Friday, September 28, 2018

Kavanaugh Fires At Dems: ‘This is A Circus’ – ‘You’ll Never Get Me To Quit. Never’ | MRCTV

Kavanaugh Fires At Dems: ‘This is A Circus’ – ‘You’ll Never Get Me To Quit. Never’ | MRCTV

"In an emotional opening statement on Thursday, Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh denied all the sexual assault allegations against him, criticized the role the media played in hurting his family, and fired off at Senate Democrats on the Judiciary Committee for taking part in a “calculated and orchestrated political hit.”(click link to see powerful video)
Here is an excerpt:
"The behavior of several Democratic members of this committee at my hearing a few weeks ago was an embarrassment. But at least it was just a good old-fashioned attempt at Borking. Those efforts didn't work. When I did at least OK enough at the hearings that it looked like I might actually get confirmed. A new tactic was needed. Some of you were lying in wait and had it ready. This first allegation was held in secret for weeks, by a Democratic member of this committee and by staff, it would be needed - only if you couldn't take me out on the merits. 
When it was needed this allegation was unleashed and publicly deployed over Dr. Ford's wishes. And then, then as no doubt was expected, if not planned, came a long series of false last minute smears designed to scare me and drive me out of the process before any hearing occurred. Crazy stuff – gangs, illegitimate children, fights on boats in Rhode Island. All nonsense reported breathlessly and often uncritically by the media. This has destroyed my family and my good name a good name built up through decades of very hard work and public service at the highest levels of the American government. This whole two week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit fueled with apparent pent up anger about President Trump and the 2016 election.
Fear that has been unfairly stoked about my judicial record, revenge on behalf of the Clintons and millions of dollars in money from outside Left-wing opposition groups. This is a circus. The consequences will extend long past my nomination. The consequences will be with us for decades. This grotesque and coordinated character assassination will dissuade competent and good people of all political persuasions from serving our country. And as we all know in the United States political system of the early 2000s. What goes around comes around. 
I am an optimistic guy. I always try to be on the sunrise side of the mountain to be optimistic about the day that is coming. But today I have to say that I fear for the future. Last time I was here I told this committee that a federal judge must be independent, not swayed by public or political pressure. I said I was such a judge and I am I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process. You've tried hard you've given it your all. No one can question your effort. But you're coordinated and well-funded effort to destroy my good name and destroy my family will not drive me out.

The vile threats of violence against my family will not drive me out. You may defeat me in the final vote, but you'll never get me to quit. Never."

You ought to know!

Christine Blasey Ford Stumbles When Asked about Her Actions Since Making Allegation | National Review

Christine Blasey Ford Stumbles When Asked about Her Actions Since Making Allegation | National Review:

Image result for christine blasey ford professorChristine Blasey Ford struggled during her Thursday testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee to remember the details of her actions in the time since she accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault in a July letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein of California.

Powerful!-----Graham slams Democrats, vigorously defends Kavanaugh

AM Fruitcake

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History for September 28

See the source image
History for September 28 -
Confucius 551 B.C. - Teacher and philosopher, William S. Paley 1901, Ed Sullivan 1902
Image result for Confucius QuotesSee the source imageImage result for Ed Sullivan

Brigitte Bardot 1934, Mira Sorvino 1967, Hilary Duff 1987
Image result for Brigitte BardoImage result for Mira SorvinoImage result for Hilary Duff

1924 - The first around-the-world flight was completed by two U.S. Army planes when they landed in Seattle, WA. The trip took 175 days.
See the source image

1974 - First Lady Betty Ford underwent a mastectomy to remove a lump in her breast.
Image result for First Lady Betty Ford underwent a mastectomy

Thursday, September 27, 2018

WATCH: Kavanaugh's Impassioned Rebuttal To Accusations Of Sexual Abuse May Have Just Saved His Nomination | Daily Wire

WATCH: Kavanaugh's Impassioned Rebuttal To Accusations Of Sexual Abuse May Have Just Saved His Nomination | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images brett kavanaughOn Thursday morning, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford gave testimony stating that Judge Brett Kavanaugh attempted to rape her 36 years ago. Her testimony was emotionally compelling. It also lacked any shred of corroborative evidence, and had been contradicted by testimony from witnesses Ford named. It appeared, as I wrote earlier, that Kavanaugh’s nomination was on the ropes — he was being asked to prove a negative, based not on lack of evidence, but on the basis of emotional resonance.
But Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony this afternoon in the Senate Judiciary Committee changed the game — and so did the Left’s pathetic response to that testimony.

