Tuesday, November 01, 2016

AM Fruitcake

History for November 1

History for November 1 - On-This-Day.com
Stephen Crane 1871, James Kilpatrick 1920, Larry Flynt 1942
Image result for Larry Flynt quotes

Kinky (Richard) Friedman 1944, Toni Collette 1972, Jenny McCarthy 1972

1765 - The British Parliament enacted The Stamp Act in the American colonies. The act was repealed in March of 1766 on the same day that the Parliament passed the Declaratory Acts which asserted that the British government had free and total legislative power of the colonies.

1861 - Gen. George B. McClellan was made the general-in-chief of the American Union armies.

1870 - The U.S. Weather Bureau made its first meteorological observations using 24 locations that provided reports via telegraph.

1936 - Benito Mussolini made a speech in Milan, Italy, in which he described the alliance between Italy and Nazi Germany as an "axis" running between Berlin and Rome.

1950 - Two Puerto Rican nationalists tried to assassinate U.S. President Harry Truman. One of the men was killed when they tried to force their way into Blair House in Washington, DC.

1959 - Jacques Plante, of the Montreal Canadiens, became the first goalie in the NHL to wear a mask.

1973 - Leon Jaworski was appointed the new Watergate special prosecutor in the Watergate case.
Image result for Leon Jaworski Quotes

1993 - The European Community's treaty on European unity took effect.

Monday, October 31, 2016

BREAKING: Election Officials Just Caught Throwing Away Trump Ballots | Conservative Daily Post

BREAKING: Election Officials Just Caught Throwing Away Trump Ballots | Conservative Daily Post:

"Yes someone in Ohio honestly thought it was a good idea to brag that they were destroying ballots that were considered to be pro-Trump. They also failed to realize that it was against the law to tamper with the mail! But when it was pointed out that this was illegal, they tried to backtrack and say that it was totally legal.

Not only that but there are reports that illegal immigrants suddenly gained the right to vote. Now normally you have to be a United States citizen to vote. But President Obama has made it abundantly clear that he isn’t going to do anything about it."

Academics Write Rubbish Nobody Reads

Academics Write Rubbish Nobody Reads | Foundation for Economic Education:
"Professors usually spend about three to six months (sometimes longer) researching and writing a 25-page article to submit an article to an academic journal.
And most experience a twinge of excitement when, months later, they open a letter informing them that their article has been accepted for publication, and will, therefore, be read by…
… an average of 10 people.
Yes, you read that correctly. 
The numbers reported by recent studies are pretty bleak:
- 82 percent of articles published in the humanities are not even cited once.
- Of those articles that are cited, only 20 percent have actually been read.
- Half of academic papers are never read by anyone other than their authors, peer reviewers, and journal editors.
So what’s the reason for this madness?
Why does the world continue to be subjected to just under 2 million academic journal articles each year?
Many academic articles today are merely "creative plagiarism": rearrangements of previous research with a new thesis appended.
Well, the main reason is money and job security.
The goal of all professors is to get tenure, and right now, tenure continues to be awarded based in part on how many peer-reviewed publications they have.
Tenure committees treat these publications as evidence that the professor is able to conduct mature research.
Sadly, however, many academic articles today are merely exercises in what one professor I knew called “creative plagiarism”: rearrangements of previous research with a new thesis appended on to them..."

