Saturday, October 01, 2016

The Gathering Nuclear Storm

The Gathering Nuclear Storm - WSJ:
"Even should nuclear brinkmanship not result in Armageddon, it can lead to abject defeat and a complete reordering of the international system.
The extraordinarily complicated and consequential management of American nuclear policy rests upon the shoulders of those we elevate to the highest offices.
Unfortunately, President Obama’s transparent hostility to America’s foundational principles and defensive powers is coupled with a dim and faddish understanding of nuclear realities.
His successor will be no less ill-equipped.
Hillary Clinton’s robotic compulsion to power renders her immune to either respect for truth or clearheaded consideration of urgent problems.
Theodore Roosevelt’s secretary of state once said that he was “pure act” (meaning action).
Hillary Clinton is “pure lie” (meaning lie), with whatever intellectual power she possesses hopelessly enslaved to reflexive deviousness.
Donald Trump, surprised that nuclear weapons are inappropriate to counterinsurgency, has a long history of irrepressible urges and tropisms.
Rather like the crazy boy-emperors after the fall of the Roman Republic, he may have problems with impulse control—and an uncontrolled, ill-formed, perpetually fragmented mind.
None of these perhaps three worst people in the Western Hemisphere, and few of their deplorable underlings, are alive to the gravest danger. 
Which is neither Islamic State, terrorism, the imprisoned economy, nor even the erosion of our national character, though all are of crucial importance.
The gravest danger we face is fast-approaching nuclear instability. 
Many believe it is possible safely to arrive at nuclear zero. 
It is not. 
Enough warheads to bring any country to its knees can fit in a space volumetrically equivalent to a Manhattan studio apartment.
Try to find that in the vastness of Russia, China, or Iran.
Even ICBMs and their transporter-erector-launchers can easily be concealed in warehouses, tunnels and caves.
Nuclear weapons age out, but, thanks to supercomputing, reliable replacements can be manufactured with only minor physical testing.
Unaccounted fissile material sloshing around the world can, with admitted difficulty, be fashioned into weapons.
And when rogue states such as North Korea and Iran build their bombs, our response has been either impotence or a ticket to ride.
Nor do nuclear reductions lead to increased safety. 
Quite apart from encouraging proliferation by enabling every medium power in the world to aim for nuclear parity with the critically reduced U.S. arsenal, reductions create instability..."
Must read it all!

AM Fruitcake

History for October 1

Image result for jimmy carter quotes
History for October 1 -
James Lawrence 1781, William Boeing 1881, Jimmy Carter (U.S.) 1924
Image result for james lawrence don't give up the ship

Tom Bosley 1927, Richard Harris 1930, Julie Andrews 1935

1903 - The first modern World Series took place between the Boston Pilgrims and the Pittsburgh Pirates.

1908 - The Model T automobile was introduced by Henry Ford. The purchase price of the car was $850.

1938 - German forces enter Czechoslovakia and seized control of the Sudetenland. The Munich Pact had been signed two days before.

1949 - Mao Tse-tung raised the first flag of the People's Republic of China when the communist forces had defeated the Nationalists. The Nationalist forces fled to Taiwan.

1961 - Roger Maris (New York Yankees) hit his 61st home run of the season to beat Babe Ruth's major league record of 60.

1962 - Johnny Carson began hosting the "Tonight" show on NBC-TV. He stayed with the show for 29 years. Jack Paar was the previous host.

1979 - The United States handed control of the Canal Zone over to Panama.

1982 - EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow) Center opened in Florida. The concept was planned by Walt Disney.
Image result for 1982 - EPCOT

Friday, September 30, 2016

Supreme Court to hear case over government refusing to register trademarks deemed offensive |

Supreme Court to hear case over government refusing to register trademarks deemed offensive |

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court will hear a First Amendment challenge over the government’s refusal to register offensive trademarks in a case that could affect the Washington Redskins.

The justices agreed Thursday to take up a dispute involving an Asian-American rock band called the Slants, but they did not act on a separate request to hear the higher-profile Redskins case at the same time."

UN DEMANDS America Pay Black People. For... Slavery?!

