Tuesday, October 04, 2016

GOP lodges complaint against Hillary Clinton aide Cheryl Mills with DC bar | Daily Mail Online

GOP lodges complaint against Hillary Clinton aide Cheryl Mills with DC bar | Daily Mail Online:

"Mills has represented Clinton as she fielded questions from FBI investigators as well while also fielding questions from congressional staff and lawmakers about whether she mishandled classified information and broke record keeping laws with her private email server."

Kerry Without Clothes

Kerry Without Clothes - The New York Sun:
"It’s hard to recall a scoop that exposed the bankruptcy of post-Vietnam diplomacy in a more devastating fashion than Anne Barnard’s dispatch in the New York Times giving a glimpse of Secretary of State Kerry complaining about his country – to the Syrians.
His beef with America? 
That we won’t support his call for a war in Syria. 
“Over and over again,” writes Ms. Barnard, Mr. Kerry “complained to a small group of Syrian civilians that his diplomacy had not been backed by a serious threat of military force.”
Image result for kerry windsurfing photoWhat’s so powerful about her story is that she bases it on audio recordings, obtained by the Times, that enable us not only to read Mr. Kerry’s petulance.
We can also hear Mr. Kerry whinge about how no one will follow the man who the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth long ago convinced Americans was unfit for command.
“I think,” Mr. Kerry complained at one point, “you’re looking at three people, four people in the administration who have all argued for use of force, and I lost the argument.”
How in the world could that be?
It’s not, after all, that Americans have refused to send our GIs overseas to make the world safe for Democracy.
We’ve been doing this since Woodrow Wilson made his famous vow – or even before, if one wants to feature San Juan Hill and Mexico.
It may be that Mr. Kerry – or, in Secretary Clinton, his predecessor – will insist the blame lies with the dreaded neo-conservatives.
But it wasn’t they who retreated from Iraq and Afghanistan and the rest of the war against Islamic terrorism.
No, the architects of that retreat were President Obama, the Democratic Party, and Secretary of State Clinton..."

Our Political Predicament

Our Political Predicament - Thomas Sowell:
"There is no point denying or sugar-coating the plain fact that the voters this election year face a choice between two of the worst candidates in living memory.
A professor at Morgan State University summarized the situation by saying that the upcoming debates may enable voters to decide which is the "less insufferable" candidate to be President of the United States.
Image result for Our Political PredicamentMy own take on this election is that the voter is in a situation much like that of an American fighter pilot in World War II, whose plane has been hit by enemy fire out over the Pacific Ocean and is beginning to burst into flames.
If he bails out, there is no guarantee that his parachute will open.
But even if he lands safely in the ocean, he may be eaten by sharks.
If he comes down on land, he may be captured by the Japanese and tortured and/or killed.
In other words, there are huge and potentially fatal risks.
But, if he remains in the plane, he is doomed for certain.
To me, Donald Trump represents multiple and potentially fatal risks.
But Hillary Clinton is a certainty of disaster.
Her vaunted "experience" is an experience of having repeatedly made decisions that turned out to be not merely wrong but catastrophic..."
Read on!

Illegal Foreign Voting in Virginia Covered Up by Soros-Backed Democratic Officials, Says Report - Breitbart

Illegal Foreign Voting in Virginia Covered Up by Soros-Backed Democratic Officials, Says Report - Breitbart:

"“Virginia election officials don’t seem to care that thousands of [foreign] aliens have corrupted their voter rolls,” by illegally registering to vote, said J. Christian Adams, the former Department of Justice lawyer, and now the president of the Public Interest Legal Foundation. “Even worse than doing nothing about it, they are trying to cover it up,” he told Breitbart News.

Even small amounts of illegal voting can make a decisive difference — Democratic Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring defeated Republican Mark Obenshain in 2013 by a mere 165 votes out of 2.2 million votes cast."

