Monday, October 24, 2016

WikiLeaks Bombshell: Clinton Told Kaine He Was VP — in July of 2015 | PJ Media

WikiLeaks Bombshell: Clinton Told Kaine He Was VP — in July of 2015 | PJ Media:

"According to yet another release of "The Podesta Emails" by WikiLeaks, Hillary Clinton had already chosen Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as her vice presidential pick in July of last year. This means that she knew the system was rigged in her favor, and that she wanted a Spanish speaking running mate before Donald Trump won the Republican nomination."

Wikileaks Shows DEMOCRATS PLANNED TO RIG POLLS Through Over-Sampling

Wikileaks Shows DEMOCRATS PLANNED TO RIG POLLS Through Over-Sampling – American Lookout: "
"Trump is right. 
The polls are rigged.
How can Trump be behind in the polls when he is drawing tens of thousands at his rallies and Hillary draws maybe hundreds?
There are so many signs that say Hillary just doesn’t have the support that the mainstream media claims and now Wikileaks proves, they are oversampling their demographic to get the results they want.
From Wikileaks: To:,, Date: 2008-01-18 19:04 Subject: Atlas polling recommendations
Hey Guys, See attached from Atlas.
Useful but we should still do our due diligence on it.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Crystal King
Date: Jan 17, 2008 7:23 PM Subject:
FW: Meet and polling design
Cc: Andy Meyer ,
Attached are the state by state polling and research recommendations from the ATLAS product that have been compiled into one document.
Please let Andy or I know if you have any questions or need additional information.
Crystal King
(202) 974-8285 Direct (202) 316-1299 Mobile (202) 974-8361 Fax
—– Original Message —–
To: ; Andy Meyer
Sent: Thu Jan 10 21:21:07 2008
Subject: Meet and polling design
Image result for DEMOCRATS PLANNED TO RIG POLLSHey, when can we meet? I also want to get your Atlas folks to recommend oversamples for our polling before we start in February. By market, regions, etc. I want to get this all compiled into one set of recommendations so we can maximize what we get out of our media polling.
Check out the directives in ATLAS’s report:
Over-sample Hispanics
Use Spanish language interviewing. (Monolingual Spanish-speaking voters are among the lowest turnout Democratic targets.)
Over-sample the Native American population.
The ratio of voters-to phone numbers is higher in areas with high Native American populations.
Consider modeling independents to discern how many of them are strong Republican, strong Democrat, or swing. Statewide Democrats since 2002 have carried the independent vote, but the margins have been too narrow. It will be critical to move independents 12 to 15 points to bring the Democrats closer to 65% and 66%.
And that’s just the beginning.
If they have to rig the polling, then this must be a sign of a Trump landslide victory. See you at the polls."

Number of immigrants up 11% in Michigan since 2010, and 8 other facts

Number of immigrants up 11% in Michigan since 2010, and 8 other facts |
Image result for immigration explosion"An estimated 652,090 Michigan residents -- about 6.5 percent of the state's population -- were born outside the United States, according to an estimate released last month by the U.S. Census Bureau.
That's up 11 percent from the 587,787 foreign-born residents recorded in the 2010 Census.
...Most of that growth occurred from increases in the state's Arab, Chinese and Indian populations.
...3. About 18 percent of Michigan's immigrants were born in Arab countries.
...The number of Michigan residents born in an Arab country has increased by almost 25,000 people, or 28 percent, since 2010, the latest Census estimates show.
...5. The number of immigrants from China is up more than 40 percent since 2010.
Michigan has more than 44,000 residents who were born in China, according to the latest Census estimates. That's up from about 31,000 in 2010..."

Lunch video-----C5 Galaxy Giant Puddle takeoff

C 5 Galaxy takeoff and feels what aquaplaning is.
Watch till the end !



WSJ: On SCOTUS, Trump Has ‘Superior Grasp’ On Constitution, While Clinton's Views Threaten Liberty - Matt Vespa

WSJ: On SCOTUS, Trump Has ‘Superior Grasp’ On Constitution, While Clinton's Views Threaten Liberty - Matt Vespa:

"For starters, The Journal ripped into Clinton’s notion that the Supreme Court should represent us, especially in its composition. That’s wrong. That’s what the legislative branch is for. Second, they aptly noted how Clinton supports abortion on demand and without exception, which is an extreme position. "

Gotta to listen to this-Rush comments on Madonna's lewinski offer.
90 seconds of pure hilarity!
Image result for madonna offers blowjobs

'Have You Changed the Password on Your Smart Fridge Lately?'

