Sunday, October 16, 2016

History for October 16

History for October 16 -
Noah Webster 1758, Oscar Wilde 1854, David Ben-Gurion 1886

Eugene O'Neill 1888, Charles Colson 1931, Suzanne Somers (Mahoney) 1946

1793 - During the French Revolution, Queen Marie Antoinette was beheaded after being convicted of treason.

1859 - Abolitionist John Brown led a raid on Harper's Ferry, VA (now located in West Virginia).

1916 - Margaret Sanger opened the first birth control clinic in New York City, NY.

1941 - The Nazis advanced to within 60 miles of Moscow. Romanians entered Odessa, USSR, and began exterminating 150,000 Jews.

1962 - U.S. President Kennedy was informed that there were missile bases in Cuba, beginning the Cuban missile crisis.

1964 - China detonated its first atomic bomb becoming the world's fifth nuclear power.

1982 - China announced that it had successfully fired a ballistic missile from a submarine.

1987 - Rescuers freed Jessica McClure from the abandoned well that she had fallen into in Midland, TX. The was trapped for 58 hours.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

FBI Agents Wanted To Prosecute Hillary Clinton | The Daily Caller

FBI Agents Wanted To Prosecute Hillary Clinton | The Daily Caller:

"The FBI official said that Director James Comey’s announcement on July 5 angered and disgusted members of the investigative team which included over 100 FBI agents and analysts who worked overtime with six DOJ attorneys from the department’s National Security Division and Counter Espionage Section."

5 Urgent Warnings From Big Banks That the "Economy Has Gone Suicidal"

5 Urgent Warnings From Big Banks That the "Economy Has Gone Suicidal"
The economy has gone suicidal.
It is working against the very people who need its energy to survive. It is collapsing on its own weight, and the weight of literally incalculable levels of toxic debt. And it is going to create the greatest disaster of our time, if the warnings from the world’s most powerful bankers are any indication.
While the general population is obsessed with the details of the world’s most entertaining and bizarre election in American history, the big banks are gearing up for a deadly serious economic collapse.
Just during the past few weeks, there have been major discussions about stock markets dropping, the insolvency of Europe’s biggest investment bank, the mounting debt crisis and a deeper, long-term decline for ‘everyday Americans.’
Here’s what you probably missed while the Hillary-Trump cage match has taken over the collective psyche:
1. HSBC Issues “Red Alert” Over Imminent Sell-Off of Stocks
2. I.M.F. Issues “Stability Warning” Over Deutsche Bank
3. Bank of America Warns That a Recession is Imminent, and Unavoidable
4. Macquarie Group’s Leading Investor Warns That the Private Sector Will Never Recover From QE3… and the Age of Human Jobs Is Over
5. The Bank of International Settlements – the Central Bank of Central Banks – Warns of Chinese Economy Meltdown

Teachers answer mandatory ‘White Privilege Survey’ in Colorado schools

Teachers answer mandatory ‘White Privilege Survey’ in Colorado schools |
AURORA, Colo. – The Cherry Creek School District is forcing employees to gauge their “white privilege” with a controversial survey, and many aren’t very happy about it.
Several employees contacted The Denver Channel after district officials forced them to take a “White Privilege Survey” that tasks them with weighting 26 different statements – scoring statements a five if it’s often true, a three if sometimes true, and zero if rarely or never true.
A handwritten note on a copy provided by an employee to the news site reads “9-23-16 Equity Staff meeting.”
The statements include:
I can be in the company of people of my race most of the time.
If I should need to move, I can be pretty sure of hassle-free renting or purchasing in an area I which I want to live.
I can be pretty sure that my neighbors in such a location will be neutral or pleasant to me.
I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured I will not be followed or harassed.
I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the newspaper and see people of my race widely and positively represented.
When I am told about our national heritage or about “civilization,” I am shown that people of my race made it what it is.
I can go into most supermarkets and find the staple foods which fit with my racial/ethnic traditions; I can go into any hairdresser’s shop and find someone who can cut my hair. …
Cherry Creek School District spokeswoman Tustin Amole said the district has used the survey for diversity training on “opportunity gaps” between students of different races since 2003, and noted that 45 percent of the district’s students are not white.
The Pacific Educational Group, a radical left consulting company that promotes the white privilege perspective on society through six figure teacher training sessions once listed the Cherry Creek district among its clients on its website..."

