Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Who does the U.S. actually owe $16.7 trillion to?

Who does the U.S. actually owe $16.7 trillion to?:
"Although investors are worried about the government's current shutdown, there's greater concern about the debt ceiling -- the $16.7 trillion dollar limit on how much the U.S. government can borrow. If the limit isn't raised by October 17th, it could create a potential economic disaster. 
Marketplace's Paddy Hirsch says while we often think of our debt as owed to foreign countries, America owes a lot of money to sources closer to home -- namely ourselves.
Large institutions, individual investors, social security -- are all big buyers of U.S. bonds.
Image result for U.S. actually owe $16.7 trillionBut even regular Americans indirectly own a large chunk of our national debt -- through their 401(k) plans, retirement accounts, etc.
They're buying U.S. bonds, which is lending money to the government.
"So in actual fact, we are lending money to ourselves and we’re actually borrowing money from ourselves," he says.
Hirsch says if we default on our debt, we won't be able to pay the interest on the money that we already owe.
If the government doesn't raise the debt ceiling, borrowing costs will go up, and as a result Americans would have to spend a lot less. 
"And that means we'll have to shrink government to a really, really small size," he says. 
"We’d be laying off millions of people who are employed by the government right now, which would sent unemployment through the roof, and then we’d risk a really serious depression.""

West Point: “Valid Concerns” About Post-Game Football Prayer

"The top general at the U.S. Military Academy said Army’s head football coach “crossed the line” with a post-game locker room prayer and admitted that critics had “valid concerns” about Constitutional violations. 
“It creates an atmosphere where it is expected from everybody to say a prayer regardless of their faith or no faith,” Lt. Gen. Robert Caslen told the Washington Post in an exclusive interview. 
The controversy arose after Coach Jeff Monken asked a staff assistant to lead the football team in a prayer after their upset victory over Temple University. It was first reported by Army Times.
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, filed a complaint over the post-game petition to the Almighty.
They alleged that 90 West Point graduates, staff members and football players were apparently horrified that young men were praying in a locker room.
MRFF founder Mikey Weinstein contacted Caslen and shortly afterwards - a video of the prayer was removed from school’s Facebook page. The military then edited out the prayer and reposted the video.
...Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin told me he was disgusted by the military’s capitulation to Weinstein. 
“This is a typical reaction by the Obama Army,” he said.
“It reflects an atmosphere and environment that has been created that is hostile towards Christianity.”
Boykin warned that cracking down on post-game prayers at West Point is simply the latest in a series of blatant attacks on Christianity within the Armed Forces. 
“Every vestige of Christianity is being driven underground in the military” he told me. 
I can only imagine what Lt. Gen. Caslen would’ve done had he discovered Gen. George Washington praying at Valley Forge. 
Can you imagine what West Point would've done if they caught George Washington doing this? 

Hillary Clinton's shielded medical history isn't just for conspiracy theorists any more | Daily Mail Online

Hillary Clinton's shielded medical history isn't just for conspiracy theorists any more | Daily Mail Online:
"Three blood clots, a concussion, deep vein thrombosis: Hillary's shielded medical history is no longer just for conspiracy theorists as her 'penchant for privacy' gets serious scrutiny

  • Clinton suffered her first blood clot in 1998 while she was First Lady and experienced a second incident in 2009
  • She suffered a concussion after falling in her home in 2013 near the end of her tenure as secretary of state
  • Her doctors say she has deep vein thrombosis, which can lead to clotting in leg veins
  • She suffered a blood clot in her brain in December 2011 and takes blood thinners to treat her condition
  • She has been diagnosed with hypothyroidism
  • Broke her elbow, as spokesman warned it would crimp her texting 
  • Clinton collapsed when she left a 9/11 ceremony early on Sunday. Her office finally revealed she has pneumonia
  • Campaign spokesman Brian Fallon says Clinton plans to release more medical records this week as criticism mounts"

Image Shows Light Of Freedom Tower Blazing Strong Across New York City

Image Shows Light Of Freedom Tower Blazing Strong Across New York City:

"On this morning, there was what he called a “weird, reflective light” that shone for about 10 minutes. He took pictures of the scene using both an iPhone and a camera."

Clinton team avoided ER to conceal details of her medical treatment

Clinton team avoided ER to conceal details of her medical treatment | New York Post:
"Hillary Clinton was headed to an emergency room following her frightening collapse at the Sept. 11 memorial ceremony — but detoured to daughter Chelsea Clinton’s apartment to keep details of her medical treatment under wraps, The Post has learned.
Image result for hillary healthSecret Service protocol called for the Democratic presidential nominee to be rushed to a state-designated Level I Trauma Center in the wake of her Sunday morning health crisis, sources said.
In Manhattan, that would be Bellevue Hospital.
But a campaign operative decided to change course to avoid having Clinton seen by doctors, nurses and other medical workers who could leak details to reporters, according to a source.
In addition, Clinton’s van was supposed to be escorted by an NYPD protective detail, but the Secret Service whisked her away from Ground Zero before cops could accompany her, another source said.
The former secretary of state had told police officials that she didn’t want the escort at all, but the NYPD overruled that request, the source added..."

