Saturday, September 03, 2016

UNL students restricted by new 'respect' policy

UNL students restricted by new 'respect' policy - The College Fix:
"‘Nonnegotiable’ list of expected beliefs about diversity and inclusion
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Calling the University of Nebraska Lincoln a place that “values acceptance,” the institution kicked off the fall semester with its newly installed chancellor essentially telling new students they should not say or do things that might be offensive or cause people to feel disrespected, calling the stance “nonnegotiable.”
...“We do not tolerate actions of hate and disrespect.”
The policy, being called by campus leaders a set of “belief statements” on diversity and inclusion, is also spelled out on its website.
Green’s comments come as Christianity and conservatism — even support of Donald Trump — is accused of being intolerant, hateful and racist on campuses nationwide.
Green did not define, neither in his speech or the written policy underscoring it, what an action of disrespect might be, leaving it widely open to interpretation.
The vague set of beliefs also comes a time when accusations of microaggressions, or unintentional slights some interpret as racist acts, have a vice grip on universities.
“We all share in the responsibility to create a positive culture here and to safeguard equity, inclusion, diversity and respect,” Green continued in his speech.
“ … We take action when we observe something or someone being treated unfairly or in a demeaning manner.
It’s our core belief as a university here at the University of Nebraska. It’s nonnegotiable. That’s who we are.”

France rolls out 'world's first' driverless buses

France rolls out 'world's first' driverless buses - The Local:
Image result for France rolls out 'world's first' driverless buses"Driverless minibuses will begin taking passengers in the eastern French city of Lyon at the weekend in a year-long experiment that officials are calling a "world first".
The two electric vehicles, fitted with high-tech equipment including laser sensors, stereo vision and GPS, can ferry around 15 passengers at a top speed of 20 kilometres an hour (12 mph).
The initial route in the heart of the city will last 10 minutes and include five stops.
Manufactured by the French firm Navya and costing €200,000 ($225,000) apiece, a prototype was tested in 2013..."

Putin Denies Russia Hacked DNC: ‘Does It Even Matter Who Hacked This Data?’ |

Putin Denies Russia Hacked DNC: ‘Does It Even Matter Who Hacked This Data?’ |

"Russian President Vladimir Putin publicly denied that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee’s data and questioned if it even matters who is responsible.

“Listen, does it even matter who hacked this data?” Putin asked during an interview with Bloomberg on Thursday. “The important thing is the content that was given to the public.”"

Hillary Clinton Is Even More Dishonest than You Thought

Hillary Clinton Is Even More Dishonest than You Thought | National Review
"...the Friday before Labor Day, the FBI has released detailed interview notes from its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email practices. 
The Washington Post says the notes don’t contain any “major revelations,” but it’s wrong. 
Very wrong. 
The notes reveal the stunning breadth of Hillary Clinton’s dishonesty and deception. 
First, and most importantly, it’s plain that her team began systematically wiping the server only after news broke of its existence:

...Americans cannot believe a single word that comes out of Hillary Clinton’s mouth. 
She does what she wants, says whatever she needs to escape the news cycle (or federal prosecution), and proceeds right on with her march to power. 
Even worse, she’s consistently done so with the willing and enthusiastic participation and cooperation of the vast majority of the progressive media. 
As a colleague noted, where’s the “Against Hillary” edition of an esteemed liberal publication?..."

FBI: Clinton unable to locate any of 13 personal devices she used

FBI: Clinton unable to locate any of 13 personal devices she used | Washington Examiner:
"Hillary Clinton used 13 different personal mobile devices to either make calls or access her surreptitious email address, including eight she used while working at the State Department, but she was unable to find any of them to assist in the FBI's investigation, according to notes the agency released Friday.
Clinton's law firm, Williams & Connolly, said it was "unable locate any of these devices," the FBI said.
...The FBI's investigation "determined Clinton used in succession 11 e-mail capable BlackBerry mobile devices associated" with two phone numbers, the FBI stated, "eight of which she used during her tenure as Secretary of State."
The bureau added that the investigation "identified Clinton used two email capable mobile devices" associated with one of her numbers during her tenure."

Lunch video-----NRA - Hillary Leaves You Defenseless Commercial


Hillary Clinton to explain to court who 'recommended' secret email account - Washington Times

Hillary Clinton to explain to court who 'recommended' secret email account - Washington Times:

"— just some of the 25 questions she’ll have to answer, in writing and under oath, to a federal court.
Judicial Watch, a conservative public interest law firm, submitted the 25 questions to Mrs. Clinton Tuesday, and she now has a month to respond under the procedure set by Judge Emmet G. Sullivan.
Among the questions are who “recommended” that she use a secret email account in the first place, whether she ever told the officials responsible for archiving records that she had the secret account, and what steps she took after attempts to hack her account.
Mrs. Clinton could also have to answer whether she destroyed work-related emails."

