Saturday, November 05, 2016

A REAL DAD!-----Daddy Warpath: Curt Schilling Gets Ultimate Payback on Trolls Who Send Vile Tweets to His Daughter

Daddy Warpath: Curt Schilling Gets Ultimate Payback on Trolls Who Send Vile Tweets to His Daughter
When baseball great Curt Schilling took to Twitter congratulating his daughter on getting to play softball at the college of her choice, he knew he'd attract a few boo-birds.

Congrats to Gabby Schilling who will pitch for the Salve Regina Seahawks next year!!
But, he could have never predicted the level of obscenity that would ensue. 
Most of the tweets are too graphic and disgusting to be worthy of re-posting. However, Twitchy was able to clean up a couple of the messages:
twitter schilling
Schilling responded by writing about the incident on his blog, 38 Pitches:
"If you are a dad this is something you well know already, if you are a dad with a daughter this is likely to get your blood going.

If you are a boy, or young man, or husband, and you haven’t experienced children yet, or haven’t had a daughter, it’s next to impossible for you to understand."
Schilling also took to Twitter and sent this message to three influential conservative women:
In an addendum to his first blog post, Schilling wrote:
"I have to ask, is this even remotely ok? In ANY world? At ANY time?

Worse yet? No less than 7 of the clowns who sent vile or worse tweets are athletes playing college sports.

I knew every name and school, sport and position, of every one of them in less than an hour. The ones that didn’t play sports were just as easy to locate."
He also deconstructed the two men who sent some of the most offensive messages:
"The Sports Guru? Ya he’s a DJ named Adam Nagel (DJ is a bit strong since he’s on the air for 1 hour a week) on Brookdale Student Radio at Brookdale Community College. How do you think that place feels about this stud representing their school? You don’t think this isn’t going to be a nice compilation that will show up every single time this idiot is googled the rest of his life? What happens when a potential woman he’s after googles and reads this?

The other clown? He’s VP of the Theta Xi fraternity at Montclair State University. I gotta believe if Theta Xi is cool with a VP of one of their chapters acting like this I’d prefer to have no one I know in it. Also, does anyone attending Montclair State University have a student handbook? If so can you pass it along because I am pretty sure there are about 90 violations in this idiots [sic] tweets."
Being a team player, Schilling asked for a little help from his friends:

Any of you good internet sleuths? If so scroll to the bottom and have at it.
And then he warned the trolls:
...This guy might be right:

Pretty sure the trolls that attacked @gehrig38's daughter are regretting the day they tweeted. I think this is far from over.
It looks like Schilling knows how to handle a few hecklers trying to mess with his daughter.

Lunch video-----The Hillary Clinton Takeover of the United States


Nets Ignore Massive Bombshell on FBI Investigation Into Clinton Corruption

Nets Ignore Massive Bombshell on FBI Investigation Into Clinton Corruption:

"Instead of providing wall to wall coverage of the serious investigation being far from closed, the ABC, NBC, and CBS morning shows on Thursday devoted air time to President Obama bashing FBI director James Comey for daring to reopen the e-mail investigation.

On ABC’s Good Morning America, political analyst Matthew Dowd noted: "

Michigan Energy Battle May Mean More 500 Foot Wind Turbines in Communities

Michigan Energy Battle May Mean More 500 Foot Wind Turbines in Communities [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"Residents in some rural communities are concerned that a deal in the Republican-controlled Michigan Legislature to increase renewable energy mandates on utilities will result in their homes being surrounded by 500-foot-tall industrial wind turbines. 
Image result for windpower scamThe deal is the result of lawmakers trying to satisfy three special interests that have competing goals as they rewrite the state utility regulation law.
Senate Bill 437, introduced by Sen. Mike Nofs, R-Battle Creek, would amend a current law that allows non-monopoly electricity generation firms to compete for up to 10 percent of Michigan’s commercial and industrial electric power market.
Customers of these generators believe the bill would end the electric choice program. 
The state’s big utilities, DTE and Consumers Energy, want to get back the complete monopolies they enjoyed in their service areas before a 2000 law opened the market to competition.
Republican legislators are divided on ending electric choice, which is strongly favored by the businesses that benefit from its lower prices.
But the legislative proponents do not have enough votes in their own caucus to protect market choice. So they have offered to make a deal with Democratic legislators, who mostly side with environmentalist and wind-industry interests that want to increase the number of wind turbines.
Image result for windpower scamCurrent law mandates that electric utilities get at least 10 percent of their power from renewable sources, including windmills. 
The proposed deal would increase this requirement to 15 percent by 2020, with a 35 percent goal by 2030.
But grass roots organizers and citizens in the communities most likely to be targeted for new industrial wind farms fear the prospect of hundreds of new turbines and towers spreading across their landscapes.
...“The state legislators appear to be thinking of making yet another increase to their ignorant mandate for so-called green energy,” he said.
“Let's focus on safety, health, welfare and property rights, then if they can be done safely and fair to all, fine, move forward,” Sonck added.
“Currently, our planning commission is waiting for answers to safety questions, which to date after multiple requests have not been answered,” he said..."

