Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Saturday, May 05, 2018
History for May 5
History for May 5 -
Soren Kierkegaard 1813 - Philosopher, poet, theologian, Karl Marx 1818 - Socialist writer ("Das Kapital", "The Communist Manifesto"), founder of communism, John B. Stetson 1830 - Hat manufacturer, inventor of cowboy hat
Nellie Bly (Elizabeth Cochran Seaman) 1865 - Journalist, wrote about taboo subjects for her time period (divorce, poverty, capital punishment, insanity), women’s rights advocate, Christopher Morley 1890 - Writer (New York Evening Post, Saturday Review), novelist, Tammy Wynette (Virginia Wynette Pugh) 1942 - Country singer
1862 - The Battle of Puebla took place. It is celebrated as Cinco de Mayo Day.
1865 - The Thirteenth Amendment was ratified, abolishing slavery in the U.S.
1892 - The U.S. Congress extended the Geary Chinese Exclusion Act for 10 more years. The act required Chinese in the U.S. to be registered or face deportation.
1912 - Soviet Communist Party newspaper Pravda began publishing.
1925 - John T. Scopes, a biology teacher in Dayton, TN, was arrested for teaching Darwin's theory of evolution.
1936 - Edward Ravenscroft received a patent for the screw-on bottle cap with a pour lip.
1945 - A Japanese balloon bomb exploded on Gearhart Mountain in Oregon. A pregnant woman and five children were killed.
1961 - Alan Shepard became the first American in space when he made a 15 minute suborbital flight.
Friday, May 04, 2018
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau: Our Illegal Immigration Problem Is America's Fault | Daily Wire
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau: Our Illegal Immigration Problem Is America's Fault | Daily Wire:
"Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau echoed a complaint made over the weekend by members of the Canadian government, claiming in a speech Wednesday that Canada's sudden uptick in illegal immigration — something the country cannot handle — is all America's fault."
"Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau echoed a complaint made over the weekend by members of the Canadian government, claiming in a speech Wednesday that Canada's sudden uptick in illegal immigration — something the country cannot handle — is all America's fault."
Weaponizing the Government for Leftist Political War - American Greatness
Weaponizing the Government for Leftist Political War - American Greatness
"...Yet Mueller is ignoring the people who actually appear to have colluded with Russia.
Leading Republicans and Democrats agree no evidence of any Trump-Russia collusion has been found.
If any existed it already would have leaked and Mueller would be acting on it.
The Trump-Russia collusion story is a lie.
This makes it all the more ironic that those pushing the collusion narrative are the only ones directly connected to any questionable Russian dealings.
Consider some of these examples of Leftist projection:
Much more, read on!
"...Yet Mueller is ignoring the people who actually appear to have colluded with Russia.
Leading Republicans and Democrats agree no evidence of any Trump-Russia collusion has been found.
If any existed it already would have leaked and Mueller would be acting on it.
The Trump-Russia collusion story is a lie.
This makes it all the more ironic that those pushing the collusion narrative are the only ones directly connected to any questionable Russian dealings.
Consider some of these examples of Leftist projection:
- The Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee covered up their payments to Fusion GPS for the so-called Steele dossier, with its Russian sources, by paying a law firm to fund the opposition research firm. That represents an in-kind campaign contribution far larger than any alleged payment to the porn star Stormy Daniels;
- The 2010 Uranium One deal transferred control of 20 percent of U.S. uranium reserves to a Russian entity, followed by related parties contributing $145 million to the Clinton Foundation;
- FBI agents ultimately reporting to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, in a prior role, and Andrew McCabe (when Mueller was FBI director) had gathered evidence showing Russian nuclear industry officials engaged in “bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering” in the United States. But Rosenstein and McCabe did not disclose it during the subsequent Uranium One approval process and the FBI, under Comey, let the investigation die;
- Roughly two-thirds of the U.S., European, and Russian companies that participated in Skolkovo, a new Moscow high-technology center that included the transfer of dual-use technologies from the United States, donated to the Clinton Foundation or sponsored speeches by Bill Clinton;
- Both Podesta brothers—John and Tony—had their own shady Russian business deals; and,
- Hillary Clinton appears to have compromised national security by, among other things, sending emails from Russia and emailing classified information, all via an unsecure email server.
