Friday, November 04, 2016

Video held for 4 months?!!-----Brutal sucker-punch leads to man’s death

Brutal sucker-punch leads to man’s death | New York Post
By Daniel PrendergastKenneth Garger and Natalie Musumeci
"Newly released disturbing surveillance video showing a vicious sucker-punch that led to the death of a 64-year-old man in Queens.
Patrick Gorman was walking near the corner of Queens Boulevard and Main Street in Briarwood when he bumped into the attacker’s girlfriend just after midnight on June 26, cop sources said.
“Excuse me,” Gorman said, before the man belted him in the face, sources said.
The video shows the (BLACK) male suspect punching Gorman, who is seen falling squarely on his back as the duo calmly ambles off.
The victim tries to get back on his feet and then collapses.
Gorman was taken to Jamaica Hospital, where he died the next day at about 9 a.m., police said.
...Rynkowski said that cops should have released the surveillance video of the attack sooner.
“The cops took forever [to release the footage].
They should have released it right away,” he said. 
“It’s usually a safe area. 
I was very upset when it happened. 
Everybody in the building is upset.”
Leon Leone, 67, a resident at Gorman’s Briarwood building also echoed concern about the timing of the release of the video.
“I still don’t understand why it took so long,” said Leone, a member of Briarwood Action Network — the community organization that petitioned cops two years ago to install the security camera that captured the assault..."

Allegiant Air's Planes Are 4 Times More Likely to Fail

In a stunning and comprehensive report, the Tampa Bay Times has uncovered systemic mechanical problems on Allegiant Air’s planes.
The Times states that its investigation, “which included a first-of-its kind analysis of federal aviation records—has found that the budget carrier’s planes are four times as likely to fail during flight as those operated by other major U.S. airlines.”
Here are some of the key findings uncovered by the Times, which were not disputed by the airline:
  • “Forty-two of Allegiant’s 86 planes broke down in mid-flight at least once in 2015. Among them were 15 forced to land by failing engines, nine by overheating tail compartments and six by smoke or the smell of something burning.”
  • “Eighteen times last year, key parts such as engines, sensors and electronics failed once in flight, got checked out, and then failed again, causing another unexpected landing.”
  • “Allegiant relies most heavily on McDonnell Douglas MD-80s, an aging model retired by all but two other major U.S. carriers. The company’s MD-80s fail twice as often as those operated by American Airlines and three times as often as those flown by Delta.”
According to the Times, Allegiant officials initially declined to comment on the story, and in fact had remained mostly silent as anecdotal evidence of the airline’s woeful safety record accumulated. But when the Times presented Allegiant with its findings, they agreed to talk and, ultimately, acknowledged that change is needed.
“I can’t sit here and say that you’re wrong,” Allegiant CEO Maurice Gallagher Jr. told the Times“We’re very much focused on running a better operation...”

Lunch video-----Pat Buchanan Works Over CNN Clinton Mouthpiece on Making America Great A...


Attorney General is SUED to come clean on secret meeting with Bill Clinton | Daily Mail Online

Attorney General is SUED to come clean on secret meeting with Bill Clinton | Daily Mail Online:

"Attorney General Loretta Lynch is facing a federal lawsuit to give details of a meeting she had with Bill Clinton days before she was to decide on his wife's fate.

The meeting in June was barely a week before the Justice Department which she heads dropped its probe into Hillary Clinton's private email server."

'Eco Sexuals' Boast of Masturbating Under Waterfalls and F**king Trees To Save The Planet

'Eco Sexuals' Boast of Masturbating Under Waterfalls and F**king Trees To Save The Planet
"Liberals wanting a new way to define their sexuality and signal their green virtues can now combine the two: 2016, already seen by many as the year the world went mad, is likely also to be remembered as the year the world was gifted ‘ecosexuality’.
An attempt to catalogue all the sexualities listed on Tumblr earlier this year identified 80 different varieties including “Neu: feeling attraction towards people who are genderless”; “Iculasexual: being asexual but open to having sex” and even “Pre: a placeholder term for someone who doesn’t think they’ve experienced enough attraction to know their orientation.”
‘Ecosexual’ was not among them. Yet it’s likely to be a short-lived oversight as the movement goes from strength to strength: more than 100,000 people worldwide are now said to be identifying as ecosexual.
Amanda Morgan, a faculty member at the UNLV School of Community Health Sciences who is involved in the ecosexual movement, told Vice that ecosexuality could be measured along a spectrum not unlike the Kinsey Scale..."

