Thursday, October 06, 2016

On the NBC News "US News" main page all day Wed.-----Gender-Specific Rules Won't Allow Girl to Run for Homecoming King

Gender-Specific Rules Won't Allow Girl to Run for Homecoming King - NBC News:
"An Albuquerque high school student says the gender on her birth certificate is stopping her from running for homecoming king."

Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Side Deals -- FBI & Department of Justice Politicized | National Review

Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Side Deals -- FBI & Department of Justice Politicized | National Review:

"These revelations are outlined in a letter Chairman Goodlatte penned yesterday to Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Goodlatte says his committee learned of the side deals upon reviewing the immunity agreements, which have not been made public. That review naturally prompted a demand by the committee to see the side deals, which — for reasons unexplained — the Justice Department elected not to provide when it gave the committee access to the immunity agreements. The side deals have also not been made public."

NJ Cop Doubles Pension After Spending Nine Years on Paid Leave

NJ Cop Doubles Pension After Spending Nine Years on Paid Leave - Hit & Run :
"Despite not having to show up for work since June 2007, Manuel Avila received periodic increases in pay, managed to double his monthly pension and qualified for free healthcare for the rest of his life at the expense of city taxpayers.
Avila qualified for all those benefits while spending the past nine years on paid leave from the Paterson, New Jersey, police department because he was under investigation for having sex with a female prisoner at the city's jail. 
It gets worse, though, because that crime would never have happened if Avila's bosses hadn't already been trying to give his retirement benefits a little boost.
The Paterson Press and have the details on how Avila—apparently with plenty of help, or at least an abundance of people willing to look the other way—was able to boost his annual pension to about $70,000 from an estimated $32,000 if he had been forced to retire in 2007 when a police psychiatrist recommended removi
ng Avila from the force.
"But instead of forcing Avila out of the police department, city law enforcement officials decided to allow him to stay on the job for another six months so he could reach a critical pension milestone of 20 years, the court records show," the Paterson Press wrote.
While there, he was charged with sexually assaulting a female prisoner. 
Those charges were dropped in 2010 after the city paid an undisclosed amount of money to the accuser as part of a settlement, but Avila remained on paid leave from the department until finally retiring this year.
The paper reports that state records show Avila's salary was $105,364 on June 1 of this year.
In 2007, his salary had been $80,740, according to state records.
Even though Avila's pension payment hasn't been made public yet—the board responsible for that says the paperwork is still being processed—the paper estimated that Avila will get about $70,000 a year, up from about $32,000 a year if he had been forced to retire in 2007..."

AM Fruitcake

History for October 6

Image result for thomas edison quotes
History for October 6 -
George Westinghouse 1846 - Founder of Westinghouse Electric Company and invented railway braking systems, Reginald Fessenden 1866, Florence Seibert 1897

Helen Wills Moody 1905, Carole Lombard 1908, Elisabeth Shue 1963

1848 - The steamboat SS California left New York Harbor for San Francisco via Cape Horn. The steamboat service arrived on February 28, 1849. The trip took 4 months and 21 days.

1866 - The Reno Brothers pulled the first train robbery in America near Seymour, IN. The got away with $10,000.

1889 - The Kinescope was exhibited by Thomas Edison. He had patented the moving picture machine in 1887.

1890 - Polygamy was outlawed by the Mormon Church.

1939 - Adolf Hitler denied any intention to wage war against Britain and France in an address to Reichstag.

1961 - U.S. president John F. Kennedy advised American families to build or buy bomb shelters to protect them in the event of a nuclear exchange with the Soviet Union.

1962 - Robert Goulet began the role of Sir Lancelot in "Camelot".

1973 - Egypt and Syria attacked Israel in an attempt to win back territory that had been lost in the third Arab-Israel war. Support for Israel led to a devastating oil embargo against many nations including the U.S. and Great Britain on October 17, 1973. The war lasted 2 weeks.

Wednesday, October 05, 2016



War on Truth

By Tammy Derouin

Truth and logic are no longer part of the political equation.  For the Left, they have become pesky, annoying inconvenient truths.  When the facts don’t add up in their favor or when the truth threatens their agenda, an all-out war gets underway.

We now live in a world where the desired outcome is predetermined.  Actions and deeds play out as if they were scripted.  The truth is no longer relevant.  In fact, if the truth does manage to find its way to the surface, a political task force rushes to the scene, destroys the evidence, scrubs and sanitizes the damning mess and resets the scene to their liking.  Media outlets all across the nation are ready to redirect our attention while a new reality is under construction.

