Thursday, October 13, 2016


Washington Post fact checks Obama’s claim that ‘a whole bunch of people who are in charge’ at VA were fired |

Washington Post fact checks Obama’s claim that ‘a whole bunch of people who are in charge’ at VA were fired |

"The Washington Post has given four “Pinocchios” to President Barack Obama’s claim that his administration has fired many of the people running various VA facilities that were at the heart of wait-time scandals regarding the poor treatment of American veterans — meaning the commander in chief’s statement was completely untrue."

University of Michigan Students Monitored for Cultural Sensitivity

University of Michigan Students Monitored for Cultural Sensitivity | National Review
"The University of Michigan is going to start using an “Intercultural Development Inventory” to monitor its students “cultural sensitivity levels” as part of its new $85 million diversity initiative — and it’s pretty clearly an irresponsible use of money.
The point of the inventory — which is explained in this very creepy video — is, according to the school website, to judge students’ “ability to shift cultural perspective and appropriately adapt behavior to cultural differences and commonalities,” give students a “customized learning plan and a variety of intercultural training opportunities designed to improve cross-cultural engagement by targeting specific areas for skill development and increased personal capacity” based on their answers, and then test them again later to see if they’ve “improved.”  
According to an article in the school’s official newspaper, The Michigan Daily, the school plans to spend $85 million on diversity initiatives over the next five years — in addition to the $40 million it’s already allotted to spend annually — at a school where tuition has increased 3.9 percent this year..."

Election Update: Men and women are different?!!!

Election Update: Women Are Defeating Donald Trump | FiveThirtyEight


Anyone who says we're enduring "unprecedented global warming" is lying or woefully misinformed

Anyone who says we're enduring "unprecedented global warming" is lying or woefully misinformed - Ice Age Now:
It is colder right now than throughout almost all of history.

Look at this chart. The blue line shows temperatures for the past 600 million years.
Temperature and CO2 thru time
Look at the far right side of the chart (today), and you’ll see that blue line plunge to its lowest point in almost 250 million years.
There have been only two periods in the past 600 million years when it has been colder than today.
Right now, today, we are living through one of the coldest periods in geologic history. The last few year’s minor rise in temperature is too minuscule to even show up on the chart.
Anyone who says we’re enduring “unprecedented global warming” is lying or woefully misinformed.

How dumb does Washington think we all are? | New York Post

How dumb does Washington think we all are? | New York Post:

"How dumb do Washington bureaucrats think you are? Really amazingly dumb. Now we have hard data to prove it.

Instead of polling Americans about Washington again, a pair of academics at Johns Hopkins tried something new — polling Washington about Americans. What they found was a combination of ignorance, contempt and disdain."

Maryland students pay for their own sexual witch hunts with new Title IX fee

Maryland students pay for their own sexual witch hunts with new Title IX fee - The College Fix
Rape-prevention training doesn’t work, Title IX director admits
Taking a page from the Democratic Party’s new platform language in favor of taxpayer-funded abortions, University of Maryland student leaders have decided that accused students should pay for their own prosecutions.
BuzzFeed reports the Student Government Association approved a $34 fee that students must pay every year, which is expected to nearly double the budget of the Title IX office.
...The Title IX office is only two years old, but its budget jumped from $643,000 the first year to $1.01 million the second.
It’s still not enough for Director Catherine Carroll, whose gripes before student leaders about the average investigation length – 140 business days – led them to approve the mandatory student fee two weeks ago..."

AM Fruitcake

History for October 13

History for October 13 -
Molly Pitcher (Mary Hays McCauley) 1744, Rudolf Carl Virchow 1821 - Doctor, pathologist, biogist, Herblock (Herbert Lawrence Block) 1909 - Editorial cartoonist

Lenny Bruce (Leonard Alfred Schneider) 1925 - Comedian, satirist, Margaret Thatcher 1925 - Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Paul Simon 1941 - Musician

1775 - The U.S. Continental Congress ordered the construction of a naval fleet.

1792 - The cornerstone of the Executive Mansion was laid in Washington, DC. The building became known as the White House in 1818.

1812 - American forces were defeated at the Battle of Queenstown Heights. The British victory effectively ended an further U.S. invasion of Canada.

1843 - B'nai B'rith, the Jewish organization, was founded by Henry Jones and eleven others in New York City, NY.

1951 - In Atlanta, GA, a football with a rubber covering was used for the first time. Georgia Tech beat Louisiana State 25-7.

