Thursday, September 29, 2016

HARD TRUTH About Cities Run By Democrats For Generations

HARD TRUTH About Cities Run By Democrats For Generations | The Federalist Papers

"Pete Didonato reports that every major poverty center in America has been run by Democrats for generations:
Every major city in America which is a center of poverty is run by Democrats and has been under Democratic party control for a very long time.
If those communities want to reverse their fortunes it’s time to stop voting for Democrats.
...The constituencies that voted for [President Obama] aren’t doing very well,” Sen. Paul said in an interview with St. Louis Public Radio.
Income inequality is higher in states and cities with Democratic leadership, he explained, and “ridiculous” low interest rates held in place by the Federal Reserve in recent years have artificially boosted the stock market and hurt the ability of middle- and working-class Americans to save.
If you are unemployed or underemployed, maybe you need to look to other people and new policies,” Sen. Paul said.
“Maybe you people need to give Republicans another chance if you want to improve the lot of people who are suffering.
In a recent interview Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich tried to blame Republicans for the increase in poverty since Obama took office.
Newt Gingrich called it “baloney” and fired back, “Every major city which is a center of poverty is run by Democrats”...

The "free-speech" left-----Black Lives Matter protesters take over BLM debate hosted at U-M

Black Lives Matter protesters take over BLM debate hosted at U-M |
ANN ARBOR, MI -- Black Lives Matter protesters showed up to voice their displeasure with a debate hosted by the Michigan Political Union on Tuesday, Sept. 27, inside the Michigan League.
About 10 minutes into the debate, which provided the resolution: Black Lives Matter is harmful to racial relations in the United States, students -- a number of whom were black -- flooded the inside of the Vandenberg Room and the hallway of the second floor chanted before sitting on the floor and available spaces in opposition to the event.
Black Lives Matter protesters: 'Black lives are not up for debate'
The Michigan Political Union's decision to debate that the Black Lives Matter movement is harmful to racial relations was halted by an eruption of chanting from unified students in opposition to that viewpoint on Tuesday, Sept. 27, inside the Michigan League.

Students spoke out that the three members of the panel -- none of whom were black -- didn't have the right to debate that the BLM movement is harmful to race relations because they didn't speak from a point of view of experience.
They questioned members of the MPU on why they were an authority on the BLM movement, angered by the premise of the evening's debate.
See how race relations became a major issue at U-M, EMU this fall
In recent weeks, University of Michigan and Eastern Michigan University students have protested about race relations and against police brutality. Here's a breakdown of how the recent protests started.

U-M students continued to speak out against the premise of the event, stating their case for the BLM movement until about 8 p.m. Below are a couple of videos from the protest.

VIDEO: Obama Administration Official Admits to Allowing Refugees in to U.S. Based on Their Testimony Alone | Ted Cruz | U.S. Senator for Texas

VIDEO: Obama Administration Official Admits to Allowing Refugees in to U.S. Based on Their Testimony Alone | Ted Cruz | U.S. Senator for Texas:

"Moreover, during an exchange with Sen. Cruz, Director Rodríguez acknowledged publicly that refugee applications can be approved based solely on the applicant’s testimony, without any documentation.

Sen. Cruz: Is it true or false that the testimony of the applicant alone can be sufficient for approval? "

IT’S COME TO THIS: Cop Issues Warning: ‘If You Run Around in a Clown Suit, You Should Probably Expe…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » IT’S COME TO THIS:
IT’S COME TO THIS: Cop Issues Warning:
‘If You Run Around in a Clown Suit,
You Should Probably Expect for Citizens to Beat You’:
Professional clowns fear profiling, vigilantes."

WATCH: Speech code overrules U.S. Constitution, Arkansas Tech tells libertarian students

WATCH: Speech code overrules U.S. Constitution, Arkansas Tech tells libertarian students - The College Fix:
Just a ‘time, place and manner’ restriction?
A campus police officer at Arkansas Tech University told a student group that the public university’s free speech zone overrules the U.S. Constitution.
The officer intervened in a “free speech ball” event hosted by the university’s Young Americans for Liberty chapter as part of YAL’s national Fight for Free Speech campaign.
Like other ball-involved stunts by libertarian students, the YAL chapter encouraged ATU students to write whatever they want on the ball, even if it might offend someone, in order to raise awareness of restrictive speech codes on campus.
A civil-liberties group that has previously intervened in a ball stunt told The College Fix that it’s looking into the dispute..."

DEBUNKED: Trump is Hitler? Why HILLARY is More Like The Führer...