Much more, read on!
Friday evening links - AEI
Friday evening links - AEI:
3. If Solar And Wind Are So Cheap, Why Are They Making Electricity So Expensive?
Good question from Michael Shellenberger writing in Forbes, here’s part of the answer:
3. If Solar And Wind Are So Cheap, Why Are They Making Electricity So Expensive?
Good question from Michael Shellenberger writing in Forbes, here’s part of the answer:
Read all!What gives? If solar panels and wind turbines became so much cheaper, why did the price of electricity rise instead of decline? Electricity prices increased by:
- 51 percent in Germany during its expansion of solar and wind energy from 2006 to 2016;
- 24 percent in California during its solar energy build-out from 2011 to 2017;
- over 100 percent in Denmark since 1995 when it began deploying renewables (mostly wind) in earnest.
The reason? Their fundamentally unreliable nature. Both solar and wind produce too much energy when societies don’t need it, and not enough when they do. Solar and wind thus require that natural gas plants, hydro-electric dams, batteries or some other form of reliable power be ready at a moment’s notice to start churning out electricity when the wind stops blowing and the sun stops shining."
This New Feature Will Allow Facebook To Suppress Conservative Content | Daily Wire
This New Feature Will Allow Facebook To Suppress Conservative Content | Daily Wire:
"Fresh off his congressional testimony, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is showing no signs of relenting on his attack against conservative news outlets.
According to Buzzfeed, the social media behemoth will be implementing "a system that ranks news organizations based on trustworthiness, and promotes or suppresses its content based on that metric."
Zuckerberg says that Facebook compiled data on the trustworthiness of certain news brands based on consumer perception."
"Fresh off his congressional testimony, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is showing no signs of relenting on his attack against conservative news outlets.
According to Buzzfeed, the social media behemoth will be implementing "a system that ranks news organizations based on trustworthiness, and promotes or suppresses its content based on that metric."
Zuckerberg says that Facebook compiled data on the trustworthiness of certain news brands based on consumer perception."
Opinion | The Iran Deal Is a Lie - The New York Times
Opinion | The Iran Deal Is a Lie - The New York Times:
"“The sanctions lifting will only occur as Iran takes the steps agreed, including addressing possible military dimensions.”
That was State Department spokesman John Kirby in June 2015, speaking just as negotiations for the Iran nuclear deal were wrapping up.
But Tehran did not “take the steps agreed.”
The deal was founded on a lie.
Two lies, actually.
This was essential, both as a test of Tehran’s sincerity and as a benchmark for understanding just how close it was to being able to assemble and deliver a nuclear warhead.
In a moment of candor, then-Secretary of State John Kerry admitted “we are not fixated on Iran specifically accounting for what they did at one point in time or another” — but then he promised Congress that Iran would provide the accounting.
That was when the White House still feared that Congress might block the deal.
When it failed to do so, thanks to a Democratic filibuster, the administration contented itself with a make-believe process in which Iran pretended to make a full declaration and the rest of the world pretended to believe it.
“Iran’s answers and explanations for many of the I.A.E.A.’s concerns were, at best, partial, but over all, obfuscating and stonewalling,” David Albright and his colleagues at the nonpartisan Institute for Science and International Security wrote in December 2015.
“Needed access to sites was either denied or tightly controlled as to preclude adequate inspections.”..."
Read all!
"“The sanctions lifting will only occur as Iran takes the steps agreed, including addressing possible military dimensions.”
That was State Department spokesman John Kirby in June 2015, speaking just as negotiations for the Iran nuclear deal were wrapping up.
But Tehran did not “take the steps agreed.”
The deal was founded on a lie.
Two lies, actually.
- The first was Iran’s declaration to the International Atomic Energy Agency, prior to the implementation of the deal, of the full extent of its past nuclear work.
This was essential, both as a test of Tehran’s sincerity and as a benchmark for understanding just how close it was to being able to assemble and deliver a nuclear warhead.