Wikileaks Bombshell: John Podesta Owned 75,000 Shares in Putin-Connected Energy Company - Breitbart

Wikileaks Bombshell: John Podesta Owned 75,000 Shares in Putin-Connected Energy Company - Breitbart:

"Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta’s membership on the executive board of an energy company, Joule Unlimited, which received millions from a Putin-connected Russian government fund, also included “75,000 common shares,” according to an email exchange uncovered by the Wikileaks hacks."

Ben Shapiro: The Astounding Hypocrisy of Hollywood, the Media and the Democrats on the Trump Tape

Ben Shapiro: The Astounding Hypocrisy of Hollywood, the Media and the Democrats on the Trump Tape — The Patriot Post
"This week has been a full-scale disaster for Republican candidate Donald Trump. 
His poll numbers are dropping toward Australia. His establishment-Republican supporters are panicking. 
His campaign has swiveled toward slapping defectors rather than drawing new voters.
All of this is because Trump turned out to be a Hollywood media celebrity with Democratic leanings…who ran as a Republican.
How else could we explain the media’s sudden obsession with a 2005 tape of Trump riding on an “Access Hollywood” bus? 
In the tape, Trump jabbers in disgusting fashion about wanting to “f—” a married woman and his tendency to “just start kissing (women).” 
He said: “It’s like a magnet. 
Just kiss. 
I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. … Grab them by the p—y. You can do anything.”
This is reprehensible. 
It’s repulsive. 
It’s a celebration of sexual abuse. 
But the left’s sudden shock and dismay don’t wash.
Trump said all of this on a lot in Hollywood. 
Here are a couple of other Hollywood names that might jog your memory: Roman Polanski and Woody Allen. Polanski earned a standing ovation at the 2003 Oscars after winning an Academy Award for “The Pianist.” 
He was convicted of raping a 13-year-old girl both vaginally and anally in 1977. 
The offense happened at Jack Nicholson’s home. 
Woody Allen’s ex-wife and children still say that he sexually abused his adopted daughter when she was 7 years old. 
But he continues to receive plaudits and rave reviews from his friends in Tinseltown. 
And the Hollywood casting couch remains alive and well. But Trump said that he engaged in precisely the same behaviors other Hollywood stars often engage in, and the Hollywoodites are up in arms.
Is it possible that’s because he’s a Republican?..."

University that relocated ‘harmful’ historic paintings showcases photo of naked woman

University that relocated ‘harmful’ historic paintings showcases photo of naked woman - The College Fix:
showcases photo of naked woman
University of Wisconsin-Stout leaders recently relocated two historical paintings they deemed “harmful” to “controlled access” rooms – but administrators have not placed the same restrictions on a large photo of a naked woman openly displayed on campus.
With that, the university allows a level of nudity to be viewed without “controlled access,” but not paintings commissioned during the 1930s by the U.S. government – artwork Wisconsin taxpayers paid $26,000 in 2012 to restore.
The nude photo – an image of a woman bent over backward in a yoga pose with the words “Unrestricted” – hangs today in the university’s Communications Technologies building.
uwstoutnudeIt is the cover photograph of a senior’s capstone portfolio submitted to complete a photography and video minor, campus spokesman Doug Mell told The College Fix via email, noting photos from other students’ capstone projects have also been hung.
“Unrestricted” has been on display since the spring and will continue to be showcased until Spring 2017, when new student art will be hung, Mell said.
(At Left: A student at the school took a photo of the artwork on display on behalf of The College Fix.)
UW-Stout was thrust into the national spotlight over the summer after two 80-year-old historic paintings were deemed to have a possible “harmful effect” on students by Chancellor Bob Meyer, who ordered them to be moved from hallways in the university’s largest building to areas on campus where they can be viewed by appointment.
UWStoutOne painting depicts Native Americans canoeing in a river alongside French trappers, and the other shows a fur trading fort and Native Americans. Both were painted by Cal Peters in the mid-1930s as part of the Depression-era federal Works Project Administration. In 2012, they were restored at a cost of $26,000, according to campus officials discussing the artwork in emails obtained byThe College Fix through a public records act request..."

Lunch video-----Turkish F-16 Pilot Gives Plane Watchers A Buzz.


