2010 12:12 P.M. By Kevin D. Williamson

Being a former member of the Republican party, I don’t often indulge my occasional desire to offer the GOP messaging advice.
But every time I hear Barack Obama say something like this . . .

It took time to free the slaves. It took time for women to get the vote.

. . . I wish the Republicans would response with an ad that says: “Yes, it took time to free the slaves.
Time and a Republican president.
One who had the courage of his convictions.”

As for women’s suffrage, the debate about the relative timing and importance of enfranchising women versus enfranchising blacks took place almost entirely within the Republican party.

You know the famous episode in which Susan B. Anthony was arrested for illegally voting?
The evidence against her was a note she sent to Elizabeth Cady Stanton, informing her that she had “positively voted the Republican ticket — straight.”
Take that, Rahm.

Frederick Douglass should be as much the face of the Republican party as Reagan and Goldwater.

If the GOP had any brains (I know, I know!) it would spend a fair amount of money reminding the world: This is what a radical Republican looks like:"

When will our republican party leaders own up to the courage of the republicans of old?

Employers face equality law nightmare as Coalition pushes ahead with Harriet Harman's Act

Employers face equality law nightmare as Coalition pushes ahead with Harriet Harman's Act Mail Online
"New equality laws masterminded by Labour deputy leader Harriet Harman have come into force today, threatening to create a political correctness minefield for recession-hit businesses.

Under the Act, vegans, teetotallers and atheists are to be given the same protection against discrimination as religious groups while gipsies and travellers will get special favours because of the 'many socio-economic disadvantages' they face.

There is also a provision which extends protection from third party harassment, meaning employers have a responsibility to shield their staff, where possible, from abuse by customers.

This has led to fears that bosses could be sued for jokes or comments that staff overhear and find offensive - even if it is not directed at or about them.

The Act, which ministers claim will help stamp out pay discrimination, have been slammed by employer groups who claim it will cost £189million to implement."

I might imagine that "jokes" about conservatives or rich people are not covered.....right

Nearly One in 10 Americans Depressed, Study Reveals

Nearly One in 10 Americans Depressed, Study Reveals
"Women were more susceptible to depression than men, young people were more likely than those over 65 years old to suffer from depression, and blacks and Hispanics were more likely than whites to be depressed, it said."

Ummm, this sorta coincides with democrat voters......

Is liberalism gonna be officially diagnosed as a disease?

Soon...we all hope?

'Go green or we'll kill your kids' says Richard Curtis eco-propaganda shocker

'Go green or we'll kill your kids' says Richard Curtis eco-propaganda shocker – Telegraph Blogs

"Here’s what the Guardian had to say, excitedly, when it previewed the video yesterday:

Had a look?

Well, I’m certain you’ll agree that detonating school kids, footballers and movie stars into gory pulp for ignoring their carbon footprints is attention-grabbing."

Watch this "green" produced video and be verry afraid.

If they win....what do you think they will really do?

No Guns.. No Business!

No Guns.. No Business!

flu shot at Walmart!

I got my first flu shot ever at Walmart today!
A very professional RN and about 5 minutes.
Anyone else think Walmart would be better at running our USA healthcare system than BarryO'Carter and his political pals?

Pain Treatment Is the Best Yet

Technology Review: Pain Treatment Is the Best Yet
"A new class of pain relievers that targets musculoskeletal pain receptors, instead of more general pain pathways, could alleviate osteoarthritis pain better than any drug now on the market"

Pentagon Loses Control of Bombs to China Metal Monopoly

Pentagon Loses Control of Bombs to China Metal Monopoly - Bloomberg
"“There are plenty of early warning signs that China will use its leverage over these materials as a weapon.”"

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Irish Woes Get Worse

Irish Woes Get Worse - Megan McArdle - Business - The Atlantic
"It's hard to know what to say about Ireland's revelation that it expects the cost of cleaning up Anglo Irish Bank to come to a staggering 21% of GDP.
Profanity is too weak, really.

The total cost of the bank bailouts looks as if it will be well over a quarter of GDP."

Senate votes to turn down volume on TV commercials

My Way News - Senate votes to turn down volume on TV commercials
"The Senate unanimously passed a bill late Wednesday to require television stations and cable companies to keep commercials at the same volume as the programs they interrupt."

Such a triumph for our democrat dominated senate!

$27.5m Because The Feds Don't Like the Font.....

CARPE DIEM: $27.5m Because The Feds Don't Like the Font.....
"New York City will change the lettering on every single street sign - at an estimated cost of about $27.5 million - because the feds don't like the font.

Street names will change from all capital letters to a combination of upper and lower case on roads across the country thanks to the pricey federal regulation"

The artsy-fartsy idiots are in charge!
Do you care?

Medal of Honor recipient's family turned away at White House

Medal of Honor recipient's family turned away at White House KTVB.COM KTVB.COM Boise, Idaho news
"Vernon Baker, of St. Maries, Idaho, was the last living black World War II Medal of Honor winner."

Well, it is change.....maybe hope comes on November 2nd?

Gloria Allred and the Democrats

Falling off the Floor: Gloria Allred and the Democrats - Hugh Hewitt - Townhall Conservative
"Turns out that Whitman had hired a housekeeper a few years back, after being provided all the necessary documents.
Whitman was very serious about complying with the law as any CEO of a major public company ought to be, if only to protect the thousands and thousands of shareholders who cannot afford to have corporate leadership turn out to be law breakers.

Whitman was defrauded.
The housekeeper lied.

Many years later the housekeeper admitted her lies to Whitman, and Whitman dismissed her."

Just in case Perky Katie and her comrades in the MSM sorta forget to report this tonight.

One third of 'extinct' animals turn up again

One third of 'extinct' animals turn up again Mail Online

They're baaack.......
Maybe cuz global warming is over?

Muskegon County commissioners OK new budget to start Friday, plan some layoffs

Muskegon County commissioners OK new budget to start Friday, plan some layoffs
"The new spending plan for Muskegon County, effective Friday, received final approval this week, ending months of planning to eliminate a projected $6.3 million deficit.
County commissioners approved the budget for fiscal year 2011, featuring a general-fund budget of $43.4 million and all-funds budgets totaling $255 million."

$6.3 million deficit from a $43 million budget?

Bailout for States and More Real Estate Trouble Coming,Whitney says

Bailout for States and More Real Estate Trouble Coming,Whitney says Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog
"Yesterday, as I sat and listened in my car, Whitney predicted tough times coming for state governments.
I wrote in February (America Has Its Own Pigs) that many states are basically bankrupt and, in an election year, will probably get a bailout.
Fast forward to today.
Whitney says underwater states will need a trillion dollar bailout.
That is another thousand billion added to the taxpayer tab!

Whitney said, “You have to look at the states and the risk that the states pose, because the crisis with the states will result in an attempt at least for the third near-trillion-dollar bailout.

That has consequences on the dollar that has consequences on just about everything.
It certainly has consequences on the US recovery.”

Whitney also predicts 80,000 financial sector layoffs coming for Wall Street."

McDonald's Says It May Drop Health Plan

McDonald's Says It May Drop Health Plan -
"Last week, a senior McDonald's official informed the Department of Health and Human Services that the restaurant chain's insurer won't meet a 2011 requirement to spend at least 80% to 85% of its premium revenue on medical care."

Where EPA Is Public Enemy #1

The American Spectator : Where EPA Is Public Enemy #1
"'Trial lawyers joined forces with environmental activists and sought to regulate through the courts what science could not support within the EPA regulatory process,'"