Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Immorality of Class Warfare

American Thinker: The Immorality of Class Warfare
"The ruling class has become more dependent on the wealthy and yet holds them in the same contempt in which the stagecoach riders held the French prostitute and the Apache passenger.

There is something morally repugnant about expecting rescue and salvation from the same people you demonize."

Schools Buying Bigger Pension Payouts for Employees

Schools Buying Bigger Pension Payouts for Employees [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
"But it’s not just rank-and-file teachers taking advantage of getting years tacked on to their pension calculation at the school’s expense.
Kentwood Public Schools bought years of service for three of its assistant superintendents in 2009, at a combined cost of about $66,500.
School records show that the district also spent $8,592 to purchase retirement credits for Superintendent Scott Palczewski.
His salary was $184,074 in 2009."

MEA Has $174.5 Million in Liabilities, $66.3 Million in Dues

MEA Has $174.5 Million in Liabilities, $66.3 Million in Dues [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
"The MEA made news this spring when it was reported by the Lansing State Journal that some staffers and officials got pay raises in 2009 ranging from 6.8 percent for the mailroom coordinator to 15 percent for President Iris Salters."

Jeepers, the progressives who run the MEA have spent themselves silly.
But no problem.
Just give everyone a raise and increase dues.
Who'd of guessed?

GM's union recovering after stock sale

GM's union recovering after stock sale - Washington Times
"Thanks to a generous share of GM stock obtained in the company's 2009 bankruptcy settlement, the United Auto Workers is well on its way to recouping the billions of dollars GM owed it — putting it far ahead of taxpayers who have recouped only about 30 percent of their investment and further still ahead of investors in the old GM who have received nothing."

What to watch during the Michigan State-Penn State game

What to watch during the Michigan State-Penn State game Detroit Free Press
"Beaver Stadium: The last time Michigan State won at Penn State, Lyndon B. Johnson was president, we hadn’t reached the moon and Joe Paterno was not the Nittany Lions’ coach."

The bowl boondoggle - College Football -

The bowl boondoggle - College Football -
"Overall the Sugar Bowl spent $11.1 million in 2006 alone.

The SEC operated its 2007 Championship Game (in effect a bowl game) for just $2.1 million.
The ACC managed to pull off its 2006 title game for $1.2 million.

It’s not easy making a single, three-and-a-half-hour football game cost over $11 million; which might explain why the Sugar Bowl has an actual “committee on golf.”

Then there’s the “special committee on ladies’ entertainment” (which may or may not have anything to do with the “conference relations” tab being so high)."

Someone's livin' large.

Terrorists & losers

Terrorists & losers -
"First, someone who had spent some time in the West and kept his eyes open would know that packages to synagogues are apt to get more attention than those sent to most offices or private addresses.

Second, the names don't jibe with the addresses.
'Abe Cohen,' yes;
'Diego Diaz,' try again."

As idiotic as our TSA/HomelandSecurity appears to be, these morons redefine moronic.

We best remember we're winning the terrorist war not because we are brilliant but that our enemies are fools.

China and Russia are not fools.

‘Issues of Culture, Ethnicity and Identity’ Raised in U.K. Rape-Gang Case

Report: ‘Issues of Culture, Ethnicity and Identity’ Raised in U.K. Rape-Gang Case : The Other McCain
“This week, the BBC reported the Derby case repeatedly on radio with barely a mention of the fact all but one of the gang members were Asian, or the fact the vast majority of the victims — 22 of the 27 mentioned in court — were white girls.”

Read this grim article but understand that the PC Brits call islamic monsters "asian".

Feds: Somali-born teen plotted car-bombing in Ore.

My Way News - Feds: Somali-born teen plotted car-bombing in Ore.
"Undercover agents in a sting operation arrested a Somali-born teenager just as he tried blowing up a van full of what he believed were explosives at a crowded Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, federal authorities said."

I sure hope this teen wasn't "profiled" would be so unfair!

Mubarak snubs U.S. call for election monitors

Mubarak snubs U.S. call for election monitors - Washington Times
"The Egyptian government has publicly rejected U.S. demands — and President Obama's personal request — for monitors to observe Sunday's parliamentary elections"

Public rejection of Obama's "personal request" is proof that the world's leaders respect the USA more today than under Bush.....right?
You betcha!

MTA offering service to Hogwarts? Magical Harry Potter train line appears on subway sign

MTA offering service to Hogwarts? Magical Harry Potter train line appears on subway sign
"The MTA has cut service across the five boroughs, but seems to have added one exotic destination: Hogwarts."

