Saturday, October 29, 2016

‘Hillary’s America’ is already here

VIDEO: ‘Hillary’s America’ is already here:
They call it “culture shift.” 
Places, in America, that no longer look or feel like America.
Cedar Riverside in Minneapolis fits the bill, with its large Somali community known as “Little Mogadishu,” as does and Hamtramck, Michigan, where the Islamic call to prayer is shouted over loudspeakers and the local city council is now majority-Muslim.
Parts of Amarillo, Texas, have been flooded with so many Muslim refugees that some ethnic enclaves claim to have elected their own tribal leaders independent of the city government, the city’s mayor recently testified before the Texas Legislature.
Then there is Dearborn, Michigan, which is now 40 percent Muslim and spilling over into neighboring cities and towns.
Women walk the streets dressed in long, black burqas that cover all but their eyes. 
Almost all the signs on storefronts are in Arabic or some other Middle Eastern dialect.
Documentary filmmaker Dennis Michael Lynch recently drove through Dearborn, guided by a lifelong resident of the city named Brian. 
What Brian showed him was not just a culture shift but something closer to a shock..."
Much, much more here.
Read on!

College fears 'war paint' could 'threaten our sense of community'

College fears 'war paint' could 'threaten our sense of community'
"Millersville University is warning students against wearing Halloween costumes that could promote “cultural appropriation,” saying they should make their costume selections with “thoughtfulness and sensitivity.”
    Image result for 1950s halloween kids
  • "Poor decisions" like wearing "war paint...are examples of cultural appropriation and misrepresentation" that "threaten our sense of community," the school says.
  • Millersville University is warning students against wearing Halloween costumes that could promote “cultural appropriation,” saying they should make their costume selections with “thoughtfulness and sensitivity.”
The Pennsylvania college sent out an email Wednesday, a copy of which was obtained by Campus Reform, to lecture its students on the potentially “poor decisions” that could be made on Halloween, like “wearing feathered headdresses” or painting themselves with “war paint.”
“Halloween is also a time when normal thoughtfulness and sensitivity can sometimes be forgotten. Poor decisions such as wearing feathered headdresses, ‘war paint,’ or other skin tone modifications, such as blackface, are examples of cultural appropriation and misrepresentation,” the school’s vice president of student affairs, Brian Hazlett, wrote in a campus-wide email.
...Finally, Hazlett concludes his email by pleading with his students to ask themselves one simple question when choosing what to wear for the approaching holding, that being: “Could someone take offense with your costume and why?”...

Lunch video-----A Vote For Hillary is a Vote For World War 3


Report: Clinton campaign eyeing Joe Biden for secretary of state |

Report: Clinton campaign eyeing Joe Biden for secretary of state |

 "Should Clinton tap Biden for the secretary of state position, it would be her first major Cabinet selection and perhaps the most telling for a potential president who once held the same position in Foggy Bottom. In addition, Biden would be an interesting choice, given the two lawmakers have frequently clashed on foreign policy matters:"

Thomas Gallatin: Hillary's Piggy Bank: The Clinton Foundation

Thomas Gallatin: Hillary's Piggy Bank: The Clinton Foundation — The Patriot Post:
"The WikiLeaks document drip continues to reveal the degree to which the Clintons have conspired to enrich and politically position themselves. 
One of the memos released was written in 2011 by Clinton “errand boy” Doug Band, who worked simultaneously at the Clinton Foundation and was the head of his own consulting business, Teneo. 
The memo reveals a level of collusion between the Clintons, the Clinton Foundation, the State Department and Band as he boasts of raising money for the Clinton Foundation from top-tier companies who were clients of his firm. 
Those same donors also provided personal income to Bill Clinton — in fact, Band called it “Bill Clinton, Inc.” 
As The Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel put it, “The memo removes any doubt that the [Clinton Foundation] is little more than an unregistered super PAC working on the Clintons' behalf.”
Strassel may have summed up this latest email dump best when she reported, “It is astonishingly detailed proof that the Clintons do not draw any lines between their ‘charitable’ work, their political activity, their government jobs or (and most important) their personal enrichment. 
Every other American is expected to keep these pursuits separate, as required by tax law, anticorruption law and campaign-finance law. 
For the Clintons, it is all one and the same — the rules be damned.”
If Hillary wins the election, Americans can only expect more of the same, though this time it will be Clinton Administration, Inc."

