Saturday, October 22, 2016

Rigging the Election - Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence...

IRONY: Hillary Clinton Lectured State Dept. Staff on Cybersecurity in 2010 (VIDEO)

IRONY: Hillary Clinton Lectured State Dept. Staff on Cybersecurity in 2010 (VIDEO)
If there’s anyone who needed a lecture about cyversecurity at the State Department it was Hillary Clinton, but in the ultimate twist of irony, it was Hillary who was lecturing everyone else.
FOX News reports:
Clinton lectured State Dept. staff on cybersecurity in 2010 video
Despite conducting her own government business through a personal “homebrew” server while secretary of state, Hillary Clinton is seen in a newly obtained video lecturing her staff of their “special duty” to recognize the importance of cybersecurity.
“The real key to cybersecurity rests with you,” Clinton says in the 2010 video, which was obtained by “Complying with department computing policies and being alert to potential threats will help protect all of us.”
Clinton goes on in the video to underscore the important work the State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security and IT department were doing to guard against cyber-attacks. She warns hackers try to “exploit” vulnerabilities and penetrate department systems. She then urges staffers to log onto the internal cybersecurity awareness website or subscribe to their “cybersecurity awareness newsletter.”
“Together we can do our part to improve the security of the State Department and of our nation,” Clinton says.
Asked for comment, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz told, “Hillary Clinton needs only to look into the mirror to find the biggest cyber security risk.”
Watch the video:
She’s such a fraud!

The Cow & The Ice Cream

The Cow & The Ice Cream | Just Americans Making Ethical Statements Weblog:


“We are worried about ‘the cow’
when it is all about the ‘Ice Cream.’

The presidential election was heating up and some of the children showed an interest.
I decided that we would have an election for a class president.
We would choose our nominees.
They would make a campaign speech and the class would vote.
To simplify the process, candidates were nominated by other class members.
We discussed what kinds of characteristics these students should have.
We got many nominations and from those, Jamie and Olivia were picked to run for the top spot.
The class had done a great job in their selections.
Both candidates were good kids.
I thought Jamie might have an advantage because he got lots of parental support.
I had never seen Olivia’s mother.
Image result for The Cow & The Ice Cream memeThe day for their speeches arrived.
Jamie went first.
He had specific ideas about how to make our class a better  place.
He ended by promising to do his very best.
Everyone applauded and he sat down.
Now is was Olivia’s turn to speak.
Her speech was concise.
She said, “If you vote for me, I will give you ice cream.”
She sat down.
The class went wild.
“Yes! Yes!  We want ice cream.”
She surely would say more.
She did not have to.
A discussion followed.
How did she plan to pay for the ice cream?
She wasn’t sure.
Would her parents buy it or would the class pay for it?
She didn’t know.
The class really didn’t care.
All they were thinking about was ice cream.
Jamie was forgotten.
Olivia won by a landslide.
Every time Barack Obama opened his mouth he offered ice cream and 52 percent of the people reacted like nine year olds.
They want ice cream.
The other 48 percent know they’re going to have to feed the cow and clean up the mess.
This is the ice cream Obama promised us!
Remember, the government cannot give anything to anyone that they have not first taken away from someone else.
Did you vote for the ice cream?

Dem BUSTED Coordinating Mass Voter Fraud; It Just Got MUCH WORSE | The Federalist Papers

Dem BUSTED Coordinating Mass Voter Fraud; It Just Got MUCH WORSE | The Federalist Papers:

"The revelation that Democratic and Hillary Clinton operatives are openly and actively trying to incite violence at Donald Trump rallies has shaken the Clinton campaign and the entire party.

But the latest bombshell is perhaps the most telling of all."

AM Fruitcake

History for October 22

History for October 22 -
Franz Liszt 1811, Curly Howard 1903, Timothy Leary 1920

Christopher Lloyd 1938 - Actor ("Taxi," "Back to the Future" movies), Annette Funicello 1942, Jeff Goldblum 1952 - Actor

1797 - Andre-Jacques Garnerin made the first recorded parachute jump. He made the jump from about 3,000 feet.