UN DEMANDS America Pay Black People. For... Slavery?! » Louder With Crowder
"Remember the UN? 
...And it usually involves butt loads of cash, because “world peace” is super duper expensive and stuff.
The United States needs to pony up and pay black people reparations. 
Because reasons…
The history of slavery in the United States justifies reparations for African Americans, argues a recent report. The conclusion was part of a study by the United Nations’ Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent.
“The legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge…” the report stated. “Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching.”
The reparations could come in a variety forms, according to the panel, including a “formal apology, health initiatives, educational opportunities… psychological rehabilitation, technology transfer and financial support, and debt cancellation.”
That’s right, the UN is cracking down on slavery… 
From hundreds of years ago, that is. Not to be confused with current slavery. 
You know, like what’s going on in the Middle East or Africa right now. 
Because that stuff isn’t pressing – but you know what is? 
Giving tons of money to people who were born years after slavery and racism were abolished in America. S
ee, the UN says they deserve it because cops are mean..."

Venezuelan children fainting in school because they are hungry

Venezuelan children fainting in school because they are hungry | Fox News Latino:
"CARACAS. –  Klaireth Díaz is a 1st-grade teacher at Elías Toro School, one of the biggest public schools in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela.
Last year, she says, attendance was painfully low.
Every day, of a class of 30 children at least 10 would be absent.
“The reason was always lack of food,” she told Fox News Latino.
She said she had a student who skipped class every single Thursday and when she asked his mother about it, she explained that Thursday was the day of the week assigned to her family to buy food at government-regulated prices – which involves standing in line starting sometimes as early as 3 a.m.
“She told me she couldn’t leave the child alone at home and didn’t have anybody to bring him to school,” Díaz said.
Diaz also once saw a child faint during a cultural event.
Across the country, teachers have said they have seen children faint or fall asleep because they haven't had enough to eat.
“When he came to he told me that he had only eaten an arepa (cornbread) at 10 a.m.
It was 3 p.m.,” she said.
As the school year progressed last year, Diaz said, she noticed more and more kids had stopped bringing lunch.
“At the beginning of the school year every children bring their lunch. 
At the end they didn’t. 
They said their mom didn’t have money to buy food,” she said..."

Friday on my mind | Power Line

Friday on my mind | Power Line:

"At PJ Media Debra Heine expands on that last bombshell regarding the deleted Petraeus emails in “FBI Docs: Hillary Deleted Nearly 1,000 Emails With David Petraeus.” Excerpt:

“A potentially explosive nugget from the FBI’s Friday document dump of investigatory notes from the Clinton email probe has been all but ignored by the media. And that is the revelation that Hillary Clinton deleted 1,000 work-related emails between herself and General David Pet[r]aeus from his time as the director of the United States Central Command. …

“In August of 2015, she signed a statement to a federal judge declaring “under penalty of perjury” that she turned over all work-related emails. …

“Petraeus started out as the leader of U.S. Central Command and then became the director of the CIA during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of State, so not only were those emails obviously work related, they very likely were highly classified. The implications here are staggering.

But it gets worse."

Pension Mess Can't Go On; That's No Reason to Ignore It

Pension Mess Can't Go On; That's No Reason to Ignore It -
"President Richard Nixon's economic adviser, the late Herbert Stein, still is knon for his dictum:
"If something cannot go on forever, it won't."
It should be the rallying cry for California's pension reformers.
The numbers don't lie, they say.
Services are being cut to pay for oversized pensions, they note.
Something must be done because the debt cannot keep growing forever.
They're right.
And it won't go on forever.
It can't go on forever.
At some point, even the most dogged public-pension defenders will realize the gravy train—six-figure guaranteed lifetime pensions inflated by myriad spiking gimmicks—will end because the math must catch up with the wishful thinking.
New York and Chicago already pay for more retired cops than for officers patrolling the streets. 
Some cities have gone belly up, with Stockton and Vallejo the most visible California examples of what happens without adult supervision.
Even healthy cities are slashing services and raising taxes to meet escalating pension bills, to pay for those who often receive far more in retirement than most residents earn during their working years..."

Jason Chaffetz nails it: If Clinton emails were a ‘mistake’ why is everyone ‘pleading the 5th?’