Cute story but the real meat is "MTA has cut service across the five buroughs..."
That's "mass transit" folks!
Run by government unions.
"Screw the customer....and we're broke too!"

MICHAEL PETRELIS: “The SPLC’s new 2009 IRS 990 filing shows they have a bank account in the Cayman …

MICHAEL PETRELIS: “The SPLC’s new 2009 IRS 990 filing shows they have a bank account in the Cayman …: "The SPLC’s new 2009 IRS 990 filing shows they have a bank account in the Cayman Islands.
Now, stop for a good long minute and ask yourself what the hell is a supposed poverty-fighting Alabama-based tax exempt organization doing with such an account.
Then ponder this: how much money is in it. . . . Assets for the organization are listed at $190 million, a nice chunk of change in these economic hard times.
When was the last time this group, with almost $190 million in assets, did a damn worthwhile thing about, um, poverty?”
Well, nobody who works for them is poor. . . ."

18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted or Admitted Guilt in Election Fraud

18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted or Admitted Guilt in Election Fraud - "So far this year, at least 18 former workers have admitted guilt or been convicted on varying charges of election fraud."

Only on FoxNews.

A Thanksgiving Message to All 57 States

"Obviously, I would have been even more impressed if the media showed some consistency on this issue."

Sarah really nails the media and their love child Barry O'Carter here.

The more I hear her and read her commentary, the more I like her.

Federal judge to no longer oversee Detroit water department

"U.S. District Judge John Feikens, who turns 93 next week and has been ill recently, began oversight of the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department 33 years ago as part of a pollution lawsuit settlement.
Feikens' departure is the third major leadership loss for the department in recent months at a time when state regulators have found major pollution violations in the Detroit River caused by the city's wastewater treatment plant."

Norton Shores sewer, water rates likely to rise |

Norton Shores sewer, water rates likely to rise
"A typical homeowner would see their quarterly combined water and sewer bill climb 18 percent, to $164.91, according to a city proposal.
If agreed upon by the city council, the hike would take effect in January."

Well, if you sign a idiotic long term contract with the devil (Muskegon Heights), what do you expect?

Thursday, November 25, 2010


GIVING THANKS FOR AMERICAN INGENUITY Newsradio 620 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin News, Talk, Sports, Weather Charlie Sykes
"Consider the electric carving knife that so many of you will use without a second thought this Thanksgiving holiday season."

New START, Old Whine

New START, Old Whine -
"Then came the kicker from President Obama: "Ronald Reagan said, 'Trust but verify.' We can't verify right now.

...A nuclear arms control pact cannot be passed blindly under the rationale that 'it is in everybody's interests to work on reducing our nuclear arsenals.'

GOP senators want it made clear what New START really does, and what Moscow believes it does.
They want the detailed records of our negotiations, and as of now the president refuses to provide them.

Trusting Europe's judgment is no way to verify that post-Cold War Russia really will be constrained in the future."

Donkey Turkeys

Donkey Turkeys -
"To our mind, this passage captures the essence of left-wing 'progressives.'

Their personal fulfillment depends on the exercise of political power to control the lives of others.

That's why Americans find today's Democratic Party creepy and repellent--why they voted it out of power at the earliest opportunity."

The Ghost of Thanksgiving Yet to Come

The Ghost of Thanksgiving Yet to Come
"He wondered what might have happened if the public had stood up while there was still time, maybe back around 2010, when all the real nonsense began.
“Maybe we wouldn’t be where we are today if we’d just said ‘enough is enough’ when we had the chance,” he thought.
Maybe so, Winston.
Maybe so."

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Federal court decision establishes most of Isabella County, including northern Mount Pleasant, as 'Indian Country'

Federal court decision establishes most of Isabella County, including northern Mount Pleasant, as 'Indian Country'
"Based on the decision, if an American Indian were cited for a traffic violation — or any law violation — in northern Mount Pleasant and other tribal properties, the tribe and not Isabella County District Court would deliver punishment."

RealClearPolitics - A Lost Thanksgiving Lesson

RealClearPolitics - A Lost Thanksgiving Lesson
"Total production was too meager to support the population, and famine resulted.
This went on for two years.

'So as it well appeared that famine must still ensue the next year also, if not some way prevented,' wrote Gov. William Bradford in his diary. The colonists, he said, 'began to think how they might raise as much corn as they could, and obtain a better crop than they had done, that they might not still thus languish in misery.
At length after much debate of things, (I) (with the advice of the chiefest among them) gave way that they should set corn every man for his own particular, and in that regard trust to themselves.
And so assigned to every family a parcel of land.'