Deregulation Nation: President Trump Cuts Regulations At Record Rate

Deregulation Nation: President Trump Cuts Regulations At Record Rate:

Image result for flickr commons images president trumpThe record regulatory siege under President Obama goes a long way toward explaining his poor economic performance. With growth averaging below 2%, his was the worst administration for growth in postwar history.
The Trump economy, by contrast, is today growing at just a nick below 3% a year. Median annual household income stands at $62,175 currently, the highest level since 2000. Unemployment in June matched its lowest level in half a century. In short, the economy is operating on an entirely different level than during the Obama years.

The way we were-----Glad All Over Dave Clark Five COLOR Widescreen HiQ Hybrid JARichardsFilm...

Boob-tube-----Top 10 Best Crime Tv Shows (1999 - 2018)

The Washington Post's Slander on Hurricanes and Climate Change - Just Facts

The Washington Post's Slander on Hurricanes and Climate Change - Just Facts
"The Washington Post editorial board has accused President Trump of being “complicit” in Hurricane Florence, because “he plays down humans’ role in increasing the risks” of “extreme weather,” and “he continues to dismantle efforts to address those risks.” 
Such weather, they say, is fueled by manmade global warming that creates “unusually warm ocean water” that worsens hurricanes. 
The board finishes by declaring that Trump and Republicans are guilty of “reality denial” on this issue. 
However, their editorial is the antithesis of reality.
Trump hasn’t been in office nearly long enough for his policies to alter the earth’s greenhouse gas levels
In fact, his plan to repeal Obama’s “landmark“ climate change regulation has not yet been implemented.
...More importantly, the Post’s narrative is at odds with the scientific facts of the matter. 
These show that from as far back in time as reliable data extends:
  • global hurricane frequency, hurricane intensity, hurricane duration, and general rainfall trends have been level.
  • Atlantic hurricane frequency and intensity trends have been level.
  • U.S. hurricane strikes, major hurricane strikes, and flood trends have been level.
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BLS: Americans Spent More on Taxes Than on Food, Clothing Combined in 2017

BLS: Americans Spent More on Taxes Than on Food, Clothing Combined in 2017
( - Americans on average spent more on taxes than on food and clothing combined in 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistic’s new data on consumer expenditures, which was released this month.
“Consumer units” (which include families, financially independent individuals, and people living in a single household who share expenses) spent an average of $9,562 on food and clothing in 2017, according to BLS.
But they spent $16,749 on federal, state and local taxes..."
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O'Keefe Video: DOJ Resources Used by Socialist DOJ Employee to Target GOP | Rule of Law

O'Keefe Video: DOJ Resources Used by Socialist DOJ Employee to Target GOP | Rule of Law:
Image result for free clip art working at computer
Hrabar and others in O'Keefe's video boast that they cannot be fired under federal civil service rules.
"There is a lot of talk at work about how we can resist from the inside"
"What's lucky is that at DOJ we really can't get fired."
The video also captures an ex-federal employee boasting that current federal employees mailed her paper copies of confidential Trump administration proposals before they were released so that they could be publicly sabotaged.

The New York Times Explains Why the Minimum Wage Should Be $0.00 | Intellectual Takeout

Image result for Jason VorheesThe New York Times Explains Why the Minimum Wage Should Be $0.00 | Intellectual Takeout
"The minimum wage is the Jason Vorhees of economics. 
It just won’t die.
No matter how many jobs the minimum wage destroys, no matter how many times you debunk it, it always comes back to wreak more havoc.

  • Economic Literacy from an Unexpected Source

We’ve covered the issues at length at FEE, and quite effectively, if I do say so myself.
But I have to admit that one of the greatest takedowns of the minimum wage you’ll ever find comes from an unlikely place: The New York Times.
There are many reasons people and politicians find the minimum wage attractive, of course.
But the Times, in an editorial entitled “The Right Minimum Wage: 0.00,” skillfully rebuts each of these reasons in turn..."
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More lies from the greedy "non-profits"-----Covenant House Michigan - Posts

Covenant House Michigan - Posts
DYK (did you know) that nationally, one in ten youth are considered homeless?
We send our sincerest thanks to Huntington National Bank for its powerful Public Service Announcement (PSA) campaign, developed with WOOD TV8, illuminating the plight of youth homelessness in Grand Rapids --->…/huntington-bank-support…/1287253115...."