Jason Chaffetz nails it: If Clinton emails were a ‘mistake’ why is everyone ‘pleading the 5th?’ | BizPac Review:
"Rep. Jason Chaffetz challenged Hillary Clinton to look Americans in the eye and come clean about what really went on with her emails when she was secretary of state.
The Utah Republican and chairman of the House Oversight Committee told Fox News host Megyn Kelly in an exclusive interview on Wednesday’s “The Kelly File” that “right now we can’t get to that truth” despite the immunity granted to the Democratic presidential nominee and her former aides.
Chaffetz argued that the American people are interested in the ongoing probe of Clinton’s mishandling of classified information because “they’re worried Lady Justice has a little different blindfold when dealing with the Clintons.”
“If this was just a mistake,” Chaffetz said, referring to the email controversy, “why is everyone pleading the Fifth [Amendment] and getting immunity deals?”
“I want Hillary Clinton to look at the camera and tell people – there’s immunity and they’re not going to prosecute – tell Congress and tell the American people the truth,” Chaffetz said..."

Lunch video-----The Most Shameful Injustice


U of M Brings Personal Pronoun Wars To Michigan [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

U of M Brings Personal Pronoun Wars To Michigan [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:

"A new initiative by the University of Michigan invites students to report their preferred gender pronouns to the university so faculty and staff can use these when addressing each student.

Students can update their gender pronouns on Wolverine Access, a portal for students, faculty, and staff."

Take cold showers for the planet, new 'sustainability' department urges Indiana U. students

Take cold showers for the planet, new 'sustainability' department urges Indiana U. students - The College Fix:
Turn off your lights, unplug your electric devices, take shorter, cold showers.”
This is the pitch to Indiana University-Bloomington students from the head of the new “sustainability” department inside the Student Association, the Indiana Daily Student reports...
The Daily Student reports:
The Sustainability Department’s first goals will be to assess environmental problems that students encounter daily, such as the number of recycling bins on campus or inefficient light use in buildings.  

The IUSA Sustainability Department will seek … to better understand what policy they can realistically implement on campus and what the student body’s immediate sustainability needs are. Parker Angelos, who heads the new department, said students must “be progressive or our lives are going to change for the worse,” apparently thinking that students will embrace cold showers as a wholly symbolic and inconsequential environmental gesture. (It’s a surprise that cold showers haven’t been previously mandated on IU-Bloomington men as a rape-prevention tactic.)

Preparing for North Korea's Inevitable Collapse

Preparing for North Korea's Inevitable Collapse - Bloomberg View
"Let's be honest.
The world would be a better place if a revolutionary tribunal in the near future sent North Korea's Kim Jong-un and his henchmen to the gallows.
Kim's subjects are so malnourished that North Koreans are notably shorter than their South Korean cousins. 
The state's gulags are so large, you can see them from space.
Survivors of those camps have testified that fellow prisoners withered away from starvation.
The U.N. high commissioner for human rights has acknowledged the horror. 
A 2014 report from that office says that inside of North Korea "crimes against humanity" have been committed as a result of the state's policy.
These include "extermination, murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape, forced abortions and other sexual violence, persecution on political, religious, racial and gender grounds, the forcible transfer of populations, the enforced disappearance of persons and the inhumane act of knowingly causing prolonged starvation."
...Trying to secure all this after a chaotic collapse or overthrow of the Kim regime would be a nightmare.
General Raymond Thomas, who heads U.S. Special Operations Command, called a regime collapse in North Korea a "worst case scenario," at a conference hosted last week by the Institute for the Study of War.
"In the event of the implosion of the region, we'd have the loose nuke dilemma on an industrial scale," the general said, describing it as a "vertical track meet between the Chinese and the South Koreans in terms of securing the nukes..."

As they left the White House, the Clintons Defaced Walls, Stole Furniture and Much Much Worse