1957 - Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra introduced the Ford Edsel on an hour long special.

1960 - The World Series ended on a home run for the first time. Bill Mazeroski's homerun allowed the Pirates to beat the Yankees.

1992 - A commercial flight record was set by an Air France supersonic jetliner for circling the Earth in 33 hours and one minute.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016



Fierce Loyalty

By Tammy Derouin

One reason our country has taken such a downward turn is that we allowed our history to slip away.  The American educational system began to disregard the importance of our existence.  This is so abundantly clear when today’s students cannot answer the most basic questions on American History.

Why did it become necessary for the colonist to sever their ties with an oppressive form of governance?  When did events take place which set us on our path to freedom?  What documents declare and protect our rights?  What personal sacrifices had to be made to guarantee our God given rights for future generations?  Why have we allowed such sacred gifts, our personal freedom, to slip away?

Our government is on a mission to destroy our freedom and to enslave us as a nation.  Our government has become the enemy of the American people.  Because we have forgotten and neglected to teach the importance of our history, we have veered way off course.  The powers that be have found a way to let the citizens themselves, destroy their very own freedom.  They are encouraging the destructive path which will eventually lead to our future prison. When history isn’t known or understood, you begin to self-inflict the very wounds which will eventually destroy you.  You become your own worst enemy. 

We take pride in the things that are important to us and instill that pride in our children.  Before you can have pride in something, you have to be taught to understand their value.  Some things are trivial.  The outcome of a game will not have a direct impact on life.  The loss of country, however, will have a devastating impact on everyone’s life.

Perhaps the largest groups, these days, of acceptable pride is with schools, teams and professional sports.  High school days may not have been perfect but there is a certain amount of pride you take with you for the rest of your life.  People argue and defend university colors, seemingly to the death.  What determines such fierce loyalty, especially for those who have no direct connection?  What draws us to certain sports teams and players?  Not one of these entities is perfect...... 

Duke University Has Institutionalized Systemic Brophobia

Duke University Has Institutionalized Systemic Brophobia:
"I wrote recently about the virulent new campus threat of “brophobia.”
This is a somewhat tongue-in-cheek borrowing of the style and terminology of campus crusades against “homophobia,” but it serves to underscore the hypocrisy.
Image result for Masculinity Is BadThe same people who plead for “tolerance” have adopted the practice of taking a large minority of the population—biological males who identify as masculine—and describing their sexual preference and gender identity as “toxic.”
This brophobia is now so rampant, casual, and unchecked on our college campuses that it is becoming—what’s the word I’m looking for?—oh, yes, it’s becoming “systemic.”
The practice of demonizing men for their gender identity is being institutionalized.
A Claremont College student group recently hosted a “workshop” at a university “safe space” to discuss “the mental health problems caused by masculinity.”
The group’s Facebook page described its agenda this way: “Masculinity can be extremely toxic to our mental health, both to the people who are pressured to perform it and the people who are inevitably influenced by it.”
A man who attended the event—it’s a little unclear from the reporting whether he was the only one—told the Claremont Independent “that there was ‘a common consensus that masculinity is harmful both to those who express it and those affected by it’ among attendees...”

BROADDRICK: No, he held me down for a long time. And then he did it again...

