Tuesday, October 18, 2016


‘HELL NO’ Trey Gowdy Erupts On Obama Admin For Hiding This Sickening Thing

‘HELL NO’ Trey Gowdy Erupts On Obama Admin For Hiding This Sickening Thing:

"But he didn’t stop there.

“I want to read the agreement between the Department of Justice and this witness and whether or not that agreement requires the witness to cooperate with other entities of government,” he challenged. “That is commonplace! For them to say you can tell us the truth but you can’t tell Congress makes no sense! That’s all I want.”"

FBI Docs: Hillary Was So Unpleasant Security Agents Didn’t Want To Protect Her

FBI Docs: Hillary Was So Unpleasant Security Agents Didn’t Want To Protect Her
"Department of State security officers found then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton so unpleasant they refused to work on her security detail, a former agent claims in newly-released FBI documents.
The FBI Monday released 100 pages of documents relating to its investigation of Clinton’s private email server.
Image result for hillary clinton angryThe documents incorporate summaries of several interviews the FBI conducted, including one with a woman who served as an agent with the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) during Clinton’s time as secretary of state.
During her interview, the agent said Clinton treated agents rudely and with contempt, and was so unpleasant that senior agents typically avoided being on her security detail.
“[Redacted] explained that CLINTON’s treatment of DS agents on her protective detail was so contemptuous that many of them sought reassignment or employment elsewhere,” the interview summary says. 
“Prior to CLINTON’s tenure, being an agent on the Secretary of State’s protective detail was seen as an honor and privilege reserved for senior agents. 
However, by the end of CLINTON’s tenure, it was staffed largely with new agents because it was difficult to find senior agents willing to work for her.”
...“From her own experience, and information obtained through [redacted] and other agents, [redacted] described a ‘stark difference’ between [Condoleezza] RICE and CLINTON with regard to obedience to security and diplomatic protocols,” the summary says.
“RICE observed strict adherence to State Department security and diplomatic protocols while CLINTON frequently and ‘blatantly’ disregarded them.”
The agent said that it is standard diplomatic and security protocol for the secretary of state to travel by armored limousine with the U.S. ambassador when visiting a foreign country.
“CLINTON refused to do so, instead choosing to be accompanied in the limousine by her Chief of Staff, HUMA ABEDIN.
This frequently resulted in complaints by ambassadors who were insulted and embarrassed by this breach of protocol,” the summary says.
Clinton’s breaches of protocol, it adds, were “well-known throughout Diplomatic Security and were ‘abundant.'”

Almost half of men shave their legs

Almost half of men shave their legs:
"Almost half of men admit to trimming or shaving their leg hair - an eyebrow raising admission, even for a generation of spornosexual manscapers.
Male hair trimming that rarely concerns body hair south of the border, unless you’re a professional swimmer or cyclist - but these days average Joes everywhere are taking razors to their hairy pins.
Surveying their Facebook followers, Men’s Health found that while the majority of men are not completely shaving their legs, a surprising 15 per cent are, while a further 33 per cent admitted:
“I don’t shave clean, but I do use a trimmer to cut it down”.
That’s nearly half of the men polled that are tackling their leg hair in some way or form - but why?
Following the fruition of the metrosexual, its initiator Mark Simpson has coined the next stage in its evolution as the spornosexual; a group of men who strive to look like sportsmen or porn stars..."