Follow the money and the crooks to Detroit!-----E-mails, records show maneuvering in demolition deals

E-mails, records show maneuvering in demolition deals
"One month before the Detroit Land Bank Authority released an audit detailing an improper billing scheme involving some demolition contractors, Timothy Drakeford signed an affidavit saying he was directed by Aradondo Haskins, a former Detroit Building Authority employee, to adjust his demolition prices.
Image result for detroit corruptionThe Free Press obtained the affidavit and related e-mails Tuesday  through a Freedom of Information Act request.
The records shed new light on aspects of the city’s demolition program, which is under federal investigation, and its apparent bidding practices.
...The Land Bank audit, released last week,  is the latest complication for Detroit’s troubled blight demolition program, which is under a federal criminal investigation.
Questions about Mayor Mike Duggan’s demolition program began swirling a year ago after it was revealed costs had risen more than 60%.
...More than $250 million from the federal Hardest Hit Fund has been allocated to Detroit for its demolition program.
The money has helped the city tear down more than 10,000 blighted properties since Duggan took office in 2014.
In addition to the federal probe of the program, the Michigan State Housing Development Authority is conducting its own investigation.
...The U.S. Treasury Department suspended the city demolition program between August and October of this year after discovering problems with how federal money was spent in Detroit..."

Time bomb-----The Facts about Student Debt

The Facts about Student Debt
Who Owns All This Student Debt?
Most student debt is owed to the federal government. The federal government offers student loans with fixed interest rates and flexible repayment plans. As of March 2016, more than 92% of all student debt was owed to the federal government. Perhaps surprisingly, only 8% was owed to private financial institutions.

Attorney General is SUED to come clean on secret meeting with Bill Clinton | Daily Mail Online

Attorney General is SUED to come clean on secret meeting with Bill Clinton | Daily Mail Online:

"Attorney General Loretta Lynch is facing a federal lawsuit to give details of a meeting she had with Bill Clinton days before she was to decide on his wife's fate.

The meeting in June was barely a week before the Justice Department which she heads dropped its probe into Hillary Clinton's private email server."

American hero!-----Linda Tripp: The Colossal Clinton Con

linda tripLinda Tripp: The Colossal Clinton Con:
"She’s finally done it.
The country faces a possible constitutional crisis should Hillary win the election.
With a federal criminal investigation of the possible president-elect underway, President Obama might well issue a preemptive presidential pardon on his way out the door. Imagine that.
Pardoned before inaugurated.
Or she will find a way to pardon herself for “the good of the country.”
It will simply never end.
If the past portends the future, we should ponder that which came before. 
The tale of four partners of the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas is a good place to start.
They came to Washington, DC with Bill Clinton in 1993.
You couldn’t turn a corner in the West Wing without bumping into one or all of them.

  • Webster Hubbell became Associate Attorney General of the United States. He ended up in a federal pen. 
  • Vince Foster became Deputy Counsel to the President and he was found dead by gunshot in Fort Marcy Park. 
  • Bill Kennedy became an Associate White House Counsel and was neck deep in Filegate and Travelgate. He also oversaw the ubiquitous Craig Livingstone, the former bar bouncer personally chosen by the First Lady to head the Office of White House Security. 
  • Together, Bill Kennedy and Craig Livingstone were the ones to officially identify the body of Vince Foster. 

I knew them all.
Of the four partners, only one is left standing. 
She is currently running for president of the United States.
I am struck by the “none so blind as those who will not see” syndrome..."
Much more!
Read on!

