Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Getting a flu shot? It may be better to wait

Getting a flu shot? It may be better to wait -
"An early flu shot is better than no flu shot at all. But the science is mixed when it comes to how long a flu shot promoted and given during the waning days of summer will provide optimal protection, especially because flu season generally peaks in mid-winter or beyond.
Experts are divided on how patients should respond to such offers.
"If you're over 65, don't get the flu vaccine in September. 
Or August. It's a marketing scheme," said Laura Haynes, an immunologist at the University of Connecticut Center on Aging.
That's because a combination of factors makes it more difficult for the immune systems of people older than age 65 to respond to the vaccination in the first place. 
And its protective effects may wear off faster for this age group than it does for young people.
When is the best time to vaccinate?
It's a question even doctors have..."
Read on!


ICYMI: President Obama's Oct. 1 Internet Handover Draws Broad Opposition | Ted Cruz | U.S. Senator for Texas

ICYMI: President Obama's Oct. 1 Internet Handover Draws Broad Opposition | Ted Cruz | U.S. Senator for Texas:

"WASHINGTON, D.C. – Unless Congress acts this week, President Obama will cede U.S. oversight of the Internet to ICANN, an international organization composed of multinational corporations and more than 160 foreign countries, including Russia, China, and Iran. The president’s radical proposal, scheduled to take effect on October 1, jeopardizes free speech online and has been widely denounced by conservative and grassroots leaders and Members of Congress. "

If you work for a county or city, prepare for tough times!-----Nearly 20 jobs cut to fix Montcalm Co. budget crisis

Nearly 20 jobs cut to fix Montcalm Co. budget crisis | Fox17:
"MONTCALM COUNTY, Mich. - Commissioners in Montcalm County are cutting nearly 20 jobs in hopes of solving a looming county-wide budget crisis.
Monday, commissioners voted on a new budget meant to get them back on track.
Image result for job layoffs$1.5 Million dollars in cuts are needed in order to meet their bottom line, which means roughly 20 people will lose their jobs in order to balance a budget with a general fund that's been operating in the red for the past 8 years.
...The cuts come after revelations that expenses for the county had been outpacing revenue by an average of $2 million annually since 2012.
It's something commissioners say won't happen again.
"This didn’t all fall on the controller's office, there were checks and balances that weren’t in place," said Commissioner Patrick Carr.
"I’m confident that we’ve got the right people in place, the right protocols that we’ve adopted that this won’t happen again."...

'Dramatic slowing' seen in global trade, as rhetoric rises

'Dramatic slowing' seen in global trade, as rhetoric rises:
"GENEVA (AP) — Trade, that lifeblood of the world economy, is growing at its slowest rate in seven years and could falter even more should anti-globalization sentiment encourage governments to throw up more barriers.
Image result for global economic crisisThat's the verdict from the World Trade Organization, which dramatically slashed its forecast for trade growth this year by about a third to its lowest rate since 2009, when the global economy was mired in recession in the wake of the financial crisis.
...Lower economic growth and trade in developing countries like China and Brazil as well as a deceleration in imports in North America lay at the heart of the sharp downgrade.
If the WTO's forecast comes true, it will be the first time in 15 years that global trade grows more slowly than the world economy, which it expects to expand by 2.2 percent.
..."We need to make sure that this does not translate into misguided policies that could make the situation much worse," he added, referring to job creation and economic growth."