Warming Alarmists Redefine What A Hurricane Is So We'll Have More Of Them

Warming Alarmists Redefine What A Hurricane Is So We'll Have More Of Them | Stock News &Stock Market Analysis - IBD:
"Wether they admit it out loud or not, many global warming alarmists want more destructive weather events to validate their assumptions.
But what happens when they can't get their "dirty weather," as Al Gore calls it?
Then they'll just have define down what a disaster is.
Eleven years ago, Gore swore that "the science is extremely clear now." 
Image result for Warming AlarmistsGlobal warming was "magnifying" the "destructive power" of the "average hurricane," he said.
Man's impact on the environment "makes the duration, as well as the intensity of the hurricane, stronger."
The weather refused to cooperate with Gore and the U.S. went 11 years without a hurricane making landfall.
But Hurricane Matthew renewed the alarmists' faith in their own nonsense.
Acting is if 11 days rather than 11 years had passed, Gore said last week that in Hurricane Matthew, "Mother Nature is giving us a very clear and powerful message."
From the same stage in Florida, Hillary Clinton said "Hurricane Matthew was likely more destructive because of climate change."
The Washington Post, ever dutiful to the man-made global warming narrative, asked climate scientist Michael Mann (whose hockey stick chart supposedly proves human-caused warming but fails the test for some) about her statement.
Naturally, he told the Post she was "absolutely" right.
...the climate-hysteria movement needs a new approach.
It has to in essence redefine what a hurricane is so that what had before been tropical storms and hurricanes that didn't make landfall will in the future be catastrophic "hurricanes" or "extreme weather" events that they can point to as proof that their fever dreams are indeed reality..."

An Attempted Hillary Email Coverup? | The Weekly Standard

An Attempted Hillary Email Coverup? | The Weekly Standard:

"A senior State Department official repeatedly pressed the FBI to change the classification of emails stored on Hillary Clinton's private server, according to FBI interview summaries set to be released in the coming days. Patrick Kennedy, the undersecretary of state for management, discussed providing additional overseas slots for the FBI in exchange for revisions to classifications of the sensitive emails."

Ohio University student leaders demand campus launch bias reporting system

Ohio University student leaders demand campus launch bias reporting system - The College Fix: "Student leaders at Ohio University are clamoring for administrators to launch a bias reporting system, saying they have no way now to effectively report all the acts of “racism, sexism and homophobia” currently taking place on campus.
Image result for star chamber...Citing frequent and ongoing “racism, sexism and homophobia,” the student measure states “students right now have no effective way of reporting these incidents easily and anonymously online.”
The measure calls on administrators to hurry up and launch the bias reporting system and, in addition to that, develop a marketing plan to promote it on campus.
Ohio University has had a number of “bias” incidents in the past, most notably the spraying of “Build the Wall” and similar slogans on the campus free speech wall, she said. Incidents like that have motivated the push for a reporting tool, she said.
...An archived version of the “Ohio University Bobcats Response Team” page reveals that Ohio University considers “bullying,” “gestures,” and “graffiti and/or signs” as bias incidents.
That page was taken offline recently for unknown reasons..."

AM Fruitcake

History for October 18

History for October 18 - On-This-Day.com:
Henri Bergson 1859 - Philosopher, author, Chuck Berry (Charles Edward Anderson Berry) 1926 - Singer, George C. Scott 1927 - Actor ("Patton," "Taps")

Mike Ditka 1939 - Football player and coach, Lee Harvey Oswald 1939 - Accused of assassinating U.S. President John F. Kennedy, Martina Navratilova 1956 - Tennis player

1767 - The Mason-Dixon line was agreed upon. It was the boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania.

1842 - Samuel Finley Breese Morse laid his first telegraph cable.

1867 - The U.S. took formal possession of Alaska from Russia. The land was purchased of a total of $7 million dollars (2 cents per acre).

1929 - The Judicial Committee of England’s Privy Council ruled that women were to be considered as persons in Canada.

1943 - The first broadcast of "Perry Mason" was presented on CBS Radio. The show went to TV in 1957.

1961 - Henri Matiss' "Le Bateau" went on display at New York's Museum of Modern Art. It was discovered 46 days later that the painting had been hanging upside down.

1968 - Two black athletes, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, were suspended by the U.S. Olympic Committee for giving a "black power" salute during a ceremony in Mexico City.

1969 - The U.S. government banned artificial sweeteners due to evidence that they caused cancer.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Hillary Clinton's & Barack Obama’s E-mails -- WikiLeaks Reveals John Podesta’s Concern | National Review

Hillary Clinton's & Barack Obama’s E-mails -- WikiLeaks Reveals John Podesta’s Concern | National Review:

"We now know that Podesta was very concerned about the Obama-Clinton e-mails and turned to Mills for advice. His succinct e-mail to Mills is dated March 4, 2015 (at 8:41 p.m.), and he entitled it “Special Category.” He stated:

Think we should hold emails to and from potus? That’s the heart of his exec privilege. We could get them to ask for that. They may not care, but I [sic] seems like they will."