There once was a time when you could rely on the truth to set the record straight.  Justice is dependent upon truth.  When it’s revealed but ignored, justice does not exist.  Our government has repeatedly ignored the truth and has sought to conceal it. The war on truth is a continuous, tiresome battle for the Left.  They are fully aware that facts will destroy them, which is why they attack so feverishly. Their existence is depended upon lies and uninformed constituents.

The lack of concern for the crimes of our current administration is disgraceful..... 

The Real Reasons Democrats Fight School Choice and Charter Schools

The Real Reasons Democrats Fight School Choice and Charter Schools
"There is no valid argument against school choice or charter schools.
Zip, zero, ze.
Even people on the left acknowledge the public school system blows chunks. 
Hence their constant cries for more funding.
Because right behind those appeals to emotion, the leftists’ favorite pastime is throwing money at a problem.
Not their money, though.
Your money.
What were you going to do with it anyway?
Put it toward your child’s education?
But what the left never wants to discuss is how denying school choice hurts one of their favorite victim classes. 
No, not Muslims.
The next favorite victim group.
No, not the transgenders.
Okay, the third favorite victim group.
The “poor” and “downtrodden” get tossed under the school bus.
They are merely sacrifices at the altar of teachers’ unions.
Unions in 2016, by the way, are little more than a Democrat money laundering scheme. 
It is not a mean senator or congressmen who is pro-school choice that’s preventing your wee one from getting a better education.
A rich (yes rich) teachers’ union is preventing little Johnny or little Janey from learning their multiplication tables. 
Or Jamal.
Read on!

VA Suicide Hotline Reform Bill Passes House, Reid Crushes It

VA Suicide Hotline Reform Bill Passes House, Reid Crushes It | The Daily Caller:
"A bill to reform the Department of Veterans Affairs suicide hotline sailed unanimously through the House last week, until Senate Democratic Minority Leader Harry Reid blocked the legislation and refused to let it come to the floor for a voice vote.
Image result for harry reid cartoonThe House approved GOP Rep. David Young’s bill last Monday by a vote of 357-0. Young introduced the legislation after hearing numerous complaints from constituents that the Veterans Crisis Line, designed to provide support for veterans feeling suicidal, simply failed to answer emails or calls.
The bipartisan bill passed the House without a hitch and Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar teamed up with GOP Sen. John Thune to move the legislation through the Senate.
Both majority and minority staff on the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs cleared the bill,..
...Republicans have referred to Reid’s actions as obstructionism, with some speculating his recent decisions on legislation are retaliation in response to refusal to move forward with Judge Merrick Garland, President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.
Reid has played the same move on numerous bills.
...Recently released data from the VA show that approximately 20 veterans commit suicide every day.
A report from the Government Accountability Office has provided credence to constituent complaints, finding that almost 30 percent of texts to the hotline went unanswered..."

After marching band members take knee during national anthem, college issues declaration | Video |

After marching band members take knee during national anthem, college issues declaration | Video |

"Director of Athletic Bands William Staub, director of the School of Music Chris Ulffers, and dean of the College of Fine Arts and Communication Dr. Chris Buddo issued a statement Monday, blasting the students’ behavior and vowing that it won’t happen again.

“College is about learning, and it is our expectation that the members of the Marching Pirates will learn from this experience and fulfill their responsibilities. While we affirm the right of all our students to express their opinions, protests of this nature by the Marching Pirates will not be tolerated moving forward,” the statement read."

At $19 trillion and growing, the national debt is threatening to harm our economy

Ask for a Plan:
"At $19 trillion and growing, the national debt is threatening to harm our economy.
In just over a decade, interest on the debt will become our third largest federal program — crowding out investments in critical programs like education, infrastructure, and R&D. "Image result for us national debt

OMG! Clowns!!!-----Boy injured, 2 women frightened by clowns in separate Sterling...

Boy injured, 2 women frightened by clowns in separate Sterling...:
"A boy was injured Tuesday evening by a man dressed as a clown in the Sterling Estates mobile home park, police said.
Police said the clown placed a butter knife on the boy's arm.
It's unclear if the clown purposely cut the boy or if the boy was cut when he moved away from the knife.
"He had red hair and a red nose and a mask on," Justin said.
"He grabbed my wrist and then he used the other hand to, he dragged the knife on my arm slowly."
The incident happened around 7 p.m., police said.
**READ: Texas schools beef up security after creepy clown threats**
Sterling Heights detectives are investigating at the scene.
Tracking dogs are out and detectives are on the street searching for the man. 
Police said clown sightings are no longer amusing.
Justin's mother called police.
Shortly after she called 911, about two miles away, another 911 call came in from two women.
The women reported that three men dressed as clowns scared them with baseball bats.
The women said the clowns lunged at them, so they took off.
**INSIDE EDITION: 11-year-old girl arrested for taking knife to school as protection against clowns**
**RELATED: Creepy clowns now menacing children in Georgia as sightings expand"**

Lunch video-----SAVE THE DAY Response

Leonardo DiCaprio: Climate change deniers ‘should not be allowed to hold public office’ | Video |

Leonardo DiCaprio: Climate change deniers ‘should not be allowed to hold public office’ | Video |

"During remarks about his new documentary “Before the Flood” at the White House’s South by South Lawn event celebrating and encouraging innovation, DiCaprio said, “We must empower leaders who not only believe in climate change but are willing to do something about it.”

