Sunday, September 11, 2016

9/11: Phone Calls from the Towers [2/2]

9/11: Phone Calls from the Towers [1/2]

Clinton’s E-Mail Scandal Stinkier & Stinkier: Documents Destroyed After Subpoena | National Review

Clinton’s E-Mail Scandal Stinkier & Stinkier: Documents Destroyed After Subpoena | National Review:

"The e-mails were destroyed by a technician at Platte River Network (PRN), which had been retained by Clinton to handle her server. The tech is clearly a man (referred to as “he” several times), but his name is redacted from the FBI report. Evidence strongly suggests that this PRN technician initially lied to the FBI, then changed his story and clammed up about any instructions he might have been given.

A bit of background: In December 2014, Cheryl Mills instructed the PRN tech to implement a change in Clinton’s e-mail-retention policy: "

Benghazi: Squadron Member Says ‘We Could Have Been There’

Benghazi: Squadron Member Says ‘We Could Have Been There’:
Image result for benghazi"A member of a squadron at the U.S. Aviano Air Base in northeastern Italy the night of the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans tells Fox News, “We could have been there.”
His team was alerted a “real world mission was going down,” added the witness, who was on the ground at Aviano the night of the attack but asked to remain anonymous.
“There were people everywhere,” said the whistleblower.
“That flight line was full of people, and we were all ready to go” to Benghazi.
U.S. planes were armed and prepared to deploy to Libya, which sits hundreds of miles away from Aviano, where fellow Americans were under attack by jihadists, noted the witness, adding that Benghazi could have been reached within a few hours.
He said his squadron was briefed on the attack, but the order to deploy never came.
“The whole night we were told that we are waiting on a call,” declared the U.S. service member..."

Never Forget

History for September 11

Image result for Benghazi Names of Heroes
History for September 11 -
O. Henry (William Sidney Porter) 1862, D.H. Lawrence 1885, Bear Bryant 1913

Ferdinand Marcos (Philippines) 1917, Tom Landry 1924, Virginia Madsen 1963

1842 - 1,400 Mexican troops captured San Antonio, TX. The Mexicans retreated with prisoners.
Image result for Mexican troops captured San Antonio, TX

1952 - Dr. Charles Hufnagel successfully replaced a diseased aorta valve with an artificial valve made of plastic.

1959 - The U.S. Congress passed a bill authorizing the creation of food stamps.

1974 - "Little House On The Prairie" made its television debut.

1990 - U.S. President Bush vowed "Saddam Hussein will fail" while addressing Congress on the Persian Gulf crisis. In the speech Bush spoke of an objective of a new world order - "freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace".

1998 - Independent counsel Kenneth Starr sent a report to the U.S. Congress accusing President Clinton of 11 possible impeachable offenses.

2001 - In the U.S., four airliners were hijacked and were intentionally crashed. Two airliners hit the World Trade Center, which collapsed shortly after, in New York City, NY. One airliner hit the Pentagon in Arlington, VA. Another airliner crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. About 3,000 people were killed.

2012 - Terrorists attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Four Americans were brutally murdered and ten others were injured.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Here's the TRUE History of Islam's Violence | The Federalist Papers

Here's the TRUE History of Islam's Violence | The Federalist Papers:

"We have a President sending his Attorney General out to warn Americans to stifle their Free Speech rights.

We have a shadowy American Muslim advocacy group blaming American citizens for bringing radical Islamic terrorism on ourselves.

But here is the unvarnished truth about Islam’s history of rape, murder, torture, and slavery – all done in the name of being true to the Muslim faith."