James Comey Says Clinton Would Be Disciplined At FBI | The Daily Caller

James Comey Says Clinton Would Be Disciplined At FBI | The Daily Caller:

"FBI director James Comey on Wednesday said that an FBI agent who operated a private email system similar to Hillary Clinton’s would be “in big trouble” at the bureau."

Greenpeace co-founder - Carbon dioxide is a hero, not a villain - Video - Ice Age Now

Greenpeace co-founder - Carbon dioxide is a hero, not a villain - Video - Ice Age Now:
"Please share this must-watch video with your “warmist” friends.Seriously. 
Try to talk them into watching this. 
It could change their perceptions forever.
I have many friends (and probably relatives) who sincerely want to help the planet. 
They are not bad people. 
Nor are they part of some devious conspiracy aiming to de-populate the planet. 
They simply do not realize that they are being conned about the dangers of carbon dioxide (CO2).
This video by Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore, PhD., mightbegin to persuade them.

At about 6:10 into the video, Moore displays a geological timescale of the last 540 million years. CO2 levels are shown in purple, while the blue line tracks global temperature.
Moore shows unequivocally that CO2 and temperature have NOT moved in unison. 
In fact, during the Jurassic, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere plummeted while temperatures rose. The same thing disparity occurred in the Eocene.
“It is (therefore) not possible to demonstrate a cause and effect relationship between CO2 and temperature over the long-term history,” Dr. Moore concludes.
“Carbon is not the enemy. It is actually the reason that we are alive.”
I posted a graph very similar to Dr Moore’s timescale here:

Friday on my mind

Friday on my mind | Power Line:
"Late this past Friday afternoon the FBI conducted its second document dump in the Clinton email case. To those paying attention it has become clear that the case has compromised the FBI and destroyed the reputation of FBI Director of James Comey. 
These Friday afternoon document dumps come straight from the scandal management playbook perfected under the (Bill) Clinton administration. 
They remind us, in case any reminder was necessary, of how much we have to look forward to in the event the Clintons return to the White House. 
I nevertheless find it shocking that the FBI itself has now adopted the routine, acting as a party with much to be ashamed of. 
I collected early pieces and a few related revelations presenting a first take on the 190 pages of interview notes in “Scandal management with the FBI.”
In the New York Observer John Schindler explains “The FBI investigation of emailgate was a sham.” 
Subhead: “We now have incontrovertible proof the Bureau never had any intention of prosecuting Hillary Clinton.” 
Andrew McCarthy’s NRO column similarly argues “Obama’s conflict tanked the Clinton email investigation.”
Among the revelations reported over the weekend in the first pass at the documents was President Obama’s use of a pseudonym in email correspondence with Clinton on on the private email account maintained on her insecure server. 
Now Jonathan Allen reports for Reuters: “Clinton server tech told FBI of colleagues’ worries about system.” Excerpt:
“… The newly released interview summaries from the FBI investigation show government employees undercutting other aspects of the public accounts given by Clinton and senior State officials.
“A State Department employee, whose name was redacted, told investigators they believed senior department officials interfered with the screening of Clinton’s emails for public release …
“The employee, who worked on the screening process, said there was pressure to obscure the fact they were finding classified information in the messages. … Clinton repeatedly said last year she never sent or received classified information …
“The State Department has said that Clinton did not include any of her emails with Petraeus when her lawyers screened and returned what they said were all her work emails in 2014. A single conversation of about 10 emails later emerged last year after the Defense Department provided it.
“The employee also said the Defense Department told the State Department last year it had found about 1,000 emails between Clinton and David Petraeus in its records from his time as the director of the United States Central Command.” …"

Frank Gaffney on Obama's Attempt to Slip Irreversible Internet Surrender Under the Radar: 'We've Got Three Days to Fix This'