The Dark Agenda Behind Globalism And Open Borders

The Dark Agenda Behind Globalism And Open Borders
"The anti-globalization movement is gaining intellectual support and credibility. 
This article correctly points out, “There is no modicum of evidence to support the notion that globalization, interdependencey and centralization actually work.” ⁃ TN Editor
When people unfamiliar with the liberty movement stumble onto the undeniable fact of the “conspiracy” of globalism they tend to look for easy answers to understand what it is and why it exists.
Most people today have been conditioned to perceive events from a misinterpreted standpoint of “Occam’s Razor” — they wrongly assume that the simplest explanation is probably the right one.
In fact, this is not what Occam’s Razor states.
Instead, to summarize, it states that the simplest explanation GIVEN THE EVIDENCE at hand is probably the right explanation.
It has been well known and documented for decades that the push for globalism is a deliberate and focused effort on the part of a select “elite;” international financiers, central bankers, political leaders and the numerous members of exclusive think tanks. 
They often openly admit their goals for total globalization in their own publications, perhaps believing that the uneducated commoners would never read them anyway.
Carroll Quigley, mentor to Bill Clinton and member of the Council on Foreign Relations, is often quoted with open admissions to the general scheme:
“The powers of financial capitalism had (a) far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole... – Carroll Quigley, Tragedy And Hope
The people behind the effort to enforce globalism are tied together by a particular ideology, perhaps even a cult-like religion, in which they envision a world order as described in Plato’s Republic.
They believe that they are “chosen” either by fate, destiny or genetics to rule as philosopher kings over the rest of us.
They believe that they are the wisest and most capable that humanity has to offer, and that through evolutionary means, they can create chaos and order out of thin air and mold society at will.
This mentality is evident in the systems that they build and exploit.
For example, central banking in general is nothing more than a mechanism for driving nations into debt, currency devaluation, and ultimately, enslavement through widespread economic extortion.
The end game for central banks is, I believe, the triggering of historic financial crisis, which can then be used by the elites as leverage to promote complete global centralization as the only viable solution.
This process of destabilizing economies and societies is not directed by the heads of the various central banks.  
Instead, it is directed by even more central global institutions like the International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements, as outlined in revealing mainstream articles like Ruling The World Of Money published by Harpers Magazine.
...I could quote globalists all day long, but I think you get the general idea.
While some people see globalism as a “natural offshoot” of free markets or the inevitable outcome of economic progress, the reality is that the simplest explanation (given the evidence at hand) is that globalism is an outright war waged against the ideal of sovereign peoples and nations.
It is a guerrilla war, or fourth generation warfare, waged by a small group of elites against the rest of us.
A significant element of this war concerns the nature of borders. 
Borders of nations, states and even towns and villages, are not just lines on a map or invisible barriers in the dirt.
This is what the elites and the mainstream media would like us to believe.
Instead, borders when applied correctly represent principles; or at least, that is supposed to be their function..."
Much more!