1836 - Sam Houston was inaugurated as the first constitutionally elected president of the Republic of Texas.

1844 - This day is recognized as "The Great Disappointment" among those who practiced Millerism. The world was expected to come to an end according to the followers of William Miller.

1907 - The Panic of 1907 began when depositors began withdrawing money from many New York banks.

1962 - U.S. President Kennedy went on radio and television to inform the United States about his order to send U.S. forces to blockade Cuba. The blockade was in response to the discovery of Soviet missile bases on the island.

1968 - Apollo 7 splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean. The spacecraft had orbited the Earth 163 times.

1981 - The Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization was decertified by the federal government for its strike the previous August.

1991 - The European Community and the European Free Trade Association agreed to create a free trade zone of 19 nations by the year 1993.

Friday, October 21, 2016

More FBI agents speak out, say Comey purposely derailed Hillary email scandal | BizPac Review

More FBI agents speak out, say Comey purposely derailed Hillary email scandal | BizPac Review:

"A series of interviews conducted with two federal agents shows a deep frustration with Comey’s decision not to recommend to the Department of Justice to indict Hillary over her email scandal, according to an exclusive by the Daily Caller’s Kerry Pickett.

“This is a textbook case where a grand jury should have been convened, but was not. That is appalling,” an FBI special agent who has worked public corruption and criminal cases said. “We talk about it in the office and don’t know how Comey can keep going.”

One surprising detail emerged that shows how little interest Comey had in actually investigating Hillary: the FBI didn’t even bother searching Hillary’s house for evidence."

Culture Beat: The Social Media Thought Police

Culture Beat: The Social Media Thought Police — The Patriot Post
"Policing thought is, unfortunately, one of the realities of social media. 
We’ve detailed the censorship and bias of Facebook, but it’s hardly alone. 
Recently, Twitter suspended University of Tennessee law professor and blogger extraordinaire Glenn Reynolds (a.k.a. Instapundit) over a “controversial” tweet about Black Lives Matter protesters. 
He was restored upon appeal, but it shouldn’t have happened in the first place. 
This week, Twitter also suspended the account of conservative activist James O'Keefe. 
This time, it has to do with guns.
O'Keefe had just captured former Sen. Russ Feingold on camera saying, “Well, there might be an executive order” on gun control. 
A major Hillary Clinton donor also said, “Hillary wants to shut it down. If we can get guns away from everyone in this country, she’ll close the loopholes, she’ll get rid of assault weapons, she will get rid of being able to buy you know, unlimited bullets, she’s gonna make all that stop.”
Think Twitter didn’t want to suppress that? 
Ostensibly, this is about photos or videos without the subject’s consent, but O'Keefe has a habit of breaking inconvenient stories.
Meanwhile, YouTube has gotten in on the anti-conservative act. 
Prager University, which was created by conservative radio host Dennis Prager and offers short educational videos on a variety of topics from a Judeo-Christian perspective, has charged that Google-owned YouTube has been censoring a number of its educational videos by classifying 21 of them as “restricted.” 
Video titles such as “Are the Police Racist?,” “What ISIS Wants,” “Did Bush Lie About Iraq?” and “What is the University Diversity Scam?” have landed under YouTube’s “restricted mode.”...

Wind-powered device can produce 11 gallons per day of clean drinking water from the air

Wind-powered device can produce 11 gallons per day of clean drinking water from the air : TreeHugger
"WaterSeer is a low-tech, low-cost atmospheric water condenser that could help create water self-sufficiency in communities around the world.
A new device developed by VICI-Labs, in collaboration with UC Berkeley and the National Peace Corps Association, aims to provide a sustainable source of clean safe water for the millions without a reliable water supply. 
...The WaterSeer is relatively simple device, designed to be operated without an external power input, and without the need for costly chemicals or maintenance, that can 'pull' moisture from thin air and condense it into water using the temperature difference between the above-ground turbine and the collection chamber installed six feet underground. 
The potable water can then be delivered to the surface for use via a simple pump and hose, and the device is said to be able to produce up to 11 gallons per day, even in arid regions.
And the best part? 
The WaterSeer will be priced at just $134."