Wind an even bigger boondoggle than ethanol

Wind an even bigger boondoggle than ethanol - AEI:
"Before we become too hopeful about the prospects of using offshore wind power as a fuel source of the future, let’s not forget that government data shows that offshore wind power cannot survive in a competitive environment without huge taxpayer subsidies.
Today, wind power receives subsidies greater than any other form of energy per unit of actual energy produced.
Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., a key member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, says that public subsidies for wind on a per megawatt-hour basis are 26 times those for fossil fuels and 16 times those for nuclear power.
...Yet, even with these incentives, only 4.7 percent of the nation’s electricity is currently supplied by wind power and that is entirely wind power from on-land turbines.
...Think about it: Four large power plants could produce as much electricity as offshore wind turbines placed side by side along the entire Atlantic seaboard from Maine to Florida.
Moreover, power plants last longer than wind turbines.
A British study found that turbines need to be replaced within 12 to 15 years, and they must be imported from Europe.
In contrast, nuclear and fossil-fuel plants can be built in the U.S. without relying on imports, and, in the case of nuclear power, the vast majority of reactors are licensed to run 60 years and some are expected to operate 80 years or more.
Offshore wind power also has complex transmission requirements.
In addition to being submerged, making installation and maintenance difficult and costly, the cables to bring offshore wind power to coastal areas have run up against strong opposition from conservation and wildlife groups, the fishing and tourist industries, seaside residents and, in some cases, the military, since turbines can interfere with radar systems.
Wind power might sound great in theory until one gets into the details of reliability, efficiency and cost.
It is the electricity sector’s version of corn ethanol — and in recent years has received even more subsidy dollars.
If not for the production tax credit and taxpayer subsidies, plans for offshore wind power would come to a stop."

Computer Programmer Admits To Being Paid To Rig Voting Booths

Computer Programmer Admits To Being Paid To Rig Voting Booths:

"Well, perhaps you should believe Clinton Eugene Curtis. He’s a computer programmer and former employee of ExxonMobil and NASA. He also claims that, at the behest of former Florida Rep. Tom Feeney, he was told to write a program for electronic voting machines that would rig close elections for whoever had control of the program.

Curtis was questioned before Congress in 2004, in this video uploaded by hacktivist group Anonymous. He was asked by attorney Cliff Arnebeck, “Mr Curtis, are there programs that can be used to secretly fix elections?”

Americans Are Embracing Bad Government Because They Don't Know History

Americans Are Embracing Bad Government Because They Don't Know History | Foundation for Economic Education:
"Recent news has proudly informed us that U.S. graduation rates are rising
Unfortunately, rising grad rates don’t tell the whole story.
If one truly wants to know how American students are doing in school, a look at the Nation’s Report Card might offer a better picture. 
Those numbers tell us that not even half of America’s high school seniors are proficient in any subject. 
The area they rank the worst in? 
The fact that only 12 percent of U.S. high school seniors are proficient in history was recently reflected in another survey put out by YouGov. 
That survey asked Americans of all ages how familiar they were with famous leaders, many of whom were prominent Communist leaders from the last century. 
As the chart below shows, a number of millennials described themselves as “unfamiliar” with these leaders.
Perhaps that’s also why these same millennials were unfamiliar with the number of people killed under Communist leadership. In fact, 32 percent of millennials and gen-Xers believed that more people were killed under George W. Bush during his time in office than were killed during Joseph Stalin’s time in power.
...According to Thomas Jefferson, it certainly does. 
In 1807 he wrote, “History, in general, only informs us what bad government is.”
In other words, if we expect our nation to stay on a straight course, then we need to make sure our students have a clear knowledge of governments throughout history – what worked and what didn’t.
Is it possible that our nation is in its current state because recent generations have not learned the lessons which past empires and nations teach us through the history books?"

10 Crazy Campaign Slogans

10 Crazy Campaign Slogans - ODDEE:

"Vote For Al Smith And Make Your Wet Dreams Come True" (Al Smith, Democrat)

'Vote For Al Smith And Make Your Wet Dreams Come True' (Al Smith, Democrat)
It's no fault of Al Smith's campaign that language takes on a different meaning over time. 
In the 1920s, proponents of the nationwide prohibition against the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol were called “drys,” while opponents, like 1928 presidential candidate Smith, were called “wets." 
So, get your mind out of the gutter! (Source | Photo)

Lunch video-----Dearborn, Michigan 2016


Cruz: Will the FBI hold Hillary Clinton accountable this time?

Cruz: Will the FBI hold Hillary Clinton accountable this time?:

“Americans already know Hillary Clinton’s lifelong pattern of corruption,” Cruz wrote. “The question is whether our top law enforcement agencies will ever act to hold her accountable.”

