Monday, October 03, 2016

Presidential Elections Used to Be More Colorful

Presidential Elections Used to Be More Colorful - Metrocosm
"Looking over the historical results of U.S. presidential elections, I keep coming back to the same conclusion: the political landscape we’ve been living in for the past few decades is really not normal.
The last time a third party won an electoral vote was in 1968. 
For the almost 200 years prior to that, 3-way elections occurred regularly, about once every five election cycles.
Here are the election maps laid out side-by-side. 
Notice how close the last six elections have been by historical standards.
Hard to imagine how any candidate today could flip enough voters from the other party to have a victory like Reagan in 1984..."
Click link to see every US election!

What Can You Do When the Cops Take Your Money and Won't Give It Back?

What Can You Do When the Cops Take Your Money and Won't Give It Back? | VICE | United States
"More than four months have passed since intruders came into Ana Ortiz's apartment and robbed her of over $2,600 in cash she needed to pay rent.
Her life has been upended as a result:
She faces eviction from her South Bronx home of 25 years, and she fears that her frequent trips to housing court might cost her her job as a hospital secretary, which could put her and her three children on the street.
A few weeks into the school year, she still doesn't know how she's going to pay for her son's college textbooks or daughter's school uniform.
"People knock on my door, and I'm still scared,"
...The people who took her money weren't criminals, but officers with the New York City Police Department.
According to the Bronx Defenders, a legal aid group assisting Ortiz with her case, the cops entered the apartment to arrest one of Ortiz's son's friends for violating his parole and instead arrested her son after he demanded to see a warrant (he eventually pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct).
Their reason for taking the cash was—well, they've never actually said why they took the cash, and the NYPD did not respond to multiple requests for comment.
But under New York City's opaque and arbitrary civil forfeiture system, seizing money from a woman not accused of a crime is a perfectly legal thing to do..."
Read on!

Lunch video-----The Truth About Alicia Machado


Hillary Clinton is a ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing,’ just like her mentor

Hillary Clinton is a ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing,’ just like her mentor:

"“Dear Saul, When is that new book coming out—or has it come and I somehow missed the fulfillment of Revelation?” a 23-year-old Hillary wrote in 1971 about Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. “I have just had my one-thousandth conversation about Reveille [for radicals, written by Alinky in 1946] and need some new material to throw at people.”

As Jen Kuznicki points out elsewhere at Conservative Review: “Hillary’s whole life has been dedicated to socialist/communist ends. The fact that the arguments and the anger fomented by Alinsky in the ‘40s, ‘50s and ‘60s are the same arguments and anger of today’s Obama/Clinton model is telling.

“David Brock, in his 1996 biography, ‘The Seduction of Hillary Rodham,’ called Hillary ‘Alinsky's daughter.’ That is an apt label,” he continues."

"Why are Michigan Cities Going Broke?"----Opinion: Time to focus on pension liabilities

Opinion: Time to focus on pension liabilities - Crain's Detroit Business:
"Unfunded pension liabilities for public sector workers — a crisis whose warnings have grown louder since the financial downturn depressed investment returns — has graduated from a "paper crisis" to a real crisis.  
Some Michigan cities are cutting services for current residents in order to pay for retiree health care or make payments to their defined benefit retirement plans.
That could lead to a dangerous spiral.
Image result for Why are Michigan Cities Going Broke?Just ask pre-bankruptcy Detroit, where pension and retiree health care obligations forced service cuts for police, fire, streetlights and other services that are necessary to attract — and retain — residents and employers.
Detroit has plenty of company. 
The West Michigan Policy Forum, held every two years in Grand Rapids, sponsored a special report by PricewaterhouseCoopers on seven municipalities in the state, each with staggering obligations. The analysis was intended to answer the conference question: "Why are Michigan Cities Going Broke?" (See David Walker's essay.)
...The "invisible crisis" is getting more visible.
The West Michigan forum deserves credit for helping to push this issue to the top of a business policy agenda. Port Huron City Manager James Freed may have said it best at the forum:
"We need to stop the madness. … To be quite frank, we're offering benefits that we can't afford.""