- The second lie was the Obama administration’s promise that it was serious about getting answers from Tehran.
In a moment of candor, then-Secretary of State John Kerry admitted “we are not fixated on Iran specifically accounting for what they did at one point in time or another” — but then he promised Congress that Iran would provide the accounting.
That was when the White House still feared that Congress might block the deal.
When it failed to do so, thanks to a Democratic filibuster, the administration contented itself with a make-believe process in which Iran pretended to make a full declaration and the rest of the world pretended to believe it.
“Iran’s answers and explanations for many of the I.A.E.A.’s concerns were, at best, partial, but over all, obfuscating and stonewalling,” David Albright and his colleagues at the nonpartisan Institute for Science and International Security wrote in December 2015.
“Needed access to sites was either denied or tightly controlled as to preclude adequate inspections.”..."
Read all!
‘My Clients Are Fleeing NJ Like It’s on Fire’ - WSJ
‘My Clients Are Fleeing NJ Like It’s on Fire’ - WSJ
"After tax reform, a stampede from high-tax states.
That headline arrives via email from a money manager in northern New Jersey.
The Garden State already has the third largest overall tax burden and the country’s highest property tax collections per capita.
Now that federal reform has limited the deduction for state and local taxes, the price of government is surging again among high-income earners in New Jersey and other blue states.
Taxpayers are searching for the exits.
"After tax reform, a stampede from high-tax states.
That headline arrives via email from a money manager in northern New Jersey.
The Garden State already has the third largest overall tax burden and the country’s highest property tax collections per capita.
Now that federal reform has limited the deduction for state and local taxes, the price of government is surging again among high-income earners in New Jersey and other blue states.
Taxpayers are searching for the exits.
In the financial industry of course it’s not just the clients who are looking for greener pastures. One hedge fund manager moving his office to a southern state reports that his new home on a golf course will be more than double the size of his house in Chatham, N.J. while generating just one third of the current property tax bill.
...“We structure real estate deals for family offices and high-net-worth individuals and at a record pace those family offices and individuals are leaving the TriState for lower-tax states. Probably a dozen this year at least,” he writes via email..."
Read all!
WALSH: What My Sons Can Learn From The Self-Destruction Of The Boy Scouts | Daily Wire
WALSH: What My Sons Can Learn From The Self-Destruction Of The Boy Scouts | Daily Wire:
"The process is complete. The Boy Scouts, a once proud and important organization that helped shape boys into young men, is dead. It had been dying for sometime, but now it is official. In an announcement that would have seemed like an outlandish parody only ten years ago, the Boy Scouts said today that they will be dropping "Boy" from their name. They shall henceforth be known only as Scouts."
"The process is complete. The Boy Scouts, a once proud and important organization that helped shape boys into young men, is dead. It had been dying for sometime, but now it is official. In an announcement that would have seemed like an outlandish parody only ten years ago, the Boy Scouts said today that they will be dropping "Boy" from their name. They shall henceforth be known only as Scouts."
46% Favor Government Guaranteed Jobs for All - Rasmussen Reports®
46% Favor Government Guaranteed Jobs for All - Rasmussen Reports®:
"Senator Bernie Sanders is looking ahead to the 2020 presidential election with a proposed federal government program that guarantees all Americans a job with health insurance.
Nearly half of voters like the idea.
The survey of 1,000 Likely U.S. Voters was conducted on April 24-25, 2018 by Rasmussen Reports.
The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence..."
"Senator Bernie Sanders is looking ahead to the 2020 presidential election with a proposed federal government program that guarantees all Americans a job with health insurance.
Nearly half of voters like the idea.
The survey of 1,000 Likely U.S. Voters was conducted on April 24-25, 2018 by Rasmussen Reports.
The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence..."
Gender Equality is Basically a Farce, Study Suggests | Intellectual Takeout
Gender Equality is Basically a Farce, Study Suggests | Intellectual Takeout:
"There’s a big trend these days for individuals to challenge the preconceived – and allegedly outdated – lens through which they view society.
Nowhere is this more apparent than in the differences between the genders.