In other words, the people of Plymouth moved from socialism to private farming.
The results were dramatic."

The Fred Upton Voting Record

The Fred Upton Voting Record NetRight Daily

Former Justice Pulls Back Curtain on Michigan Supreme Court

Former Justice Pulls Back Curtain on Michigan Supreme Court - Law Blog - WSJ
"We sense that we have not heard the last of this dispute."

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Cost of the Debt Explosion

The Cost of the Debt Explosion - By Veronique de Rugy - The Corner - National Review Online
"Here is what our future looks like if we don’t cut spending dramatically."

Whitman's maid story was pushed by nurses union

Whitman's maid story was pushed by nurses union
"How did an undocumented, Mexican-born housekeeper, Nicandra Diaz Santillan, end up in the national spotlight, boldly confronting her former boss, billionaire GOP gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman?

The short answer: with the help of a union."

The Rapid posts salaries for Grand Rapids bus drivers, executives

The Rapid posts salaries for Grand Rapids bus drivers, executives
"That's a legitimate and understandable question, Rapid officials say.
That's why visitors to their website can now view freshly posted salary range data."

Interesting there is NO pension or health care benefit info posted.

Joe Paterno plans to coach Penn State Nittany Lions in 2011 - ESPN

Joe Paterno plans to coach Penn State Nittany Lions in 2011 - ESPN
"Joe Paterno says he plans to return as Penn State coach next season, putting an end to any speculation about retirement."

Should public retirement age be hiked past 60?

Should public retirement age be hiked past 60? - OC Watchdog : The Orange County Register
"So the good states of the Union are starting to face up to the fact that they can’t afford to pay the pensions and other benefits they’ve promised to retirees.


We told you earlier about how the Pew Center on the States has released a new nationwide review of how states are mobilizing to battle their coming $1 trillion pension tsunami,

And we note that while California has raised the retirement age for most employees from 55 to 60, other states have raised it to 62, and even 67.

Some note that Social Security doesn’t fully kick in until you’re 67.

What do you think? (You might want to ponder the charts below, from a Pew report, before you cast your vote.)"

Michigan Forbids City of Hamtramck to Seek Bankruptcy; My Advice to Hamtramck: "Default"

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Michigan Forbids City of Hamtramck to Seek Bankruptcy; My Advice to Hamtramck: "Default"
"That Hamtramck is clearly bankrupt, unable to bay bills, saddled with unions salaries, pension promises that cannot be met, as well as other problems it desperately needs to get rid of without burdening taxpayers even more, is of no concern to the current governor of the state.

Please consider this updated report Michigan Forbids City To Seek Municipal Bankruptcy.

A spokesman for the Michigan state treasury said Thursday that municipal bankruptcy isn't an option for Hamtramck, the small city near Detroit that earlier this month asked the state for permission to file for the process."

Read this!

Climbing to the top of the tower!

Grab your balls and watch this video

Detroit Symphony Orchestra Management, Musicians in Talks

Detroit Symphony Orchestra Management, Musicians in Talks -

The DSO's 85 musicians walked off the job in late September after negotiations broke down over a proposed contract calling for the salaries of veteran musicians to be cut by nearly a third while new players would start at 42% below the current base of $104,650.

Pension and health benefits also would be cut.

So us taxpayers are gonna chip in so rich folks can listed to rich folks play music?

The 'Build America' Debt Bomb

Steven Malanga: The 'Build America' Debt Bomb -

"One sure signal has been the sharp rise in the cost for investors to insure against default.

In June, the price of a contract protecting an investor from a default by Illinois on its bonds rose to a record high of $309,100 on $10 million of debt over five years, according to CMA Datavision.

The national average for states is $190,000 per $10 million in debt.

At that point, Illinois surpassed California as the worst credit risk among U.S. states"

Grab a drink and read it all.
This is scary!

New Years with Elvis!

Mona Lake Productions

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bristol Palin’s dancing on TV set off man in standoff, complaint says

Bristol Palin’s dancing on TV set off man in standoff, complaint says
"According to the complaint, Cowan and his wife were watching “Dancing with the Stars” when Cowan jumped up and swore as Bristol Palin appeared, saying something about “the (expletive) politics.”

Cowan was upset that a political figure’s daughter was on the show when he didn’t think she was a good dancer, the complaint states.

According to the complaint:
......He was carrying a single-shot shotgun, which he loaded and fired into the television."

PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) strikes again!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

George Gilder: California's Destructive Green Jobs Lobby

George Gilder: California's Destructive Green Jobs Lobby -
"This was the California referendum to repeal Assembly Bill 32, the so-called Global Warming Solutions Act, which ratchets the state's economy back to 1990 levels of greenhouse gases by 2020.

That's a 30% drop followed by a mandated 80% overall drop by 2050."

Holton classrooms to get telephones

Holton classrooms to get telephones
"Communication between parents and teachers in Holton will get a lot easier with the installation of telephones in classrooms.

The Holton Public Schools Board of Education recently agreed to spend $64,782 on the new phone system that will include 105 telephone sets.

That’s enough for each classroom, as well as school offices and teacher’s lounges, said Superintendent Ann Cardon."

Monday, November 15, 2010

Muskegon downtown besieged conversation


Pop-goes-the-taxpayers-Bridge-Card WOOD TV8

Holland said he called the state.

They told him the customer didn't violate any of the rules regarding Bridge Card purchases.

Teacher Pensions: Funding Shortfall Nears $500 Billion

Teacher Pensions: Funding Shortfall Nears $500 Billion - TIME
"Teacher pensions may not sound like a sexy or even high-profile issue, but keep reading: they're threatening the fiscal health of many states and could cost you — yes, you — thousands of dollars."

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Michigan child-care workers suing to break free of UAW union

Michigan child-care workers suing to break free of UAW union
"In 2006, the UAW and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) were formally approved as partners in a union called Child Care Providers Together Michigan.

Only 15 percent of the providers voted, but 92 percent were in favor."

That's the key deal.
The unions got an arrangement with the US government that only the voters on a given vote mattered in gaining a majority.
So if they kept the vote secret or make it hard to vote, they win.
Vote democrat and you'll get more of this crap!

Greenspan says deficit could spark bond crisis

Greenspan says deficit could spark bond crisis - Business - Personal finance - Stocks & economy -
"The United States must move to rein in its massive budget deficits or it faces the risk of a bond market crisis, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said Sunday"


That Greenspan would even have to say this is a clear indication of how bad things really are.

Why Can't Chuck Get His Business Off the Ground?

click on the "Miami" arrow at the bottom-middle and think "MUSKEGON".

COOL IT - Official Movie Trailer

COOL IT Official Movie Website, NOW PLAYING | Home

COOL IT Official Movie Website, NOW PLAYING Home

Obama White House Hands Out 111 Obamacare Waivers- Hides It on Website

and look at the waivers:
Mostly unions and other Friends-of-Barry!
Where is the MSM on this patently clear bribery?

Driving for CATA a lucrative job for some

"Driving a public transit bus can be a six-figure gig in Lansing - if you're willing to work overtime.

A driver from the Capital Area Transportation Authority made $140,900 in 2009.
He put in nearly 2,200 hours of overtime, which averages about 42 extra hours a week.

He was one of 25 drivers who earned more than $80,000 last year.
The top hourly pay, before overtime, for bus drivers last year was $22.11, which equates to about $46,000 a year for a full-time driver."

Not including overtime and benefits!
Ralph Kramden would freak out!

One of America's 'Most Governed' States

One of America's 'Most Governed' States [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
"Federal employees are higher paid on average in Michigan, earning $61,647 according to BLS 2009 data. State employees earned $55,032 and local government workers earned $43,546.

Michigan Capitol Confidential has done several stories involving salaries of state and local government workers.

The salary history of a Michigan public school teacher:

The six figure cops of Sterling Heights:
Thirty-one MEDC salaries top $100,000:
The 600-student district with the $300,000 superintendent:"

American Thinker: Clarice's Pieces: Restoring American Stature Abroad

American Thinker: Clarice's Pieces: Restoring American Stature Abroad
"No one's paying attention to details

Sometimes, pictures do convey things better than words.
This picture of this first lady in Indonesia with the president and Indonesia's prime minister tells us a great deal if we study it carefully.

Yes, Michelle Obama looks tacky and ill dressed.
So badly decked out -- that a rear shot of the threesome makes it look as if she hastily threw this pantsuit over a sleeveless dress she'd worn elsewhere during the day -- as she might have had this mosque visit been an afterthought or the protocol about appropriate garb been ignored.
Yes, she looks angry and uncomfortable, but there's more.
Keep looking and you'll see a White House in utter disarray and a President who has allowed his wife to be publicly discomfited and humiliated.