As I Was Saying... :: SteynOnline
"...My view of Hillary hasn't changed in decades (she's the stinkingly corrupt enabler of a depraved sexual monster) and my view of Trump hasn't changed since I wrote about him a couple of weeks after he entered the race.
Sorry, I decline to play by Washington Post rules. 
Every GOP nominee is a sexist pig: last time round, it was poor blameless Mitt with his "binders full of women" and his long track record of giving cancer to laid-off workers' wives. 
The fact that this particular nominee for once actually is a vainglorious sexist is not even interesting in a media stopped-clock kind of way - because Trump has more or less been advertising the fact on the Howard Stern show for a quarter-century. 
So the story is chiefly of note as a near parodic example of the ludicrously lop-sided standards applied to Democrats and Republicans: 
I mean, the alternative to a Trump victory is the restoration to the White House of a credibly accused rapist and serial abuser, accompanied by the woman who has gleefully trashed his victims for 40 years. 
This race would be very different if Juanita Broaddrick and "You might want to put some ice on that" had received a thousandth of the media coverage given to Alicia Machado and "Miss Piggy":
In 1998 I was covering the impeachment trial in the US Senate for the UK Telegraph and Canada's National Post and various other non-US outlets when Juanita Broaddrick's story bubbled up around the Capitol. 
NBC's Lisa Myers:
The good news is you're credible. The bad news is you're very credible.
But Ms Myers' colleagues throughout the American media covered their eyes and ears. 
And they've been covering them for almost 20 years:
BROADDRICK: I was completely dressed. I had a skirt and a blouse. He tore the waist of my skirt. And then he ripped my pantyhose. And he raped me. It was very vicious. I was just pinned down... I did not know what to do. I was so frightened. I was only 35 at the time. And it was horrible. I just wanted it to be over with. So he would go away.
KLEIN: He got up?
BROADDRICK: No, he held me down for a long time. And then he did it again. I was so ready for him to leave me alone, when he started raping me again. And it was very brief... And he did get up and he straightened himself. And my mouth was bleeding and it was hurting. And he just straightens himself and goes to the door.
KLEIN: With you still on the bed?
BROADDRICK: Yes, crying. He straightens himself and he goes to the door. And puts on his sunglasses. And tells me to get some ice on that on my lip. And goes out the door... He would push down on my left clavicle and it hurt so much I thought my clavicle was gonna break. And my lip was just ballooning out four times the size that it should have been.
KLEIN: While he was raping you?
This is the man pearl-clutching Republicans are abandoning a vulgar braggart for - in order to install a rapist as "First Gentleman"...

BOMBSHELL EMAIL: Clinton Camp "Demands" "Compliant Citizenry" for Her Master Plan

BOMBSHELL EMAIL: Clinton Camp "Demands" "Compliant Citizenry" for Her Master Plan:

"An email released in the recent Wikileaks dump laid out Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s real plan for the future — and it didn’t include justice, equality or fairness. Instead, Clinton’s plan for the future revolved around maintaining political power while working to create an “unaware” and “compliant” citizenry."

News - Lawsuit Targets ‘Climate Alarmism Enterprise’

News - Lawsuit Targets ‘Climate Alarmism Enterprise’ | Heartland Institute:
"Mathematician and software engineer Leonid Goldstein is suing more than 40 environmental groups, green investment funds, and foundations who he says is a “climate alarmism enterprise,” committing fraud, racketeering and witness tampering.
Mathematician and software engineer Leonid Goldstein filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas on September 12, 2016, against what he says is a “climate alarmism enterprise” (CAE).
The alleged CAE consists of more then 40 environmental groups, green investment funds, and foundations, who Goldstein’s filing states are “engaged in a long-term criminal scheme, involving a false claim that anthropogenic release (or emissions) of carbon dioxide caused a dangerous ‘global warming’ or a dangerous ‘climate change,’ and persecution of the dissidents or demanding government actions, based on this false claim, including money transfer.”
Goldstein says CAE has broken multiple laws and violated ethics by bribing, retaliating against, and tampering with witnesses, bribing public officials, and embezzling trillions of dollars from pension and welfare plans and social security.
...“As a letter sent to Democratic attorneys general threating to prosecute climate skeptics from a number of Republican attorneys general points out, if global warming skeptics can be prosecuted under statutes targeting organized crime for underestimating the risks of climate change, then global warming alarmists could be prosecuted for exaggerating the risks of climate change,” said Ebell.
“Alarmists could also be prosecuted for denying or grossly underestimating the deleterious effects of their energy-rationing policies on human flourishing.
“Millions of poor people … will be further impoverished by the higher energy prices resulting from the alarmists’ policy agenda,” Ebell said.
“Poverty is a lot worse for people’s health and well-being than warmer temperatures.”"

Hmmm. Don't need profits. Don't need kids able to read. Just show up and collect the money-----Look up the salary of your Michigan school superintendent

Look up the salary of your Michigan school superintendent |
Image result for overpaid"Michigan school superintendents have a compensation package worth an average of $171,311, based on information collected by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.
That includes a base salary that averages about $120,000 plus insurance coverage, districts' mandatory payment to the Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System, or MPSERS, and other benefits.
The numbers do not include districts' share of Social Security and Medicare taxes..."

Plus 42 paid days off!

Lunch video-----Irish Olymic Sailing commentator has no idea - funny to watch though


24 Hours After Last Nights Debate, Mike Rowe Makes A Huge Confession On What He Sees Wrong With This Election

24 Hours After Last Nights Debate, Mike Rowe Makes A Huge Confession On What He Sees Wrong With This Election:

"“The undeniable reality is this: our right to vote does not require any understanding of current events, or any awareness of how our government works. So, when a celebrity reminds the country that ‘everybody’s vote counts,’ they are absolutely correct. But when they tell us that ‘everybody in the country should get out there and vote,’ regardless of what they think or believe, I gotta wonder what they’re smoking.”"