Multiplier Analyses Are Prone to Abuse

Multiplier Analyses Are Prone to Abuse [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"A recent article from Crain’s Detroit covers a study that says the state’s taxpayer-funded venture capital partnerships provided a 21-times multiplier on investments.
That is, there were $21 of economic activity for every dollar taxpayers spent.
The report, which argues for more taxpayer spending on venture capital, is yet another attempt to draw faulty conclusions by misapplying an economic multiplier analysis.
Publishing a multiplier analysis is a frequent tactic to gain support for taxpayer spending.
On its face, it makes the case that putting money in your preferred place will provide substantial economic returns.
A little bit of public investment will yield great returns, goes the argument.
Here are some examples of different multipliers that have been used to justify government spending.
No single author or publisher created these reports.
They drew on different sources of data, had different models of economic activity and used different methods to analyze the data.
But they were similar in one important way:
They were used to call for more government spending in Michigan.
One problem with all of them is that they are being used in ways they were not designed for.
If they used the same methods and models, they might be used to show which kind of government spending would have the greatest economic impact. 
Instead, they are used to call for taking more money from taxpayers — a judgment call that is a different question entirely.
As economist Dan Smith remarked, “The increasingly sophisticated reiterations of old Keynesian models still fail to pass the inspection of basic economics, and still fail to address the most basic question, ‘where is the money coming from?’”
When the state publishes a study on the economic multiplier of state-paid tourism advertising, it never uses the study as part of a broader effort to set priorities for economic development spending. The economic development agencies could, for example, compare the effects of using tax money to promote tourism with the effects of that same money to seed new companies with venture capital funding.
But they don’t.
That kind of comparison could let them conclude that spending on tourism is better than spending on venture capital.
Instead, both areas of spending (and many others) is rationalized by the argument that they have an economic impact.
There are a number of different tools available to determine the economic impact of a government initiative.
Multiplier analyses are one, but their findings are often misinterpreted.
Until they are used to compare the economic activity that results from different areas of public spending — something impossible, given the important ways in which they differ one from another — they should simply be disregarded."

Blog: Obama administration kills ITT Tech, stranding 40,000 students and destroying 8,000 jobs

Blog: Obama administration kills ITT Tech, stranding 40,000 students and destroying 8,000 jobs
"Tyrants throughout history have known that beheading their enemies and placing the heads on pikes at the gates of their capitals sends a powerful message to everyone else.  
Behave yourself as we dictate, and you may survive.  Cross the king, and you are a dead man.
Something very similar, but updated and taken to a vast financial level, happened to ITT Tech, the privately owned trade school/university.  
As the Wall Street Journal explains, it crossed the king (in this case, the Obama Department of Education):
ITT Technical Institute folded on cue Tuesday after the Obama Administration issued a regulatory death warrant last month. ITT investors must be wishing they had ponied up for political protection like Laureate International Universities, the for-profit college that paid Bill Clinton $17.6 million to serve as its “honorary chancellor.”
ITT’s decision to close all of its 130 some campuses—stranding 40,000 students and 8,000 employees—comes after the Education Department barred new enrollees from tapping federal aid, delayed loan reimbursements and raised its collateral by $153 million. ITT had a mere $78 million on hand at the end of June and no way of meeting the Administration’s cash demand.
Note that these federal government actions are the product of bureaucratic discretion.  
The DoE demanded a ransom of an additional $75 million in order to stay in business.  
The point of the demand for collateral is to protect students and the taxpayers lending to them from a possible, at this point theoretical, harm arising from a collapse of the school.  
But the remedy merely cut to the chase and imposed the harm directly:
Read on!

Clinton Foundation Deceived IRS On Tax Exemption | The Daily Caller

Clinton Foundation Deceived IRS On Tax Exemption | The Daily Caller:

"Clinton Foundation officials repeatedly skirted or ignored federal laws and regulations while converting the non-profit from its tax-exempt purpose of building a presidential library in Little Rock, Arkansas, into a $2 billion global machine selling political influence and access on an unprecedented scale, according to documents reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Non-profit foundations are required by the IRS to conduct activities that support the officially approved tax-exempt purpose for which the federal agency allows them to offer donors the ability to deduct contributions. Officials must report annually via the IRS Tax Form 990 to show their non-profit’s compliance with its exempt purpose."