Exclusive — Sen. Jeff Sessions on WikiLeaks Revelation of Hillary Clinton’s Support for ‘Open Borders’: ‘It’s a Smoking Gun’ - Breitbart

Exclusive — Sen. Jeff Sessions on WikiLeaks Revelation of Hillary Clinton’s Support for ‘Open Borders’: ‘It’s a Smoking Gun’ - Breitbart:

"“It’s a smoking gun,” Sessions told Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM 125 The Patriot Channel on Thursday morning when asked for his reaction to the revelation.

“Years ago it finally dawned on me: I used to say, and still do, the Democrats and liberals will pass any immigration bill as long as it doesn’t work,” Sessions said.

He continued:"

Trump Video On Clinton Health Censored, Hidden From Search

Trump Video On Clinton Health Censored, Hidden From Search - Cover Up
"Inappropriateness, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder and if you’re a supporter of global government and the establishment criminal syndicate that has hijacked and now poses as our government, there’s no place for truth. 
Google supports Clinton, Obama, Soros and the oligarchs so they do what they can on their behalf. 
There are reasons behind those weekly visits to the dingy-White House and censorship of what the peasant class is allowed to see and be exposed to must surely have been a topic of discussion at some point.
...Google’s protecting her from what they must have determined is a hurtful video, filled with hate speech that accurately depicts the fraud she’s attempting to perpetrate. 
...It was moved from a the public, published listings to a non-published one. The video has a one word title of “Dangerous,” but a search for dangerous turns up only multiple word results, rap videos and the like. 
A search for Dangerous Trump predictably returns negative results about the people’s candidate.
Going to the link directly, one sees a notice in a yellow ribbon, “This video is unlisted. 
Be considerate and think twice before sharing.” 
Of course Mr. Trump wants the video shared and Google knows that. It’s Clinton that wants to hide her health issues and for whom the video is being censored. 
Otherwise it’s a decent video but there’s nothing particularly noteworthy.
Just the existence of questions being asked about her health was enough to prompt Google to censor and hide it. 
That reinforces what most of us already believe, Clinton’s suffering from serious health issues which the media, and that includes Google, are hiding from the public. 
She needs to be held accountable for the deception and the questions asked now. 
The American people want an unbiased medical team to evaluate her fitness, let’s see what they are so fearful of us finding out..."

Google Trends Shows Internet Users Far More Interested in Wikileaks Than Trump Allegations

Google Trends Shows Internet Users Far More Interested in Wikileaks Than Trump Allegations » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:
"A Google Trends graph shows that Internet users are vastly more interested in Wikileaks releases than allegations about Donald Trump that have been given blanket coverage by the mainstream media.
The graph illustrates how even on the day the infamous ‘Trump tape’ was released, Google searches for Wikileaks were still significantly higher.
Wikileaks has been releasing emails from the John Podesta hack on a daily basis and on every single day, Google searches for Wikileaks have been higher than those pertaining to new allegations made against Trump.
The whistleblower organization commented on the trend, tweeting, “US mainstream media are completely out of sync with audience demand.”
The graph underscores the fact that the media is following an agenda to smear Trump, even to the detriment of their own audience."Google Trends Shows Internet Users Far More Interested in Wikileaks Than Trump Allegations

AWFUL! Wikileaks Reveals Clinton Camp Was Posting FAKE "Sexist Trump Job Ads" On Craigslist

AWFUL! Wikileaks Reveals Clinton Camp Was Posting FAKE "Sexist Trump Job Ads" On Craigslist

hillary-wicked-angryWhat kind of people approve these slimy tactics?
The Hillary Clinton Campaign was posting fake “Sexist Trump Job Ads” on Craigslist.
The Hillary Campaign approved these malicious ads.
Their heinous plot was revealed by Wikileaks.
From the Podesta email:
Mark and Luis – digital created a fake craigslist jobs post for women who want to apply to jobs one of Trump’s organizations. This will be a microsite and we still need to send it to Perkins. Since we will be pitching this, need your approval please.
The top Clinton advisors, including Podesta, approved of the ads.
This is the type of smear campaign Hillary has been running against Donald Trump!

This Is War

This Is War:

 "Over the past three days, three incredibly revealing bombshell videos were released by conservative undercover investigative journalist James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas organization.