'Have You Changed the Password on Your Smart Fridge Lately?' | PJ Media:
""That's a question asked by Popular Mechanics writer Eric Limer who wrote an article explaining the massive internet outage on the East Coast on Friday and why the attack may be only the beginning.
The Distributed Denial of Service attack (DDoS) used thousands upon thousands of computers and other internet connected devices to attack the internet performance company Dyn.
...The DDoS attack floods that server with illegitimate requests, so many that very few real requests can get through.
The user gets a message that the server is not available.
Service is intermittent because a few requests are sometimes still able to go through.
As Limer explains, this was the largest DDos attack in history - almost 3 times the size of any previous incident. 
What made it possible was the posting of the source code for a botnet known as "Mirai" that allows relatively easy access to all the "smart" devices in our homes; DVR's, smart refrigerators and thermostats among many. 
Hence, his wry observation, "Have you changed the password on your smart fridge lately? I thought not."
That piece of malware coupled with the targeting of Dyn, led to a day of chaos on the East Coast internet:
The Mirai code focuses on all kinds of smart devices including cameras to internet-connected fridges, but its bread and butter is DVRs. 
Of the nearly 500,000 devices known to be compromised by the Mirai malware, some 80 percent of them are DVRs, according to an in-depth investigation of by Level 3 communications.
...The most terrifying part: 
This is probably only the beginning.
The obvious question:
Was this some sort of dry run for an attack on the internet on election day?
Since a DDoS attack does not require penetration of computers, the resulting internet outages would be inconvenient but manageable.
No doubt the psychological impact of such an attack would be far greater than any damage caused by it..."

What You Need to Know About the National Debt, in 2 Charts

What You Need to Know About the National Debt, in 2 Charts
(Chart by John Fleming/The Heritage Foundation)
The fact that the national debt jumped by $1.4 trillion in one short year should spur Congress to put an end to this excess.
The debt hit a record-breaking high of $19.6 trillion at the close of the federal government’s 2016 fiscal year on Sept. 30. 
It had totaled $18.1 trillion at the end of the previous fiscal year.
The gross national debt includes intragovernmental debt, or debt the federal government owes to itself—for example, to the Social Security trust fund—in addition to debt held by the public.
Federal debt held by the public, or money the government borrowed in financial markets, rose from $13.1 trillion to $14.1 trillion over fiscal 2016. 
That’s an increase of $1 trillion.
Federal debt held by the public now exceeds 75 percent of what the economy produced, as measured by gross domestic product. 
To put this into perspective, debt owned by the public surpassed 70 percent of GDP during only one other time in American history—from 1944 to 1950, due to the large expenditures for World War II.
The debt not only has skyrocketed but is projected to increase as budget deficits rise due to excessive spending. Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid—three programs affected by the aging and retirement of the baby boomers—are especially key.
These three programs, along with interest on the debt and Obamacare, are projected to make up 83 percent of increased spending over the next decade. 
To seriously control spending and debt, Congress must alter the authorizing statutes of the programs.
Growing spending fuels the growth in debt. 
The Congressional Budget Office projects that the debt will rise to 86 percent of GDP by 2026, to 106 percent by 2035, and to 141 percent by 2046.
161023_debt_chart2_bocciaAmerica continues on this path of unsustainable debt, we likely will face negative consequences such as higher interest costs, slower economic growth, and a greater chance of a fiscal crisis.
According to the CBO, “a large amount of federal debt will reduce the nation’s output and income below what would occur if the debt was smaller....” Read on!

Why Trump must win!-----It’s official: Venezuela is a full-blown dictatorship

Unbiased America:
"(K.R.) Well, it's pretty much game-over for democracy in Venezuela this week. Opposition parties had collected enough support to force a referendum to recall unpopular authoritarian president Nicolás Maduro, Hugo Chavez's successor since the socialist president died in 2013. The recall was widely expected to succeed, and opposition parties were also expected to take most of Venezuela’s governorships and mayoral seats in elections later this year, ending Venezuela's disastrous 14 year socialist nightmare.
Instead, courts, having been packed with Chavistas, this week unexpectedly postponed elections until next year and outright cancelled the referendum, claiming it was fraudulent. The move all but ensures that Maduro will finish out his term through 2019, and likely refuse to cede power at that time.
It appears yet another country has succumbed to socialism's historically dependable incitement of dictatorship.

