Thursday, November 03, 2016


Anonymous Releases JAW-DROPPING Video of Huma Every American Needs To See

Anonymous Releases JAW-DROPPING Video of Huma Every American Needs To See:

"Bizpac Review reports, a popular video circulating social media claims to show Abedin, who was raised in Saudi Arabia between the ages of two and 18, her family, and by extension Clinton, have ties to groups and people who fund terrorism.”

The narrator of the video names the “four main players” as Clinton, Abedin, Saudi Arabia and Abdullah Omar Nasseef."

Continue to site for video......

Spinach Can Now Be Used to Detect Explosives

Spinach Can Now Be Used to Detect Explosives:
"Scientists at MIT have successfully bioengineered spinach to wilt if explosive material is detected in groundwater, according to a paper put out in the prestigious Journal of Nature Materials.
The research paper is titled “Nitroaromatic detection and infrared communication from wild-type plants using plant nanobionics.”
“Here, we demonstrate that living spinach plants (Spinacia oleracea) can be engineered to serve as self-powered pre-concentrators and autosamplers of analytes in ambient groundwater and as infrared communication platforms that can send information to a smartphone,” the paper’s authors said their introduction.
As the plant absorbs water from the ground it will also absorb the explosive material.
Thanks to deliberately created adaptations in the plant’s leaves, the plant will wilt in response to the presence of the explosive compounds.
Fixed sensors nearby will monitor the spinach using infrared technology and will pick up on the change in the plant.
The project was funded by DARPA, the body of the U.S. military in charge of research and development.
It has an annual budget of nearly $3 billion and funds a vast array of different technologies that either have or could potentially have military application..."

We can no longer write off an electoral college tie

We can no longer write off an electoral college tie | The Liberty Conservative:
"It’s not likely.
We’ve been told our whole lives it’s not possible.
But here we are, a week from the general election, and we are the closest we have been in our lifetimes to a Twelfth Amendment crisis.
...Meanwhile, there’s a storm of unexpected proportions sweeping one of this country’s largest, best organized, and best funded religious minorities.
Independent candidate Evan McMullin is defying all expectations by blowing decades-old third parties out of the water in his sudden surge to the top of the polls in Utah.
...If Utah’s 6 electoral votes go to Evan McMullin, either by McMullin electors winning the popular vote outright, or Republican electors bolting the Party to vote for him, those 6 contribute to neither Trump nor Hillary.
Contrary to popular assumption, the spoiler effect does not apply at the Electoral College level, because, unlike the popular vote within a given state, the Electoral College requires a majority, not a plurality.
Therefore, if 6 votes go to McMullin in Utah, those votes will not count toward either major party nominee achieving the 270 vote majority.
...With those states, Clinton comes just two electoral votes short of winning, which tosses the election to the House of Representatives.
The question then becomes who will the Republican-led House of Representatives choose from among the top three candidates?
This question is further complicated by the Article II rule that the House of Representatives must vote “by state.”
A quick perusal of the 50 states shows a strong majority with Republican-majority delegations. 
At first glance this leans toward a Trump election.
But would Paul Ryan, longtime critic of Trump, enforce the once intimidating but lately faltering power of the Speakership to force Republican members to support the nominee?
But that’s a big maybe..."
Read on!

Little Ice Age Has Begun, Will Bring 'Deep Cooling'

Astrophysicist: Little Ice Age Has Begun, Will Bring 'Deep Cooling'
Until radical-with-an-agenda climate change scientists entered the arena, scientists routinely believed that activity of the sun was the key determinant to earth’s weather. Unfortunately, these extremist climate alarmists shamed, belittled, and shouted down, traditional scientists.  TN Editor
Image result for america ice ageA new study by a prominent Russian astrophysicist claims the “new Little Ice Age” started at the end of 2015 due to low solar activity, kicking off decades of “deep cooling” in the latter half of the 21st Century.
“As a result, the Earth has, and will continue to have, a negative average annual energy balance and a long-term adverse thermal condition,” Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov, who is the head of space research for the Pulkovo Observatory at the Russian Academy of Sciences, wrote in a recent study.
“The quasi-centennial epoch of the new Little Ice Age has started at the end 2015 after the maximum phase of solar cycle 24,” Abdussamatov wrote.
“The start of a solar grand minimum is anticipated in solar cycle 27 in 2043 and the beginning of phase of deep cooling in the new Little Ice Age in 2060...”

Deborah Ross Defended Bar That Banned Military

Deborah Ross Defended Bar That Banned Military:

“There was one common theme during Deborah Ross’ dangerous ACLU career: she’ll stand up for convicted criminals and sex offenders, but can’t be bothered to help veterans or military members in need,” said Jesse Hunt, a spokesman for Sen. Burr."