Join Huntington Bank in helping local, homeless youth.

Lunch video-----Who Is Karl Marx?


Twitter Suspends James Woods. Woods Stands His Ground. | Daily Wire

Twitter Suspends James Woods. Woods Stands His Ground. | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images james woodsThe official said that they would do the same for the Republican National Committee (RNC), but did not know if the Republicans had ever flagged content for Twitter to review, or if the platform had ever taken the same actions for Republicans in the past. The Daily Wire spoke to multiple officials throughout the Republican Party about whether the party had ever flagged content for a social media platform to review — none of the officials were able to find any specific instances.
Sarah Miller, Wood's girlfriend, wrote in a tweet that Woods was suspended for the following tweet:

Economics Gets It Wrong Because Research Is Hard to Replicate - Bloomberg

Economics Gets It Wrong Because Research Is Hard to Replicate - Bloomberg
"By now, most people have heard of the replication crisis in psychology. 
When researchers try to recreate the experiments that led to published findings, only slightly more than half of the results tend to turn out the same as before. 
Biology and medicine are probably riddled with similar issues.
See the source imageBut what about economics? 
Experimental econ is akin to psychology, and has similar issues. 
But most of the economics research you read about doesn’t involve experiments — it’s empirical, meaning it relies on gathering data from the real world and analyzing it statistically. 
Statistical calculations suggest that there are probably a lot of unreliable empirical results getting published and publicized. 
Those results in turn drive policy.
...This strongly suggests that there is a lot of mystery meat that goes into economists’ analysis. 
...That doesn’t mean that single results aren’t worth reporting or taking into account, but a single finding shouldn’t be enough to generate certainty about how the world works..."
Read all!

Why The Left Demonizes The Right Instead Of Presenting Better Ideas

Why The Left Demonizes The Right Instead Of Presenting Better Ideas
When those paid to be well-informed are uninformed, small wonder mischaracterizations of conservative ideas pervade public discourse.
Get your facts firstand then you can distort them as much as you please.”—Mark Twain
The left routinely distorts conservative ideas, but it is not always clear whether their misrepresentations are deliberate or simply due to unfamiliarity with conservative thought.

Consider, for example, the left’s characterization of supply-side economics as “trickle-down economics” or “tax cuts for the rich.” Despite having been shown to utterly defy the facts, politicians and media continue arming themselves against these caricatures with invincible ignorance.
Never has a major marginal income tax rate reduction over the last 100 years slashed tax burdens for merely “the rich.” Every major tax cut—whether during the 1920s, the 1960s, the 1980s, the 2000s, or most recently under President Trump—has benefited all income groups. Furthermore, these cuts have made the tax code more progressive. Following the tax cuts of the ‘20s, for instance, historian John Steele Gordon writes:
The distribution of the tax burden became radically more progressive, not less. In 1921 those earning less than $10,000 had paid $155 million in taxes, 21 percent of person income tax revenues. In 1926 they paid only $33 million, or 5 percent. Mellon himself boasted in 1928 that a bachelor with a $4,000 income in 1920—enough to make him comfortably middle class—would have paid $120 in tax that year, but in 1928 would owe only $5.63.
NBC News has concluded that the same pattern followed the cuts of the 1960s, ‘80s, and 2000s..."
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Christine Blasey Ford Polygraph Results Reveal Inconsistencies in Testimony | National Review

Christine Blasey Ford Polygraph Results Reveal Inconsistencies in Testimony | National Review:

Image result for flickr commons images Polygraph TestAlmost immediately after the results’ release, inconsistencies in Ford’s testimony were pointed out. The written statement used as the basis for the polygraph test said there were “four people” present at the party where the alleged assault occurred but, at some point, “four people” was crossed out and replaced with “four boys and a couple of girls.”
Both of these versions of events are inconsistent with the letter Ford sent in July to Senator Dianne Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, in which she described the party attendees as consisting of “me and four others.”

#1 This day 1964-----Roy Orbison - Oh, Pretty Woman

Gigantic A380 Barely Nails Dangerous Crosswind Landing - World War Wings

Gigantic A380 Barely Nails Dangerous Crosswind Landing - World War Wings
"A flight can be perfect in every way, but every so often there is that occasion where crosswinds pick up and the landing becomes dangerous. 
The pilot of an A380 faced this challenge along with the uneven terrain of the Dusseldorf airport. Despite the odds against him, the pilot rose to the challenge knowing that the lives of his passengers were on the line.
“I have filmed a few thousand crosswind landings at several airports in Europe within the past years, but this Airbus A380 crosswind landing was extremely hard and extraordinary.”– Cargospotter

You ought to know!