Duke offers men a 'safe space' to contemplate their 'toxic masculinity'

Duke offers men a 'safe space' to contemplate their 'toxic masculinity' | Fox News
"Duke University is famous for its science and engineering programs, as well as its dominance in college basketball.
Now, it may also become known as a great place for men to gather and contemplate why they’re such horrible people.
The Duke Men’s Project, launched this month and hosted by the campus Women’s Center, offers a nine-week program for “male-identified” students that discusses male privilege, patriarchy, “the language of dominance,” rape culture, pornography, machismo and other topics.
The student newspaper’s editorial board endorsed the new program yesterday, insisting it was “not a reeducation camp being administered by an oppressed group in the service of the feminization of American society.”
But it’s easy to see why they felt the need to defend against such concerns.
Junior Dipro Bhowmik, who sits on the leadership team, recently said the goal of the Duke Men’s Project is for male students to “critique and analyze their own masculinity and toxic masculinities to create healthier ones.”

Unsustainable!-----Many Alaskans unhappy with amount of yearly dividend checks

Many Alaskans unhappy with amount of yearly dividend checks - SFGate:
Yes, you could call it free money.
But that doesn't mean all Alaskans are happy about the $1,022 dividend checks nearly every resident will receive starting Thursday from the state's oil wealth fund.
Folks were looking at getting more than twice that amount.
Image result for alaska out of money...Each year, residents get the checks from the Alaska Permanent Fund, a reward of sorts for living here at least a full calendar year.
...The amount of the annual checks is based on a five-year average of the multibillion-dollar fund, and they took a hit when recession years were part of the formula, with $900 checks issued in 2013 before payouts rebounded again.
Last year, the amount for every person was a record $2,072.
..."Alaska lost over 80 percent of its income in just two years, and we are burning through $12 million of savings each day," Walker wrote.
"This is simply not sustainable."
...The fund was established in 1976 after the discovery of oil on Alaska's North Slope, with the first dividends distributed to residents in 1982.
..."I wish it were bigger, but you know, it's OK," she said. "Money's money.""

BOOM: Globalist Internet Agenda HALTED, Four States Take Obama To COURT

BOOM: Globalist Internet Agenda HALTED, Four States Take Obama To COURT:

"Top law enforcement officials in four states filed suit Wednesday to delay the Obama administration’s proposed giveaway of a critical Internet agency to an international authority, saying the grantee would have the power to “effectively enable or prohibit speech on the Internet.”"

College Republicans scrawl 'Build the Wall' at painting event, are reported to 'bias incident team'

College Republicans scrawl 'Build the Wall' at painting event, are reported to 'bias incident team' - The College Fix:
"The University of Minnesota held a “Paint the Bridge” event this past Friday at the Washington Avenue Bridge, and the school’s College Republicans dared — dared!! — to paint the phrase “Build the Wall” on one section of the structure.
As a result, the Minnesota Daily reports, the message has been painted over several times since, with one counter message reading “Stop White Supremacy.”
Image result for University of Minnesota held a “Paint the Bridge” build the wallThere was also a 150 person-strong protest yesterday in response to the “xenophobic” phrase, organized by the “immigrant student advocacy group” Navigate MN.
...Unfortunately, even some college officials don’t comprehend the First Amendment, either:
...Catherine Squires, communications professor and director of the Race, Indigeneity, Gender and Sexuality Studies Initiative, said at the event that it is important for faculty members to participate in these types of discussions “especially faculty of color — many of us have been through these sorts of situations when we were students…”
Heather C. Lou, assistant director of the Multicultural Center for Academic Excellence, said on Facebook that she and other University staff members would organize a support space for students on Monday.
“I recognize folks are feeling impacted by the xenophobic and racist statement on the bridge panels today.
The UMN bias incident team has been contacted,” she said in the post..."