Hollow E'en :: SteynOnline

Hollow E'en :: SteynOnline:
A year and a half ago I bumped into Democrat pollster and longtime Clinton aide Doug Schoen in the green room in London just ahead of our respective Fox News appearances. 
...Leaving the studio, I ran into Doug emerging from makeup and he upbraided me for my hostility to Hillary - which I felt bad about, because I've always gotten on well with him, and we have a shared interest in demography and whatnot. 
Twenty months later, Doug has caught up to my view:
Schoen: I'm a Democrat, and I worked for Bill Clinton, but I can't vote for Hillary
Key quote:
Image result for hillary power hungryRussian President Vladimir Putin said (tongue-in-cheek) that we are not a banana republic.‎ I greatly fear we could become one if Secretary Clinton is elected president.
Which was my point way back in March last year.
Victor Davis Hanson tries to put together the FBI investigation, Wikileaks and all the rest and figure out what's driving Bill and Hillary:
For the Clintons, power is the narcotic of being sought out, of being surrounded by retainers, of bringing enemies to heel and enticing sycophants with benefits. Liberalism and progressivism are mere social and cultural furniture, the "correct" politics of their background that one mouths and exploits to obtain and maintain political clout — and to get really, really rich without guilt or apology.
Unlike Obama, Hillary is not a committed ideologue: 
There is no policy end she desires, there is only an urge to power, with policy and platforms as a discreet veiling of that urge..."
Lots more!

AM Fruitcake

History for November 3

History for November 3 -
John Montague 1718, William Cullen Bryant 1794, James Reston 1909

Charles Bronson 1921, Micheal Dukakis 1933 - Politician, Roseanne Barr 1952 - Actress, comedian ("Roseanne"), Dennis Miller 1953 - Radio talk show host, actor,Comedian ("Saturday Night Live")

1507 - Leonardo DaVinci was commissioned by the husband of Lisa Gherardini to paint her. The work is known as the Mona Lisa.
Image result for Mona Lisa.

1793 - Stephen F. Austin was born. He was the principal founder of Texas.

1796 - John Adams was elected the 2nd U.S. President.

1911 - Chevrolet Motor Car Company was founded by Louis Chevrolet and William C. Durant.

1941 - U.S. Ambassador to Japan John Grew warned that the Japanese may be planning a sudden attack on the U.S.

1957 - Sputnik II was launched by the Soviet Union. It was the second manmade satellite to be put into orbit and was the first to put an animal into space, a dog named Laika.

1994 - Susan Smith of Union, SC, was arrested for drowning her two sons. Nine days earlier Smith had claimed that the children had been abducted by a black carjacker.

1998 - Minnesota elected Jesse "The Body" Ventura, a former pro wrestler, as its governor.

Wednesday, November 02, 2016




By Tammy Derouin

This past week brought another round of information that would have sunk any other individual in the American political system.  In this progressive, Left leaning world we have created, anyone with a D behind their name seems to be immune to rules and laws. 

There is hope that truth and justice will finally be served now that the FBI has reopened the Clinton email scandal. Will this finally bring down Hillary Clinton?  We know she is corrupt.  The evidence has been mounting for decades.  Will this be the one which finally slaps the cuffs on her?  But, does justice even exist anymore?  Our system of justice has been corrupted and perverted just like every other branch and department in our government.

For far too many years we have watched our government ignore procedures and laws.  We have also witnessed the employment of ruthless tactics against those who dare to oppose their agenda.  The scales of justice have been heavily manipulated; calibrated to favor the liberal, progressive, Democratic Party. 

To add fuel to the fire, more examples of voter fraud are being revealed as well.......

How America's Elections Are Hacked, Missing Link Discovered

How America's Elections Are Hacked, Missing Link Discovered » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:
Watch elections expert Bev Harris discuss the smoking gun behind voting fraud LIVE:
Black Box Voting, founded in 2003, performs nonpartisan investigative reporting on elections in an attempt to stop vote rigging.
You may be wondering what the term “black box” means. 
A “black box” system is non-transparent; its functions are hidden from the public. Elections, of course, should not be black box systems..."
Read on. Lots here!