AM Fruitcake

History for November 4

History for November 4 -
Will Rogers (William Penn Adair "Will" Rogers) 1879 - Cowboy, vaudeville performer, actor, Walter Cronkite 1916 - Broadcast journalist ("CBS Evening News"), Arthur William Matthew "Art" Carney 1918 - Actor ("The Honeymooners," "Harry and Tonto")

Alfred Heineken 1923 - Businessman, Loretta Swit 1937 - Actress (M*A*S*H*), Laura Bush 1946 - U.S. First Lady, wife of U.S. President George W. Bush

1842 - Abraham Lincoln married Mary Todd in Springfield, IL.

1847 - Scottish obstetrician James Young Simpson discovered the anethestic qualities of chloroform.

1880 - James and John Ritty patented the first cash register.

1942 - During World War II, Axis forces retreated from El Alamein in North Africa. It was a major victory for the British.

1952 - In the United States, the National Security Agency (NSA) was established.

1965 - Lee Ann Roberts Breedlove became the first woman to exceed 300 mph when she went 308.5 mph.

1979 - Iranian militants seized the U.S. embassy in Tehran and took 63 Americans hostage (90 total hostages). The militants, mostly students, demanded that the U.S. send the former shah back to Iran to stand trial. Many hostages were later released, but 52 were held for the next 14 months.

1991 - Ronald Reagan opened his presidential library in Simi Valley, CA. The dedication ceremony was attended by President Bush and former U.S. presidents Jimmy Carter, Gerald R. Ford and Richard M. Nixon. It was the 1st gathering of 5 U.S. chief executives.

Thursday, November 03, 2016

BREAKING: FBI CONFIRMS Hillary Gave Classified Information to Foreign Countries! Watch Her Biggest Crime! -

BREAKING: FBI CONFIRMS Hillary Gave Classified Information to Foreign Countries! Watch Her Biggest Crime! -:

"Hillary Clinton has not only betrayed the Democrats she has betrayed the entire country. The FBI now has announced that they are “99% sure” that at least 5 foreign intelligence agencies were able to hack into Clinton’s private server and acquire items of national security.


Voters: Media more likely than Russian hackers to tamper with election | Washington Examiner

Voters: Media more likely than Russian hackers to tamper with election | Washington Examiner:

"The national political establishment was the second most-suspected group at 21 percent, and another 13 percent were undecided.

Foreign interests, including "Russian hackers," ranked fourth with 10 percent and "local political bosses" came in last with 9 percent of likely voters as the main threat to truthful election results."

Pomona event teaches social justice buzzwords to dupe conservatives

Pomona event teaches social justice buzzwords to dupe conservatives
A committee in Pomona College’s Asian American Resource Center organized an event to “break down activist language” and explain social justice terms.
According to its description, the AARC “works in collaboration with other ethnic groups, academic departments, and campus offices to sponsor a wide range of educational endeavors.”
Among the terms and phrases discussed were intersectionality, identity politics, structural oppression, safe spaces, “cisheteropatriarchy,” toxic masculinity, white supremacy, and privilege.
A committee in Pomona College’s Asian American Resource Center organized an event to “break down activist language” and explain social justice terms.
...“Sometimes it’s impossible to figure out what students at the Claremont Colleges are talking about, even when we’re talking about things that everyone needs to understand.
Join the AARC’s REACH committee to discuss how we can break down activist language,” states the event description.
...According to its website, the Catalyst Project believes “that racism is one of the fundamental forces keeping systemic injustice in place, and as white people we believe we have a strategic role to play in ending it.”
The author of D.A.T.T., in a description of his ideology, states that he is “interested in the complete liberation of all peoples from white patriarchy, capitalism, oligarchy, colonialism, settlement, as well as orientalism.”
Examples of definitions included “a system of power based on the supremacy & dominance of cisheterosexual men through the exploitation & oppression of women and the LGBTQIA”—drawn from D.A.T.T—for “cisheteropatriarchy.”
“Privilege” was defined as operating “on personal, interpersonal, cultural, and institutional levels and gives advantages, favors, and benefits to members of dominant groups at the expense of members of target groups”—based off a document from Harvey Mudd College’s Office of Institutional Diversity..."