As is customary when visiting a mosque, the Indonesian leader, Barack, and Michelle are shoeless.
As an insult to her, the carpet spread over the hot, sharp bricks they are walking on is wide enough for only two people.
It would be rude for Michelle to walk ahead of the two men; it would diminish her to have her walk behind them; doubtless it would be a diplomatic gaffe if the Obamas walked together behind or in front of their host.

So, we have a picture of the first lady, poorly garbed, hobbling barefooted over hot, sharp bricks while her husband and the host smile and chat in comfort on the carpet.
Any reasonably adept advance team would have prevented this by making sure the first lady received the respectful treatment of a place on the carpet or an invitation to another event.

After the fact one wonders, assuming this was an unanticipated breach of etiquette, why the White House allowed these pictures to be taken and released."

This disastrous visit is simply the latest sign of our "emperor's" disappearing clothes.
Read it all.

Latino kids now majority in state's public schools

Latino kids now majority in state's public schools
"In comparison, 27 percent of California's 6.2 million students identified themselves as white"

Taxpayers Provide More Than 25 Percent of NPR's Funding, Analyst Says - Taxpayers Provide More Than 25 Percent of NPR's Funding, Analyst Says
"the network insists it gets no more than 3 percent of its total budget from taxpayers.

But one analyst has argued that NPR's $166 million budget is actually made up of more than 25 percent of taxpayer dollars and that its member stations across the country haul in another 40 percent of public funds."

Quantitative Easing Explained

Saturday, November 13, 2010

One and done: To be a great president, Obama should not seek reelection in 2012

Opinion One and done: To be a great president, Obama should not seek reelection in 2012
"To that end, we believe Obama should announce immediately that he will not be a candidate for reelection in 2012."

Super-sized pensions, and a doomsday scenario

Super-sized pensions, and a doomsday scenario - The Red Tape Chronicles -
"In New York, a 44-year-old firefighter retires with a $101,000 a year pension, for life.
Near Chicago, a parks commissioner quits and begins collecting a $166,000 pension – a sum sweetened by $50,000 thanks to a one-time retirement year windfall of $270,000.
And in California, a former city manager pulls down $500,000 in retirement checks every year."

Michigan fans discuss Rich Rodriguez

Friday, November 12, 2010

Man Eats His Own Beard at Knifepoint Over Botched Lawnmower Sale

Man Eats His Own Beard at Knifepoint Over Botched Lawnmower Sale
"There are big stories, and then there are Big Stories, and Lexington, Kentucky's LEX 18 News has got one hell of a Big Story right here"

More federal workers' pay tops $150,000

More federal workers' pay tops $150,000 -
"The number of federal workers earning $150,000 or more a year has soared tenfold in the past five years and doubled since President Obama took office, a USA TODAY analysis finds."

Why I’m Running for RNC Chairman

Why I’m Running for RNC Chairman « That’s Saul Folks!

I like Saul!

Earmark Myths and Realities

Earmark Myths and Realities - By Sen. Tom Coburn - The Corner - National Review Online
"As Senate Republicans prepare to vote on an earmark moratorium, I would encourage my colleagues to consider four myths and four realities of the debate."

Read this and contact Rep. elect Huizenga and every newspaper you can!

Bill Huizenga for Congress • P.O. Box 254 Zeeland, MI 49464 • bill@huizengaforcongress.com616-748-1234 • Paid for by Huizenga for Congress • Dave Nienhuis CPA, Treasurer

I Don't Understand with Obama

Rebranded ACORN Network Will Target Battleground States in 2012

"But contrary to what has been widely reported, the ACORN network has already reconstituted itself under new generic sounding names in anticipation of the 2012 elections, Matthew Vadum, a senior editor and analyst with the Capital Research Center (CRC), explained in an interview.
“This bankruptcy filing is really a public relations head fake,” he said.
“ACORN is altering its organizational structure because the name has been sullied and damaged.
But it remains a potent force.”

Moreover, he added, the congressional funding ban that went into effect last year is now lifted."

School Makes Boy Take American Flag Off Bike

School Makes Boy Take American Flag Off Bike - KTXL
"13-year-old Cody Alicea rides with an American flag on the back of his bike.
He says he does this to be patriotic and to honor veterans, like his own grandfather, Robert.
He's had the flag on his bike for two months but Monday, was asked told to take it down.
A school official at Denair Middle School told Cody some students had been complaining about the flag and it was no longer allowed on school property."