Gender, we are told, is a social construct.
As such, there is really no difference between the male and female sex, the roles they take, the interests they have, or the power they possess.
What we often push aside, however, are the biological differences between men and women.
And according to recent scientific findings, these differences are ingrained into the very genetic structure of the male and female – and are extremely prolific.
...Humans today pride themselves on basing their actions and thought upon scientific fact.
However, those scientific facts don’t always align with what society tells us is politically correct.
Is it time we take a clue from our own genetic make-up and recognize that when it comes to the sexes, difference is not a thing to be scorned, shunned, and ignored, but a thing to be embraced and welcomed?"
Read all!
"There’s a big trend these days for individuals to challenge the preconceived – and allegedly outdated – lens through which they view society.
Nowhere is this more apparent than in the differences between the genders.
Gender, we are told, is a social construct.
As such, there is really no difference between the male and female sex, the roles they take, the interests they have, or the power they possess.
What we often push aside, however, are the biological differences between men and women.
And according to recent scientific findings, these differences are ingrained into the very genetic structure of the male and female – and are extremely prolific.
...Humans today pride themselves on basing their actions and thought upon scientific fact.
However, those scientific facts don’t always align with what society tells us is politically correct.
Is it time we take a clue from our own genetic make-up and recognize that when it comes to the sexes, difference is not a thing to be scorned, shunned, and ignored, but a thing to be embraced and welcomed?"
Read all!
No, Teachers Are Not Underpaid - Foundation for Economic Education
No, Teachers Are Not Underpaid - Foundation for Economic Education
"Recent protests across the country have reinforced the perception that public school teachers are dramatically underpaid.
They’re not: the average teacher already enjoys market-level wages plus retirement benefits vastly exceeding those of private-sector workers.
...It's Not Just Wages
...We forget the value of benefits when considering how teacher pay compares with private-sector work.
Oklahoma teachers accrue new pension benefits each year, with a present value equal to 30 percent of their annual salaries.
Subtract Oklahoma teachers’ own contribution of 7 percent, and employer-paid retirement benefits are worth 23 percent of annual salaries.
By contrast, the typical private-sector employer contribution to a 401k plan amounts only to about 3 percent of employee pay.
Many teachers also qualify for retiree health coverage, now practically extinct in the private sector. ...But for teachers in Illinois, future retiree health benefits are worth an additional 8 percent of annual pay, while in North Carolina, retiree health benefits are worth an additional 12.5 percent..."
Read on!
"Recent protests across the country have reinforced the perception that public school teachers are dramatically underpaid.
They’re not: the average teacher already enjoys market-level wages plus retirement benefits vastly exceeding those of private-sector workers.
...It's Not Just Wages
...We forget the value of benefits when considering how teacher pay compares with private-sector work.
Oklahoma teachers accrue new pension benefits each year, with a present value equal to 30 percent of their annual salaries.
Subtract Oklahoma teachers’ own contribution of 7 percent, and employer-paid retirement benefits are worth 23 percent of annual salaries.
By contrast, the typical private-sector employer contribution to a 401k plan amounts only to about 3 percent of employee pay.
Many teachers also qualify for retiree health coverage, now practically extinct in the private sector. ...But for teachers in Illinois, future retiree health benefits are worth an additional 8 percent of annual pay, while in North Carolina, retiree health benefits are worth an additional 12.5 percent..."
Read on!
Did Obama's Justice Department pressure FBI to end the Clinton Foundation investigation?
Did Obama's Justice Department pressure FBI to end the Clinton Foundation investigation?:
"A key House Republican on Tuesday asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate whether former President Barack Obama administration officials pressured the FBI to “stand down” from its probe of the Clinton Foundation that was ongoing during Hillary Clinton’s bid for the presidency.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., said in a letter to Sessions that he wants an investigation into Sally Yates, who Obama appointed to serve as the deputy attorney general at the time. Goodlatte wants to know if Yates ordered her principal associate deputy attorney general, or PADAG, to call the FBI and ask for the probe of the Clinton Foundation to end."