Texas voters claim machines switching their votes | Fox News

Texas voters claim machines switching their votes | Fox News:

"Early voting began Monday in the Lone Star State, and almost immediately reports began trickling in of votes being changed. The controversy began when Lisa Houlette, a Texas resident in Randall County, posted her story on Facebook. "

The Yoga Pants Protesting Hillary Clinton Voters & America’s Decline – Disturbing VIDEO

The Yoga Pants Protesting Hillary Clinton Voters & America’s Decline – Disturbing VIDEO
The Yoga Pants Protesting Hillary Clinton Voters & America’s Decline – Disturbing VIDEO
"... a bunch of spoiled brat liberal women held a yoga pants protest. 
The Rhode Island yoga pants protest is everything that’s wrong with America . . . and everything that’s wrong with Hillary voters–how out of touch they are with America and with real problems. 
Yoga Pants Protests = #RichLiberalWhiteChickProblems. 
Just sayin’.
Allan Sorrentino, a 63-year-old Barrington, Rhode Island man, wrote a “letter to the editor” of his local newspaper, decrying that a lot of fat people and others who simply don’t have the body (or the appropriate age) for it, are wearing yoga pants. He said he doesn’t want this unsightly vision in his face.
Like the mini-skirt, yoga pants can be adorable on children and young women who have the benefit of nature’s blessing of youth. However, on mature, adult women there is something bizarre and disturbing about the appearance they make in public. Maybe it’s the unforgiving perspective they provide, inappropriate for general consumption, TMI, or the spector of someone coping poorly with their weight or advancing age that makes yoga pants so weird in public.
A nice pair of tailored slacks, jeans, or anything else would be better than those stinky, tacky, ridiculous looking yoga pants. They do nothing to compliment a women over 20 years old. In fact, the look is bad. Do yourself a favor, grow up and stop wearing them in public.
I can’t blame him. To me, though, it’s not necessarily about age. It’s more about shape and fitness–and about how the powers that be keep lying and telling us that fat chicks look hot in yoga pants (and bikinis and cut-out dresses, etc.). (There are some really fat 19-year-olds I’ve seen wearing yoga pants who shouldn’t be and some very fit 40-year-olds who look decent in them.) 
...But in a sign of the fabulous set of priorities we have in our Kardashian-obsessed nation, a group of 300 women wore yoga pants and protested in front of Mr. Sorrentino’s home, which bears a banner that says “FREE SPEECH.” 
Sadly, these crazy feminists and men-haters don’t want Sorrentino to enjoy his First Amendment rights. 
They’ve sent him death threats and said vile things on his voicemail. All–mind you–because he dared write a letter to the editor asking unsightly, out-of-shape women to stop wearing bare yoga pants. 
Yes, death threats. 
That these morons are addicted to overkill and disproportion is the understatement of the year. 
And, yet, all those media nannies who sobbed over the online comments of looks-challenged actress Leslie Jones are mum about the threats against Mr. Sorrentino. 
In fact, most of ’em are on the same side as these dumb, spoiled, out-of-touch yoga pants protesters.
...Trump voters aren’t spending their time wearing yoga pants in a dumb, sexist, anti-male harassment mob in front of a senior citizen man’s house because they don’t like what he has to say.
Nope. The yoga pants Nazis are all “with her.” All with Hillary. And if and when she wins in November, you can see why America is going down the tubes:
Because there are more and more yoga pants protesting idiots and fewer and fewer Allan Sorrentinos.
Yoga Pants America . . . Ain’t That Great?!

AM Fruitcake

History for October 29

Image result for kemal ataturk quotes
History for October 29 -
Bill Mauldin 1921, Melba Moore 1945, Richard Dreyfuss 1947

Kate Jackson 1948, Joely Fisher 1967, Winona Ryder 1971

1618 - Sir Walter Raleigh was beheaded under a sentence that had been brought against him 15 years earlier for conspiracy against King James I.

1901 - Leon Czolgosz, the assassin of U.S. President McKinley, was electrocuted.

1923 - Turkey formally became a republic after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. The first president was Mustafa Kemal, later known as Kemal Ataturk.

1929 - America's Great Depression began with the crash of the Wall Street stock market.

1945 - The first ballpoint pens to be made commercially went on sale at Gimbels Department Store in New York at the price of $12.50 each.

1960 - Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) won his first professional fight.