Amazing story!-----70 Years Ago Today, WWII Vets Took Up Arms Against Corrupt Cops and Ran Them Out of Town

70 Years Ago Today, WWII Vets Took Up Arms Against Corrupt Cops and Ran Them Out of Town - Counter Current News:
"Establishment political corruption and election rigging have become so commonplace, the stunning collusion and fraud perpetrated by the Democratic National Committee this year — revealed in several document leaks — seemed virtually inconsequential to vast swaths of the voting public.
To some, however, the coordinated plot to install Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee constituted an unforgivable breach of faith, if not outright criminality — particularly since none of those involved will be held accountable.
Despite this outrage, a parallel feeling of helplessness also settled in — after all, the disillusioned lamented, what could really be done to thwart such a blatant power-grab?
To those who believe such malfeasance is beyond resolve, perhaps a revisit to the Battle of Athens on its 70th anniversary will offer some perspective.
Image result for battle of athensIn 1946, war-weary GIs began to return from World War II battlefronts in Europe and Japan, ready to resume life in their sleepy Tennessee town.
What they found, instead, infuriated them to the core.
A power-hungry Democrat and his associates had since usurped local government and law enforcement, and had imposed a maniacal chokehold on the McMinn County town through extortive fines, excess laws, and arrests of anyone who opposed them.
While the soldiers were away fighting power-hungry foreign enemies in 1936, Paul Cantrell, a Democrat from a wealthy and prominent family, used that influence to win the position of sheriff. Though many Athens citizens strongly suspected Cantrell hadn’t been elected through entirely legal means, there appeared to be no way to challenge the results.
As the years passed, Cantrell and his deputies took full advantage of Tennessee law which gave the unscrupulous men a fee for each person arrested, jailed, and released. according to some accounts, the lawmen even pulled over buses that happened to pass through town, summarily arrested everyone on board for drunkenness — whether or not they actually were — in order to profit handily from their misfortune.
But such arrests and fines required paperwork — which meant traceable money — and to some degree hindered the men’s ability to rake in cash..."

Supreme Court rejects NCAA appeal of O’Bannon case

Supreme Court rejects NCAA appeal of O’Bannon case - The Washington Post:
"The U.S. Supreme Court will not hear the NCAA’s appeal of the Ed O’Bannon case, leaving in place lower court rulings that found amateurism rules for big-time college basketball and football players violated federal antitrust law.
The justices on Monday rejected the appeal in a class-action lawsuit originally filed by O’Bannon, a former UCLA basketball star, and other athletes.
...The effect of the high court action is to leave the NCAA vulnerable to more legal challenges that are working their way through the courts.
...In 2014, a U.S. district judge decided the NCAA’s use of names, images and likenesses of college athletes without compensation violated antitrust law.
Judge Claudia Wilken ruled schools could — but were not required to — pay football and men’s basketball players up to $5,000 per year.
The money would go into a trust and be available to the athletes after leaving college.
Wilken also ruled schools could increase the value of the athletic scholarship to meet the federal cost of attendance figure for each institution."

Lunch video-----United Nations panel says U S owes reparations for slavery


The Corrupt Clinton Foundation You've Never Heard Of | The Daily Caller

The Corrupt Clinton Foundation You've Never Heard Of | The Daily Caller:

"In classic Clinton style, he solemnly promised that his new nonprofit — called the American India Foundation (AIF) — would rebuild 100 villages. Rajat Gupta, his millionaire co-chairman, pledged $1 billion for the victims.

It never happened. Years later, AIF’s annual reports were reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation and show only seven villages were partially rebuilt by Clinton’s group, and a mere $2.7 million of $53 million raised over a decade went to the earthquake victims."

Everything they disagree with or have no clue about is RACIST!-----The Shifting Symbolism of the Gadsden Flag

The Shifting Symbolism of the Gadsden Flag - The New Yorker
"January of 2014, an African-American maintenance mechanic for the United States Postal Service in Denver filed a complaint charging that he had been subjected to racial discrimination.
Specifically, as a recent Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filing on the matter put it, one of the man’s co-workers “repeatedly wore a cap to work with an insignia of the Gadsden Flag.”
The cap design in question involves a coiled rattlesnake over the phrase “don’t tread on me,” against a yellow background.
You’ve seen it.
The Postal Service dismissed the complaint.
But, this summer, that decision was reversed by the E.E.O.C., which, after some procedural back-and-forth, ordered the agency to investigate the matter..."