Finally! WikiLeaks Releases Details of Exactly how Hillary is STEALING THE ELECTION!

Finally! WikiLeaks Releases Details of Exactly how Hillary is STEALING THE ELECTION!:

"Podesta explained in an email that illegal immigrants can vote regardless if they are a citizen or not.

More than half of California’s drivers license in the past years have been given to illegals. Now we know why Democrats support this.

This is voter fraud:"

Granholm Touted Failed Companies in Bid for Federal Energy Job

Granholm Touted Failed Companies in Bid for Federal Energy Job [Michigan Capitol Confidential]: "The latest batch of WikiLeaks emails included a leaked 2008 dispatch from then Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm promoting herself as a candidate for President Barack Obama’s secretary of energy. 
Granholm would have had to resign as governor midway through her final term had she landed the job.
...In one section of her pitch, the Democratic former governor wrote extensively about three companies that benefited from the programs.
Two of those companies turned out to be flops – Mascoma Corporation and United Solar Ovonic.
Mascoma was awarded $26 million from the U.S. Department of Energy and $23.5 million from the state of Michigan to convert biomass into ethanol. 
In 2008, the company pledged that by the end of 2012 it would employ 70 people in a facility to be built in Kinross Township in Chippewa County.
"Michigan is proud to partner with Mascoma as part of our commitment to lead the nation in alternative energy production," Granholm quoted herself in the leaked email.
Except, it never happened, according to Kinross Township Clerk Sheila Gaines.
The plant was never built.
In 2014, Mascoma sold its intellectual property rights to a private Canadian company called Lallemand.
United Solar Ovonic, a manufacturer of flexible thin-film modules, was approved for a $17.3 million state tax credit in 2008, to be paid out over 20 years.
"United Solar Ovonic is a great example of the type of investment needed to ensure Michigan's economic success in the 21st century," Granholm quoted herself in the attachment.
Granholm said the company would create 700 jobs.
Instead, it went out of business in 2012 after filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
The person who won out over Granholm for the federal cabinet post - Steven Chu - presided over huge taxpayer losses in boondoggles like Solyndra.
Solyndra was a solar panel manufacturer from California that went bankrupt in 2011 despite $535 million in federal loan guarantees."

WikiLeaks Reveal The REAL Reason The FBI Let Hillary Off The Hook | The Federalist Papers

WikiLeaks Reveal The REAL Reason The FBI Let Hillary Off The Hook | The Federalist Papers: "President Obama claimed back in March of 2015 that he found out about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private, unsecured email server the same way other Americans found out — “through news reports.” 
But WikiLeaks has released emails hacked from the account of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, that proved otherwise and may point to a big reason why the FBI let Clinton off the hook.
“They know POTUS and HRC emailed,” Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton’s communications director, wrote in a March 2015 email approximately a month before Clinton announced her presidential run.
“Josh has been asked about that,” Palmieri continued, in reference to Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary.
“Standard practice is not to confirm anything about his email, so his answer to press was that he would not comment/confirm,” Palmieri wrote. “I recollect that Josh was also asked if POTUS ever noticed her personal email account and he said something like POTUS likely had better things to do than focus on his Cabinet’s email addresses.”
Better things to do, like golfing?
Drawing red lines in the sand?
Even if Obama had “better things to do,” someone should have been concerned about cyber security and the fact that the secretary of state was using a private server.
In the email exchange, Palmieri was discussing Obama’s CBS statement with Clinton aide Phillippe Reines who suggested that they should warn the White House about the likelihood that Obama’s statement to CBS would fall apart under scrutiny.
“One of us should connect with the WH just so they know that the email will show his statement to not make sense,” Reines wrote. “I’m happy to do so to Josh Earnest since Jen is in a weird position, unless Cheryl or John you want to (or already have) with someone else. But it’s not unreasonable to assume that Josh is going to get asked how this was possible, and he should have the factset.”
“Especially if it’s some weird technical thing with the President’s email setup that he doesn’t see addresses,” Reines wrote.
Some “weird technical thing?” Must have been the Russians’ fault, eh?
The FBI found out, during their investigation of Clinton’s use of private servers run out of her New York home, that Obama used a pseudonym to email Clinton on her home brew server. 
That’s a big fat lie as part of a massive coverup, not some “weird technical thing.”
In another March 2015 email released by WikiLeaks, Podesta asked Clinton lawyer Cheryl Mills about emails between POTUS and Clinton: “Think we should hold emails to and from potus?”
“That’s the heart of his exec privilege. We could get them to ask for that. They may not care, but I seems like they will,” Podesta wrote.
Well, this revelation may have been a big reason why the Obama administration let Clinton off the hook — Obama himself was in on it."