Hillary Clinton Lies, Progressives Look the Other Way

Hillary Clinton Lies, Progressives Look the Other Way | National Review:
"The media excuse her mendacity because it serves the progressive cause.
Everyone rightly catalogues Donald Trump’s fibs, distortions, and exaggerations: his assertions about his net worth, his charitable contributions, his initial supposed opposition to the Iraq War, or his “flexible” positions on illegal immigration.
After all, he is flamboyant, right-wing in his present incarnation, and supposedly bends the truth either out of crass narcissism or for petty profiteering.
So the watchdog media and popular culture have no problem with ridiculing Trump as a fabricator. 
But not so with Hillary Clinton, whose untruths far overshadow Trump’s in both import and frequency, but are so often contextualized, excused, and forgotten because of who she is and the purpose her outright lying supposedly serves.
Lying in America has become not lying when “good” liars advance alternative narratives for noble purposes — part of our long slide into situational ethics and moral relativism.
Every new bad idea in America today can ultimately be traced to the university.
And it seems to take only about 30 years for academia’s nihilism to filter through the elite institutions and make its way into popular culture.
So it is with our present idea of truth as a mere construct..."
Read on!!

All Aboard the Most Ridiculous, Most Stupidly Huge Cruise Ship on Earth

All Aboard the Most Ridiculous, Most Stupidly Huge Cruise Ship on Earth | WIRED
Image result for Harmony of the Seas"A CRUISE SHIP is an all-in-one holiday destination, where several thousand tourists pile aboard to eat, drink and get sunburned for a week.
Harmony of the Seas is the latest and largest addition, where you can lunch at a parkside cafe and jump on a zip line directly afterward.
At 1,188 feet long and 226,000 tons, the Royal Carribean ocean liner is only slightly larger than its predecessor, Oasis of the Seas.
Guests and staff equal around 8,000 people, and tickets range from $1,000 to $7,000.
The entire experience is guaranteed to whisk you away on what amounts to a floating Mall of America.
“It gives you the sense of traveling without doing it,” says photographer Alberto Bernasconi..."

Clinton says could not recall all briefings due to concussion - FBI report

Clinton says could not recall all briefings due to concussion - FBI report:
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton told the FBI she did not recall all the briefings she received on handling sensitive information as she made the transition from her post as U.S. secretary of state, due to a concussion suffered in 2012, according to a report released Friday.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation released a summary of the July 2 interview it conducted with the Democratic presidential candidate, as well as other details of its investigation into her use of a private email server while heading the State Department.
...Said the report, "Clinton said she received no instructions or direction regarding the preservation or production of records from (the) State (Department) during the transition out of her role as Secretary of State in 2013.
"However, in December of 2012, Clinton suffered a concussion and then around the New Year had a blood clot (in her head).
Based on her doctor’s advice, she could only work at State for a few hours a day and could not recall every briefing she received," the report said..."

THEY KNEW: Leaked Pelosi docs admit Obama, Clinton lied about Benghazi - The American MirrorThe American Mirror

THEY KNEW: Leaked Pelosi docs admit Obama, Clinton lied about Benghazi - The American MirrorThe American Mirror:

"Documents from Nancy Pelosi’s computer were leaked by the Romanian hacker “Guccifer 2.0,” including a memo showing that the House Minority Leader knew the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about Benghazi and choose to hide those facts.

The memo states all talking points and background information about the Benghazi attacks and included in a bold font that UN Ambassador Susan Rice’s claims about an internet video were “later proved false.”"

Governor Gives Academically Failed Detroit Schools a Three-Year Pass

Governor Gives Academically Failed Detroit Schools a Three-Year Pass [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"The demand by the media and Democratic politicians for more oversight in Michigan’s public schools has been almost entirely focused on charter schools.
Yet, consider the academically failing schools run by a district that has been riddled with corruption for more than a decade. 
That district, in which more than half the schools are failing academically, recently received a $617 million state bailout because it was insolvent. 
And now, Gov. Snyder just handed the district's schools a three-year pass on the threat of closure.
...Charter schools, however, can still be closed within the city of Detroit..."