Trump, Lester Holt Lock Horns About The Media, Iraq War

Trump, Lester Holt Lock Horns About The Media, Iraq War | The Daily Caller:
"Donald Trump clashed with moderator Lester Holt at Monday’s presidential debate, stating that Holt’s claim that he supported the Iraq War was “nonsense” created by the mainstream media and Hillary Clinton’s own campaign.
“You had supported the war in Iraq,” Holt posed to Trump.
“I did not support the war in Iraq,” Trump shot back. “That is a mainstream media nonsense put out by her, because she frankly, I think the best person in her campaign is mainstream media.”
“My question,” Holt asserted before being cut off a second time.
“Would you like to hear? I was against the war, wait a minute,” the Republican nominee continued. “I was against the war in Iraq. just so you put it out.”
The record shows otherwise,” countered the debate moderator.
“It does not show that,” Trump finally responded. “The record shows that I’m right. when i did an interview with Howard Stern, very lightly, first time anybody’s asked me about that, and I said who knows.”
“I then did an interview with Neil Cavuto. I then talked to Sean Hannity — everyone refuses to call Sean Hannity — had numerous conversations with Sean Hannity at Fox, and he called me the other day, and I spoke to him about it. He said you were totally against the war because he was for the war.”"

National Security Leaders Oppose Obama's Oct. 1 Internet Handover | Ted Cruz | U.S. Senator for Texas

National Security Leaders Oppose Obama's Oct. 1 Internet Handover | Ted Cruz | U.S. Senator for Texas:

"WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, a broad coalition of 77 national security, cybersecurity, and industry leaders sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Ash Carter and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Joseph Dunford calling on the top military officials to intervene in opposition to President Obama’s radical proposal to relinquish American guardianship of the Internet and give it to foreign corporations and countries, including Russia, China, and Iran. This letter follows a joint statement issued by 10 Republican senators urging Democratic senators to oppose the Obama administration’s proposed Internet handover set to take place on October 1."

Global Warmers Stunned As Swiss Dump Green Initiative

Global Warmers Stunned As Swiss Dump Green Initiative:
"An overwhelming majority of 64.6% of Swiss voters send the Greens packing and said NO to more green agenda, but barely a whisper from the world’s media.
Technocrats will go back to the drawing board to figure out where they went wrong. ⁃ TN Editor
The Swiss have turned down an initiative calling for government intervention to ensure the country uses natural resources sustainably.
Only 36.4% backed the initiative on Sunday, and Geneva was the only canton where a majority of voters said yes..."

AM Fruitcake

History for September 28

History for September 28 -
Confucius 551 B.C. - Teacher and philosopher, Georges Clemenceau (France) 1841, William S. Paley 1901

Ed Sullivan 1902, Alfred Gerald Caplin (Al Capp) 1909, Brigitte Bardot 1934
Image result for Brigitte Bardot

1066 - England was invaded by William the Conqueror who claimed the English throne.

1781 - During the Revolutionary War, American forces began the siege on Yorktown, VA.

1789 - In the U.S., the first Federal Congress passed a resolution that asked President George Washington to recommend to the nation a day of thanksgiving. Several days later Washington issued a proclamation that named Thursday, November 26, 1789 as a "Day of Publick Thanksgivin." The fixed-date for Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday of November, was established on December 26, 1941.

1850 - The U.S. Navy abolished flogging as a form of punishment.

1924 - The first around-the-world flight was completed by two U.S. Army planes when they landed in Seattle, WA. The trip took 175 days.

1961 - "Dr. Kildare" premiered on NBC-TV.

1961 - "Hazel" premiered on NBC-TV.

1974 - First Lady Betty Ford underwent a mastectomy to remove a lump in her breast.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Obama Email Alias to Clinton Is Why FBI Didn’t Prosecute Hillary | National Review

Obama Email Alias to Clinton Is Why FBI Didn’t Prosecute Hillary | National Review:

"Still, the difference in scale is not a difference in kind. In terms of the federal laws that criminalize mishandling of classified information, Obama not only engaged in the same type of misconduct Clinton did; he engaged in it with Clinton. It would not have been possible for the Justice Department to prosecute Clinton for her offense without its becoming painfully apparent that 1) Obama, too, had done everything necessary to commit a violation of federal law, and 2) the communications between Obama and Clinton were highly relevant evidence."