Frank Gaffney on Obama's Attempt to Slip Irreversible Internet Surrender Under the Radar: 'We've Got Three Days to Fix This':
"...a vitally important topic that was not addressed, the impending surrender of U.S. control of Internet registration.
Gaffney recalled a discussion with Congressman Mike Pompeo of Kansas, in which Pompeo told him:
...The conversation turned to the impending handover of Internet control to a foreign body, a topic that should be of major concern to American voters, although Marlow sarcastically observed there was no time for it during the debate because moderator Lester Holt thought it was more important to discuss Donald Trump’s thoughts on Barack Obama’s birth certificate.
“A lot of people in this audience have absolutely no clue why we would do this and can’t even interpret what Obama and the globalists are thinking,” Marlow said.
“Well, quite frankly, I’m among them. I can’t figure out what the argument is for doing this,” Gaffney replied. He went on to explain the situation:
What they’re preparing to do is to cede, or surrender, the last vestige of American control, or even influence, over what is done with critical functions of the Internet. It gets pretty arcane, but the point is, if you think that the freedom of the Internet – whether it’s the ability of people to communicate freely information on it, or whether you think of it as an engine for free enterprise, let alone if you understand the contribution that it makes these days to national security – including, by the way, the operations of our critical infrastructure – you will understand that the United States retaining a measure of quality control as to what’s going on with how the Internet is populated with names and numbers, domains, websites and the like, is a veryimportant thing.
And for absolutely no good reason, other than people – or countries, I should say, like Russia, and China, and Saudi Arabia, and Iran, and North Korea – don’t want us to have any say in this and would like to be able to change things around so that they cannot only restrict all the things the Internet does to help their own people become familiar with the terrible they’re being subjected to, at the hands of their totalitarian or authoritarian regimes, but they want to take those freedoms – freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of enterprise – away from usas well.
So this is what it comes down to, Alex: there’s no good reason for doing this, certainly not in the next three days, which is what’s going to happen unless Congress intervenes.
And there’s an interesting point here: Hillary Clinton could make all the difference on whether that happens or not.
...Gaffney pleaded:
If every one of your impressive audience – and I do think of you as a hotshot, I don’t care what they say – this audience is important, and if they will come up on the net,today, with calls into Mitch McConnell urging him not to give up the Internet – don’t let this happen, make sure the Continuing Resolution doesn’t permit that..."

Obama Administration Orders Pentagon To Quit Talking About 'Competition' With China

Obama Administration Orders Pentagon To Quit Talking About 'Competition' With China:

"The Obama administration has ordered the Pentagon to quit referring to the country’s response to Chinese expansion in the Asia-Pacific as a “competition,” as the word is too inflammatory, sources familiar with the directive told the Navy Times.

Over the past decade, China has aggressively expanded its military presence in the South China Sea, including creating number of fortified, man-made islands within the region."

What is government? Australia goes dark

What is government? Australia goes dark:
Entire state of South Australia has power black out because of flawed climate change energy policy

The story in a nutshell:
The entire state of South Australia suffered a complete power black out on Wednesday September 28 plugging it’s nearly 1.7 million residents, communities and businesses into darkness.

Which brings us to a central question of our times: what is government? Is this government in action? Is Australia suffering from "big" government?

Many years ago this simply would not have happened. People understood that the real governing of society, of a country, is going on within society itself. Government, legitimate government of a free country, is an organic thing taking place in society by the aggregate decisions of a free population. 

Government IS the people, but not in the condescending way statists imply. To understand this is to understand the Copernican revolution in political thinking that fueled the founding generation and set them free from the statism of the past, creating a free country based on a completely different idea of what government is. 

Today most people confuse statism with government and expect to be ruled
National energy policies and national economic policies are the result of forgetting what a free society is. Statism is the denial of you to your governance.

The result is the slow destruction of our countries and our lives.

AM Fruitcake

History for September 29

History for September 29 -
Miguel de Cervantes 1547, Horatio Nelson (England) 1758, Gene Autry 1907

László Bíró 1899 - Inventor of the modern ballpoint pen, Jerry Lee Lewis 1935 - Musician, Lech Walesa 1943

1789 - A regular army was established by the U.S. War Department with several hundred men.

1943 - U.S. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower and Italian Marchal Pietro Badoglio signed an armistice aboard the British ship Nelson.

1946 - "The Adventures of Sam Spade" debuted on CBS Radio.

1953 - "Make Room for Daddy" premiered on ABC-TV.

1960 - "My Three Sons" debuted on ABC-TV.

1967 - The International Monetary Fund reformed monetary systems around the world.

1982 - In Chicago, IL, seven people died after taking capsules of Extra-Strength Tylenol that had been laced with cyanide. 264,000 bottles were recalled.

2008 - The Dow Industrial Average lost 777 points. It was the largest one-day decline to date. The drop came after the U.S. House of Representatives had voted down a $700 billion bank bailout plan.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016



Nightmarish Expectations

By Tammy Derouin

With his final speech to the United Nations, our resident Destroyer in Chief did not miss yet another opportunity to shame the United States and embarrass the citizens.  I feel he has truly enjoyed undermining our country for these past eight turbulent years. 