10 Most Hilarious Babies On Youtube

see the rest!:

10 Most Hilarious Babies On Youtube

Court order blocks Okla. amendment on Islamic law

My Way News - Court order blocks Okla. amendment on Islamic law
"A federal judge has issued a temporary restraining order blocking a state constitutional amendment that prohibits state courts from considering international or Islamic law when deciding cases."

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Illinois congressmen paid campaign funds to wives

Illinois congressmen paid campaign funds to wives -
"The campaign to re-elect Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. has given wife Sandi Jackson's company at least $315,000 for her work.
Rep. Bobby Rush's campaign has paid his wife, Carolyn Rush, more than $240,000 to serve as a consultant."

Democrat SCUM!

Izzo previews 2011 class; LSJ previews 2010-11 team

Izzo previews 2011 class; LSJ previews 2010-11 team - LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe
"Today is both national signing day and LSJ basketball preview section day.
Both should be national holidays.
First, Tom Izzo was able to speak about the four players who signed national letters of intent today -- wings Branden Dawson, Dwaun Anderson, Brandan Kearney and point guard Travis Trice."

Who are Television's Highest-Paid Stars?

Who are Television's Highest-Paid Stars?

‘Burn in Hell’: Muslim Protesters Disrupt British Veterans Day

‘Burn in Hell’: Muslim Protesters Disrupt British Veterans Day The Blaze
"“British soldiers burn in hell” and banners saying “Islam will dominate” and “Our dead are in paradise, your dead are in hell.”"

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Illinois congressmen paid campaign funds to wives -

Illinois congressmen paid campaign funds to wives -
"Two Illinois congressmen have paid their wives hundreds of thousands of dollars out of their campaign funds in the last decade, according to records filed with the Federal Election Commission.

The campaign to re-elect Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. has given wife Sandi Jackson's company at least $315,000 for her work.
Rep. Bobby Rush's campaign has paid his wife, Carolyn Rush, more than $240,000 to serve as a consultant.

Two other Chicago-area congressmen, Danny Davis and Luis Gutierrez, have given their wives smaller amounts for doing campaign work.
The four lawmakers, all Democrats, were re-elected last week."

not only is this disgusting, the liberal media's cover up is even worse!

Air Pelosi Ends

Air Pelosi Ends - By Kathryn Jean Lopez - The Corner - National Review Online
"There’s been a lot of controversy about the expense of and use of military aircraft to get Speakers of the House around in recent years — especially when Nancy Pelosi asked for an upgrade (and because she’s a she).
That is apparently about to end.
Presumptive Speaker Boehner just told reporters he’s flown commercial for 20 years and will continue to do so as Speaker."

This is a BIG deal to me. Basketball Recruiting - Big week puts MSU in team rankings Basketball Recruiting - Big week puts MSU in team rankings

Izzo previews 2011 class

Izzo previews 2011 class; LSJ previews 2010-11 team - LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe
"Today is both national signing day and LSJ basketball preview section day.
Both should be national holidays."

YouTube - Meg McLain Singled out by the TSA, Cuffed to a Chair, Her Ticket Ripped up

YouTube - Meg McLain Singled out by the TSA, Cuffed to a Chair, Her Ticket Ripped up

This is the new Obama amerika!

Muskegon-area businesses offer discounts, complimentary services to veterans

Muskegon-area businesses offer discounts, complimentary services to veterans
"Muskegon-area businesses believe that money talks, and it’s particularly good at saying, “Thank you.”"

This is cool!

More federal workers' pay tops $150,000

More federal workers' pay tops $150,000 -
"The number of federal workers earning $150,000 or more a year has soared tenfold in the past five years and doubled since President Obama took office, a USA TODAY analysis finds."

The Fateful Journey - Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society

"The final voyage of the Edmund Fitzgerald began November 9, 1975 at the Burlington Northern Railroad Dock No.1, Superior, Wisconsin."

35 years ago today.


the lost Fitzgerald tapes:

a great thread from SpartanTailgate:

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

llinois Loses 1,000 More Union Jobs, and Another Manufacturing Plant to Right-to-Work Mississippi

CARPE DIEM: Illinois Loses 1,000 More Union Jobs, and Another Manufacturing Plant to Right-to-Work Mississippi
"Illinois Loses 1,000 More Union Jobs, and Another Manufacturing Plant to Right-to-Work Mississippi"


Is this play legal? Fair play to call it against middle schoolers?

Is this play legal? Fair play to call it against middle schoolers?

This is funny!