Daughter of democrat senator Manchin. Her mom made millions as head of the National Association of State Boards of Education (NASB) to boost her daughter’s EpiPen sales--Just thought you should know-----Mylan CEO misled lawmakers about EpiPen profits—they’re 66% higher

Mylan CEO misled lawmakers about EpiPen profits—they’re 66% higher | Ars Technica:
"The EpiPen profit figures that Heather Bresch, CEO of EpiPen maker Mylan, Inc., proudly displayed on a giant chart to the seething House Oversight and Government Reform Committee last week were misleading at best and a flat-out lie at worst, according to a filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission.
EpiPen maker CEO to seething lawmakers: We’re doing the world a favor
Bresch, who was called before the committee to explain steep price hikes of the life-saving devices, insisted that the company only makes $100 profit per two-pack of EpiPens.
The list price for such a two pack now stands at $608.
However, back in 2007, before Mylan bought the rights to the pens and raised the price 15 times, an EpiPen was priced at around just $50.
In her testimony, Bresch blamed the puzzlingly small profit on undefined costs and America’s complicated healthcare system.
The committee, however, didn’t buy that—and rightly so.
It turns out that the $100 profit figure was calculated by applying a 37.5 percent tax rate, which the company likely doesn’t pay.
And the post-tax product was actually incorrect—it should have been $104 per two pack.
So, the real, pre-tax profit from an EpiPen two pack is $166, a 66 percent increase from what Bresch told Congress..."

What the left always does-----VIDEO: Rowdy protesters crash UMich conservatives' debate-watching party, tussle ensues

VIDEO: Rowdy protesters crash UMich conservatives' debate-watching party, tussle ensues - The College Fix:
ANN ARBOR, Mich. — A group of protesters stormed into a presidential debate viewing party hosted by conservative students at the University of Michigan on Monday night, banging on drums and shouting at viewers as they paraded around the room, prompting at least one skirmish.
The five anti-Trump protesters who invaded the campus auditorium where the debate was projected onto a large, movie-sized screen repeatedly shouted “Donald Trump is racist!” while one, dressed as Jesus, banged incessantly on some type of drum. The demonstrators’ organizational affiliation is unknown.
According to a video taken during the incident, one of the female protesters held a sign stating: “Hitler: Make Germany great again, Trump’s America.”
Watch the video:

Immigration Officials Endorse Trump Ahead Of Debate | The Daily Caller

Immigration Officials Endorse Trump Ahead Of Debate | The Daily Caller:

"Clinton has pledged to uphold and even expand Obama’s executive orders on immigration, and wants to grant citizenship to the vast majority of illegal immigrants already in the country. She would also dramatically expand the number of immigrants who come to the country legally, at a time when those levels are on track to exceed historical precedent in both size and proportion of the population."

I don't know if this is true. But I do know we'd never see it in the liberal media if it was----- Hillary’s TOP Donor Country Just Auctioned Off ISIS Sex Slaves…