The executive used the world stage to promote his propaganda.  It didn’t take long, paragraph number two to be exact, for head scratching, head shaking and a look of disbelief to carry me through thirteen pages of rhetoric.  As expected, he pointed his finger and criticized others as he carries out or seeks to engage in the same tactics.  The visual equivalent of this speech would be a cow pasture. What’s worse is that so many Americans have fallen for the deception; blindly traveling the road of deceit.   

His speech began with fairy tales and ended with nightmarish expectations. When did we return the global economy to economic growth?  Did we take away terrorist safe havens?  Seems to me that there’s an awfully lot of open borders throughout the world.  Maybe he meant transference of terrorist safe havens.  Apparently, we resolved the Iranian nuclear matter by way of diplomacy.  Is that what they’re calling it?  To me it looked like we rolled over and got bulldozed. 

That’s the magical hocus-pocus of the Left.....

Add in $140 million in unfunded retiree funds!-----Muskegon County passes budget with $627K shortfall, removes several positions

Muskegon County passes budget with $627K shortfall, removes several positions |
"MUSKEGON COUNTY, MI -- Muskegon County officials are tapping into the county's savings for a third year in a row to try to make ends meet.
The Muskegon County Board of Commissioners passed the 2017 budget Tuesday, Sept. 27 with a $627,626 shortfall.
Even with 16 county positions removed, 12 more positions left vacant and three people laid off, county officials were not able to balance expenditures and revenues. 
Of those 16 positions, seven are seasonal marine officers for the Sheriff's Office.
...The budget for fiscal year 2017 goes into effect Saturday, Oct. 1.
Dick said the county anticipates another shortfall, this time an amount of $1.1 million, to be drawn from the reserves when the current fiscal year comes to a close Friday..."

Female student attacked for wearing Trump hat on campus

Female student attacked for wearing Trump hat on campus
  • A female member of the Gustavus College Republicans was verbally assaulted by a male student for wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat shortly before Monday night’s debate.
  • According to a statement from the CRs, the male student had to be restrained at one point when he attempted to charge at the female student in fury.
  • A report has been filed with campus security, and the college is currently investigating the altercation before deciding upon a response.

Image result for insane liberalsThe incident took place on campus, right before the first presidential debate began, according to a press release put out by the Minnesota College Republicans.
“No one deserves to feel unsafe for wearing a Trump hat, so it’s sad that it has to come to this.”    
The victim of the assault has chosen to remain anonymous, saying that she feels unsafe and threatened, and has even resorted to asking campus security to escort her around the college. 
While the perpetrator of the assault has not been publicly identified, he is reportedly a male student at Gustavus College.
“She was walking around bothering no one by wearing a Trump hat, she didn’t deserve this and there’s no way that this should’ve happened,” Minnesota Federation of College Republican Chair Amanda Peterson told Campus Reform. 
I wish this was a surprise to me, but it’s not, it’s no secret that college students with conservative leaning viewpoints aren’t strangers to this type of thing on campus.”"

Hillary’s TOP Donor Country Just Auctioned Off ISIS Sex Slaves… | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Hillary’s TOP Donor Country Just Auctioned Off ISIS Sex Slaves… | John Hawkins' Right Wing News:

"Why in the hell do we still support Saudi Arabia? We don’t need their oil… we would make do. The majority of the 9/11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia, as does the Bin Laden family. The Saudi deputy crown prince told reporters in June the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has funded 20% of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. She’s taking money from a stone cold enemy and that’s not the only one by any means. You do not consort or take money from those who intend to destroy your country… "

Get Your Flu Shot in the Morning

Get Your Flu Shot in the Morning - The New York Times:
"There may be a simple and cost-free way to improve the effectiveness of the flu vaccine: 
Get vaccinated in the morning instead of the afternoon.
British researchers randomized 276 men and women over 65 to get their flu shot either from 9 to 11 in the morning or 3 to 5 in the afternoon.
The participants filled out questionnaires to assess health behaviors and socioeconomic status, gave a blood sample, and were given the standard trivalent flu vaccine.
The study is in the journal Vaccine.
A month later they returned to give another blood sample.
The researchers then compared anti-influenza antibodies in the two samples to measure the effect.
After controlling for differences in income, smoking, alcohol consumption, sleep duration and other health and behavioral characteristics, they found that for two of the three influenza strains contained in the vaccine, the response was significantly stronger in those vaccinated in the morning. 
For the third strain, morning or afternoon vaccination made no difference..."