1969 - The U.S. Supreme Court ordered an immediate end to all school segregation.

1990 - The U.N. Security Council voted to hold Saddam Hussein's regime liable for human rights abuses and war damages during its occupation of Kuwait.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Judge Napolitano: What happened to the FBI? It's been corrupted by Obama and his team | Fox News

Judge Napolitano: What happened to the FBI? It's been corrupted by Obama and his team | Fox News:

"When FBI Director James Comey announced on July 5 that the Department of Justice would not seek the indictment of Hillary Clinton for failure to safeguard state secrets related to her email use while she was secretary of state, he both jumped the gun and set in motion a series of events that surely he did not intend. Was his hand forced by the behavior of FBI agents who wouldn’t take no for an answer? Did he let the FBI become a political tool?

Here is the back story."

Anti-establishment Pirates in tight race to win Icelandic election

Anti-establishment Pirates in tight race to win Icelandic election: polls:
"REYKJAVIK (Reuters) - Iceland's anti-establishment Pirate Party is in a tight race to become the largest party in parliament after an election on Saturday called when the prime minister resigned as a result of the Panama Papers scandal.
The Pirates have been riding a wave of anger against the establishment in a country that was one of the hardest hit in the 2008 financial crisis when its banking system collapsed, hitting thousands of savers.
Polls put it in close second place to the Independence Party, currently the junior partner in the governing coalition.
It wants, among other things, to give asylum to U.S. whistleblower Edward Snowden, accept the bitcoin virtual currency and clean up corruption.
Image result for iceland is spinning out of controlThe Pirates - founded less than four years ago as a protest movement against global copyright laws, and whose election campaign is partly crowdfunded - have 21 percent in a Morgunbladid poll published on Friday.
The Independence Party polled 22.5 percent.
The governing coalition's senior partner, the Progressive Party, polled only 10 percent.
It was hurt badly when Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson resigned as prime minister in April after documents leaked from a Panamanian law firm linked him to an offshore company that held millions of dollars in debt from failed Icelandic banks.
Other recent polls show a similar pattern, with some giving the Independence Party a bigger lead. Another poll published on Friday by research company MMR showed the Independence Party had 25 percent support with the Pirates at 20.5 percent.
The Pirates would look to form a majority with the current opposition parties - the Left-Green Movement, the Social Democratic Alliance and Bright Future."

Iran Poised to Increase Influence Peddling on American Colleges

Iran Poised to Increase Influence Peddling on American Colleges:
"Given US universities' history of welcoming Islamist funding and operatives, stopping this before it further metastasizes is imperative.
The American academy, which has revealed itself to be markedly susceptible to the intrigues of the Saudi-based radical Wahhabi sect and the Muslim Brotherhood, now faces the challenge of an Iranian radical presence.
Since 2014, admission of Iranian students to U.S. colleges has been permitted by the U.S. Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control. 
Iran has yet to flood the U.S. with its own professors.

Nevertheless, there are indications that an Iranian wave may soon hit the American academic community.
A network of apologists for the Iranian clerical regime already exists within the Middle East studies departments of American educational institutions.
How much will this attitude grow in light of the Obama administration's turn toward Tehran?
Three recent examples of Iranian ideological functionaries penetrating U.S. universities stand out:...
Ebrahim Mohseni is a research scholar at the University of Maryland (UM)'s Center for International and Security Studies, while simultaneously serving as a senior analyst at the University of Tehran's Center for Public Opinion Research (CPOR) and a lecturer in the University's Faculty of World Studies (FWS).
He has a masters of public policy and a graduate certificate in intelligence analysis from UM.
That an obvious – as will be seen – Iranian regime advocate should have been awarded a graduate certificate in intelligence analysis by a major U.S. educational institution is startling, and so are Mohseni's affiliations with the CPOR and the FWS..."