Clinton Foundation Operates as Giant Slush Fund for Buying Influence

Clinton Foundation Operates as Giant Slush Fund for Buying Influence | The Daily Sheeple:
"Former US President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary, the current Democratic Party presidential nominee, have attracted billions of dollars to their own foundation to trade power and influence, Wall Street investor and analyst Charles Ortel told Sputnik.
Charles Ortel is a veteran Wall Street investment analyst who has carried out major studies into the operation of the Clinton Foundation and its legal status, and runs a blog monitoring its activities. Ortel was the whistleblower that blew the lid off the General Electric financial discrepancies in 2008.
“The Clinton Foundation has been a gigantic slush fund,” Ortel said.
“People can donate relatively small sums to the Clinton regime and get gigantic concessions worth hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars back.” 
During the four years that Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, hundreds of millions of dollars flowed into the Clinton Foundation from governments around the world, many of which then enjoyed favored treatment from the US State Department, Ortel noted.
“To the world at large, the Clintons are open for business,” he stated.
The US corporate media always refused to subject the Clinton Foundation to any kind of serious or skeptical coverage, in part because of fear of alienating the Clintons, Ortel explained.
“This is such a big story that the US press is not doing its job. What we have in ‘Clinton Incorporated,’ is Tammany Hall on steroids,” he said.
Read more: Clinton Foundation Operates as Giant Slush Fund for Buying Influence"

How Far You Can Drive Your Car on Empty, In One Chart

How Far You Can Drive Your Car on Empty, In One Chart

Did Wikileaks just uncover Clinton’s mole within the DOJ?

Did Wikileaks just uncover Clinton’s mole within the DOJ?:

"Today’s 25th installment of the WikiLeaks emails contained a blockbuster. The assistant attorney general for congressional relations, Peter Kadzik, used his Gmail account to inform John Podesta of next steps in the DOJ Clinton email investigation. Kadzik is now reportedly heading up the “review” of documents and emails seized from Anthony Weiner’s computer.

Here’s what the May 19, 2015 email from Kadzik said:"

Leftist Academia: Democrats Rule, Trend Is Increasing

Leftist Academia: Democrats Rule, Trend Is Increasing | National Review
"A new academic study reveals left-wing dominance of top university faculties around the country — that’s not news. 
However, the study, published in Econ Journal Watch, also suggests that the dominance is likely to grow even stronger. 
For professors younger than 36, the ratio of registered Democrats to Republicans was an astonishing 22.7 to 1 at 40 top universities. 
The study sampled professors across the fields of economics, history, communications, law, and psychology, using information from Voter Lists Online’s Aristotle database. 
“We found that younger faculty have higher [Democrat to Republican] ratios than do older faculty,” said Mitchell Langbert and Daniel Klein, two of the study’s three authors (Anthony Quain in the third). 
“The trend will continue.” 
Moreover, the political registration of assistant professors is the most imbalanced of all categories, with a Democrat to Republican ratio of 19.3 to 1. 
Emeritus professors’ registrations are the least skewed at 8.6 to 1. 
These statistics suggest that top universities will only become less politically diverse as older professors retire and younger professors take over the commanding heights of their institutions. Among all professors, the study found a Democrat to Republican to ratio of 11.5 to 1. 
Broken down by field, the results are even more depressing. 
Top history departments have a ratio of 33.5 to 1. 
Journalism and psychology are also extremely lacking in intellectual diversity, with ratios of 20 to 1 and 17.4 to 1, respectively. 
Law schools have a ratio of 8.6 to 1, while economics departments are the least skewed, at 4.5 to 1. Hearing both sides of an argument is essential to learning and forming opinions. 
“One-sided ideological orientation leads to one-sided teaching, which leads to intolerance of alternative views,” write Langbert and Klein in an e-mail to me.
“The ability to disagree requires practice, but neither students nor their professors practice balanced disagreement in universities, because faculty meetings are increasingly held in halls of mirrors...” 

AM Fruitcake

History for November 5

History for November 5 -
Eugene Victor Debs 1855 - American union leader, socialist politician, Will Durant 1885 - American historian, philosopher, author, Natalie Schafer 1900 - Actress ("Gilligan's Island") 
Image result for Eugene Victor Debs Quotes

Roy Rogers (Leonard Slye) 1911 - Singer, guitarist, and actor, Vivien Leigh 1913 - Actress ("Gone with the Wind (1939)"), Art Garfunkel 1941 - Singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor (Simon & Garfunkel) 

1605 - The "Gunpowder Plot" attempted by Guy Fawkes failed when he was captured before he could blow up the English Parliament. Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated every November 5th in Britain to celebrate his failure to blow up all the members of Parliament and King James I.

