Thursday, September 01, 2016

Sports Drinks Are Mostly Pointless

Sports Drinks Are Mostly Pointless
"Sports drinks seem like they should be healthy.
Athletes endorse them, and they don’t have the same “liquid candy” reputation as the Pepsi a few shelves over.
But how helpful are they to serious and casual exercisers? 
Not very, it turns out.
To be clear, we’re talking about sports drinks, not energy drinks like Rockstar and Monster.
Despite the similar names, they’re no relation.
Energy drinks are super-caffeinated soda with a few gimmicky supplements thrown in to make them look special.
Sports drinks, on the other hand, are the beverages like Gatorade and Powerade that deliver carbohydrates and electrolytes in a typically fruity, brightly colored fluid sold in plastic bottles.
To put it another way: energy drinks are for all-night video game marathons; sports drinks are for actual marathons..."

Caution: Men (Not) At Work

Caution: Men (Not) At Work | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:
"Jobs: While the Fed and government policymakers fret over "full employment," a new study by one of America's leading demographers and economists argues that in fact we are in the midst of a full-blown unemployment crisis — one that remains, in his words, "hidden."
This Friday, a new jobs report will come out.
If the Wall Street consensus is correct, it will show the unemployment rate continuing to hover around 5% while nonfarm payrolls will grow about 180,000 for the month.
But that won't tell the whole story.
Nicholas Eberstadt, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, argues in a new book called "Men Without Work," due out next week, that we're suffering not from full employment, but massive underemployment — in particular, nearly one out of six working-age men have no job and are no longer looking for one. 
A release for his book calls this "a hidden time bomb with far-reaching economic, social and political consequences."
With 10 million fewer male workers in the labor force than we should have, it's hard to disagree..."

Breaker, Breaker One-Niner! Regulators Are Running Amok!

Breaker, Breaker One-Niner! Regulators Are Running Amok! | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:
"Late last week, the Transportation Department issued a proposed rule that would require new commercial trucks and buses to have speed-limiting devices installed in them.
The government says the move is about increasing safety and reducing emissions, but what it's really about is showing how federal regulators can pretty much do whatever they want these days.
After all, there were no votes on this proposal in Congress.
No committee meetings. 
No public debate. 
Just pressure put on Washington bureaucrats by special interests.
On the surface, the mandate might seem reasonable.
After all, nobody wants to be on a highway with an 18-wheeler or a commercial bus barreling down on them.
The government says that the rule could save lives.
And the American Trucking Association backs the mandate.
But there's no guarantee that this rule will save any lives at all..."

Caution: Men (Not) At Work | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Caution: Men (Not) At Work | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:

"While the Fed and government policymakers fret over "full employment," a new study by one of America's leading demographers and economists argues that in fact we are in the midst of a full-blown unemployment crisis — one that remains, in his words, "hidden."

This Friday, a new jobs report will come out. If the Wall Street consensus is correct, it will show the unemployment rate continuing to hover around 5% while nonfarm payrolls will grow about 180,000 for the month. But that won't tell the whole story."

Polling Benchmarks Trump Needs to Overtake Clinton

Polling Benchmarks Trump Needs to Overtake Clinton | RealClearPolitics
"Can Donald Trump win this election?
And if a comeback is in store, when will the polls start to show it?
It's impossible to know if Trump will make a comeback.
Clinton is the clear favorite and leads in the polls, but there are still more than two months left in the race.
It's possible to imagine scenarios where Trump catches up and overtakes Clinton.
But it's important to try to figure out if those scenarios are plausible and what the early signs of a Trump comeback might be.
To that end, I analyzed polling from 11 presidential elections and came up with three rules of thumb - Trump can still win, to do so he needs to be within a few points in late September, and there isn't much time to move polls in October - to help guide readers through the next two-plus months of polling.
These guidelines came from an analysis of historical polling data,.."

AM Fruitcake

History for September 1

History for September 1 -
Alfred Ely Beach 1826 - Designer of New York City's earliest subway, patented a typewriter for the blind, Edgar Rice Burroughs 1875 - Writer (Tarzan of the Apes), Yvonne De Carlo (Peggy Yvonne Middleton) 1922 - Actress (The Munsters, Salome, McLintock!)

Rocky Marciano (Rocco Marchegiano) 1923 - Boxer, the only heavyweight champion to have won every fight in professional career, Lily Tomlin 1939 - Actress, comedian,  Gloria Estefan (Gloria Maria Milagrosa Fajardo) 1957 - Singer (Miami Sound Machine)

1807 - Former U.S. Vice President Aaron Burr was found innocent of treason.
Image result for Vice President Aaron Burr quotes

1878 - Emma M. Nutt became the first female telephone operator in the U.S. The company was the Telephone Dispatch Company of Boston.

1905 - Saskatchewan and Alberta became the ninth and tenth provinces of Canada.