"A key House Republican on Tuesday asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate whether former President Barack Obama administration officials pressured the FBI to “stand down” from its probe of the Clinton Foundation that was ongoing during Hillary Clinton’s bid for the presidency.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., said in a letter to Sessions that he wants an investigation into Sally Yates, who Obama appointed to serve as the deputy attorney general at the time. Goodlatte wants to know if Yates ordered her principal associate deputy attorney general, or PADAG, to call the FBI and ask for the probe of the Clinton Foundation to end."
Facebook Enlists Eric Holder's Law Firm to 'Advise' on Anti-Conservative Bias | Breitbart
Facebook Enlists Eric Holder's Law Firm to 'Advise' on Anti-Conservative Bias | Breitbart: "Facebook has enlisted a team from law firm Covington and Burling to advise them on combating perceptions of bias against conservatives.
One minor detail: Covington and Burling is the firm of Barack Obama’s left-wing former attorney general, Eric Holder.
...According to Axios, the team will be led by former Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyl.
The former attorney general is still a partner at Covington & Burling...
So, to sum up: Facebook, a California-based company, has enlisted the same firm that is providing legal advice to their state against the Trump administration, through none other than Eric Holder, to advise them on combating perceptions of bias against conservatives.
...Facebook has recently been engaged in outreach to conservative organizations, but their focus has not been on censorship concerns, but instead on securing free-market allies against the threat of regulation...."
Read on!
One minor detail: Covington and Burling is the firm of Barack Obama’s left-wing former attorney general, Eric Holder.
...According to Axios, the team will be led by former Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyl.
The former attorney general is still a partner at Covington & Burling...
So, to sum up: Facebook, a California-based company, has enlisted the same firm that is providing legal advice to their state against the Trump administration, through none other than Eric Holder, to advise them on combating perceptions of bias against conservatives.
...Facebook has recently been engaged in outreach to conservative organizations, but their focus has not been on censorship concerns, but instead on securing free-market allies against the threat of regulation...."
Read on!
History for May 4
History for May 4 -
Horace Mann 1796 - Educator, father of public education in the U.S., author, Thomas Huxley 1825, Heloise 1919
Hosni Mubarak 1928 - Egyptian president, Audrey Hepburn (Edda Kathleen Hepburn van Heemstra) 1929 - Actress ("Monte Carlo Baby", "Breakfast at Tiffany's"), George F. Will 1941 - Columnist ("Newsweek"), editor
1626 - Dutch explorer Peter Minuit landed on Manhattan Island. Native Americans later sold the island (20,000 acres) for $24 in cloth and buttons.
1886 - Chichester Bell and Charles S. Tainter patented the gramophone. It was the first practical phonograph.
1942 - The Battle of the Coral Sea commenced as American and Japanese carriers launched their attacks at each other.
1961 - Thirteen civil rights activists, dubbed "Freedom Riders," began a bus trip through the South.
1970 - The Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on students during an anti-Vietnam war protest at Kent State University. Four students were killed and nine others were wounded.
1979 - Margaret Thatcher became Britain's first woman prime minister.
1981 - The Federal Reserve Board raised its discount rate to 14%.
1987 - Live models were used for the first time in Playtex bra ads.
Thursday, May 03, 2018
DOJ sends 35 lawyers, 18 judges to border to stop illegal immigrant caravan - Washington Times
DOJ sends 35 lawyers, 18 judges to border to stop illegal immigrant caravan - Washington Times:
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions deployed dozens of new prosecutors and 18 more immigration judges down to the U.S.-Mexico border Wednesday to handle the illegal immigrant caravan and to try to head off another summer-time surge of border jumpers.
The additional lawyers should give the government capacity to file more criminal charges as a deterrent to illegal immigrants, and the added judges will help speed decisions on asylum claims like the ones the caravan participants say they’re making.
“We are not going to let this country be overwhelmed. People are not going to caravan or otherwise stampede our border,” Mr. Sessions said."
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions deployed dozens of new prosecutors and 18 more immigration judges down to the U.S.-Mexico border Wednesday to handle the illegal immigrant caravan and to try to head off another summer-time surge of border jumpers.