They Knew: The End of the Clinton Lies Begins | Frontpage Mag

They Knew: The End of the Clinton Lies Begins | Frontpage Mag:

"Podesta and Tanden ridiculed her associates for the cover-up. “Why didn’t they get this stuff out like 18 months ago? So crazy,” she wondered. “Unbelievable,” Podesta wrote. “They wanted to get away with it.”
Since the early days of the email scandal, we’ve been treated to the sordid rituals of feigned innocence. The issue was a non-issue, Clinton surrogates were quick to assure us. And even if it was, no one did anything wrong. The flies on the wall knew better though and now we can all be the flies on the wall.
Away from the cameras and the briefings, the Clintonites held their bosses in contempt. Neera Tanden, a supposed close associate of Hillary, blasted her instincts as “suboptimal” and described her as suffering from a character problem.  And there was never any doubt as to what was going on."

Hillary Clinton Is No Hurricane Expert -- But I Am

Hillary Clinton Is No Hurricane Expert -- But I Am | The Daily Caller
"As former Director of the National Hurricane Center (1974–1987), I was appalled when, in a campaign rally at Miami-Dade College October 11, Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said, “Hurricane Matthew was likely more destructive because of climate change.” 
That is false.
We were extremely fortunate that Matthew—category 5 through much of the Caribbean—weakened to category 2 before landfall in South Carolina. 
It could have been much worse.
In 1893 a much stronger hurricane followed nearly the same track. 
When its eye reached the Georgia and South Carolina coasts, a 15–20 ft. storm surge inundated the coastal islands. 
Though population was a small fraction of today’s, between 2,000 and 3,000 died, making that the second deadliest hurricane in U.S. history. 
The same year another major hurricane killed 2,000 in Louisiana.
All together five hurricanes hit the U.S. in 1893, something that’s happened only 4 times in over 150 years (1886, 1893, 1916, 1933)—all long before CO2 levels rose enough to theoretically cause rapid global warming.
Clinton wants us to believe CO2, emitted when we burn fossil fuels for electricity and transportation vital to life, health, and prosperity, causes global warming that causes more and stronger hurricanes. 
She’s wrong..."
Read on!

U-M's New 'Chief Diversity Officer' Will Collect $385,000 per Year

U-M's New 'Chief Diversity Officer' Will Collect $385,000 per Year [Michigan Capitol Confidential]: "The University of Michigan’s new chief diversity officer will collect $385,000 a year under his various job titles, including a new one created by a recently revealed $85 million, five-year U-M diversity plan.
Robert Sellers’ appointment to a new position called “vice provost for equity and inclusion and chief diversity officer” (VPEI-CDO) was approved Oct. 20 by the university’s governing board.
Image result for robert sellers university of michigan...President Mark Schlissel nominated Sellers for the job several weeks ago. The new full-time administrative position “will serve as a leadership voice on diversity, equity and inclusion for the entire university.”
The diversity plan Sellers will oversee will spend $17 million a year over the next five years.
It seeks to “recruit, retain and develop a diverse university community” and “support innovation and inclusive scholarship and teaching” through a number of new and expanded programs.
The $85 million plan is in addition to the $40 million a year the university already spends promoting diversity.
Earlier this year, university officials increased tuition by 3.9 percent for in-state undergraduates on the Ann Arbor campus..."

Lunch video-----The Most Offensive Halloween EVER!


Hillary Clinton’s Emails: Lawyers without Security Clearance Got Classified Information? | National Review

Hillary Clinton’s Emails: Lawyers without Security Clearance Got Classified Information? | National Review:

"Under President Bill Clinton’s 1995 executive order, top-secret intelligence is information the mishandling of which “could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security.” The SAP designation is added when the unauthorized disclosure of intelligence could compromise critical intelligence-gathering methods or imperil the lives of intelligence sources.

That is why access to this information is so tightly restricted, and its unauthorized disclosure is routinely prosecuted.

With that as our backdrop, let’s get two things straight."