AM Fruitcake

The Video That Just May Sink Hillary's Ship...

The Video That Just May Sink Hillary's Ship... » Louder With Crowder
"This week, AmericaRising released an ad on Hillary Clinton.1  
I usually don’t like, nor commentate on these kinds of ads.
But this ad, is without a doubt, the most effective anti-campaign ad that I’ve ever seen.  
And it shows Conservatives the blueprint on how to beat Hillary.  
Attack the dishonesty.  
Hillary Clinton is more than a slimy politician, she’s a compulsive liar.  
She lies about big things, but more importantly, she lies about little things when she thinks that nobody’s watching.15 
For no reason!  
Ignore the “sexism” claims from the left, speak freely, and focus on this. 
Watch below. 
It’s a must.

History for September 13

History for September 13 - On-This-Day.com
Walter Reed 1851, Milton S. Hershey 1857, John Pershing 1860

J.B. Priestley 1894, Richard Kiel 1939, Jacqueline Bisset 1944

1759 - The French were defeated by the British on the Plains of Abraham in the final French and Indian War.

1789 - The United States Government took out its first loan.

1898 - Hannibal Williston Goodwin patented celluloid photographic film, which is used to make movies.
Image result for Hannibal Williston Goodwin patented celluloid photographic film,

1922 - In El Azizia, Libya, the highest shade temperature was recorded at 136.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
Image result for El Azizia, Libya, the highest shade temperature was recorded at 136.4

1948 - Margaret Chase Smith was elected to the U.S. Senate and became the first woman to serve in both houses of the U.S. Congress.
Image result for Margaret Chase Smith was elected to the U.S. Senate

1960 - The U.S. Federal Communications Commission banned payola.

1971 - In New York, National Guardsmen stormed the Attica Correctional Facility and put an end to the four-day revolt. A total of 43 people were killed in the final assault. A committee was organized to investigate the riot on September 30, 1971.

1994 - U.S. President Bill Clinton signed a $30 billion crime bill into law.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Blog: Hillary’s health suddenly legitimized as campaign issue by fainting episode at 9/11 memorial service

Blog: Hillary’s health suddenly legitimized as campaign issue by fainting episode at 9/11 memorial service:

"All the sneering of the left and their media enablers over “conspiracy theories” about Hillary’s health can no longer contain the explosive issue of her physical fitness for office.  At a moment the nation’s eyes were focused on her and her rival at the 9/11 ceremonies in New York City, she demonstrated a fragile constitution and looked like death warmed over)."

What If You Were Mistakenly Put on a Watchlist?

What If You Were Mistakenly Put on a Watchlist? - Reason.com:
"In the 1985 dystopian science fiction movie Brazil the plot centers on the authorities' apprehension of an innocent man named Archibald Buttle.
He was mistaken for the outlaw, Archibald Tuttle, after a fly landed on a printer head in a government office, thus causing the "T" to print as a "B" on the arrest warrant.
...Same goes with those "no fly" lists that the Transportation Security Administration uses to keep suspected terrorists off airplanes.
The lists and their criteria are secret. 
Image result for Terrorist No-Fly List MemeThere's no due process, meaning that if you get pulled out of line you have no way to appeal that decision. 
The New York Times reported on an 8-year-old who a few years ago was stuck on a TSA "watch" list.
Often, people with names similar to someone else's—think Buttle versus Tuttle—get stopped.
Liberals can be just as unconcerned as conservatives over the veracity of these lists.
...No one wants dangerous people to have access to an arsenal, but we again run up against the problem of lists.
Anyone who has compiled lists realizes how quickly they become out of date, or how easy it is for a clerk to misspell a name.
An analysis of the APPS list from the state auditor and a gun-rights group found that anywhere from 37 percent to 60 percent of the people on the list actually had a legal right to still own firearms.
In a free society, it's not OK for an innocent person to have guns confiscated or kept from flying because of some mistaken entry on a ledger.
It's infuriating how difficult it is to clear one's name after an error is detected..."

More refugees coming to Ann Arbor area for 'safe haven' resettlement

More refugees coming to Ann Arbor area for 'safe haven' resettlement | MLive.com:
"ANN ARBOR, MI –  Samaritas, Michigan's largest refugee resettlement agency and the fourth largest in the nation, has been approved by the U.S. State Department to begin resettling refugees in the Ann Arbor area.
Image result for refugee resettlementOne of the state's largest faith-based nonprofits, Samaritas is now expanding its office at 2770 Carpenter Road, where it offers foster care services, to create space for refugee resettlement staff, including at least one case worker.
...The Ann Arbor City Council has gone on record indicating it wants the city to be a welcoming place for refugees and Samaritas has taken note.
As the surge of refugees increases, driven primarily by larger numbers of Syrian refugees seeking safe haven, finding adequate, safe housing for new Americans is a challenge, according to Samaritas.
...Refugees may find themselves living in Ypsilanti, Westland, Inkster, Northville and parts of Ann Arbor, according to this week's announcement from Samaritas.
...Samaritas also operates refugee resettlement offices in Troy, Grand Rapids and Battle Creek, and now Ann Arbor and Kalamazoo are added to the list..."