1895 - George B. Selden received the first U.S. patent for an automobile. He sold the rights for $200,000 four years later.

1911 - Italy officially annexed Tripoli.

1935 - The game "Monopoly" was introduced by Parker Brothers Company.

1946 - John F. Kennedy was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives at the age of 29.

1986 - The White House reaffirmed the U.S. ban on the sale of weapons to Iran.

1990 - Rabbi Meir Kahane, founder of the Kach movement, was shot to death after a speech at a New York Hotel. His assassin, Egyptian El Sayyid, was later convicted of the murder and was sentenced to life in prison for his part in the World Trade Center bombing.

1998 - In the U.S., Chairman Henry Hyde of the Judiciary Committee asked President Clinton to answer 81 questions for the House impeachment inquiry.

2009 - At Fort Hood, near Kileen, TX, Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 people and wounded 30 others.
Image result for obama workplace violence fort hood

Friday, November 04, 2016

Obama’s IRS Has Never Stopped Targeting Conservatives

Obama’s IRS Has Never Stopped Targeting Conservatives:

"Those who cultivated the scandal by pressuring ideological allies inside the IRS shrugged and moved on. Those within the agency lawyered up, pled the Fifth, and moved on. Those defending the IRS in court engaged in unconscionable dilatory tactics that continue today. New faces replaced old and nothing changed. That the government’s most feared agency had blatantly discriminated against the president’s ideological foes was declared history."

LAWSUIT: BYU expelled, retaliated against student falsely accused of sexual harassment

LAWSUIT: BYU expelled, retaliated against student falsely accused of sexual harassment - The College Fix:
Less than a week after Brigham Young University said it would stop investigating alleged rape victims for drinking and premarital sex, it was hit with a lawsuit by a former student who said he’s the victim of anti-male bias.
The Mormon institution expelled and retaliated against the unnamed Kenyan man following an almost comically large list of charges against him – not just sexual harassment but plagiarism, admissions fraud and other Honor Code violations, The Deseret News reports. (The newspaper is owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.)
The lawsuit asks for $3 million in damages against BYU, saying the school defamed him by sharing his misleading record with Utah Valley University and Auburn University:
He lost jobs at both schools and Auburn expelled him from a doctoral program last year, according to the suit.
The man said BYU administrators favored his female accusers “to shield themselves from accusations that they fail to protect women from sexual assault,” and denied him due process. 
His lawyer called the allegations “scurrilous.”

Hillary-----EVITA - "And the Money Kept Rolling In (And Out)"

 I wonder why this isn't on every TV and radio.

Farragut student suspended for extra chicken nugget

Farragut student suspended for extra chicken nugget
"Justice has been served for a Farragut High School student after his suspension for buying an extra chicken nugget in the lunch line was overturned.
Carson Koller received the one-day suspension on Monday for buying the extra nugget.
Koller — a senior, Eagle Scout and the captain of the band's drum line — was suspended for theft of property after he took six chicken nuggets from the lunch line instead of the usual five, to his mother's outrage.
"How is it theft if he paid for it?" Koller's mother, Carrie Koller Waller, wrote in a Facebook post. "It's food. FOOD!!! Not weapons. Not drugs. Not alcohol. Not cheating on a test. ... I am shaking my head over this and not sure what to do. Laugh, punish, argue, dress him up as a nugget bandit, or let it go."
The suspension was rescinded on Tuesday morning after Waller sent a letter to several school administrators and spoke to Farragut Principal Ryan Siebe on the phone.
"I know it wasn't your intent to overcharge Carson and I know it was not my son's intent to steal an extra nugget from you," Waller wrote in the letter, which she posted to Facebook. "He was hungry. He took six total nuggets. He entered his number, and the cashier rang him up. The cashier then realized Carson had more food than what she calculated. He entered his number again and paid the additional charge. Everything on his tray was paid for prior to walking away. He was then asked for his name and told to sit in another area and speak to the principal."
School officials initially said Koller had stolen the nugget, but a screenshot posted by Waller on Facebook showed her son had been charged three times for the lunch — one extra lunch charge of $2.75, one lunch entree charge of $2.50, and another charge of $2.75.

Hillary Clinton’s Scandals Recall Richard Nixon’s Watergate Resignation | National Review

Hillary Clinton’s Scandals Recall Richard Nixon’s Watergate Resignation | National Review:

"At this point, Clinton has trumped former president Richard Nixon’s skullduggery — but without the offset of Nixon’s foreign-policy accomplishments.

Even before the most recent scandals, Clinton’s campaign had an eerie resemblance to the Nixon playbook."