Horrible Old Racist Uses Disgusting Triggering Language To Describe Undocumented Pre-Citizens

Ace of Spades HQ:
Horrible Old Racist Uses Disgusting Triggering Language To Describe Undocumented Pre-Citizens [CBD]
"Illegal Aliens!"
"Secure Our Borders More!"
"Illegal Hiring!"
"Criminal Aliens!"
"Barring Welfare Benefits!"
"Identify Illegal Aliens!"
"Abuse Of Our Immigration Laws!"

Our nation of wimps-----Creepy clown threat prompts Muskegon schools to enter soft lockdown

Creepy clown threat prompts Muskegon schools to enter soft lockdown | MLive.com: "MUSKEGON, MI –  The creepy clown trend has come to Muskegon, creating enough of a threat to prompt Muskegon Public Schools buildings to enter a "soft lockdown" Monday, according to the police chief.
A general threat made on social media by someone posing as a clown was made against Muskegon Public Schools, said Muskegon Police Chief Jeffrey Lewis.
The threat was "not very detailed," Lewis said, and police are trying to determine the source.
The person making the threat posed with a clown face that "I wouldn't want ... at my child's party," the chief said.
All buildings in the district were in a "soft lockdown," meaning students were kept inside, but people were free to come and go through the usual security measures that are in place, Lewis said.
"We're doing a cursory investigation," Lewis said.
"Obviously, we always look at these as real threats."
Police were increasing patrols around the school buildings, and staff were informed and told to be on alert for possible trouble, Lewis said.
The threat seemed to be specific to Monday, Oct. 3, he said.
"At this point we don't see a specific threat," he said.
"It's almost like they're indicting the schools.""

Colin Kaepernick’s 49ers are stunned as their home stadium roots for the Cowboys | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Colin Kaepernick’s 49ers are stunned as their home stadium roots for the Cowboys | John Hawkins' Right Wing News:

"Karma is sweet, especially if it leads to the complete and utter embarrassment of someone who insulted an entire nation of good people just to make a political statement and get some attention for himself because really, who knew this twerp’s name before he took a knee during the national anthem?

The Dallas cowboys are used to being the butt of many, many jokes, but for one night, it’s fair to say that they completely took over the 49er’s home stadium and showed them what happens when they disrespect America."

How Journalists Purge Peers Who Don't Lick Hillary Clinton's Boots

How Journalists Purge Peers Who Don't Lick Hillary Clinton's Boots:
"Media members use group-shaming tactics to either cow ideological defectors into submission, or expel them from their ranks.
This election year has been so perpetually obtuse, we’re no longer shocked by anything.
Image result for Hillary Clinton Media BiasIn 2008, journalists abdicated their investigative roles to usher in the “inevitable” Obama presidency. Today, they’re evolving further away from objectivity, and it’s no surprise to see national press outlets morphing into outright fan clubs for one candidate.
To display this new position they have staked in support of Hillary Clinton, I will endeavor a common media practice: creating a neologism.
A few years back at a party, I met the journalist who created the term “racial profiling.”
...On August 17, famed medic Doctor Drew Pinski made a guest appearance on the KABC talk show “McIntyre In The Morning.”
Pinski dared express deep concerns over Hillary’s health and the care she was receiving.
Hardly of the conspiratorial vein, Pinski’s comments sound rational and thoughtful, derived from a physician’s experience and empirical knowledge.
A week later, Pinski’s own TV show flatlined. 
CNN suddenly cancelled the six-year-old show, with a final broadcast on September 22.
Of course, the official statement from the network called the cancellation a mutual decision and other balloon gas.
But the abrupt mid-season cancellation transpired within a week of Pinski’s KABC appearance. KABC also pulled the interview from their website.
...Days after the good doctor was transformed from practitioner to pariah, The Huffington Post dispatched one of its own in similar fashion—and for similar reasons. 
Writer David Seaman also reported on the subject of Hillary’s health, discussing (and linking to) a YouTube post that detailed some of Hillary’s physical issues and garnered millions of views.
Shortly thereafter, as he details in his own video message, Seaman found his credentialed access to HuffPo revoked and his articles erased from the site.
Read on!

AM Fruitcake

History for October 4

History for October 4 - On-This-Day.com:
Rutherford B. Hayes (U.S.) 1822, Frederic S. Remington 1861, Damon Runyon 1884

Buster Keaton 1895, Charlton Heston 1924, Alvin Toffler 1928

1648 - The first volunteer fire department was established in New York by Peter Stuyvesant.