Fraternities claw back their Fourth Amendment rights in new Indiana University agreement

Fraternities claw back their Fourth Amendment rights in new Indiana University agreement - The College Fix
"Indiana University-Bloomington Greek organizations have beaten back an administration proposal to search their homes without a warrant – but not without exposing a generational divide between Greeks.
They got “95 percent of what they wanted” in a new housing contract, including explicit recognition of their Fourth Amendment rights, a recently graduated fraternity leader told The College Fix in a phone interview.
Fraternities had to overcome opposition from within their own alumni ranks, with older members using the adage “If you have nothing to hide, there’s nothing to worry about,” said Matt Shute, who led the fight as president of IUB’s Tau Kappa Epsilon chapter last year.
Redlined versions of IUB’s new agreements with “housed Greek organizations” and their house corporations show that the administration must meet stricter requirements to enter and inspect Greek houses than originally proposed.
In a complete reversal, the school is not allowed to conduct “environmental health inspections” unless specifically requested by an organization or its house corporation – and IUB will pay for it..."

Jason Chaffetz nails it: If Clinton emails were a ‘mistake’ why is everyone ‘pleading the 5th?’ – Nevo News

Jason Chaffetz nails it: If Clinton emails were a ‘mistake’ why is everyone ‘pleading the 5th?’ – Nevo News:

“If this was just a mistake,” Chaffetz said, referring to the email controversy, “why is everyone pleading the Fifth [Amendment] and getting immunity deals? I want Hillary Clinton to look at the camera and tell people – there’s immunity and they’re not going to prosecute – tell Congress and tell the American people the truth,” Chaffetz said."

Hillary’s Hubris, Weiner’s Porn and Comey’s Conscience

Hillary’s Hubris, Weiner’s Porn and Comey’s Conscience | Observer
"FBI Director James Comey’s decision to resume the Bureau’s never-quite-closed investigation of Hillary Clinton’s criminal mishandling of classified information hasn’t sent her to prison—yet—but it has crippled her campaign.
Hillary’s lashing and thrashing counter-attacks on Comey and the FBI confirm the deep damage.
Her responses are convulsions, not actions.
In the debates Hillary tried to sell herself as cool and collected.
Comey’s one-eighty shattered her mask of composure.
Her panic is the tortured panic of a guilty soul.
What will happen next in this most curious election?
If you haven’t asked that question then the coroner needs to check your pulse.
To paraphrase Scott Adams, the odds of something unexpected not happening in this election is exactly zero.
In a crack suspense novel or movie thriller, the fictional events, no matter how outrageous, display a “semblance of truth” and link with “just enough” plausible causality the audience suspends disbelief for the sake of entertainment.
Thrillers in all genres usually have a clock of some sort.
...Team Hillary certainly plotted the 2016 election, and plotted it down to commas and periods.
For example, Hillary made the final ruling on having a troll Donald Duck haunt Trump rallies.
Though her decision appears to be a complete violation of federal election laws, it certainly rates as detailed plotting.
According to Clinton operative Nerra  Tanden, (as quoted in a hacked Wikileaks email) Hillary set up her illegal server system because she thought she could evade Freedom of Information Act laws and manage to get away with it.
Why didn’t they get this stuff out like 18 months ago? So crazy,” Tanden asked.
“Unbelievable,” Podesta replied.
“I guess I know the answer,” Tanden replied. “They wanted to get away with it.”...

How My Husband Ended Up in Jail After Walking Our Dog

How My Husband Ended Up in Jail After Walking Our Dog
"...In 2007, my British husband got a ticket for walking our dog Henry without a leash in Washington, D.C. The National Park Service made it impossible to pay the ticket.
So, a newly minted citizen, Peter said he’d wait for his day in court.
I told him that was most unwise and that he could end up in jail.
I was right.
Overcriminalization is a serious issue in our country, and while Peter’s experience was trivial, it describes a terrible (yet hilarious) day.
Here’s an excerpt from my new book, “Let Me Tell You About Jasper.”
This story is written by Peter, explaining how he ended up in jail while I was working at the White House. 
When he was given his “one phone call” from jail, I was in the Oval Office briefing the president. True story.
With that, I give you: my husband, the off-leash criminal..."
Read on!

Lunch video-----The Dark Art of Political Intimidation