Image may contain: 1 person

Will Trump File Felony Mob Action Charges Against Clinton & The DNC? | The Daily Caller

Will Trump File Felony Mob Action Charges Against Clinton & The DNC? | The Daily Caller:

"The RNC and Donald Trump’s campaign must file criminal charges against the DNC, Democracy Partners, Mobilize, and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Anyone who was beaten at a Donald Trump rally now can file criminal and civil claims against Hillary Clinton and her campaign.

Trump’s Chicago rally had to be cancelled due to the extreme violence by Chicago operatives for Hillary Clinton. Criminal charges should be and must be filed."

Remember when Donna Brazile had to leave Dukakis campaign for lies?

Remember when Donna Brazile had to leave Dukakis campaign for lies? – Fire Andrea Mitchell!
So the DNC replaces Debbie Wasserman Schultz with CNN hack Donna Brazile. 
So just who is this hack Donna Brazile aside from being a racist, Hillary Clinton mouthpiece on CNN and ABC? 
Donna Brazile worked for the 1988 Michael Dukakis and was forced to resign after she spread lies about George H.W. Bush. 
In fact, it got so bad in 1988 that not only was Brazile fired, Dukakis himself was forced to publicly apologize to Bush for Donna Brazile’s lies.
Remember when Donna Brazile had to leave Dukakis campaign for lies?
Remember when Donna Brazile had to leave Dukakis campaign for lies?
This was the October surprise in 1988 that Democrats didn’t want. 
But it revealed who Donna Brazile really is. 
She’s since made millions of dollars from liberal networks to bash Republicans and play the race card for decades. She’s the perfect choice for the DNC.

AM Fruitcake

History for October 24

Image result for "cold war" Bernard Baruch
History for October 24 -
Sarah J. Hale 1788 - She wrote the poem "Mary Had A Little Lamb.", Moss Hart 1904 - Playwright, Bob Kane 1915 - Comic book artist, creator of Batman

F. Murray Abraham 1939 - Actor, David Nelson 1936 - Actor, Kevin Kline 1947 - Actor

1632 - Scientist Anthony van Leeuwenhoek was born in Delft, Holland. He created the first microscope lenses that were powerful enough to observe single-celled animals.

1648 - The Holy Roman Empire was effectively destroyed by the Peace of Westphalia that brought an end to the Thirty Years War.

1836 - Alonzo D. Phillips received a patent for the phosphorous friction safety match.

1901 - Daredevil Anna Edson Taylor became the first person to go over Niagara Falls in a wooden barrel. She was 63 years old.

1929 - In the U.S., investors dumped more than 13 million shares on the stock market. The day is known as "Black Tuesday."

1939 - Nylon stockings were sold to the public for the first time in Wilmington, DE.
Image result for 1939 - Nylon stockings were sold to the public

1948 - The term "cold war" was used for the first time. It was in a speech by Bernard Baruch before the Senate War Investigating Committee.
Image result for "cold war" Bernard Baruch

1960 - All remaining American-owned property in Cuba was nationalized. The process of nationalizing all U.S. and foreign-owned property in Cuban had begun on August 6, 1960.
Image result for American-owned property in Cuba was nationalized.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Obama Blames ‘Far-Right Media’ for ‘Pumping Out All Kinds of Crazy Toxic Stuff’ - Breitbart

Obama Blames ‘Far-Right Media’ for ‘Pumping Out All Kinds of Crazy Toxic Stuff’ - Breitbart:

"Obama employed a straw man attack against conservative media, accusing them of starting “the whole birther thing” and calling climate change a “Chinese hoax.”

“According to them, I’m powerful enough to cause these hurricanes, and I’m about to steal everybody’s guns in the middle of the night and declare martial law, but somehow I still need a teleprompter to finish a sentence,” he said incredulously."