1931 - The comic strip "Dick Tracy" made its debut in the Detroit Daily Mirror. The strip was created by Chester Gould.

1953 - "I Led Three Lives" was first seen in syndication. The TV show was never on network.

1954 - "December Bride" debuted on CBS-TV.

1957 - "Leave it to Beaver" debuted on CBS-TV.

1957 - The Soviet Union launched Sputnik I into orbit around the Earth. Sputnik was the first manmade satellite to enter space. Sputnik I fell out of orbit on January 4, 1958.

1976 - Barbara Walters joined Harry Reasoner at the anchor desk of the "ABC Evening News" for the first time.

1993 - Dozens of Somalis dragged an American soldier through the streets of Mogadishu. A videotape showed Michael Durant being taken prisoner by Somali militants.

Monday, October 03, 2016

Several newspapers that endorsed Hillary Clinton for president have taken huge subscriber hits | TheBlaze.com

Several newspapers that endorsed Hillary Clinton for president have taken huge subscriber hits | TheBlaze.com:

"The Arizona Republic, one of Arizona’s largest newspapers, endorsed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton for president last week. The paper could have never imagined what followed.

According to the New York Times, who spoke with the paper’s editorial page editor, the paper received cancellation calls every 10 minutes following the endorsement."

Disgusting!-----Inside Bill Clinton’s secret ‘executive suite’ above library

Inside Bill Clinton’s secret ‘executive suite’ above library | New York Post:
"The top floor of the William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum is dominated by a 5,000-square-foot private residence that is strictly off limits to the public.
Image result for bill clinton womenThe apartment atop the 153,779-square-foot library is for the exclusive use of the Clinton family and looks out over the Arkansas River and the city of Little Rock, Ark.
The “executive suite,” as it is called in city records, was completed at the same time as the $165 million library in November 2004.
In 2007, Bill Clinton commissioned a 14,000-square-foot garden on the roof of the modern glass building.
It surrounds the penthouse and features 90 species of plants — including yellow roses, a favorite of his mom, Virginia Kelley..."

School orders 5-hour psych exam for student after he hands in anti-gun control presentation

School orders 5-hour psych exam for student after he hands in anti-gun control presentation | EAGnews.org:
"MANVILLE, N.J. – Manville High School senior Frank Harvey school officials are driving him out over an anti-gun control class presentation he received an “A” on last year.
Harvey was suspended Tuesday and ordered to undergo a five-hour psychological exam before he can return after he left a thumb drive in the school library that contained an anti-gun control presentation he gave as an assignment in April, NJ.com reports.
Someone found the thumb drive and turned it over to school officials, who then called police to interrogate the student.
“I’ve never been a violent person,” Harvey told News 12.
“I’ve never had detention in my life.”
The soft spoken senior told the news site he was tasked with presenting the anti-gun control point of view for his College and Career Readiness class, but his teacher from that class now contends she doesn’t recall the assignment.
“She said my project would be perfectly fine,” said Harvey, “I presented the video to the class and took a few questions from my classmates.
My presentation went over well.
The whole idea of the assignment was to expose students to an idea they hadn’t considered before.”
Police discussed the assignment with Harvey and concluded he did nothing wrong and declined to take action. 
But Harvey, and his mother Mary Vervan, said school officials refused to drop the issue and demanded that the student undergo a psychological exam before he can finish his senior year, News  reports..."
Read on!!!

Massages, red wine, and other secrets from a Bill Clinton intern | New York Post

Massages, red wine, and other secrets from a Bill Clinton intern | New York Post:

"They strolled out onto Clinton’s penthouse terrace, his friend carrying a tumbler of Johnnie Walker Black, Bill with a glass of red wine, which his doctor had prescribed for his heart.

“You’re right, this e-mail thing is spiraling out of control,” the adviser said, according to his recollection of the meeting, which he later shared with the author of this book.

“From what I know of the case,” he went on, “she’s extremely vulnerable. It involves not only the FBI and the Justice Department, but two inspectors general in the intelligence community and the inspector general of the State Department. There are a number of statutes that she appears to have violated and national security laws that she may have breached.”

He took out several sheets of paper and began reading from a long list that amounted to a bill of indictment."