U.S. Navy Sailor Sits and Holds Up Fist During National Anthem, Gets Hit With Instant Karma | Video | TheBlaze.com

U.S. Navy Sailor Sits and Holds Up Fist During National Anthem, Gets Hit With Instant Karma | Video | TheBlaze.com:

"A U.S. Navy sailor is facing disciplinary action after she posted a video of herself sitting through the national anthem in protest while holding up a fist.

The sailor, who has reportedly been identified by her superiors in the Navy, said she refused to stand for the flag or anthem until the U.S. proves “that they’ve got my back as a black woman.”"

The Falling Man

The Falling Man:
Do you remember this photograph? 
In the United States, people have taken pains to banish it from the record of September 11, 2001. 
The story behind it, though, and the search for the man pictured in it, are our most intimate connection to the horror of that day.
In the picture, he departs from this earth like an arrow. 
Although he has not chosen his fate, he appears to have, in his last instants of life, embraced it. 
If he were not falling, he might very well be flying. 
He appears relaxed, hurtling through the air. 
He appears comfortable in the grip of unimaginable motion. 
He does not appear intimidated by gravity's divine suction or by what awaits him. 
His arms are by his side, only slightly outriggered. 
His left leg is bent at the knee, almost casually. 
His white shirt, or jacket, or frock, is billowing free of his black pants. 
His black high-tops are still on his feet. 
In all the other pictures, the people who did what he did—who jumped—appear to be struggling against horrific discrepancies of scale..." 

2016’s Happiest States in America

2016’s Happiest States in America | WalletHub®:
"Can money truly buy happiness? 
Most people might be inclined to say based on moral principles.
But some researchers beg to differ, suggesting that money can indeed contribute to happiness — but only up to a certain dollar amount.
According to their findings, life satisfaction, one of the two main components of happiness, increases as income rises — to a maximum of $75,000 a year. 
Beyond that figure, money makes little difference in a person’s overall contentment with life.
Reinforcing those findings are the annual results of a Gallup-Healthways poll measuring global well-being.
According to Gallup-Healthways, “People who make more money tend to report higher positive emotions.”
But income isn’t the only determinant of personal happiness. 
Apart from financial security, a pleasant state of being also depends on other factors, such as one’s physical health, personal purpose and social connectivity.
WalletHub’s analysts considered all of these elements to determine which states are home to the happiest Americans.
In order to do so, we compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 28 key metrics, ranging from emotional health to income levels to sports participation rates.
Our findings, additional expert commentary and a detailed methodology can be found below..."

Lunch video-----SHOCK FOOTAGE: Hillary Faints, Media Covers it Up


Now Founders not good enough for school names

Image result for flickr commons images Thomas Jefferson and George WashingtonNow Founders not good enough for school names:

"Barton pointed out African-American leaders of the past often praised both Presidents Washington and Jefferson as champions of civil rights for blacks.

“It is striking when you look at the people who looked to Washington and Jefferson as inspirations,” said Barton. “For example, Dr. Martin Luther King praised Jefferson, as did Frederick Douglass, Henry Highland Garnett, Benjamin Banneker and many other African Americans who were the premier civil rights leaders in their generation. The difference between today’s generation and previous ones is that Americans today by and large no longer know American history based on historical fact. Instead, they are simply taught a version of it based on progressive political agendas.”"

Jackie Mason has a theory about Hillary Clinton’s coughing fits

Jackie Mason has a theory about Hillary Clinton’s coughing fits | Page Six:
"With speculation swirling over Hillary Clinton’s health, comic Jackie Mason has spotted a pattern.
“I noticed that the coughing spells come at very strange times, depending on what the issue is and what the question is.
When she’s ahead in the polls, the coughing never showed up. 
Now, all of the sudden, as she is slipping lower . . . the coughing is getting louder and louder,” he said on AM 970’s “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.”
“If it’s a very hard question, you hear a fantastic cough.
The cough never stops!
And when the question is a little more pleasant, there is likely less coughing.”
But in Mason’s medical opinion,
“Anybody who can’t talk without lying shouldn’t see a doctor . . . She should see a psychiatrist.”"

Trump and 'Betsy Ross' flags at Grand Rapids Schools football game raise ruckus

Image result for american flag protestTrump and 'Betsy Ross' flags at Grand Rapids Schools football game raise ruckus | MLive.com
GRAND RAPIDS, MI -- A group of students waving a Trump political flag and a 'Betsy Ross' 13-star flag at an inner city Grand Rapids football game have caused a stir.
The students were in the opponent stands at the Ottawa Hills home game at Houseman Field against Forest Hills Central on Friday, Sept. 9.
 Many wore red, white and blue colors.
Several Grand Rapids Schools parents said they believed the display, particularly the flags, were inappropriate and could be intimidating to those on the Ottawa Hills side with its significant percentage of minority students and parents.
They say the flags could even be interpreted as symbols of white supremacy and nationalism..."