AM Fruitcake

History for September 3

History for September 3 -
Ferdinand Porsche 1875, Kitty Carlisle-Hart 1914, Mort Walker 1923 - Cartoonist ("Beetle Bailey")

Al Jardine 1942 - Musician (The Beach Boys), Charlie Sheen 1965 - Actor ("Two and a Half Men"), Shaun White 1986 - Olympic snowboarder

1783 - The Revolutionary War between the U.S. and Great Britain ended with the Treaty of Paris.

1833 - The first successful penny newspaper in the U.S., "The New York Sun," was launched by Benjamin H. Day.

1838 - Frederick Douglass boarded a train in Maryland on his way to freedom from being a slave.

1935 - Sir Malcolm Campbell became the first person to drive an automobile over 300 miles an hour. He reached 304.331 MPH on the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.

1939 - British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, in a radio broadcast, announced that Britain and France had declared war on Germany. Germany had invaded Poland on September 1.

1954 - "The Lone Ranger" was heard on radio for the final time after 2,956 episodes over a period of 21 years.

1966 - The television series "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" ended after 14 years.
Image result for "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet"

1967 - In Sweden, motorists stopped driving on the left side of the road and began driving on the right side.

Friday, September 02, 2016

Kaepernick Digs Himself A Deeper Hole: Wore Socks Of Cartoon Pigs In Police Hats

Kaepernick Digs Himself A Deeper Hole: Wore Socks Of Cartoon Pigs In Police Hats:

"Colin Kaepernick is making new enemies after it was discovered that during training camp practices, he wore socks which featured an inflammatory image directed at law enforcement.

The 49ers quarterback was photographed in August wearing socks emblazoned with cartoon pigs dawning police hats. Now the executive director of one of the largest police organizations is firing back."

Obama Admits 10,000 Syrian Refugees: This Is Where They Are Headed

Obama Admits 10,000 Syrian Refugees: This Is Where They Are Headed | Zero Hedge
"Yesterday, the White House announced that the US had met President Obama’s goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees into the country; it did so ahead of schedule. 
One year ago Obama had sought a sixfold increase in the number of Syrian refugees provided safe haven in the United States. 
After a slow start, the administration was able to hit the goal about a month early and just a few weeks before Obama convenes a summit on refugees during the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly. 
...With many Americans curious where these refugees will land, a map we first posted last September shows a wide dispersion. More details can be found in a document from the Refugee Processing Center.

Read more, watch ESPN less

Read more, watch ESPN less | Power Line:
"John Skipper is the President of ESPN, Inc.
The Washington Post adoringly paints him as one-time Southern hippie who studied literature, wanted to write the Great American novel, and enjoys late night “high level sophisticated conversations about American literature, Faulkner’s place in it, [and] the influence of alcohol and race. . . .”
Image result for espn espys jennerYou probably know the type.
In a commencement address at the University of Central Florida, Skipper bemoaned the fact that, according to a recent survey, the average American spends three hours a day in front of a television and just 19 minutes reading.
“Please watch a little less television,” the TV executive implored.
I would modify his plea slightly. 
Please watch less ESPN.
Because, as I discussed here, ESPN has taken the side of the political left.
It’s ESPY award ceremony was, in the words of one critic, “filled with about as much race-baiting, left-wing politics as the Democrats convention in Philly. . .”
Meanwhile, the network suppresses opposing viewpoints.
It fired Curt Schilling for speaking out on his Facebook page about transgender bathroom laws.
It fired Ray Lewis shortly after he put out a video arguing that African-Americans should focus primarily on blacks killing blacks, not on the rare instances in which a bad white cop kills a “brother...”

August Was Chicago’s Deadliest Month in 20 Years |

August Was Chicago’s Deadliest Month in 20 Years |

"August was Chicago’s deadliest month in 20 years, WLS-TV reported.

According to the Chicago Sun Times, 90 people were murdered in the city in August, the most murders in a single month since 1996."

Michigan straight-party voting ban remains blocked

Michigan straight-party voting ban remains blocked - Crain's Detroit Business:
"LANSING — Michigan residents still will be allowed to use the state's long-standing option of voting for an entire slate of one party's candidates with a single mark in the November election, barring an unlikely intervention by the U.S. Supreme Court.
The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati on Thursday rejected Secretary of State Ruth Johnson's request that the full court immediately review a panel's 3-0 decision that kept intact a preliminary injunction blocking a new straight-party voting ban.
A majority of 15 active judges did not favor an initial "en banc" hearing before ballots are printed this month.
U.S. District Judge Gershwin Drain halted the Republican-backed law in July, saying an increase in long lines would have disproportionately burdened blacks in the November election..."