Hillary’s TOP Donor Country Just Auctioned Off ISIS Sex Slaves… | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
Why in the hell do we still support Saudi Arabia? We don’t need their oil… we would make do. The majority of the 9/11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia, as does the Bin Laden family. The Saudi deputy crown prince told reporters in June the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has funded 20% of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. She’s taking money from a stone cold enemy and that’s not the only one by any means. You do not consort or take money from those who intend to destroy your country… period. That goes for Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia, Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. It also includes any dictatorship or communist strongman. We never learn our lesson, do we?
Now it comes to light that Saudi Arabia is selling ISIS sex slaves off to the highest bidder at public auctions. Iraqis, Syrians, Saudis and WESTERNERS all bought slaves at the auction. This is monstrous and going on right out in the open. It should be stopped cold… whatever it takes. Britain needs to stop selling the Saudis weapons and we need to pull our politicians out of the Saudi bedroom and back home. They are killing us and enslaving women and children. How can we silently stand by while this evil goes on?
From Jihad Watch:
It isn’t news that the Islamic State has long been abusing and trafficking sex slaves – especially Yazidi girls – but it has been now discovered that the sex slaves of IS are being “sold in horrifying auctions to UK ally Saudi Arabia.”
An eyewitness reported:
Dozens of women were being held in a large room, and it was not only Iraqis and Syrians trading women but also Saudis and Westerners, whose actual nationality was not clear.
Western women have also been reported to be among the victims in keeping with the Islamic State’s practice of enslaving kafir women:
The Islamic State’s human trafficking operation includes enslaving women who they consider to be ‘kafir’, non-Muslim people like Yazidis and Christians, before selling them for money. The depraved thugs are also involved in the radicalisation of young women all over the world and try to tempt them to come to their caliphate with false promises of wealth, marriage and forgiveness of sin.
As these women are ‘rescued’ from ISIS, they are not being given freedom. 
They are being sold on the auction block into a hellish existence.
These are the people that Hillary Clinton takes money from, makes deals with and hobnobs with. Monsters of a feather.
I have said for a long time, not only are the Saudis sponsoring ISIS, so are the Russians. We are being played. Our own president is complicit. Let’s not elect another corrupt demon who cares nothing of women and children being sold to rapists. After all, Hillary Clinton is married to one.

Liberal Lester-----Holt Interrupted Trump WAY More Than Clinton In Debate

Holt Interrupted Trump WAY More Than Clinton In Debate | The Daily Caller
Moderator Lester Holt was much harsher on Republican nominee Donald Trump than he was on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton during the debate Monday evening.
Holt interrupted Trump a record 41 times, either to “fact-check” the Republican nominee, or to ask a follow-up question. 
Clinton was only interrupted seven times during the course of the 90-minute debate..."

Lunch video-----15 Everyday Things You've Been Doing Wrong

BUSTED! FBI Release Shows OBAMA LIED, Knew about Hillary’s Private Email Server – TruthFeed

BUSTED! FBI Release Shows OBAMA LIED, Knew about Hillary’s Private Email Server – TruthFeed:

"The disclosure came as the FBI released its second batch of documents from its investigation into Clinton’s private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.
The 189 pages the bureau released includes interviews with some of Clinton’s closest aides, such as Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills; senior State Department officials; and even Marcel Lazar, better known as the Romanian hacker “Guccifer.”"

A Few Bad Skittles

A Few Bad Skittles - Taki's Magazine:
"It’s official: Donald Trump, Jr. compared Syrian refugees to a bowl of Skittles candy, which means he’s Hitler, and so is his dad, and so are you.
Last Monday Trump’s son tweeted a picture of a bowl of Skittles that had the caption:

If I had a bowl of skittles and told you three would kill you. Would you take a handful? That’s our Syrian refugee problem.
The reaction was swift, harsh, illogical, and hysterical. 
A representative for Wrigley, which produces Skittles through the Mars candy company, explained to The Hollywood Reporter that “Skittles are candy. 
The New York Times scolded Trump Jr. by noting that “human beings are not Skittles.” 
The Memphis Commercial Appeal unequivocally stated that “Refugees are people, not Skittles.”
Perhaps they’ve never heard of metaphors?
They’ve definitely heard of Nazis, though, because they never shut up about them. 
Nazi Who Originated Donald Trump Jr.’s Skittles Analogy Was Hanged at Nuremberg,” shrieks the headline at The Intercept. The New York Times, which denied the Holodomor while it was happening but never misses a chance to call someone a Nazi, said that “comparing Syrians to Skittles carries echoes of the Nazi propagandist Julius Streicher comparing Jews to mushrooms in a popular children’s book that posited the ticklish dilemma of how to distinguish poisonous toadstools from edible fungus.” Haaretz bleated that “Nazi Propagandist Julius Streicher Would Be Proud of Trump Jr.” ..."
Read on. 

Polls, Polls, Polls – OK, Who Won the Debate?…

Polls, Polls, Polls – OK, Who Won the Debate?… | The Last Refuge


Who do you think won the debate?