Sunday, May 06, 2018

5 Things That Disappeared During the Collapse of Venezuela

5 Things That Disappeared During the Collapse of Venezuela:
"They say nothing lasts forever. 
But sometimes, I know there are situations that seem to be eternal, and that is how it has seemed during the collapse of Venezuela.
The agony of the Venezuelan induced crisis is about to produce an output. 
How this results, it will depend on how much external assistance is required.
Many things have disappeared as the military and government continue to control and subjugate the population.

  • Self-Defense...
  • Venezuelans do not have weaponry at home. The right to defend our own lives was seized in 2014 under threat of 25 years of jail for those who don´t give their guns...
  • Money...
  • Utilities...
  • Food...
  • Transportation... READ ALL!!
Leaving was the only option.
I think many of those with some military training reading this will agree with my comment about how military strategies are being used with our civilian population. 
The reasons are plenty. 
They have killed people. 
They know that the international justice is after them and it is just a matter of time before they have to run. 
They know they have endangered their very own families, in their blindness and immeasurable greed.
They try to cover and silence everyone who is opposed to their plans.
But finally, my family is here, and in good shape.
My younger son is under a normal weight for his size, he is happy, and that is what really matters. Thanks to all of those who have found useful our bitter experience and have contributed willingly with some very needed assistance.
It is a journey that I would not wish even to my worst enemy, indeed.
God bless us all, people.

About the Author

Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has a small 4 members family, plus two cats and a dog. An old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Thanks to your help Jose has gotten his family out of Venezuela. They are currently setting up a new life in another country.

You ought to know!

Dave Rubin's Message To Liberal Professors: They'll Destroy You, Too | Daily Wire

Dave Rubin's Message To Liberal Professors: They'll Destroy You, Too | Daily Wire:

Image result for free clip art Warning Be Careful"So it makes sense that he's the latest addition to the upcoming film "No Safe Spaces." The Fall release, spearheaded by podcast king Adam Carolla and conservative talker Dennis Prager, reveals the war on free speech on college campuses nationwide. Right-of-center speakers are under physical assault for simply expressing an opposing point of view. Students call anyone who doesn't align with their progressive world view "racist," "Nazi" or worse."

CNN's Don Lemon: ‘It’s My Obligation as a Journalist’ to Call Trump ‘Racist’ | Breitbart

Image result for Don Lemon Trump ‘Racist’CNN's Don Lemon: ‘It’s My Obligation as a Journalist’ to Call Trump ‘Racist’ | Breitbart:
"Friday at Variety’s Entertainment & Technology NYC Summit, CNN’s Don Lemon said it was his “obligation as a journalist” to call President Donald Trump “racist.”
When asked about calling Trump a racist on air, Lemon said, “If he is not racist he’s certainly is racist-adjacent.”...
Read on!

AM Fruitcake

History for May 6

Image result for Maximilien Robespierre Quotes
History for May 6 -
Maximilien Robespierre 1758 - French revolutionary, Sigmund Freud 1856 - Psychiatrist, originated psychoanalysis, Rabindranath Tagore 1861 - Hindu poet, musical composer
Image result for Maximilien Robespierre QuotesImage result for Sigmund Freud QuotesImage result for Rabindranath Tagore Quotes

(George) Orson Welles 1915 - Actor ("War of the Worlds", "A Man for All Seasons", "Catch-22"), Willie (Howard) Mays 1931 - Baseball player, George (Timothy) Clooney 1961 - Actor (TV: "The Facts of Life", "E/R", Movies: "Batman & Robin", "Ocean's 11"), son of broadcast journalist Nick Clooney, nephew of singer Rosemary Clooney
Image result for Orson WellesImage result for Willie (Howard) MaysImage result for George (Timothy) Clooney

1527 - German troops began sacking Rome, bringing about the end of the Renaissance.
Image result for 1527 - German troops began sacking Rome,

1877 - Chief Crazy Horse surrendered to U.S. troops in Nebraska.
Image result for Chief Crazy Horse surrendered to U.S. troops in Nebraska.