This was simply too much for the liberally biased social media platform Twitter, which promptly suspended O’Keefe’s account Wednesday in what looked suspiciously like a partisan effort to silence him — and a declaration of war against the truth."

If You're On the Fence About Your Vote, This Pastor Clarifies How the Very Future of America Is At Stake

If You're On the Fence About Your Vote, This Pastor Clarifies How the Very Future of America Is At Stake — Charisma News:
1.   The Democratic and Republican party platforms are as different as night and day, in my opinion, as far apart as evil vs. good.
The 51-page Democratic platform is the most leftist ever...
Image result for trump hillary2.   Analogy #1:
Both candidates are flawed.
We all know that.
But permit me an analogy:
As a pastor, I would rather deal with a church attendee who is blatant and brash in his sinning than one who is devious, lying, cunning and deceptive. 
Both are problematic, but one is easier to deal with than the other.
If I were a pastor bringing correction to a parishioner, I would prefer dealing with a "Trump-type" any day over a "Hillary-type."
The chances of making progress with the "Trump-type" are many times greater than the "Hillary-type."
Read on!

AM Fruitcake

History for October 15

Image result for nikita khrushchev quotes about america
History for October 15 -
Virgil 70 B.C., Friedrich Nietzsche 1844 - German philosopher, John Kenneth Galbraith 1908

Mario Puzo 1920, Lee Iacocca 1924 - Chrysler Chairman, Barry McGuire 1935 - Singer

1860 - Grace Bedell, 11 years old, wrote a letter to presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln. The letter stated that Lincoln would look better if he would grow a beard.

1939 - New York Municipal Airport was dedicated. The name was later changed to La Guardia Airport.

1945 - Pierre Laval, the former premier of Vichy France, was executed for treason.

1946 - Hermann Goering, a Nazi war criminal and founder of the Gestapo, poisoned himself just hours before his scheduled execution.

1951 - "I Love Lucy" premiered on CBS-TV.

1964 - It was announced that Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev had been removed from power. He was replaced with Alexei N. Kosygin.

1984 - The Freedom of Information Act was passed.

1993 - South Africa's President F.W. de Klerk and African National Congress President Nelson Mandela were named winners of the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to end the apartheid system in South Africa.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Top 10 Hillary Clinton scandals exposed by WikiLeaks - Washington Times

Top 10 Hillary Clinton scandals exposed by WikiLeaks - Washington Times:

"The ongoing WikiLeaks dump of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails has exposed the corruption and cronyism of her campaign and time in office. Everyday there are more revelations of wrongdoing, so much so, it’s hard to keep up with. So here’s the top 10 double-dealing, dishonest discoveries uncovered thus far."

Feminist PhD Candidate: Science Is Sexist Because It's Not Subjective

Feminist PhD Candidate: Science Is Sexist Because It's Not Subjective

  • Women and minorities cannot understand logic or objective truths, says a graduate student in her dissertation, so science classes should stop using the scientific method.

College science classes are hostile to women and minorities because they use the scientific method, which assumes people can find reliable truths about the natural world through careful and sustained experimentation, concludes a recent dissertation by a doctoral candidate at the University of North Dakota.
Laura Parson, a student in the university’s education department, reviewed eight science class syllabi at a “Midwest public university” and said she discovered in them a hidden hostility to women and minorities:.."

Former President of Haitian Senate: As My People Died, Hillary Clinton Gave Access to Wealthy Donors

Former President of Haitian Senate: As My People Died, Hillary Clinton Gave Access to Wealthy Donors:
"The former president of the Haitian Senate excoriated Hillary Clinton and her embattled family foundation following the release of emails that reveal how senior Clinton Foundation staffers coordinated with top Hillary Clinton State Department officials to give special access to “FOB” (Friends of Bill Clinton) in the wake of the deadly 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
Shame on Hillary Clinton and her foundation for even thinking about profiting off of the humanitarian crisis in my country,” wrote Bernard Sansaricq, former president of the Haitian Senate, in a press statement.
As my people were dying, Hillary was abusing her position as Secretary of State and prioritizing access to what the State Department viewed as a ‘gold rush’ for her wealthy donors in exchange for exorbitant speaking fees and large donations to the Clinton Foundation,” Sansaricq wrote, referencing a leaked diplomatic cable, where Haiti relief efforts were described as a “gold rush” for government contractors and aid groups..."