“The scientific consensus is in and the argument is now over,” DiCaprio said. “If you do not believe in climate change, you do not believe in facts or in science or empirical truths and, therefore, in my humble opinion, should not be allowed to hold public office.”"

When good intentions degenerate into rent-seeking

When good intentions degenerate into rent-seeking:
"The term "rent-seeking" needs to gain greater currency. 
The term shows how more regulation and more government micro-management stifle opportunities for ordinary citizens, and how bureaucracies accumulate more power at everyone else's expense.
Rent-seeking occurs when a political faction or particular economic interest uses its clout with government to hobble competitors, so it can raise prices without offering a better product. 
Rent-seeking is related to, but more specific than, the vague term "crony capitalism."
Rent-seeking doesn't have to be a deliberate attempt to bribe lawmakers or regulators. 
It can consist of recognizing an opportunity and seizing the advantage. 
Activists blocking the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to Kansas provide a textbook case. Pipelines are the safest, most economical way to transport oil, gas, and many other fluids. 
Oil is a global commodity with valuable efficient uses, few of which are easily substituted. 
Because the oil business is global, demand for oil is not determined by access to any one pool.
Image result for rent seekingUnfortunately, Keystone XL became a political football, and completion was stymied by activists and pliant politicians in the Obama administration. 
Oil is still being produced in Canada and shipped to U.S. refineries, but in rail cars that are more expensive and accident-prone. 
Most of the tank cars travel on a railroad owned by Warren Buffett, who benefits while consumers and the environment endure higher costs and higher risks. 
Buffett is in effect a rent-seeker.
Two of the referendum questions on this election's Massachusetts ballot are troublesome examples of rent-seeking. 
Question 2 seeks to expand use of charter schools in the commonwealth. 
Principal opponents are teachers' unions and administrators who see charters as a threat to their traditional dominance. 
Potential beneficiaries are students and parents who might enjoy more choices within public education. 
...Rent-seeking nearly always cements entrenched power against the interests of people with fewer advantages. 
Put on your thinking caps and you'll recognize similar patterns on many issues. 
An electorate devoted to liberty, opportunity and uplift of the unfortunate should not promote rent-seeking."

Students told not to use term 'Greek Life' because of 'cultural appropriation'

Students told not to use term 'Greek Life' because of 'cultural appropriation' - The College Fix
"Students involved in a fraternity or sorority at the University of California Merced have been instructed not to use the terms “Greek,” “rush” or “pledge” because they are “appropriating Greek culture” and are “non-inclusive,” several students told The College Fix.
In particular, they’ve been told:
Replace “Greek Life” with “Fraternity and Sorority Life”
Replace “rush” with “recruitment”
Replace “pledge” with “potential new member”
“Greek Life” is an ubiquitous term that for decades has represented and encompassed fraternity and sorority activities and organizations nationwide on college campuses.
But in recent years, fraternities and sororities have come under intense pressure and scrutiny by campus leadership — students and administrators alike.
The groups are frequently charged with cultural appropriation for the themed parties and fundraisers they host.
At UC Merced, the students said the prohibition of the term “Greek” has been handed down largely by Fraternity and Sorority Life staff coordinator Richard Arquette, who did not respond to repeated requests seeking comment.
....The word “rush” was last used in the 2011-2012 academic year.
Its use was prohibited because it “promoted a negative stereotype of fraternities and sororities.”
The word “pledge” was last used in 2012 because it is considered “a form of hazing.”
Arquette now strongly discourages the use of the word “Greek.”
The student, a former member of the Fraternity & Sorority Council who asked to remain anonymous because he didn’t want to run the risk of his fraternity being punished, told The Fix that Arquette told students in Fall 2015 that using Greek Life is “appropriating of Greek culture, perpetuated bad stereotypes, and not an inclusive term...”