1889 - The Universal Exposition opened in Paris, France, marking the dedication of the Eiffel Tower. Also at the exposition was the first automobile in Paris, the Mercedes-Benz.
Image result for 1889 - The Universal Exposition opened in Paris, France,

1937 - The German airship Hindenburg crashed and burned in Lakehurst, NJ. Thirty-six people (of the 97 on board) were killed.
Image result for German airship Hindenburg crashed and burned in Lakehurst, NJ.

1941 - Joseph Stalin assumed the Soviet premiership.
Image result for Joseph Stalin assumed the Soviet premiership.

1942 - During World War II, the Japanese seized control of the Philippines. About 15,000 Americans and Filipinos on Corregidor surrendered to the Japanese.
Image result for 1942 - During World War II, the Japanese seized control of the Philippines.

1960 - U.S. President Eisenhower signed the Civil Rights Act of 1960.
Image result for Eisenhower signed the Civil Rights Act of 1960.

1994 - Former Arkansas state worker Paula Jones filed suit against U.S. President Clinton. The case alleged that he had sexually harassed her in 1991.
Image result for Paula Jones filed suit against U.S. President Clinton.

Saturday, May 05, 2018

WALSH: No, We Shouldn't Include Girls In Everything. Boys Need Space To Themselves. | Daily Wire

WALSH: No, We Shouldn't Include Girls In Everything. Boys Need Space To Themselves. | Daily Wire:

Image result for No Girls Allowed Signs"It's fitting that the Girl Scouts are still the Girl Scouts while the Boy Scouts have changed their identity and now even their name to include girls. Girls can still have their own spaces and their own organizations in our culture. They are forced to allow boys into their locker rooms and bathrooms, which is insane and dangerous, but even in that case the boy has to pretend to be a girl in order to gain admittance.
Boys, on the other hand, are expected to include girls in everything. They are provided no area and no time to be boys, and do boy things, and be around other boys. We used to understand that boys need space apart from girls. Not anymore."

The way we were-----Eric Burdon & The Animals - When I Was Young (1967) ♫♥50 YEARS & counting

Boob-tube-----Those Were The Days 1969 Pilot ABC

Instapundit » Blog Archive » REUEL MARC GERECHT: The Iran Deal Is Strategically and Morally Absurd. “It is less an arms-control a…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » REUEL MARC GERECHT: The Iran Deal Is Strategically and Morally Absurd. “It is less an arms-control a…:
"REUEL MARC GERECHT: The Iran Deal Is Strategically and Morally Absurd. 
See the source image“It is less an arms-control agreement than cover for American inaction.”
With Iran, Obama certainly appeared to have a cause, something beyond just avoiding a fight. The Islamic Republic for Obama, and Secretary of State John Kerry, too, appeared to be a left-wing “realist” dream, offering a progressive version of Richard Nixon’s opening to Communist China. The many debilitating weaknesses of the JCPOA—for one thing, the strategic and moral absurdity of paying, via sanctions relief, for Iranian imperialism in the Middle East so we can have a short surcease to the mullahs’ quest for the bomb—stem directly from Obama’s paralyzing fear of war, as well as his aspiration for a Middle Eastern détente.

The suggestion that going to war with the clerical regime is too high a price to pay to stop the mullahs from acquiring nuclear weapons (which is what’s implied by defending the limited, temporary utility of the JCPOA) is downright odd...
It was always about downsizing American power, prestige, and influence...Heckuva job, Barry.  Posted by Stephen Green"

The Untold Story of Government's Role in the Opioid Epidemic | RealClearHealth

The Untold Story of Government's Role in the Opioid Epidemic | RealClearHealth:
Image result for Pain as the Fifth Vital Sign,”"...This is not just the case with government’s response to the American opioid abuse epidemic; it was also the case with the bad government policies that contributed to creating and worsening the crisis in previous years.
This history should make us wary of government’s increasingly heavy hand in health care.
...But it’s important for Americans to understand that the initial over-prescription of opioid drugs was no accident.
For one thing, the Veterans Health Administration was one of the earliest adopters of a pain management strategy called “Pain as the Fifth Vital Sign,” originally advocated by the American Pain Society."
...Doctors outside of the VHA system faced pressure from the government as well: The Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services included questions about pain management in patient satisfaction surveys that were linked to payment, encouraging a standard of patient-pleasing over good medicine. 
This — along with the example set by VHA policy — fostered a culture that encouraged health-care providers to offer pain-relieving prescriptions, popular with patients, without adequate regard for the potential long-term consequences. 
...Our public health crisis in opioid addiction is, in part, the sad result of government policies with good intentions but harmful consequences. 
This should be a powerful warning against enabling government to make sweeping decisions about our health going forward.