The additional lawyers should give the government capacity to file more criminal charges as a deterrent to illegal immigrants, and the added judges will help speed decisions on asylum claims like the ones the caravan participants say they’re making.
“We are not going to let this country be overwhelmed. People are not going to caravan or otherwise stampede our border,” Mr. Sessions said."
The Useful Idiots Spreading Socialist Propaganda -
The Useful Idiots Spreading Socialist Propaganda - "
"Why does American journalist Abby Martin do propaganda for socialist murderers?
You've heard about Russian propaganda.
Martin once worked for RT, Russia's state-run news network.
Now she's got a similar gig at teleSUR, an anti-capitalist, pro-socialist news network funded by Latin American leftists.
I'd never heard of teleSUR before researching this week's YouTube video.
But teleSUR matters because its videos get millions of views.
Latin America stays poor because people believe socialist propaganda.
One teleSUR video lists countries where "capitalism failed": Canada, Mexico, England, Peru, Panama, Switzerland, the United States...
Another says that "Trump is killing our brains with Nazi-era chemicals."
Few viewers know that teleSUR is funded by the tyrants who control Cuba and Venezuela.
Venezuela, once rich, has been bankrupted by its socialist rulers.
...One shows a picture of Warren Buffet's son while telling viewers, "Philanthropy is a scam that allows the super rich to influence global affairs ... as if capitalism were the solution, not the cause of world problems."
...In the last few decades, capitalism has lifted billions of people out of miserable poverty.
By contrast, in Venezuela, many store shelves are empty.
How can teleSUR put a positive spin on that?
They hire "useful idiots," as Communists once called naive leftists who spread tyrants' propaganda..."
Read all!
"Why does American journalist Abby Martin do propaganda for socialist murderers?
You've heard about Russian propaganda.
Martin once worked for RT, Russia's state-run news network.
Now she's got a similar gig at teleSUR, an anti-capitalist, pro-socialist news network funded by Latin American leftists.
I'd never heard of teleSUR before researching this week's YouTube video.
But teleSUR matters because its videos get millions of views.
Latin America stays poor because people believe socialist propaganda.
One teleSUR video lists countries where "capitalism failed": Canada, Mexico, England, Peru, Panama, Switzerland, the United States...
Another says that "Trump is killing our brains with Nazi-era chemicals."
Few viewers know that teleSUR is funded by the tyrants who control Cuba and Venezuela.
Venezuela, once rich, has been bankrupted by its socialist rulers.
...One shows a picture of Warren Buffet's son while telling viewers, "Philanthropy is a scam that allows the super rich to influence global affairs ... as if capitalism were the solution, not the cause of world problems."
...In the last few decades, capitalism has lifted billions of people out of miserable poverty.
By contrast, in Venezuela, many store shelves are empty.
How can teleSUR put a positive spin on that?
They hire "useful idiots," as Communists once called naive leftists who spread tyrants' propaganda..."
Read all!
Poll Shows 'Extreme' Immigration Proposals Are Broadly Popular
Poll Shows 'Extreme' Immigration Proposals Are Broadly Popular
"Survey finds strong support for reducing entry, mandating consistent use of E-Verify, and curtailing 'chain migration'
Proposals to reduce legal immigration, give preferences to immigrants with advanced skills and education, and crack down on companies that hire illegal immigrants are often considered “extreme” in the nation’s capital.
...“Most of the political elite just totally haven’t understood that Americans for a long, long time have wanted a legal immigration cut,” said NumbersUSA President Roy Beck, whose group lobbies for a reduction in migration to the United States.
"Survey finds strong support for reducing entry, mandating consistent use of E-Verify, and curtailing 'chain migration'
Proposals to reduce legal immigration, give preferences to immigrants with advanced skills and education, and crack down on companies that hire illegal immigrants are often considered “extreme” in the nation’s capital.
...“Most of the political elite just totally haven’t understood that Americans for a long, long time have wanted a legal immigration cut,” said NumbersUSA President Roy Beck, whose group lobbies for a reduction in migration to the United States.