Montage: 18 Times Obama Trashed America in Asia

Montage: 18 Times Obama Trashed America in Asia :: Grabien News:
"What is it about traveling abroad that seems to encourage President Obama to unload all manner of grievances on the United States? For whatever reason, traveling abroad appears to help crystallize everything wrong he sees in America. During his recent trip to Cuba and Argentina, for example, we counted 18 separate times he talked down his employer, the United States of America
His just-concluded trip to Asia was no different. 
Here are 18 separate attacks he unloaded while in China and Laos:
    Image result for obama hates america
  1. There are still too many poor children in the United States
  2. Too many children in America are not getting enough to eat
  3. Despite America's wealth, we’re not providing sufficient educational resources in poor communities
  4. America lacks the “political will” to help poor inner cities that have suffered discrimination.
  5. Americans are “lazy” in thinking we don’t need to learn about foreign nations.
  6. Colin Kapernack is justified protesting the National Anthem, as the NFL star is raising “real, legitimate issues” about things America needs to be talked about. 
  7. America suffers from racism, conflicts between ethnic groups, and discrimination against immigrants.
  8. Criticisms of America being imperfect and having problems with racism discrimination are accurate.
  9. America still has “situations where women are not treated equally.”
  10. America “didn't think through” our policy in Vietnam War, as dropping cluster bombs proved counterproductive to "winning hearts and minds."
  11. America’s treatment of Native Americans was “tragic.”
  12. America “struggled to stay true” to our founding ideal that all men are created equal.
  13. When the environment is destroyed in America, it’s because the private sector is being “lazy."
  14. The United States is still to this day learning how to develop industry without destroying the environment.
  15. Due to industrialization, America “used to have terrible pollution … everywhere.”
  16. America’s role in the Vietnam war led to mass displacement of people from their homes.
  17. America dropped more bombs on Laos than on Germany and Japan during World War II … more than 2 million bombs … “the bombs fell like rain.” More bombs, he said on several occasions, were dropped on Laos per capita than anywhere else in the world.
  18. We bombed the “simple homes” of civilians in Laos. “Villages and entire allies were obliterated.” The ancient Plain of Jars “was devastated.” Countless civilians were killed."

Police may let Muslims wear burka as uniform in effort to boost diversity

Police may let Muslims wear burka as uniform in effort to boost diversity - Mirror Online
"Senior officers at West Midlands Police revealed they would discuss allowing the traditional Islamic dress to become part of Muslim female officers' uniform
Police are considering allowing Muslims to wear the burka on duty
Police have said they may let Muslim officers wear the Burka as they seek to boost diversity in the force.
Senior officers at West Midlands Police revealed they would discuss allowing the traditional Islamic dress to become part of Muslim female officers' uniform at a recent meeting.
Chief Constable, David Thompson, said he would look into employing officers who wear the burka as he looks to increase black and minority ethnic (BME) officers in the region to 30 per cent.
Speaking after the meeting last Thursday, the senior officer said: "We would need to consider our own rules and cultural sensitivity..."

Lunch video-----Minority Rule: The Rise of Political Correctness - Documentary


Companies Finally Start Fighting Back Against Organized Shakedowns | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Companies Finally Start Fighting Back Against Organized Shakedowns | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:

"As it has done countless times before, the SEIU targeted the company with a vicious, all out "corporate campaign," designed to ruin the company's reputation and starve it of business, until it submitted to the SEIU's demands. In this case, the union created fliers, emails, and op-eds to smear the company's reputation. It sent thousands of letters to the firm's customers claiming that PJS was engaged in disreputable labor tactics.

The SEIU's campaign to "kill PJS" was literally out of the manual. In this case, a document called "Contract Campaign Manual," which details strong-arm tactics the union encourages such as "jeopardizing relationships between the employer and lenders, investors, stockholders, customers, clients," threatening legal and regulatory action, and using the media to "damage an employer's public image.""

Why the former USSR has far fewer men than women

Why the former USSR has far fewer men than women | Pew Research Center:
"In our map above, countries depicted in the darkest blues have far fewer men than women – and the former Soviet Union stands out from the rest of the world.
Global Gender Ratios in 2015This region has been predominantly female since at least World War II, when many Soviet men died in battle or left the country to fight.
In 1950, there were just 76.6 men per 100 women in the territory that is now Russia.
That number rose steadily in subsequent decades, climbing to 88.4 by 1995 before declining again.
The gender ratio in Russia is currently 86.8 men per 100 women, and the ratios in Latvia (84.8), Ukraine (86.3), Armenia (86.5), Belarus (86.8) and other former Soviet nations are similarly low.
(By contrast, the ratio in the U.S. is 98.3 men per 100 women, and the global ratio is 101.8 men per 100 women, according to 2015 United Nations data.
The U.S. has been more female than male since at least 1950, while the global population first became majority male around 1960.)
So what are the factors that set the former Soviet bloc apart?..."