AM Fruitcake

History for October 3

Image result for Thomas Wolfe Quotes
History for October 3 -
Thomas Wolf 1900, Harvey Kurtzman 1902 - Founder of "Mad" magazine, James Herriot 1916

Gore Vidal 1925, Chubby Checker 1941, Tommy Lee 1961 Musician (Motley Crue), Motley Crue Merchandise

1893 - The motor-driven vacuum cleaner was patented by J.S. Thurman.

1906 - W.T. Grant opened a 25-cent department store.

1954 - "Father Knows Best" began airing on CBS-TV.

1955 - "Captain Kangaroo" premiered on CBS-TV.

1955 - "The Mickey Mouse Club" premiered on ABC-TV.

1961 - "The Dick Van Dyke Show" debuted on CBS-TV.

1974 - Frank Robinson took over the management position of the Cleveland Indians baseball team. He was the first black manager in major league baseball.

1989 - Art Shell became the first African-American head coach in the modern NFL when he took over the Los Angeles Raiders.

Sunday, October 02, 2016

BREAKING: “Tens of thousands” of fraudulent Clinton votes found in Ohio warehouse | Christian Times Newspaper

ballotxBREAKING: “Tens of thousands” of fraudulent Clinton votes found in Ohio warehouse | Christian Times Newspaper:
Election officials in Franklin County, Ohio are reportedly stumped over what one maintenance worker found in a dilapidated downtown Columbus warehouse earlier this week.
According to sources, Randall Prince, a Columbus-area electrical worker, was doing a routine check of his companies wiring and electrical systems when he stumbled across approximately one dozen black, sealed ballot boxes filled with thousands of Franklin County votes for Hillary Clinton and other Democrat candidates.
“No one really goes in this building. It’s mainly used for short-term storage by a commercial plumber,” Prince said.
So when Prince, who is a Trump supporter, saw several black boxes in an otherwise empty room, he went to investigate.
ballotWhat he found could allegedly be evidence of a massive operation designed to deliver Clinton the crucial swing state.
It is important to note that the ... replica coincides with a ballot that a Franklin County voter would cast at the polling place on Election Day, meaning the Clinton campaign’s likely goal was to slip the fake ballot boxes in with the real ballot boxes when they went to official election judges on November 8th..."

True racism!-----Hillary and the Democrats Continue Their War on Blacks

Hillary and the Democrats Continue Their War on Blacks | PJ Media:
"Forget all the back and forth on the first debate, the pundits, the people, the polls, the bizarre claims and counter-claims of an aging Venezuelan porn star.
All that can and will change, if it hasn't already.
Or will disappear among a new set of talking points, real or imagined, after the second debate.
Only one assertion of enduring importance was made on Monday—one that slipped quickly by, but will continue to fester under the surface for those eighty or so million watching and have a profound and deeply unfortunate effect on our culture.
Hillary Clinton declared that all Americans are racist, at least implicitly.
The exchange went as follows:
Lester Holt: Do you believe police are implicitly biased against black people.
Hillary Clinton: Lester, I think implicit bias is a problem for everyone not just police.
So we're all racists now in Hillary Land.
...Here's the calculation part that occurred as I see it:
In response to Holt's question,  Hilary didn't know what to say about the police that wouldn't offend someone, so she spread the accusation to everyone. 
We're all guilty (meaning, one assumes, all white people, although that was naturally left unsaid).
...Underlying all this is a ruthless attempt to encourage that most pernicious, self-defeating and self-fulfilling prophecy that African-Americans will always be victims.
And if they are victims, they always vote Democrat, the party of victimhood.
(If they  don't vote Democrat, they support professional victimhood organizations like Black Lives Matter until the proper deals are made and they do vote Democrat again, a roundelay of  unhappily ever after.)
The result of all this?
Bodies in the street.
A lot of them.
Almost all black..."