Report: What Today's High School Seniors Are Reading

Report: What Today's High School Seniors Are Reading | Intellectual Takeout
"...One cannot also help but notice that today's youth apparently have a predilection for dystopian literature. 
1) The Fault in Our Stars, John Green (ATOS 5.5)
2) Divergent, Veronica Roth (ATOS 4.8)
3) Frankenstein, Mary Shelley (ATOS 12.0+)
4) Macbeth, William Shakespeare (ATOS 10.9)
5) The Maze Runner, James Dashner (ATOS 5.3)
6) The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins (ATOS 5.3)
7) If I Stay, Gayle Forman (ATOS 5.3)
8) Insurgent, Veronica Roth (ATOS 5.0)
9) Animal Farm, George Orwell (ATOS 7.3)
10) Looking for Alaska, John Green (ATOS 5.8)"

Grassley wants to know if Justice Dept. blocked Clinton Foundation probe | Washington Examiner

Grassley wants to know if Justice Dept. blocked Clinton Foundation probe | Washington Examiner:

""If the FBI is denied the ability to gather evidence through compulsory means, Secretary Clinton and her aides have enormous leverage to negotiate extraordinary concessions in exchange for voluntary cooperation," Grassley wrote.

He cited the immunity agreements issued in the year-long Clinton email investigation as an example."

One economist’s final words before being devoured by zombies

Learn Liberty | One economist’s final words before being devoured by zombies
"I’m safe for now, but the office door won’t hold them back for long. The campus is overrun with zombies, and I don’t mean the usual hung-over students in the back row.
In my final minutes, perhaps I can make one last contribution to humanity: economic advice for you, the survivors of the zombie apocalypse.  
How can you rebuild your civilization and economy in the aftermath?
By any reasonable historical standard, the modern zombie-free world of just a week ago was incredibly prosperous, although many people falsely assumed otherwise
On almost any measure—life expectancy, infant mortality, caloric intake, real income per capita, variety of goods and services, and more—humanity had achieved a level of success that our ancestors would have considered astonishing. 
Image result for One economist zombiesThese victories were most obvious in the developed world, but increasingly apparent in the rest of the world, too.
But the zombie apocalypse has wiped out most of those gains in a matter of days. And for survivors, the worst is still ahead.
To understand why, we need to think about how we became so prosperous in the first place. 
The answer goes back to Adam Smith, the father of —
—hang on, gotta wedge my chair against the door—
Okay, I’m back. 
Where was I? 
Oh yes. 
Adam Smith, the father of modern economics. 
Smith’s great insight was to recognize the power of specialization, division of labor, and trade to elevate living conditions. 
Self-sufficiency, he realized, is a recipe for poverty. 
Society as a whole becomes more productive as people specialize in narrowly defined tasks and then trade with each other to get everything else they need.
Almost every good or service that we consumed in the pre-zombie economy depended on materials and labor from all over the globe. 
This was the most massive system of cooperation the world had ever known—made all the more remarkable because most of the cooperation happened without central management, without a single plan, through the interaction of people who were mostly strangers.
This web of trade was supported by an astoundingly high degree of specialization of both labor and capital, and also by legal and cultural institutions that enabled trade to occur in an environment of trust and nonviolence.
How has the zombie invasion affected this web of trade? 
To put it simply, it has shredded it. 
Let’s walk through the process in a series of steps–some of which have already happened, some of which are yet to come.

1. Rapid Zombification of the Labor Force

Read on!

Underwater robots kill invasive fish to save the oceans

Underwater robots kill invasive fish to save the oceans | ZDNet
"Robots can help undo some of the damage that has been done to our environment. 
Unmanned aerial vehicles are already being used to track endangered wildlife and assist land conservation efforts by mapping ecosystems and monitoring protected areas.
Meanwhile at sea, autonomous sailing drones are monitoring ocean water to detect any pollution and track changes in temperature and pH. 
Now, underwater robots are also working to restore biodiversity by hunting invasive species. 
Divers around the world have been trying to control invasive marine animals by hand, but robots could be more precise, effective, and constant.

Lionfish in the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea

cotsbot.jpgOne of the trickiest ocean pests is the lionfish. 
This fish originated in a balanced ecosystem in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, where the population was controlled by natural predators. 
It is gorgeous -- striped, spiky, and colorful -- which is quite impressive in aquariums. 
Unfortunately, this is likely why lionfish ended up in the Atlantic Ocean, where they were first spotted off the Florida coast in the mid-eighties. 
They have since thrived in this unfamiliar habitat, where they have no natural predators and plenty of food.
Lionfish have now multiplied and spread up the eastern US coastline and down into the Caribbean Sea. 
They feast on native fish populations, including species that help control algae on reefs. 
If those fish disappear, algae will likely grow out of control, which can smother the reefs and eventually kill them..."