MSU Alumnus and Muskegon native spins novel from a plausible accident during the Cuban missile crisisNewsletter

"Two nuclear bombs buried in the sandy shores off Cuba during the 1962 Cuban missile crisis are rediscovered by a madman who uses them to threaten the presidents of the United States and Russia, who are about to engage in summit talks. Can NSA analyst Dalton Crusoe stop him before the clock strikes zero hour?
Such is the premise of The Tarasov Solution (Charles River Press, 2009), a new novel by Richard Trevae, ’68.
A chemical engineer and business entrepreneur based in Muskegon, Trevae relies extensively on his world travel experience to tell this gripping story.
Richard Trevae is the pen name of Thomas Eurich, president of the Treline Development Group, Inc."

Time to Tackle Right to Work

American Thinker: Time to Tackle Right to Work
"But there is another vital reason why these five states should adopt right to work laws.

States with right to work laws have lower unemployment rates than states without right to work.

Unions are, in every sense of the word (except raw power for leftist bosses), an anachronism.
Union dues come out of the income of union workers, reducing their real wages.
Union contracts increase labor costs for employers and so induce businesses to leave for places which allow market forces to determine terms of employment.

The cumulative effect for highly unionized states, like Michigan, is nothing short of calamitous.

As unemployment rates rise and people leave for greener pastures, home values drop and companies forced to operate manacled by union contracts go belly-up."

Two who stood out - LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe

Two who stood out - LSJ Blogs: Hey, Joe
"* The human interest story of the night, of course, was the reunion between Draymond Green and his older half-brother, Torrian Harris, a senior guard for the Mavericks.
They played in front of more than 30 family members and friends.

Green was glad his brother got to play at Breslin -- Harris had already graduated when Green led Saginaw High to consecutive Class A state titles there -- and show off his athleticism (which he certainly did with one emphatic lob dunk).

“I always talk about him, how high he can jump and stuff,' Green said, 'and for them to get to see him play and for him to play on this stage, he was never able to reach the Division I stage at a school like Michigan State, so for him to even play on the same court as us is an honor for him and it was an honor for me as well.”

Izzo put together the game at Green's request, as he did a year ago in getting Isaiah Dahlman and younger brother Noah (Wofford) together at Breslin."

"Green asked head coach Tom Izzo if the Spartans could host UN-O in an exhibition and Izzo obliged, setting up a brotherly reunion at the Bres for the second consecutive year (though last year's Dahlman family reunion against Wafford took place in the regular season).

"Usually I try to play the instate teams, but this is a unique (situation)," Izzo said after Friday’s practice.

"And after looking at what happened with Isaiah (Dahlman) and his brother, it's very seldom you get to do that in college basketball and so I really did it as a favor to Day-Day."

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Reshaping college basketball's future

Reshaping college basketball's future
"Is Madsen out for equality or is she just trying to piss off men?
It has to be asked when you read quotes like this:

'Perhaps the most hurtful times were receiving emails from female students around the state asking me how it felt to be the most hated person in Michigan or telling that I ruined their lives.'

Certainly doesn't sound like her push for 'equality' is helping.

This scheduling complaint is beyond stupid.
If she gets her way, she will be hurting women.
Everyone will just leave after the men's game.
What kind of impact does she think that will have on women?
It will just make them feel like second-class citizens.
The fact of the matter is that men's basketball is far more popular than women's basketball.
What would her next step be?
Sue to force everyone to stay for the women's game?"

Riehl World View

Riehl World View
"Surrendering to liberalism, while claiming victory as a Republican, is a defeat for conservatism."

'Daily Show' Beats Leno, Letterman In Ratings For First Time

'Daily Show' Beats Leno, Letterman In Ratings For First Time
The Daily Show" reached a milestone this week, as newly released ratings revealed that the Comedy Central show was the top show in the coveted 18-49 demographic for the month of October.
This marks the first time in at least a decade that the top spot has not gone to either "The Tonight Show" or David Letterman's "Late Show."

The GOPers would do well to recognize the power of this show.

It’s How You Play the Game: The Fate of Western Civilization and Grade-School Soccer

Pajamas Media » It’s How You Play the Game: The Fate of Western Civilization and Grade-School Soccer
"With the team ahead, they were thrilled.
One shouted from the sidelines something I thought showed real character: “Don’t let the good players do all the work!”
Instinctively, he recognized that some players are better, but he wanted to bring everyone’s level up rather than down. I
’m tempted to say he was going against what he was being taught in school."