Lunch video-----Young Hillary Voters Can't Name An Accomplishment Of Hers


At least one CNN journalist did not suck up to John Podesta |

At least one CNN journalist did not suck up to John Podesta |

"On Wednesday, Tapper tweeted an image of an email he sent in 2009 when he worked for ABC News. In the message, he called perceived efforts to intimidate reporters who would cover subjects the White House disapproved of “disgusting”:"

How they win!-----"First They Came for Asia Bibi"

"First They Came for Asia Bibi":
  • The same week that Mr Yousaf was extolling the idea that Britain is a proto-Nazi state and Pakistan a potential safe-haven, the Pakistani authorities saw the latest round of the interminable and unforgivable saga of Asia Bibi. This is the woman who has been on death-row in Pakistan for no crime other than the crime of being a Christian. Bibi has been awaiting execution for five years, purely because a neighbour claimed that Bibi had insulted Mohammed during an argument.
  • They attack the Conservative government of the UK for Nazism while not merely praising, but lauding as a safe haven, a state which actually persecutes and murders people because of their religion.
  • Which means that he is doing what many other people today are doing, which is knowingly to cover for a racist despotism, so long as it is despotism with an Islamic face.
Is Britain becoming a Nazi state? It would seem unlikely, but to listen to some of the critics of the Conservative government in recent days it would appear that we are only moments away from become a racist despotism.

Last week the convener of the Scottish Parliament's Equalities and Human Rights Committee, one Christina McKelvie, pronounced that the Conservative party is displaying "some of the most right-wing reactionary politics that I've heard in my lifetime" and claimed that the Conservative party's recent conference showed what will happen in Britain "if we become bystanders and do not speak out against discrimination." She said that some recent Conservative proposals were "reminiscent of the rise of Nazism in the 1930s."

Higher up the Scottish Nationalist Party food-chain, one of their MPs, Mhairi Black last weekalso compared the recent Conservative party conference to the Nazi party. She wrote without irony that she was vexed by its alleged "nationalism', all the more "when that "nationalism" is used as a motivation or an excuse for racist, bigoted and small minded policy." The policies of the Conservative party, she claimed, were increasingly "reminiscent of early 1930s Nazi Germany." As though to demonstrate how sparse her knowledge of that period is, she concluded her piece by citing -- as though no one could possibly have come across the quotation before -- Pastor Martin Niemoller. "First they came for the Jews."

Having sparked some criticism, other nationalists soon came to the aid of Ms Black. Notable among them was Humza Yousaf, one of the ministers of the SNP and himself a member of the Scottish Parliament. While many people on social media criticised Ms Black's absurd rhetoric, he chose to back her up. "Those criticising, I have friends/family who have applied for dual nationality with Pakistan. Feel UK will be unbearable for Muslims in future." This gained headlines of its own. But nobody pointed out the twin outrages of this grotesque nonsense.

While Humza Yousaf (left), a member of the Scottish Parliament, extolls the idea that Britain is a proto-Nazi state and Pakistan a potential safe-haven, Asia Bibi (shown at right with two of her five children) sits on death-row in Pakistan for no crime other than the crime of being a Christian.