WIKILEAKS BOMBSHELL: Yet Another Bill Clinton Mistress, Dubbed ‘Energizer Bunny’…

WIKILEAKS BOMBSHELL: Yet Another Bill Clinton Mistress, Dubbed ‘Energizer Bunny’…
"It’s clear Bill Clinton doesn’t want his wife to win.
Hell, can you blame him?
Hearing stories about a mistress called the ‘Energizer Bunny’ might just explain why.
Energizer BunnyFrom the folks at Heat Street…
The Clintons’ inner circle was roiled by the forthcoming release of the book “The First Family In Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal The Hidden Lives Of Presidents” by Clinton antagonist Edward Klein.
The book alleged that Bill Clinton had a “blonde, buxom mistress” named Julie McMahon.
The Secret Service reportedly nicknamed “The Energizer Bunny.”
McMahon was a neighbor of the Clintons in their adopted town of Chappaqua in New York’s exclusive Westchester County.
Hillary’s close confidant Cheryl Mills sent a Daily Mail article about the book to Hillary campaign chair and former Bill chief of staff John Podesta.
Team Clinton immediately scheduled an evening conference call for 6:30 pm that night to discuss “the Energizer Bunny.”
To recap:
Bill Clinton already has a reputation for being a man-whore (SYNONYM: whore) and embarrassing his wife.
His wife already has a reputation for being okay with Bill having sex with other women, as long as she can be President.
Bill Clinton views this as a challenge and has sex with their neighbor. *insert “rising to the occasion” joke here*
Clearly, the Clinton campaign knew there to be at least some truth to this.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t repeatedly call emergency meetings over something blatantly fake.
This could be America for the next four years. 
But don’t say we didn’t try to warn you…"

Appalachian State U. goes 'genderless' at homecoming - no more king and queen

Appalachian State U. goes 'genderless' at homecoming - no more king and queen - The College Fix
"Yesterday’s homecoming at Appalachian State University did not feature the usual king and queen but rather a “Homecoming Royalty” … in an effort to be more “gender inclusive.”
The college is merely following a trend.
Earlier this month the University of Wisconsin-Stout did away with its homecoming king and queen, breaking a nearly 80-year-old tradition. 
Last year, U. Wisconsin-Eau Claire abolished the “gender-binary” concept, as did San Diego State.
Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School in Maryland went to a “Homecoming Royalty” concept because a king and queen was deemed “exclusionary” to its “gender-neutral and transgender population.”
Instead of a set number of men and women on the court, there are now nine students selected to be a part of the new Homecoming Royalty court. Voting is happening until Thursday at 5pm, and whoever receives the most votes will be crowned ‘Top of the Rock’ […]
Appalachian State’s mission statement set a goal to ‘promote a spirit of inclusion that inspires students, faculty and staff to form relationships extending well beyond graduation.’ The change to the Homecoming Court was created based off of this idea of inclusion.
“In celebration of the university’s commitment to inclusion, we will be selecting nine individuals who represent the best of the best that Appalachian State has to offer. Our pool of candidates will focus on who brings the most to our campus,” App State’s Homecoming website said.
But students aren’t very happy about it."

Huma Abedin told Clinton her secret email account caused problems - Washington Times

Huma Abedin told Clinton her secret email account caused problems - Washington Times:

"Top personal aide Huma Abedin was trying to set up a call with someone identified as Kouchner — seemingly Bernard Kouchner, the top French diplomat at the time — but Mrs. Clinton’s OK for the call didn’t get to Ms. Abedin in time.

“You are having email delays,” Ms. Abedin told her boss, sparking a back-and-forth over the system Mrs. Clinton had set up.

“We should talk about putting you on state email or releasing your email address to the department so you are not going to spam,” Ms. Abedin said in the Nov. 13, 2010, exchange."

Obama State Department is pouring refugees in at rate to admit 135,000 by September 2017

Obama State Department is pouring refugees in at rate to admit 135,000 by September 2017 « Refugee Resettlement Watch:
"Just as we predicted, Obama’s State Department is admitting refugees at a rate not seen in decades. Are they trying to flood the zone before a possible Trump Administration takes the reins of government in January?  
We think so!
...I thought I would check the general flow for all refugees being admitted in the first three weeks of Fiscal Year 2017.
screenshot-51Obama has proposed a refugee admission plan for 110,000 refugees to be placed in your towns by September 30, 2017.
However, at the rate they are coming in, 135,000 could be here by that date.
(Most of Obama’s plans for previous years averaged much less than 70,000 a year***.)
Minnesota is the top resettlement state for Somalis. 
It is also the top secondary migration state as Somalis resettled elsewhere head there in large numbers.
...What I want to point out here are the Muslim refugees (3,517 in the first three weeks) and all of the different countries they come from.
While we focus on the Syrians and the problems with vetting, make no mistake, they can’t properly vet any of these Muslims who we have picked up all over the world.
...The most shocking number below is for Somalis in the first 3 weeks.
We are bringing them in at a rate NEVER seen.
At this rate (335 a week) we could bring in over 17,000 by the end of the fiscal year..."