As such, he has called for the FBI to turn over the evidence used to reach its previous decision not to indict Clinton to the Senate Judiciary Committee."

The Zombie Epidemic of Idle Men

The Zombie Epidemic of Idle Men | Foundation for Economic Education
"The US stock market continues to set new records. 
Unemployment continues to go down. The United States is now at or near “full employment”. 
According to a Bloomberg headline last year, “The Jobless Numbers Aren’t Just Good, They’re Great”.
But a closer look at economic data by demographer Nicholas Eberstadt reveals something else entirely.
Image result for obamaboyWhile “unemployment” has gone down, the work participation rate, and especially the male work rate, has been relentlessly declining for most of the post-War era and is now reaching a crisis with Depression-era levels.
In his new book, Men Without Work, Eberstadt describes this as a deep moral and social crisis which is passing almost unnoticed by politicians, pundits, business leaders and economists.
What are men doing with their time if not working?
One-sixth of all men of prime working age in America – men aged between 25 and 54 – are not just unemployed, but have stopped looking for jobs altogether. 
This is a time bomb with far-reaching economic, social, and political consequences.
Millions of men are becoming dependent, infantilized and sick.
“Unlike the dead soldiers in Roman antiquity,” he writes, “our decimated men still live and walk among us, though in an existence without productive economic purpose. We might say those many millions of men without work constitute a sort of invisible army, ghost soldiers lost in an overlooked, modern-day depression.”
In many ways, this is a disturbing book. 
Never before in American history have so many men done absolutely nothing. 
Millions are becoming dependent, infantilized and sick. 
According to a recent paper by Princeton economist Alan Krueger nearly half of the men who are not looking for work are on painkillers and many are disabled. 
They "experience notably low levels of emotional well-being throughout their days and ... they derive relatively little meaning from their daily activities," Krueger found. 
And there are 7 million of them. .."

Most important read of the year!-----Why The UN Really Wants Control Over The Internet

Technocracy: Why The UN Really Wants Control Over The Internet
"By its very nature, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is a non-profit organization exclusively run by Technocrats. 
As such, it is an apolitical body that is happy to serve whatever form of governance exists as long as funding is received and salaries are paid.
To a Technocrat, a world run by science and technology is better than any other form of governance.
...The reason that ICANN formerly served the interests of the United States was simply that it answered to our government’s judicial, legislative and executive branches.
In other words, the U.S. held the umbrella over ICANN and that was enough to keep it working for our national interests and not for someone else’s interests.
Image result for Obama ICANNObama changed that when he cut ICANN loose on September 30, 2016 by letting the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) contract expire without being renewed.
After expiration, we forever lost the right to renew the contract again.
So, ICANN is now a “free-agent” looking for shelter in the same way that a boll weevil looks for a cotton plant: it needs a host organization in order to practice its craft, and, I dare say, it doesn’t care one whit who that host is.
It is no secret that the United Nations is making a play to become host to ICANN.
In particular, the UN’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU), run by the Peoples Republic of China, is expected to play the central role in this effort.
However, whether it is the ITU or some other UN agency is immaterial because it will still be the UN in the end.
But, why the UN? 
Because it is the fountainhead of the plans and operations to establish Technocracy as the sole global economic system while destroying capitalism and free enterprise.
Technocracy is the issue here.
Others know it as Sustainable Development or Green Economy, but the correct historical term is Technocracy.
In February 2015, the head of climate change at the UN, Christiana Figures, stated,
“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution.” [emphasis added]
Image result for un control of icannWhat is unclear about this?
Sustainable Development, or Technocracy, is a resource-driven economic model regulated by energy rather than by supply and demand plus monetary currencies.
...To achieve its Utopia goals, the UN must have ICANN’s steering wheel and throttle. But while everyone is stressing over Internet censorship of web sites and the suppression of free speech, the real prize is completely overlooked: The Internet of Things (IoT).
In terms of “follow the money”, IoT is expected to generate upwards of $3 trillion by 2025 and is growing at a rate of at least 30 percent per year.
In other words, it is a huge market and money is flying everywhere.
If the UN can figure out a way to tax this market, and they will, it will provide a windfall of income and perhaps enough to make it self-perpetuating..."