...The persecution of Ahmadiyya Muslims is so rife in Pakistan that this July, it even spilled out onto the streets of Glasgow in the murder of an Ahmadiyyan shopkeeper, Asad Shah.

There is also almost no country in the world today (Saudi Arabia and Iran perhaps aside) that is more intolerant of people of other faiths. 
The same week that Mr Yousaf was extolling the idea that Britain is a proto-Nazi state and Pakistan a potential safe-haven, the Pakistani authorities saw the latest round of the interminable and unforgivable saga of Asia Bibi
This is the woman who has been on death-row in Pakistan for no crime other than the crime of being a Christian. Bibi has been awaiting execution for five years, purely because a neighbour claimed that Bibi had insulted Mohammed during an argument.

As it happens, the case of Asia Bibi has now been delayed yet again because the judge has removed himself from the case. He has done so because he knows that if he were to release Asia Bibi, he will himself be assassinated in the manner of the late Punjab governor Salman Taseer..."

Why women should fear Hillary Clinton, not admire her

Why women should fear Hillary Clinton, not admire her | BizPac Review:
"Hillary Clinton claims to be a champion for women, but in reality, she’s a faux feminist who doesn’t support women at all.
Over the years, Hillary has maligned women who were allegedly raped or sexually assaulted by her husband Bill Clinton. Hillary and the Clinton Foundation have also accepted tens of millions of dollars from anti-women regimes like Saudi Arabia.
While slamming Donald Trump as a sexual predator, Hillary refuses to condemn, or even acknowledge, the Muslim rape epidemic roiling Europe.
The disproportionate mainstream media fury over Trump’s words versus the Clintons’ actions spotlights the media bias that exists today.
In 1978, Juanita Broaddrick said she was brutally raped by Bill Clinton when he was attorney general of Arkansas.
When Broaddrick and other women (including Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones and Gennifer Flowers) came forward to reveal Bill Clinton’s pattern of sexual assault and harassment, Hillary launched a vicious smear campaign to discredit them.
She trashed her husband’s accusers as “bimbo eruptions,” and said the women were opportunistic gold diggers seeking 15 minutes of fame.
To this day, Hillary has never apologized to any of her husband’s accusers for defaming them.
Former Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born Dutch activist, has blasted Western so-called feminists like Hillary Clinton for not condemning Muslim nations’ brutal oppression of women.
Image result for hillary bimbo eruptions“One would think that Western feminists in the United States and Europe would be very disturbed by this obvious misogyny. 
But sadly, with few exceptions, this does not appear to be the case,” Hirsi Ali wrote.
On Jan. 1, 2016, more than 1,000 German women were groped, sexually assaulted or raped by 2,000 Muslim men in Cologne, Germany, during New Year’s Eve celebrations. Similar attacks also occurred in 11 other German cities, as well as in Finland, France, Sweden and Switzerland.
Trump has condemned the Cologne sexual assaults, but Hillary’s silence is deafening.
Amazingly, Clinton wants to increase by 550% the number of Muslim refugees brought into the United States despite the FBI’s admission that there is no way to properly vet for terrorism.
Rapes in Sweden, Norway and Germany have skyrocketed during the past 20 years as their Muslim populations have spiked.
Sweden, a feminist country where rape was once almost nonexistent, is now considered the “rape capital of the West.”...
Hillary vilifies Trump over dumb comments he made in 2005 but remains painfully silent about the systematic oppression of women in Saudi Arabia, where a woman can be stoned to death for adultery.
These glaring examples of Hillary Clinton’s faux feminism underscore that to Hillary, women are merely votes she needs to continue her oligarchical power trip."

Matt Ridley: Global Warming versus Global Greening

Matt Ridley: Global Warming versus Global Greening | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)

"...After covering global warming debates as a journalist on and off for almost 30 years, with initial credulity, then growing skepticism, I have come to the conclusion that the risk of dangerous global warming, now and in the future, has been greatly exaggerated while the policies enacted to mitigate the risk have done more harm than good, both economically and environmentally, and will continue to do so.
And I am treated as some kind of pariah for coming to this conclusion.
Why do I think the risk from global warming is being exaggerated? 
For four principal reasons.
1. All environmental predictions of doom always are;
2. the models have been consistently wrong for more than 30 years;
3. the best evidence indicates that climate sensitivity is relatively low;
4. the climate science establishment has a vested interest in alarm.