1939 - World War II began when Germany invaded Poland.
Image result for Saskatchewan and Alberta became the ninth and tenth provinces of Canada.

1969 - Col. Moammar Gadhafi came into power in Libya after the government was overthrown.

1970 - The last episode of "I Dream of Jeannie" aired on NBC-TV. The show premiered was on September 18, 1965.

1972 - America’s Bobby Fischer beat Russia’s Boris Spassky to become world chess champion. The chess match took place in Reykjavik, Iceland.

1979 - The U.S. Pioneer 11 became the first spacecraft to visit Saturn.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016



Hook, Line and Sinker

By Tammy Derouin

The Progressive Left likes to promote social justice. So what is social justice?  Most definitions are pretty similar.  Words like fair and just are used to map out some sort of directive for individuals within a society.  It doesn’t take long for the word distribution to pop up.  Distribution of not only wealth but privileges and opportunities are thrown in the mix.  Who would determine what is fair or just within the society?  If you dig a little deeper a motive begins to emerge.  Within the mumble jumbo of key words and desirable objectives a conspiracy begins to unfold. 

In order for this Utopian quest to get underway, the population needs to buy into the idea.  That’s not too hard.  Who wouldn’t agree that people should be treated fairly and justly?  Well, there’s the proverbial Hook.

The Left works its magic and begins to vilify anyone or any institution which is opposed to what they, the Left, feels is an absolute right, entitlement or fact.  They will force their will by elevating their chosen causes or groups.  What they interpret as equal treatment under the law becomes special rights for many.  It may even be interpreted as overdue justice.  So, if some individuals now feel they don’t have the rights they once had, it’s okay because they had them for too long.  Many fall for this unequal justice as some sort of payback and jump on the band wagon.   They enjoy riding out the proverbial Line.

Who decides what is fair and just?  Who decides how to distribute wealth, privilege and opportunities?  The answer is very interesting and so very predictable.  Once you’ve accepted the bait, you have been hooked......

A Really Important Melanoma Breakthrough Just Rocked the Science World

A Really Important Melanoma Breakthrough Just Rocked the Science World:
"A major scientific discovery has been made that will affect future treatment options for melanoma — the most aggressive of all skin cancers.
Researchers from Tel Aviv University have determined that a melanoma tumor sends out vesicles, small structures enclosed by a membrane, that contain molecules that cause changes in the dermis — the inner layer of the skin — and allow the cancer to spread to other vital organs, including the brain, lungs, liver, and bones.
Understanding this process means that investigators can finally begin to stop the cancer before it reaches the metastatic stage.
For years, scientists have understood that melanoma forms in the epidermis, the outer layer of the skin.
At this stage, the cancer is unable to enter the bloodstream because it doesn’t have access to blood vessels.
Yet it somehow can find a way to break the barrier to connect with the numerous blood vessels running through the dermis..."

SC school bans American flag from football games

SC school bans American flag from football games |
Image result for ban american flag in schools"TRAVELERS REST, S.C. – School officials’ decision to ban students from displaying the American Flag at a recent football game is creating controversy in a South Carolina school district.
On Friday, Travelers Rest High School principal Lou Lavely banned students from carrying American flags into a football game against Berega High School, because a lot of students at Berega are Hispanic. 
Lavely contends the American flag could have been used to taunt those students, WNCN reports..."

Brace Yourself, Bridget: 'Single-Payer' Health Care Is On Its Way | PJ Media

Brace Yourself, Bridget: 'Single-Payer' Health Care Is On Its Way | PJ Media:

"If you haven't figured out by now that Obamacare -- aka, the Patient Deflection and Unaffordable "Care" Act -- was designed to fail from the start, you haven't been paying attention. "Insurance" that wasn't really insurance, an ever-spiraling cost structure, the destruction of private (i.e. real) insurance, and the creation of yet more dependents on the federal government -- these were the real goals of Obamacare when it was rammed through Congress in the dead of night at Christmas, 2009. And now, voila!"

NOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ALONG: The Russians Have Penetrated The NSA. “While many intelligence se…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » NOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ALONG: The Russians Have Penetrated The NSA. “While many intelligence se…
NOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ALONG: The Russians Have Penetrated The NSA. 
“While many intelligence services have tried to steal secrets from NSA, only the Russians have been able to do so consistently. Kremlin penetration of NSA has been a constant.”
Plus: “In fairness to NSA, the record of our Intelligence Community, indeed our whole government, in counterintelligence is nothing less than dismal. 
And it’s gotten markedly worse during Barack Obama’s two terms in the White House, with their unprecedented losses of America’s secrets to spies, traitors, and hackers. 
However, given the importance of NSA to our collective security—it’s the backbone of counterterrorism operations across the Western world, our vital shield against jihadism—it’s important that the agency at last starts getting serious about security. 
Catching some Russian moles would be a solid beginning.”