Hillary Clinton Email Scandal: FBI Investigation Was Never Unbiased | National Review

Hillary Clinton Email Scandal: FBI Investigation Was Never Unbiased | National Review:

"FBI director James Comey, who testified in front of two congressional committees this week, still maintains that he was unable to recommend that the DOJ charge Clinton with mishandling classified documents because of insufficient evidence proving “intent” — although the actions themselves are irrefutably illegal.

Well, how exactly did he anticipate gathering this proof, when the DOJ had proactively shielded the five people tasked with setting up the private system and then destroying it? Was he hoping to extract a confession directly from Clinton?"

So Brave: This University of Michigan Kid Selected ‘His Majesty’ as Personal Pronoun

So Brave: This University of Michigan Kid Selected ‘His Majesty’ as Personal Pronoun - Hit & Run :
"A student has taken advantage of the opportunity afforded by University of Michigan's new pronoun policy, which allows students to list their chosen pronouns on the official bios that are sent out to their teachers.
The student, Grant Stroble, has listed his pronoun as "His Majesty."
He is stunning and brave. 
Applaud his courage. 
Weep openly, if you must.
Are you finished? 
Image result for ‘His Majesty’ as Personal PronounStill reading? 
It's quite a moving story, I know.
Stroble's heroism will no doubt be celebrated by the university, which recently gave students the option of selecting their own pronouns in order to foster "an environment of inclusiveness." According to the university:
Students can designate pronouns in Wolverine Access through the new Gender Identity tab within the Campus Personal Information section. This page can be used to enter, update or delete pronoun information.
Designated pronouns will automatically populate on all class rosters accessed through Wolverine Access. Rosters pulled from other systems will not have designated pronouns listed. If a student does not designate a pronoun, none will be listed.
In other words, when professors receive the list of students enrolled in their classes, there will be a designated pronoun next to their names. Strobles's is "His Majesty."
Stroble—a conservative student and member of Young Americans for Freedom's Board of Governors—told The College Fix that he has no problem with students asking to be identified in the manner that makes them most comfortable.
But he found the university's new policy to be absurd:
In an interview with The College Fix, Strobl said that "I have no problem with students asking to be identified a certain way, almost like someone named Richard who would like to be called Dick. It is respectful to make a reasonable effort to refer to students in the way that they prefer."
However, he added that he does have a problem when the university institutionalizes the use of pronouns that are completely arbitrary and may possibly sanction people for referring to someone different than their preference.
Strobl continued, "So, I henceforth shall be referred to as: His Majesty, Grant Strobl. I encourage all U-M students to go onto Wolverine Access, and insert the identity of their dreams."
If this isn't the feel-good story of the year, I don't know what is."

Let us eat cake?-----This $5,900 chair may be the tech world's new key to productivity

This $5,900 chair may be the tech world's new key to productivity - LA Times:
App Slide"Che Voigt believes his company has solved problems that have plagued the working world since the advent of typing.
It’s a solution to hunched backs, stiff necks and tight shoulders.
It’s a workstation that, with a push of a button, transitions from a standing desk to a seated table to a fully reclined platform like a dentist’s chair. 
Its seat expands and retracts, supporting the whole body from head to heels.
Its desk moves up, down and rotates.
There’s a screen and mouse and keyboard that follows the user’s eyes and hands.
It’s the way of the future, he says; the most comfortable you can possible be working at a computer.
And it starts at $5,900..."

Lunch video-----Judicial Watch Panel: Clinton Scandal Update – Emails and the Clinton Fo...


The Article Five Convention: Proven to Work |

The Article Five Convention: Proven to Work |

"A chill went down my spine. The Convention secretary was calling the roll of states gathered for a historical test-run of an Article Five convention for proposing constitutional amendments, and every state in the Union had shown up to participate.

A total of 137 commissioners (delegates), including 115 sitting state legislators and 22 non-legislator citizens took part in testing this long-neglected constitutional process and the set of draft rules developed by experts Rob Natelson and Michael Farris to guide it.

And how did it work? Beautifully."