Why I quit... Desert Storm vet explains decision to leave Air Force after 22 years

Why I quit... Desert Storm vet explains decision to leave Air Force after 22 years - Daily Inter Lake: Home - The Daily Inter Lake

You’ve elected officials who, for partisan points, spoke openly that the “…war is lost.”
I happened to be in a dining facility in Baghdad that day, filled with the (mostly) young faces of (mostly) Army men and women.
CNN was on the TVs, and things got very quiet when this elected official continued on, railing that the mission that some of these very people were here to do, had “…failed.”
Yet, they would be donning their body armor, strapping on med kits and weapons, mounting HMMVs or MRAPs and heading outside the wire, ensuring that the newborn democracy in Iraq, purchased with so many lives, would be safe another night.

The newly re-invigorated insurgents would be waiting, teeth bared back in a hateful smile, gripping the IED detonator, the RPG launcher, or the AK-47s to ply their trade with new energy, because the Senate Majority Leader had said they were winning.

The Biofuels Scam

American Thinker: The Biofuels Scam
"Since 2007 the price of food around the world has just about doubled. Bad harvests, inflation, or George Bush didn't cause this price increase. According to a secret report from the World Bank, reported in the UK's Guardian, 75% of the increase in price has one source: 'Biofuels.'"

Friday, November 05, 2010

Time to Regain Some Swagger: SpartanRocky's Michigan State vs. Minnesota Preview!

Time to Regain Some Swagger: SpartanRocky's Michigan State vs. Minnesota Preview!

The BEST preview you'll EVER read!

Mariachi Estrella at Los Amigos Restaurant on Saturday

Mariachi Estrella at Los Amigos Restaurant on Saturday Muskegon News
"Mariachi Estrella is an ensemble consisting of up to 9 professional musicians. Instrumentation includes:
Two Trumpets, Three Violins, Guitarron, Vihuela, Guitarra De Golpe, & Guitar."

Future of Muskegon Summer Celebration uncertain

Future of Muskegon Summer Celebration uncertain
"Summer Celebration staff, board members and key volunteers are putting together a financial rescue plan for the 18-year-old festival.
If produced in 2011, the festival likely will be fewer days and substantially different, officials said."

President Barack Obama On 60 Minutes Acknowledges He's Failed To Deliver His Message

President Barack Obama On 60 Minutes Acknowledges He's Failed To Deliver His Message CBS New York
“Making an argument that people can understand,” Mr. Obama continued, “I think that we haven’t always been successful at that."

OK, so it's us stupid rubes in fly over country who just don't get Barry O'Carter's brilliance?

Or is this fool a moron, delusional or both?

GM Could Be Free of Taxes for Years

GM Could Be Free of Taxes for Years -
"General Motors Co. will drive away from its U.S.-government-financed restructuring with a final gift in its trunk: a tax break that could be worth as much as $45 billion."

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

United States Senate elections, 2012

United States Senate elections, 2012

"Democrats have 21 seats up for election, not including 2 independents who caucus with the Democrats, and Republicans have 10 seats up for election."

It's not too early to put the heat on these guys!

Investigate this

Power Line - Investigate this
"In a series of posts on Obama administration National Endowment for the Humanities Chairman Jim Leach, we have followed the descent of the NEH into political partisanship and rank buffoonery.

Now we turn to problematic programming funded by the NEH."

Election links

Thinkin' ahead

What do they have in common?

3.1.1 Dianne Feinstein of California

3.1.2 Tom Carper of Delaware

3.1.3 Bill Nelson of Florida

3.1.4 Daniel Akaka of Hawaii

3.1.5 Ben Cardin of Maryland

3.1.6 Debbie Stabenow of Michigan

3.1.7 Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota

3.1.8 Claire McCaskill of Missouri

3.1.9 Jon Tester of Montana

3.1.10 Ben Nelson of Nebraska

3.1.11 Bob Menendez of New Jersey

3.1.12 Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico

3.1.13 Kent Conrad of North Dakota

3.1.14 Sherrod Brown of Ohio

3.1.15 Bob Casey, Jr. of Pennsylvania

3.1.16 Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island

3.1.17 Jim Webb of Virginia

3.1.18 Maria Cantwell of Washington

3.1.19 Herb Kohl of Wisconsin

All are incumbent democrats up for election in 2012.
They may be democrooks but they'll be looking over their shoulders...and may be listening to their constitutents rather than Prince Harry and his comrade Barry O'Carter cuz we got their number!

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

ACORN files for bankruptcy

ACORN files for bankruptcy - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
"The grassroots group ACORN announced Tuesday it had filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection, meaning the group has effectively folded."