Some highlights of the poll results include:
- Fifty-nine percent said new immigrants should be able to bring in their spouses and minor children, but not extended family members.
- When respondents were told the United States awards 1 million green cards a year and gives six different choices for possible immigration levels, the most popular range was 250,000 or less. Nearly half — 49 percent — chose that option, which is well below any proposed to date by politicians in Washington. Only 17 percent chose the status quo or an immigration increase.
- Told Congress is considering eliminating 250,000 "chain migration" visas a year, respondents by a margin of 53 percent to 24 percent favored reducing immigration rather than redistributing those visas to allow businesses to bring in more foreign workers.
- By a margin of 52 percent to 24 percent, respondents favored requiring all businesses to use the E-Verity system to check the legal status of new hires under legislation to grant amnesty to young adult illegal immigrants who came to America as children.
- By a margin of 63 percent to 20 percent, respondents rejected granting amnesty to the young illegal immigrants if the legislation kept the status quo on chain migration, E-Verify, and current immigration levels...
Read on!
Indictments Are, Coming
Indictments Are, Coming:
"Since Barack Obama weaponized the FBI, the IRS, the NSA, the FISA court, and the CIA, citizens who believe that America is a nation of laws have been on a collision course with progressives. Core constitutional tenets including checks and balances, equality under the law, innocent until proven guilty, and no man is above the law have been replaced with identity politics, victim culture, and weakened First and Second Amendments."
"Since Barack Obama weaponized the FBI, the IRS, the NSA, the FISA court, and the CIA, citizens who believe that America is a nation of laws have been on a collision course with progressives. Core constitutional tenets including checks and balances, equality under the law, innocent until proven guilty, and no man is above the law have been replaced with identity politics, victim culture, and weakened First and Second Amendments."
The Period Of No Global Warming Will Soon Be Longer Than the Period of Actual Global Warming
The Period Of No Global Warming Will Soon Be Longer Than the Period of Actual Global Warming
"If you look at the record of global temperature data, you will find that the late 20th Century period of global warming actually lasted about 20 years, from the late 1970s to the late 1990s.
Before that, the globe was dominated by about 30 years of global cooling, giving rise in the 1970s to media discussions of the return of the Little Ice Age (circa 1450 to 1850), or worse.
But the record of satellite measurements of global atmospheric temperatures now shows no warming for at least 17 years and 5 months, from September, 1996 to January, 2014, as shown on the accompanying graphic.
...But when the period of no global warming gets longer than the period of actual global warming, what is the climate trend then?
Even worse for the theory of catastrophic, anthropogenic (human caused), global warming is that during this now extended period of no global warming mankind’s emissions of the carbon dioxide (CO2) that are supposed to be predominant in causing global warming continued to explode..."
Read all!
"If you look at the record of global temperature data, you will find that the late 20th Century period of global warming actually lasted about 20 years, from the late 1970s to the late 1990s.
Before that, the globe was dominated by about 30 years of global cooling, giving rise in the 1970s to media discussions of the return of the Little Ice Age (circa 1450 to 1850), or worse.
But the record of satellite measurements of global atmospheric temperatures now shows no warming for at least 17 years and 5 months, from September, 1996 to January, 2014, as shown on the accompanying graphic.
...But when the period of no global warming gets longer than the period of actual global warming, what is the climate trend then?
Even worse for the theory of catastrophic, anthropogenic (human caused), global warming is that during this now extended period of no global warming mankind’s emissions of the carbon dioxide (CO2) that are supposed to be predominant in causing global warming continued to explode..."
Read all!
Trump's average job approval reaches highest level in a year
Trump's average job approval reaches highest level in a year
"No, actually, I think this is easily explained.
"No, actually, I think this is easily explained.
It’s not out of the blue, remember.
Two weeks ago I noticed that Democrats’ lead on the generic ballot had shrunk to its smallest level in nearly a year, due mainly to Trump’s improving job approval.
After slogging along at 38-39 percent for most of the second half of last year, POTUS had crept up to 41-42 percent.
Not a world of difference, but a few points can mean a lot in the midterms.