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Feminists defend Hillary Clinton against 'sexist' FBI investigation: 'Bitch hunt' - Washington Times

Feminists defend Hillary Clinton against 'sexist' FBI investigation: 'Bitch hunt' - Washington Times:

"Hillary Clinton supporters are employing a tried-and-true defense in the wake of the renewed FBI investigation into the Democratic presidential nominee’s emails: It’s “sexist.”
Writing in Time magazine, University of California, Berkeley linguistics professor Robin Lakoff described the investigation into the private server Mrs. Clinton used while secretary of state as a “bitch hunt.”
“I am mad,” Ms. Lakoff wrote. “I am mad because I am scared. And if you are a woman, you should be, too. Emailgate is a bitch hunt, but the target is not Hillary Clinton. It’s us."

FSU Thanksgiving display an 'all-out assault' on Pilgrims

FSU Thanksgiving display an 'all-out assault' on Pilgrims:

  • A Florida State University residence hall has been decorated with a bulletin board portraying Thanksgiving as a reminder of the Pilgrims’ ineptitude and racism.

  • The display contains claims such as “the majority of pilgrims couldn’t farm or build anything" and “Only by selling Squanto into slavery twice and forcing him to learn English were the Pilgrims able to survive."

  • The RA responsible for the board claims they were motivated by the fact that "history isn't accurately represented," and wants students to "do more research."
  • A Florida State University residence hall has been decorated with a bulletin board portraying Thanksgiving as a reminder of the Pilgrims’ ineptitude and racism.
    The Resident Assistant responsible for setting up the display in Traditions Hall, who requested anonymity, told Campus Reform that they wanted to inform residents that in many cases, “history isn’t accurately represented”, and wanted to “encourage them to do more research.”
    “Only by selling Squanto into slavery twice and forcing him to learn English were the Pilgrims able to survive.”    
    In statements written within the feathers of paper turkey cut-outs, students are told that “the majority of pilgrims couldn’t farm or build anything,” as well as that “Native Americans provided most of the food, but naturally, the white settlers took credit.”
    While the creator admitted that the statement about white settlers was a low blow, they maintained that the whitewashing of history is common in movies, TV, and history books, asserting that the Native Americans brought much of the food to the first Thanksgiving dinner, but that “isn’t what we hear about."
    “Only by selling Squanto into slavery twice and forcing him to learn English were the Pilgrims able to survive,” another feather claims. “Otherwise, they’d have most likely all died.”
    James Fletcher Dilmore, the Chairman of the FSU College Republicans, disagrees with the statements on the board, and feels that they were not necessarily spurred by good intentions.
    Describing the display as racist towards whites and an example of the “anti-white narrative perpetuated by the far left,” Dilmore denounced this sort of “all-out assault” on traditional American culture, which he believes is detrimental to the ideal that America should be a society in which those of all walks of life have an opportunity to prosper.
    The creator of the board contends that the statements on the board are factual, and are merely nontraditional due to biased reporting of history, arguing that the Pilgrims thought of the Native Americans as savages—often “swindling them into exchanges.”
    The RA directed Campus Reform to the website of the United American Indians of New England, which lists Thanksgiving as the “National Day of Mourning” and calls the day “a reminder of the genocide of millions of Native people, the theft of Native lands, and the relentless assault on Native culture”...

    Flag-stomping commies greeted with collective shrug at Berkeley

    Flag-stomping commies greeted with collective shrug at Berkeley

  • Communist protesters at the University of California, Berkeley staged a demonstration Wednesday railing against the “capitalist system” and “American imperialism” by encouraging students to stomp the American flag alongside them.
  • Witnesses, however, told Campus Reform that students were nonplussed by the intentionally provocative activity, generally ignoring the reds as they passed by on their way to class.
  • Communist protesters at the University of California, Berkeley staged a demonstration Wednesday railing against the “capitalist system” and “American imperialism” by encouraging students to stomp the American flag alongside them.
    The protesters were a part of Berkeley’s “Revolution Bookstore,” a communist establishment near campus frequented by communist academics and students alike. The organization’s website details its goals of “an actual revolution for the emancipation of humanity” and sings the praises of Bob Avakian, the cult-like leader of the American Communist Party.
    “To my surprise, even stepping on the American flag is too far for many Berkeley students.”    
    Students at UC Berkeley told Campus Reform that the group routinely comes on campus to step on the American flag and to convince students to join the communist revolution. Normally they wait outside the entrance, but this time, they pressed deep into campus in the hopes of getting a positive reaction from leftist students.
    The communist “revolutionaries” chanted “America is committing genocide” and “we need a communist revolution,” according to witnesses at the scene, one of whom posted photographs of the demonstration on Facebook.
    UC Berkeley is widely known for being one of the most liberal universities in the country, and made headlines last week when protesters violently blocked white students from using an on-campus bridge, but despite these aggressive leftist tactics, most students seemed unfazed by the communist message.
    Read on!