As they left the White House, the Clintons Defaced Walls, Stole Furniture and Much Much Worse – TruthFeed:
"In 2001, the Clintons were moving out of the White House to make way for the Bush Administration.
Not only did the Clintons steal furniture on their way out of the White House, but they did something far worse. 
It’s yet another reason why they should not be allowed to step foot in the White House AGAIN!
Besides the stolen furniture, Hillary Clinton and her lackeys defaced walls, stole a presidential seal dating back to the Eisenhower years, damaged furniture they deemed not expensive enough to take, and left a huge mess in the offices, making it look like a rave party had taken place there.
Image result for Clintons Defaced Walls, Stole Furniture and Much Much WorseThey left behind offensive and derogatory statements about Bush, defaced keyboards so the letter W could not be used, stole doorknobs and other small items, and left behind prank signs as well as many other immature acts. 
Apparently, the Clintons are petty, reckless, and have no respect for the taxpayers or the donations they give to for president’s household and office.
A complete list of all the damages is in the GAO 02-360 ‘The White House: Allegations of Damage During the 2001 Presidential Transition,’ an official document of the aftermath of the Clinton Administration. 
So, liberals can’t chalk this up to a conspiracy theory.
...The Clinton family claims they returned the furniture they had mistaken as being personally donated to the Clinton family, while other items reported missing at the end of Bill Clinton’s administration were never returned.
Of course, this has Hillary written all over it.
I can’t think of another person who would steal from and deface the White House.
Her greed is apparent with these actions, and it’s almost a guarantee that if she’s elected, some of the missing items will suddenly reappear in the White House.
Hillary was the first person to condemn Donald Trump for his “reckless temperament,” stating further that he is not suitable to be commander-in-chief, and yet evidence of her own reckless and overall immature behavior further shoves her into a hypocritical light..."

FBI Bombshell: Huma Abedin Caught in Falsehood—but No Followup

FBI Bombshell: Huma Abedin Caught in Falsehood—but No Followup:

"Hanley then said that the new email account name,, was specifically chosen by Clinton aide Huma Abedin. Abedin claimed that she had no knowledge of the private server when the FBI interviewed her on April 5th — before Hanley’s interview. The FBI documents do not show that any agents conducted a second interview with Abedin after Hanley provided this information."

UW-Madison cuts student workers’ hours, cites Obamacare

UW-Madison cuts student workers’ hours, cites Obamacare - The College Fix:
"The Affordable Care Act strikes again — against young people.
UW-Madison is reducing the number of hours its student employees can work.
Moving forward, they can work no more than 29 hours each week.
That’s so that the university can skirt the federal law’s mandate requiring employers to provide health insurance for people who work 30 hours or more per week.
The Cap Times this week reported:
UW-Madison officials say that the UW System is considered a single employer under ACA.
So, under the new rule, student workers would be limited to 29 hours a week total for all jobs with UW, on any campus.
… “Effective immediately, student hourly employees legally cannot work more than 29 hours a week for ALL CAMPUS JOBS,” read an email that went out June 28...
UW-Madison joins hundreds of other universities that have slashed student workers’ hours because they cannot afford the Obamacare mandate.
...MORE: Obamacare strikes again: Missouri grad students lose health insurance subsidies"

AM Fruitcake

History for September 30

History for September 30 -
William Wrigley, Jr. 1861 - Chewing gum tycoon, Deborah Kerr (Trimmer) 1921 - Actress ("The King and I", "Separate Tables"), Truman Capote (Streckfus Persons) 1924 - Writer (In Cold Blood, Other Voices, Breakfast at Tiffany's), actor

Johnny Mathis 1935 - Singer, Marilyn McCoo 1943 - Singer (5th Dimension), TV hostess (Solid Gold), Fran Drescher 1957

1846 - Dr. William Morton performed a painless tooth extraction after administering ether to a patient.

1882 - In Appleton, WI, the world's first hydroelectric power plant began operating.

1938 - The Munich Conference ended with a decision to appease Adolf Hitler. Britain, and France allowed Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland to be annexed by the Nazis.

1949 - The Berlin Airlift came to an end. The airlift had taken 2.3 million tons of food into the western sector despite the Soviet blockade.

1951 - "The Red Skelton Show" debuted on NBC-TV.

1954 - The U.S. Navy commissioned the Nautilus submarine at Groton, CT. It was the first atomic-powered vessel. The submarine had been launched on January 21, 1954.

1983 - The first AH-64 Apache attack helicopter was rolled out by McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Company.

1982 - "Cheers" began an 11-year run on NBC-TV.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

HARD TRUTH About Cities Run By Democrats For Generations | The Federalist Papers

HARD TRUTH About Cities Run By Democrats For Generations | The Federalist Papers:

"Every major city in America which is a center of poverty is run by Democrats and has been under Democratic party control for a very long time. If those communities want to reverse their fortunes it’s time to stop voting for Democrats."