ISIS Teen Who Plotted Mall Shooting: 'I Want America In The State Europe Is In' | Daily Wire

ISIS Teen Who Plotted Mall Shooting: 'I Want America In The State Europe Is In' | Daily Wire:
Image result for City of Frisco TX Map
"Law enforcement officials on Tuesday arrested a 17-year-old high school student who allegedly plotted a mass shooting terror attack at a mall in Frisco, Texas.
The teen, who authorities say pledged allegiance to ISIS, planned to carry out the attack sometime in May and is believed to have spent approximately $1,400 on "weapons and tactical gear for his attack,” CBS Dallas reported."

Fence-climbing illegal aliens cut in line as legal immigrants wait in obscurity | The Liberty Conservative

Fence-climbing illegal aliens cut in line as legal immigrants wait in obscurity | The Liberty Conservative:
"America’s most forgotten men and women may be the legal immigrants who acquire their visas, scale no barriers, and patiently await their Green Cards and citizenship ceremonies.
Amid the raging DACA debates, fugitive-city outrages, and this week’s Honduran-caravan epic at the San Diego/Tijuana border, these overlooked individuals ring America’s doorbell rather than pry open this country’s back entrance.
“I am stunned,” says Dr. Nayla Rush, Ph.D., a senior researcher with the Center for Immigration Studies.
She is staggered by the caravan members who waved Honduran flags atop America’s border fence. U.S. authorities arrested 29 of them for illegal entry.
...These people are marching in front of cameras, in front of the whole world,” Rush tells me.
“They demand to be admitted here. Where does this sense of entitlement come from?”..."
Read all!

Study Confirms “Green” Hypocrisy | Power Line

Study Confirms “Green” Hypocrisy | Power Line
"In a finding that surprises, probably, no one, a new survey shows that the more a person claims to be concerned about global warming, the less likely he is to behave in environmentally friendly ways:
Image result for environmental hypocritesParticipants in a year-long study who doubted the scientific consensus on the issue “opposed policy solutions,” but at the same time, they “were most likely to report engaging in individual-level, pro-environmental behaviors,” writes a research team led by University of Michigan psychologist Michael Hall.
Conversely, those who expressed the greatest belief in, and concern about, the warming environment “were most supportive of government climate policies, but least likely to report individual-level actions.”
Liberals are hypocrites? Who knew! From the study itself:
Believing in climate change, but not behaving sustainably: Evidence from a one-year longitudinal study..."
Read all! 


Noon-toon-----Wondermark » Archive » #279; In which is purchased Marmoset Coverage

Wondermark » Archive » #279; In which is purchased Marmoset Coverage:
i guess all things considered it is better to be prepared

The Democrats' favorite sport: Ruining people

The Democrats' favorite sport: Ruining people:

Image result for free clip art Mean faces"Over the past twenty-six years, the virus that is the Clintons on the American body politic has metastasized into a virulent auto-immune disease.  They are a virus that seeks to utterly destroy what it sees as an enemy but may well end up demolishing itself, with devastating results.  With Trump's win, this virus amped up its attack on all things Trump: his supporters, his agenda, his family, his friends, and his Cabinet and staff.  So intent on getting and keeping power and massive amounts of ill gotten riches were they that the American people chose, once and for all, to reject Hillary and to inoculate themselves from further damage at the hands of the Clintons and their sycophants."

Time to Declare Clinton Foundation Biggest Charity Fraud Ever

Time to Declare Clinton Foundation Biggest Charity Fraud Ever
See the source image"Documents show years of failure to file required records, with no official approval to change the organization's declared purpose
...Hillary lost (again) because very few Americans embrace suspicious, over-the-top living financed by crony capitalist payoffs (“speeches”) and charity frauds.
The former are easy to spot, but the latter are tougher to grasp, unless you study the laws and regulations of charities.
Writing about the Clinton Foundation for The Atlantic in the October 2007 issue, Jonathan Rauch framed the obvious eight years ago in the title of his piece: “This Is Not Charity.”
Rauch was correct that in 2007 and in the years that presidents George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama were in the White House, the Clinton Foundation only expanded the scope and geographic extent of its unauthorized, uncontrolled, and illegal fundraising activities, all the while subsidizing the majestic lifestyles of political families with dynastic ambitions..."
Read it all!