Today he’s at 43.5 percent in the RCP “poll of polls.”
..On April 28 he was at 41.9 percent, in line with where he’s been for most of this year.
The next day he leaped four-tenths of a point.
...What gives?
If 59 Michael Avenatti appearances on CNN can’t tank Trump’s approval, what are they good for?...
Read all!
Rapper Calls For Violence Against Kanye | Daily Wire
Rapper Calls For Violence Against Kanye | Daily Wire:
"Dillinger isn't the only person on the Left trying to silence Kanye. Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters unloaded on West on Monday in a stunningly paternalistic rant in which she chided him for talking "out of turn" and saying too much about politics, which she suggested he needs to "not have so much to say."
"Kanye West is a very creative young man," Waters said Monday in response to a question from a Politico reporter. "But we also think that sometimes West talks out of turn and perhaps he needs some assistance in helping him to formulate some of his thoughts. "
"Dillinger isn't the only person on the Left trying to silence Kanye. Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters unloaded on West on Monday in a stunningly paternalistic rant in which she chided him for talking "out of turn" and saying too much about politics, which she suggested he needs to "not have so much to say."
"Kanye West is a very creative young man," Waters said Monday in response to a question from a Politico reporter. "But we also think that sometimes West talks out of turn and perhaps he needs some assistance in helping him to formulate some of his thoughts. "
Photo: F-117 Retires
Photo: F-117 Retires:
"Two specially painted F-117 Nighthawks fly on one of their last missions.
The F-117s were retired in a farewell ceremony at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, April 22, 2008. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Master Sgt. Kim Frey)"
"Two specially painted F-117 Nighthawks fly on one of their last missions.
The F-117s were retired in a farewell ceremony at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, April 22, 2008. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Master Sgt. Kim Frey)"
Why Humans Increasingly Are Unaware of Their Ignorance (And Why it's a Big Problem) | Intellectual Takeout
Why Humans Increasingly Are Unaware of Their Ignorance (And Why it's a Big Problem) | Intellectual Takeout:
"At what point does collective ignorance parade as truth?"
“Has there ever been a time in the world’s history when people were more sure of their opinions?” asks Jim Ferrell of the Arbinger Insitute.
Ferrell observes, “We become set in our opinions precisely because we have lost sight of the fact that they are merely opinions…our culture is suffering from what one might call ‘opinion creep’—the elevation of unsupported thoughts to the status of opinions and opinions to convictions.”
We don’t know how to have civil disagreements anymore.
We fail to recognize that having a thought doesn’t make our thinking the truth.
Ferrell writes, “We tend to have convictions about many things and to have opinions about almost everything else. We blind ourselves to the enormity of our ignorance.”
Cognitive scientists Steven Sloman and Phillip Fernbach in their book The Knowledge Illusion, put it this way: “In general we don’t appreciate how little we know; the tiniest bit of knowledge makes us feel like experts. Once we feel like an expert we start talking like an expert.”
We take that tiny bit of knowledge and, as Ferrell observes, elevate it to a conviction.
Sloman and Fernbach write..."
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"At what point does collective ignorance parade as truth?"
“Has there ever been a time in the world’s history when people were more sure of their opinions?” asks Jim Ferrell of the Arbinger Insitute.
Ferrell observes, “We become set in our opinions precisely because we have lost sight of the fact that they are merely opinions…our culture is suffering from what one might call ‘opinion creep’—the elevation of unsupported thoughts to the status of opinions and opinions to convictions.”
We don’t know how to have civil disagreements anymore.
We fail to recognize that having a thought doesn’t make our thinking the truth.
Ferrell writes, “We tend to have convictions about many things and to have opinions about almost everything else. We blind ourselves to the enormity of our ignorance.”
Cognitive scientists Steven Sloman and Phillip Fernbach in their book The Knowledge Illusion, put it this way: “In general we don’t appreciate how little we know; the tiniest bit of knowledge makes us feel like experts. Once we feel like an expert we start talking like an expert.”
We take that tiny bit of knowledge and, as Ferrell observes, elevate it to a conviction.
Sloman and Fernbach write..."
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