Monday, September 12, 2016

NHS chiefs warn that hospitals in England are on the brink of collapse

NHS chiefs warn that hospitals in England are on the brink of collapse | Society | The Guardian:
"The body that represents hospitals across England has issued a startling warning that the NHS is close to breaking point because of its escalating cash crisis.
Image result for NHS healthcare failYears of underfunding have left the service facing such “impossible” demands that without urgent extra investment in November’s autumn statement it will have to cut staff, bring in charges or introduce “draconian rationing” of treatment – all options that will provoke public disquiet, it says.
NHS 'in perpetual winter of Narnia' as waiting list reaches record 3.9m
In an unprecedentedly bleak assessment of the NHS’s own health, NHS Providers, which speaks for hospital trust chairs and chief executives, tells ministers that widespread breaches of performance targets, chronic understaffing and huge overspends by hospitals mean that it is heading back to the visible decline it last experienced in the 1990s.
Taken together this means the NHS is increasingly failing to do the job it wants to do and the public needs it to do, through no fault of its own,” Chris Hopson, the chief executive of NHS Providers, writes in the Observer.
His intervention comes days before the influential Commons health select committee decides whether to launch a special inquiry into the state of the NHS in England.
After months dominated by the Brexit debate, the state of the NHS is now emerging as the key domestic challenge facing Theresa May’s government."

After Journalist Breaks Free From Islamic Militants He Exposes Sick Secret Obama NEVER Wanted You To Know ⋆ US Herald

After Journalist Breaks Free From Islamic Militants He Exposes Sick Secret Obama NEVER Wanted You To Know ⋆ US Herald:

"Lloyd will never forget as Hakim Anza, AKA Hakim Abu Jamal, looked into his eyes and shot him twice at point-blank range in the ankle as punishment for fleeing. Luckily, the men survived the torture and successfully fled a second time to Turkey where they were treated at a hospital.

However, it wasn’t until 2 years later that Lloyd saw something that instilled the same stomach-churning feeling he felt while in captivity. The Times reports that Lloyd was watching a video of U.S. President Barack Obama’s “newest ally in the war against ISIS” and saw the face of his kidnapper and torturer. Lloyd reveals that the footage highlighted his Muslim kidnapper, Anza, as one of the U.S.-backed Syrian rebels which Obama’s CIA claims are vetted as “moderates.”"

How the 9/11 attacks would have been reported today

How the 9/11 attacks would have been reported today:
"11 September 2001: Arabs massacred by Americans in day of tit-for-tat violence

The cycle of violence in America spiralled out of control today when a series of violent incidents left thousands dead, including many Arab and Muslim civilians. 
UN sources and Al Jazeera have confirmed that many of the Arabs killed were refugee children who had fled from oppression. 
American claims that they too suffered “many civilian deaths” have been strongly denied by the UN-affiliated relief workers in the Al Qaeda organisation who maintain that the only Americans killed were military personnel and illegal settlers..."
Read on!

AM Fruitcake

History for September 12

History for September 12 -
H.L. Mencken 1880, Maurice Chevalier 1888, Jesse Owens 1913

Ian Holm 1931, Barry White 1944, Rachel Ward 1957 - Actress

1922 - The Episcopal Church removed the word "Obey" from the bride's section of wedding vows.

1938 - In a speech, Adolf Hitler demanded self-determination for the Sudeten Germans in Czechoslovakia.

1943 - During World War II, Benito Mussolini was taken by German paratroopers from the Italian government that was holding him.

1953 - Nikita Krushchev was elected as the first secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

1954 - "Lassie" made its television debut on CBS. The last show aired on September 12, 1971.
Image result for 1954 - "Lassie"

1963 - The last episode of "Leave it to Beaver" was aired. The show had debuted on October 4, 1957.

1983 - Arnold Schwarzenegger became a U.S. citizen. He had emigrated from Austria 14 years earlier.
Image result for 1983 - Arnold Schwarzenegger became a U.S. citizen.

1984 - Michael Jordan signed a seven-year contract to play basketball with the Chicago Bulls.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

House Passes Legislation to Allow Families of 9/11 Victims to Sue Saudi Arabia |

House Passes Legislation to Allow Families of 9/11 Victims to Sue Saudi Arabia |

"The House of Representatives passed a bill on Friday on a voice vote that would allow the family members of those who lost their lives during the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, to sue the nation of Saudi Arabia in U.S. courts.

If signed into law, the bipartisan Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act would permit Americans to make civil claims “against a foreign state or official for injuries, death, or damages from an act of international terrorism.”"

The Man Who Predicted 9.11

30 pictures of 9/11 that show you why you should never forget

30 pictures of 9/11 that show you why you should never forget:

While for some, words just couldn't describe the horror.

Clinton: Half of Trump’s Supporters Are in ‘Basket of Deplorables’ | Video |

Clinton: Half of Trump’s Supporters Are in ‘Basket of Deplorables’ | Video |

"Half of Donald Trump’s supporters fall into a “basket of deplorables,” according to Hillary Clinton.

“You know, just to be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables,” Clinton said at an LGBT-centered fundraiser hosted by actor and singer Barbara Streisand. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”"

Students can't remember 9/11, blame Bush and oil

United 93 (2006) hijacking ending scene.

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi Official Trailer #1 (2016)

Computer Specialist Who Deleted Hillary's Emails Granted Immunity by Justice Dept - Cortney O'Brien

Computer Specialist Who Deleted Hillary's Emails Granted Immunity by Justice Dept - Cortney O'Brien:

"Paul Combetta was a computer specialist from Platte River Networks who apparently specialized in deleting emails. He made Hillary Clinton's emails disappear even after requests from Congress to keep them. Yet, despite that seemingly guilty deed, the Department of Justice has just granted him immunity. As a result, the House Oversight Committee's request to investigate the deletions have hit a dead end.

Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon insists neither Clinton nor her attorneys "

Never Forget!

Image result for hillary benghazi

10:07am United Flight 93

Image result for flight 93 let s roll

United Air Flight 93 air traffic recording

9:37am Flight 77

Image result for Flight 77

9:03am Flight 175

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8:46am Flight 11

Image result for 9-11 first plane

When the World Stopped Turning: A 9/11 tribute