Obama administration granted immunity to Clinton computer guru who deleted emails

Obama administration granted immunity to Clinton computer guru who deleted emails | Daily Mail Online:
Obama administration granted immunity to a SECOND Clinton computer guru – who deleted emails after Congress warned her not to
    Image result for hillary wiping
  • Specialist is Paul Combetta, an employee of Platte River Networks, the firm Clinton hired to maintain her server
  • He is the second, known computer whiz who handled Clinton's emails to have been granted legal protection in exchange for his testimony
  • Combetta was not named in the FBI report detailing the incident with Clinton's emails last Friday, described as an 'oh s***' moment
  • Text was redacted, but he has been identified as the culprit
  • A Republican-run House committee wants an obstruction of justice investigation and is holding a hearing next week it wants Combetta at 

Retired 4-Star General Jack Keane Says, “Generals Who Disagree With Obama Are Asked To Leave The Service”

Retired 4-Star General Jack Keane Says, “Generals Who Disagree With Obama Are Asked To Leave The Service” – TruthFeed:
"If you disagree with Obama, you’re not welcome in his circle and you certainly are not welcome to continue serving your country according to retired four-star general Jack Keane, who spoke with Brian Kilmeade.
General Keane discussed the disconnect between high-ranking military officers and the Obama administration and the impact of the Iran nuclear deal and why a lack of American leadership has led to Iran’s rise.
Image result for obama generals...From General Keane:
It’s also a fact that a number of our general officers, not all of them but a number of them, were asked to leave before what would normally be accepted as the routine tenure for that particular position, and General Mattis is a case in point who had very strong views on Iran.
Most of us agree with those views but I know the administration did not agree with them. 
General Flynn, who you know very well and had on your show, was an outspoken proponent for understand radical Islam, how dangerous this particular threat was and was trying to communicate that, he was not able to server out his full tenure.
So yes, that’s another fact that we can substantiate, that there were generals who did leave earlier than what their tenure would be and the characteristic they all shared together is they did disagree with the administration on various points."

Obama Nominates First Muslim-American Judge to Federal Court - Breitbart

Obama Nominates First Muslim-American Judge to Federal Court - Breitbart:

"President Barack Obama became the first president in U.S. history to nominate a Muslim-American judge to serve in U.S. District Court.
Abid Riaz Qureshi, a Washington D.C.-based lawyer, would serve on the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia if confirmed by the Senate."

Female Student Admits to Incredible Lie That Got Auburn Football Player Kicked Off Team

Female Student Admits to Incredible Lie That Got Auburn Football Player Kicked Off Team - Hit & Run :
"Auburn University dismissed running back Jovon Robinson—formerly the No. 1 junior college player in the country—after a female student accused him of assaulting her.
"He did not meet my expectations of what it takes to be an Auburn Tiger football player," said head coach Gus Malzahn, according to
But Robinson never assaulted anyone.
His purported victim made it up entirely. 
The woman now readily admits to fabricating the allegation out of spite—she was angry at Robinson for making her leave his room.
It's an astonishing, malicious lie that might have factored into Auburn's decision to release Robinson, though the university maintains that it had other issues with him.
Image result for hillary sexualy assault victims
It's also a powerful repudiation of the leftist-feminist idea that victims of assault and sexual assault deserve to be automatically believed.
According to—which obtained an exclusive interview with the woman—the pair had an argument very early in the morning on July 15.
Robinson wanted her to leave, and eventually escorted her out of his room.
He didn't hurt her at all.
At roughly 6:00 a.m., the woman sent an email to Coach Malzahn to make him aware that Robinson had abused her.
She said that Robinson caused her to smash her head into the door and bloody her knees.
She wrote in the email:..."
Read on!!