Here's Why You Deserve a State Income Tax Cut

Here's Why You Deserve a State Income Tax Cut [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"Recent Michigan legislatures have taken more from regular people with new tax hikes while giving more to politically well-connected interests through municipal bailouts and corporate giveaways.
It’s the people’s turn for something positive, and this is the right time and environment for a substantial state income tax cut.
Legislators are sympathetic, and want you to know it:
In every recent legislative session, bills have been introduced to lower the income tax rate.
But they never move.
The excuse is always the same: “Budget pressures are growing; we might have to cut spending if citizens get to keep more.”
The excuse is irrelevant.
Yes, a lower income tax rate is likely to reduce state government revenues in the short run.
But in the long run, income tax cuts encourage growth and can result in higher revenues to the state treasury. 
Lowering tax rates lowers the barriers to investing in Michigan, and letting people keep more encourages them to earn more.
More money than ever is now rolling into the treasury.
Tax revenues are up from $25.2 billion at the low point of the last recession to $31.0 billion this year. Some of that increase should be returned to the regular taxpayers who pay the bills.
...In 2012, when Detroit Red Wings owner Mike Ilitch wanted hockey arena subsidies, Lansing found a way.
Today it's Dan Gilbert’s Detroit real estate holdings and yet another “economic development” scheme.
The final price tag is unknown, but the Senate, at least, seems poised to write a blank check.
Scores of other machinations to redistribute income to developers have been introduced in the current Legislature, and many have passed the House or Senate.
Others create more potential for distributing privatized gains and socialized risks, such as a Michigan Senate public-private partnership bill and a House-passed bill  to involve developers in port authorities.
So when do regular people who receive no special government favors get their chance for some relief?
...Today, legislative appropriators are already discussing politically feasible ways to pay for more corporate handouts.
Those discussions should instead be repurposed to finding a way to let regular taxpayers keep more of what they earn..."

Watch the 21 PragerU Videos That YouTube Is Censoring

Watch the 21 PragerU Videos That YouTube Is Censoring
YouTube is currently restricting 21 educational videos from PragerU, a conservative advocacy organization.
According to YouTube, videos that are restricted contain vulgar language, violence and disturbing imagery, nudity and sexually suggestive content, and portrayal of harmful or dangerous activities
Videos that fit this description are not available to logged-out users, those who are under 18 years of age, or those who have activated restricted mode, according to YouTube.
PragerU believes YouTube to be censoring these 21 videos, according to a press release from PragerU.
The list below contains all of the videos currently under question by YouTube.
This video explores the debate that the police are targeting African-American communities.
2. Why Don’t Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?
Why do feminists claim to be champions of women’s rights everywhere, but do not fight for women facing oppression in Muslim countries? This video attempts to answer that question.

Click link to see all the 21 "OFFENSIVE" videos.

WikiLeaks: Podesta Asks Cheryl Mills If They Should 'Withhold' POTUS Emails After Benghazi Subpoena - Cortney O'Brien

WikiLeaks: Podesta Asks Cheryl Mills If They Should 'Withhold' POTUS Emails After Benghazi Subpoena - Cortney O'Brien:

"The House Select Committee on Benghazi subpoenaed the State Department on March 4, 2015 asking for key emails on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private server. A new WikiLeaks email reveals just how nervous the Obama administration was about the subpoena. Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta emailed Cheryl Mills, a former aide to Clinton, to ask if they should withhold President Obama's emails from the committee. "

Affirmative action director says people who oppose PC culture suffer from 'fragility'

Affirmative action director says people who oppose PC culture suffer from 'fragility' - The College Fix:
"‘People who have traditionally held power’ are suppressing speech?
Nizam Arain of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse doesn’t think there’s any danger in people speaking their minds in politically incorrect ways.
In fact, their fear of being blacklisted, disciplined or fired for questioning the prevailing progressive wisdom at the public university is a sign of their “fragility.”
At a campus “teach-in” on free speech and civil discourse last week, the “Affirmative Action director and Title IX coordinator” (also a lawyer) gave 50-60 students an overview of the First Amendment and common misunderstandings of its effect, the La Crosse Tribune reports.
...He also addressed the issue of political correctness during his remarks, saying marginalized groups also have the right to free speech, and those who have privilege are now being called out for their views. 
It’s a new experience for people who have traditionally held power, he said, and they are reacting poorly to the experience.
“It is evidence to me of a kind of fragility,” Arain said, “where people can only feel free to speak their mind if no one is going to contradict them.”...
Read on!

12 Most Inappropriate Halloween Costumes for Kids (kids halloween costumes, halloween costumes kids) - ODDEE

12 Most Inappropriate Halloween Costumes for Kids (kids halloween costumes, halloween costumes kids) - ODDEE:
Cute Little Hitler!

Holi crapoli, it's me and TJ!--Lunch video-----Local Taxpayers Speak Out on Pension Underfunding

"Jim Riley got his own fiscal house in order so he could retire. 
Now he wonders why his city government can’t do the same for their employees, and taxpayers who could end with huge bills from the unfunded retirement liabilities. 
Riley was inspired to take action after reading the Mackinac Center’s ranking of pension underfunding for Michigan’s largest 100 cities. 
Riley was shocked when he saw his seemingly tranquil lakeshore community ranking sixth from the bottom. 
He is now alerting his neighbors about this fiscal storm and encouraging them to keep the pressure on city leaders. 
The retired financial planner enjoys living in Norton Shores and wants to stay there indefinitely but worries that rising taxes from unfunded pension and retirement healthcare liabilities will chase residents and businesses away, making the problem worse. 
He encourages taxpayers and businesses in other communities with similar liabilities to also speak out and that lawmakers pass laws prohibiting underfunding.


IT’S OVER: Hillary’s ISIS Email Just Leaked & It’s Worse Than Anyone Could Have Imagined… | Friends of Syria

IT’S OVER: Hillary’s ISIS Email Just Leaked & It’s Worse Than Anyone Could Have Imagined… | Friends of Syria:

"Maybe it has something to do with the fact that The Saudi’s brag about funding 20% of Hillary’s Presidential campaign, and along with Qatar, are among the largest donors to the CLINTON FOUNDATION.

Is it any mystery now why ISIS has flourished under the Obama/Clinton administration? The United States has created armed and funded the terrorists overthrowing Syria via our Terrorist State allies. When you know this it makes you look at the situation in Syria differently.  Perhaps Russia and Iran are the ones fighting ISIS, it stands to reason once you know we are fighting Russia, and at the same time arming ISIS."

Chart Of The Day: Why The War On Weed Is Wimping Out

Contra Corner » Chart Of The Day: Why The War On Weed Is Wimping Out

Global Warming be Damned: Record Corn, Soybeans, Wheat

Global Warming be Damned: Record Corn, Soybeans, Wheat « Roy Spencer, PhD
"For many years we have been warned that climate change is creating a “climate crisis”, with heat and drought reducing agricultural yields to the point that humanity will suffer. 
Every time there’s a drought, we are told that this is just one more example of human-caused climate change.
But droughts have always occurred. 
The question is: 
Are they getting worse? 
And, has modest warming had any effects on grain yields?
We have yet to experience anything like the Dust Bowl drought of the 1930s, or the mega-droughts the western U.S. tree ring record suggests occurred in centuries past.
And even if they do occur, how do we know they were not caused by the same natural factors that cause those previous droughts? 
While “global warming” must cause more precipitation overall (because there is more evaporation), whether this means increased drought conditions anywhere is pretty difficult to predict because it would require predicting an average change in weather patterns, which climate models so far have essentially no skill at.
So, here we are with yet another year (2016) experiencing either record or near-record yields in corn, soybeans, and wheat. 
Even La Nina, which was widely feared would cause reduced crop yields this year, did not materialize.
How can this be?
How has Climate Changed in the U.S. Corn Belt?...
Read on!