Wikileaks Release: Hillary Clinton Press Sec Says Gun Control to Be Implemented by Executive Order

Wikileaks Release: Hillary Clinton Press Sec Says Gun Control to Be Implemented by Executive Order - Breitbart:
"The batch of emails released by Wikileaks on October 7 includes one in which Hillary Clinton press secretary Brian Fallon explained that Clinton “would support…closing the gun show loophole by executive order.”
Fallon also highlighted Clinton’s support of universal background checks–which have already failed in California, Colorado, Washington state, and Paris–and her support for a scenario wherein victims of crime would be able to sue gun manufacturers.
...Breitbart News has previously reported that Clinton pledged gun control by executive order.
She began pushing executive gun control right after the shooting in the Umpqua Community College gun free zone.
That incident occurred on October 1, 2015, three days before Fallon’s email that Clinton “would support…closing the gun show loophole by executive order.”
This is in line with a Washington Post report that Clinton wants to use executive orders “to go further than Obama” went  on gun control.
...Her plan to open gun manufacturers to lawsuits by crime victims will not reduce crime either, but it will bankrupt–and eventually end–gun manufacturing in the United States..."

Whom Are You Going to Believe? Media Fact Checkers or Your Lying Ears.

Whom Are You Going to Believe? Media Fact Checkers or Your Lying Ears. | Frontpage Mag:

Media fact checkers perform a vital function. 
They're opinion editorials that are labeled as facts. 
They have as much in common with facts as 1984's Ministry of Truth
They find ways to declare that the truth is a lie and a lie is the truth.
But Politico's own version of Fact Check (every self-respecting lefty media outlet has to have one now) known as the Wrongometer has gone one better. 
It's declared that an audio tape of Hillary Clinton laughing about getting off a 12-year-old girl's rapist is not a fact.
Here's Zack Stanton, "Trump is wrong: Hillary Clinton did not laugh about the rape of a 12-year-old"

"It is totally false to say that Hillary Clinton laughed about the rape of a 12-year-old. And it has been thoroughly debunked."
Well so long as it's been thoroughly debunked. That way no one has to worry about it and we can instead focus on how awful Trump is and why major celebrities would like us to vote for Hillary. You know, serious journalism.
And yet, oddly enough, here's the tape of Hillary laughing.
“It was a fascinating case, it was a very interesting case,” Clinton says in the recording. “This guy was accused of raping a 12-year-old. Course he claimed that he didn’t, and all this stuff."
“I had him take a polygraph, which he passed – which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,” she added with a laugh.
Clinton can also be heard laughing at several points when discussing the crime lab’s accidental destruction of DNA evidence that tied Taylor to the crime.
In a July 28, 1975, court affidavit, Clinton wrote that she had been informed the young girl was “emotionally unstable” and had a “tendency to seek out older men and engage in fantasizing.”
And Kathy Shelton, the girl who was raped and beaten into a coma, whom Hillary had accused of being a lying slut in court, she has a different view than the fact checkers too.
A child rape victim says she cannot forgive Hillary Clinton for defending her rapist in court 40 years ago, saying the Democratic presidential candidate attacked her credibility despite knowing that her assailant was guilty – and  later laughed about it in a taped interview.
Taylor pleaded down to 'unlawful fondling of a minor' and served less than a year in prison after Clinton was able to block the admission of forensic evidence that linked her client to the crime.
Shelton said Clinton accused her during the case of 'seeking out older men', and demanded that the 12-year-old undergo a grueling court-ordered psychiatric examination to determine whether she was 'mentally unstable'.
'I heard you on tape laughing,' said Shelton. 'I just want to know, you've got a daughter and a grandbaby. What happens if that daughter of yours, if that would have been her [who was assaulted at age 12]?'
'Because after laughing on that tape, she's pretty much stuck in knowing that she lied, knowing that it happened to me. And that tape's out there to be listened to by anybody.'
But lefties only say that we have to believe rape victims when they're not accusing the Clintons. Otherwise we "fact check" them out of existence.
But the tape is indeed out there to be listened to anyone. And Americans will have to decide whether to trust the media's fact checkers or their own lying ears.