Gun Owner Will Give Birth In Prison After Trying To Protect Daughter From Assailant | The Daily Sheeple

Gun Owner Will Give Birth In Prison After Trying To Protect Daughter From Assailant | The Daily Sheeple:
"Siwatu-Salama Ra is a 26-year-old mother who will give birth in prison after using a legally purchased handgun to scare off an assailant. 
Ra’s daughter was in the car when the neighbor began ramming it with her vehicle.
Ra was forced to watch in horror as the angry assailant (a neighbor with whom Ra had a dispute) deliberately crashed her vehicle into Ra’s car while Ra’s two-year-old daughter was playing inside.
Ra removed her unloaded, legally purchased a handgun from the glove box and brandished it, scaring the neighbor off.
But for that “crime,” Ra will give birth behind bars.
...Harvey then used her cell phone to take a picture of Ra holding the gun and raced off to the police station, where she filed a police report.
Ra also filed a report, but Detroit police consider the first person to file a report to be the victim in a dispute, even though, in this case, Harvey initiated the violence.
For her “crime” of not wanting her property rights violated and defending her vehicular property and her child’s life, Ra is behind bars and will give birth to a baby while in prison."
Read it all!

#1 This day 1962-----THE SHIRELLES - SOLDIER BOY 1962

City: 'If something is not permitted it is prohibited.' | Intellectual Takeout

City: 'If something is not permitted it is prohibited.' | Intellectual Takeout:
See the source image"Should Americans have a right to garden in their own yards?
If you looked at this question, shook your head, and answered, “Of course! Why would we not?” then it would seem there is still some common sense left in the world.
Unfortunately, that common sense doesn’t always extend to the powers that be, and the citizens of Columbiana, Ohio, are learning that the hard way.
According to an article in the Salem News, the city government of Columbiana recently informed citizens that they don’t have a right to plant and maintain a garden in their own yards:
...The city had no laws pertaining to residential gardens, which means they were technically not allowed.
According to the city’s laws, if something is not permitted it is prohibited.
‘Right now, if there is not something expressly in this code that says that you can have one, you technically can’t,’ Blakeman confirmed.”..."
Read on!

Tim Allen teases 'Last Man Standing' return | Fox News

Tim Allen teases 'Last Man Standing' return | Fox News:
Image result for flickr commons images Tim Allen
"Is "Last Man Standing" coming back?
Tim Allen suggested on Twitter that his hit sitcom may be returning.
"They heard all your voices people!! LMS just might be a reality. Keep it up. Who wants more #LastManStanding?" the actor tweeted on Thursday."

American University orders students to agree women can revoke consent after sex - The College Fix

American University orders students to agree women can revoke consent after sex - The College Fix: "It’s creating a culture on campus that it’s okay to re-write history’
If a man and a woman are both drunk and they have sex, the man is the rapist if the woman decides he is at some point, regardless of how she felt in the moment.
This is what American University is teaching students in a required sexual consent module, according to Red Alert Politics.
...Former AU student Sydney Jacobs said she was threatened with academic probation if she didn’t complete the training a year ago, and when she did, the module called her a “N00B” (gamer slang for “newbie”) because her answers were wrong:
“I was shocked,” said Jacobs.
“The program explicitly says they’re both too drunk to give consent but then says the man coerced the woman into a dangerous situation. The hypothetical specifically says neither gave consent but then says the woman can take certain steps towards legal options. It concludes the man likely committed sexual assault.” …
“Ultimately my problem with the whole thing is it’s creating a culture on campus that it’s okay to re-write history and rescind your consent when you’re not happy with the outcome. People are scared to hook up without facing repercussions that aren’t warranted.”
Jacobs is further incensed because the same training is used at public universities including the University of Florida and Kansas State University, meaning taxpayers are funding the message that “it is okay to rescind consent and then [the] man is always at fault.”..."
Read all!

AM Fruitcake