Global greening

I will come to those four points in a moment. But first I want to talk about global greening, the gradual, but large, increase in green vegetation on the planet.
I think this is one of the most momentous discoveries of recent years and one that transforms the scientific background to climate policy, though you would never know it from the way it has been reported. And it is a story in which I have been both vilified and vindicated.
In December 2012, the environmental scientist Jesse Ausubel of Rockefeller University drew my attention to a video online of a lecture given by Ranga Myneni of Boston University.
In this lecture Myneni presented ingenious analysis of data from satellites proving that much of the vegetated area of the planet was getting greener, only a little bit was getting browner, and that overall in 30 years there had been a roughly 14% increase in green vegetation on planet Earth.

In this slide he argued that this was occurring in all vegetation types – tropical rain forests, subarctic taiga, grasslands, semi-deserts, farmland, everywhere.
What is more, Myneni argued that by various means he could calculate that about half of this greening was a direct result of rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, rather than the application of agricultural fertiliser, irrigation, warmer temperatures or increased rainfall.
Carbon dioxide, along with water, is the raw material that plants use to make carbohydrates, with the help of sunlight, so it stands to reason that raising its concentration should help plants grow.
I was startled by Myneni’s data. I knew that there had been thousands of so-called free-air concentration (FACE) experiments, in which levels of CO2 had been increased over crops or wild ecosystems to find out if it boosted their growth (it did), and that commercial greenhouse owners now routinely maintain CO2 levels in their greenhouses at more than double ambient levels – because it makes their tomatoes grow faster.
But the global effect of CO2 levels on the quantity of vegetation had not, as far as I could tell, been measured till now.
Other lines of evidence also pointed to this global greening:
* the increased rate of growth of forest trees,
* the increased amplitude of seasonal carbon dioxide variation measured in Hawaii and elsewhere,
* photographic surveys of vegetation,
* the increased growth rate of phytoplankton, marine plants and some corals, and so on.
I published an article in the Wall Street Journal in January 2013 on these various lines of evidence, including Myneni’s satellite analysis, pointing to the increase in green vegetation.

This was probably the very first article in the mainstream media on the satellite evidence for global greening..."
Lots here.
Read on!

Obama compares Affordable Care Act to Samsung smartphone that catches fire |

Obama compares Affordable Care Act to Samsung smartphone that catches fire |

"During a speech at Miami Dade College in Florida Thursday, the president used several analogies to describe Obamacare, which has faced widespread scrutiny in recent months as several leading insurance companies have pulled out of the exchanges. He compared the policy to a “starter home” in need of repairs and ultimately the Galaxy Note 7, which was recalled by Samsung earlier this month because they are catching fire."

College Professor Reminds Students It Will Take A Few Classes To Memorize Everyone’s Triggers

College Professor Reminds Students It Will Take A Few Classes To Memorize Everyone’s Triggers
"BOULDER, CO—Saying he would try his best to learn them all by heart, University of Colorado professor Derek Pollard took a moment Tuesday to remind his students it will take him a few classes to memorize everyone’s triggers.
“I always have a hard time at the beginning of the semester remembering what everyone can comfortably talk about, so if you could all write your triggers down on the sheet I’m passing around, I can start putting faces to sensitivities,” said Pollard, who asked each student to help him out by staying in the same seat each week and reminding him what topics are off-limits to them the first few times they are called on.
“I apologize in advance if I mix you up and accidentally confuse your triggers with someone else’s; you’re just going to have to bear with me on this.
I have 250 students in three classes this term, so it’s going to be a bit of a challenge recalling what I can’t say around each of you.”
Pollard added that he also had office hours for any student who would like to individually threaten him with calls for administrative disciplinary action should he happen to discuss a topic that caused them personal distress."