Neighbors Didn’t Like Hillary Sign Next Door, So They Added To It

Neighbors Didn’t Like Hillary Sign Next Door, So They Added To It (Pic) – American Lookout:
"Looks like a neighbor didn’t take too kindly to the Hillary fan next door.
But in good old American fashion, they didn’t attack their neighbor. They didn’t make a big deal out of it.
They just changed the message to one that was true.
Look via John Nolte:"

Justice Dept. Strongly Discouraged Comey on Move in Clinton Email Case - NYTimes.com

Justice Dept. Strongly Discouraged Comey on Move in Clinton Email Case - NYTimes.com:

"The day before the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, sent a letter to Congress announcing that new evidence had been discovered that may be related to the completed Hillary Clinton email investigation, the Justice Department strongly discouraged the step and told him that he would be breaking with longstanding policy, three law enforcement officials said."

WHAT? No Punishment For Student Who Made “All White People Are Racist” Hoodies At U. Wisconsin-Madison

WHAT? No Punishment For Student Who Made “All White People Are Racist” Hoodies At U. Wisconsin-Madison – American Lookout:
"There is no doubt that America is headed in the wrong direction on a multitude of levels. The racism that has escalated during the Obama administration has far exceeded anything that America lived through in the 60’s.
The racial unrest on college campuses has sunk to new lows, as evidenced by this report from The College Fix:
A spokesman for the University of Wisconsin-Madison has shrugged off concerns over one of its students selling hoodies bearing the phrase “All White People Are Racist” in capital letters.
“In this case, the individuals involved are exercising their rights to free speech and engaging in a private activity unrelated to their status as students,” campus spokesman John Lucas said in an email to The College Fix...
The hoodies are the brainchild of an entrepreneurial UW-Madison undergraduate who recently began selling sweatshirts online—in Wisconsin red—which proclaim: “All White People Are Racist.”
Other sweatshirts offered by the same UW student vendor read, “If I Encounter Another Cop With A God Complex I’m Going To Have To Show The World That They Are Human,” modeled by a woman in a hijab and begging the question of how she proposes to prove police officers’ humanity.
Look at this:

AM Fruitcake

FBI gets second warrant for Weiner emails | Washington Examiner

FBI gets second warrant for Weiner emails | Washington Examiner:

"On Sunday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation secured a second search warrant to search the Hillary Clinton-related emails on former congressman Anthony Weiner's confiscated laptop."

History for October 31

Image result for Benito Mussolini Quotes
History for October 31 - On-This-Day.com
John Keats 1795, Juliette Gordon Low (Juliette Magill Kinzie Gordon) 1860, Chiang Kai-Shek 1887

Dale Evans 1912, Norodom Sihanouk 1922, John Candy 1950 - Actor
Image result for Norodom Sihanouk quotes

1517 - Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Palace Church. The event marked the start of the Protestant Reformation in Germany.

1914 - The Ottoman Empire (Turkey) joined the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria).

1922 - Benito Mussolini became prime minister of Italy.

1926 - Magician Harry Houdini died of gangrene and peritonitis resulting from a ruptured appendix. His appendix had been damaged twelve days earlier when he had been punched in the stomach by a student unexpectedly. During a lecture Houdini had commented on the strength of his stomach muscles and their ability to withstand hard blows.

1940 - The British air victory in the Battle of Britain prevented Germany from invading Britain.
Image result for churchill Battle of Britain

1941 - Mount Rushmore was declared complete after 14 years of work. At the time the 60-foot busts of U.S. Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln were finished.

1952 - The U.S. detonated its first hydrogen bomb.

1984 - Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated near her residence by two Sikh security guards. Her son, Rajiv, was sworn in as prime minister.