Liberal Chick-fil-A hysterics reach a whole new level of bizarre

Liberal Chick-fil-A hysterics reach a whole new level of bizarre
"The intolerant liberal Chick-fil-A hate has reached a whole new level of bizarre hysterics.
Democrats in Pinellas County, Fla., are up in arms over the county supervisor of elections’ decision to hold voter registration drives at nine Chick-fil-A locations.
The point of contention, Mark Puente reports for the Tampa Bay Times, is that Chick-fil-A is “known for putting faith ahead of profits” and “supports conservative causes.” Therefore, holding a voter registration drive at its locations would ruin the integrity of the election.
Chick Fil A store"Susan McGrath, leader of the Stonewall Democrats and head of the Pinellas Democratic Party, said the decision to use Chick-fil-A would be similar to a Democratic supervisor of elections holding the event at Planned Parenthood,” writes Puente. Said McGrath: “it might be more transparent to hold the voter drives at the Republican Party headquarters.”
Ummm …
  1. OK, cool. So we’re finally admitting that Planned Parenthood is definitely an arm of the Democratic Party?
  2. Wait … we’re comparing a chicken sandwich joint to America’s number one provider of abortions?
In case you’re wondering, McGrath has accounted for the obvious logical objection to her characterization of Chick-fil-A as a Republican voter recruitment factory (and not a chicken sandwich joint).
"While some Democrats may occasionally dine at Chick-fil-A (and perhaps even members of the LGBT community), the coordination of Pinellas voter registration activities with this right-leaning business very clearly conveys that your office is targeting Republican-leaning voters," McGrath wrote to the supervisor of elections.
That’s a bulletproof argument right there, folks. Some Democrats “may occasionally dine at Chick-fil-A,” but Chick-fil-A is “clearly” an arm of the Republican Party (and not a chicken sandwich joint).
It’s not a new thing for liberals and progressives to hate on Chick-fil-A. But to compare a chicken sandwich joint to an abortion mill? Really?

Obama amnesty shot down – again!

Obama amnesty shot down – again!:

"For the second time, and without comment, the U.S. Supreme Court has rejected President Obama’s tactic of granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens through administrative actions.

The high court on Monday declined to revisit the dispute, as the White House had wanted.

Fox News reported the case might still return to the Supreme Court at a later date but almost certainly not while Obama is president.

The issue has been percolating throughout Obama’s tenure in the White House. He repeatedly stated he alone didn’t have the authority to change America’s immigration laws to allow amnesty for millions of illegals and tried to pressure Congress to take action."

Tilt-Rotor Drone, On Display at Army Show

Tilt-Rotor Drone, On Display at Army Show | Defensetech:
"Textron Inc.’s Bell Helicopter unit on Monday touted its just unveiled tilt-rotor drone program for the Marine Corps, along with its V-280 Valor tilt-rotor entrant in the Army’s Joint Multi-Role Technology Demonstrator competition.
(Illustration of V-247 drone tilt-rotor aircraft courtesy Bell Helicopter)
...Tobin, a retired Army lieutenant colonel and AH-64 Apache gunship pilot, said the ship-based Vigilant would weigh about 29,000 pounds, have a 37-foot fuselage and a 65-foot wingspan — about the size of the Air Force‘s medium-altitude drone MQ-9 Reaper.
The advantage of the Vigilant, based on the technology of the MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft, is that it eliminates the need to be land-based to provide what Bell called “lethal reach and runway independence,” Tobin said.
The V-247 would cruise at 250 knots, the same as the V-22, allowing the Vigilant to serve as an armed Osprey escort, he said."

AM Fruitcake

History for October 5

History for October 5 -
Chester A. Arthur (U.S.) 1830, Robert H. Goddard 1882 - Known as the "Father of the Space Age", Ray Kroc 1902 - Businessman (McDonalds)

Bill Dana 1924, Vaclav Havel (Czechoslovakia) 1936, Karen Allen 1951
Image result for Vaclav Havel QuotesImage result for Karen Allen Young

1813 - Chief Tecumseh of the Shawnee Indians was killed at the Battle of Thames when American forced defeated the British and the allied Indian warriors.

1919 - Enzo Ferrari debuted in his first race. He later founded the Auto Avio Construzioni Ferrari, an independent manufacturing company.
Image result for 1919 - Enzo Ferrari debuted in his first race.

1930 - Laura Ingalls became the first woman to make a transcontinental airplane flight.
Image result for 1930 - Laura Ingalls

1947 - U.S. President Harry S Truman held the first televised presidential address from the White House. The subject was the current international food crisis.

1955 - The play "The Diary of Anne Frank" opened at the Cort Theatre in New York.
Image result for 1955 - The play "The Diary of Anne Frank"

1969 - "Monty Python's Flying Circus" debuted on BBC television.

1991 - Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev announced that his country would cut its nuclear arsenal in response to the arms reduction that was initiated by U.S. President George Bush.

1998 - The U.S. paid $60 million for Russia's research time on the international space station to keep the cash-strapped Russian space agency afloat.