Instapundit » Blog Archive » WHY OBAMA LET IRAN’S GREEN …:
WHY OBAMA LET IRAN’S GREEN REVOLUTION FAIL: Eli Lake at Bloomberg News discusses a new book by The Wall Street Journal‘s Jay Solomon, The Iran Wars.
…Obama wasn’t just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran…Behind the scenes, Obama overruled advisers who wanted to do what America had done at similar transitions from dictatorship to democracy, and signal America’s support.

Lunch video-----Public Pensions: Unfunded Promises


We Just Discovered What May Really Be Behind Kaepernick's Protest | The Federalist Papers

We Just Discovered What May Really Be Behind Kaepernick's Protest | The Federalist Papers:

"It truly is extraordinarily sad to watch people, who have opportunities that people around the world only dream of thanks to the God-given rights protected by this incredible nation, disrespect it so thoroughly.

In fact, this spoiled, misinformed couple not only has opportunities that people around the world only dream of, many people in this country could only dream of being so fortunate — and that goes for people of all races, despite Kaepernick’s race-resentment sentiment."

The Clinton Foundation’s Global Bribery and Crony Access Scam

The Clinton Foundation’s Global Bribery and Crony Access Scam | Observer
“Whoever you are, I have always depended on the kindness of strangers,” says the frequently delusional Blanche Dubois near the bitter end of Tennessee Williams’ Pulitzer Prize-winning play A Streetcar Named Desire.
Ah yes, kind strangers.
It’s a playwright’s loaded line.
Put bluntly, Miss Blanche may practice intermittent prostitution.
...Blanche Dubois is a fictional character. 
Hillary Clinton often inhabits a fictional universe. 
Claiming she was targeted by snipers in Bosnia and telling Fox News interviewer Chris Wallace that FBI Director James Comey exonerated her grossly negligent mishandling of classified information are just two examples of Hillary’s fictional existence.
However, Hillary’s State Department was no cheap Mississippi hotel, and the latest batch of emails confirming close, coordinated contact between Hillary’s top State aides and the kind strangers who donate to the Clinton Foundation ain’t rumors spread by traveling salesmen.
Even The Associated Press is troubled by the number of Clinton Foundation donors with quick access to Hillary’s senior staff.
The second paragraph in the AP report has numbers, not rumors:
“At least 85 of 154 people from private interests who met or had phone conversations scheduled with Clinton while she led the State Department donated to her family charity or pledged commitments to its international programs, according to a review of State Department calendars released so far to The Associated Press.
Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million. At least 40 donated more than $100,000 each, and 20 gave more than $1 million...”

Former East to lag behind West for years to come: study

Former East to lag behind West for years to come: study - The Local
Twenty-six years after reunification, eastern Germany remains economically anaemic with little prospect of catching up with the rest of the country by 2030, a study published on Wednesday said.
Of the eastern states, only "Saxony and Brandenburg will reach the level of overall average German growth" between 2015 and 2030, wrote Joachim Ragnitz of the Ifo economic think-tank.
The remaining federal states formed from the former territory of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) - Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Thuringia, and Saxony-Anhalt - will by contrast reckon with "in parts  extremely low growth rates".
Eastern Germany's GDP grew by 1.2 percent per year between 2010 and 2015, underperforming the 1.6 percent achieved by western Germany plus Berlin, Ifo calculated..."

Hillary's Coughing and the Debates

Articles: Hillary's Coughing and the Debates
Hillary's flacks maintain that she has no serious health problems, but there is an increasingly public amount of evidence that they are lying.
Her coughing fits, for example, have gone on for minutes during interviews and speeches and debates.
The leftist establishment media has totally ignored this running story, but there is one venue in which her uncontrollable coughing and hacking cannot be hidden from the American people: the presidential debates.
Because her health seems to getting worse all the time and because she has never appeared in a nationally televised presidential debate (indeed, even her few debates with Bernie Sanders were scheduled to avoid large audiences) the stress of standing before 100 million or so Americans watching her live should make the chances of her descending into minutes of coughing, gagging, and hacking while the world watches very real.
What happens then?
Well, consider if she keeps coughing for two or three minutes, as she has several times.
It will interrupt whatever point she has been trying to make and focus instead on her inability to speak.
A debater affects audiences as much by his demeanor and voice as by what he actually says.
Images matter, as the haggard-looking Nixon proved in the 1960 presidential debates..."

U.S. Meets Target of Admitting 10,000 Syrian Refugees |

U.S. Meets Target of Admitting 10,000 Syrian Refugees |

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States on Monday met President Barack Obama’s goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees into the country, the White House announced.

Obama sought a sixfold increase in the number of Syrian refugees provided safe haven in the United States. After a slow start, the administration was able to hit the goal about a month early and just a few weeks before Obama convenes a summit on refugees during the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly."