Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Bill is 'having a hard time', Chelsea is 'livid' and Hillary is 'p***ed': How the Clinton family is being rocked by Wikileaks (and their donors and friends are furious at what candid aides said about them) | Daily Mail Online

Bill is 'having a hard time', Chelsea is 'livid' and Hillary is 'p***ed': How the Clinton family is being rocked by Wikileaks (and their donors and friends are furious at what candid aides said about them) | Daily Mail Online:

"The former president is 'having a hard time,' between the leaks and Donald Trump dredging up his past scandals, the former first daughter is livid and the Democratic nominee is straight up 'p***ed' that she's having to deal with these daily mini-scandals in the final month of her White House run.  "

Bureaucrats Wasted $700,000 to Correct One Letter in a Quotation

Bureaucrats Wasted $700,000 to Correct One Letter in a Quotation | The Daily Sheeple:
"It’s been said that people tend to be more careless when handling items that they do not own, especially stolen items, and this certainly reigns true in the case of bureaucrats who seek to extract wealth from the rest of us on a compulsory basis.
You’ve probably heard the quote from Neil Armstrong: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
Well, it turns out that Neil Armstrong claims this is not the correct quotation. According to Armstrong, he claims to have actually said, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”
The letter ‘a’ being the only distinction between the two.
So, rather than find money through voluntary means in the marketplace, the National Science Foundation used two tax-payer funded grants, amounting to more than $700,000, to correct this quotation.
That’s right. $700,000 was spent attempting to correct one letter for an inconsequential quote in history, which was originally given as two separate grants to the National Science Foundation for the purpose of improving and understanding communications concerning people with speech conditions, such as autism and Parkinson’s disease. 
One grant was received from the ironically titled “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” in 2009..."

Guide to Colleges |

Guide to Colleges |
The Heterodox Academy Guide to Colleges rates America’s top 150 universities (as listed by US News and World Reports) and will soon rate the Top 50 Liberal Arts Schools according to their commitment to viewpoint diversity. 
Is it a place where you are likely to encounter a variety of views on politically controversial topics? 
Or do school policies – or the students themselves– impose a rigid political orthodoxy that punishes dissenting opinions and creates a climate in which students are afraid to speak up, even in seminar classes?
Our guide to colleges helps you evaluate schools on this question by integrating these four sources of information:
  1. Endorsed Chicago: Whether the university has endorsed the Chicago Principles on free expression
  2. FIRE Rating: Whether the school’s speech codes foster or infringe upon free speech. As rated by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.
  3. ISI Rating: Is the school a reasonably welcoming place for conservative and libertarian students? Obtained from the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) guide to Choosing the Right College. (We presume that open-minded progressive students would prefer not to attend a school at which students who are not on the left feel unwelcome, and are less likely to speak up.)
  4. Relevant Events Since 2014: Events on campus that indicate a commitment by faculty, administration, and/or students to protect or restrict free inquiry and viewpoint diversity. We ignore events that involve just a few students or professors and focus on those indicating broader sentiment, norms, or policy.
Methodology: Below you’ll find our ratings for the top 150 national universities. (Ratings for the Top 50 Liberal Arts Schools coming soon.) For this first edition, we assign each of the four criteria a value from 0 to 1. We then multiply each by 25 and add up the values to create a “Heterodoxy Score” that runs from 0 (worst, most orthodox) to 100 (best, most heterodox, most open to viewpoint diversity). View our methodology in more detail.
Please note: This first edition of the guide was made public on October 19, 2016. Because university policies are changing rapidly this semester, we do not believe that our first edition is reliable enough to serve as a basis for decision making. Our goal is to release an improved edition in December. See our schedule of updates
We welcome corrections from university administrators and current students as well as your feedback via:
Sort any column by clicking on it. Search via the box at the top right of the table.

Lunch video-----National Socialism Alive and Well in AMURIKA!


Pence: The Media Is Ignoring 'an Avalanche of Hard Evidence About Clinton's Corruption' - Breitbart

Pence: The Media Is Ignoring 'an Avalanche of Hard Evidence About Clinton's Corruption' - Breitbart:

"On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” Republican vice-presidential nominee Gov. Mike Pence (R-IN) said while his running mate Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is under heavy media scrutiny, the media is ignoring “an avalanche of hard evidence about corruption, pay to play, political favoritism emanating out of Hillary Clinton’s years as secretary of state.”

Pence said, “The American people are very, very troubled. once again, here we are in an election of such enormous magnitude in the life of this nation, and once again, the media is piling on with unsubstantiated claims as the headlines while they ignore an avalanche of hard evidence about corruption, pay to play, political favoritism emanating out of Hillary Clinton’s years as secretary of state."

Donald changed my mind. I'm voting for him.

Donald changed my mind. I'm voting for him. (commentary) |
"Many of the Republicans who will be voting for Donald Trump next month do not like him but they despise Hillary Clinton even more.
He certainly wasn't my first choice.
...I still thought Trump as president was a horrible joke and it wasn't until I heard from my brother Joe, who is battling fourth stage cancer, that I started opening my mind to the possibility that Trump was somehow meant to be.
Joe is a former Marine being treated at a Veteran's Hospital in the state of Washington.
He spoke passionately to me about how Trump was talking about every thing that needed to be said: Obamacare, the VA scandal, IRS corruption, criminal illegals, a corrupt DOJ and FBI covering up for Obama and Hillary.
The Democrats and our president were afraid to use the word Islamic jihadists when naming terrorists; and he liked the fact that Donald Trump said that global warming is a hoax while Obama was claiming this was a bigger threat than terrorism.
Mexico has a wall yet only Trump insists that we have one too,..

  • I had also found that a good portion of the electorate had only been exposed to a media that was both hostile and biased towards the right wing and thus getting the whole story out was quite a challenge. Few of these low-info voters understand the significance of Clinton's email scandal and Benghazi. She is ultimately responsible for the Libyan crisis because she backed the anti-Qaddafi rebels that led to his death and the destabilization of Libya. 

  1. Everything that Hillary did as Secretary of State was totally self-serving and earned the Clintons millions of dollars for their Foundation. 

  • If she wins, the Supreme Court Justices she nominates will be dismantling the Bill of Rights and the progressive tyranny of the minority will reign.

With Donald Trump as the GOP candidate, the mainstream media was not only energized to defeat him they were getting funding from billionaires like George Soros and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. 
Mr. Bezos bought the Washington Post and hired 20 extra reporters to dig up dirt on Trump. Predictably, negative Trump reports are coming out daily from the NY Times, ABC, CBS, NBC, and the mainstream media.
They are all in the tank for Hillary and have abandoned any journalistic ethics.
But Donald Trump is neither a Mitt Romney nor any of the other genteel Republicans who refused to get down and dirty with the opposition and ended up losing the battle.
He is a New Yorker and sometimes crude, crass and politically incorrect.
What he is not is a racist or a homophobe.
All one has to do is visit his establishments and see what he did when he took over the old Commodore Hotel and turned it into the Grand Hyatt.
Most of the staff there are blacks, Hispanics, Asians, legal immigrants and gays making a very good living.
Has anybody bothered asking Hillary how on earth she became a millionaire working for the government?
...We are sick and tired of mealy mouth politicians who betray us once we put them in office.
So come Nov. 8th, I'll have no problem voting for him.
Abraham Lincoln was told by A. K. McClure, a Pennsylvania politician that he should get rid of General Grant.
Lincoln took a long time before he answered, "I can't spare this man. He fights." 
If there's one thing this country needs in this very sick world, it's a leader who will fight.
Go Trump."

Another Way Pension Liabilities Are Mismeasured

Another Way Pension Liabilities Are Mismeasured - The American Interest:
"Regular readers of this blog know that a pension meteor is headed for state and local governments, and that deceptive accounting practices obscure the likely scope of the destruction.
The biggest source of confusion has to do with rates of return:
Most pension funds assume that their assets will grow at rates of seven to eight percent per year indefinitely, a virtual impossibility in this age of low interest rates and sluggish growth.
A recent Governing magazine report highlights another way liabilities can be mismeasured.
Many taxpayers live in jurisdictions that are on the hook for pensions from many different government agencies, including city governments, county governments, and school districts.
So while the per capita pension debt for the City of Denver is just $709 per capita, for example, the “overlapping” obligations on its taxpayers are actually nearly eight times that high:
At the end of fiscal year 2015, Dallas had an unfunded pension obligation of $1,371 per capita. Denver’s was barely half that at $709 per capita.
From that number alone we might conclude that Denver is in much better financial shape.
Image result for pension disaster
But now let’s add a few crucial layers of complexity. 

  • First count up each city’s “overlapping” pension obligations. 

Overlapping means two or more jurisdictions share some portion of their respective property tax bases.
We can think of a region’s property tax base like money in a shared savings account:
When one jurisdiction takes money out, there’s less for everyone else.
Dallas shares parts of its property tax base with 20 other governments, including counties, schools, hospitals and community colleges.
These other entities’ unfunded pension obligations add up to $1,362 per capita.
Denver shares its tax base with just one other entity — the Denver School District — but that district’s pension obligation is a comparatively high $4,876 per capita.
So Dallas’ total direct and overlapping pension obligation is $2,733 per capita;
Denver’s is $5,585.

  • Estimating the true cost of unfunded pension obligations is a messy business. 

Numbers publicly touted by politicians, unions and the actuaries they employ tend to downplay the $3.4 trillion problem and the existential threat it poses to blue model governance nationwide. 
A sustainable fix to America’s public pensions will likely require intensive reforms to state and local governance, including the replacement of defined-benefit plans with 401(k)s and robust checks on the lobbying and political power of public sector unions.
But the first step toward implementing these changes is for public administrators to come clean with taxpayers about the extent of the mess they are in. 
Until public sector pension funds are governed by the same rigorous accounting rules that apply in the private sector, it’s likely that instead of gradual reforms, states and localities will continue to govern by crisis, propping up the current system with every last cent and then declaring bankruptcy or asking for bailouts when it all comes tumbling down."

Clinton’s Disgraceful Three-Headed Crime Has Compromised the FBI

Clinton’s Disgraceful Three-Headed Crime Has Compromised the FBI | Observer:
"The first Clinton-Trump debate was Benghazi-less and all but criminality-less—but criminality wasn’t totally absent.
In a brief exchange early in the debate, Donald Trump mentioned Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 missing emails.
“That was more than a mistake. That was done purposely. OK?” Trump said, adding, “when you have your staff taking the Fifth Amendment—taking the Fifth so they’re not prosecuted—when you have the man that set up the illegal server taking the Fifth, I think it’s disgraceful.”
...“Taking the Fifth” is what mobsters and other guilty real world crooks do when they know the DA or the congressional committee has the goods.
Hollywood and television murder mysteries often portray “taking the Fifth” as a shameless and arrogant admission of guilt. 
As the guilty perp takes the Fifth, she grins sardonically, implicitly daring the cops, the prosecutors—perhaps an informed and non-Democrat presidential debate moderator, if there is such a creature—to prove the charge.
As a motif, taking the Fifth combines criminality and brazen evasion of justice.
...Hillary’s two great frauds are linked at the hip… and cankles.
I refer to The Great Benghazi Lie and the crime Democrat operatives-with-by-lines dub “The Email Scandal.”
Understand “The Email Scandal” is a befogging term employed to camouflage a complicated three-phased crime.
This is the triple crime Trump called “disgraceful,” the crime upon crime upon crime that led Hillary’s aides and employees to “take the Fifth” to avoid implicating themselves in its linked illegalities and to avoid committing felony perjury in sworn testimony.
...Felony perjury, however, is another matter. 
...But Hillary’s triple isn’t classy.
It’s ugly.
It’s a living monster that began in 2009 and continues.
Thanks to the FBI’s compromised director, Jim Comey, and an obstruction of justice operation with tentacles throughout the Obama Administration,
Hillary’s disgraceful Three-Headed Crime is on-going.
CRIME 1: The Server Head..."
Read on!

FBI: Witnesses found 'sensitive' Clinton file on Romanian server | Washington Examiner

FBI: Witnesses found 'sensitive' Clinton file on Romanian server | Washington Examiner:

"Newly released notes from the FBI's year-long investigation into Hillary Clinton's server suggests independent groups discovered potentially classified Clinton documents on a Romanian server while searching for evidence that her network had been breached.

The 100 pages of "302s," or summaries from interviews conducted during the FBI investigation, indicated an unidentified witness consulted Newt Gingrich in August 2015 about how to orchestrate an outside review of potential intrusions into Clinton's server. A "senior staff member" on the Senate Judiciary Committee was also involved, according to the notes."

Behind Closed Doors, UN “Health” Agency Plots Global Control

Behind Closed Doors, UN “Health” Agency Plots Global Control:
Image result for UN “Health” Agency Plots Global Control"The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) will be meeting behind closed doors next month to push more and higher taxes around the world, sparking outrage from journalists, stakeholders, taxpayers, and more.
Under the guise of reducing tobacco consumption and raising money for governments, the controversial global “health” outfit's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is also concocting broad policy measures having to do with border security, trade, “public health,” and more. And according to experts, some of those policy prescriptions, ironically, contribute to furthering illicit trade and, by extension, end up helping to fund terrorism.
Others will fuel increased tobacco use, experts said.
The FCTC will be meeting next month in New Delhi, India, to formulate its policy agenda for controlling human behavior under the guise of “health...” 
Read it and run!

AM Fruitcake

History for October 19

History for October 19 -
Thomas Browne 1605 - Physician, author, Charles Merrill 1885 - Founder of Merrill-Lynch, Jack Anderson 1922 - Columnist, commentator, author

John le Carre (David Cornwell) 1931 - Author ("The Russia House"), Peter Max 1937 - Artist, John Lithgow 1945 - Actor (Movie:"Twilight Zone-The Movie," TV: "3rd Rock from the Son")
Image result for John Lithgow Young

1765 - In the U.S., The Stamp Act Congress met and drew up a declaration of rights and liberties.

1781 - British General Charles Lord Cornwallis surrendered to U.S. General George Washington at Yorktown, Virginia. It was to be the last major battle of the American Revolutionary War.

1814 - In Baltimore, MD, the first documented performance of "The Defence of Fort McHenry" with music took place at the Holliday Street Theatre. The work was later published under the title "The Star-Spangled Banner."

1933 - Basketball was introduced to the 1936 Olympic Games by the Berlin Organization Committee.

1959 - Patty Duke, at the age of 12, made her Broadway debut in "The Miracle Worker." The play lasted for 700 performances.

1960 - The United States imposed an embargo on exports to Cuba covering all commodities except medical supplies and certain food products.

1983 - The U.S. Senate approved a bill establishing a national holiday in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.

1987 - The Dow Jones industrial average dropped 508 points. It was the worst one-day percentage decline, 22.6%, in history.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

State Dept Official Pressured FBI to Alter Email Classifications

State Dept Official Pressured FBI to Alter Email Classifications:

"A senior State Department official pressured the FBI to declassify emails stored on Hillary Clinton’s private server that were earlier deemed classified in an attempted “quid pro quo” arrangement.

Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy contacted the FBI repeatedly in 2015 offering to permit the bureau to place additional agents overseas in exchange for altered classifications, the Weekly Standard reported."

Potential Corporate Welfare Binge Risks Second Michigan ‘Lost Decade’

Potential Corporate Welfare Binge Risks Second Michigan ‘Lost Decade’ [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"During Michigan’s economic “Lost Decade” of the 2000s, state government seemed to have just one response for crushing income and employment declines that cost some 800,000 residents their jobs between 2000 and 2010: more corporate welfare.
If there was any evidence this approach works to turn around an ailing economy — there is not — it still could not have overcome the massive drag imposed on the Michigan economy by business and income tax increases enacted in 2007, and smaller exactions like a 2004 property tax hike.
...But corporate welfare is always an attraction for politicians.
Image result for corporate welfareToday, in the absence of any overarching growth agenda, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are falling back into past bad habits.
Indeed, the upcoming lame duck legislative session could see a corporate welfare blowout.
To protect his legacy of growth and reform, Gov. Snyder should be prepared to wield a sharp veto pen.
One bipartisan proposal could deliver potential taxpayer subsidies to Dan Gilbert of Quicken Loans and other downtown developers.
Fiscal analysts can't yet estimate the costs. Snyder has raised some concerns but not taken a public position on the idea.
Another bill from Rep. Holly Hughes (R-Manistee) proposing a new kind a port authority is being pitched with various “economic development” rationalizations. 
The measure passed the House in a bipartisan vote on September 22.
It could deliver port revenue to politically well-connected developers while leaving taxpayers holding the bag if things go badly.
The owners of two privately owned port facilities in Muskegon are not amused at the prospect of competition from their own local government.
One of them said in press reports that he and the other operator can easily handle any new demand for shipping cargo into Muskegon and adding another player would be counterproductive, and unfair too.
Hughes has struggled to justify how this legislation is a net plus for her region or the state. 
When pressed in a WJR radio interview, she told host Frank Beckmann to call someone else for details.
...Today, in addition to Hughes's legislation and the Gilbert proposal, there’s also a “public-private partnership” bill introduced by Sen. Mike Kowall.
Like the port proposal this also could become a vehicle for delivering private profits for well-connected developers while taxpayers cover the losses..."

Report: One-third of millennials think George W. Bush killed more people than Stalin

Report: One-third of millennials think George W. Bush killed more people than Stalin - The College Fix
"The first “Annual Report on U.S. Attitudes Towards Socialism” by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation contains some rather interesting tidbits therein, and demonstrates a large disconnect between the generations.
The Daily Signal reports that only 55% of millennials believe communism is “still is a problem in the world today,” whereas 80% of baby boomers and 91% of the elderly generation do.
A mere 42% of millennials view capitalism favorably compared to 64% of those over age 65.
Astonishingly, the report shows that 32% of millennials think that more people died due to the policies of George W. Bush than those of the USSR’s Josef Stalin.
Let that sink in.
From the article:
Just 37 percent of millennials had a “very unfavorable” view of communism, compared to 57 percent of Americans overall. Close to half (45 percent) of Americans aged 16 to 20 said they would vote for a socialist, and 21 percent would vote for a communist. …
When millennial respondents were asked about their familiarity with various historical communist figures, 42 percent were unfamiliar with Mao Zedong, 40 percent with Che Guevara, and 33 percent with Vladimir Lenin—three notorious figures in communist regimes. 

Among millennials familiar with Lenin, 25 percent viewed him favorably.
...“Ronald Reagan said that ‘freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction,’” he added. 
“It is the solemn obligation of this generation to educate the rising generation about the manifold victims and crimes of the deadliest ism of the last 100 years—communism.”
A generation raised after the Cold War with educators unwilling to teach about it make for a bad combination.

Nina Turner: Dems Need to Heal Because Clinton Campaign Actually Wrote WikiLeaks Emails - Breitbart

Nina Turner: Dems Need to Heal Because Clinton Campaign Actually Wrote WikiLeaks Emails - Breitbart:

"Saturday, MSNBC political analyst and former Ohio State Sen. Nina Turner (D) discussed the WikiLeaks emails that show the Hillary Clinton campaign’s disdain for fellow Democrats, as well as recruiting “needy Latinos.”

Turner said that the Democratic party will need to heal because the emails were actually written by Democrats about fellow Democrats."

See EXACTLY What Paris Looks Like After Mass Refugee Immigration...

See EXACTLY What Paris Looks Like After Mass Refugee Immigration... » Louder With Crowder
"...Tons of hardly vetted refugees is a recipe for rapey boomness. 
France learned this the hard way earlier in the year 
Apparently things haven’t improved much. 
The video below shows us a lot. 
A giant slumber party? 
Not quite. 
It reveals what the streets of Paris look like now…
Footage [was] taken in the Avenue de Flandres, 19th Arrondissement, near the Stalingrad Metro Station in Paris as well as areas in close proximity… Homeless immigrants, undocumented or waiting for a decision of their asylum application, pass the time in the city. Crime and rape is rampant, mass brawls and riots made the news as fights broke out near the Stalingrad metro station.1
We knew it was bad after seeing the refugee camp of Calais, plus all the terrorism
But this shows us just how bad it really is. 
European leaders insist on taking in even more migrants, meanwhile France looks like one giant refugee camp..."

Pranksters clog UF hotline to protest costume guidelines

Pranksters clog UF hotline to protest costume guidelines:
  • A hotline for University of Florida students to report culturally insensitive Halloween costumes has backfired after a Fox Sports commentator instigated a series of prank calls to the number.
  • Fox Sports commentator Clay Travis prank called the line during one of his live shows, pretending to be a gay student offended by a Harambe costume, and then shared the number with his audience.
  • Since then, at least 40 prank calls have come in, taxing the hotline's resources by forcing the school to investigate false reports.

"“...I went to a fraternity party last night and there was somebody dressed as Harambe, the gorilla, and I found it to be really racially insensitive,” Travis said on the call. 
“It’s really disappointing that the University of Florida is not taking my microaggressions seriously because, I mean, I’m really upset about this costume that I saw.”
...In addition to calling the wellness hotline, the newsletter also encouraged students to email the “U Matter, We Care” program and report offensive costumes to the Bias Education and Response Team so they can “educate those that were involved.”...

Lunch video-----The Nation Of Lies