Even for Californians, Federal Taxes Are Going Down | The Heritage Foundation

Even for Californians, Federal Taxes Are Going Down | The Heritage Foundation:

Image result for flickr commons images california flagConsidering the rhetoric swirling around the tax cuts, it’s ironic that many of the areas getting the biggest tax relief — both as a percentage of income taxes paid and sheer volume of dollars — are represented by Democrats. The Republicans delivered the tax cuts, but Democrats are benefiting just as much, if not more.
The SALT cap moves the federal tax code toward the bipartisan goal of fairness and equity between taxpayers of similar incomes. Yes, a small fraction of Californians may see their taxes go up. But this is not because the federal tax system is somehow tilted against Democrats or California. It’s because California’s state taxes are too high. Blame Sacramento, not Washington.

The MSM sorta missed this item-----Texas Republicans Flip Long-Held Democratic State Senate Seat

Texas Republicans Flip Long-Held Democratic State Senate Seat
GOP pushes back on narrative of an approaching 'blue wave' in the Lone Star state
Texas Republicans refuted talk of a coming "blue wave" on Tuesday by flipping a state senate seat that had long been held by the Democratic Party.
Republican Peter Flores, a retired game warden, pulled an upset win in a special election for Texas’s 19th Senate District over the Democratic nominee, former congressman Pete Gallego.
The district...until recently one of the most Democratic in Texas.
...The seat became vacant earlier this year after the long-serving Democratic state senator, Carlos Uresti, resigned upon being convicted of 11 federal felonies relating to his alleged involvement in a Ponzi scheme.
...Apart from becoming the first GOP member to hold the seat in 139 years, Flores will further have the distinction of being the Texas Senate's first Hispanic Republican..."
Read all.

AM Fruitcake

History for September 27

See the source image
History for September 27 -
Thomas Nast 1840 - Political cartoonist that created the Republican elephant and the Democrat donkey, William Conrad 1920, Wilford Brimley 1934 - Actor
Image result for Thomas Nast Cartoons of Boss TweedImage result for William ConradImage result for Wilford Brimley Diabeetus

Meat Loaf (Marvin Lee Aday) 1947, Shaun Cassidy 1958, Gwyneth Paltrow 1972 - Actress
Image result for Meat Loaf SingerImage result for Shaun CassidyImage result for Gwyneth Paltrow

1994 - More than 350 Republican congressional candidates signed the Contract with America. It was a 10-point platform they pledged to enact if voters sent a GOP majority to the House.
See the source image

2004 - North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Choe Su Hon announced that North Korea had turned plutonium from 8,000 spent nuclear fuel rods into nuclear weapons. He also said that the weapons were to serve as a deterrent against increasing U.S. nuclear threats and to prevent nuclear war in northeast Asia. The U.S. State Department noted that the U.S. has repeatedly said that the U.S. has no plans to attack North Korea.
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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The assault on Kavanaugh is proving Trump voters right

The assault on Kavanaugh is proving Trump voters right:

Image result for flickr commons images democrat logoSenate Democrats may delicately talk about the importance of norms and civility on Sunday shows, but watch how they act. They sat on an accusation throughout an extensive process of vetting and questioning a nominee, then declared it dispositive evidence against his confirmation when it leaked at the 11th hour. They delayed a hearing with Christine Blasey Ford long enough to allow time for the second accuser to be persuaded to come forward.
All of this plays into Trump’s support. Surely, a reason that the president appealed to many Republicans in the first place,

The Smear Campaign Against Brett Kavanaugh Is Truly Evil

The Smear Campaign Against Brett Kavanaugh Is Truly Evil:

Image result for flickr commons images u.s. constitutionKavanaugh isn’t facing criminal prosecution in part because his accusers have come nowhere near the standard required for criminal prosecution. And senators predisposed to vote against him are not the definition of an impartial jury. That does not mean disputed allegations should form the basis of destroying a man’s life, career, and reputation. It also does not mean that a precedent should be established of allowing the left to weaponize use of disputed allegations to thwart the seating of justices.

The way we were-----The Peppermint Rainbow - Will You Be Staying After Sunday - [STEREO]